The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 13, 1930, Page 6, Image 6

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    President of War
Mothers Will :
tional president ot the
Amerloa War Mothers, tu
i made her mama a outstanding
c one la the history of the ergan
iaation in the oast and especially
i Kentucky Mn. Meah 1
t from lxingtocv Kentucky.
r lost at present aha is on lour
. of the Halted Siaits Ylattia -the
ioe will arriTe la Portland this
jSprnlnf to vlsi tha Portland
SapTer and from there will come
to Salem probably Tuesday eye
Binr to be a guest of the Salem
" chapter of War Mothers.
- A banquet has been planned for
her which will bo held in tie so
cial rooms of the Masonic temple.
This wfll very Mkely 1 Wedne
" day tg ht although ?lans are
et definite, r
pointed by the president, Mrs. A.
i la Mrs. Mary K. wauon,
- Mn rarrle Beeehler. Mrs. Min
nie Hemphreys. Mrs.. Mae Meyers,
-Mrs. Flora Abbott, Mrs. F. A.
r Jlrlxon, Mrs. Laella Legge, Mra.
Jennie Vincent, and Mrs. Eliza
beth Waters will greet the gnests
The decorating committee will
be Mrs. Rose Hagedorn, Mrs.
Elizabeth Ryder. Mrs. Carrie
Lindsay, Mrs. Cora May Prime.
The committee to arrange the
menn for the beneoet la Mrs.
Laura McAdams. Mrs. Mettle
Schramm and Mrs. Norma Ter-
willlcer. "
Ia addition to these plans, three
new members were taken into the
orraalzation Tuesday afternoon,
These were Mrs. Nora Basey, Mrs.
Bessie Martin, and Mrs. Helen M.
Southwick. Sereral memberships
were renewed at this mieetiaf in
addition to the new ones entered.
- - i
Club Picnic
At Hazel Green
1 TVCSncs are now a very popu-
ticnlar Interest was the ene
held Friday evenittf-ut Haael
Green, when members of a local
' bridge club chose that way of
- bringing to a close the year's
. meetings. Swimming, and out
door sports made the evening
most enjoyable. Those Included
. ia the guest list were:
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Foorman,
Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Malson, Mr.
aad Mrs. Karl Becke, Mr. and
" Mrs. Ronald Jones, Mr. aad Mrs.
E. V. McMechan, Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Kirk. Mr. aad Mn. ET.
'M pretty, and chic u can be.
"Is this JoTSly summer frock. The
' diagonal bodice Coo is always
-favorite with smart . women,
peclally whea softened with- rut-
fled organdy which may be pr-
' chased by the yard all ready to
- wse. The Ions front skirt panel
alims'the figure considerably.
'Buttled organdy also finishes the
' sleeves, loag or short, which eTer
roa prefer, r . , j: . ;
Pattern 1I7S makes up beauU
- f ullr fn georgette, toile, dimity,
wash silk, silk pique or crepe de
chine. Colored dots on white or
' pastel grounds are so cool and
-amart . . . red on white, brown
; on yellow, green or bine on beige
white on pink or gTeea. White or-
ready trims the bodice: : ,
May be ordered only ia sizes
It. IS. 20, 84. S6, SB. 49. 42 and
1 44. SUe If requires , f yards
ct If inelt material. - ? ; .
' : InnuUii xpriM if
CMaary. lkrara lar M9 Stea,
4 slapl wset UilmliiM r
siw. -
& MftMa emta la colas tsr
fBr ni iii..e auwps, Ir
Mturm. Writ Ualy yew e
a4ArM, strl nsbw a4 else
vut4. y--- ? - ; - ,
Osr book of pattofM for slalta
ami skttdroa. alao traWor pas
torsa, tifieo MUt cMte
W nin4 with ffottatm. A4
4rm oil anO s4 oriore tm
fitsttmM Fttttn - Dpff oml.
U Wotft ITU stmt Kov Tork
'3 '
- -....
Although July is vieing with June ti& year for wedding honors, tc prttnt todayihrle prominent June bride,
July bride, a visitor tend a local woman active in IV TP. C A. circlet. Upper row, from left to riffht:.Mr$.ffaRarring
ton of Santa Barbara, Califs who is a guest of Mrs. Wayne Greenicood; Mrs. John Stekn (net ' Maude Helen Engstroin),
whose marriage was an event of June 18; and Mrs, Ernest Bonesteele (net Mamie Vittof), who has been extensively
entertained upon return from an extended wedding trip. Lower row, left to right z Mrs. Oscar White (nee Helen
Sands), who became a bride June 20; Mrs. George i R. K. MoOrehead, who wUl be in. Gearhairt this week to direct
music for the Y. W. C. A. business women's council meetina: and Mri. Edward C. Nash (nee Helen Mintonberaer)
whose wedding occurred July
Mrs. Sam Tyler
Is Complimented
Mrs. Sam Tyler of Bead Is the
house guest of Mr. aad Mrs. Har
ry Scott for s few days. Friday
evening Mr. and Mrs. Bcott enter
tained with a social evening In
compliment to Mrs. Tyler. At the
tea honr Mrs. Scott was assisted
by Mrs, Tyler in serring.
Those present were Mrs. Tyler,
the boner guest, and Mr. and Mrs.
Carl Emmons, Mr. and Mrs. O. T.
Olson, Mr? and Mrs. Newell Wil
liams, Mr. aad Mrs. Ralph Kletz-
taav Mr. aad Mra. A. C. Haag, ana
Mr. and Mrs. Scott.
Mr. aad Mrs. Lndwlek Miekel-
soa left Saturday for Bead, Ore
gon, to atteaa the annual Cou-
Tentlon of 'the -Ualted Spanlqh
War Vetarans They plan to- go
by war A Tha Dalles and return
by way of McKenzle Pass." Mr.
Mick'elson Is commander of the
local poet and Mrs. Mickelson.
president of the auxiliary.
Independence The U-Qo-I-Go
dab met at the home of Mri. 1
mer Busby in North Indepeadea
oa Friday afternoonr Taa: after
noott was spent in conversation
aad needlework. Mrs. Mary Boal
was lae aonorea guest or tn art-
eraooa. The dab ladies celebrated
her birthday and presented her
with sift at the close of theh
afterneou. A dainty luneh was
serred., the table betas beautiful
with a bowl of sweet peas.
Those present were Mrs. Mary
Beal. Mrs. Mary O'Kelley, Mrs.
Pearl Hedges. Mrs. Pearey Dick
inson. Mrs. Bess Craren. Mrs. A.
Basbr and Mrs. A. L. Wusoa of
Salem and the hostess, Mrs. El
mer Busby.
Tha next meetiac will b wlta
Mrs. Pearey Dickinson aad will
be the last meetfvg of tao sum
mer. :
William Jones
".Dies Following
; Brief Illness
' SILVERTON, July 12. Will-
lam H. Jones died here this morn
ing following an lU&esa of three
weeks, r Funeral arrangements
tiara not as yet been made. The
body Is la charge of Jack and k-
. Mr. Jones waa born , la mineis
ia 1SS5. He with his family.
mored to SHrertoa 22 years ago
and hu tollou-d bis trni as
earsenCer here since. " He is sur
Tired by his widow. Mary Jones,
aad four etuldrea, Harrisoa Joaee
of The Dalles, Gala Jones aad
Mrs, Ruth Halt, of Salem, anU
Mrs. yelma Ttoansem of surer-
con. " - ; - - -
Tourist Camps: .
All Subject to
Inspection, Held
Tourist earns . krouads.' rerard-
lesa of whether they are equip
pea with tents or eottages, are
subject to ; state inspection and
regulation, according' to as oplar
ion handed down by the attorney
general hero aararaay. !
. The opinion vat reqaestsl by
Frederick Strieker, secretary - of
tho etato board of health; who
reported that a number of pr-
sons having cotugos tor rant ti
teach raaorU claimed axamptloa
i , - . .
Q. Should a lady ever thank a
man for any s&eial taTOrjf
' A. No; if they hare been to the
theater together, sho may tell
aim aha has Had a delightful are
ninx. and has enjoyed beinr with
him, but should nerer thank him.
Q. When a man calls upon a
lady in a hotel, where should she
reeaiw noar
A. 1st th parlor or .reception
Q. Is it necessary to waft .unW
ereryona Is serred before begin
ning to eatf
A. No; but wait until the host
ess has. begun to eat.
Gerraia Tha ladies of at.
Liouu paiuir wru -noM their anJ
nuai chicken dinner Sunday, July
zd,. at the parish grove, one half
mile west of. the St. Louis church.
The Oklahoma society and Cor
rals chapter. Q. X. 8., will VU
hold plcnlea at Hazel Green Sua
day, July 20.
Mr. aad lira. J. Lyman Steed
and Mr. aad Mrs. B. F; Smith; ara
spendJar tMa weekead at Brotte
bush sprlnga.
The Housewife's Idea Box
For Tear Speate Cake ..- -Hart
roa over admired the love
brows crust on top of sponge caki
in the bakery? Ton can have that
toea yours. Before ypa pUos you
cast into tbj oven, sorinkle a lita
fine white tostr over the tojk Thl
wd foruk &at rich brown erast J&a
makes lb bought sponge- cake loot
so nice, v tub houszwdtbl
a ST
ruuia Jeweled, aaouMer straps
u any m tBtsrM from one
evenlns gown te another, are two
the parts of a new throa-pleoo
iwiaT wwbbii aoewat sa xae
oeuer rarm xasMen ' hottseeiv-A
msxpmng wocxle that la aasQy a4
fuswA te bstt or nockttw turn
the ad member of this smart new
ae tZJt of
these te be tntre-l
?.waa worn at a spee
lat tashCn show ta the new sal one
to mssz t rape toade Of strands
wuus fuamooas, enams; ta
angular emeralds. ThS aecem.
- ft- hEvle sa ftfmti et twe
eft V van act arttn taMK
.mai ledby a band of dla-
of tV OH of Jew
?f' IJ's'-- Caks ' et . i'liiorla. eiat that 13?tJe aUlefi
r r -pa, or- Jr'-ed
t. wwjg es
run !! Xafsrra'JLai Ceerte-r et
4 .
Miss Mildred Gehle
To Leave for East
Miss Mildred Gehle. who has
been an assistant with Prof, and
Mrs. T. S. Roberta, will leave
about July 21 for her hem in
Chicago, where she will make an
extaaded visit with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Gehle,
Before leaving the Roberts and
Miss Gehle will spend a few days
at Lake Lytle.
Mr. and Mrs. D. J. McLellan.
accompanied by their daughter
and son, Sally and Dan Jr., are
expected home today from Bend
where they hare been for the past
week, calling on their former
Bend friends. Mr. McClellan was;
called-to Bend ia th Interests oi
the state land board.
e w T
Mr. aad Mrs. K. 1L Harris, and
Mrs; Charles ttoLuro who have
been visiting friends' and relatives
in this eity for the past ten days,U Jm hwatVh, vucaUon
left Saturday for their home la
Walla Walla. They were accom-
paaied oa the return trip by Mr,
uarnr mother. Mrs. u. v. Harris.
who id bo their guest for ser
eral weeka. eonvalesclna from a
roeemt illness.
- -,. e
ttr. asd Mrs. B. C. Goodwin left
Friday eyening: by- motor for' The
Dalles, where they will spend the
weekend visiting with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Goodwin are former
reetdeate of The Dalles and will
bo welcomed by their many
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Blake, ac
companied by Mrs. Blaka-'a moth
er. Mrs. R. Berry of Sioux Falls,
South Dakota, who la the 'house
guest at the Blake home for the
summer, spent Saturday in Port
land with friends.
Kenaeth Doltoa, proprietor of
Dalton'g Grocery, suffered an at-
Sick of facial paralysis this, week
no te a" head injury while swim
ming. He Is gradually recovering
from the effects of his accident.
Edwin and Bay Dnnckel, Harlow
Butler and William Hortoa, have
gone- to the Boy Scout camp near
Mehama. They will remain tor a
couple of weeks.
g-MrNMw Zz Vet rew nsrit
im v r 4i''' ' i . '
' v l". '
t- -
1 1
Gervaia Mrs. Ruth Jepaon of
Portland was honor guest for a
birthday dinner at the home of
her parents, Mr. ana Mrs. a. a.
Maiming in Gervafs, Sunday.
Those present wefe Mrs. Jepsoa
and Mr. Jepaon, their children.
Kathryn Ann and Leland; Misses
viola and Josie, Jepson and Nees
Jepson, all of Portland: Mrs. Har
old Aeoiawell aad ton. Denny, of
Woodbura; Donald, Cecil and Ken
neth Manning aad Mr. aad Mra.
S. D. Meaning.
e e
A croup of the younger mar
ried set of this eity are gueata of
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Chapman at
a beach party at neskoww ibis
weekead. These included In the
affair are- Mr. and Mra. Kenneth
Wilson. Mr. and Mn. Wallace
Carson aad the host and hostess,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Chapman,
o o
Mia Beatrice -08& raturned
spent fa . Wisconsin and Chicago
visiting; friends and nXatlTes. She
spent much tims with her par
ents, Mr. end Mrs, B. W. OUa in
Wisconsin. Mine OUa drove- to
the oast- ana returned by way oC
Flashes of
Fashion from
New Tork. Jaly 12 Pastel
felts are having It all their
own way this summer. Hat
makers who early In the sea
son thought they were well
stocked with the deUghtf ul
pastels have been forced to
lay aside-fall work to com
plete additional orders tor.
summer felts.
At the Fashionette the
pastels are priced
$1.95 $3.95
Specially priced
-Hollywood, July 10. At the
Santa Monica Beaches tney
are wearing pajamas with as
jnaay colors as Joseph's
coat. On ' the Boulevards
two-piece silk suits are the
thing, especially those -with
pastel jackets. ,
Fasuionette'a Fries a-'two-piece
suite . ; : ,
$11.25 , $29.50
( Tataes to S49JSO
Paris, July 5 Coats tor faU.
while longer, still give much
opportunity for the indlvld-
t aa - wearer iuuui w
Jength. Imported cloth and
elaborate fur collars are the
Clearance Sola
continues with
Wonderful re
I : ductions.
; Shop
JXlUrie Butler .
: : 43Ccsrtt.
Word Received of
Miss Mildred
Ji ITISS MUdred Roberts, who
IVl with, her mother, Mrs.
a year ago- last Octoeer for Eur
ope where eh went to continue
tmr wMIm tdv has wrttUn bosm
interesting letters concerning her
studies and experiences there to
her former teaeher here. William
Wallace Graham, with whom aha
studied for six yeara. Miss Ro
berts' work in Europe was plan
ned te last three years, aad the
eathusttbm with which she writes
todies. tee that she will carry out
her plans.
Letters' also have been received
b Mr. Graham from Mareau, the
master wflh whom Miss Roberts
Is studying which indicate that
hr work is developing In quite a
superior way. Marteau would say
that she is the beat of the several
students which hare come to him
from MrGraham, who is ntmself
a pupil of Marteau. Mr. Graham
studied -under him in the Royal
high school in Dresden and later
taught under him.
Following the war the high
schools in Germany, which corres
pond to our universities, were
taken oyer by the gorernment and
ware made into state schools, and
that is where Miss Roberts is
studying, at the state school in
Dresden, which waa formerly the
Royal high acaooi.
The letter which tell of the
grief of getting accustomed to the
moods of the master Marteau are
most amusing. Miss Roberts be
gan her work under him with the
rather an ordeal with neither of
tho musicians la the least ac
customed te the ether. Now at
last reports she was working en
auok things aa the "Coaeerto In
D minor Bach; "Coaeerto ia E
Minor." Vlotti: and other each
like work with many scales by
atr. aad Mrs. Moaroe Gilbert
entertained Informally Saturday
evening at their country homo
in honor of Mrs. Karl Sharer who
ta here visiting from her home
in San Francisco, California.
Mrs. Clifford Farmer, accom
panied by Mrs. Bay L. Farmer,
and "Sonny" Farmer, left Satur
day tor Agate Beach, where they
wui spend the coming week in
the Walter Kirk cottage.
Mrs. P. W. Ross, accompanied
by her sister. Mrs. W. P. Blake of
Portland, Oregon, returned to
this city Friday after apending a
week in Roseharg, with- Mrs.
Ross a parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Fraak W. Ross
and Mr. and Mra. John Stlmpson,
will he Included In a party of
Salere folk who left last night
tor Breitenbush Springs where
they will enjoy a weekend in the
Mra Wallace Carsea will be
a. luncheon hooters, on Monday
complimenting1 Mr. Carson's
mother, Mrs. J. H. Carson,
e o e
Mrs. wmiam- Walton of this
city spent Friday in Portland
with friends.
Jtj s
E. F Smiths ,
Entertain for Guests
MrJ and Mrs. K. T. Smith enter
tained Informally at their home
in tha Boyai Court apartments,'
wfth three tables of bridge on
Tuesday evening of this week, in
compliment to their house guests,
Mr. and Mrs. Harry H, Hicks, of
Oakland. California.
Those biddeij for the areata a
include; Mr. and Mrs. Harry H.
Hicks. Oakland, California, Mr.
and Mrs. Willis J. Rounton. Mr.
and Mrs. J. Lyman Steed. Mr. and
MTs. Wd. D. Brans, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles H. Bauer. Mr. and Mrs.
Ffed Stump and the host and
hostess, Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. Hicks, la oonx
pany with their small sou, Harry,
Jr., have returned to their home
in California after a pleasant stay
in the capitol city.
Ruth Purdy
Announces .Betrothal
News Of the .engagement of
Miss Rnth Purdy- of Sitverton,
Oregon, to Mr. Clifford Rue also
of Silrertoa, has been received in
this city. Miss Purdy was for
merly a teacher en the commer
cial department of the senior
high school of this city and has
been prominent in many social af
fairs. Mr. Rue is connected with
the Coolldge-McClalne bank ot
Silverton. The wedding is to be
aa event of the early fall after
which the youag eouple will make
their homo In Sihrerton. Maay
social affairs are belag arranged
for the popular bride-elect.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy "Spec" Keene,
accompanied by their small daugh
ter, Madalene Gleen, will leave
Monday for Portland on a com
bined business and pleasure trip.
The Keone's plan to bw away from
the city for the entire week,
. v
Robert and Jean expect to leave
Tuesday for Denver, Colorado,
where Dr. Pound will attend the
meeting- of the National Dental
association convention. They are
making the trip by automobile and
plan to bw awn about three weeks.
Miss Esther Benson, of Port
land, will be a guest on Tuesday
of this week at the home ot Mrs.
Tom Wood, in her heme in the
Royal Court apartments. Miss
Benson will he the inspiration
for a luncheon wTtTch will include
several sorority sisters of the
guest of honor, and a few addi
tional guiets.
A group of prominent Salem
people motored to Bend recently
where they were the guests of
Senator and Mrs. Jay H. Upton.
These included in the trip are Dr.
W. H. and Mrs. Lytle, Mr. and
Mrs. H. O. Malsoa, Mr. end Mrs.
Ernest Bonesteele and Mrs. L. C.
Mrs. Dolph Craig and small
son, Robert, are expected to re
turn Sunday from Mehama where
they have been the guests for the
past few days o Mra. Asel Eoff
at the Joseph Albert mountain
e e
Mr. aad Mrs. J. M. Clifford are
recefvlaff; members- of the Salem
writers' league at their home on
Tiesday evening for a picnic supl
per and then a regular meeting
following. Gnests will bring cov
ered dishes and table utensils.
The secret of whjr Spanish ppople hav$
tfuch beautiful hair will be explained by
a special representative of
"A Spanish Fdrmuld
here in our store on Monday and
Tuesday.14 aiid l5 V
CajTiiinia; iB a shampoo, i a tonic, a
scalp tiatmeiit and a rinse. Cmiriia w
all four in one. Crminia is wonderful f oi
Iermanent waves, new or old.
b Bring your hair problems, to the Car
rninia representative and learn the secret
of "Old World Loveliness1. y :
This is the Ccrminia that hoi been
: adccrUccd over, rp'dld ( ;
-11., MCfOCANTtWB CjOMNtfrtf SMCff
Phillip pi Program
Announced For
PROP, and Mrs. Robert have
the pleasure of presenting
- far. Mania if. aouuppi ia
,n laiiuuanu neiuni oi nni.
. a . i.
sidaat atudia on Wedaeaday
Mhir mt Ikia ft (am MniU
lurcrs lea vary tonuoato in aav-
Mr. Phillippi, who Is organist and
. . . . , .
caoirmascer as unrisi enurcn ca
thedral In St. Louis. Me. He will
land First Presbyterian - church
-oaw an ay a uai eaaaa u aAin roit
Sunday at 4 o'clock, Mr. Rhtllip
Pi has selected iha follow! iV nro.
1 1 . . . .
rrelsSiaa -teteAMseBas ewatiea
air nuusM
Pearast Jmn, Wo Ar HerolJ. 9. BW
TTf , : .
. - . WW .MIM .
- .V .
Prelad ia P. Major WiUimm HMoa
in fflliV Viaiibo v j-i a
Tfco lCatioBox A. U4W
Mr. Phillippi st th. orran
Mr. Bocker it the piano
Rood Francalsa Leoa Borlloua
GraoS Choenr i a.lx. CoiUnaBl
Mr. FKlllippi . r.
v ,
Cn Koeo Sra9boniao -Coasr rrasck
"mm Mrwn
Andaata Allesretto
Allofrette siooatoto
Mr. PluUippI
Mrs. Minnie Moore
Elected Noble Grand '
Gervals Tho Past NobU Orand
club met Saturday evening at the
heme of Mrs. Mary Sawyer. Elec
tion of officers was the main or
der of business, after which th
unb spent the time working on a
qallt. The club has done a lot ot
work during the pkst year for tha
t a rt - a.
i. . v. v. nww. - . i
Mrs.Mlnai Moore was re-elected
president; Adolphine Harris,
re-elected vice-president; Flor
ence Shields was elected to the
combined offices of secretary and
treasurer. At the close ot the eve
ning, Mrs. Sawyer, assisted by her
daughter, Mrs. Jessie Ceomler,
served refreshments. Those nrM-
ent were Minnie Moore, Adolphine
Harris, Florence Shields, Jessie
Coomler; Ida Schwab, Mary Saw
yer. Minnie Alison. Clad SMtts
and Lilian Shaner.
The next dab meeting will be
at the home ot Mrs. Ida Schwab
on Saturday evening, July 19,
with Mrs. Moore and Mrs. FItts aa
hostesses. -
Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Ohllng
left Saturday for Seal Rocks. Ore
gon, to spend the week end with
their small daughter, Sarah Ann.
who is spending the summer with
her grandparents. Mr. and Mrs.
Ohllng plan to spend the month of
August at the beach with Mrs.
Ohllagw parents.
Mr. Q. A. Wood accompanied
by her daughter, Mrs. Charles T.
Howe, of Hood River, Oregon, and
her small son. Tommy, are- enjoy
fox an ontlat at the Wo4 cot
take at Cannon Beach. They were)
Joined Saturday by Mr. Woodwwho
will ibmA tit votatfnn aa Ota
beach, .
7 i:'
1 1
from state reruiationv