I I i 4. I , --. i . - - . , - . : ; - , . ---, ' - . . . . fjETEN " ' '-'-'. -: J '-'.V. : The CHGON STATESMAN,' Saleiat, Oregon Tuesday Morninr, July 1 1930 - " v ' - Realtor, Crazed by Losses ; In i Financial ?'s Crash, , -1 J Shoots Witness fJ LOS ANGELES, Jul 14 (AP) - A spectacular career tram lae- tory helper to millionaire closed .la tragey today when Motley H: t Flint, retired banker, age (S, wit .shot to Instant death- in a court ; room by Prank. D. Keaton, f C year old Inglewood. CaW, realty man. . f Brooding over financial, rain by . loss of-saving sevea. years ago .' prompted the killing. : - - too Tictim for years was -a. leadlnt figure in political, bank , tng and motion picture financial - circles t Los Angeles. Some thirty years ago he was postmas ter here, and he was the brother of the late Frank P. Flint, former United States senator. , i , The thought to slay came Sun day after he had . taken hl- two : little girls to Sunday school, Kea- ton; trembling and broken, told . the police. It dereloped i Into a . maddening, desire which led him lnt. the superior - court-: today where he knew Flint Twas a wit- -. ness. .j. . ' ... . s - The gray haired -banker was ; testifying as Keaton sat In the second row of , spectators' seats toying with in old pistol In his - pocket ' - , . Flint stepped from the witness stand and was passing trough the gate at the ran to the bar. Keaton stood up ; and fired thrt shots ' point bUnfc The banker f el ldead. ; Keaton threw -. the pistol at him, raised his hands in surrender and broke the te- : . tense "silence following the. shots . with the cry "ThI fellow, rained me! Be ruined mel" . - " Trial ICot Concerned . With. Caas Losses "- The banker had retired 'If ; months ago and rone to France. Two moths ago he retnred to face ldlctmets with 17 others for usury, conspiracy in connection wita the Julian petroleum crash - In which lnrestors lost millions. These eases were dismissed but he faced charges of violation of the state corporate securities act. . 1 Thetrial. scene of the tragedy; wm not connected with the Julian case nor with the Investment . In which Keaton said his savings were MU It was a suit by Da vid O. seixnick, fUm executive, for 3260,000 damages against a bank here In ' connection with a stock deal. Keaton made no resistance af ter the slaying. He said he lost his , airings in buying First Na tional tank stock through Flint eevea years , ago. Alienist who eiamlaed him said he was suffer ing from some form at psychosis. SM CLUB BEATS MM J TO 23 I Hopes of the Salem Golf club team that It might tarn the ta bles en the niahee divot diggers when It got them on its own course, were not In vain. The Sa lem club won from Illahee 17 to U -Sunday, a margin slightly ; greater than by whieh Illahee had won previously on the Illahee fairways. . Though the Salem - club won, the' three low medalists were all , Illahee men: John Farrar with 78. H. H. Olinger and Frank Sha fer with 7t. Score were: ALX1C . TTT.Tnr. Bufors, 1 . H. OUBgar. 14 Xm. Funr, tk i-jmth, Smts, 0 -Utt, 8ehmU S Or. . Ftokar. 9 TOxmm. rruklim, 0 . - w.. e Awhm, e . Skater. S CUakm I f. Com. IK BnwhiUt 1H O. Cmm, 0 Ba)drMv S . Flaary. 0 Wm4. Dr. OliBCM. 14 sTeeeg, -,,'SbmH. S JkM,- S - '- 8hUy, I Bettew. H Kaiwur, 1 IMm,l j r. Ta ptam , e - Clm, S . Dy, e Bea Claggett, deputy game warden. Is hAcka town after an inspection-of the lakes In the lit. JeffSrson area where he plant to Slaiit a large amount of fish this summer. Claggett says a number f lakes there, ideal for trout, are as yet without any fish." Claggett Inspected Marlon lake and found fairly good , fishing therfc- 'Pamelia lake, long-time favorite with fishermen, is drying up rapidly this summer due to a .-leak" In the outlet, .f -; Claggett hopes to jet "back to the lake soon and stop this leak. He says all ; the Jefferson park area is Ideally suited to' fishing. Just now the principal handicap to. the Ike Walton ' enthusiast Js ' the large quantity-of mosquitoes. Claggett earns back bearing num erous evidences at their assault. RnyUoliBpik - Sclioofat U 0. WOODBURJCJuly! 11 Ray 6;;woif, tomecsQacJ atgarood hnra high school, Jial returned front the' coaching school which was held athe University of Ore gon. Haute Roekne. famous Ko . tre Dame mentor. and Jfr.' Charles peirs,: CfonV, new football were efclef Instructors. ' " .V.f. who has been at Y7ood bunt high school four years, has 1 re.jlzsl to. tiie a new tcsltloa it teiJ coach at T7ashlsgtoa hish School ta Portland. CHILD SLAYER - ? Photo at left shows. La Tense McDonald, pleasant raced. pouee say, conreesea no neld uooa control muj be dkln't waters of the coatroL i held hi was quoted by polite a explaimlngv I caa stay w I wanted to see If Jimmy eoald i fair and Indicated the McDonald wonaws age, police cant place II GET BED WAGE A reduction in all salaries and wages paid In the Oregon Pulp and Paper company here of 10 per cent, effective July If, was an nounced Monday from the office of A. H. Fleming, rice-president of of the Columbia RiTer Paper com pany, which owns the plant here. In Salem the order affects 400 men and women and the reduction will bring the payroll here down from 150,000 to 15,000 per month. Officials of the company said they - hoped reductions would be temporary and expressed a wish to restore the former wage scale as soon a conditions warranted It. The order affected employes and officers In every plant of the I company, except the mm atvan eouver, .Wash., where the slash has already been made. Reduced wages were put In ef fect at Spauldings mill here, at the Hammond mill in Mil . City and at other lumber plants, some time ago. Flight Profits, Wrangle to Be Settled, TZeport CHICAGO. July 14 (AP) - Litigation Involving the endur ance flight profits of the Hunter brothers will be settled oat of court it was announced today. A motion to restrain ur - nanters from nstng' the proceeds of their flight was-.withdrawn. -- Th motion was -filed " while John and Kenneth Hunter were still soaring 'above Sky Harbor airport, ta their record breaking plane "City of Chicago.' - ; : It was to behalf of stockhold ers of a detaaet concern) which once owned the planer The stock holders averred the plane was sold to the Hunters without their knowledge. '- - -r : : 4.W. J-C5 HeldthuBday kllZER, July 14A mass meetlnr of farmers wiir bo held at the Keiser schoolhouso Thurs day evening at t:tt o'eloek and all farmers f of this district and others are urged to attend. . ' . - O.- N. Grasgaard, a representa tive of the national farmers' union will be present and Is slat ed to give the principal address of the eTeauig. 1 Oregon Women's Goli Tpurnpy ls : v OhatPjoirtiand .. ; - - v. j PORTLAJflD.x Ore- July 14 Mlss'Fraaees Scott, Portland. with a 7, won iaedalist Ifonors la the llld Oregon women's ro If asso- eiatlen championship' touraameat in tho'e.uallfylns Ground on the Colombia country elub course. Hiss scott shot Ufor the nnt nine and cams ln ln Stv - Miss Florence Sellars, Oregon state champion, scored tl tak ing. 41 oat and -St -lnr'-":-' - : Fifteen other women cuaHTied GOES TO ALrHJTS DAILt JEFFERSON.' July 14 ' Mrs. T7. Lu Cobb. toes to Albany every day to be with her son, Glenn, who Is tn the Albany general, hospital a the v result of an auto- aohlla Accident . She report. that he Is making utliftslory im proveqient. - -"-' : . s ; PAPER VORK ESS TO FACES DOCTOH CI If 7year-e4d tnree - year - oid Jimmy (ngnt) more.' Jimmr was HJs head under to see long ho water a long stav am Ions:. Javenlle aataonties boy might be examined by medical charges against aha. Here, There And Yon Bits of Personal News Gleaned About Interest ing People "The first thing I noticed as 1 drore Into Salem was the absence of the old street railway," was the way Lyman Marsters of Meant Shasta City, California, expressed his opinion of the city after an ab sence of seven years. Marsters graduated from Willamette unl verslty ln'l2S and has been teaching in the high school at Moant Shasta City, a town of about S000 Inhabitants. ; He Is spending a three weeks' vacation trip renewing acquaintances In Salem, Portland and along the coast. W. J. Sanborfn, president of the city council at Los Angeles, was an overnight visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Burris. He is on his way south after spending; a few days -studying the develop ment project at Seattle In which a part of a hill Is being removed and put in Paget Sound. Business Is quiet this summer in Jefferson, reports H. D. Mars. Mr. Mars Is a two-gun resident of that city la the sense that he Is mayor and thus holds the politi cal affairs of the Marlon county town in ' his hands while he - is also editor of the Jefferson Re view and can dictate to the mayor as he sees fit. .' ' : . . x- e - e . "Andyf Peterson, no-hit, no run pitcher of the Salem senators. is a ball player with, a fatare. thinks Holii Huntington of tae Man'a Shop. -I've watched 'Andy perform,' said Mollis Monday af ter Andy's feat of Sunday. Ton can take It from me he has erery- thing a pitcher needs with the ex ception of control, j I think hell get that lnulue time - - Rufus Johnson. Is a former, re sident of Butte. Montana, bat now ho claims Hollywood, Calif4 as his home.- Johnson . was" engaged la r newspaper circulation .work, c for years in the Montana, city, ;.' Doth newspapers there are now, owned by the Anaconda Cooper company which ruhs . Montana' too quote 'Johnson. In recent years a com peting paper was started by the Clark Intereststhree papers in fact in different towns In Monta na but without success. Rumor haa it that a. Million dellam waa lost before the three' papers sus pended.- ...;' . - irM F. XL Frasier of Eugene was a nest at the Marlon last night. " "The bottom has been reached la the wool market and ' an Im provement Is certain,' said JUA2 Ward, manager of the Pacific Co operative Woot Growers' associa tion who was In Marion county on Saturday tar attend the sheep breeders plcnie at the Floyd Fox farm 10 the Waldo' HiUs. Vr IHddleGrove ue1 Elects : MICCLB GROYaV' July' 4 The mtermeat league held their first,.' election " of . officers and meetttg of general organization Sunday "evenlax. v." . ;V, Officers . elected wer 1 srest- dent Alberta Howe; ties presi dent, Joy UeCarty, Mwcretary,' Katherine Bcnarf, -treasurer, Ce- rDerctloaal meetlssa , win be held at the 'church ' oa Sunday ereaings at 30 o'clock. 4 if - e Long Beach, CaUfornla hoywho, smoer the waters off a Ixmg Beach made body was foand floating on the eoald stay down. young McDonald time in ew bath tab at honie and at iong Beach Investigated the af- aataoritlea. Because of yoong Mo FKEIl'S BLOT HUBBARD. July 14 Mrs. Su sie Ott was guest at a trout din ner at the Frank Thompson con fectionery Sunday. Frank Thomp son and Roy Miller came home Saturday night from a two days fishing trip near Table Rock. . The - fishermen caught their limit of tront. ': Otto Painter, assistant at the Hubbard Service store, left Hub1' bardj early Sunday morning for Coquille. He will visit with the Frank Pook family there. Mr. Painter Is on a week's vacation. Ner Pastor Falls City te Welcomed There FALLS CITT. July. 14 Walter Warner, the new , pastor ' of the Methodist 'church, preached his. first sernron here Sunday morn ing. ' ' ; Phyllis and Beverly Mankwold of Aberdeen, Wash., are visiting their, grandmother, Mrs. C. P. Horn, for two weeks. Mrs. Jessie Moyer Spent Sun day tn Falls City. Mrs. Rosella Douglas has. been assigned to the pastorate jcliurch at The Dalles for the coining ORDER IS CONTESTED . An order by State finslneer Luper that water, of the Deschutes river used at Cllne falls for, pow er development be transterrod to the Arnold Irrigation .company for Irrigation purposes Is being at tacked 'in the circuit - court at Bend by the Central Oregon Ir rigation aisinet. . claiming v aam- Sges, the: Central Oregon district seek to enoln execution of the order.-? - A vv Then Qdekly Relieved jrjr a . . Simple Iniernal Coae T1T5 AD AM AZTOfl STttTilH i7 0F m GEORGE tillN . -I suffered for eight year, with piles and n remedy I eoald Jeam' f weald bring relief, aatil lockflr for me I saw an adrertment about Colas PSe PiHs fa the paperi I -never dreamed a TSc.betil aff yds would work sach.wandera bat they diiV and the very -Crst tattle relieves ate so mack I kept takiar them regularly with my meals and teoay rm a booster of CUae rUo PUla for they are easy asick re lief f er anyone suferiag , with pUes," writes Mr. George Kern a weU kaewn sausaga ssakerv who Eke scores at other people here, praises CoSta PU to taa akv. ' : - h ' No saore naMy .salves or sspeat. :triea! Jtst csse ps with a swauow si ' water at aesi- time. .CcIIeves pala aLaeat' Immediately and la .a .ket'Jr sootlla: truly Wfajerfsl way tley r to Ue very roots ;ef ;tlstre8l1t , latsrraHy. i:jctors are r.sw . eaaerruji VNse Pe PiHs.1 Thousands of mca and wenei tesfy to sx-erliig eae to thirty years, sad the their trew I'es feae thaaks to Celae. -f rtt l!r. Kent it Jti oeult It, tZD Oak t Cassas City lit, U yo-r fist haunt Colae PCe hoead lie stamrN or coin to CoUeCLeaw Icil Co. trestwerj IIJ, TzzlU ruaruteed or meaev kaci-' ITElTfAU -CASE LICK n IBS 0. L SCHEDULE HERE REDUGED Two Trains"D23y Removed Because of Lessened . : Use by Passengers Two passenger trains north and two . trains - south . between ; Salem and Portland on the Oregon Etoc trictrallroad were removed from the schedule Sunday: duo to Insuf ficient . traffic, to .maintain them. Baa ' and prirate ' automobile competition wero gfven by eom- pany officials as the reasoa for the redaction in the number of trains. For some time trains have operated with only a handful of passengers and at some intervals along- the road, noUne but the crew was on the train. Despite the reduction In sched ules, extensive reconstruction and roadbed ' improvement - Is being made by the Oregon Electric It is thought that this is being done In preparation for more extensive freight traffic to be dereloped when feeder JInes from the Cas eadla country and from the Eu gene timber territory are com pleted. lfew Train Xearea Early tn Morn v t under the . schedule effective Sunday a new train starting at 4:S0 a., m. learee for Portland. followed at 1:11 a. m.,.by a pas senger train eomlng ' from the south. The third passenger .train of the day leaves here at 12:46 p. m.. for Portland and origin ates la Salem. The fourth train which comes from Eugene, leaves for Portland at 4:21 p. m. The new train, schedule from "Lie r " u .Your Thres? Pro t c tS Ion en nixiti : f rri:loncn!n! : ccunh "i rhsr U only one --5 ; - c;bef cures. None of these is penssaesi. AU cf these ere iajurious, says Vance Tfcon, VkD la hii - f -.UabaMplq'3tad ioTlilarriUAed byE. P.Dutton Cl Cornpany. We d tsot represent that ' Y V sTncHng tVyfrn Cigarettes wCl briaa modern ares cc cause &ertdocdanafjVJ2d-cltiT -T. r -.when tempted to da yourself too wcg. if roa wSl Heach for a tnVy instead.' von will thus avoid trnxAZJU ' ' 'Jf la thfngt thst cause excess weit sad, by avolilrj over-hidulice, eu&teia a tabdacn; zncdzX Uzsu - ' l' j t. TUNS IN-Tne tacky' Cndko Daw Osrliistre, evety Sataraay and gaaoday evening,'' em N. &&sstworka - si Portland brings one train here at t:4l a. m. The next train reaches Salem at S:eS p. m.Tho next train from Portland somes here at f :lt p. bW golnf ea south to Eugene. The final train-of the day from Portland arrives" hero at S'n.' at." 'Dorse&B. Smith Of Portland to Address Rotary Rotartans will, hear Dorsey B. Smith, past president of the Port land Rotary, club, at their noon luncheon tomorrow. Smith come here Ut . the. InviUtlon , of Lelf Bergsvik. J ' ; RoUriaas here had cash re ceipts of $6192 during; the last fiscal year and disbursed! SS7 08 according to a financial statement made this week. , Of the receipts dues amounted to $4158 and the biggest Item ot-oxpendlture was meals which totalled $2982. In ternational Rotary dues cost $521, while, the International Rotary conference called for an expendi ture of $260. For boys' work the club expended $261. Missionaries Mistreated in China, Report WASHINGTON, . July . 14 (AP) American . Consul General Frank P. Pockhart' .at Hankow adTised the state department to day " the Chinese militaryautbort ties hav elnstructed officials at Suiplng to Investigate allegations that American missionaries were drivingthrough the streets there June 22. - - - The Suiplng officials hare een instructed to punish the guilty parties, Lockhart said, r .. Vhon tomptod THE BATTLE CRY y ... Comlno events : cast their . . shadows before" remedy izxki, endtiut U est the - ' r . i D10IP5LMES Dissatisfied with location of roots of the -Detroit-Whitewater sector of the proposed North San tiam highway and .also carrying complaints against the damages recommended. . six. or r seven resi dents of Detroit appeared before the county court; Monday ; morn? lag to onload their burdens.- -The court heard complaints and decided to 'adjourn in va body to the - section under Question . this morning. Hedda Swart, county engineer, will probably, accom pany the court." " Judge Siegmund said yesterday afternoon it was more or less In definite Just, what the delegation wanted, but that he thought the matter could be settled after the court had gone over the ground. TTa mAiA thm eonrt had nerer ac tually visited the site along whleh these property owners .uvea ana that the survey had been made by the federal forest service. This section of the survey goes around the edge of town and through a dense brush. " ' - ' ' ' " , Fire Situation In Forests Said Much Improved The forest fire situation in Ore gon has Improved materially dur ing the past- couple of days, ac cording - to -Xynn ' Cronemlller, state forester. Cronemlller re ported that a number of tires had brakia ontl In, the Bend -district. but that they were under control. to over-lndulga , OF MODERATION! V V p V ; rlht food..1nere are at feast Fires resorted in southera Ore- gba last reek have been extin guished; tKe. stateforestef s!d. Robins Defeat rimPvrtm2i't6& H BROOKLYN.- July 14(AP) Paced by Glenn Wright, who pounded out two homo runs, the Brooklyn Robins defeated the imatiui IHratne 1 1 to t ' rO-' day.': Dazzy Vance was hit hard fu the closing innings but man aged to hold tn early Jesd. - - Pittsburgh ;,; ,.,.:. 8 14 , 1 . Brooklyn ! Eiuni it- Tw. - Chaenon aBO Hemsley; Vance andtDeberry. .: MatIi officials are stndTloa ' methods of the Texar Cotton Co- operttiTe association. ---. IWE CIR : Oil foot ran is EwMtftrSSblfrAi Fftper Stick It On-Shoes . . OUT COSIES CALLOUS 1 RESULTS GUARANTEED : The newest in callous removera Is a thin as paper wafer you press; v en the spot with fingers and It : sticks there. No dangerous tnsory burning acid , or doughnut pads to , add pressure when shoes re ohw ' Pain stops Immediately. Slip oai shoes. O-Joy Callous Wafers never, fan. Later you peel off wafer and- out comes callous down to the : healthy skin. 3 CJoy Callous or Bunion Wafers for a cuarter at druggists. .: . - - ' " - - r a - - Be moderate be moderate ia all things, even in imoking. Avoid that! tutore shadow by avoiding overindulgence, if you would main tain that modern, ever-youthful figure. "Reach for a Lucky instead." lucky Strike, tho finest Clgarotto you ovor smoked mado of tho finost tobacco Tho Croam of tho Crop irs TOASTED.'1 Lucky Striko- has an oxtra, secret heating procosso Evoryono knows that hoat purifios and so 20679 physicians say that Lujckics aro loss Ir ritating to your throat. one hundred so-caHed V 1 J t -