The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 22, 1930, Page 6, Image 6

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1 --
Enjoyable Picnic
i ' Held at Lyons
, Sunday
Another of a' series of picnics
"was enjoyed Sunday, July 20, In
a beautiful grove at the' country
home of Mr. and Mrs.-A. L. Corn
forth near Lyons, Oregon, and all
guests Toted . they were Indeed
delightful and gracious hosts.
An added feature of this happy
affair was the celebration of the
birthday of three, of the ladies,
Mrs. Dells Clearwater, Mrs. Hat
tie B. Cameron and Mrs. Carrie
Faestman, each of whom were
the recipients of many beautiful
and useful gilts, a prettily deco
rated and delicious birthday cake
for each, and the good wishes of
sir eresent for their happiness,
"ideal -weather, a perfect day.
added to the pleasure of all, and
-at the appointed hour a bounte
ous array of delightful- food was
erred and enjoyed under the
tool shade of t the., trees, after
. which reminiscences were ex
; changed,' since, most of this group
f had formerly lived In the state of
r Iowa.
" Members of the group sponsor
ing this 'series of picnics present
at the A. Cornfortb home Sun
day were: Mr. and Mrs. ,3. M.
Forrest, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard
Llekel, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Mar
tin, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Barker,
and son. John. Mr. and Mrs. W.
Ward Forrest and children, Stan-
' ley, Wardlne, Marie and Anita
May, Mr. and Mrs. A; H. Fuest
mii. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Clear-
V water. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Clear
water, Mr. and Mrs. John Corn
forth, Mrs. Hattie B. Cameron,
Mrs. Elisabeth Bliss. Ellas Corn
forth, father of A. L. Cornfortb,
the host,' and Mrs. A. L. Cern-
' forth, the hostess, and children,
j Robert and Donald,
Additional guests asked to
share in this festive' occasion
' were -Mr. and Mrs. Lester Beck-
. man and small daughter, Marian,
ef Sioux City,' Iowa, .William
Steinberg of. San Bernardino. Cal
ifornia, who are all visiting-at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard
LIckel. In Salem, Oregon, and Mr.
and Mrs. L. R. "M. Pierce of Sa
lem, Oregon.
Arrangements are being made
to hold another picnle in the near
Quinaby Mrs. George Camp
bell. Mrs. George Browning, Mrs.
Frank Matthis, Mrs. John Zelln
ski; Mrs.. Stanley Boeten and chil
dren, Betty and Loren, Mrs.
Clyde Harris, Mrs. J. 0. Byrley
and' daughter, Mrs. Laura Bee
croftrMrs. Frances Garlard, Mrs.
Robert McClay, Miss Lula Mc
Clay. - Miss Myrtle MeClay, Miss
Helen Ganlard, Miss Alice Zel
inski, Mrs. Alex Harold, and the
hostess, Mrs. C. L. Beekner and
Miss Evelyn Beekner.
' ' Thr lingerie touch of vestee and
collar adds, chic to 4bhf printed
frock which may be -made with
r without sleeves. ' The becoming
cafe collar, -the season's outstand
ing style featnre. is claverry at
tached te each kid ef the. Vestee,
Note . the , Joining rot skirt Hare,
which corresponds with the et ef
the vestee.--. . . ' -o !- ..
Pattern 1181 nay be fashioned
ef Silk crenel aaaatana ' vH or
silk flqne.. Colorful designs nriat
ed on light of dirk grounds are
further---enhanced by- the-vwhtte
Testes, which -is daintily trimmed
with tiny eelored buttons. - :
: May be obtained only la. sites 1 4.
It, It, f, 11. 14. S and
Sine' If requires . S S-S yards , of.
31 men material and S-S yard
trlssmfuf.' . ; - .
tiiasry, - laresee far every itu$
sad .smfcie, asset htttrsctiesa are
gme. w. w
" Sa4 Bftcc easts fa elsra
!)y-wrtrp .er ktoaivautar ak
tttra. Write vkial? year aaa.
aasstse, style Maker eaS siae
tea.' -r i -. ..
.' Oar kk- ef aattsrar far-aealte'.
ad chiMraai-aia ttsasfar
teres, tfftata . ceatat " tea .seats
wkca. eaarei vita a Saltera, Ae
-eVaar; a 9. attaa etaare-r-ss
tal(Mw PaiUra ' tetuawt
14 Wt ITth streak Fee Tar.
CUyww.- - '"
as I I
mm :m
Slews and Club
Olive M. . Do ak
.t Thursday, July 24
Aid Society Woman's Relief Corps Silver' tea at
home of Mrs. EL O. Moll, Wallace road. Take West Sa
lem bus at U. S. Bank at 1:15 p. m.
Friday, July 25
Regular meeting Daughters of Union Veterans-
Woman's club house, S p. m.
Sunday, July 27 .
Minnesota picnle Playmore park bring own bas
kets and table service. Coffee and cream furnished.
Mayor T. A. Livesley
'Turns on Water"
Illahee Country ; club was a
scene of much Interest and sport
Sunday- when "guest day"- was
observed with . considerable cere
mony. Ovef 209 members 'and
friends gathered primarily to cel
ebrate the inauguration of the
newly completed . water system.
Foster Cone, one of the assistants
in charge, befittingly introduced
Mayor T. A. LlTesley who "offi
cially turned on the water" and
"started the balls rolling."
The morning had passed all too
quickly when the lunch bell rang
and the sportsmen were called to
the club house where cool and
refreshing "eats" were served by
Mrs. Foster Cone, chairman of the
ladies committee and her able
assistants, Mrs. Braxler C. Small,
Mrs. John Farrar, Mrs. C. N.
Needham and Mrs. Win. G. Sta-
The musical part of the lunch
eon program was cleverly han
dled by "Chuck" Bier, In true ra
dio fashion who "announced'' the
numbers in order, naming a vocal
solo by Miss Lucile Cummlngs.
vocal and Instrumental numbers
by the .Misses Vivian and Helen
Benner and several brief talks by
local golfers.
Tournaments and contests
made up the afternoon's . enter
tainment which brought In some
very Interesting 'results. Mrs.
Braaier Small won the honors for
the ladies In the putting contest
with her low score. Such a day
of "good fun" In general was it
that in spite of the disappoint
ment of not having Roy Mee and
Eddie Hogan, who were detained
in 'Portland becaue"of Illness in
one of their Immediate families,
for exhibition guests, a number
of enthusiastic players were
still on the course at nightfall,
and "called it a day" only when it
was too dark to see the little
white pettet.
Beach Resorts- Prove
Popular Diversion ,
Many . people are avoiding iho
warm weather and Incidentally
having a good time at beaches
nearby. Those, en Joying the week
end at Devil's lake and adjoining
resorts were Mr. and Mrs. T. A.
Raffety. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Abet.
and Mr, and Mrs. J. BProtzman,
all pt Salem. Mr.' and Mrs. W. Rl
Cracken and daughter, Miss. Gen
evieve, of Portland, were guests' at
the ProUman cottage -over the
week end. '
Aurora Mrs. Jewel Giesy of
Flint Michigan, is spending the
summer with her daughter, Mrs.
Earl Gribble of Champeeg. Mrs.
Giesy was a resident here for
many years. Tuesday Mrs. Grib
ble invited a -number ef elose
friends and relatives: in to wel
come the visitor Those present
were, Mrs. Jewel Giesy, Mrs. Eva.
La Grand of Portland. Mrs.
Cooper of Portland, Mrs. Liu
Erbsaland, Mrs. Aurella Powers,
Mas. 'George Kraus. and daugh-.
ters. Orletta and Georgia; Mrs.
John Kraus, Mrs. -A. W. Kraus,
Mrs. William Kraus of Aurora,
and Mrs. Vesta Buyserle,'Cham
poeg, and the hostess, Mrs. Grib
ble. " -
Aurora Mr. and Mrs. Norman
Hurst entertained at d laser Wed
nesday evening, complimenting
Robert Tremala or Sacramento,
California. Mr. Tremaln has been
connected, with. the .Southern Pa
cific R. R. company 'and took his
vacation at Barlow, Oregon, with
his mother, Mrs Anna Tremala.
He returned to hie' duties Thurs
day evening. These present at
the .farewell dinner were Robert
Tremaln, Men, Anne .Tre
maia. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Zleg
ler. and serf Marshal, Mr. and
4 Mrs. George Zlegler, and Mr. and
Mrs. Norman. Hurst.
- - ,. , ";
Clear Lake The Junior Chris
tian Endeavor society held 'a so
cial at the church Fridax evening.
Games were played en the church
lawn and -rater, in, the evening .100.1
eream an , cake ..werp served.
Those - present were r Martha,
Marion, Jack and-Harry Robert
son, Edith Foten. Lunelle and
Jack Chopin, NeUle,, Robert and
Donald Clements Evelyn Cain, El
fto and DelbertBair. Amlata Ev
ans and Junior Jeneav Neva.-Ada
Moe, Lerett. and Orel Smith J
iwi,( miuw LiHtasr
Chapin. Mrs.- AUx Harold am
Hie Marie BareM . ,
". : 4.'-;. '.y, .tH' : vc;
: QnlnabyThe H. if. Av efi Cke-
a w a recently complimented
Mrs. Carol Poole (Margaret Bart
ruff), acreceet .bride, with a miav
eellaaeous' ehower at the home of
Mrs. C. L. BekaeT. An latormal
evening of muste and- gamea was
enjoyed: and refreshmenU - wen
served at at late hour by thelkee
tesa, assisted by her daughter.
Mrx. i Bestea r and U lsa - Evelyn
Beekner." ' !" .
r .These present were the Aoner
guest: Mrs.' Carol Feel V Mrs. Joe
Sartruft, Jlrs. Clarence' Poole. '
. -Prlagle. The Prlngle Wom
an's club met one day last week
at . the home ef Mrs.- G. : Wilson
for. their regular buslaesa meet
ing, which waa followed by . a
plearrnt nocial. hoaerinsr ' the
Society Editor,
members of the club. Those In
vited to enjoy the happy occasion
were Mesdames E. Clark, F.
Clark, W. Coburn, O. Allen, G.
Adams, ' J. Bonney, S. Emery, . J.
Fabry, G. Grabenhorst. P. Gnr
gurlch, W. Grabenhorst, A. . H.
Hllfilker, C. Jones, B. Hilfiker,
O. Sealey, H. Staple ton, J. Van
Lydergraf, G. Wilson, F. Wiltsey,
A. Taylor, A. McDowell, H. Wech
ter, J. Guthrie. L. Schafer,. W.
McCarroll and Mrs. G. Lawrence
from Idaho who is here visiting
her sister, Mrs. O. Sealey.
Mr. and Mrs. Franc Martin ac
companied by Mr. Martin's moth
er, Mrs. Avis Martin, of Salem,
and Mrs. and Mrs. J. X. Mills and
daughters. Alberta and Helen of
Dallas, motored t Newport Sun
day, where they spent a pleasant
day. The party went by way of the
new Salmon eat off and are loud
in the praise of the trip, report
ing many interesting sights along
this new piece of road.
Mrs. Avis Martin particularly
enjoyed the day which waa made
a memorable one by her first ride
In an aeroplane, which, she says
was a "big thriir and a most en
joyable experienoe.
"Mrs. Fred Breck, Sr.. of Los
Angeles, California, who Jtas
been a guest at the home of her
son, Fred- Brock, Jr., left Sunday
morning for her former home in
Vancouver, B. C, where' she will
visit friends and relatives for a
short time ' before returning to
Salem. Mrs. Brock, in company
with friends Is making the trip
by motor and reports a very en
joyable trip.
Mrs. Russell Catlin, accompan
ied by her daughter, Mrs. Frank
Spears and little daughter Sybil,
arrived home Saturday from Ca
cadia - where they have been
guests for the past week of Mrs.
E. C. Cross. Mrs. Cross is spend
ing the summer in her mountain
home, at Cascadia, and sharing its
attractiveness with her many
Mrs. Jessie A r mold and her
daughter. Miss Harriett, were in
Monmouth Monday making ar
rangements for Miss Armolds
matriculation at the Oregon Nor
mal school in September,' She will
take the second' year course with
the view of obtaining a teaching
certificate next spring.
Mr. and Mrs. Flelita of The
Dalles, Oregon, were guests over
the weekend of Mr. and Mrs. E.
,C. Goodwin at their home in the
Royal Court apartments. Dr.
Fiellts wjuT elected "second vice
president of the Oregon Nataro
path association Just held here
last week.
Mrs. Clifford Farmer, accom
panied by Mrs. Ray L. Farmer
and "Sonny Farmer returned
home Sunday evening from a
week's Vacatlon; spent, at Agate
beach. , .. '
".t - -Mr.
and Mr. Hal Battbn were
among those , from .Salem to en
joy the weekend at Newport, -
Q. To what men should anoth
er man lift h1a hat?
A;. To clergymen, elderly men,
er superiors in office. .
y Q. Should the hostess ever
leave vthe room at a tea, while
the guests are . present? -
l ; A. No; if she requlrer anything
aaH ineTe la no maid; she m a;y
aak a daaghter or a friend to pro
cure It for her.
Q. At what time should chil
dren's parties- be -held?-,
A. From" to o'clock' In the
afternoon. -
ir?.; Why n yourself
I e" .
. 2er free of cost? A furnace edflby,ctual test; under average condi
.tiens, used $2.61 a month of ten dollar coaL' The heat which the coil and
. water absorb is loat forhouseheatins purpoee. - . - .
' Moreover, you want hot water more In warm weather than te-winter: A at
f'.---: waterheater la the aolutien. - ,-. r - r . .. .
" t,- yon say. yen said out rood- ian 'for tk Mm "wii wi'vut V ta W
i"5f air a Storage Wateckemter. seyeh wlM eajey the comfort of piping hot water
' - ro maae tme possible, wtU allow you this
i!!?"41tiJfoori Waa-'tMe and la use inyourome) as
one Storage-Water beaten r- -
. r." -
!-. High. St.
03EG0N STATESMAN. Sakm. Oregon; Tnesday Alorairj;
Mrs. Ernest Thorn
Luncheon Guest
t x Monday
One Of the loveliest affairs of
the week -was the prettily ap
pointed 1 o'clock bridge luncheon-given
Monday afternoon at
the home ef Mrs. Kenneth Brown
honoring the birthday anniver
sary of Mrs. Ernest Thorn, one of
the club members. Those bidden
to extend birthday greetings to
Mrs. Thorn were. Mrs. W. J. Page.
Mrs. Gordon Wilson, Mrs. Henrf
Schmahl, Mrs. Tom Galloway,
Mrs. Walter Kirk. Mrs. Ed. Vles-
ko, and the hostess Mrs. Kenneth.
Brown. Mrs. Maurice Butler of
Independence and Mrs. Edgar
Pierce were special guests for the
Utah Visitors Spend
Summer in Salem
Mrs. E. A. Greenwood and Mr,
and Mrs. William Koch and three
children." Billy. Mary and Robert,
have taken the F. A. Tlliott home
on Marion street for the remain
der of the summer.
The Greenwoods and Kocha are
Salt Lake City. Utah, people and
will be "at home" at this ad
dress until their return in the fall
to Utah. Mr. Greenwood left Sun?
day .tor Vancouver, B. C. where
he will attend to business mat
ters until the latter part of the
summer, at which time he will
return to Salem to be with his
family and accompany them home.
Jefferson Mra. B. S. Thurston
entertained the Woman's Foreign
Missionary society at her home on
South Main street Wednesday aft
ernoon. Mrs.. Earl Lynes .had
charge of the program, the topic
being, "Extension Work."
-WMrs. George Mason conducted
the: devotions, using as a tople:
"Spiritual Mountain Climbing."
An Interesting reading. , entitled,
"Through the. Telescope." was giv
en by Mrs. Blanche LIbby. followed
by another reading. "Around the
Wdrld With Our' Extension Mis
sionaries." by Mrs. Mason. Mrs.
R. C Thomas conducted the mys
tery box. After a social hotr, re
freshments were served by the
hostess to the following: Mrs. S.
M. Green, Mrs. R. C. Thomas,
Mrs: George Mason. Mrs. Blanche
Libby. Mrs. Earl Lynes. Addle LIb
by and Mrs. Florence Cornell of
Grants Pass; who was a guest for
the afternoon.
Turner The ladies and friends
of the. Christian missionary socie
ty, to the number of 22, drove out
to the home of Mrs. Walter Miller
Thursday for their afternoon meet
ing, . Mrs. Gayette Barnett had
charge of the program, the sub
ject of which was "Christian Ben
evolence." Roll call was respond
ed to by each giving a scripture
verse bearing: on the subject of
the day. Talks were given by Mrav
C. H. Jesse and Mrs. Maud Bones.
Plana were made for the 'August
meeting to be an out door affair
with picnic lunch, the place to be
announced later. Mrs. Frances
Whitehead and Mrs. Mary Glli
strap were named as the com
mittee in charge of the day's meet.
After a social hour, the hostess,
assisted by Mrs. Frank Cook.
served a. dainty lunch. An abund
ance of gladioli and marigolds
were tasteflly arranged about the
rooms. All felt that a very profit
able and pleasant afternoon bad
been spent.
Woodburw The Womlhari
chapter ol the W. C. T. VS. held a
very enjoyable meet at the home
ef Miss Ina Bonney and Mrs. Carrie-Young
Friday afternoon. "
Since Che president, Mrs.- A. H.
Dean, was absent, Mrv J. C. Rice,
vice president, took charge of the
business- The devotional . service
was led by Mrs. Maude MocheU
A letter from the Children's
Farm Home at Corvallij was read.
The farm home waa also described
Alter the business meeting, a
program, under the direction ,of
Mrs. Maude Allen was given. The
program consisted of a reading
bjr Margaret Howe; a vocal solo
by Mrs. Perle L. Love, reading by
Dorothy Hill, and a vocal solo by
Joyce Woodf in. Mrs. Sprouee also
sang a solo. -
The hostess waa assisted in the
serving of refreshments by . Mrs.
J. D. WoedfinV
' ' -:
- Mrr and Mrs. L. Towasend whe
make their home In Mission Bot
tom, left Tuesday morning for a
week's trip te eastern Oregon
where they will visit friends.
They are making the trip- by
motor. -
Fool Yourself ?
believe ihat r coil ot vour
for Your Coil or Old Tnn!ihtter
- - r -
Woman Relief Corps
Sponsors Silver Tea
One ot the much anticipated
events ' of the coming week will
be the kilver tea which la plan
ned tor Thursday afternoon at the
home of Mrs. E. O. Moll at . her
home on the Wallace road for the
benefit of the hid society of the
Woman's Relief corps.' ?
' For the convenience ef those
wishing to attend the Wast Salem
bus will be stationed at the cor
ner ot the United SUtes National
bank and will leave promptly at
1;15 o'clock.
Hugh Feltis. accompanied by
his sister. ' Miss Carol Feltis,
passed through Salem Sunday,
enroute from Hollywood, Califor
nia, and visited at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Forkner.
Mr. Feltis is renewing old time
friendships In Salem which were
made during his attendance at
Willamette university, of which
he is a graduate. Mr. Feltis Is
now manager of radio station
KPQ at Wenatchee, Wash.
Miss Carol Feltis is a student
at -the University ot Washington,
where she Is a member ot the
Junior class.
Miss Dorothy Livesley, daugh
ter of Mayor T. A. and Mrs. Lives
ley, has as -her house guest. Mies
Helen Adelsperger of Marshfleld,
Oregon. Miss Livesley and her
guest. Miss Adelsperger, accom
panied Mr. C. W. Paulus on a mo
tor trip to Pendleton Sunday,
where they attended the formal
opening of ' the new Pendleton
golf course.
Miss Adelsperger will leave the
last of the week for her home
in Marshfleld.
Mrs. A. B. Swenningsen of Los
Banos, California, Is in the city
as a guest of her daughter, Mrs.
J. T. Delaney on Summer street.
She was accompanied on the trip
north by Mrs. Delaheys niece.
Miss Shirley Albertson. who with
Mrs. Swenningsen will be- gusts
at the Delaney home for the com
ing two weeks, after which - Mr.
and Mrs. Delaney will take their
guests by motor back to their,
home In Xos Banos. They will
make the return trip by way of
the Redwood highway.
Miss Monte . Bidwell, in com
pany with friends, waa a guest
Over the 'weekend of her brother
and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Ross Bidwell who make their
home in the Court apartments.
Miss Bidwell Is making the trip
by automobile from her home in
Bakersfield, California, with Van
couver, B: C, as their ultimate
destination. Miss Bidwell plans
to stop over on her return trip
Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Pratt, ac
companied by Miss Nell Coppock,
all. of Salem, spent an unusually
pleasant weekend enjoying Rai
nier National park. Mrs. Pratt
reports weather conditions per
fect so that a very clear and dis
tinct view of the mountain could
be had at all times. Mountain
flowers were in blossom In great
profusion along the highways
which added materially to the
scenic effects.
The - regular executive board
meeting of the Business and Pro
fessional Woman's club was held
Monday evening at the home of
the president. Mrs. Mona Yoder,
C15 North Church street.
Mrs. Elbert C. Peets of Port
land, will be a guest Monday and
Tuesday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Homer Smith on Summer
street. Mrs. Peets Is In the city
in the interests of the Salem
chamber of music.
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Cal-
laghan. Mr. and Mrs. W. E.
Scandllng and Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Elliott, all of Salem, spent the
weekend as. guests at the f . A.
Roberts cottage at Neskowln.
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Chambers
and sons, Richard and Douglas1,
returned home Sunday evening
ftem Pacific City where they
have been vacationing for '. the
past two weeks.
Miss Viginia West, daughter ot
Mrs. Leland West of Portland,
spent Sunday with friends In Sa
lem. Miss West is a student in
dramatics at the summer session
ef the University of Oregon.-
- Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hasely
are- now meeting their friends in
their recently completed home lo
cated at 1C40 Saginaw street.
Mise Lena Belle Tartar spent
the -weekend In Corvallls, Ore
gon, visiting friends.
- Dr. and Mrs. St, Pierre ef
land were weekend guests- in .the
Harry Hawkins cottage at Nes
kowln. furnace rives you hot
first payment eh a IT,
. - . ;-
' Tles)beee-ar7S
' '-tit l
- v - - t-f .
July 22, 1933
O i " .hi ' o
. kit.
I ' -r -
1 - V
Frank Goldsboroagli shown standing beside his plane after Jie had set
. a new junior trans-continental re"oi"d. He died last Wednesday from
Injuries suffered when his plane nashed into a tog hkhlrn tree
two days before. &
Woodburn Friday evening
Rev. Glenn S. Hartong and his
wife entertained the official board
of the Methodist Episcopal' church
with an interesting program given
in the church. There were about
20 guests present.
A well-balanced - program of
short talks furnished the enter
tainment. Pauline- Livesay, accom
panied by Miss Joyce Wood fin,
sang;. Mrs. Carrie Toung gave a
short but very interesting talk,
entitled. "Why I Believe in Mis
sions." Following Mrs. Young's talk,
Mrs. P. L. Love, accompanied by
her daughter, Marcile, gave a vo
cal solo. Mr. Elklns told how the
city' church could help its rural
members. Misses Joyce and Helen
Woodfin sang" a vocal duet.
Rev. J. D. Woodfin next gave
a talk concerning the problem of
better understanding between the
church and church school. The
last number on the program was
an organ solo by Mrs. Brnne.
The remaining part of the eve
ning was spent in various sociable
ways, after which refreshments
were served.
. Hubbard Seventy-one, includ
ing Pythian sisters, Knights of
Pythians and children, gathered
at Shady Acres Friday evening
and enjoyed a picnic dinner-treat
of ' the losing side in a five
months contest held by the Py
thians. Water sports offered by
the park were also enjoyed.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Klnzer
and party from Salem were pres
ent. -
Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Stearns and
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Ashby were
Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and
Mrs. . Stearns' grandson,' .Gerald
Stearns and wife "at their coun
try home near Lebanon
Dr. Agnes Lewis of -Salem, is a
guest at the Dodge hotel, Wash
ington, D. C.
g r eat e r th an ev
Recent developments i
- tliat ; Nash gi
Amid all new claims and eoun-
dear and at strong at tunlight.
That is the ttirimif takably
greater ralue which you set
when you buy a Nash. -
No other car at anywherenear
the Nash price affords the pro
AeuncedT advantages of Nath
-rlnclddlnf such featurea as '
twin ifiltion,' with iU creater
power, speea, amoothnessand
-j.- i . j -
imuue mm twin lUOOtt'
'le highly important but it it
reri--iaore -importanlsu ln
ZZ3 Nort&Gessrstreial Street
Brush College Recent dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver
Whitney were Mr. and Mrs. Wal
ter C. Winslow and daughters,
Gertrude and Genevieve of Salem,
Mr. and Mrs. U. J. Lehman and
Mrs. Florence Haws of Portland.
Mrs. Haws is a cousin of Mrs.
Whitney and is spending her va
cation at the Lehman home. She
is a teacher in the Portland
The American Legion Auxilr
lary met Friday evening at the
home ot. Mrs. Harry G. Keeney:
There were just five members
present. It was decided at this
meeting, to adjourn for the sum
mer and they will not meet again
till in October.
Miss Lorraine fierce, daugh
ter of ex-Governor Walter M.
Pierce, left Sunday morning for
Portland, where she will be the
guest of her sister, Mrs. Harold
Hall of that city. While In the
city Miss Pierce was a guest of
Miss Beryl Holt on Oak street.
Mr. and Mrs. W.- C. Dyer In
company with Mr. and Mrs. Don
Young spent the weekend at the
Dyer Cottage at Newport. They
returned home Sunday evening.
Relieves a. Headache or Neuralgia
in SO minutes, cheeks a Cold the
first day, and checks Malaria ia
three days. .
666 also in Tablets '
rwi.cXEsTf an eianren
mmf n
teu sr aaoKUTS gvxarvBxag
a - am . ear . t "m sr mm aw. saw- . : mm . Arm, i w -
dicotive ol the superior engi-
steering and of the in-built
- value which distinguish erery
; . . . : ' .
know Nash beacty. Yott
may be familiar with Nash
?t irformance; Nash comfort
and conrenience; Nash thor
ousoIng qualitf.. - -
But until you compare whu
the Nash s and what It dee
- - - ' "i ifle remarxaoftY tew cess -
it wholly
Let us appraise your
Mra. C V. McXelveyy ef tote
city; li gpendlnr aer vacation: mt
the f coast with her ton ,ia Jaw.
and 'daughter. Dr.- and Mrs. Tho
mas J. : Rose.' of Portland, v Mrs,
McKelvey is also .pjannins a "In
teresting, trip, to Alaska 4ater In
the summer in company with tr
daughter. Mine Merle MeKerver
of Salem, Oregon. ? -I
e e e
Monmouth The Ml eDowell
club - ot the . normal 'school ' gave
an entertainment , la the Christian
church Friday night. The returns
from the concert will be used z
the civic eluV la the project to
buy land to be added to the city,
park. ThU plotjfropnd lies ad
joining the! jkrgi&iLqfr oorth.
The Chieagew: eencert company
appeared at the normal chapel
Monday evening !a oa ef tho
summer session lyeenm . numbers
of the first half of the program
was of vocal music which wee
well received by the audienco, the '
second half of the' program waa
an act from the opera Martha."
e e
Mrs. F. A. Blllott returned to
her home Monday afte- enjoying;
a pleasant week with Mrs. K. C
Cross In her 'mountain homo at
Cascadia. Mrs.".Elllott win make
her home with her boj and daugh
ter-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. e'aek El
liott, for the remainder er. ine
e e e
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McCammon
of Portland returned home Sun
day evening after spending "the
weekend at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Wallace Carson on- Leslie
Mrs. Robert Field of Salem.
motored to Seaside, where she
will spend a week vacationinc
with her sister, Mrs. M. P. Har
desty of Portland, Oregon.
1 9 ( AP ) Physicians said to
night they held no hope for tbe
recovery of Antone Errath, , 49,
Australian logger, who waa In
jured Friday , when he waa caught
by a- rolling log. . - f .
A' '
Know when) ymi ore loUng to
relieve) that pom, cokj, heododw
or sore throot Atpwin should net
only be effective, it must also to
Genuine Bayer Aspirin is reliable,
always the same brings prompt
relief saferjr does not depress tho
Do not take chances get the)
genuine) product identified by the)
name BAYER on the pockege and
the word GENUINE printed in tod
- - Sziti::
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blrth'diy a'nnfversaries""e2 IS'ree