The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 23, 1930, Page 4, Image 4

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    lis CnrCTAirCIIAir, Cs!:-V CrrXTlZ-z-liT rare!?", Ids 23. 153
.... .; ?2fa Fcror SxaviUs: No Feat SftaK. Aw ,
r- v - : first Statesmen; March. ?8. I8iy ; - "
r r "7. Member of 'the
I The Anoeleted Prew la exclusvely Btltlad to the bn for publi
cation ef all newf diPatcbe credited to U &X.9t tocier4teA
aa this ttik ' , i.
- ?acUlc Coast Adven-siosfceprejeaUUTeei '
i Arthur W.-'Stype, IeJ Portland, Security Bidg.
S aaaoisc EWoi.BU; IyoAel. PahT -$aaern)
AdwU. Rpree)trlyex -
Enfer fJiFrofvs at. 5rpoit, ao $eseKfcCiso
Ifsrttcf. Fatfei? every torm exeeX Monday. Burbot.
aft ilf&Csmviiniai Street, f.?v r-:- c
where 61 cents pet Mo. or IS.Jft.for 1 yest in advance. y- ;
By Ctt Cvrtr S Mta gopnlhj atss ttw ta aAraao P
Cop 1 cDt 45 waia awl ie- dmb t Nam ; . , r ,
Wages in Sick Industries J J
THE FoBr-L news service buHetia contains the following
item: . f. ?-'K " .'
"While a few non-L. -companies hay eut wages to ridiculously
low levels, there is conviction on the part, of leading lumbermen.
reenlt only in, relativelx lower returns, not only for lumbej worker
tjat for itt WneeTeJ: mataB.-' . i - .- . V i
It is true that some mills have reduced wages from $ 3.40
par day dotm to and hare heard even below that
figure. That seaman, hopelessly
that is .better than nothing, so many will accept it until times
get better.
This throws into the foregroun4 the whole wage ques
tion. Cutting the wages of the sawmill workers may let mills
survive. It may ultimately have
demand for lumber. In the meantime it pauperizes the werk-
men and cuts down the number of dollars finding their way
into the storekeeper's till, A wage eut of a dollar a day means
a lot of retrenchment is necessary in the mill towns.
Strangely enough, wage-cutting does not always solve
the problem in the sick industries. In the textile trades,
where distress has been prevalent for some years wages
have been cut and cut. Still the
cause the slump in demand was not due so much to price as to
other causes. With notoriously low wage scales the cotton
and woolen mills struggle along painfully, some of them with
out hope. The solution is elimination of high cost producers,
and for mills just to cut wages and all continue to produce
does not necessarily sohre the problem. If the lower prices
will stimulate demand then perhaps all may continue to op
erate. But it represents a social maladjustment for less than
living wages to be paid in great industries like lumbering and
textile manufacture while other industries operate with
wages at high levels. So far as the worker is concerned his
labor may be equally difficult or equally important in one in
dustry as another; yet there is a wide disparity in the wages
What is needed we believe is a lowering of wages in some
of the high plateau industries and a raising of wages down
la the valley industries. But who is going to undertake the
job of leveling? Ruthless economic law is the only thing so
far relied on in the capitalistic economy; but It Is a poor tool
in a highly complex industrial society just as poor a tool
as ruthless competitipn among industries themselves.
Laying Out a Broad Program
THE Statesman has for some time contended that the out
door advertising signs, or ''billboards'' to use the corn-;
mon term, are not an individual problem, bat part of the gen
eral problem of highway beautification. We note that the
legislative .committee of the A.AJL is now about to launch;
a survey of highway conditions preliminary to formulating a
program for highway beautification. r . '
Their studies ana the program to -follow have three ob
jectives: First, to 'determine-how ail advertising signs from
the big panels to the little "snipe" signs can be regulated so
as to. protect the beauty of the road and prevent hazard. Sec
ond, to regulate or clean up junk yards inch as dump heaps,
automobile graveyards, rural rains, etc. Third, to develop
plans for real highway beautification.
This last is surely an important point We have slashed
through hills, thrown heaps of earth across ravines and de
signed our highways fox speed and safety with scant regard
for beauty. What a vast field there is for the beautifying of
the roadsides. In eastern Oregon a few years ago some vali
ant souls set out locust trees along the Columbia river high
way. Some have Hied, but many have liyed. In the course of
years with continued care they will make a shady avenue in
stead of a strip across a furnace, Nature does much in west
ern Oregon to heal the wounds our roadbnDders make. But
the hand of man directed by a landscape rtist can help na
ture do the work more rapidly and probably more attractive
ly. -
The A.A.A. is going at the problem in a constructive and
scientific way. Instead of starting out to destroy by hitting
blindly at the billboards, it is endeavoring to develop a broad
policy which when completed should receive the co-operation
of outdoor advertisers, women's clubs, proprietors of road
stands, and the motoring public. ,
' Preparing for Armageddon
1 YVER a decade ago was fought the "war to end war." So
J we hqped and so we labored. Since tben no general con
flict has involved the nations, but fighting has been in pro
gress in some portion of the globe continuously. Statesmen
and churchmen have been devoting themselves toward -the
working out of formulas which may iniarante neace. The
Kellogg pact outlawed war. Locarno was treaty guarantee
ing the peace or Europe. Geneva, Paris, Washington, Lon
don, me Hague have been the
solve war problems, past or prospective.
Yet the world assiduously prepares for war. Backs break
ing under the burden of , obligations for uaat wars, taxes are
piled on to finance preparedness for future conflicts. Vastly
more is being expended for war preparations now than prior
to the war. The cost of the military, establishment of the na
tions was $3,180,200,000 in 1926, which was three-quarters of
a billion more than in 1915. Viewed from this angle; the "war
to end war" was cot much of a financial success. ' ''"
According to AEbin E. Johnson, writing from Geneva,
there' are now more than five and & half million men under
' mm .
arms, tus iigures lor muiiary
-. tions runs as follows: .l
- .. .
Germany T . $ 119,560,000
Russia, rubles
France, francs
Great Britain -
. ....
With' such a' great increase In the five years of peace
from 1924 to 1S23 does it
. nearer;anotherorld wart or
' when it does come? It is the unlimited competition and the
conseauence of fear which breeds distrust, .
- ; When we read of the rumors of wars. so vivid-are our
memories of the last war that we set them down as an erup
tion due to midsummer heat When we look at the counting
costs cf our militarism, we become alarmed and wonder if the
nations are met again musteriny for- eonaf-dimatich Arma-
faaiteqnatft wage; hut evea
the effect of increasing, the
demand does not return, be
aeat of conferences called to
expenditures for various na
- W; - - ;"" r
- - : 563.778.900
sismify that Ww are that much
that much farther away; or
TciaVs Talk
Brer etker- moi of--worker
a, p sO&anJajfcHitf X;hyt aloaL)
apt, Wt i raJW.W m
I the protection
York city v
'- err Tear there
;fvjl J?
and traaafa-
fenm, ;aTerae
tnj afcont en
Plot of Wood
U tUi MM,
A tw9
reara' si y a
Weed ""ftei
orxaabadt; tl
CoIottM Aseaey."" ; to- conaee
tioa with, Now Trfe - koeitak
LaUr th moo 'fftastaston
Bettarmat assoel&tloii i vsj
formed.- ? The' laU csanjaaMaa
fualnuiaa office, rrhe:. oMti
dateg am xanme adk aaiecteo.
aa4 ' vaeio-i nemthl; ' reretsminan
tiene ar. held. r
Women "are" net aeeepted. 'This
In hecaaae thalt XmlvM ' are. too
small and, as a. rote, the da not
Und. the lea Wood aa enik
ir as mam. Donora ar choaea,
aot alone jrtth rafereaot U Uei
phraieal health and the, eoadb
tien of- the velna at th elbow,
ht aieo to taalf aMae
and good eaaractar. i S '
f' Reference to llila Jorm of treat
menf are round" In the ""wrltfng
of ancient Egyptian ana Ro
man. It Is. known that in 149
the Pope receired blood from
three donors
For many "year blood transfu
sions hare not been uncommon.
Since the "Wertd. koweyer.
they hare beconu a 1 parent
factor in medical treatment, t
This etory may not aaean
much to most of yon. Bat there
are many cases where this pro
cedure is essential to the uie oj
the patient. There are time
whe h must har eapplled i
mediataly a laaatity of rood
rich blood.
Of conrse you know the term
"blood transfusion" means the
transfer of blood from the em
ulation of one liTing person Into
that of uetker..Trasfwton are
given to replace tne mooa iosi
by hemorrhage after an accident
or operation, or by hemorrhage
in case of internal ulcer.
This treatment is indicated too,
in diseases like pernicous anem
ea. and other conditions accom
panying deterioration of the
blood. In many infections, it may
be helpful. It is given in cases
of illuminating gas poisoning.
Transfusions are given some
times to increase the re
sistance before a serious opera
tion. The fresh, health-giving
blood promotes the prospect of
. Science has progressed in Its
study of this subject so that
j there attend tie transiasion
yery itttio or no oanger
physician makes sura before giv
ing the treatment that he is m
tnar blood compatiWe. with that
of hi patient. H exercises care
that too great a quantity of
blood 1 aot siren, w proper
tockniflue, bo prerent the pas
sage of a snome or air or a
blood dot into the body of Jus
: Ton ean tee tnax wau u
unusual, it is a method of treat
ment that hat great importance
la a desperate ease.
MRS. A. B. D. (t-wiK
eansea a beauog soana u uo
eae when lying down?
A. You may be trouoiea wtta
high blood pressure. It would
be wise to consult your physidaa
for an examination.
TKe Safety
Valve - -
Tetters froxa
: Statesman Readera . J
Cottage Grove, July ii
To the Editor: -
Being interested fa the proa-
lema appearing aaiy in me col
- -
umn of Thar Statesman,. X ub-
mit the following example:
A dealer who ha bought 9
oxen and 5 sheep for 18 C pound.
2i, would lose 2 pounds by
exchanging S oxen' tor 11 sheea.
What is the once or an oxt
. ' ' Solution
The price of 1 oiea being U
price of 11 sheep and pound
more. -The price of t oxen wiu oe
(from the ratio 2:9) 49 H times
the price of a sheep and 9 pounds
more 'will-amount to w pound
2 d. Thu SH time the -price
of a sheep equals 177 pounds 2 a.
I jflU the eoat of I sheep, aeiar
pounds. S . Since the price ot 2
oxen is 11 sheep and 2 pounds.
more, the wane of 2 oxoa will be
35 pounds, IS plus Z pound or
37 pounds minus IS s or 1 ox at
IS pounds, 17 a d.
K. D. oliiJwNU.
Of OUXkeya.
Iowa Talks from The States-
naa Otr Fatherr Bead -
v July ss. loos
J.' A. .Pooler, hop grower wha
operate a ranch a abort distance
east t .-.this city, deports that he
hat dlscorered that about half ef
the healthy looking buds land
blossom on hop Tines are dead
and droo off at the aaereat toaehw
J. C, Lee of Boaehsrr aad W.
D. .-k Eleep of Chicago aro Juat
opening aa of flee in thi city un
der the eamo at J " Leo and
company, v to do general 'mining
ageney business.
Frank Hrubetv who Utss . la
the Liberty ttlxhhOThood, warla
Salem yesterday. Be report, re
ceiving cnecK for ssz.s lor an
aero patch of red raspberries. ;
Senator Saulre Fsrrsr and
A. Caxsoa hara ront to Yaoulaa
"the SEA BIR1 D
Faith said nothing. Noll flung
into an insanity of words. He
cursed her unspeakably, with ev
ery evil phrase he had learned in
close to thirty years of the sea.
He accused her of unnamable
things. His face swelled with his
fury, the veins bulged upon his
forehead.. He was . uacostroUed,
save for one thing; soaaothi&g
made him hush hla voice;, he
whispered harshly and chokingly.
What be said eould ssarce .have
heea Isard la the mala eabia, six
feet away from them.
The mam was slavering; there
were flecks 4f foam upon hi Up.
Faith watched him is a carious
detachment, as it ho war some
thing outside the world, below it,
beyond It She scarce hoard hv
words at all: she was looklag at
the man's naked soul, ft was no
Inexpressibly rerpmsg that she
had ao feeling that hi soul had
oaeo beau wedded to hers; she
could not have bellevod this if
she had triad.
This was so man, hat a beast.
Tker could bo aothiAg between
them. ho had married foU
Wing; aot the body at him aor
the face of him. hat the soul with-
n the maa. And this was not
Noll, Wing's soul she saw. Thai
man was dead; this horrible
thing had bred f esterlngly ta tht
Faith shrank ta spirit and
heart be for Noll's horrible, out
pouring; yet at the same Ume aha
was steady and undisturbed.
There was a numbness upon her
numbness that killed Buffer
ing and at the same time stim
ulated thought; She was able to
perceive the rery depths ot Noll;
she looked, at the same time into
er own depths. She heard him
accuse her of foul passion for
Brander; she knew. Instead, that
she loved Brander completely.
She had never known her love for
Brander. before. Noll showed it
to her, dragged it out where she
cod& - seo it beyond ssfstakingv
Even in - that moment aho wel
comed this love; welcomed it.
and saw that It was- honest, and
wholesome and . splendid, and
clean. . She welcomed it, so that
she smiled. 1
Her smile struck Noll like a
blow Is too faoev stansrihf and
sobering him He flung out his
hands. ,
!?C o m ol". ho sots steaded.
"What do you say? Say aome-
thinal Say- -r
' "WTiat shan I say?" she- asked.
"Is it true? Damn you. is it
true?"- -" ;i -; ' .-
"Could I say anything that you
would . belleTu.?"
"No. by 'Jardtert . Teu're dirty
and false as hell. : You He
struck, his hands, tegether hl
leesiy. -wotniagi" no cries.
"Nothing yen can say. Dirty aa
Yet hi eyes stin besought aef
to speak. She touched the beach
Sit down, ' Non." she said
gently r -
Tho man towered aboro nor;
hands : . upraised. ? - Hi . . flsgera
twisted tad writhed asd clenched
as if opoa a soft throat that he
gripped. His fsatures worked
And tnea, before her eyes, a
change eamonpon him. The tease
muscles of hi fury sagged too
blood ebbed from his reins, so
that they flattened, the bUek
flush faded oa his cheeks. : He
opeaed'Hls mouth-and screamed
once, a vast and stricken scream
of a beast" in pain: It was like
the screasv-ot a frightened, an
guished horse. It rang along the
length of . tho Sally, so that the
men forward shrank and looked
oyer their shoulders.'
' He - screamed.' ' and ' then his
rrearhody shrank" and collapsed
upon bis . knees at her feet. He '
flung his head in . her lap, hi
arms about her waist, clinging as
drowning man might cling to
rock. His cap dropped off; she
saw 'his bald old head there. He
sobbed like a child, his great
shoulders twitching and heaving
Hi face .was pressed upon her
elssped hands;, she felt his tears
upon her wrists, felt the slather
lugs of his sobbing mouth upon
her fingers.
"Sh, Faith!" he cried softly.
Faitiu don't you turn against
me, sow I I'm old, Faith t" And
again: "I'm old. Faith dying,
(Faith. Don't leave me. Don't turn
against me now I"
She bent shore him, filled with
aa infinite pity and sorrow. This
was the wreck of her love. She
ao longer loved him but her heart
was shaken with grief.
8ho bent forward and laid her
smooth cheek against the rough
parchment of bis bald old head.
She loosed her hands, and drew
them eut from beenath his face.
aad laid them on his shoulders,
stroking him gently.
'FJir Nail? Thftrn ah
murmured. Foolish words, mean
ingless, like tho comforting sound
of aa Inarticulate animal; yet he
understood. There were no words
tar what was in her heart; she
could only whisper: "There
there there," and gently touch
his shoulders and head.
"They're all againBt me Faith,"
he told her oyer and ever. "All
against me. "Even you!" ,
"No, no, NoU!"
"You love him! You love him!"
"No, Noll, ao." She lied, not
to deceive her husband, but to
comfort him. Her eyes, above
Noll's hesd, seemed to ask her
lore's pardon tor the lie. "No,
NoU. You're my hUBbana."
His arms tightened about her
waist, hi great chest pressed
against her knees.
"You're mine," h beggea.
"You're rains. Don't go away
from met" .
"No. Never never, xorever.
He raised his face from her lap
at last; ant she saw that It was
sunken like the countenance of
oao long dead.. Ho cried, in utter
self-abasement. .
Eh. Faith! I don't deserve
you. I'm e Old helpless man."
She smiled st him.
"I married .you, Noll.
"Xbi ao iood. They're laughing
at me."
Hot eyas heartened him.
"Master them. Command them.
You are the master. Noll."
?rasVt. There's o strength
la me."
Ifs there. Master them Noll."
"I cant held myself Faith. Not
even mrseir. I'm roitea wim
whiskey, and Tears gad strife."
"Master" yoursett- Noli.
"Faith. Faith, It's too late. I'm
- jknti m ana Mid.
She spoke the two words quiet
ty; yet somehow thay gave him ot
her strength, so tnat nis neaa
lifted higher, sad the muscles
took form beneath hi slack
cheek. He stsred into her eyes.
it he wore dnaktng her soul
through them; his chest, swelled
a It rirtue were going Into them.
They ast thus, salantes oa eno.
Ha . got to his feet. His eyes
cleared, with thai tempestuous and
short-lived tiro of age In. their
"By Japuer, vFsith, he swore,
"X wflL - IH . comttand-myself
and them!" -
"You can," ahe said again. "You
can. Sodo, Noll." .
Ha turned front .her, " looking
about with new eyes. She smUed
sadly; r she knew - him too ' well,
now. Sh was not surprised when
his first act was to go to tho lock
fast and ret his bottle, and drink.
Hesmacked" his tips, chuckled at
I z ffL
By Jupiter ' Faith. TU show
these dogs! he cried, and flung.
open the door.
m w m
She heard him so out and climb
up to tae deck. She sat where
he had left her.
Sat there and knew her lore to?
Braader. In those, minutes, while
she remained where NoU had seen
her last, she listened to. the sing
ing of new roices in her heart.
Brander was before her, in her
eyes, la her thoughts. He possess
ed her, la. that moment, more
completely than! NoU had ever
dona. She gars: herself to him.
completely, without reluctance
and without faintest resorrstioa.
No aaod to see. him, ao need to
tall him. Sha knew he must know.
(To bo continued)
237 N.
!g$ cAreMdtt- One
H i .V r who;
7vi V ti .fr7
mW BP" -m q w a - . , . ti. t-
I fi IWTl.. Asafein
I I I f ' t . -
4" 111 if CatUmmi Flaase tJ tne, whhoat ooCjation. information about C5NTRA1 55
P0IU5 COXPORATIoa (KOiQulsire Preferred: Sbret andthcTkrin Raa,
By n. J. UENnilCKS
Jason Leo's marriage:
Continuing the account on. the
dlacy of ' the. great nuswonaxy
leader, statesman and coloniser:
v r Jit ' : -t
kromm and stressed
them in substaaco as foUowst My
halo red.
eternity and borne their report ox
th. nannox .JT which, if a hare
spaatl. therA -flaca., pod in His
trovias oca. cast my- v among
ibr pojd4VWa - PrioC. f , hare
cesfia JOU T ma.ny mea anq
u TarioM suMets,. sad: X trus
that you bear me witness U
tn I aer hart, n. ona, tn-
aoce. aanseo rfto, ie ao.. waj
h.lch ts wonn tthAt I hAra,
on an occasions, urged yon w
eeae H 4ft Wd to do
And IVhata treanently a dV
drosaed ye? la no ; measured
terms upeyt hf ubtrof the
holy institution of marriage and
eadojeotd imnisl ypu with
th.0. portanee pC duty It
la vk aw. aaxins. aa4 a true one,
that example speak louder than
precept and I hare long been con
vinced that if wo woWd haTa pth
ers practice whet w recQmrnead,
clrauataacos being ' equal, ' we
must set thorn the example.
" u
"And now, my friends, X In
tend to ' giro you ' unoqulrocal
proof that I am willing, ta this
respect, at least, to practice what
I have so often recommended to
you. -
I then stepped forward and
tod Miss P. (Anna Maria Pitman)
to the altar. Sarprisa seemed to
ba depicted upon sjmest every
eonntensnee. The ceremony being
ore?, I seated tho bride and then
united Mr. and Mrs. Shepard, also
a white pun to a satire woman.
After which I preached a long
discourse from. Oome with us
sod w will do you good, fohe
Lord hath spoken good concern
lng Israel with more than usual
Uborty. Tho subject thrilled, and
many t?ra ber ample testimony
that the hearers- were aot oast
foeling; sad ere the furrowed
eheek Of. som. who did aot un
derstand the language spoken
were not destitute e moisture on
lli.t im..
ed, I read and explained the rule
of our society, and then baptised
tha young man Juat married and
receired him into the church.
"Rer, D- (paniel) Le then
read the lessons' appointed for the
adminlstratiaa. of Ue Lord's sup
per, said the consecrating prayer
and invited all who truly loved
our Lord Jesus Christ: to some
forward and partake of tht eon-,
aecrated elements to their com'
fort; sod I hart seldom known
tha presence of tha Lord more
sensibly and; powerfully magtfest-
eu taaa on that occasion.
"A young man (Webley
hurst) from Hew Tor who was
brought up. a Quaker, and who
had for some months given good
evidence that he was converted
and, had been for some time ear
nestly praying that his duty la
reroroaeo o Dapu&m might be
made plain to him, eame forward
friends,; aud neighbors;
. than, two sear jaeariy
,rearal . hare . rolled " lhto
;cmw!;iMic Service Corpratioxi
Public Service
good bank coUatsiaJ
Cm b feurc&ssd oa
urn? tsf5 a month.
'- iaxarei:et
Pcafic ISbttvt
toerty, Salera ,TEP(Xr
ana oeggea to oe oapuaca u tw
ceivedr into-- the , church, wai, a
might hay the' privilege,' of - pay.
"This done, a love feast, y or
raijita a feast efj lote, followed.
Starr member of ths . church
brought -fa .ttstjjmopy for (he
Lord, and bore witaess, to tho
truth, excellency and Importance
taf rugp.u, s yow.
"SeTeraL. of .the neighbors,
mostly Roman Catholics; spoke of
their nsjrt wvaeostesin ana or
their desire Co lead hetter Ures
and save their latus Tho exer
cise', elosed'' by' slagittg- aad ' pray
er. - jit nesuu. Being oatromoiy
dallcau, as r wa.. tor bet expected.
found jDjsejr greatlx faUsrued
by the excesye labors or thf
oay. oat mi inauarui ana nappy
that my strength had been ex-
Uuted la tilt serrlce ol Cod.
'TJiu. eommeneod r a - new . era
la my Ufa and. I. began aa oxpecU
mental acquets taara 'of that state
el tha happiness ot: which. I had
long, been farorblytmpreed."
"Eight months; elapsed prevk
ess to my learipg: foe; this trip.
and our- afrections. fog each other
had bean : increasing and oar
souls always beat In uatson; in
somuch that - there was seldem
the sUghtest difference, area in
opinion. In reference to any sub
ject that we had eeeasiea to dis
cuss. Not cross, look ever rut
fled baa countenances, no, aa un
kind word eVvr-'eajpapee OQr lips,
and aot a . hard feeliag. ever dis
turbed tht tranquility, o! oar
souls, during that period.
T Tl H
"Tho most perfect - harmony
and unanimity existed Jsetween
us, and we were always happy la
the enjoyment ajch other'p to-
(Tnls story wW ba oonOaued
(ajul profcaWy ' concluded) In to
morrow' issue.)
Tha bride of Prrus, Shepard waf
Susan Downing. They had been
engaged at their old home ta
lornn; Mas., before Mr. Shepard
cam with the Lees. In 11$. The
other single fjqmap, who, arrived
in May, 18 J T. with Miss Pitman
and the others, on the ship Ham
ilton, was Elvira Jqhnapn. She
was. already engaged to Rer. H.
K. W. Perkins, who arrived in
the next ship with additional mis
sionary reinforcements,' Septem
ber 1, 1837, and they were mar
ried at the old mission November
21 of that year.
The "white man to a native
woman" married en that day
(Continued on. Page S)
A Problem
For You For Today
: A field in the shape of a trap
ezoid measures 104 rods and 81
rods along. Its parallel sides, and
2H rods In width. What Is its
value at $6 2-2 per acre?
Answer to Yesterday's Problem
125 feet. Explanation Sub
tract tho square of 78 from the
square of 5; take the square
root of this result aad add to 85.
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rnonthsjf r JUet the coupon
ig you information about
. orctffifo . yield.
our, lTiiift Plan for. ti
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