011? nnt ltritfoa iW fke :j ,T . WEATHER ? " Fair today and Thursday, monoal. teinperatre(.lJBii; dlty low; Max. .Temp; Tm , 4ay raMim. 42, north 1d, . . BWU Mdiaf Jim SO, le ; "vl? 6.677 ; TV i i viWuit'Mi pan tsu p. FOUMDCD 1851 EIGIXTIETII: TEAR - m i ' ts . ' t ..... - f --p . ! " "" T V -v J- - i L 1 FflCIOIiEi BtffifflOOT 1 Q. Odell . Lake . Recreation Area Imperiled as ' Flames., - ' " Near Skyline, - . I Veary Force is Rushed iri T From Sisters Region - i r" Without Rest ; BEND. Ore. July 15- TAP) WJtoout pausins for j Test; 100 weary fires fUhtere tonlf at fwere kurryin aonthward toward atakr lakf aouaUhC a foot peak near the , loath boundary ef . the . Deaute national forest, where a lire, 1 peueTed ; - under -1 control, leaped tcroei . tb i restrainint trencbe and roared up the moun talnaide toward Odell lake, one Of Oregon's noted recreation center. 4 - A brisk wind whipped the fUme onward and forest .fans-erg feared the fire" would race across the- Oregon skyline and sweep In to the timber along Odell lake. The. fire, had been completely trenched last night but today It spread rer the trenches and mor ed up the mountain on a steadily widening front. Rangers said a wind from the jmta will drire the , fire Into 4 rlrjln stand of yellow pine. In the Hammer Butte area. Mt. Washington . . .-A Blase Away AgaJa , " Reports, rere receired late to day the Dugont lake fire In the Sisters district and east of Mount Washington apparently had brok en orer the trenches ones more. Lookouts said great tlouds of s amok were rolling up from Dug out spring district but It was be llred the northwest wind v was -driving the fire toward the Bel knap crater fire beds. The fire west of Bend, which destroyed about 00 0 acres of timber since Saturday,-' ; was trenched tonight but still '.was considered dangerous. Hen were drawn from the front and sent to the Maklaks mountain . fire but about 25t fighters were left to patrol the firs lines west ef here. Job Seekers Held . - Incendiaries SeTenteen of the - forest-"f"i repomd from 'Josephine eountyL cecenuy. were set by prospectors or persons who are seeking -Jobs fighting fires, according to Infor mation receiyed at the of fleet ot Lynn CronemiUer, state forester.; Twelre of the fires were dls corered la a single day. Crone miller said, and apparently had been started within a radius of .a few. mftea, Firs additional fires were reported In the same Tielnity on the following day. : . ' .Cronemlller said that most of these fires had been .extinguished er were under controL; Reports receired by the ' state forested Tuesday : Indicated ,that . sereral largo fires are still raging in the Bend eountry, with less serious fires reported in : other ? parts ef the state. In most of the timber ed counties maximum patrols are now in serrice. - x ; KARASICK WISS . ASTORIA, Ore- July 15. - (AP) Al Karaslck. the roaring lion of 'wrestling, defeated Abe Coleman in a main eTent wrests ling boat here tonight. They are light aearywelghts. - " ' CHARGED :..-- PORTLAND. Ore-Jn,Iy II,. : (AP) The state; game commls- slon today opened the public hear - - lags of charges of laxity bf sd - mUistratlon JSrontht "against ' Harold JL ' Clifford, , state gams warden; i and; E. H. Clark.' chief . deputy, tr:m-:- . The preecution. backed vhy ' five -, sportsmen's . organizations, presented .Maynard Cole, chair man ot the law enforcement com mittee of the Multnomah Hunt ers and Anglers clnb, as Its chief 1 witness. .Cole charged Clifford , ' and Clark, failed - to co-operate with bis organization nntll a year . ago, and said Clifford seldom was In his etflce but that he left hla - secretary1 in charge.- - Larry Lucas. lower Rogue river gnlde and hotel owner, told the commission that in one trip from his home at Agnes. Ore., to the " month of the Rogue river he had counted lt set nets. He" Said set nets and tlsh law violations: were ,: every day sights on the Rogue. . "t POTJLTRTMAN HELD ' 2 m ROSSBTJRO, Orev,-July 1$. - tAFI Boyce .FTose, Melrose poultryman, was arrested today en charges ox manufacture and sals of liauor After Sheriff V, T. Jaeon, assisted by stats and ' federal prohibitloa . oifieershgd V' discovered a still on his property.' The officers found 20 9 gallons of -; rw yi t?01" t l!?uor, and a - ' i? 'gallon. t'tr-X: -1 still u lccita.ia' a pen ' :-hder:the ccacrete Coor'-ot tit ' trooier ksiue. The brooder stave - , v;s- set la a ecsxreta base which L f ..U J perfectly into- the only r- trerfcg lata' the room below. Ao v - t-i .ta tts rtill was gained by ' " ' i' i - i -iv and : co-tti baa -wlli tlck and tackle. Huston Defies r The members of the eiecnUre committee of the BepnLUcait party arie shown as they appeared in spe r dal session In the capital, Washington, D.jO, to deddo the fate of their ehalrsoaaw CJaadioa" Hostoa, wi ham been bitteriy flgiitia mttrmptm of the pacty leaden -to 'foawe-kia irwlgifilmii; ! thm arumi ' , left to right: Will B. Wood, . B. Kutt, jr.' Hatt Chilton, cauUrwan Hnstoo, George rW. Moses, raianiei jfi. romeroy.'si. fTancia Half of: Producers i Already : Achieve v"B": Rating, r y X Inspector Says V "-. ' ' ii'i j : Already orer- half the - milk producers In the county hare earn ed a Grade B rating on thelr-mUk for pasteurizing, following substi tution of the new milk ordinance for -the old, states J. E. Blink horn, county dairy and - food in- ": Bllnkhorn Is spending a good deal ot his time in the field new because of the new ordinance and inspections attendant upon seeing that it goes Into effect all over as quickly as possible. Requests for relnspectlons, after the producers hare followed np the Inspector's first recommendations, are coming in thick, and Bllnkhorn is trying to make the second trips as rap idly as possible; "'. Lwupcrauun wreav By a early Jul Vlrtuanr all the milk nrodueera 1 are coo per axing 'a hundred v per cent In complying with- the .new ordinance, the inspector says. The " greatest -change that has been nec essary la construction of the sepn aratebulldlng-stiuplated !iMb -Mutta-' -2-..;.,,:. , .j:unkhorn says he Is allow -V- ..r - ,'- each nrodneer a certain leeway lnUonnty that moatbf their toia.a jeg la not Considered ser- aiiHh, Vh itlml n, 1nn1ia ment, ; but that - in another two weeks he hopes to hare all plants working w,Uh the ordinance. UBT HE PLAYED II ; HOLLYWOOD, CaC Jnly 16- (API Rudolph Schlldkraut. Cfi, one of the great -actors two 'dec ades ago la the Jewish theater of Europe and later a celebrity in Biblical pictures of - the screen. died nere today: in the . mwst oi his film career. - His was -a place :' In -the thin ning ranks' of great aetors-ot the ter century,' hare seen the adyent mAtin. Mni-M tMtni art of it, and later using talenta de - veloned brilliantly . by : the stage. have been Tecmited to give life to filmdom's newest child, the talkie. - ,r" - J SU M Harold Clifford Attacked Brooder Hidta Eij- StO 1- Convict Is Brought Here , -Cancel Orders For Tlta. .ItOHBED DRUG STORE. CORVALLIS: - Ore., labr A K. . t API r Deontv Sheriff . Carl Schelemaa and Earl Hamphrey,! Rcntnn Mnnfv tMfrtA rArriMm-w I day took Harold Conner. 22. Cor- vallls, te the sUte penitentlarr to hecin aarvinc n fonr rear een - tenee ' for - robbing a Philomath 4.. itnM - ... --.-.J Conner r was convicted 1 daring r Us.ss-s.sn ; aem ax : -m ' V Jumped bail and was not appro - was arrested In Bend. LEFT ON MILLS HANDS EUGENE. Ore.. v jaiy 1 (AP) Cancellation" ot orders for reargues: w i lr.!! Br I?f,an-: ui uiuii . uw, luiuii auu iw shlnment darlne Jl n am. ww annJlSed'Vodl?4 ti?& n. PaMfU a.i" c v. ....n.(un .m. in Hay whenUhe company sald v.. ..... M uv. Mt. In July. Orders Were ready tor shipment In Jane but the mills received Instructions to hold mem until July, ir.- -. ae bum mar itib unu for some time awaiting borders The mills hare been slut down hundred carloads of ties would be oft atc tiai . AjVa ap fia Mm. panya acuon. ' - ISSSIXQ 1IAX FOUND " IXOOD EIVER. Ore July -15, (AP) - VUlar Zurn-sX: Cea-! tralla, who wandered a-xty xrc;i Lis camp near here llonday cidnx- ins, was found today by a. rarty of-Crag Rats:-": - -. , .-JuUfXlah was: seated tslcre small camp fire whesrfound and seemed to be'dazed.'., :-, - Ha HI 'cone.-ta-tltHatst GiO. P. Committee5 Cnrke and Earl B. Klnalerr. - - - 1 GdfBdlsGetYct, ThenClcbs.Cciiy, ("; - . F'mdly Gclicr, too 5 WHITE S U I P-H TJ B SPRINGS, W. Vsv, Jarrlow (AP) William Chapim bit three- straight balls into the water haaard at the 18Ur bole of the43ree Brier golf course today; and It -made Wm plemty mad. ;; . ; 'Plcklnjt im the remainlig balls, he threw tbem law Next be pitched -in his clubs.- His golf bssj followed. Chapin's - caddy: snickered so Chapia tossed him. : Cbaptn then .- Jumped In himself and rescued baa, elmbs, bag and caddy. 1 : . The largest , payroll tor road work In Marlon county erer mads in one month was completed yes-1 " ons; snown . ny i at k k AAakA ' - thA AJfc a - AlMaa i the fact that the county , clerk turned to the state Industrial acci dent commission - a check - tor $tOSi4l. representing share : of the payroll retained for the work- r men's compensation act V, v "6Ix hnndred and sixty-nine men arAfa nTiTn,M nil tttm MUltMtarflla 1 KAYTOH renrasantina IZT.BII.II. l Tne payrou was ainaea as foP-1 lows: Road maintenance kndf constrno- tioa. lie mea. llt.015.ll: en- glneerins. n men. ; Sl.ffS: f er- rice, en! man. tie: hubdias erection, 11 men. t itT ! sand andraVel plts!m'm" : machine shoos, vain men. 1471 87 traffle officer "one Tman tlil:brtdses; ii till; bridges, l men, $tSS. a5 "E lnf flculties orer the- surrey ot ithe North Santlam highway route 1 through one end- of Detroit will I llkelr be Ironed out easily enough. 1 members of the county court who visited the site yesterday reported last night. 1 , , -. - -, i ' The-court made. the trip np there. to see what was what after a delegation ef land. owners along I ' -t- I ,V las xouie cam sera atonuay. wtua grievances In- the main, the' land- 1 owners held that they had net been I allowed sufficient damages ' for their-property. especially la" view tot the fact that the proposed high I way takes an S O-foot right-of-way. Following the conference yester - day with property owners along nu. rai Mill DISPUTE DQUT the section in e.uestloni it was evt- i r t ? c nter In the hangar here to dent that the owners "Jtndrco t L - - " - wonld reach , an amicable setu- I menL v - . - -r Making. the trip np tnera xor the BBroose were County Judge J. i CS. Siegmttnd,;ammiaaic I Smith and John Porter and Conn - 1 y Boaumasier jrrana: jonnaon. r; F President Cuts I . 1 HlS V RCD.TIOH ' tO Two Weeks Rest tWASHINGTOlC Jalj' 15 API President Hoover has f otMnar nnnlinatlnr the two i ; - . . . I weeks of the average citizen ana th.me; In the I northern Rockies. ' secretary1 te I the. wraaldenL. amnenneed; there f 5ef5h"nikIilr J2l I the president wonLf make the trinl late in August er early September "soieiy xor the purpose ox an out- door holiday and rest. , - J.;-" - a- - ' . ... v UQfllQIl SCOClCl : : i Q otUZCtfPItUll I 2 . j- 1 PTaiii itavm naoit mii ii nt American 'Legion posts of Salem and ylcln!ty .t3 charter sleeping cars and ga to the state cenven- tn at r.aker telta a treciai train, -. r,a -f r---i exrected ta concentrate hera a.nd ioin with Ealen in makia cp r-rty of 1C3 cr ." nsra . isrsons. That large a crowd will insure an cfneclallv low railway fare, the - BITS SI100T UP Bank of Willmar Looted by Uachinfr'Gun Party;. 2 : -Women f Wounded WIIXMAR, -Minn.. July IS (API Fire machine run ban-1 dlts. moting swiftly In a well I planned. raid, descended on the! bank of Willmar lodnr. shot no I the town in a fashion remlnia-1 cent ot the James gang, wound-1 Hon, t conclusion ot Heed s a.u ed two women, one probably fa- dress, engaged him in one of the tnllv and cmm4 with SSO.DOo after exchanging shots with dM6""6-" Johnson demanded the liens. . . I text of the first American pro- more than 100 ,shots jrere fired I by the bandits and many more by oiHuni ti Ant vAm amu Ues were the two womenmoth- Th1 JW embodied the de er and H,.rhtAr wrmrm Imand of the Americans for a new 1 i. w t-.i vM I as the robbers spedont of town? The drirer of the bandit car ap parently was wounded in an ex- of .hot w.. nrm from behind the wheel. Physicians tonight held little hope f or recoTBry of one of the Tlctlms, Mrs. Emil Johnson who was shot through the arm and In the chest as she walked aJong the sidewalk with her daughter. Mrs. Doaaid GUdia. Mrs. GUdia - also was shot, - bat the hniut -.woTir '" uniy etgnt muutes wars eceu-1 ... . pieo oy tnree nanaits u gather A .ta $lfr awsmnie oonas aner in- tomers U the bank while two oth- T -wlta machine guns held a t r . T ""e mo uxree gunmen intne era ana uie tumi, tneir eompan-latter Fred WeaTOt,;" bridge work ions on the outside kept- the I sr. renorted when he returned to crowd cowed by an occasional bis camp he found a man" prowl burst of their weapons. Sam Er- lag about the tent. The Intruder ana, oil station employe, tried to was hatlesa and wore a--: blue snipe one of the machine . gun- shirt ' and in general - answered hers from behind the pennjt scale, it was oeuered to nare been his shot which struck the drirer as the robbbers were about to go. ; In making their exit from the I hank . building ' the three used 1 George Robbins, Ties president. I and Mary, Walker, a customer as 1 shields from possible attack by J the crowd which had gathered at (the alarm. I TACOMA FUCLD. Tacoma. Wni 1 July i$ (AP) Preparations for i two trans-Padflo flights continn- J ..The City ot Tacoma ; was I brought out for another speed test i early tn -the afternoon, .but'tne lair was mushy r and "Harold round trip flight to Portland, Cre, juatu toe-air was eooier. Aviacors wno cnecxea ui air saia . am heavy monoplane would be in danger, of cracking np It Brom- ley tried to take off in the "mushy" atmosphere above " the field. - '. Harold Wark changed the plans for additional gasoline tanks : for hla "Paeifie Era. Ha ordered two l tanks. One to be put la the cabin and one under the ' cabin; '" The "Xh&7 tank" will be dropped when I it fa ne longer needed, probably i - , ,411.1 I over juuninaiaa, aa aaiu. uu I will nahleth. plane make a greater jncreaae ui - tha last of 1U flight. Seals Beat StlCS wCoio wow AsLIoonlitTUt "Goes 11 Innings . SACRAMENTO. . - July .,'11 f API Starinr a two run rally In the 11th Inning on two doubles and a pair, or amgies rranefceo Esals tonight teat the I c.mmonl n, CAlAni In ma Tirxx. night gime 'of the second talf, to 4 The score was' tied at, the erl ot tie ninth, to d. but In the i nth Donovan doubiea, ..v.iaro mf - .TiV.TDJ a cTip11 an : alok l tingled to bring across thi "win a I nlng runs.. n - Can Francisco vl7 Sacramento .'.. . . . 4 12 s ttii ' - CSkCnj rrcitas, PilEPIE 1 MCE CLASH tlulflS PIT DEBUTES Advocates ? oty Naval Treaty V;Rest Case .Following U " V .' ' Delegate's Talk " . McKeilar; Offers Two More 1 Reservations But their ' yApproval Unlikely WASHINGTON. Joly 15 (API I -AdTecatea of the London natal treaty dosed their case before the sonata today with' an exposition of I th agreement by Senator. Iteed; republican, Pennsylraala, one ot i the delegates, and. tonight leaders were .looking : forward confident ly to a final rote on: the pact. Next Tuesday has been suggest ed for a date to Tote but there were no- understandings -' and the determined band . of . opponents were cracking away at the treaty . - V . 1.1 . Lwiut consiaeraoio ammuniuon in store. Senator Robinson., republi can, Indiana, led. the attack, with , a three hour speech today. . The Reed speech was heard by the -largest attendance thus far during the special session. The opening roll call showed 90 mem bers present. Others arrtted dur- ling the day, -virtually eliminating fears of treaty adrocates that lack of a anonim might break np the session. - Senator Johnson, republican, California, leader of the oppo si- imosi spiniea ot uieir muv ex- Iposal submitted to London. Reed prompuy suomutea n. lP" "f8 ICxivmtered, Word warBDiy. Biunson asia vui MAS - A V S was "! r.tradiB ol?r Ones more Johnson and Reed slashed Orer the papers relating to - the London conference which President HooTer has declined to (Tarn to page z, eoL 1) (AP) Sheriff T. Masa and a posse tonight were heating tne srua in in Ticuuir bridge for Charles If aler. Canby farmer, who Monday shot and " Andrew Nelson, la dispute orer-.a cow., - The search was eoneentrateo the eountry near the bridge j Meier's description.' When Wea- I rer approached the man turned I and ran Into the 'brush. I Offleers beUere the Intruder I was Maler who had eome - in I search of f ood and probably was I seeklnr a change of clothing to 1 enable him to escape. The man I was unarmed'. - Wearer v said. j When Maier disappeared he ear- rled the powerful rifle he used in the alarlnr. The theory . Maler . has - killed himself is losing strength. Off I eers believe bis body wonld have been, found If he had shot him self: A coroners lory today- return ed a verdict saying Nelson met death : from av bullet fired by scaisr. ! ' I i MRTLAND; Ore July II. w i ar iss new lnierpretanon i ut nmou rw ncvuuj uapiw by the JleW Tork boxing, eommis- slon was given a try here tonight In the lo. round fight between Fred Lenhart. Ill, Spokane, and iar crown, ass, a'nuaaeipnia, in 1 which Lenhart was glTeifKhe de i eision. I - -- In the eighth round, after seven I slow and uninteresting rounds. I Lenhart fell ' through the ropes seemingly in pain from a low I blow. Ho was given three minutes ran ana uen um usm want ou. After fallingfrom teged low - - . . 1 ww wauifk eut ISui than at any previous time. He won ithe decision although, neither box er was badly hart or etnnped at any time. ' Battling sum took a six roana I decision over Frankie warnexe Both are of Portland. Galen Has Huge 'i. 4. i; - . . nLLENA. "Mont.? July 18. I IIP 1 A Ifvart T riBlan - aaauiarA justice i of the .supreme i court, pulled steadily away from O. H. p,; Shelley, Red Lodge publisher. m returns available at mianignt 1 In that tu rfnr tha rennhlican 1 nomination as United States sen- aior. - ..-...- --. h B Galen more than doubled ".the 21 vote on his; opponent la 12? eeat- 2 tered precincts of 1,413 in the I t.z9. The crtt stood: Galea M0M8SE Ml B IS Fill PUB Villametiedlley To Benefit ih Rai I Order of I. CC. Allowing Roads to Meet Water Competition Favorable in That-Increara for Inland Points Denied; Experts Say - ' ' . - ' i j " ORDER of the interstate commerce commission allowing Pacific coast railroads to meet steamboat competition in rate charges, will result in substantial reductions in rates to intermediate points along the Southern Pacific lines in Ore- gon, according to A. F. Harvey, rate expert for the public service commission, O Campaign WorkerSaJs An Office Holders Were In Deneen Camp - CHICAGO. July 16 (API- Testimony, that the largest con tributor to- the senatorial cam paign of Ruth Henna- McCormlck w" sfcaenca w. York broker and classmate ot the late Senator. MedilT McCormlck, I was giron ran ronas .inTBsugawng commuiee i-1 day. I The witness was Lucius Wtt-1 son, president of the voters Pro-1 tress club, who said Allen gavel $20,600 to the elub In Mrs. Me-1 RUTH HIM VI Si . "' . ' - Comtek's behalf. He was ques-lsibie tloned about the expenditure or I $44,(00 by the club In the Chlca. I can . say, howerer, that the ded go eamnalgn' last spring,' when Ision Js a tlctory for western Ore- Mrs. McCormlck defeated Senator gon communities Intermediate be Charles S. Deneen for the repub- tween San Pranclseo andPort Ucan senatorial nomination from land, and that substantial rate re niinois. " ' - dnctlons may be expected to re- Wilson said he had organized I the elnb and solicited the funds I from friends and relatives of Mrs. McCormlck in the hope ef Inter esting the average citizen In her campaign. He said he and several other admirers of "Mrs. McCor ; mlck took it upon themselves to assist her race against Deneen and that the expenditure of $44 K00 Was a small amount compar ed to- the amount of public funds "used In behalf ot Senator Deneen. The witness said he knew ot at east 'i.vvw - ieaerni appointees and employes ttt'Cook eounty whe had used their time to carry on Deneen's campaign and he ffi4 "A lf? JUh be worth - -only $S a day ' that wh. wuiiwwi v made at least $5,000 a day or m.tOO a month: - of. public funds used in behalf ef the sen ator." -": , ' Wilson is president of the general organization company ef Chicago, ho said his task - was made harder because he found nta. ftn.l.aaa mmm . In. sv. A . 1 1 1 behind Senator & . ,vi.v. wuY Deneen in Chi- eago.' TfiNDON. Jul - IS fAPl MOSLEM WD ID F1CES Wftll Calcutta dispatches to the DaHy Bmndlge; St. Louie Star corre MaOay XpVrted riStog spndent, asking him to name the tweealoslems and Hindus in Chicago and aaaram Bnrat itail aaanmed . serious aspect over an area of " i : more than ISO v; square - miles; ganj y ; - - -r t Four persons were killed and two wounded during rioting Mon day at.Jlymenslngh and franUel appeals for help have been recelv - ed from KlskorganJ," forty , miles trom- the former city. Every available soldier in the district Is being-went 'there. .nled in, sympathy with victims af r. The force at Kiskorganf la said td be a mere bandfuL According to the If all's Caleutu eorrespon - dent the outbreak of rioting wsl premedlated and well organized. , I It started Friday at Klskorranl. A hnre moh of Moalems anrxannd - d ths hnnna of a. Rlnda tnnnfrr I,nn,K ilomiiidliir nlMu peasant's bond worth tbout lift and offering about $S5 In pay ment. The money lender refused and the mob looted and burned -his house severely beating its occu pants. Two other Hindu money lenders were treated in a- similar i fashion UVO viuouuhu , fit CiJl?IfI vi Mr Calais Jf ALBANT, . OrC ". July ' 15 i ! (AP) The six year old BOH Ralph Groves ot SodavHlev wss crushed to death under e load -of 43?? w a irucx MlO us wiuannu mw today.;: r ::r". The boy had accompanied ' his father and - unobserved Jhad wan dered' behind the1 truck; where he was eanght by the logs. . j- MAT Si G RATTAN WXS - KALAMAZOO. Mich.: July IS -.fAPl-arav XL Orattani daueh- ter of Calumet Grattan, won the sixth renewal ot the great Amerl- can racing dsrlj la four grueling t:iLt. at Eccrtttlza rark tsoy.luuuauoa ta uov. zca- . , . n Jiairey said It might not be necessary for the rath-cads to re duce their port terminal rates to Portland, but. that the water com petition would . result from that prorislon ot. the order requiring that Intermediate rates be held to a maximum of not more than 100 per cent above charges to ports. In case the terminal rates are re duced further . benefit "would : ac crue to intermediate points. Harrey. declared that still fur ther benefits would be felt la ease the 'railroads establish the same port terminal rates at Seattle as at Portland. V- . William P. Ellis, traf He attor ney of Samm, who represented the Western Oregon Traffic asso- eUUon. composed ot many west- ern, Oregon chambers of corn- lAPM n.-t.. i. 1. ca8 of the nroaa, wMcB aoaght t0 nM watM ompeUOon In rate charges, issued the following statement in connection with Tuesday's decision of the tnter- state commerce commission. "Without any opportunity- to examine the decision. It is lmpos- to say what effect the rates will hare on western Oregon. I raIt from a compliance with the interstate commerce commission decision. - 'This Is particularly true as to (Turn to page 2, eoL .Yar"'- - - -s w - a " " Sicf. ra 'KEY FIGURE iEn i imrmn jt-- r t lXL ZZ lISZZ ;StiSK-tC I . .mtiAt M. I rntuced by the DaLy N.w. to! lda - r aa a nomlhla ky flrure In tka Lingle murder case. Newberry Is one ot the i many gangsters reported to have been seen near the corner of. Randolph street and Michigan boulevard at the moment Jake Lingle, Tribune reporter, was shot to death. He has aiso seen namea, ,Tne nowi d. as leader of tho gnn I . . . . . . . . mm . . i men, wno tnee io aui jsck z.nia and In the fusllade slew a street car motorman and . wounded- an other bystander. Press reports have mentioned Newberry as the possible victim ot gang killers. Putting its theories together. The News said Its Infor mation on' Newberry's recent act ivities - substantiated the belief George Moras gangsters plotted the death ot Lingle because of his alleged friendship for Al Capone. The county grand Jury t tele- igrapnpo an invitation to uarry i. preseni Tesumony ne may mti w I mIw, m .A.AftfMi, la ffTn1MA ir ,T s-f-f 7ri Strike Riots ALEXANDRIA, Egypt, July IS 1 AP) At ; least .14 . persons I were killed and probably 250 tn- I tured Is. riots' which accompanied I a general strike here today call- t recent- pouueai disoraers at atan- sonrah and Bilbeis., . v A . 1 The authorities tonight - were attempting to clear the tasuaKy list. One report said eight Euro- 1 peans had .been killed. 1 r - ;"' 1 . I . J &K.UX fUUtTX- I .: - MUUmaVIIJiK. W. M. JUiT l-(AP) F B. Tjndall, awy p- lot from Langley Held, Vs., was killed when his plane crashed near here tonight. , .y: Cdl itornia f KcBonal U ' - ; BALTIMORE, July 1S-(AP) Plana tor the return of -John i McDonald to California to teU au thorities he lied when he testi fied at he . trials of Thomas ' J. Mooney and Warren 3J Rinir rs VII,.. tv. Y- Itfl lua m icy wuueoa.. im kv . lug of i 1 1 i In Can - Francisco, were In a nebulous state tonight. though the coast state has ex- B --fliun.,,! JiTr,v penses. . j J' V. :'r'- -Gov. C.1 CToung pledged the funds In a,; telegram received by Stats Attorney IlfcVbert IT- O'Con nor today in answer to a wire from Charles Ruzlcka and Hilary Gans, McDonald's attorneys eiaca his arrest here Friday. O'Con nor transmitted the. wire to tis i attorneys eutu they- refuse 3 to I make a statement declarl2t their J proposed action when CiZzl. I would be given O'Connor ior ec LGOQERGi' SPAN PflOJECT ORB ATTACH U L A.v Scheclaf Files ' Suit Asking injunction : ' ' Against City Damages to His Property Result of Trespass , a Planned, Claim" - - - -- - . ' Injunction broceedinxa aaaiaaa ' the city of Salem which may tie op construction ot the North Ceei-. . mercial street bridge were filed Je. . circuit court here late yesterday, by L. A. Scheelar and. hla wife,' Blanche I. Scheelar. v vy ; ., . The Scheelars set forth In their complaint seeking the injunctiee. to restrain the city from erection . bridge and approach which wonM extend orer their - property, -that' such, const ruction would do Jrr palrable damage to their propartr, : Contract for construction of the North Commercial bridge was let, at the council meeting July 1 ie -James R. Hugh, local contractor; -at a price ot $15 52. Constructs -was scheduled .to start as tecs thereafter as possible. .-. Claim Trespass Will Damage Property : r ; ' I Tho Scheelar. property.:' ma-. ttoned in the complaint on -whir . the anto wrecking plant stands; Just beyond the turn on the west side1 of North Commercial street in the 1100 block. The complaint seeking the In unction cites that that Uy ie about to and threatens to' en t upon and trespass upon said prep . erty of plaintiffs, and to ceo- , struct bridge and approach te said bridge upon tho plaint mi property, action which unless e stralned by this court will ca rrepairable Injury and damage te property ot the plaintiffs." . . The Scheelars seek oraer, uae- eordtng to the wording of the com- . plaint, ("CranUng temporary in junction restraining ana enjoinHsg said city of Salem from enterinc . upon, trespassing and construct- ( ln-bridae and approach to eafcl bridge on property of plaintiff ' unlesa defendant shows ranee : therefore." ' . t . Permanent Order - Also Is So-sght - Seeklnr ta make the Jnlunctlen. permanent, the complaint further "prays -for; an eraer graaung. a , permanent injunction restraining and enjoining the defendant there-: from and that the plaintiff recover costs and' disbursements in, the ease." . - v.- V' '- ; ;- ' - M. B. Harden and H. L. Creefcr. are representing the plaintiffs. No action was Uken on tb complaint yesterday inasmuch em It was filed just as the clerk s et flce closed , tor the day. -, BERLIN. July A Germany"' tonight .. replied faver- Sly to the memoranSnm ot Fer SM Mlhlster Briand ot Franan ; .. mmmwamm---mmmMmmmmMMmmawm. apeaania proposing the creation ot s -tsn. ed States ot Europe or European federal union. " . - ;-. f , Eqnality ot all states and equal , security for each are emphaelwd In the reply. ',-"' . - Like Italy, ; Germany, expresee are not members ot the league anxiety that European states that nations, speclflcaly Russia And Turkey, should be Included In the union, and that European eooper- ; atlon generaRyAhouid,berm6e 1 Independent; of military guaran tees.ot security. rr" ' In sum, the reply made It clear Germany . welcomes the " f edeixl . i . union Idea', and desires dlscusstm. i of the whole plan at. the league , , assembly meeting In September. 'XS DISABLED VETS CTJEST8 '-J ? WASHINGTON, July IS -r' . (AP)-rCrippled yeterans of the ? woxCl war will be tho guests el President and Mrs. Hoover at lawn party omerrow on the eeutn grounds of the White House , JD CHOCOLATE ' WD 4EW YORK, Mnly 18 (AP Eld Chocolate, Cuban negro fea therweight contender, utpoiatt Lolglo Gnsdrlni of Italy in a bard fonght ten round bout at the Queens boro stadium tonight. ; WiltDetrai) Trip - Expense rt O'Coanor" said today the iat Yourg eoraraunicattl with kii tt answer to a: wire -from Rnik-ia and Cans led him' to believe soat anthoriUea wanted the ease haxi led through . official chaanwls thouxh no clarge Is - pfE7 agalnstT McDonald and he fcss been, unconditionally releasee- te the attorneys - ! Toung's tleeTni said McIE-r aid would be transported te t: e coast to tell his story of alz tedly perjured, testimony to t:.e pardon board In the, Mooney ci -e and to the supreme'eourt in tve E:::!"rs case.,- "- . - 1' -till was the witness vta t. : that be saw the two 1-? : -a punt .'the ejilt r, rl: . .Ined a bomb, eit-c- i t! -v . i, killed tea and inj . 2 i:. -! .test!niosy, was ; . ;- tcr 1 ly California r'tcr ...,.,, .. . Hood eountry for tJs haalUuVvj.- en word. Cryan and HoeI 1 4,U : E kt2ey"l.C 17.,