The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 23, 1930, Page 5, Image 5

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    OUTGO!! STATESMAN. Satea Ore?ca.
UMit Hood Trip Popular
Jfeir registrations are being receiv
ed oWy-day at the T. M. O. A.
i for the Chemeketan " trip to the
summit of Mount Hood Sunday.
With several townspeople already
signed up to go and many asore
planning to sake the climb a suc
cessful trip is being predicted. So
far the registration. list includes
Edith Clement, W. X McCloud.
Ester Lisle, E. If. Hofinerl, Ruth
Ha Hoffnell, Mildred MJller, Calls
ta Dowllng, Bob Kendall, Hope
Bassett. Flora Tnrnball and Edith
WHborn. Eugene . Dowllag has
fcen selected leader tor the climb.
Closing out all cotton ensem
bles. 91.00, S1.95 and $1.95.
Howard Corset Shop, ICS N. Lib
erty St.
Driver Fined Glenn Steven
son. 113 S Rural avenue was
fined 15 Tuesday when he plead
ed guilty to a charge of reckless
driving filed .es a result of a
alight-automobile accident - early
Tuesday morning, .While driving
: on Fairgrounds road near. Madi
' son street . Stevenson struck a
truck, 'driven by, L E. Hastletoa
of Independence, . who .slowed
down-ahead of him. Officer Cof
fee was near at hand and filed
the reckless driving charge after
the accident, in which Stevenson
received a slight shoulder injury,
Bargain dance
Boys Meet-r-Boys who will
leave Thursday morning for the
second camp period at Camp
Oceanside will meet tonight at
7:0 at the Y. M. C. A. for final
instructions. Ivan White, one of
the camp directors, will be here
to lead the meeting. About SO
bots are expected to attend the
older boys' camp, while several
mere than that number will re
turn Thursday, the first session
ending at that time.
An makes of radios repaired.
Majestic radio sales and service.
Vibbert and Todd. 4SC State St.,
Tei. ziir.
Girl Dies Word of the death
of her niece, Anna Owen Pugh,
1. was. received here Tuesday by
--Mrs. Edward D. Lloyd, 975 Cen
ter street. The girl died after an
Illness of only threemonths at a
Portland sanitarium, the report
ssul sue was the dsaghter of Mr.
W Mrs. E. M. Pugh of Albany
end lister of Helen Pugh. Albany.
Funeral announcements hare pot
seen made.
For rent attractive
type home.--Tel. 37.
L. A. People Visit Mrs. A. Ha
Iiff and daughters Marie, Betty,
and Margaret, of Lot Angeles,
and Mrs. O. W. Norgstrom and
daughter, Virginia ef Chicago are
guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Jar
man this week. Wedaesdsy the
party will leave for Neekowln for
a short stay at he Jarman sum
mer home.- .
All Ide shirts en sale. Tbe
shirt with tho perfect-fitting col
lar." Aaron AstilL Masonic Bldg.
Granted Kxtewtost Based on
a stipulation, the Sunnyside Land
sad Investment company has been
grsnted until August. 30 In which
"to file a bill of exceptions in its
case against J. H. and Charlotte
Campbell, husband and wife. The
Campbells recently won a law suit
from the investment company in
drenfl court here.
Bargain dance
May See Hydrangea M r. and
Mrs. F. C. DeLong are extending
aa invitation to the flower-loving
public to visit their yard at 12th
aad Chemeketa- streets to see a
fsrge hydrangea which is. now in
full i bloom. The shrub measures
28 feet around and is 18 feet from
aide to sideover the top.
carnival Sat. Hazel
Bark to Salem Mr. and Mrs.
Bert Van Hon ten and family sre
bark in Salem to reside again aft
er an absence of about two years,
during which time they have livei
la both northwestern and eastern
states. They have located at 565
Soath 16th street.
Dredging Underway The work
of dredging the Willamette river
near Grand .Island is, now in pro
gress. The government plan calls
for dredging the river from
Duke's landing to Wheatland and
will probably take three months
to complete.
Enjoy Picnic Dr. "Ray M.
Waltz and family of Salem spent
the week end with Dr. Roswell
Walts and family and Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd Walts at Forest
Grove. - The families enjoyed a
picnic at Riverside park near,
forest Grove.
Class Picnio Members of the
Baraca-Philathea Sunday school
class of the Calvary Baptist
church held their annual picnic
and pot luck dinner at the Me
Nary farm on the north river
road Tuesday evening.
Bergman ' Improving E. E.
Bergman it' improving, steadily
.after a minor operation perform
ed at a .local hospital last week.
He is machine shop instructor at
Salem high school.
Patton license Suspended IB.
W. Pat ton, 920 Oak street, lost
his driver's license for a period of
tea days when he appeared In po
lice court Tuesday on a speeding
. charge. ... Wi-yi'
Johnsons f ' Coast Mr. and
Mrs. Melyin Johnson and daugh
ter Helen-will leave :t oday If or i
two or three weeks" visit at New
port. r. Johnson if av local mk
Speeder. Fined J.;R. , Ripley,
-was fined 5 when - he pleaded
guilty to a charge of speeding and
operating a ear without a . driver's
license in police Court Tuesday.
; ' . ' Snokaaa PritnU TTmn , Tlfra A.
; F. .Tweed and daughter Evelyn of
eoi. arc tuuii inewos nere ana
A T -
.Accident Reported Consider-
tvf.l"t.!!d r""gPd at
which their respective ears were
traveling when they engaged in a
little encounter on the highway at
reports Hied Tttttm.T h r u
Jeffersoa la contain iw
Daniels, 1120 E. Second street. Al
at SO. miles and. tow and Valen
banyand p. J. Valentine, Jeff er-
Una at U, while Valentine esti
mates he was traveling five miles
JJ aourand Daniels was going
pen Daniels ear was aughtry
ue jenerson man
drove across th hirfcw.w tv..
slgnalUng. according lo the form
er a report. - -
jkoaaxs. develoninr. nnnorin.
tlona, Woolpert ft Hunt, Court at
Ldoerry. . -. . . r ,;
Sewer Srstem Isiatta
Thorough inspection of the dty
wer system was . begun here
Tuesday by Batty. Cooper, city
sanitary. Inspector, who. plans to
cover tne . enure: system. . both
lines '.and outleta. Offensive
stenehfrom sewage' emptied into
the sewer running down - Center
street ; has occasioned A consider
a oie complaint from -residents in
that territory and Cooper intends
to discover the cause. It is said
to be due to the retting water
iron) tne penitentiary flax plant
Bargain dance Mellow Moon
Objects to Petition Objection
to appointment of teetamentory
trustee in the estate of Cora D.
Schwab has been filed by Laura
u. Macalln, executrix, on grounds
that the probate court does not
have the authority or Juridstiction
to appoint or name such a trustee.
The matter Is over the petition of
B. F. Townsend that a testament
ory trustee be named to account
for rights of two wards of his in
the estate.
Eat at the Green Lantern.
home pastries. r home style, nice
cool place, 1328 State.
Visit Crusher Frank Johnson,
county roadmaster, and Jim Smith,
county commissioner,' were up on
the North Santiam yesterday to
inspect setting up of the county
rock crusher. This pi .at has been
moved from Jefferson, and la be
ing located on the North Santiam
this summer to furnish gravel tor
a number of county roads in that
territory. Oscar Horen will be in
charge of the plant's operations.
Want used furniture. TeUSll.
Appoints Hoosaan County
School Superintendent Mary L.
Fnlkersoa has appointed Henry
Homann as director of the Mon
itor school board to serve until 4
the next annual meeting. The
board failed to call a meeting to
fill the vacancy, so, complying
with the law, she made appoint
ment after 30 days.
Bargain dance
Mellow Moon
Hearing is Today Hearing of
arguments on the defendant's -de
murrer to 'plaintlfTs complaint
wiU be heard in department two
of the circuit court today, accord'
lng to order signed yesterday in
the suit of Alice M. and Harry L:
Bancroft against Ralph D. Gib
son, et al.
Dollar dinner every night 5: 4 5
to 8 st the Marion hotel.
Will la Probate Will of Emma
Jory has been admitted to pro
bate with M. Clifford Moynihan.
executor. Estate is valued - at
$3,500 and two heirs are named:.
Hugh F. Zprj, deceased's hus
band, and Hilda May Todd, ad
dress unknown.
Good clover in the field,- $7 per
ton. Tel. 44F24.
Return to Home Mr. and
Mrs." J. E. Booker of Bremetron,
Wash., returned Tuesday to their
home in the northern state after
making a short business visit here.
He was formerly janitor at the
First Baptist church here.
Files Reply John Tschlda,
contestant in the matter of the
eatate of Amelia Olbiich Tschlda,
his wife, has filed reply to answer
to his petition directed against
W. A. Liston, executor of the
Hearing Continued Hearing
in the matter of the guardianship
of Walter Grant Relfe has beep
continued until .July 31, accord
ing to order signed yesterday by
Judge J. C. Siegmund..
Transfer Authorised Order
authorising transfer of stock has
been made in the estate of E. J.
Swafford, following petition for
that move by Clara M. Swafford,
Account Allowed Order al
lowing the final account of Mabel
Cummins Clark, administratrix of
the estate of Anna R. Cnmmlns,
were issued by the county judge
Return From Trip Mr. and
Mrs. F. C. DeLong are again at
their home at 1108 Chemeketa
street after spending a vacation
period at Seaside.
Final Account In Augusta G.
Hallin. executrix of the 4 880
estate of Pauline B. ' Leabo, has
filed her final account and hear
ing has been set for August 28.
Non-Suit Ordered Order of
noA-euit was. tiled in circuit court
yesterday in the eause of Spauld
Ing Logging company against F.
Jrout Grant Pass iJ. C. Ed
wards amaat; Grants Paas, where
he Is eugtgsd ia.mtalag: pursuits,
arrived yesterdays t pend tvo,
days lartlf city,. i-J-
r Tlati tn.Oiy-ilrs. Chios- Hol
den er galea, rests eight, was a
Tuesday ' business visitor la the
city. . , ,
Default Ordered Defaalt o'rV
der haa . been given la the case
of Union Savings and Loan asso
ciation against Llitlt Timme, et at.
Front Woodburn Frank Fel
ler of Woodburn was a business
visitor In the city Tuesday. :
. Hearing- Scheduled August J.
aaa been set a time for hetrtag
oa thd pautlon ftf .A. J, Paris t
ahow cans why. he should not be
named guardian of the estate and
person of Helen A. Paris, whom
alleges to be an incompetent per
son. . . , -Is :
Flower Box Takes A long
window box with' severar planU
was ' reported stolen from the
state school for: the blind some
time- Monday night. The "hex was
taken from th treat entrance to
the school, police who were noti
fied said.- -. .
i- Perantto Issued B sliding per
its war Issued Tuesday to Jung
Ling to alter a dwelling at 182
Commercial- street t m cost ef
125 and to James Smith to alter
a building at 4 OS West Rural at
a cost oX.1308. . . - . . L. ,
Club Worker IB Mrs. Irene
St. Helens of Salem was taken to
Portland sanatorium Monday after
an Illness which has troubled her
lor some time, became suddenly
worse, sae is a prominent Salem
cian worker.:
Hearing Bet Hearing has
been set Jor September t on the
petition of J.-C. Goplernd. admln-
lstrator of , the estaU of J. P.
Larson, for a license to sell real
property belonging to the estate.
Visit la Portland Miss Joseph-
lne Shade of tha Homer Smith in
surance agency, her mother. Mrs,
Ida Shade, and the letter's slater.
Mrs. Josephine Davis. -were Tues
day visitors in Portland,
r Man Here i Lester Adams
executive secretary of. the North
west council f the T. M. C. A.
was In Salem Tuesday conferring
wun local "X" men.
Account Approved Final ae-
county of Mabel A. Lockwood, ad
minlstratrix of the esUte of
Chauncey M. Lockwood, has been
approved by the probate judge,
Petition Allowed Petition of
Emma F. Klinger, guardian of
Maurice E. Klinger, to mortgage
real property of her ward has
been allowed In probate court.
Working on Report Work
on the annual report of the coun
ty school superintendent contin
ues to occupy the attention of the
staff in that office, and Is prog
ressing smootniy.
Fares Reduced
To Legion Meet
too union pacific company
Tuesday filed with the public ser
vice commission here a schedule
of round trip excursion tares be
tween Portland and Baker tor
persons attending the- American
Legion convention . at the latter
city August IS to 17. inclusive.
The same road will give round
trip excursion fares between
Portland and Bonneville and be
tween Bonneville. The Dalles and
Hood River for a picnic to be held
at Bonaevill Job gT ' F
Died at Walla Walla. Wash..
July 19, Frank E. Harris. 30. Sur
vived by . widow, Dolly; sisters,
Mrs. M. Magee, Mrs. A. L. Ba-
ker of Mill City,' Mrs. Arthur Bin
egar. Mrs. A. P. Van Cleve. Port
land. Funeral services , Thursday
at 4 n. .m from the Clough-Tay-
ior cnaped under auspices Capitol
Post, American Legion. Interment
Macleay cemetery..
Died at the home on Garden
road, .July 20, Mary Jane Simp
son, 70. survived by widower.
James B.: sons James C and
M. E.; daughter, Mrs. Mona M.
Matlock; brothers, W. H. Nash,
Wesley Hockersmlth and- Frank
Hockersmlth. Funeral services on
Wednesday, July 23, at 2 o'clock,
from the CIough-Taylor company
chapel, with Rev. D. J. Howe offi
ciating. . Interment Odd -Fellows
Died, at the residence, CSS
South Commercial street, July 22,
Mrs. Margaret M. Kibbe. 8 6. Sur
vived by sons. Wlllard 3s, of New
Tork; F. D. of Salem; daughters,
Mrs. Grace Wilcox of. Independ
ence; also 6 grandchildren and 5
great grandchildren. Funeral serv
ices Saturday at '2 o'clock from
the Clough-Taylor . chapel. Inter
ment City View cemetery. ,
Died In this city, July 21. B. M.
Losey, of Newberg. 47. Survived
by widow. May; sisters. Dells, Mrs.
Era caster of Portland; Mrs. Cora
J. Savage of Portland;. Funeral
services . Wednesdsy at . 10:30
o'clock from the Clough-Taylor
chapel. Interment I. O. O. F. ceme
tery. ' .N V.-., ...
. Harris
Died at his . home at Rickey,
Jnly 22. David Albert Harris, age
73. Survived by daughters,'' Mrs.
M. M. Magee, Mrs. A. W.Binegar,
Rickey: Mrs. A. L. Baker, Mill
City, Mrs. A. p. Van .Cleve, Port
land; two grandchildren, Marga
ret and Hasel Magee. Rickey; and
a brother, Charlea Harris. Michi
gan. Funeral ; services Thursday
afternoon at four o'clock from
Clough-Taylor chapel, with. Inter
ment at Macleay cemetery. :
. City. View Ceraeteiy, J
Established 1803 Tel. ISM
. . - ConvtnIenUy7eeestlLler
. Perpetual car provided lor
. . hkm nuusonania
with perpetual, 'care
Just aeai aaiaates fross the '
heart ot town.
T 'Jf ' , t i i
' SSbeed
Pre-School Youths Should
Appear at Clinic
Advice Offered
According to the asttmates of
Dr. Vernon A; Douglas, eity-couu-
ty health officer, there ara Jll
children in Salem' who will enter
school tor the first time this co
tag fslt And of this namber,
only 70 so far have had the re-
q aired health examinations.
For this reason. Dr. Douglas
urges mothers to arrange with, the
aianon county health unit at 4S4
North High street, to have the
examinations made before the be
ginning of school when there is a
congestion in health examina
Many, mothers fn Salem nrr jn-l
teres tea in the nesJtb, of their in- iar. vois year, lsxin
fatrts" less -than one yeir of'ags
have been g(ven hearth 'examina
tions. Alsok 194 children t Mm-
ha,va been given health.;
examinations during, the first six
montns of this year.
Win Help Toward
National Contest
The chamber of commerce Is
interested In a high record of
health examinations, especially of
moss or pre-school age, because
a good record In this work will
score. neavuy in favor of Salem in
the national .health contest In
which Salem will be entered.
The United States chamber of
commerce gives special awards to
ciues making the best health
showing, and according to Sam
Chambers, president of the local
chamber . of commerce, this dty
should have a good chance of re
ceiving an award.
This la due to the tact that the
foundation laid by the Marion
county child health demonstra
tion during its five years of work
in the county has placed Salem in
a favorable situation to comply
wun many or tne requirements.
But Salem has not as yet made a
proper showing la examinations
of entidrenv from one to five years
oi age as well as school children.
Buauner Best Tim
For Vaccination
wun children of pre-school
age, the treatment ef vaccination
for smallpox and toxin antitoxin
should he taken during the sum
mer months. Dr. Douglas says, as
this avoids the rush of work dur
ing the school months.
It is especially advisable th
doctor says, to have the examina
tion made during the summer of
those about to enter school in or
der that they may at ones upon
entry, be placed on the health
honor roll known as "Heralds of
Grade Crossing
Hearing Is Set
Soon at Albany
The public service, commission
Tuesday called a conference to be
held at Albany Tuesday, July 29,
to consider elimination of grade
crossings of the Southern Pacific
end Oregon Electric, at their in
tersection with the Pacific high
way a mile north of Albany.
The conference will be attend
ed by representatives of the city
. .i
ui Aioauy, Loan county, state
highway commission and various
civic organizations.
hi. ciaire To nr. and Mrs. J.
St. Claire, route S. a 7 nonnd
girl, born Monday, July 21, at the
WitzeH To Mr. and Mrs. A.
E. Wltzel. 1599 Market street.
3-4 pound boy. born Monday.
juiy zi, at tne Bungalow.
Spellbrink To Mr. and Mrs.
A. A. Spellbrink; Macleay, a 9
, . .. . ... ' '
pound daughter, born Sunday.
juiy zu, at tne Bungalow.
usuey To Mr. and Mrs. C. A.
Bailey, Brooks. i7U pound son.
born Saturday, July II, at the
Bungalow maternity home.
Hunt To Mr. and Mrs. B. fiav
tiunt, 1630 Yew street, a boy,
born July 20.
Can Slim, TJsed Furniture
151 N. High
Poison Oak
V '-.--."' :
The Greatest Remedy a Earth
v for the Relief of
and iyy-;
IU Sootbiux aad HeaUug Prop-
Price 50c and 51.00
Drug Store
The Original Yellow Front and
Candy. Special Store of Salem,
v. Phone 197
- 13 N. CDHUBereial -i
'-Pewalar Agency, ,
TV nn miTtfr fxevrrmm
!A fob the
Jh the Matter of the Estate of
. Deceased,
. Co" now Schuaater Oompasy, A. L HaS er Son, J. s.
Urn Company, and Myers and Eatrkv creditors of the above
state, and respectfully show the Court as follows:
That your petitioners are creditors of the above entitled es.
We. having fUed their claims with the executrix within the time
I tt oa, gid aa fyv k ad
ota hahat o h of the above oeh pet? mn by .jested -anthorlty
so to o received from each of the petitioners and for
the reason that none of said petitioners hare any officer residing
ha the State of Oregon, who can verify the same In person.
Msertbed and sworn to before me this day of June, mi.
. ... Notary PusUe for Oregon,
My ettmralMfam expires Oct. Is. 1133.
J LvVjJa a n 1 ,7
... .. . -
as mn
coTjjrrr or xabion
) TCBIS. .
' -
g Son
The first 25 ladies entering the store at
2 P. M. sharp Thursday, the opening day,
will receive a beautiful gift.
In the Matter of the EsUte of
A petition having been filed In this Court by certain creditors
of the above entitled estate praying that an order be made dV
reeUng tbe executrix to advertise for sale, under sealed bids, the
stock of jewelry and fixtures located in the store heretofore eon
ducted by the deceased In Salem, Oregon, and an order to show
cause having been issued on said petition, returnable on this
date at the hour of 3 pa. and the Court having considered said
matter and being fully advised;
XT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the executrix forthwith pro
ceed and advertise for sale under sealed bids to the highest bsdder,
the f of Jewelry an star trtv a b ngtog tns beve
joty ttato d lorf rte tla w x of
. rx- iPTAAEa XJEJV ti thei.scttaK im the
adTerUewnsnt for bids iat the same aria ba accepted Aject ts
the approval of this Court and wtth the right on the part . of the
executrU to reject any and aO bids. : .
.. JL O. aUBQMUHD, JudgaJ
AT 2 AND 7:30 P. M.
. . mm.
" - - i w ;
. an. rurui a
in charge
rrv a r vt -
'S3' !. .1 LI . !