"f f -s ft-" -n-vki - -v f:A?s,anir 9T 'c rr Tfc C- 0.1 gTATEOlIAN, gafaa, Orrn, Vmeattiy arilag, July 2-1930 AGLN1NE tmmt- to Now Is Opportune Time Buy ll ciAumzD Aovzxxzma dtn aoUceS. per Iran fo Ct&ssined Ad-.rtt.l-C. per On 14e a tia , . .P 24c Classified JLdrcrUslQX. per fc-O P i n m im, m On month. daily Ml Sunday Mr lis , -. STu1 - . id Copy for this page scceited-wn I .41 )k a .tit" rfflra WOU cation tor cias-flcntioa. Copy -re- akiHA r tt wfll M tnH onder Cm beading. Too Late to c-utaify. - , ptd iKrwiJ-l- A.if. - TrTrz." ' 1 BELXi 2 DRESSES FOR $2.5 . 4ckly earn 920, $54 weekly. 124 advance New York fall styles. Exper ience unnecessary. Srt opar time. Samples free. Harford Frocks, 1149 Walnut St, Indianapolis, Ind. SALESMEN WANTED - WANTED Salesmen wuk ear. See Grant Orcne at Marlon hotel. elrtit a. m. Tnewday. SITUATIONS WANTED! Kxperleaced stenog. HMW ee S97. FOR SALE- -MiscellattcoaB jnr.i. i PORTABLE typewrttftrf,. tjl.intliet, no and and. Adders and tnnrl.f for rent. Typwrttr Excfcanes. 411 Court strew. FOR 8 ALB Old papers. Its die, statesman office. aPKCIAX. prices on wood 1 ore. everything deUvared. Pfco B31M. mwUmwwmwwmwmmwi I Spteadld combination, wood and caa raace, hu. front, suoa neater, iteta for US.eo. m " - - Close in 4 room bnmtalew far rent, wth view eara. full bassment. f urnaear sbrubs aad lawns. Telephone cot. uew sii ana isa Large estate circulator for sale, f Priced to selL flee It at X14S N. 14th. FOR SALE Baled ctover bay, tl tn taa fleKt .Geo. Christoferson. Kt . Box K3A. Salem. FKiaiDAlRB Must saortdee 4 ca ft raoacity. 2 trays. 24 tea bew I M-uin. -ci itth mhV" I ma a it v T.ki Tw RMw. $74.i. WUliam Woife, West Waadl I FOR SALE SliscellAneoiM WILL sell crop . oa S acre tract, 1 consisting of some fruit, t acrss pa- tataea, targe garaen, xor ix. 1 room 1 house. Water system, large barn and cMckesi house. Rent S2S per moathv W. G. KRXTEGER, REALTOR 14T Worth Commercial USED Maytag waahen cheap, in good shape. Tel. 1J92-X ' WANTED nsed niaaoa, ta axl rhantss aa radios, abosusaranha, ar far- I nltnre. H. L. Stiff Fwmfcore Compesy. MISCELLANEOUS V D0G3 boarded fa a real tag fcottO. J TL R. Flake. Petland farm. Paduo highway. CHLDR2N cared for la .pleaeaut ROOM AND BOARD excellent home eookmr. Cheerful I roosBS, BJghk down town. 441 Center J er. large house and barn in fair con--t-T I Aden, 40 largn cherry trees, vsriety twx.ww,. - mmm . -1 other fruit 164 per acre, wiB trade wnrvsv Ana hoard tor middle aged 1 tor .small acreage or house in any or eidertr man with all home privi- 1 tisas. 444 MiU St, and TeL 144 anon beard or board aad room for two young men. Box S, ' States- man. FOR llLNTAPARTENTS Arjartmeits--41 and lit. Oracery. 4t K. OoraX "TWO and three for rent. AMBASSADOR APTS. 14TB. sillACR APTS. wador new meat. Fanrisbod and apta. TaL T04. TIRGINIA apartmeata, B nlcelyfur tilshed rooms. Cksa h4 deaMtMa. Bloctrta eaago, rtactro-koML h-sat aad waaec Dont solas seems tata PATTOJ APARTMENTS, awrt4a. .C1mm- esa iiImI rantiabeA reaaordbla. For ta- apscUaa can Pattoa's Bpok atora. DESTgSMJC 4 room tursJsAed apt rloae ta. Bath, saraga. laauiss 117 Vnioa. - . ' -., 4M.TMPIA Apt, 714 24. Liberty. run. S and apta. - iwrrtT ant alee. , refrhr.. atoe. Hot water, a-asA FarUyss j nlshea, TO. aess. m APARTMXNTs tor rent, xt ta 144 laartoa. CaU 11IM. T-11 aARTirg?rT ttf N. taiv . FOR RENTnousr3 FOR - 441 aw .... .. 'v $44, lota. t A HENDRICKS 1S4 Nartfe High Street y WrvTaw'raani new tog with range, and, double rsraga. Sis 441 State Street -Houses Fuietabed A Unfurnished 'i!CMTErlTH014AN-4 Sil Sbmta Btrsot ' Room a. and toftmd-bed. tanlatakl 181 11 ComX 24J2-M. WavasaaavjMjrfssssakaSsafa4ABSb S IL boose, gar. 444 N. Winter. nut ns?r-TTVin mors - S rs view borne, eiectrtcaily ooulpped. TeL --- JFOR Rj-NTOUSES - -FOR RENT i Tfsiiai i tiouma si. ts tea. ' $41 Ptate Street s ; Roam 4, -i-Vf.-.-. FOR RENT m Steeping porch res reaamnabfe with ar without board,-Box St, St: bouse, apta- TeL - SatSl. s-room pUstered bungaUrw at 194 North Cottage. 129 .per . SQtV .& Robert-, realtor. - .. t. FOR SALE-rREAL FSTATS GOOD HOUSE WITH SMALL " DOWN PATME NT - V rsesaa 4a vary 4a. garage, sot 44x144. 4 largo eWry trees, paved street. $ IS 1 4-$ 154 down, balance easy terms, ' ' OCX)LOFSKT A SON First NaUonal Bank BldgV --. FOR SALS-REAL ESTATE & M. sT SUB 224 No. High. 6. . . . Tbooe 2242. A relle Salem realtor selling cft and mrm a-aparty wCsil Mafia. Spe cialist la exchangee of all kinds of I'd? acre. ttoe View lot of Trim, close-in, rm. boose,' pay into rent. - Ktem 4 -mem hone mjm k flaors, -2 dowa, fit 1. .! uteres. Modem turfarsiished nouses .for rent. - - Insurance .. . Money to Loan v te t reiuaxk Realtor . 21 K. Hixh St I A beautiful home and I acres doss on pavement werth $8044 and can uss Salem hots ud to 12404. A. nice half aera tract with small ho ana aarasre close a 'pare msnt far aalv illOO. 1 S welll lmprarsd aAvs with nice fmlt. ciaaa, waru isr eaiem We bar a buyer tor doss fa small unproved tract toat csa aa sou on- rerr easy terms. A rood ! room partly furnished close ib botes to rent Mr XtcOtLdIRt8T A PKXXrtfGTOX MM C. 4V Bank Bide- ' : Tel 14 FOR SALS OR TRADE Camp groand, gas station, stars, llvins; rooms, fixtures, Stock, ett, long-lease. fisea.-rraica aiear asast, acreace, ssod tmg. truck sad -awne cash. 141 State Street 1 IWWWWVWWWWWWW rma. and nook, new and strictly Modern, good construction, $4509 ; free of Incumbrance, north. tVants bouse without asmment, as wife can not climb stairs. - . C acres arltk aaed Plastered feouss. alee, avaiiablew ewser has too muob aroparty and lias cut prtee to mors ibis pleas, 2244 and 4bd terms. WINKTB FSriTTJOaN, Realtor ITS fieath HisA Street FOB BALE : tTtTS. tl acres a HowrTl prairie dandy dairy, ranch. Fair auildinxs and wee laea. S440A IS acres east on pavement. ood fntpravements and all In culU TSt toa tt TS4. New modern S room home in Rellywead district. St4 and balance like vent. L 2 7 . f0. a aairy runcn two mgnwar ,u iwrtn creea or spring tn every iieia. AH fenced and cross fenced with wo- . rww win. Auuiiuoiito m uiiki. v ireORI aouse. iaraw nam m oiaer kafls Will exchange for 100 A. BOLLYWOOD RCALTT ttartfc Raaltol Striwt 2S4T IHt Bale ar trada, t na. house for farm property, prefer equipped. Tel 12)58: - TOS. SALE BlK home, foil aasement, garage. Ooed location, north aide. Priced right. Box 22, Btateemaa. TTTHRK WOHDERFDL BUT3 WHERB ail homes are new. Beau tiful Ksalisa troe house in East Sa lem of I roams, full basement, fur- aac. nreomoe. neec ec ptumninK. S254 euh haL ear. Nut a Mm Wih m t-i am with tare fir and oak trees. . near acheaL prise S20. WIU accept isjosa Mt as Qrst payment. f.00 rtmarkable tow prK ot t"ZTj' To buy rour home SEE CHILD3 CO. Realtors 2x4 State Street TeL J727 ssaJdaasajsaliaha 4 acres, 4H miles from, center of Salem, 4 room house, lights, shower bath. fOTtiaee, water piped from Spring. I2404, axchsnga for Salem. 127 acres. 14 A. In cultivation, 44 acres good tiraber, lots af spring wat Cooa town lor part. a 4. JACKSON with W. G. KRUEOER 147 North Commercial WORTH INVESTIGATING tiJ&'gtfZU?&&S taeata. Price $S00ti witii small down paj aa nt ar -anignt accept some city pnsearty. Fall laearhsg Walnut grove, trees 24 fyaars oM. Small house. Surer and weU. Jhu 14 acres is dose tn and priced low. OWNER SIS N. Rummer St. Call 344SW. DANDT COOL - SUBURBAN- OME3 -Why Ket Be ladsuwfcatT t-Aore, R. baa so. new garage, aad wan, it; Mm aast ij.hiiii. pnea S1444.44; S4N.44 Aewa. Baianca earr. - r -" 10CR& R. bouse, fireplace and eiactrssfty. ttnv swuuf noaa. largo chorry trsea, alactrie watsr or sassy arioe a2544Aa. Joins 8a ' tesa an aowtK ltt Acre. 4 R. bBuae, electrlo lights. m weu, boost au in as.aalesn. srlca $1. a&aaa. 4-Acras. arlea 42114.44: good S R. aara, s pesacry mamma, xase- Ooott wail, St. C-Amea. S St. boose, aara. lights surhta. goad well Josas a- - tai tots mt fruit and walnuts. . Trade for a; ho.iss ta fislsm. ' Prioa 42144.CA - - - i - T-Actba, 1 aara - ta ": cherries, ood fea-Msa, smw aara, large r oaiuy aouees. oisctrto watar arstenv goad oatsiao cold Toom, A dandy " daekan raaoh, aceenmodato : L opo ctui'aeaa suj snuea x eaiem. SSARS A TUCKER. RJCALTORS 124 SotttSi Oonuaarclal fitrsot FOR RENT OS SLsUWSMteiSM aa X-carnered tot ta West Safc-m en 1 Cheaseksea fit. str tea. lllX ar ZZSS. FOR rim mem with view. BsdUfor homo by .o A. A RAHjt,- 1S14 ' S- irtrrtr Tvir - jku. vlnhea ta aeTl bis 4 R. baoaa. caatbletaly furnished for S1754. Parsaeat aVtwa. balance Oca rent Urge Joe ideal ioeatioa.. ANOTHER ONE Nifty bungalow built two years, fine furniture. rooms, living room. bedroom, beautiful kitchen with ail the buat ms 4ssti.rcad Shed aad XLZZTZiZlLi eve. xiuvry ana see . , BECHTEL A THOMASOX J 241 State Street . Room 4. ak s a -,- a ara s - - a uitv - . ...h. i: - .. . . ... , .-i?--. v -i ?. - ,.-,).-,. jt- ...... . i ;--.af . -f . - . : , m - - i i . .. . '.J i T Tr . . . - - l sondltion. i... .i Z-S. - . v vJ J t l i ----J !S--- II I I - - I ' 11 -- . V t I - .- 1 1 ; l: --i rVAMi ' "I U.-y-aliL. i i rxd2sirr for sauj-real Estate trtctty, city waur, waasVsiful vtev Box tJV Newport. Oreroa tsaa looauoa, olose to schsois tonaa, TIM 9. 4 rooms, - basement, ; (arasa, some trait, tenns. -27S4L.fi rooms, fail basemaat fur- jaaca ffspuesj ajarara, alosa ta """scboot 1 terrna ' ftSOO. Nearly new home oa N. Summer.- S rooms, lull basement, fur . tiace. fireplace and electric ransa tseao. t vaata KnslISh atyls, aearly doss ta a 1 1 m 1 e 1 1 1 1 SS250. 4 room Kaglish type fully . moaem iarge isc - wiin xrau good locatfoa ml home - i tenna. - ' 11444, to loan rnsraneaJ ? 221 IX. & Bank Bld . TeL OT. EXCHANGE Rt.EsUU . ' FOR KXCHANClH V 4ft acres -not far aat-oft aa4 road. waU. fenced, soma cleared, aeX pas ture asa tanaer. creea, iair set mage. rtmrmmr- wfll oxchans-e even for SroM I room hoase in Satan vatoed at IS,- Good 4 room asass an paves street. closs to school aad boa liae,' large lat.aritn acme anaoa Trees aaa creea tn rear. Price 12209. WQl take vacant lots up to 11290 as part LEO N. CHILDS CO- KealtOTB 220 State Street TeL 1127. 21500. Fine lot 55x155. Trade far house will assume some. 11000. and his own stock and equip ment ieea ana aeea wiu. farm if can be financed on this basis. E. E. ROBERTS. Realtor 441 State Street Call 302 or 284R. ACREAGE Tmnroved and unimproved acreage. Very easy terms, or trade. Owner. TeL 1248J2 evenings. siisaaaaisa LOOK THESE OVER Then Buy or Trade; ome Bargains It-Acres, modern house, una lano, l miles north; has 2 -A. cherries, 2 A. peaches, S-A. fine pruaaa, price reduced to $4950.00. Terms. 2t-Acres, modern bouse, electrlo wat er system, on pared road. A good buy, $4750.00. down; bal ance easy. 85-Acres. 5 R. house, barn and poul try house, 15-Avgood timber, run ning water Trade for hoase in Salem. Price S8544.04. 34-Acres. Good 5 R house with bath, 20 A. cultivated with irrigatioa svstem, 7-A. berries, S-A. Mat her, 20-A. cultivated, all fine gar ' den land, tractor aad tractor im plements. All good bettors tana. Price $8500.00. Take house in Salem as part payment. 100-Acres, good itnprovementa 2 5 -A. in crop. Running water, all fen ced. Wants smaller tract or city nrooerty. ISO-Acres, good Improvements, 144 A. crop, 6 -A. line Berries, aome timber, trade for Salem property. 240-Acres, fair improvements, CO. A. crop, m M ft, timber, roaniog water. Wants house in Salem. Price $8000.00. 121-Acres close to McMinnville, good improvements, all fenced, black soil, price $100.00 per acre. Take $1500.00 down and balance at 4. Interest ions; time. Better look this over before yen buy. SEARS A TUCKER 184 South Commercial 6creet SI A. fine soil, farm bouse and good out buildings, ail in crop. See this now price $12,000 will take good Salem home. 100 A. Fine buildings, good land, 10 A. pasture, creek en place spring water. $120-' per A. will take Salem home. 144 A. in Long Valley, Idaho H til lablerest good pasture and um ber. Several springs good house aad two large barns, excellent -stock ranch. $20 - per A. Will take small acreage in Willamette Valley. A bargain. $3000 to loan on acreage. Aih.l.vliN JUHMSUM 20 U. 3. Bank Bldg. TeL 437. SNAP FINE 24 ACRE FARM Owned bv a widow uaable to man age farm. Will sell at sacrifice price. 2X900 with good terms, as to tne sou, the crop will speak for itself that it Is of the best. Baildlags are old. oa paved road. Close to scbooL Shown .tgr - appointment only. 441 State Street . Boom A WE HAVE A srambar efaood farms ta sett with small payments aowa. Now is the tuna ta look tor place ta move onto this fall. I can sell yon a gUace with payments Rko rent. Cama ta and let ana tell you about TL C SHTELDB ar P. J. MORXTZ Qregaa Bniiaiag Tat 1744 . t'Acnfc3 'l N K I roraa nlassavad bense. barn 24k4A eiaect- stoaaa. Mea creek planted to Icaaaborrieo, BJberts, cher ries ana pwainns, stereo in sow harries, sssna timber, baft, in wheat and clorer. This place Is 4 miles out aaa xine pr&me sou at f woe. 44 ACRES AO under alow axoent I acres, fine timber, good awflduigs, alectric Ughts, bbuss aoj asses. - 44 ACRES . OA SRvavtea, navod road, 4 ssnes ant. abxatad to wheat aad clover. baL in timber at fit per aera. Bee Geiser with ;? 1 ANDERSON A RUPERT - 14 jteMth H1H Street W ANTi REAL, j-STATE TOava burar tnodera - baina. tAs bath and tila eVatefeeard, . good la- H.t -VANS 2TS ftato Btro-t Tt 1441. HONEY TO LOAN sf4444hvatashpaisl Ta t-nc4 yorzf now borne arrtfV aanca your preasnt wane, see r. -h. BBLU 404 u Bank audtr. Tei. C4A - ON FARMS AND 3TT REAL ES TAT, LOWEST INTEREST t VT BERT T. FORD . FIRST NATIONAL BAN- tajDOL ssahaas,aaaabaa PERSONAL L OAN ' Ma D2C on fianiltara, mm - mnoA aw in 111 snanthrr. When la tiaenC1 as before, closing a V. . OOKPOitAi lUrt rirst National sg .ta c. isv-a N.ti i sn is saaxsws HONEY TO LOAN. crrr and tract sxaks Reaseaabie Rates Na Delay ' STATS 8AlriNOS AltD XOAIf ASSOCIATION 144 flnuth- Mlxh Street Telephone 2251 - Salem. Oregoa. Federal Farm Loan. S per F. U WOOO. -4U AHata fitreeC uoxet xjojlkkd nr atjtos Arrange to reduce your paymenta, Tea kaeathe car, P. A. El KER Car: XJAerta fit and PVrrT IZl euas.w CTtT AND "FARM teens at ratea Best terms obtainable. Our Insurance department offers yea ax-1 pert aavice ana service in au tinea HAwmaa Roberts (inc TeL 1422 205 Oregon Bldg. LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLB Oa plain notes, endorsed notes, furniture aad pianos. All traa aactieaa atrictty sfldeatiaL t STATE LOAN COMPANY . 112 Oregon Bldg. Second Floor Caraer Stats and High Offlea bra. !: a. m. td:50 p. av i Xetepooaa ss2,xacansea ay eus LOANS WANTED MONET WANTED WMutr desires .v,. uM 1 eighf per cent lnterastr eenu-annuaiiy. i For security borrower will market 1 stock in ratio of two ta on. -plus I mortgage un real oatata If desfrad. J Priaeipal to bo retired $1400 at end I of first yaar, i4) second year, bal-1 ansa at matnmy. yutsnsa ax. roan is which desires shorter time paper, li interested in gilt-edged investment, address box 718, SUtesman, I I IVt? GTnrir ! Sni n.TTtV DAIRY cowa for saw ar trade. or a carload. 1-2 down. Terms to ev no yaar to pay. rretsoa Bros dealers in livestock. Red barn at Co lumbia and North Commercial, or Net- 1 son Bros, market. 185 North High. FOR SALE WOOD : . : L1ZZ.'-' . . T l OUARlNTEED DRY Wood coal. 1 1.1. 1 A. owjin ei WV ..uw- - 1 a . , C. 1 I 1 TEA I wjwwwmw.wmmw I THIS best Wood in the dty xor tn 1 money at Tracy's Faal Tar. Prompt I daUvary. Phone 1141. 1 DHT ftr aaa oak wood, coal and 1 fuel oH. Call oa as for Prteaa, Wo give good measure, good quality and good service. LAB ARMER TRANSFER A sTTORAGE w Telephone xii WI have 14 wood n hand an (ho time. Prompt delivery. 142 & 12th. Cobta 4b liitchell CQy phena TOrr 2nd rrowth fir SS.44 per cord i delivered. Phone zizw. FTR ST class dry old fir slab, lt-in. old fir mill block. Screened bog fuel. Prompt delivery - Phone 15z. rreu . Wells, ina- ISO o. unurcn sl 1$ In. old fir, 4 ft fir, oak and ash. No. 1 old fir hill slab. Reduced prlcea C. U, Hnrbaugh, S38 Highland Ave. Phone lso. GOOD It in. old fir, $7.50 cord. Tel. 14F82. Four Comers oarage. LOST AND FOUND TSTOn road brown t o o led purse, containing glasses, toilet arti- lSSSSSL- riea" ieiulu win. m.. July 28. 1930. for thaereo- wvxwwkwa .i .imwii.iii.'iio. DUl LC3I1UU1 T4? 12d'"tch m titho the range of Greenhouses on tha case. TeL 2774J. Reward. FOR SALE USED CARS Valley Motor Company Used Cars 1924 Redan 1928 Tourlag 1924 Roadster 1924 Overland Ts . Mii 95.04 75-44 1914 Coupe T.eo 124 Touring 4928 WUlyB Tour. 1428 Kupmonae T. C. 4424 I A. 4 Studo. 1924 Star Tour. 84.00 44.44 76.44 TKUU 1928 Fard track, cab, body 4-44 1924 Ford closed cab. Starter 145.40 Dodge truck. Ford rear and 44.44 1926 ChevroVst track : 1S9.44 1929 Ford truck. frae,-xt 14 ply tsrea, rertot apriags fecial body licaaas 4SS.44 i$i$ Ford track . etandsrd dual high 454.41 TERMS TRADES Valley Motor Company TeL 1195 . Center, at Liberty Bsawa. uregon - Where Your Dollars Always Have More Cents o tt-Type Sttudebaker Cai-a-nder -a a, now paiat and rubber. A-l ehanloaliy, S854. . XVrarx Covpa, arlginal finish ta ; ttdo and out, extra gas a, jw vab . bar, car reoond Iriened and guar- nSSFJZt mx ea, trunk aad tnaay other oxtraa This car te aa axeeptloa at I486. f. - T-Oak nd tsre door otilan, recondl tmed tram stem to atera. W v 1 Kit ill h,r 442 A - MaaT-Oiar lata taoTdels la stack to : iheeas frosn. erne- as: fiswbwma, VS-oex. liisptnoM. la4ieeo, VU- lyo-iagat. OidoWi, Kard TRADEa AND TOUR OWN TER wTT-ni REASOK - State Motors. Inc. - TOTT N Essrex Open lights aad Suadsya TeL 1444., k siigs FOR Nash Mearlr bows. WB1 eat! at big s as ISA ' u 1 a. if. i track. U41 44 cast. CaU 12S2 . FOR SALE-CSED CAfiS I McKay's for Used Cars With fin O.K. That Counts irSt.ChoT. Coach - Cher. Chbriolet - 4l-44 474.44 . 444.40 . 25 00 . 425.00 . 450.M . 1C5.00 250.44 475.04 . 245.04 1424 Cher, Oeuae 1127 Cher. ' Coupe 1I2T Pontiac Bedaa 1424 Paokard 4 fiaaaa 124 Ford Coube , 125 Dodge Sdan Essex Coach . 142S Ford Coupo Used car dept, 120 Chemeketa St. Tetaphoae 1125 Douglas McKay Chevrolet Co. The Home of Best Values 80 Cars To Choose From TI2S Rolck Standard Sport Rda .$7)1 I Jzf Chevrolet landan Bsdan . 245 l2l pTmarS - 127 Pontiac Couso 22S f i Btuaenaaer oommanaer I COUPS ! - ... - ifS I 1 im min flt rn. e i nzi wasn special neaan 4t s i 1225 Hupmoblle 8 Sedan , ,' 425 1 i2g Hudson Sedan -. - . 211 in9 Fordor Sport Roadster j it-j AxAS( I . S.vrSl?M"v iun uu, uuu niwvw . Marion Liberty upen jLvenings ana sunaafs. Phone 1027 fm000A000' sssSaeWsjsasaaeaatdaySl lCletrao 12-20 Tractor, new track auu itivtvuftui v v si usx uiuu f ? 1 11-14 Rutnley oil pull tractor especially adapted to belt work asad but 60 days 250.40 Samson Model M tractor in good running order with disc and plows 250.10 OUrer Disc tractor plow in fine condition ... .,- 40.10 rardaoas la good condition 150.49 and willys-Knlght" S-44 four door sedan, run only 20.300 miles at 600.40 1224 Pontiac Coach S75.00 Hudson-T passenger touring la STood candition 150 Almost new Amsco tractor grain drill at a big reduction Special attractive buys in new- wnippet, ana vv mys inignt cars Willys Motors, Inc. sis s. Commercial St. TeleDhane 9is WANTED USED CARS WmPtmmmm0mmmmimmmm1mM4mJmk 8 A land close In Salem, trade fori good automobile. Matthls, Rt. . Box SI. ANNOUNCEMENT Sealed proposals will be receiv ed at tha office of E. M. Smith, Manager of the Business Office of tb fUata Agricultural Colleae. net- I " CT ' inr for tha State Board ot Higher Education until four-thirty O'clock. - . 1 Mop and completloa of an addition College campus. Corvallis. Oregon. Bids will be opened at a meet - lUgof tha Building Committee of the Board to be held In tha office lot the President In the Commerce J Building at 'four-thirty o'clock, p. lm.. same date. The addition is to be as exact (duplicate of the present head ntruso, except wnere oinerwusa stated in the specif ications, aadi I all work and materials moat con- form tn tho nlhns and anacifica - 1 - -- . . . Z? c-,rs " V r." "L,: 1 - - ir qmTth U,f BU.., OH. of Co He ire Jaly It 24 22 23 24 2S 26 27 ' . Blurting gats you nowhere in it Bo end. ctreaiar letter with an air aaan stamp just reaches the Iwaata basket a little aalcfcer. luedfoff- Mall Tribtna. BITS... Of General Knowledge W. I.. CORDON-: . V - docs, tst m kiaS ot aarrel call ed . Armot. fTairsa. cor ra not reaiiritrip they also rfclted tktao tr PtTiTLOCJK lR WHEAT ISBVIPROyED PRIGE lGiEOTEb LOCALL Y Report of Light Crop of Spring Grain Causes Change aaaskaasaaaaa..' Oomestle wttit markoti strenftbened darlaf: tha past week; largely as a Tesnlt at lass favorabla proepects for sprint; wheat ta tha American northwest and Canada, bat Infiaenced also by a good domestic demand lor new winter wheat ud a better export inqalry for most classes of North American wheat, ac cording t the weekly rain mar ket review of the United states Bureau 6t Agricultaral Econoca Ics. - Corn markets continued firm Under emand for the lira. tted supplies. Less favorable arop prospects were also strengta , B , Awrm uuiuk lacvurs auu pmcj nuiui' iwu in wi ku yci uuaa at the principal markets. (yt vara ataadv Rra had "n. Showed some strength and flax regained some of tha decline of Barley continued la alow de mand in both domestic and for eign markets during the past week with prices ranging from unchanged to slightly lower. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IM PROVE TWENTY - SECOND STREET BETWEEN BRET- MAN STREET AND CENTER- STREET. Notice Is hereby given that the Common' Council of the City ot Salem, Oregon, deems it necessary and expedient and declares its J purpose and intention to improve I nrTOrv.otvnvn citxt xr TWENTY-SECOND STREET BE TWEEN BREYMAN STREET AND CENTER STREET. In the City of Salem, Oregon, at the ex pense of the abutting and adjacent nrooerty. except the street and al- I ley intersections, tha expense of which win be assumed by the City of Salem. Oregon, by bringing said portion of said street to the established grade, constructing Portland cement concrete curbs, and paving said portion of said street with a six-inch Portland ce- 1 ment concrete parement, thirty taot f- vfrfth. in ifmrdanca antn Common Council, on Jane 2, 1930, now on file In the Office Of the City 'recorder, and which are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. The Common Council hereby de clares its purpose and intention to make the above described im provement by and through tha Street Improvement Department I a A, . . , . 1 01 tne ijiiy i rsaiem, viegun. I By order of the Common Coun- ctl the Tth day ot Jnly, 19S0. . . . . . M. POsisea, Liiy uecoraer. Data of first publication hereof I is July 10. 1930, 1 Date of ilnal publication here- 1 ot is July 22. 1930. Jly 10-11 1 inc. I notice of intention to PROVE SIXTEENTH STR FROM THE WORTH LINE BJ-LLEYTE STREET TO THE NORTH LINE OF OAK STREET. Notice is hereby given that tha 1 - - V a ---- 1 common council 01 tne cuy ot Salem. Oregtm; deems tt ttecesaary and expedient and hereby declares ' JU. SUM ttajt. ta; l " W,D k... 'HOM HE M LJOCE OF 1 BELLEVUE STREET .TO .THE NORTH LlNE OF OAK STREET 1 "L oi"u. the expense of the abutting and 1 adjacent, property, . azcepi tae street and alley intersect loas, the expense ot which win be assumed by the City ot Salem, Oregon- by bringing said portion of said street to the established grade, constructing Portland cement con crete paTeatent,thirty feet la width, ia accordance witb the plans and specifications therefor which were adopted -by the Com mon Council on July 7, 1930, now on file In the attic of the City Recorder and which are hereby re ferred to and made part hereof, The Common Council hereby declares its purpose tnt intention to make the a bora slsacrloed im provement by aad troagh , tha Street Improvement' Department of the City of Salem, Oregon. By order of the Common Coun cil the 7th day of July, 1920. M. Poulsen, Oty Recorder. Date of first put cation hereof Is July 10, 1930.. .. . . Date of final publication hereof wilt be Jaly 22, 1930. Jly 19-23 Inc. RETURN FROM WASHINGTON HUBBARD. July 21 Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Millef returned Friday night from a week's visit with Mr. and &rs. J. P. Blair at Mof fetts Seringa. Wash.. While. on tha S " " T - 1 springs. Martini Shepherd and Govermment, all in Wasbiagton, General Markets POCLTkT POBTUTD. Ore-, July 21 tAP) Dressed poaltrr-aeauael; tmrkers 459 $0e lb. rTunrs atto veobtabixs Fresh fiait etsares. Vsleaciit. $7.25 43 ; rrasetrnit. Imperii 1, SC.5041T; liaws, S-d.s eartoas, 42-94; bsaaaas. SHe lb. LesMs California. SS8.25. Css bare local 2e lb. Caeambers kotkense. OregOB, 7 ac8 l tmtdoor growa sue lag. TeauOae local hotheos. 1020e lb.; Csliteraia :2.50 tag; Tae Dalies, $1.40gl.S5 box. Onioas teilinc price to retaiMrs: sets, 5fi6e Wslis Walla. 41.75 tfS CMtraL Lettuce Oregon. S1J252.25 a erste far 3s. Asearsros U coa l.xri.BO aos. baackes. 6pinsch local SI 1.25 orange box, A. v . g o AC T . berries 42.24 a erste. BHekespe ! 92.29 . dill, xJBmmvw twm sa.&v ersta. , Watermelons California Klos dikes, 4 j 0348 lb; honey dewt, Fl.TS flats; OaatsloSpee Csliferaia, juabe. $4-25; stsadsras, 43.7564; poay, 4 erale. Caerriee S.ral Aanes, 54e; Biof. 67e lb. Apricots The Dalles. $1.10 LIS log; Takiaia, $11.05 lag. Peaches Crawford, $l501.5i; St. Jobs SL50; 1. H. Hal.. $2. Celery Oreroa celery, 75e$1.2S do, Peppers BelL 1580e. Rhubsrb local eaidoor, T5 tppl. box. Cauli flower Orsron St 1.25 erste. Ta bic potatoes Desckates 0ms. 4S?5: TbVibs, $3.503 4: western OreroU, $2.24 T2.50; sew Cslifernis reds 84e lb, whites, 7-8e; Ucsl 2e Ib. Peas Ore gua 5S4e lb. Bears The DalUs, 78e lb. Green corn The Dslles 8S loiea. Osrlie hew loe lb. DAXBX PORTLAXD. Ore., oly 21 (AP) Predaee exebsage, set price: Batter, extras 83c; stsndsrlt S2e. Prime firsts 81e; firsts 2To. Err. tr.h extras 24 6 25 1; fresh sis ilasis, 23!2c. HUT 8. HAT. HOPS PORTLAND, Ore July 21 (AP) Tott wshiutf. Oreroa 2580e; al monds, S5fr30e: pesaats Ott10He; pecans, 2557e; filberts, 1718c Hay wholessls baying prices, deliver ed Portland, "esstern Orersa timotsy, $22(928; d. valley. $lt(rf 19.50; alfal fa 41020; clsrsr 416; oat hay $10; Utraw $78 8 ton; selling prices, $1 to $2 mere. Hops l2t erap lSfiylSe. PORTLAND OSAXsT PORTLAND. Ore.. July 21 (AP) Wheat futures: Opsa Hifh Class Jaly 91 90 Sept- 90 90 K 89 DeV ..4H 94U SH Cash markets: Wheat: big ue ame- stem 4 1.05 H. Soft white, western white, 41 . Hard winter, nerthera tprisg, westera red. 89 Millmn: stsndsrd 825.00, PRODUCE PORTLAm Ore, Jnly 51 fV) Milk raw milk (4 per cent) $2.80 2.40 cwt.. delivered Fort land, less 1 per cent; rrade B milk. $2.S5. Bstter fst at a ties 29c; track 81c; delivsnes la Pertlsnd Sle. Poultry (buying pricei) alive heavy bens over 4tt lbs.. 20e; mediea hens, Shi t. M lbs l&e: Uht hsas. Ue; ;i . i u. ta t li n ka-horns le rnWil rOr: Pekin dueks. 4 lbs. an over, 2021e. Old 1S; colored docks 15poUtsS gems, 4.1 grsds, $3.00 8.50. Kew potatoea 24e.. TJVR STOCK PORTLAND. Ore- Jaly 21 (AP) Csttie B804. calves 300; extrsmeiy siew with tendency sharply lower for au classes, eapecially steers. Steers (6O0-900 lbs.) 8.2S4A0; mo oal 7.008.25; eonHBOB 40'.40. Stoere 900-1100 lbs. 8.259.00; aaedi am 7 00685; common 5.007.00. Steers 1101200 lbs, 7.7858.2$; ms titnu 7.04 7.75. Heifers 554-854 lbs. 7.25 8.00; steain .ew.s; - SfiO 4.00: cows rood 5.760 8.80. Common and mediom 4.00 5.80. Iw cutter and eatter 1.04 4.40. Bull (yerrnars .rduded) 8.59 4.00: e-Hr. eemstoa and medio a 4.40ft5.S4; milk (ed saediasi 4.00010,50. Milk fed ran and tea oa S.50Q4.50. Carves 250-504 lb, goad sad rbeice 4.Se9.84. Ceta nrrm aad weuiwfa e.ee4.4e. Hogs 1800, inrlnding 281 tnronea; KOe birher. (Soft or oily hers sbs Tossting pigs esclnded). Light llrhts 140-160 lbs. 10.SOIl,o": mn wr.u. 160-200 lbs.. lt.50 12.00; median wriit 2BO-520 lbs- 10.50011.50. Ste- diw weight 250-240 lbs 9.7411J4; hesvy weirht 2BU-850 ins, .iJWi.mi. Packing sows 275-00 lbs. 8.50J9.50. SUughter pifS 10.?511.25. Feeuei' tnd stocker pigs 11.50(13.50. Sheep. l$0O. lesk sheet steaay. IBb 44 lbs. dewa 8.50 7.50; me- dinsa S.b3e.50: all welcbsa common g SS5.0. TearUag wethers S.ooa 3.00. Ewes vo-isw iss. x.Tsnrx.Du; izw 150 tbs. I.506J2.25. All weirtti call and common $1. 001.50. ADMTNTSTRATOR8 NOTICE i NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That tha undersigned, by an order of the County Court of the State of Oregon; tor tha Connty of llar- lon duly made and a-tered oa ua 20th day of June, 1930, was ap pelated Administrator ot the Es tate t DONALD W. ItTLKS, De ceased, tad that he has duly sjaal ified as such Adminiatrator. All persons bavlng claims against said Estate are hereby notified to pra seat tha asms duly verefied, as re aulred by law, to him at his law officea fat tha City of Salam, Mar lon County. Oregon, withla six monUui of the date ot this no tice. ' . -Dated this 24ih days of Jane, mo. - J AS. 0. HELTZEL Admtergtratftr of the Eatat at tlXWALD W." MILES; Deceased. Date of First Publication: Jane 21. 1114. bate of Last Publication: July 22. 1920. J24, , IS, 22 . tWna,tg beoe ot 4 art" aQp4 ara aaag. SumaTf on, ar had that but rdV-Dal- laa Cb4ruCIe. Spring Lambs, Hogs Drop in Quotations as Week Begins ' - A drop in prices characterised market activities on Monday whan wneat went down one cant per bushel, gprlag lambs one-bait cent and bogs one-fonrth cent, ti na rvaft. fwsolesale Ootattsas) ' Early Transparent, log ' Grapefruit lib) ef Bsesnat, lb. - , Drssitdary. . IS-sa. pkgs, , Cost's Pitted, case Leaea. Celit - -LSI -S.S4 ,.4.54 .4.50 4.SS AM iiiBtfrS "P svsls 5.T -s.as .7.00 -T.7S 8.S 9.00 J5 S.tS .8S 6.25 2.sa t.oe -8.40 a.o 1.00 1.50 .eo 1.50 05 10 ts loo's 184's 1504 176's i-xoo's Bit's 252 s 288's 824's Rsapberries Blsck Caps Curraats Aprieets Local peaches Plum Seedless Grapes , VTert Figs, flat . Cass has Summer Sqasth, ib. Muihrosws, lb. Tesetaatss (Wholesale Oeetatlsas) GoMeberries B Csntslotipes u te 8.T5 Watermelons - - 2.25 Leeal celery, set. ,40 te 1.SS Greea com, d.s. , ,, , 14 Bsnehed fegetsbUs. per dos. bske Carrots .80 Beets s Tarniss ft -adisaes Parsley 60 40 14 Onions Oar He. Ib. ; California Tomatoes, lug .2.7568.40 2.50 ilotaoase. crate - Lettuce Lsk. LsVish -1.T5-J.00 Oaenmbers, hothous. -40 bb 10 Cabbage, local . Rbabarb, local 1 02 03 05 42 Iff 10 20 Peas, local Potatoes , Green Besos Peppers gg Plant Aipsrsgos , .121, Oanliflaw.r, erst. -1.T5 . -1.75 Spinach Artichokes, doses .40 te 1.14 .02 ts 44 Ktw potatoes, local fSetsO tattoas) Calf neaL 25 lbs. ... 2-S Setatea. ten '"ft Cora, whole, to a 44.00 Or eked sad trermd .4s.ea ii.ee -.6o.ee 45A40 Mill ran. ton -Brae, tea With milk - ErX milk zsr (Bayisf Pries) Extras Media s 21 .14 Fositry tBuriag Priot) Steas .14 Roosters, eld Hesvies . Mediasss - -47 .,17 14 I IS 18 Lights BroUeri Lerfaeras . 17 aad 14 Wholesale Rotter Buying Prices) BatU rfat PriaU . Carteae - .81 .87 .84 OXetaH Ocetatioas) Prists . Cartsns 4 S aram sad Hay rBayltig .Price) Whsst, westera red ., Soft white ., fc , I. - Oats, eu. . ,, , Barley, ton , -rs a .9440 sy. re Ji pnea Oats , oad vetch 17A4 te 18.54 CI o var .14.04 S-0 te 22.00 Meet 'Onying Price) Sprutg Laabs , Live Hogs Drafted hers ... ..05 li .11 . .14 .14 Dressed veal Cserae . Mediant .IS .24 Mohslz Old Kid 24 iS BETTEB PROSPECT Tha 4i tot-ess that baa prevail ed fa tha wool market for several weeks continued . throughout the oast week but traders bava ex pressed ' increasing confldepoa, Many of tha keenest traders feel that tha wool market is now in' a strong position, that the bottom has been reached by prices and that (be future is bright. Bayers feel that the London market baa acted very well con sidering the selection of wools -available, j Foreign values are above domestic wool prices. . While tbo froods market is offer--lag very little encouragement just now observers feel that this la tha dull season and that tha. other meters are working to place the raw wool market into : a more favorable position later on. ; ; - Activity ta the mohair market during the past week was;.: re stricted to very small Quantities at" tops and , medium sorts at steady' trices ; .. :' Another Cut in Pried of Flour 4C. r UttdeBy Sperry xLTl?VT. - Oro July 8 1 - tAP ) Baker. . binestem patent . flottt was reduced 20c to. tl.20 by kaepita -with tha. tswer lrtca ot that brand at Wheat, k. 2o other brands ww affected: j . ;,TU XaUcr, mum vi JaxT steady with trade ouiet and ra ceipts asora than ample. Tha i mat taarket continued 4 steady tor- top .trades,, without change la price. Keuui aemana was rcjwrtsd fopL;-- . . - - - - sa sa aaaaw i ... iraS3f 13 LLL ' LNTHPENDENCE; Jaly Jl T7. L. Fuw-S war taken to a . Salem hospital Catsrdty and op erated, oa for rpealkitis,- - Mr. Fntsaaa.ru-s Ua.Varlcty 4lora In this place. : 4. .4-