The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 10, 1930, Page 4, Image 4

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Tis CSflC!!- STATESMAN,- Ss! Orrron. ThgrrayrMcnriag. Jciy tv, aw
r, : Fro&FirttKateimanrKaW
r T AsaerfaUra.Fre I exctuslTely iitMHJ t M tor paUW
- Cotton VI H b(f iliptteliH ee.ite ft ttor ,sot fcwrwiM fredMed
cdfis tJot-AJVeHlsIogtpraentaUwr4
Arti-en-W. Cm Iim- Portland. "Securltr'Sldi
San -Jrapdaco, Sharon, Blda. 4
Foro-ParsonStecher.'lr.e. New
r ill .... . ... iiw'w a
, ' Entered at tie fotttffU ! Soletie, Oreyo. Smd-CIM t
V tl alter.' PuoftaAef. ever morning wnl- llondaf. Buaiw
'ffkf21 &ipimkeTvial Street.
' - ; ; subscription satbs ; v; . -
- .; MaB CuVK-ipUoafe.'la 'Advance. 'Wfrhfri Oregon: Dally and '
V Sunday 1 Mo5 ctnts; S,Mv fl.t; llo. iutix Xa t4.SftKl i
1 wbr 69 eeat per Mo. or 5.M for I yew to advance.;, -
By City Carrier! S cent month: $5.5 a year , la advance, fer
- Copy H Oa train, apd New fitarulf 6 fota. .. - . , . ..
Mr.i Van Trunip
DITOR RODNlAEDEbf tfieooaBufn TxidepOTd?
i ?critls'iiDmkliis daily contemporary, Tlie Telegraml ln
getting readers for his weekly
dAirtit affa'clrrorilndidaali
Tnimo whom Edltbr' Aiden checked da when he reported the
Alarion county rourthonse, comes ; in -for; the hottest shots .
from the new editors typewftteKf v " t
.''Mr.AjRI efdeiiQhaa learned" the r lesson 6f no mat
ter what 611 write; iftteyltiKwe yuffnmtp
has. not learned that -the jjewspaper always has the last word
aifd, especialla iiewspaperwhose editor is a lawyer
neKflepemlenW gravd 'ctmcerhivef whethe or not(
Mr Van .Ti-umnlwaa on the iVtitMuTtyMeW
turned in time is not a wtnpje
Every city -or county: oinaai is expected to naye reasonaDte
lafifude in tteTnanngV la McKhemployS'hlar timeT--K6i
ucah"Tnr-IndeTdentraocnsr BlrrVaTrTrerarotjf an:
Indifferent mind or a lack of general reading and apparent
interest in farm problems. Van Trump knows how to read
and how to talak and he has mademany friendsn his years,
hi Marion count ' ; - '-'V'i. ".:V '
It is -Mfc Van Trump's extreme pessimism combined
with a hopeless inertia injmeeting. existing farm problems
in Marion) county, wJtfchsh!iId rouseJMr. Jlden in hi attack
on the inspector. For to Van Trump there are Four "Horse-
men of agriculture and they ride farm affairs constantly.
The Horsemen jare State Collegism HighTaes, QyerPrp
duction andlnipossibility of Improvement '
Anyone who knows the working of the Corvallis school
or who knows the burden of the farmer in taxes or who
reads production figures4or. whostudieswhtle.progress
is being made in improyf'iidJdns4inra ifkv
oring ear to Mr. Van Trump's complaints. He is partly righl
But Van-Trump's pessimism not- warranted - - Good
things can come even .from a school, at .Coryaljis, Taxation
injustices are not imposeo!by fcfogi 6r pnncest but by the
people themselves and as long as democracy exists improve
ment is possible. In his plaints about Over-Production Mr.
Van Trump says far too little about specialization, diversi
fication, improved Quality, standardization. More than any
thing else, Mr. Van Tramp -makes an impossible case when
ms gioom extends? xo tneimpossjouity
uramea man maiung money in agncurcurai pursuits is an
exacting task, if itcannot be.done in theiertile Willamette
valley, at least Mr. Van Trump could amile a bit at the plight
of .the farmer who hasucha.beautiful spot in which fail.
w We are content that' The Independent and the fruit in
spector continue their wordy battle over hours spent in the
courthbuseor attl?ean
iiSJi? Bi5Jrzna e 18 110 ?5au .ne essential iact is
that ' Mr"Van"Tfump wTEnaTTEis "study "and 'techniquens'a"
oUstobingLinfluence ,to, the iaith. ofht neede4citizentlthft
f ameiYwbo faces his problems,4 :admtlheir"diff i anjd
sets out, resolutely, to master them. If the editor of The
Independent can; instill some of, his own spirit of improve
ment wto!Marfon 'ctfmtyagrMt oft
tyr. Vanxruiap, on with the
'OT ia'comparispa with 1929 when huge prnfjtsj on a bull
stocii market made an extraorSiriary year.'biit in com-
panson witn.the Jast fiye years, Dusines tinri93ffS:iy-iio
trleans as depressed as street cbrneralltwould rnake it
J A Jjf-il. rw T -V-ft. J -ro.. J -VI
a uiapiiUfH iium.ic ,
ores Winany cases vare f ujly'
maae witn li&or witn tne averaee or live years: fut
. - Among the favorable nationalf acts cited are:
Id'the first 25 weekf:l93( car fedirigs were'only nine
fer cent below, those of the same period in 1929."" 7 h
' ' Tn:u:.. ..wi.'X. t...'oa 'tfteA m we aaa aaa
compared with $2,864,000,000
Long distance telephone
tw) i. ' , . . . -
Farm implement production has made a gain over 1929.
Industries .showing the greatest recision are automo
biles, textiles, sonie branches -of "dch'witraSlrdaai
tiowing high volume buteducedarnlhgi
ness tide, now
tion crenerally
f at low ebbrinay start .steadily back. Produo,
T off ia'M WeaWlpeedp1
rith a retaifcdrorKof chly?ftprV4UMer
to keen ud with a retafcdrofrof cnly?ilpe3ertetfc
.cjiants have been buying light
out of the harness.
T ThMMlls
'nayment have avera
hlf of 1929. Money UavaiUbldaUn!retoatajQ
available in many yearsTtttee-arterV
ha3 been taken from the stock market other jnyestment.
Banks have cut interest on time deposits because f: plenti
ful credit t
' America's economic recuperative power is assertinj: it
self. Thisiyear isnbf; 4umpirIone rbqt,neiiiiertih
- business to sinkutferfytb mSoUtimr ' r-.;
' JmHE UnitSUtes seMboj
" X. not because it is altogether what this country desires,
but because it is the best treityt available. . ii t
- Anyone who attempted tor wadenroughvthli-voluni-
i nous reports of the London conference kowathit sending the
' varied, diverse armament wishes of-five.nations through the
; or eac&iparxyis a stupenauousjop. . - '
t -Let the objectors in lhesenafe'!voteTasEthey
naval pact is an evidencef-Bome ihternAHonaTncurmioft
t on the necessity, oflimiting
! providing less reduction "than
.I of the disarmament cake is
states uuaer wie uraiy. Aucy.iixciuu-i ., -v.
' . ,The aggregate tonnage of naval armament jfor ' the" three
i powers, will be rednrpd SQfl,00fl tifflS,Vga4'J
building ships held up- in - 1821
Jhe United States wiH
Los An.e5e W. Paa BUg.
. . .... .
TertC 'ttt-Madtoqa At,
and Mr. Aldeh.
pat)lieatim,by a knock-down,
County Frttit Insnecter' Van
oWewop ta Mr Van Trump,;
of " Improvement
argumehtT " ' " " '
is Better?.
iwncu i,uesuay ueuares
up to.the veigthnsrestab-:
in the same time inlS'r
cal&fare up nine per ceht over
and the slack is now about
r -i-t
naval armament' 'Admittedly
we would have wished,, part
wtjterftan Aone.
- brthe Washingteatreaty.-tdll
effecr saviniof $Z0O$Q0$bo
TfcclV TkV T --. . . . . . ,
t Next ibn xo vajk dowa thaJ
no appear to natf aoro leeVT.P1
t '-'tJrM Karrftl -at 1
" ta ITuJmlferiPpfj
-taot cripplai-;
tsalls, .fAiloaav
.lieelj'-, On. or,
taor ot.tsesei
maka tfcaVleet
? or a anl ta-
capaMa ,o nor-
-jnal jaaef-if'
t-- TiB .
i Miireaso&s-.for.-.aU.
nek dlstarbaace. Neglect ot,the
et and tba wron k sort ol aaoea,
ia one at tne Jjea.tns.troable.'
J When yow o to bed at nlgnt
i0r set p In aa noraiacToa fU)
abt, faU to Trull thf -tact.;, aajli
handa...Wby ahouldBot, taa ieet
aava an eaoal aaare ef attention. r
Tlurr- travel -la dat and -dirt, la
wirid aJid water. Tbelr use is Bach
that a single day wiU iofl- them,
tar jttqre.toan tha hanrta. Oa,thta
account they should be bathed In
wxter with -aoapw Each day ahohM
see the feet thoroughly cleansed.,
To? soak them fit salt arid ;.ater
will reliere mahy-an54 . aeha and
Thera should fee regular trlm-
Tnlnr 'of'ihej'Mriaril.rdohcareJ
funyt-'shaTtnr'W'.the1 eorhr'andi
femoral of yie. cafiousesuV"tfoi
mnca to promote nappnie33. ii ypa
do? not YeeF eopirJeteae to2- 'treaC
yoat oira feet o -may- effesntfia
podUtrtst r trained", :htrodo4
hrfsfc-JnftoMar ortwoJoTBlni1lrni
I .1 L . J . '
meat. 'T..-.' '
But eren though yon vash dry
and powder your, feet- regnlafM
they wlU -wntlnme to bother yost
11 (iiegr are jboi weu snoa. u pays
to bar chase- food shoes. Don't
be coaxed into taking any othaj
Tha wrltlncs andnreaehlnr"' olf
health: esperta hvrp l taught the!
public to read the label on food;
packages: It harome to ae knowq
that what yon eat is titallr lm-
portantJ It ls4lmef "now to teach
puoue uiai uiere is mica, w
jtearnatamt iaafsl f? ! ;
It Is a rood thing to talks to
Lyour dealer and find out what Is
a good shoe and what Isn't. JHa
will gladly point oat the many
ralnable points about the fitting;
of your foot corerlng. ! !
Bead the newspapers and'mae
aetaes.. Study 'the adTertlsements.'
Ton can learn much In this waji
about everything you Intend 4 to
purchase. I ?
when yon are attracted by the
stafetdehts made about this shod
or that go to the store where 9 4
sold. See, how the article looks.
Try on the shoes, both shoes and
'see how they feel and look. Make
sure of fit and quality. ;
It pays to care for the feet.
Ton have but two and will never
have more. Ton may be ancoml
fortable whenever yon walk. 7. If
this is the case it is probable your
shoes are wrong. Take the best of
care,.of,your feet and ; they irfll
sem you "well aft your llfeT ?
Answers to Health Qneriee
M B,r 1? Q.r-What -dOrTOtt
rlae-for-asthmat -: f.
would suggest that iyou
bare your teeth, tonsil, nasal
tlssqes and. urine" examined. Con-
stlnatldn: -shold " be corrected.
Avoid dust and violent exertion.
Take lots of fresh air day land
night. In all probability you. suf
fer from some form of food i poi
soning. Strange as this may seem, I
ot th"commen -foods acting sis ah I
IrrlMnt 1 1 thik inUm -1 . i i rl
Hiss O.' 7 AT CH&9w an ire-
il What should, a girl weigh
who, inJtSW years bid, and 51 feet
z mcneataiiT i-? 7
.lA Weight 'reduction is merely
a. matter 01 aeii-acontrei as regaros
taa. aieti kot? lartaer particulars
send a neu-addreised- stamped eh
tetopearidTPepe'atyour Question.
-Forfher age and height aha
snoma; weign -anoat' iiz pounas ;
U 1
. . . Of Old Oreiron
rpw& Talka from The Sutea-'
f?raui-XlR Fathers Bead n
July 10, 1005
Thai Capital baseban team has
challenged the Bankers' bafebdu
etub- i&' ti ttm at the Uagae
grounds Thursday evening. I "The;
saaUange has been-accepted by ri
m Thieuefli manager tor the
f .The home made tabernac;io of,
Louis Hann is ready to be set afl
and serrices will be held today,
when the portable tabernacle i will
be dedicated. .-- '
Onenlnr of bids for snDoliea for
the year at the state lnsanT:isyJ
lia"ldeeloped aoma interesting
facta. One is tnat. notwuntan
lag general prosperity o
ronntrr. the nrlee of all rorx
1 L
feb, a4ioer i that therd Is M
the vaUey, bringing this j pried
quite low, .
Ray Stiffler was thrown from
his buggy la, Tew park, landed od
hia head,aad war seriously tnjurj
ed- orshlcama fraJetfoua
without warning, colliding with a
pre hydrant, and then making a
oash down tna atreet. f
under' the treaty in contrast
meet Great Britain's llee'tJ '
s.haUjhaje, threniore 6-Jnch cruisers .'bfTfimr. less-inch
crnisers rtta ciaetichl)ef ere thfcUnited States Is whethtr wa
shall have the Londonlrepty or aioiia f . f . "; r-..;.v .
LThft ftPTTBtft may j!&bat3 as many Warm "dayi as If wi?hes ;
treaties haver always beB tSe-
but ha-fwalHitfi.f
London treaty.
11 ""jw a. : . .... .. .s - - w v m-
.. .. .. ' . - -
By- BE
ZaUh, and rna'au pur Ue 1 j;uess
i.rcan taut io you u cai to Any
poay? . ana ,xrya : got" to : taut;, td
somebody;; DanV:1- Tit '
vhJi'i noaoea. so Deny. iK. .
"Tttt. hererto be1' talked : to.
"Dan'h. have you noticed the
way PaltlLlodks at'Erahderrtha
pot MXedVahrnptFy. '
Dant had 1 beeit half -prepared
for the QueBtfpni neyertheless'hls
ringerr dug-into , hia.paims. Hft
remaiiied; silent ; lor a xdomeni
eea Jell on XoalTto'ngaedBlatter
f:.luck; an- inatrumant readr4 to
Dan'l still hesitated for a space:
his hrpwawJjBfiBgi Then -tba m'anj
tnrew an oeceney oenina mm ana,
Hang himself at last into the path'
towarn jricn nis ieet naa oeen.
tending.' moTedJo' one sidej
So thatKoytfta-faclag 'him, tiasts
ialso Ik 'the) man! a ihajwheell
ho thatiltoy's words? would emef
to Slattersart-.: jLnd D4n,l Wasf
Very ear i' that' filittef .wotld takef
Fprjanother. moment he, did .-not
apeak; their.he laughed harshly. 1
"Whrtjoorydn; mean. Royliha
askedr -- - - ' .
?1 mean the way Faith looks at
Brander all the time Hoy ;ire-
peated. -f v
Dan'l TobeT seemed to ba em
barrassed 4 looke!to- right and
left, and h aald nnakiiT f
"Shacks; 1 guasryooTd tot too
nrh ImaflnatiAB. . Rut."' t- ; ? '
Koy snook ms neao.
"Jlo. riahairenl. efthec : Yy
been, watchinx her, Sha looks-al
Wmr' vu M'-knd
ml&V' llaei. and if ye aa some
thing to her, sometimes she d$es
a t near- yon at au ;5:
"She'a got a' right -W think.'!
Danl chuckled. "Tdn tant -f too
much, anyway. Boy' v No wonder
she doatr listen toraur "!W
- His tone was good-natured. Roy
; felt silent fprjaementJaeudyla
fDanTa " face, and Jaiff looked
confused. &
"Danl!" Roy aald sharply.
"HaTen't- you aeen yourself 'irhat
mean TUUren't you, nt?
would not meet Reynf eyea '
I knew you saw ttl" Roy crieov
"ETerybody must see It!
Roy. you'd best not sea- too
much," Danl said sternly,, -it J
wise to see little and say p.othing.'
If it was me, I'd say tmr wgsne.
of the times."
-That's all right." Roy admit
ted. "But I can talk to you. Danl.
Noll Wing is too old tor rssta
She ought. to nare marTieq;jou,
Children hara . a 4'ieohcerting
way of etrtking a woroT Itka
knife into our secret heartt;:Jhey
see so clearly, and they have: not
yet learned to pretend they do not
see. Roy, tor all his eighteen, rearp
was stui as aucn enua as; man;
and Thuii winced.' s
- "Land, RoyJ" ,he nrofested.
Get that Idea out ot your l; 15.
Taith and me understand- -
Roy turned his back, lok!ng
aft. Danl glanced toward t itter
at the wheeL Slattern back was
toward them but Danl eouldv.hars
sworn the man's ears vert rL'.l' t
pricking to miss no word. Dane's
to a competitiva program to
' . ' . t ' - -
preyof itlafsehata iniiGrity'
fha Amtrifw pvl is towards
and for the ratification of the
II .T!
1 ms.
ivfcv 3
N4 a a uii. - as) j
eyes turned nnpieasantly.
v A- womajrB(rBirongeE( armor u
her innocence. IfTaith. wereMkr-
nished In the eyea of the mien ia
taa, fo'c's'le, aha, would. JUra few,
aetenaeras mere, una rougaesv
man will honor a good .woman!
but. ha looks. njon jnejf hj).l5 soil
ed with contemptuous or greedy
eyes. Dan'iwae willing, for his
thipk eyn 9f ' Pal-Wldg- ; '
While they stood thuC Grander
came on deck and spoke for; a
.mtnute with. Danl, . theft . went
siowiy. rorward. Because he, and
Dihl .clashed id sharply. 'Brandet
had 'fallen Into the 'war df snenoV
Jng much ttas amidships with th
harpbpnere, or tdtward Jrttn the
crew. Dan'raHace waa'Tatt,,Rojr
watched Braftder ' as he' BPbke to
ibomate? - watched 'kawalaaif .
When Grander was f gene, Dadl
looked toVardr-Rorr
Danl" R
qy said
aald r quietly.
RrindAr trie
fo-f 0 do anything
to my s'iflter I'm Agoing
him.';. - : '
Danl said, nothing: and Ro?
moved abrupuy" paav him and
wint.nelow tfi i-? -
He was not seeking Faith; but
he came upon her' there, in the
mala cabin hf, was at the table,
witn a-ooa, ana paper ana pen.
shoulder1,' - Aad ' saw ' that she . was
making Calculations latitude and
longitude; ' ' r
What 'are you doingt" he ask
ed. ,
She looked up . at him.
"Studying,, navigation. Roy.
Don't' yott wsnt to?" hr.
"WhaitaraHrod doing It fori
'Because I" want tol " Besides,
It's .a .goedlhlng to, .he able W
find out where yod are on a world
as big aa lhia." t
H! flung himself into a cnair
icross trohirnis alster. c -
"Look here.' Faith, why do you
keep 'looking rnr Brander ail ni
time?""" .,,x?
y."' aitks'Waa - startled; : aha. - was
Startled o? so moca a wnat ftoy
said, as at wnat nis woras rereat
ed to her. Nevertheless her voice
was .steady and quiet as she ask
ed: mtt
"What do you mean; Roy?
k "The way you look at Brander.
He's not fit fd von to talk 'lei to
look at anything.-Heli not tit 'to
be around you."
She laughed at him.
"H6w do Llook at Mr. Brander.
' t-i n wArits . faith
was suddenly afraid ot what he
might aay. 8he Interrupted .him.
Rut kheT beat : over her" hook
she paid hirr no attenuea ur
moment. I, yEltung er?osite,
studied the to? of-her head, 'and
thOcft"There waf kn expression
ia'hti eyes' as" IT he 'ware tiylmrto
re'raenibersoEiethJrs faml;Ur that
evagedhiBu la tIie.UUence2they
cosljf hear Capa Wing storing Ja l
his -cabin: they could helr -old
Tichel stir in hla hunk atlhe oth'-'
er lend of 'the ship; thlyeoulS:
steerage, and all labout ftemthe
hear'the mufe" I murmur of; the
rclcea.oltt'e. tafpbonera? in, the
tlratrrs of, th Eallf creaked ' and
rroac as tt:y yieUad to the tug
jor windlarl i.-.Boy std stared
with-a -pnrtledr frown at -tha-top
of Faith's brown head. Faith did
not look up from her book.
Suddenly Roy cried , la a low
voice: ' . . -
4 , tin. T fctiowt Ta lMt-
Brander lost tike yon used to-liok
at NotUfhrg wheare were kid."
Tilth 'went wait
her"feef s6 awlflry
wai OTertBtnied;
loose: sheets ot
tli nra rolled across to thm edre
irDoa't be.eiuyKoy. Go away.
Donl pother- me'i I'm hns with
of the-iahla-aadett aadatrncxir
on its point in the cabin floor.
With a-motion swlft-aa Hght,
forgetting bookrand paper.; aad
pen.' she tupped across into the
after - cabin. Sha shut the .-door
in Roy's face, and he hear,d herJ
slip the: catch upon It.
.Roy stared at the closed door;
thehrhe went absfractedly,
the table and puued the pen loose nis paw to each one. present ana.
from' the ;floor. " The steet pcrfnt eyesfront, marched to the door-!-was
twisted, spoiled? ' ' and "but of theff lives forever. He
Thai Sally, came abruDtly t Into
a sea that was full of whales. 'At
nightfall they had not amelled oil
for weeks; at .'dawa ' thera were
spouta on three-quarters of, the I
horliohi and thereafter tor more-.
thai a ' month ' bere-' ere -nevwl
ditftfghtales-.5 " 'M1?W ':VM:
This turn of luck brought three
lhlngi!to4 wssw-RoTKart aafl.
nbnflrat enanee, la the boats, da
lnc the chaser. Brander-kulPd hw
firsts whala- as an tBcer-ok-th
Sally; and Noll Wing kltiedVthe
last cachalot that was ever to feel
DaniTobey had nromlsed Hoy.
promoted to -be matetA thU he
woald 8iT the boy a Qhance in Jit
ooaw tiei putiittpy on. tae.atfe:
thwarU iuaoer; hla own eye.
Roy- leaned. o -tner oar and pauea
with all his might, and bit his Up'
J breath: Thr hoy vame- of whaling p
stock; his father, andnnie fathers
father had beenmen6f the sea.
Ha did hot turn white when the
boat's bow. -slid at last alongside
a slumbering tblack mass, and the
That first, experience, ot Roy's
was i mudrone The-whata, fa
fairish hull, showed nought wha(
ever. He took the irons aa a baby
Ukes' soothing syrap; and- ha lay
atUiwhUf they, PuUed alongside
and prodded hia with a lance At
the last, r When-'hia spout was a
crimson fountain,' , ne . gave one
glgaqtic-.lorwardleap'rJat'he wad
dead-'jaoti ten. -fathoms from, the
spot where he lay when the first
harpoon went home. Thereafter;
there vuionlv thi innr tnlft ht
tewIhthl?mnsteE back toTthe
snip- tor tna cunxng in.
i A small Tatfair.' without excite
ment; 'yet NgJfoirHoy. It worked
a 'change ia the boy. He came
back to the ship no longer a hoy.
tmt the makings of a man. ?He
spote loftily to Faith. He brushed
shoulders with the men on eflukl
terms and was proud to do. ao.
altbgether forgetting the days
when he had liked to think him.
self their superior and to order
them around.
, Danl catered to the new mood
in the boy; he told Cap'n Wlpg
In- Rot's hearlnr that the onttr-
ster would makea whaleman, that
no had never seen any one so tool
at Ue striking ot his first whale.
Roy swelled visibly. . "
I . Brander'a initiation as an offi
cer Of the Sally eame at the tame
time; and a bit ot luck madit
possible for the fourth mate 'to
prove his mettle. When ther
sighted aponta in three quarters
. V -. . . ... . . T I
.a.b iforaiac, me man naa cnoa-
jen to go after a lone bull; oldTf.
chel aad Brander attacked a small
pod to the eastward; and Tfiufr
Cox went north to try a ; ttsh
there. . ' ' ' . . . , ;' ' i, i
b - Brander gave Tichel right at
fway, since the old. man waalhfs
superior officer; and they tame
upon : the pod with a matter j ot
seconds to choose between them.'
The whales ware disappointingly
tmalt;iererthelesi,tf Tligiel at
tacked the larre J, and tlrander
took the "one that -fell to him. Ubi
e. see 'rose to i irons .wept nomevatinoment after l:i - li'
tUtheklTkheraHhUwhale; leaped ?!i61-':KX II V
Oil tCl tatle, the the first blfnd itrertlB. dottflaaf '.
paDer fluttered. I Inc. but tight lag' ta-MhaAw off iai i?',;X . : . .- ,-jr-j..:
Iron. - " Jil I v- . i. . . i . . Clr ---'V 3"!
'--l itor Contteuedi,- :' ' f. L. : ' ;4 "
' "i
": The Jones family:
J CenHhalBg ;f the story eom
meiieedlarday4n thia column:,
;i i Vi f ' ? "
JAC nodn aaT camp fwas' mades
$baVW .?Tettio-7ear-
old prattijrprcge.d' buuww
chipi:thAttpr'.tonch' or. the; way
jraa'tha n'tneL Grandmother,
withLthe hela" of Racheland Sn-i
sanpaVJalae jtamily'WuWnS
atm; ihendthr .and- carea. ?oy
Sammy. o proud of tiis Tedtopped
copparoed 4oot8, And tairajra
blaeyedhaby fixai.Yhoavhe
Indiana. neTer tired of admiring
and once offered seven ponies for
her which- wa considered a good
otfan by the todiana. - ' -4i
trWTieii eamped near a fort; Mr,
Faln's and Xdon'sylgflanee re-t
lazed, lor grandfather; found,- it
rieceMary-afterward to recover
some " hordes V from the Indians,
who wera cohstantiy on- the look4
opt for- the; white man's biyu
eayudesarid 'willingly parted wltl
Doniea for but one thing, white
squaw, tie xouow.ea.tnem .
top-'dt. thq hill,, oyer which they
had disappeared and by; shouts
and. suggestive ' gestures ordered,
them to return his roperty-t-an
order -.that was promptly -pbeyed,
The vicinity 9f thf soldffra. was
hot - without weight, we suspect.
. "OHf Aunt ae'a vivid memf
oriea was of riding, along through
wiM country tnat jconceaiea sa
lnd ever-rock and tree .a red-?
ski J paint and- feathers t? rT
rjr i,messagf bid4iaVJIrJr Pato
halt until the delayed, oxen eould
overtake the norses. - Anomei
vf tordlbg Oreesr. J-ivec in
yorninxAta particularly, hard
Jolt their. pnly.wfsh boiler bound
ed into the swift water and' grand-
ptuiif ed : af jer 1 Vr-oa trusty
mare """jiuict and ready-hands,
bs Iffeiras safeo Another tlmf
" prBCthtiF tobj' , tipse. t taa; wagoh
and.' the .vPQke' ' containinr $5600,
thf tiMMr- fortane "was lost.
Needless to1 say it was found, and
thereafter looked af ter ore eate
fully,- Polng down . the mount
tains, a log tied to. the back ot
each wagon served as a brate' and
la,1 th atefpeatvplaces .repea, fastr
aned. to eome giant of the forest
tit taeXeary wagoni down, " fid
they, jot np-the .hUUvthey. do not
ten na.fc .: - ' - .- '
"Lion .herded the .catUa. al
ways hungry and prone to wanr
der-so .'diligently that -often he
was to of ootsore to travel. But del-
spite the coaxing of thq chUdren,
hejwonlii ride nowherq,Bqtn! the
rfinntnr gaii:of thd wagon! Nor
uptm:theJrarnvai-August" 27
would he "enter their; temporary
home on tim MicnaeyDangnerty
place' which they bought.r -But
one-evening after ; many, years ot
faithful service, he ' caine rwith
I much dlgnljr into the fit ellt ait-
Gravely -Te , offered
was not seen afterwafd. '
I IiOr?:Wlf er." " 7el? un
agaiast the wslL
other arrangements were
ttlte" alcrhder Taefrttrst Teal
furniture, over which there was
Tejoiewgj, consisxea 01 some
dv-'Dottom 'chairs made 'at.
rJcersrUl-' (Marion county J
' " . -1T . ...... i
ttfaction to elunuufe
Kold mdtorf ire nset.
!? r U
'.'1 4 tWUWKMin I " .
29 Aiodclj trom whicf. to rW'- .
... --"
deredt h6me"ehe had ' lost, - It 1 la
. - . 1 iV.f' .niw.Hwla. milA.
cot strange-thai: sometime gran d-
n other's tan tfige .iauea; nee. Ana
Rh MifbK4t.'JU(.tteaear
friends he had left iorerexj wept
as did ElixalietsuJtuah; for whom
ahd waxTuuaedv OKhlaryBjrbqer at
old Tort EatJavr tvi4l:i
a ThelrridnatloB. a claim. v - to
which a grandfather, tr duriaav-hla
long lifetime, added .ijboasaads of
acrer,'haa jievex noes: so. ft They
came" to ther jfaHey so. hat, r as
their even:; sons reached man
hood, they, might inot sayYottng
man? go west.'. but that they them
selves might ataxt aaeh: ot their
children with-' an - education and
a farm near their: ewnan ambi
tion that to a' great wxtent was re
alized. As sooar-aa title to-the
claim,: which Is on the French .
prairie, south" f Oervais could
b had,'- they -built ".the. log house.
where Emma, : Barah; . Bcott and
Harrison were hern.. - And I.
born January 111171. am one of
the several grandchudres . who
first eaw the lights beneath its
broad : welcoming roof. - There
were partings) also;, for close by.
m the Ood'a -acre; 5 for..whlch
grandfatherr with others, donate
land; they dug ther first grave for
Willie. When grandfather, re
corded his death he wrote: v
MWniiara Henry the 16th day
of January, A.'.rxUef S.7 .
A strong-miaded, good hoy.'
In 186 r they- dug-one -beside
it tor- Rachel Tain; a ?weet,yanng
mother, 1 who; " when, her ;aecond
ehud. Alma- waa "horn, 'left, her
babies at tbcilialtferJrlg; hema that
in "her; girlhood se had lovingly
christenBd Th J6oJk. -i t
s f Mir. i Jones, ;. wbenlat an . t&-
TOttced age,'.Ttuxneil ta ,tiM-. old
home in the east ' and continued
te'Malde- there uhtUrhia death at
the ago of T- u-.ati
; ria i existence . . yet are. letters
that grandmother - treasured as
flne,gc4d giting-aigaifflpie. of their
disciplined. lives-,.;J)ear.' granfl
mothersha tcaveJed with satiance
ar hag and -wearx-way; awey
strewn. WithgDodTbyes. , Her jhoa-
pi t able Jiome: was ha email nart
of3er:rBWardiheAawdj maa-
aionoyerrtherej Frorn, her deaih-
bed her; last jshqrgq to tnq, a much
tried young, tqacner,. was,-. Mi 0 vera
ronrseitiaehlWit f?5; --'
"Many heartrending; experienc
es were common to those ' who
'crospedVand wany. too deep for
ultaraa?, can: neyeqe told, ren
ivtao jraa.- olTnoTeneatailori the
betterment of, tha common people.
4 'whom H3p4 loves, for Ha nnakes
so many of them their brief but
(Contlmied -oq. Pas IS)
A TT1-
For you. Ffif Today s :
If 5-8 of a barrel of syrup costs
XU5r how much wUl H.of a
larrel;ostt'; '.J'' .- '
Answer to Yesterday's Problem
- I hours, i aaiautes, I, seconds.
. Explanationr-suhtractlng Phila
'delphla'a.' l6riftao-groia thaC of
?taac48coi :'wj:et; 0 egreea
18 minute.? seoadsT,b,era are
MMidegreea ia'a -elrclej, tie sun
passes 4hrpugbaUf. these la, 84
hcrsf time,, iTheretbre la, v one
hour it passes through' 15 degrees.
DMJdeli4a4B f nrsjt.resglt.
:. iw - . .... .
vibratioa. Special Electro?
that are ao OTJTRT.U
All MmM.. ..- . .
- t 'M - of
MW - ...... : .