The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 10, 1930, Page 9, Image 9

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Tha 02EGQN STATESMAN. Salgru Ortgca. Tfcgrsdav glcnriay, Jcly 10, 1930
page nine
F .. . a" .ia.
-i '
Nearby; Towns to Be
STAYTON, July At no time
ta the- 'history' xf S4yton has
there ten '9ttblc4 the "beauty
of face and fnartbat will be
present at .-the. big jamboree and
dance t&aMa.being put; on by. the
stayion 14099 daft on Saturday
night, July IS. 1
T This: la 'the, might, when, . fMlsa
Santiam . js - to , bp ..chosen' tram
girls who are present at, the
dance. Already Lyons, , Mill City
and Sclo hT , chosen the gtr la
who are-to represent their respec
tive town .tn thin contest. Other
girls wUI, be.f reseat from' Snaw,
Turner. .Aumsriiie and Stay con.
Florence .Tarni'dee i the? e
lectKm iron Hvl City. LoUTraalt
from Lvong and Sclo" hai entered
Alma Phjliip ' and Ardytbe ' ShftP
ton. Arlene Riches and. Bernlce
Riches are-' Turner eatries. Matil
da. Hlghberger and Louise Hlgh
berger' are the girla "representing
Aumsvllle. .Cteo Amort, AdAla
Amort, and Yvonne Pic Kelt are
from Shaw. Monica Blade .and
Theresa' Staff are thV"StolIraity:
entries ana biayton enters. uioria
.Wddlfu ' 3eorgf "Hunt AMce;
- Champ and' Corls 'Champ.'. . Ant
other girls who citd. td'enter. jit
they are residents of the Santlim
Taller, mar' attend the 'dance: and
enter on"Hhat "ngnfc.t'they do( not
need to'darice, however, to bo-' ot-
From the above named, ' said
to be Santiam valley's most
neautlfnl ririaT' one rfrl is to le
cfitosen "who will -.go 'tot Portland
ri . July 17 as "Miss Bantam.
Here girls from alt Over the state
will be assembled at the Lions
frolic and on girl: from this
group-will be sent to Galveston
Teias. there to; compete 'whh
girls from all over the v United
States. The expenses of the win
ners trip to Portland will be met
by..the Stayfon Lioiis dub.Xhe
expenses of the winner selected
to go to Texas will Also- be taken
gon. .
. This big final, selection and
dance will be held in" the, open, air
dance pavilion, excellent mu8l
(as Dees. ecurea . xor me occa
sion, the tickets are - the usual
price for dancinr and all wna at
tend will undoubtedly have a big
evening. Judges from out of town
who are. not partial, but who real
Ije : know what points will'count in
a' contest of thfe Jtind 'haTo'neen
easaged. .Cpje. .apdsee; the. f?an-
tiam valley's most oeaujirai gins.
W. C. Davis . returned . Sunday
from vacation spent -with Eer
soBL-in-law and daughter, Mfand
Mrs. Richard Slater of CoauineT
They took: Mrs. TMtis ou a mtor
trip i down the. coast hf t Bandon
returning by . the Redwood hUh
way to Grants Pass, "then to Cra
ter; Laka returning to Southerljn.
where airs. Davis took me stage
fir'lome. .' ," .. ..
5- grbup of
6 move up;
89 on the
thati i
'41- dieted.
- f prefixr symbol for
t.(hrxyclama. .
law, re! . .Tl
-etory ut. I;
erewittf Ik
ounngi ; terdaya puxilaw
f i
12 waigied"
gdeut -'?
' substanca
' If a!ata-r".',
' V narticla ' .
- tl Wan
;L.fl JeBala, nVg , .
1 5. one wha
.17-rone whe-
. ' . -
IC .1
' 11. 1 l?rl: l' l Is l7'l8
-lii-rw 2ix
222 1L- ILi 222 22 2. 1-L 2 JU- 2
1 6s2 ii i. -LL ""'' 1 1-. i 62
i-- g r .v vy?i t r
only veteran of the Civil war now
residing in the Ticiniir af Jeffer
son is ii urns. ua nas recent
ry retutne-I from the 49th hhnual
v. suvatuyiMCttt ( ,xugene
and tertatthatl he waa next
the. youngest soldier 'pfesent, hia
age neing kz. ; ;
Mills tells a story of attending
the national encampment at Min
neapolis, Minn., in 18?8, at which
a prisf of a twentjr : dollar 'gold
pletfe was to be given the yourigV
est - soldier enlisting' r during .the
civil ,wair; . and as he was the
youngest soldier, was tha lucky
winner of theold piece. ,
Miua volunteered - for eerrice
February 11, 1864, being Juit
Boy not quit 15 years oli Joining
the 122nd Ohio Volunteer Infant
try. On-April 9, after his enlist
ment, bo became. Ill with trnhoid
4-sv-r anji ; aad to remain: in thtt
nospital lh Philadelphia; for 14
weeks. .
After his recovery, be was back
hia regiment again,:. He 'fought
in We battles of . the Wilderness
and Gulp's HilL under General
Meader He receiveif: Ms' honor
able discbarge Jttna IS SB.
U9 tuor had twa brothers who
eenred during-the" Civil Var: Clark
-uo ww wun iai sevemstixowa.
nr -cnrtstopner, "who - was with
tpe'fth- Ohl0. .-
.Hrv Miilf u a naU of Ohio,
h" father died -when he was sev-
ea years old. Soon, after he left J
nojniV; roajting hia way working
in a saw mill, and on a ranch, un
til ; his: enlistment. . : :':
Be tr a TelecL around a rreat deal
durlngfhia,arly.llfeFlinany coinr
mg ta.uregun inU8l, locating at
Tillamook.- - " ,0
In 1912 he moved to Jefferson.
Whel ie "he' and his wlfa-'reWide on
a junait tracr near th north city
Umi.-.- . t
::A prized relic In the Mill? home,
la air old: fashioned - clock,' wh)ch
was brought from" England, 'it
firaa owned by his wlteV - great
grandroothet. f
Thacldck" la . about 14 inches
hlghi. an dontop oi ; the clock, is a
cupola m&de of solid topperj' an'd
hinttne" within 1 thisf ennola la a
brass' bill about five Inches tall.
wnicst strikes th hours.
HUBBARD. Jnlr 9 Funera
services 'Jor Earl Kocher will ;be
held In the Hubbard City ..hall
Thursday : morning "at" 1 CFlrclock
wiiu, Key. Jti, - vpng oi csaiem
OlflciatOig: Interitfent will fol
low, in the Hubbard-- cemetery
where" Knights of Pythias rites
by members" of Ariou lodge' 'will
be heit:-r, i
llrJ Kocher'a death at his
home Tuesday morning was caue;
d br a ancr -of 4ha head-
Mr. Kcher, the son of Chris
tain and Laura tocher, wasbom
Aurora rfovember 3, 181. Tn.
P9 rtver ui - xw nru
JfiSga, T signal !
giuiaVT- . 15--?0fiJ..
VERTICAL 1ft paradise
k l-rtamtri
' tifind'tanll ' " "headiresa
rrwirr---- -z--guiiterr;
4edss-tool. - througn Y1
forthS' - difficultlaf
-'' Yhi?Ue , post ti
T&t U debt c Slimnifift -
SJa-eide shet. .
tha nalirthn ta wes- - tertd &OW
li-eanonixeJ .
location 1?
in -nrt ii - 10 ca oa
N IT l-ri trc
IT-i-organ of
- - ' -rec1!-
IT O, f -
a a niiiicjj
"Mr. and Mr. Ell Min oI Jetfer-
ton. a Ma. MJIhi la tiie only -wet-
eraa of the dvfl -war residing
fa the Jefferson community.
1914 Mr. Kocher and Miss Win
nie- Will, daughter .of Augustus
Will of HubbardVwere united '
marnase. ' ' .- .
Z MTtf Kocher is eurvlved by: his
wife and children, - Iceland an
vera, hit mother of Aurora two
sisters, Mrs. .Dan - Heppler and
Mra. Rar Pish, both- of lAurora
and . two , brothBTS, Elded j Kocher
of Aurora: and Ralph ;Ko her of
Woodburm;. ?r- f.r -
ATJMftVILtaL' Jnlv Chas
P. Hien has-Henry! Fennel busy
with a tractor thia week working
a lrge field -which Mr. 'Hlen 1
summer rail owing mis summer, xo
kill sonre Canadian thistles which
had.gotten ;uUe,a start ' '
i- J-T-W - -j- - , -f
t JL. I ...A . M -V - I V -K- V X LIKI- rr 1 I
sr- ''o
. 1- ' j V-.TV . - : "v"
"TS wnlEBjHfeWa - . BILLV HEfMe f 1 : a TVS CVUWDRWUVHERE yDU- t WIrAQ . i
k 1 2?3?3Kf TtS VMttww
a m . A . . - 1 a. ii i i paw .. . a - - -w . . a ft " ' - a - w i a rvww wsw . a, Tv' wswia;iiMrw a a t
i' s'v v v-w- mwm'hj ii invii at.iN xiLix w L!:RnFauMT.i i.n tart .nr I ll" . . i! i I 5
i - ' J 1 i - I
BectriajServiceBeioa Ex?
SWEGLE. July 9 Another
new family, has moved into our
district, Mr, and, Mrs. Glenn X3or-
don.' They, bought, th?Bfees
ranch. : . . ' "
Bandar morning at . eight
o'clock Miss Clara Hoffman and
Mr. Carl Soos were married at
the borne of the bride- They left
tor Orange, California, wbera. theyj
will, spend, two wefaa peeing . tow
state, . r;
The P. E. P. company hare ex
tended, their , aerrlcea , tot two
more' families. Mr. Myers anjl Mr.
SUvera are. having tna lignu nut
in' the house. . ...
MIsm Betty Strutx baa been
Quite ill for the pasf week but la
beginning ta lmprore.
Mr. and Mrs. LaBahan and C.
Fr LaBafaan ar leaving today tor
their home in. orange, uaLr- aster ,
visUIng. M' Hoffman and friends
for the past three, weeks, :
Wehama Couple
'- MEHAMA, July 9 Hlsf -Ruby
Tltie and, Roy Powning'j wferil
married .last week. Mr. Dftwninr
is- employed by Haimon Co.! at
Cam& tf whert.the ywing tebpfa"
expect tof makattbei Xfa ?
' Miss Tltza has roada her .home
atf her- lif r a fevr mllea wen f
Mehama. -5 ' "
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph. Lldger-
er of Mrs. idgrcw accompaSi
lea nem.
Mr ad Mff, TJmherlake ' of
wood, re,.having a twseeka ta
cat&fi at' G;qU?,BeiicV and' M
t ornia bolnts": Joe Stodola.' brotbv
-tbsh r pcti i&tsm ( ajs - aaifaeffi ra n- glass-?
57t6ibzm tics ' "
Officii jpicUenkeirt waa caused,
nroodbBm: today wtoenxh
ew MO-gaUoa Mnper, rd4
ered by the city for addition-'
, al fjiroirotictloiiwM prk-
; e oa jFiitteet. " : : s
-Tbpmnq-avaar given aw
"thovoigh'-test and' minor:
4Wcct3Bae; ft MeasaiT toi
take ii back to Portland, f or
smairs. DeUvery is expefted.;
' 'Thfi.newpamper wffl fffl..
js ' long ' left need is WoodH
barn's city aVic ; depart
- intent. It fa said tfiaf the old
'truck, whicbf has ben' In se
"ifor about 12 years will
retained for eanergency use.
Portland: and Mrs.; Highby and
baby of Milwaukee, Wisconsin
aregneata at Mr and Mra, Bo-
hannon'a home. Mr. .Timbejrlake
Is a brother of Mrs. Bocannpu's.
StrawberryfaarTest In this vicin
ity ir being completed thla week.
In common' with other localities
tha crop her in most asea U not
np t ttf -'par." artn'ougn ' the . iDy.
Daugherty and' Mahler' fields
made-' giofl : averages. "
riHW ' teV Spend tha Quiet
Hour1 Was the title of a very?
beautiful''-and - impressive skit
wMcn wit esehted X? a speclit
feature " cVrisHai "pad'eavor
Sunday evening this month, r
WOODBURN; July, 9 Gus
Block and his 'two sons have mo
tored io California where they
plan to spend two" week with rel
atives. It's Great Not
Hia Bamp
Community. Group Makes
TJcrry at Rivcrdale
I nnnirnTSi ' Jiilv. e Th an.
huat community club . picnic held
Sunday at Rlverdaia park on the
W C. Pettyjohn iarm was an'en
oyabio event ' Beside those In
thts community many ma. : time
residents were present and enjoy
ed the bounteous basket xatnner
and sports and contests -which
followed; Winners of the contests
were as follows; . - '
1 Swimming" race; June Edwards;
tug of war, Roy Rice, Henry
Sbuebel. Raphael BettincouTt, J.
p; Blaukenehlp and 'W. C Petty
Jjohii won against Irwin.' Belby,
Claude ' Selby. - D. Pettyjohn, ' Ed
Tyler and Joe Rlngwald. Small
boy'a' race, - Ieroy.: Edwards;
larger boy's race, Roy Rice; glrl'i
race.' Maria ; Stutesman; a three
leKeed race. Wesley Goodrich:
i sack, race, Roy RJeo; lUUe glria"
and Naomi Crouser, second;
Humpty r Dumpty race, Maria
Statesman and Maxine Pettyjohn,
young married ''woman's race;
Reba Edwa)rda. v - .
Amity Firemen
T Respond v Soon
I AMITY, JulyS Early .Friday
morning the town was aroused by
the blowing of the fire- slren-to
which all the . local .firemen re?
sponded la a yery. short -timet
The source of tba call was at
the home of Lee Losey. With the
aid- o chemicals ad water the
firemen were aula to .exunguisn
be flames before much damage
was done. ,-:
to Be Color Blind
of KnqwWge
Heayj yirtanfe
Rickey, Recalls Travel
RICKEY, July t - Early ona
morning recently tha Rickey peo
ple were treated to an unusual
sight which recalled the olden
days, who'd an old fashioned phae
ton, drawn by two horses passed
through the community. , -.
Occasionally a buggy or back IS
seen' but it" has been years since
a vehicle of this type has been
seen here. " --.'-"''
: About 35 years ago a double
phaeton was owned by J. M. Mun
kers who then owned the A. J.
Hager farm. At that tima this
was considered a classy way of
- AURORA, July f Mr. and
Mrs. J. H. McAllister accompanied
by their son Donald vial ted at the
home of their son Frank McAllia
ter here last week. .They wera
returning from a trip to Alameda,
Cat, and before going to their
home In Spokane, Wash., will vis.
It John McAllister," another son
who wag i one time student of high school. He is now
located at Seattle.
Karl Schwab has been visiting
his uncle .and aunt Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Harper of Gervais. and as
sisting with the crops. - '
Mrs. Elizabeth H1U and her
three young sons, Richard,' Del
bert and Louis, together with Joe
King, has gone to Belllngham,
Wash., to, visit 'an uncle, John
King, who is leaving soon for the
east to make his home with his
daughter, "Uncle John" as he Is
i nv- ur' ic. au v-i tv x I
Mode. . of Other Dayt
traveling.- : ' ' . , . .. ; y
" About this time Rev. P. 81
Knight of 'Balers, for whom the
Knight Memorial congregational
church of $alem was named. own-
ed a one seated phaeton in which,
he used to travel Jrom Salem to!
Macleay when he 'conducted ser-l
vices two Sundsys"pf the 'month. J
To whom IhO Tehlcle seen here
Belonged . and what -was the' des-i
tination was hot learned a the'
reporter was awakened jhy the.
sound oflhe horses' feet on the!
I n i .It m.w.1
in bed and watch ft pass iy.:
called by many, has lived In Au
rora a nnrnW nf vr. aAA Is
well known. ' - .
Mr. and Mrs. M. S. McCoy and'
daughter Virginia of Lexington,!
Va. wha ar making a aix: weeks
tour of the west were weekend,
gnesta of Mr. and Mra. Edgar 11-1
ler.- - -" - --:' - i .
- HAZEL GREEN July 1 Come
all ye Oklahoma folk and have af
giyen by '.tha 'Oklahoma - assocla-
tion nt the. HSrel . Oreen park
July 20., .' -."
VT. A. Daizell will - efva . the
principal address. Other numbers
will be arranged. P. H. Penny of
Salem, president Ezra Bart of.
of 'SalemiT Mrsi W. G.; Davie of
Haxer 'Green, Byron -Brown of
West Salem art the committee on
arrangements. -
fultf- AT 7l&
. ' a.
OUT33 Jrni