The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 19, 1930, Page 1, Image 1

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    EUailXlJUrU X IS Alt
Salem, Oreron, Sattrrday Morninsr, July 15, 1920
t -
lillLL.ll LUUUVl
tack cf Orders Responsible
Fcr Shutdown, Plant
k Officials Say
Resumption Probable Next
-Week or By August 1,
At the Latest -HI
4 -
LTbe plant of the pregon Linen
tnlls .wet closed down acre this
wees uue to a snonage oz.oraers
with the Result; that 2 S employes
are temporarily at of work- .
."Officials:, of the company, said
lafe yesterday afternoon that
- there .waa-Avery prospeetf i&kt r
23 ew:iwaIUag : conrirmaUoii;
rojd"iaake -possible . operation
tirjy ext"weekibat If not; then;
.wtteasthy Anrast 1. v: '
""i trtirMtt Tednetloa in barlnr Vv
P"-saatem.tactories with , resulting
fctnflo-monta buylnr ot y yarns
atul-twlae produced by the plant
cere were giTcn a reasons for
the shutdown. - ; -
t Colonel W. B. Bertram, tn
charge ot 4he plant, gare -oat the
statement that he was finishing
negotiations -for additional east
ern 'contracts which would make
,jpo3slMe operation -of the mllL.
eloth. has been -produced at the
Oregon Linen Mill, about 120,
yards of cloth being .on hand
here since that " time. During
2 Sis' this cloth has been sold In
the northwest-market until less
than 8000 yards remain on hand.
- It Is not expected that immediate
resumption of cloth manufacture
will be begun doe to thv fact, that
the majority of the looms at the
trill hare been found Inefficient
la cloth manufacture. , '
Up to the present time, the mar
ket for yam and for twine pro-
duced by the mill has been good
although tho company, almost eu-
, tlrely financed by ' stockholders
iwho lite fa the WlUsmetts Talley,
' has suffered from lack of ade
i.uate.urprklBg capital. Employes
ot the mill say Ihe.twjnejsnd yarn
making machinery la la excellent
condition and can -be operated
with marked efficiency.
While the Oregon Linen 1IIU
has net operated at full capacity
for years, the fact that It had shut
down this week did not become
known about Salem until yester
day. Some stockholders made in
quiry about the condition of the
plant and were Informed that, the
shutdown was only temporary for
reasons of a market lull.
' Meetings of the board of direc
tors hare been infrequent, stock
holders declare and no statement
of the mill's production record or
financial condition has been araiU
able tor the public la recent
months. '.
BEND, Ore., July 18 (AP)
veterans of Foreign Wars, de
partment of Oregon, ended their
tenth annual encampment here
: today with the election ot offi
cers and the selection ot Astoria
as the 1331 convention city. p.
Cicero l T. Hogan. : Portland,
was elected;, department com
mander, succeeding D. O. Gar-,
rett, St. Helens. 'Other officers
named were: -;-fJ-'-?f i-'t
i Charles E. King,' Portland, sen
ior vlce-eommander; Phil , F.
. Brogan, Bend. Junior vice- eom--
mender; Monte Cw Walton, Port
land, . quartermaster: Glenn - B.
Jack. Oreron ; City. Judge advo
cate: H. W. Straw, Portland,
ehaplain; dt. William G. " ScotV
Portland. department surgeon;
Edward Daly, Albany, elected to
the council of administration for
' five years; W. C. McCray. Klam
ath Fans,, department inspector.
Mrs. Carmen Thompson .was
elected president of the auxiliary.
PORTLAND, Ore uly 18, ;
(A P) Isaac E. ' Staples,
: state senator, aoffered a bro
kr les' In smrMtomoble accl-
. dent on the Grand Bonde high
way Thursday. -f - ' --'
' Reports aaid Staple lost .
control of hio car while driving ;
: throagh a wooded country and
"tho car plunged from a bridge
!,to the) creek bed and turned
; I CANBT, Ore, July; 13 (AP)1
-Buxsards circling over the Mo-
lalla river today led Sheriff B.T.
, . Xlaas and Deputy Sheriff Thomp-
1 1 son to a jdeep;pool in ;thriveri
. where they discovered the body
; : of Charles Maier, wno uued his
' "1 neighbors Andrew - Nelson,- last
1.. Monday after a dtoute over a
- ' sow."-.-: - --.' -
' Tho body of lXaler was stand
lag erect in tho water, believed
, leid tn that, position, by water
.fined hip boots he. was wearing.
r , Sheriff Mats said tho top of
Ualers head waa missing, , indi
cating he had placed the muzzle
. xt tie ran ta his mouth and pull
- odw tho trigger. The gun wu
7Th 1 - -
Uniform Cut for Large
1' Service Company: onCommercial and v
' ' . Residence Lighting Announced '
A - SLIGHT reduction in rates'
-U . :j ifiA- i .-. . . -
xjk fCBiueuce uguLing purposes was oraerea on trie -proper- rauier SI 510, .rle UXv new
tifes of the Pteific.NorthweffcR.i Service tompamy Friday it''ffentluk
by the.state public eceicdmmiaaion bf wl J-lLkl' -
Miller is-cnajnnan. , The redaction indndes . llifltnomnh
countyjmd the Willamette .vaney territory ' served by the
Fails by ttarrawi ttargin to
Uake 24 HoUTrTrip to
' Coast and Return -
i ST. PAUL, MinflL. July
(AP) Nick. Mamer, Spokane pi
lot tomgnt completed a round
trip flight from St. Paul, to Se
attle and return, bat failed to
make It in the 24 hour period he
had set for the journey. - .
. He landed at 7:05 p. m. (C. S.
T.) or 24 hours 'and 25 minutes
after he had left here.
Mam er left the St. Paul, muni
cipal airport at i:4 p. m. C. S.
T.j yesterday and reached Seat
tle at 5:44 a. m. (P. S. T. af
ter a stop at Miles City. Mont.
Without refueling, Mamer de
parted from Seattle on the return
trip ten minutes later and retch
ed Spokane at 7:42 a. m. (P. S.
T.i. After loading up with gaso
line, he left, at 9il9 for MUes
(Turn to page 2, col,' J)
-CANON OITT Colo-. July
API A double execution to- i
night threw the debit side of Col-1
orado's ledger of Justice back into
approximate balance in the Lamar
bank holdup of If 22. - '
With the hanging of Howard
L. Royston and George J. Abshler
the state had exacted three lives I
h mraint far fonr vhleh were
nnffMl Ant hv MMtr in tne
ivanv robberv. rl ;
The tran waa first sprung at
Abishier was the
1:40 o'clock.
first to go. He was pronounced
dead at 2:52 o'clock.
Royston ' followed at 10:27
o'clock. Ho was dead at 10:52
Ralph Fleagle, third member of
the gang, was hanged last week
B T8
TJap Hogan Heads V. F. W.
Senator Staples Injured
Slayer's Body Is Found ;
Carnegie . Medal Claimed
EUGENE, .Ore- July -13 I
(AP) A movement has been in
augurated here to obtain a Car
negie medal for Bernard Knight,
son of Mr. and Mrs. J. C Knight,
Eugene, who was seriously burn
ed last Saturday when he -dashed I
into a burning ' residence : in the
belief that his sister, Harriet, , I
had been trapped by the flames.
it is pronanie tnas meuai ree
ommeadatlOB also wlU - bo made
for Harrison Lyle, 2 0; who risked
his life Wednesday afternoon td
save a hoy and girl from -drown
ing in the uohawk river.
EUGENE, Ore July . 13 ( AP);
Three more fires In the - Cas
cade National, forest were report
ed today. Forest officials termed
the .. blazes 'sleeper" tires and
said they probably were set by
lightning last Saturday . and were
Just nowv wahlnr un. - -
Two of the fires were discover
ed Thursday night and the third
Friday morning. One ha bnrn-
ed about an acre on Fall creek
above Mccredie springs. A v sec
ond in near burned top mountain
and the third about . two miles
east of Linton lake. ",,'-
alARHHFlKLDi. Ore - July
18 (AP) Oiltteter O. Wotf ,
iMMtght weaaing rtng rrom
local Jeweler and gave a cheeky
in payment.
Today Wolf was eenteneed
to owe year tn the state-peal-
tentlary. lie "waived grand
Jury hearing on charges of
Ixwaafnst a fictitious check and
pleaded guilty to tho charge.
:He admitted he Lad passed
other worthless cleckn
'"EUGENE, Ore., - July 13. "
( AP) .Dr.- Weston J., Johnson,
Ban Francisco, told tie kOrsoa
Presbyterian synod 'session here
today a number ot Presbyterian
missionaries had withdrawn from
foreign fields during tho past two
years because of; inadequate f fi
nancial support.
Led by the Rev. Claude Porter,
Uedford. - the synod - today dis
cussed . discontinuation ef Sunday
nigu services.
" erf-
Area Served by Public
for commercial iiriitinir and
-"- - . . ...
mpany, as tar. south as the. Sa
lem, area. . : -:i
". iom saumaiea annual .Barings
to consumers under the schedule
Iwfll be $34Q,000.r The comaisr
! slon fixed the value of the eom-
panys .properties, for rate mak
ing purposes, at M8.4CI.0Q9;
This figure exclude the street ear
properties ownea oy me company
in. Portland. .
t .v. ... I
Contmlssfoner. 'Corey , eonenrred 1
bnt dissents from the- eommlxslon
ta the methods, used in
at tho Taltiatlons.
Cuts Range From , , :
to 23 Per Ceng ivi
Commlssla nezperts said the
new rates were intended to re
dace olectrie energy-cost for the'
small consumes. ; J:' P.'. Newell.
consulting engineer for the com
mission, said 75 per cent of do
mestic customers would find their
charges reduced from t to 22
per cent."
Tho first move in tne investi
gation was made by ; the public
service commission April 17.
1922, when, on its own motion, it
Issued an order for. an Investiga
tion into the rates, charges and
service of the Portland Electric
Power company, now known as
the Pacific : Northwest Public
Service company.
About the time the commission
received a petition from the dty
of Portland for an Investigation
the rates ' and service of the
Portland Electric Power company
and the Northwestern Electric
company. In Oregon ' the latter
operates only in Multnomah And
Columbia counties.
The first hearing - was neid
without witnesses June 14.' If IS.
At Jtho request of City Attorney
Frank Sv Grant of "Portland the
hearing was continued to June
11. Another was held July
and then no further hearings an- J
til November 1. 1222. January
II. 1129. was set as a date to
continue the . hearing. : but this
was postponed to March 12.
I There was a lump to uctooer .
i - mm . . . -il ft. 1 .
! 12. oetore uourar Milium mmm
leaueo. nut an oruer was maue
icy me eommuuoa on whww
consolidating tho power and light
rate case and the street car far
ease for hearing on November 12.
On March 14. 1320, an order
was issued disposing ot a part of
tho case by fixing reduced rates
for the Portland Electric Power
company's - service in coiumnia
county and the Tualatin valley.
On March 7. 1330. the commis
sion had ordered an investigation
of rates and service ot the North
western .. Electric ; company . In
Rainier and vicinity, - and en
March 21 an order was made re
ducing rates in that locality.
LINCOLN, Nebr., July 12.
(AP) Chief Justice Charles A.
Gosa - of the Nebraska" supreme
court tonight ruled the name ot
George : W. Norrla, Broken Row
grocer, should not appear on tho
republican primary ballot aa a
candidate t for the senatorial nom
ination in opposition to George
W. Norris of MeCook.
The chief Justice reversed tho
decision of . Secretary; ot sute
Frank Marsh who had accepted a
belated tiling for the Broken Bow
Tho secretary or. state . wag or
dtred by " the. court to refrain
from including the name of the
Broken Bow man on the August
11 primary ballot
Under tho ruling ot Marsh an
nounced yesterday, tho
George W. Norris would have ap
peared twice on tho ballot for the
senatorial nomination. " 'Marsh
ruled tho filing received by man
at his office July i hearing post-
en naaa wea-aa-up i w va a-aasp wwuw -
marks of July 2 were legal not -
withstandlnr the time exoired at
midnight July 3.
" 'V- T . i- : ' - .-wt
Iceland Flight :
Ended by Graf;
t Lands in Storm
July 13. (AP) The Graf Zep -
uelln. concluding a smooth . Co -
sra inis is
hpur flight over Norway,' Iceland, pay off the. British, war debt,? ;
France and Switzerland, returned y Byhla estimate about $10.
to her hemd port toalght in a vlo 1 330,000.000 - was spent annually
lert storm that delayed her. land
j lng And caused sone anxiety for
her safety among watchers ,. on
the ground. -Krvy'r'
Tho : Graf was 'compelled
cruise over Lake' Constance for
about twenty minutes before
there came a lall in the storm,
Then she made a smooth landing
at - 7:22 n.' m. and 25 minutes
later waa safe la her heart?.
Ksveiv Tasted Alcchcl, endi
utliYed Beven-Vly2
but w nint vhmii
.-.3 VI
NEW TORK, July. ls(AP)
Zarti Agha, whose passport tor I
oieates ne.ia.iss . years old. set
tled , himself, luxuriously. " tn t a
Park avenue hotel tonight and j
prepared to enjoy the advantages.
aesthetic, scientific and 'economic,
of this young western world.
Agha landed . today .In ProTf-
denee-R. I., from Turkey and an-1
1 . . a"
nouncea ne was nere la see ana
0'efln",' American aaen-
tuts who might .care to pay fbr
tho prlTUege of obaervlna; a. man
who says he never tasted alcohol
la his Hfe,' ontllred 11 wives, be-.
eame a zatner xor tne sstn time
at the age of t,-and grew a
third set of teeth when he was
105. (That's his story and he's
sticking to it.)
There was some slight difficul
ty about his being admitted to
this youthful republic whose
birth, he claims, took place after
Agha, it developed, could
not pass the literacy-test.
Although he speaks three lan
guages, he could neither read nor
write in any of them.
tubs Down Offer
Of Flea Syndicate
But Agha explained to Immi
gration inspectors at Providence
that he Is really a Kurd. And the
Kurds, he said, have no written
language. So after ho had repeat
j w ITttiwIlmV ur Amen Ifnlietnmdu
dan prayers, had conversed in
Turkish with a government in
terpreter, and had Indicated he
(Turn to page 2, col 1)
uuiixiiu uuuiau
' ; . ' " --f- V - v
About 100 to Assemble in
Salem Today to Open
' Annual Convention
About a hundred are expected
to assemble in Salem today to at-
jUnd the convention t tho retail
furniture dealers of Oregon. This
Is second convention the organis
ation has held. The convention
headquarters are at the Hotel
Marlon and the sessions will he
held at the chamber of commerce
rooms. The program of . the day
will be as follows:
3:00 a. m. Call to Order,
Charles E. Anderson, chairman
convention committee.
"Welcome to Salem" Thomas
Ltvesley, Mayor, City of Salem.
Greetings from California and
Washington associations.
Response and president's mes
sage Herbert L. Stizx. -president
retail furniture dealers of
Oregon. '
"Unethical and Unlawful Adver
tising" Robert Mount, man
ager, Portland Better Business
"In or Out of tho Radio Bus -
loess" A. L. Shellworth,
ales manager. Sunset Electric
company.: .
"The Trend of tho Times- Al-
-l (Turn to page ,,coL ).. ,
Whistle Blast
Narrowed Down
To Track Ahead
CHICAGO. July 13 (API-
Some day perhaps, his locomotive
engineer may direct a pointed re
in tar It straight to tho ear of the
motorist facing aim to tho cross-
Railroad men talked ever tne
noise aituatton with the city
i health commissioner . today and
disclosed that engineers are de
veloping " a atraight . shooting
whistle that aenda 1U warnings
straight downtho traek uae a
gun instead ef exploding noise
all over the neighborhood.
i ... .
l Tian I riorxat7iC
I "Or
U. S. Luxuries
. TT71J D.. rtM
- trUUIUITiyiscui,
- -
LEEDS, Engv Jaly 13. (AP)
The Very Rev. W. - R. Inge,
4 i.rMr:
v. - ,DUl H UUlic MUW
known to all England as ."The I tence - will be pronounced Mon
Gloomy Dean" ot Stu- Paul's ca- J day. - -r U-f - M
thSdraL in a lecture at Weeleyanj , Burkhart. was charged with
conference hero today said that
1 wist Americans spent on luxuries
1 in the space of two years wouia
Jin the United States' on. smuse-
Jment elonev,
--(AP) Mrs. .William E. Zon-
I lin of New Tork and Mrs. H. c.i
l Peterson ot ? Philadelphia .today
won tho first , national women's
I pair championship :. ats contract
J bridge. -;
Fattier Admiisl'h
1 Zfercy Killing
Andrew L. Beers, 78, tn tho Bis
i trictJAttore7S offlco a Wal.
ton, JT. '.after admitting that
ho killed his tnralid diughter,
'Prances, 27, beeawao he feared
for ber fato alter bis deatb.
Capone Denies Claims He
Had Fallen Out With
Jake Lingle
CHICAGO. June 18. (AP)
The police know who killed Al
fred Lingle, Tribune crime re
porter, according to Scarf ace AJ
Capone, gang- ehieftain, as euot-
ed by a reporter who Interview
ed the notorious hoodlum in his
home at Miami.
.Capone denied imputations he
had broken with. Lingle, who, it
tm Msnavs 11 w eaneail wm m aaaea.
IM ujase; mi . .bvnwuouf w east nooea-
"toated by soma disgnntled rang-
' Iff the police had the informa
tion Capone Is quoted as saying
they had, they did not reveal it
Neither has any definite action
been taken except for the arrest
I In Los Angeles and Indictment
here of Frank Foster who bought
the pistol found by Llngle's side.
Foster . la due hero tomorrow
it.jtas never -been charged he
U mil snoi.'Be
before the grand Jury for aues-
Before this" same body Harry
Brundige the reporter who Inter
view Capone is also to appear to
tell what he knows ot the charges
made In the St Louis Star that
Lingle was not tho only Chicago
; newspaperman who had alliances
with crime and politics.
(AP) A unlet farewell was
spoken today over the body ot
Maurice Graham, veteran air mau
pilot, while around the flower
banked casket In the Wee jurx
o the Heather, Glendale. stood
those who flew with him in war
and neace. hia family and his
friends. ,v
As darkness settled over tne sir
port of the Western Air Express,
Alhambra, where for four years
Graham waa .the
premier puot.
1 Fred Keller roared a plane' down
I the runway, carrying tno nignt
man to Salt Lakolty and Gra
ham's ashes' back to theNrllder
nees " ot deserts " and mountains,
where be died." ' :
' The "widow requested the pilot's
ashes be scattered on tho winds
that buffet the night mail.
Graham flew Into the teeth of
a" bllszard when he took oft. at
Las Vegas, Nevada, last January
on the. last leg of hia night run
to Salt Lake City and was lost In
tho Kanarra moantain of western
Utah.?-;'... j:
. For more than stt months a
month lonrer than his piano was
hidden . on tha-ledre ' where ho
uoded It Graham's body Uy la a
eanyon 22 miles from Cedar City,"
UUh, while thousands searched.
It was zouna .weanesoay saix
miles front tho plane. ' .v-v-;!
- KJUliLy y IsAUlUUl i
. - 9 n r - '
(AP) William Burkhart.- 22.
bookkeeper, " waa V convicted - of
I first degree .a
Wperlor couHjiiry; which reeom-
j mended he hang for the shooting
iot hu wife.7 Anno VMcKnlght
I Burkhart. actress, JIaxch 2 4., Sen-
1 murderinr his wife, .from whom
the was estranged, after efforts to
i effect a reconcuxauon xauea. -
llation failed, v- i
SaveJ NoW With
Turn to page nine and yon
WlU find a good list of used
automobiles. This V is .the
timer to owy a car at a very
low price aaHl yoa will find
the dealers - adverUsins : In '
The Etatesmam are fair and
reliable. - ' .
Wordy Opponents Claim tio
Filibuster, Planned; rje-
fuse Agreement . :
Johnson end Smoot Engage
? In Jangle; . Cloture r
Threat lelcrup ri
(AP) The seaato headed into its
first night session tonight . with
treaty advocates determined to
exhaust debate by opponents of
the London nAval treaty .who re
fused finally today, to enter any
agreement for a limitation of dis
cussion. There were less than a doses
senators counted In the opposition
fold who have speeches td deliver
bat estimates as to when a vote
.would be reached ranged from to
morrow night to next Tuesday?
Senators Moses, repohllcan,
New Hampshire, and Johnson, re
publican, California, led the at
tack against the treaty today with
more than 40 on hand to wait
it out with the voluble foes.
Moses lashed out severely at
President Hoover and Secretary
Stlmson, head.of the American
delegation to London, complain
ing against their refusal to give
the senate all the papers relating
to the London parley.
Cloture Planned
Only la Emergency
"Before the session started to
day the band of opponents con
ferred over the 'situation created
yesterday when the senate leaders
threatened to adopt the cloture
rule abutting off debate-unless an
agreement was entered.
. The word came out of the
meeting -that "no surrender"
would, be made but some of the
foes, predicted the end of the
l.rurn to page z, col. ej
Talk of .4CommeciaIizing,
Never Occurred Says
Game Official
(AP) Harold Clifford, state
game warden, began his defense
to charges of inefficiency and in
competence today by reading to
t&e game commission a statement
of major accomplishments of his
administration during the past
three years. - He also entered, a
general denial of the charges
against him.
Clifford during cross examina
tion by John C. Kendall, counsel
for the sportsmens organisations
that have brought charges against
him and Edward Clark, chief de
puty, replied to allegations made
by J. Page Bond to the effect
Clifford and Clark had been over
heard discussing "favors for
Clifford said he had cone to
Clark's house to dlschts seining
bass from Columbia slough. He
said remarks about 22,000 may
have been made, but, if so, it was
brought Into the conversation by
Clark's 'asserting he must have
that income to support. his family.
Clifford admitted he may have
had a bottle of beer while at
Clark's -home but denied any dis
cussion oz reommereializing."
Schafer Judged-
Sane, Will Hang
Within 2 Weeks
8HELT0N. Wash.. July 18.
(AP) Twice before successful In
temporarily evading hanging tor
slaying Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kirk,
ranchers, nearly two years ago.
Alfred Jkhaf er today lost his third
and final attempt here to escape
the gaiiows. - -. . . ir-:
A commission of three doctors
found him, sane.- Superior Judge
jonn wiison said no would can
Schaxer In - court tomorrow - and
sentence him to bo hanged within
the next week or two. - -
Schafer, i apparently without
motive, shot Mr. - and Mrs- Kirk
through, an open window of their
ranch homo in September, 1328.
He originally was sentenced to be
hanged April 3,1323. .
Traffic Oiiice
I Luredib Death
f Trap on Highway
12.:- (AP) Charles W. Hunt.
22 traffic officer, was felled and
probably $ fatally wounded today
when occupants of a speeding au
tomobile hewas pursuing opened
Ore with a, machine gun. " -i
I Hunt picked up the trail of the
car on a tip received In', an un
signed letter that a gang of rum
runners would pass an outlying
intersection at a given ume. AU
thoritles believe the letter was
lure.. - "
.16 Years Ago
I " -:... .
Here is - the photograph of John
. MacDonald, published in Balti
more, M(L, which led to bis Ve-
eogniUon. MacDonald is tho
man who confeeeed In , 1021
that ' his . testimony; .against
Thomas 7. Hooacy and Warren
. K. Billings waa perjured. Moo-
ney is serving a life sentence
tn California for the Prepared
ness Day bomb outrage in San
Effort Made to Reopen Case
Before High Court as
MacDonald on Way
(AP) -Justices of the state su
preme court will decide Monday
whether they will reconsider as
an advisory pardon board for the
gorernor, the new petition for par-
aon lodged with them today en
behalf ot warren K. Billings, con
victed bomber. r ' r
Meanwhile l John MacDonald.
the witness 'Whoso .Identification
of Billings and Thomas J.- Mooney
is largely responsible for the life
prison sentences they are serv
ing, was on his way from Balti
more to repudiate before Califor
nia officials the testimony he gsve
here regarding the 131 1 prepared
ness day disaster.
Ten - people - were killed and
scores injured by the bomb explod
ed during a parade on Market
The supreme court Justices in
denying Mooney'sirst pardon po
tion July 4, held tho petition It
self prevented their going outside
of the trial record.
That point was met In the new
petition today, it being suggested
the entire ease be reopened "with
out any suggestion ot limitation on
the powers ef this court or the
scope of the Inquiry." A court
commission to seek new evidence
was suggested and as early a hear-
: (Turn. to page 2, coL I)
The Salem T. M C. A, free em
ployment office sent In tho first
IB. working days of this month
up to Thursday evening, a total
of 13 57 men and women to Jobs.
This is about the record for
this office for a similar period,
excepting in one or two years
when hop and prune . picking
eame together. ; ; v- si
Sim Phillips, who . many months
ago submitted to a major epera-
tlon and was a long time in gain
ing strength, has been in charge
of the of fle "during that period.
ana his . znenus. win be glad to
hear that he is standing up well
under the strain of the rush
times he is having; ' '
This office serves, without cost
to men seeking work' or. those
wantiBf workers; a .'Wide terri
tory; and Is performing - a com
munity serriee that is remark
ably, beneficial to everybody la
an. a . a -a- . .!.. - t .:
tms secuon.
h mm
Ppisbnei ot 15 Husbands
Not Found; All Mistake
- JACKSON, Mis, July. 18.
(AP) County, officials were con
vinced tonight' tho' story told by
a stranger to a'county sheriff that
a prominent Harrison county wid
ow waa Belle. Gunness, who years
ago poisoned 13 husbands on her
farm near Laporte, InW was er
roneous and the affair was a case
ot mistaken Identity. ;. 4 4
. The sheriff and deputies went
to the widow's farm today but
learned the woman was in Peoria,
111. They learned she was promin
ent socially in Gulrport where she
had beea known for yearsf.; f
When friends heard the torf
they became Indignant and gave
her history for the last it years,
dispelling all suspicion . ef any
connection between the woman
and Belle Gunsess.
; On Investigation is was learned
the Harrison county sheriff had
Dead Will Mount. Into thi
liuuui yuoyr iiiuiyat&u in .
: Meager Reports IS ' :
Whole VUlage . Buried br .
landslide oji Island jn :
- N. W. Japan " :
,; '." -'. ---,' ''' . ' .' . ' " - :
T O K T 6, : July. 1 8 ( AP) . '
Swirling out of the western Pa-
rain storm of . cyclonic ' propor-
tlons slashed its wsy today screes -the
Loocoo Islands - and Klushla '.'
in southern Japan and then swept,
unabated northwestward aerees . "
Korea, leaving , widespread desth
and damage in its wake.
Ships were smashed and sunk
houses collapsed and landslides- -,
caused by the gale and downpour :
that ripped across the Korea
strait at one" hundred " mtles an
hour, v ';
; One -report said a vUlago ot Sf t ,
on iuusniu lsiana naa oeen our- -led
- in a landslide loosened ay .-
tne. rain, xne governor 01 raga
sakl prefecture said many - ships -in
Nagasaki harbor had capsise
with an undetermined number el
casualties. Several bodies were
recovered after the storm passed.
A Rango dispatch from Fuse. '
Important Korean seaport, said v
the storm struck there st noen,
crushing buildings and causing a v
panic, continuing inland undimia- - .
Authorities Fear
Hundreds Killed
Even tonight, hours after tho '
peak of the typhoon had pssseeV
only fragmentary reports were
available from the stricken re
glons, due to disrupted commas- .
lcatlons and confusion. But the
authorities piece! these reports
together and estimated the dead 1 '
would run into the hundreds .in
southern Jspsn and Korea, v No
definite estimate of damage was '
possible, but it was considered , '
the worst typhoon in 40 " years.-
Eieetrio light plants on Kiueh
u Island were put Out of cen.
mission . and the people were :
without; lights aad newspapers .
tonight. rirrv;.-..:--; ' '
Aside . rrom : Koresn . . towns, -
whence reports were lacking; It
asskL Kagoehlma, ; Fukuoka,' Ko-
kura, Jumamoto. . Omuta ' and
Mojl bore the bruat of the storm.:
The home ministry anxious! j '
awaited further details.
ROSEBURO, Ore- July 18 ,
(AP) District Attorney Guy
Cordon said tonight J. W. Hanua.
70, had told him he shot sad
killed Urban Barett. .l, in eelt .
defense after an argument ; over :
tne measurement oz a waeai neiej -on
a small mountain, farm la a
eshvie. atsajeffAva a sTVhnertftai annntw
today. Officen brought him t
Roseburg. ' ':.- ....r. v;-'
.. - Barrett and Hatom leased .tha
mountain farm last falL Hamsa
told officers, and had no troahio
until ' todsy. Recently they en
tered Into an agreement for the
sale of - their - steading wheal
This morning Barrett began pre
paring a tape for measuring tho
field and Hamm objected on the '
grounds they had been offered a..
flat price and th work was, us
, Barrett became enraged, Hamsa
said, and attacked Hamm. Hamm
eluded him but realised he' would
be unable to escape Barrett, de
scribed as a large muscular maaw,
Hamm ran to his bunk, seized a.
28 calibre ' automatic pistol aad"
fired three shots. ' Then he noil
fled . officers aad waited at the ,
cabin until they arriTed- .
(AP) Gorilla Jones, negro wes
terwelght from '.Akron, : Ohio,
knocked out Bucky Lawless. Sy
racuse. N. T'ln the ninth' roan
of their ten round , bout hero to
night, . ;- I-' ' -
acted at tho retueet of the IUa4
county sheriff who said he ha
been prompted by a stranger earn
ing into his office and telling hiss
ho had recpnlzed the widow &sr
Belle Gunness. on whose farm ko
had worked about 20 years ag
The report got out. when tao.
Hinds county sheriff wlredte asA
Laport,' InduuthoriUes.if ;.Be!e
Gunness was wasted there.
The Laporte officials interpret
ed the message to mean the woi .
an was under arrest and gaTe t'.l-
the Informatton.HC'""' -. -Belle
Gunness was supposed ta
ham been burned tor death w!k
her farm home was destroyed 13
fire, started If a farm hand, wr
died in prison while serving a m
tence for - the" crim? conmit'
about 20 years ago. i: Hva t!: i
be alive Bells Cu&ac s cu:i t S
11 years oil.
; f aund In the water at hia feet.