PAGE TWO lie OREGON STATESllANr SakeuOregaa, SatcnUy Morning, July 19, 1933 (iD15G.. VISITS BOIG , Never rTasted ;A!cohol.arid :tCoatfnoed from vacei.) also understood French, they -let , Wfivv:;r : ;-, . 'distinction, aside from I Ma yearn p4 hiainertlal carter. is that set of teeth which He says be produ ced at the age of lfleV But they're all tone now, having? lasted. only 16 years, he says, and jo while he la hero and not occupied ith lAfttn' tti Arwtnrm fciaa m. stead -of; ho paring the' doctors, he thinks 'he may hoy himself a et of false teeth. '- Agha came aeconipanled ! by his grea-great-grandson, a haad some young . man named Ahmet Mussa, and his patron Assim Redvan, who imports American automobiles to Istanbal and Ja "angel" for the trip. - , They were met by Catrln Bar-; risan, Agon's American manager, who said Slnee Agha la really . an . unofficial : represenfailre of the Turkish government oa this trfp he must not bo permitted to cheasen himself In any way" . Harris explained he had turn Jd down an offer nt S2 weeks at 2.TS oa . week from syndicate which operated a flea circus la I Times Square and a boardwalk aldeehow in Atlantic City, and so tar had signed Agha for only two appearances Before unnamed scl entifle organisations. He was also uncommunicative about the fees. iicfmn iiii i ilidc I1UU.1ILU UILLIIIUU : (Continued tnm Pa" 1.) foe as possible was asked. The petition took as its oasis the assumption Billings was "an innocent man wrongfully convict ed through talis and '"perjured evidence of certain witnesses. and asserted the law "gives no re lief front perjury except through an application for a pardon. It also declared whatever guilt at tached to Billing also attached to' IJooney; that one could not be in nocent and the other guilty. " Particular stress was laid by the petition upon photographs taken daring Che preparedness parade aad introduced at hto Mooney Blllings trial as evidence, and up on the showing thai VaeDonald was encouraged to testify In the hepe of receiving a 1-Jge mone tary reward of 117,000. Lengthy extracts from testimony ' of wit nesses at the trial were Included la the document, emphasizing dl- rgehciea -hetweeh 'their sti- nfony and that of MacDonald, to wiioni reference was made as "one lone, disreputable character and (be Question asked: 7"lr not there some way to con vince the human mind the 20 wit nesses and the nhotocranhs onrht to ho believed as against that one person"? V.& Red Revolt Plan. Described At House Ptobe V NEW TOWS, - Jury It, (AP) -f-The special house communist In vestigating committee today re ceived from former Police Com missioner Grover A. Whalen photostatie copies of documents alleged to show Soviet Russia. through the Amtorx Trading Co a commercial agency handlins; . Rassian business in the United States, was - attempting to fo ment Industrial revolution la this country. , He said he could demonstrate the authenticity et the documents. which Amtorg repressnttatiTea have branded forgeries. The Atn- torg aide of the case la to bo hoard text week. Wildcat Throws : ' Ernie Arthur in Eugene Contest :.s ECOENB. ' Ore- July :AP) George Wildcat Pete, Eu gene, defeated - Ernie Arthur, 'TralL B. CL. mlddleweteht cham- - - ion vi unu ia tw u of threw in n main event wresfc- ''Ilnsr bout hero tonight. f. Arthur took the first fall In jtH minntet with a jahort arm I scissor. Pete won the second in HiM minutes by hurling J him over on his back with a eonnter illfelson after Arthur had npplied :a full Nelson, Arthur wan etun- I ined. . ; - . - " 0-- :.; Arthnr wan stlil . groggy when3 he ease back and Pete book the: finira zau in ieu seconas. i - jiVotad Accordion flayer Appears n At Breitenbush ft Guido'Deiro. TamoTw:as a pia-; bo .accordionist, is to give con-i text at JJreltenbttah hot rprlnrt Ptinrti aftarnaon. , Debro has) II .... . I I c aoett hla -raoattont at lreiten4 , buah Tor the past ten years. He lhaa iiiit'returnci troa'a concert! Hour .of England' whert ,.ts:an4 fpeared la many theatrae. . . . , ; Band, ttd&lo hat alao beenari Ranged n dlrersfon for thos4 . Who visit nt the eprtart next Sun . i day according .to .the announce- tmeniv.6t u. XJW cmcsman. man Stoanager .of tho 'resort, v vv; , 1 5 , CnniULlg, WCIW July It AP) A fixe that-destroyod one f. business. buUilcg and nix. rest deuces in the HtUo vfUado of "f Frances, , 1 1 nalles southwest of mu IS BED Tin rrmnvin r-r ! Marx jwwnuiM wnww"' s '' Determined ta cea- Away from aectartaalsm aA restore Of spirit OX mm the brearhinf friars has of clergymen of different creeds, nni: jsrotners syiresier, reter preachins; as they go. They bare coast, -trayeun on toot. Emm DKXVKR, July 18. (AP) In a staccato burst of applause, members of the Lions dabs, serr- Ice organization, of four nations today inducted their officials for the coming year and named Tor onto as the-clty in which they will hold their 1931 convention. The selection takes hte annual ' con vention out of the United States tor the first time. Earls W. Hodges, New Terk, was advanced from the first vice presidency to the presidency . at the closing session. Other officers selected were: First vice presi dent, Jullen C. Hyer. Ft. Worth, second rice president. Robert t McKeever, Washington; htird vice president, Charles . H. Hatten. Wichita ,& .; and directors Wou S. Hewlett, Of Bridgeport, CoenM E. B. Kingsley, Pnrkersburg, W. Va., Robert W. Phillios. Lafayette. Ihd Julius Wuerthner,' i Great Falls. Mont.. ana tucnara. i. usenoaaga, ajcu- ver HEAPED FOR ALTAR AMABILLO, Uexas, July 18 (AP) The next flight of Major Charles Kings lord-Smith will be OYer the tea of matrimony, he f??J??L"JT Angeles to Khosas City. Coolest Spot ma . TODAY TOMORROW I ON THE STAGE 1 IDEA CASTLfiTON and MACK jerohb ROBERT CLOY TURKS BRICKTOPS aiACK B1SSETT DANCERS. :jm- THE SCREEN'S MOST POPULAR ROMANTIC HERO . .00 An - -t . Axtloa-. ; Packed AdTO v rsmty - .- .1- v - - if - : - . . ". Fsst-ovi3 "LEV i .K , ! PREACHING FRIARS i i..?N.,-r.. ...,J.., ., bMa founded in California, Included te thB Order at n nnsnber phyalclaa n4 f ormor ntjay ana s-ssu, n umyeunsj ne roma ai Just arrlTed in saa anclsCo ana -t .. Board By OLIVE M. DOAK . FOX KLSIXOBJC . Today Gary Cooper In "Only the Bravo" and F. A M. "Aomanee Idea." THE HOLLYWOOD Today "Burning Up." THE GRAXD Today "TraUing Trou ble,'' with Hoot Gibson. HUGH'S CAPITOL Today "The Aviator." 2S HIES U1E (Continued from. Pagt 1.) City, where ho stopped at noon. Head winds held him back on the return flight. Ho had hoped for favorable tall winds on the eastward leg. A crowd of aviation enthusi asts greeted tfamer as he step ped from the cackplt of bis low" wise monoplane. Hit face vat drawn and lined from the strain of the long hours at the controls without rest or tieep. In Town MAinr - HART PRICE Jf . ' The Call SBBbnuMsBBBBB i . J A-IV III MK : ' i. . . I ; - ii v ii I J r .... , trae C3uigtiaaHty. new ordes office Tnreo of them, left ts t vte eta miseinnsmss sn vauianun, plea to coTer the entire rnclfio f . . .. , Oregon City Man Safe After Long Hike in Cascades MOLALLA, OrOu. July 18 (AP) -After wanderfn in the I Cascade mountains for li hours Norman Stout. 13. Oregon city. cafde nson two fishermen today Who directed him to safety. stone, with two companions. his brother Wimam and William i Blosier, Salem, went to Emerald lake Thurtday. Norman took a riflo thd started in search of game. Ho soon became lost and wandered All day through the for est. .At nightfall ho built Crt to steep warm and stayed awake all night to keep it burning. At dawn ho continued his wan derings and finally came to the north fork of the UolaHa river. Ho followed the river until ho came upon the fishermen. SUMMER PRICES:- ' MaUnee, 10-il5-8 Evenings, 10-33-&0 , : tM Tinea TODAY TOWARD EVERETT HORTOX The Ace of Mtrth olaaxera THE AVUTOir aaiey Rotn Miner Johnny Arthur TttftPbono Vaude ville Acts ' 1 j STARTS SUNDAY V JOE E. BROWN ,; kon4 , iBauinfi tin wolssV IsMAhW th :wty ArewxhwtapurTdmg dla Mno-aiSabt. r-i i 1 i Ti m-t y sy 1 ' ' ;" '"1 SEIE G1D5 8 L'l illT jrcrdtyf Opponents, Claim nb FH2l wanned; U3- . fK3 Aredncnt ICWaiTd pw a ra contest weld '.not Vo tar hnead. these Ufii8tedah imMtwultn(i wH Mm lro Mrs. PorUr aid bo made,- T ' - :. ' 1 tfitnaft leaden tjecepted aUIon eU replied they . 'Would keep the esnlte in 0008100 Uhfxhx. fjenitor Watson, Indiana, the re-1 PahUcfth - leader ' ts3L ' Tv 1 3 WIU girt rat tbprUhitfVter dto ewBslon and we don't Wrant to taeo tho -elotuTe for that is j art what Cay want" He added !They want tu ry. 'gag.' However, Watson insisted therw we'onouajfr votes In; the ovnnt to adopt eleturo it necesskry. "t Denies Argvment , ' : ' iB . Filibnster - ''Johnson heatedly denied in de bate, KTe Smoot, . republican. CtaS. that any tnibuster oxUted tralnst the treaty and he called attentiou -that wrery jylUbto he hid uttered In the discussion bad been pertinent to the Subject. i When Jebnton cballented. bin to get tnlo the fletiaie th Utahan ecUned on the around ho did not want to Join -this ttUbmater. , Johnson cOttcladed with the as sertion "any man who stands here gagged And bound and doesn't dare to ffucusa thit treaty lsnt fit to tit In the dtnato." Alter JohaMn had cohclnded his aseech. Senator Oddie. rebttb- llcasw Kevada. carried on tor more than two houri With n dsnniicla tlon of the treaty tenni. Boreal many f the aUUtoenU mafto be fore -that marei eemaittoo by nary Offleers opposing the pact, Oddie waa followed by fitaator Cope bxnd. democrat. Now York. Sena tor Johnson Contended the treaty abolished th 6-S ratio establish ed with Japan by the 1121 confer eaoe. . , . MX oan not nnderatand," he said, "why Aaerioans represent luf Amerka ahowld not have in sisted upon the maintenance that ratio. , . ww?:v.'i: -V! in "O n tXT ibcm A Ifrxta TosaccO ii If nni ere. mere Cleaftea About lsUreSi- . 4 r ing People U Balsas fif 10 absence, Ber. Leland Porter will pmch tt First .Christian church, of which ho is a former pastor, Mr. Ppter Is here trom ldinneanolis, tHiaft their, daughter. Miss Mary. They were- wuests Htkt bsb. 01 sar. had -lira, W. a Blrdwell, 2tl5 fsouth commercial street, tbo trisitors will leeta Monday for the TQIajnoekOuatryr THer iPa to spesyomo.tsno at potnu in me northfwt bettro murnbif to' Hinneapolts. . TVa hati ruitors trm almoot every state in the union tt the ftity ante eanip and many of them come back year alter year,"' aaia H. s. Poisai, aavonnxoaaent or the municipal auto park. MrC Poisai is now serving his fourth year ns susertnteadent and en- Joys meetiajr his "guests" at the Para. . - ,o w . 'Every on teems to have o htary crop bCftay tbJt year," sfcld Mrs. R. C. Bidwelt. office naanager for lie Cherry City Milling Corn ptny. "It ii of etciirefit nuallty, she added, in apeaklng of that which has no far been delivered. - 1 Fiord Cook, former secretary of republican state committee. was a s&iem visitor yesterday. Cook Is being .discussed tor the position of state chairman and la In a distinctly receptive mood. tfrwilr a.Tm thm mtnbni tit th state committee art freepins dose-mouthed on the:r prer erenee for rovomor. "It will uxe most of thtnfternoo for rganlatiOn., said Cook. "New officers of the committee must bo ehocea be fore the committee fia start bal lotlttg on governor.' How toss It will take to pick the candidate after the voting starts it prob lematical." , e More people that over are spending their vacation at ttaa- sanlta beach, northernmost of the Tillamook coast resorts, thit year, reported John W. Parker, who was a scientist i . v.. 4 CI .-.- ;A ......... JiVrRYTHlNO THAT tdENCB U modem of rrtcarA facilMet caa provide, contributet to and faiepxtrdf tic taniibrm good taste tad "purity TO THU EKD taalatain 1 tliorwiy oder iadmtrial laboo-wlflatnffa ttxpert Intent first nod lnet,sjpoa wholcsocoi gCttdnost . f OU HAVB OtWrrotZkOusax g& u t&c tilt bztt U a dgtittrt-i :iilf!? V4-Uh every snCtr must have WaarixfyASTB abotemxtl!;f; Co. in tho city yesterday from Kan- xantU. Thero It an ' unusual amount of Activity at this place, ho iava. Paf'ker. whhtw homo is fa Salem at llI,Karth lib, it spenl lag the toauner with lira. Parker there ami ss constructing several beacn tottlie ta his property thorts,- . Dr. EUen'DuBois. attending the meeting of the Oregon naturopa thic association, la registered at the Senator "hoteL - PLOT NIPPED, Wbnn LISBON. PtjrtOtl. Jaiy 1T,--- (AP The ? EjDcoignes dtrtrav moot let it be known today that a. tlt aeatnat the dktatonhte Of Prestdent Carmoa has boon di corerod, and a - number of cn sens and soldiers arrested, ' fSOOff Today Ov&y King f the Saddle! .0 nbo Comedy - News - Fables Sandaj BILLIE DOVE in 'A Notorious Affair9 it's xi;- !JV i-,JfW Accuracy . -. . . it's Taste 3 SV 2Sc LAST Tlini3 TODAY Matinee Saturday --rl: P. M. RItfMD MARVV Also Talking Lsiagdon Ooenedy """THE HEAl.l(rx7 Pathe FabteLifoirietone Weww and Serial "HAWK Of THE HlLLfT u Cominf Sua. - Mom. - Tucn. Aaej CADALLUnO ste 1 Werrstekae sjgfcdfltit leGef that fits tobaccos osel JaCbcsteificUctxsntttsarOg of oar -cpCqr tn4 &snct) of txtter tu than In any -tKhes dpwtta ei4be bsfcdr UGQXTOKTXSSTOaAOCOca . 1 u'.' .1 MM tbltlAU t x r r u here waa reported hero tonight.