The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 10, 1930, Page 3, Image 3

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The O5EG0N STATESMAN; Satem." Ore Thursday Mornkifr. Jely 10,-1930
Local in ews
. Iik Oregon Best "Enjoying
A good trip, but it 1 awful bot.
-rinur rjuu ui j .. . v - -
v. T4nn.ntarev.wno THn Her
4 parent, Mr.: and - Mrs. W. H.
I Bumpbrey, Is-on an extended trip
I to tbe east and outh.T They are
I aow- In Osborne, . Kansas. . where
farmers 'are barrel ting a good
i wbeU erop, she writes. They
f found bad roads in Utab and Ma-
i Bo. Bat aireaay wkj ro aiuiuio
to roinra to Salem, for ah writes
i we bate r decided wa wouldn't
lite back bere if someone wouiu
give vs the whole state.
Lambert ebe tries wanted.
Claud MeKenney. High and Mill
street. Call 154.
:T Disease at Low Ebb Only
eight eases of communicable dis
eases, exclusive of seven cases of
tuberculosis at the state hospit
al, were reported from Marion
eunty to tbe , state board of
health ,for Che wees: ending. July
I, According to the weekly re-
ort.-.Tne :egnv cases mcu.
Case TransferredOrder iwas
signed Yesterday by Judge L..H.
McMaban transferring two cases
brought in .circuit court bere by
the Prudential Savings and Loan
association to department - one.
One case Is against Ralph J. gtev-
ciui &mu hui au a - seeas appoint
ment or a reeeirer to collect rents
from a. certain dwelling bouse to
satisfy loan. The other ease is
similar and is brought against
Biancne B. Hoffman a-nd others.
A few children's hats to eboose
from at 60c each. Howard Corset
Shop. ' - -
Elrks Beard - groan man
Professor and lira. William El
Kirk sailed for Europe July I
uer were cettlnsr alone- fin nad
enjoying their - vacation, accord
ing to a Setter to President Carl
Gregg Doner of Willamette uni
versity." lrk Is en & year's leave
ot absence from bis duties at tbe
university where be U Instructor
1st ancient languages. , .
Xieensed to Mm; One mar
riage license, the first Sat
urday, was issued yesterday by
the county elerg. Receiving it were
Walter Feller. Nelson, 179S Mc
Coy, and Bonlta Marie Roguskt,
195 Soutn list street, -They were-
Competition Close in Con
test i Among Youthful
Fliers of County ,
George W. :Hug Was Outstanding Athlete in
M Uhiversir bf Oregon Career
I r waited to talk to George -W.
Hug." city v superintendent' of
schools, until -school was out this
I spring and la doing so J thought
and mumps.
Fryin Airplanes
F1rt Dl rick en. lilt South I to avoid a hurried Interview with
married yesterday by Justice of Summer street; wins-- airplane a dosen and ouyaseguoM to oe
the Peace Brazier Small. lrlde to Portland offered by Lee answered while I was trying to
Eyerly. r . r iget. my own auswerea. nil me
Wants ForcloeAre Complaint Second, Billy -Magee, Maeleay. plan was all wrong, oeorge uug
seeking foreclosure to: recover I wins -bronse aviation meuai oi-iopes noi.siop wwimj wiin me
12.300 on a a ote. together with in- ifered by The statesman. enu oi scnooi. ne
Smallpox Reported Another terest and attorney's fees, has been I , rValo Airplane nous round or cauers ana ap-
1 case of smallpox has developed at filed In circuit court by ' Oscar I First. Paul Franklin; route tlpointments wn naraiy enougo
terday from Dr. Allen there to and others. presented by Fox Elslnore theatre, golf ior whieb be has an admlt-
Dr. V. A. Douglas, county health m -A. Second, Harry Wesely: wins ted ; weakness. .
officer. The case is tbe only one Fnp R'PortT"H- Ha,ia f bronse aviaUon medal Mr. Hug -Is .a medium : tall.
to develop following a death there Menm yraay The Statesman, square snouiuerea Juan, amur
I ."L .Irrr l sheriff renort of an accident In I xm- in m srevinc a bit at the temples.
lod and T.cciDrf .Mr the !k h."1 " t??.S,J o.!: BMUfool one. ul 1mtcm .b-
iiary am . cvmra;. nyinsr Oaoerm- ipreparea ior mo quu hmbw
claims the truck attempted to I t.i .ir. I inwh n mntlaa which betrays
Spring fried chicken dinner, pass him after he had slgnaUed J lane e to Portland offered by I the spirit bidden under the deUb-
Ieraieness wnicn maae ui uiiu v
of the outstanding athletes in. the
B. Salem; wins bronse I university or Oregon , aunng nis
iwo each of measles and whoop- 50c jongb for alL Green Lan- that be was turning to the left Eerly
log jgjuk. and one each of scar- tern Cafe. U2t State. No one was injured. Second. (
M 'IS?- neftmoBl' P0 - -PftMember. of t. Box 10 I
BeeponsibUlty Given Mrs. O
L. Newton of Albany. In ber an-
Oark Win Case Verdict forllwer filed In tb Linn county
Robest Clark in hla suit sgainst I court to complaint of Grant Wiek
Urs. Delano Bell ot- West I Salem lander of Salem regarding "an an-
i i
i i
1 i
fV. VI. man'. lnh si Till thfiiT KTlftUUD D1CU1 Vkaoau
liib a m AAaaa w sstas' s .
n.iiiu anatit : WnMdiT eve-1 btaiesmau.
... . Tr..oi r.rn nrk where I - csje uiKicrs
pht j srBn-Eni.
George W. Hug
The ease hinged upon wages
hieh CUrk allered were ow ior
service renaerea. tne aeienaanu
by The i four years there. He was such a
substantial factor in tne univer
sity football timber of bis time
a ntanta luncb'was riven for the I nrst. Max Morrow, ia o worm "'V neaun as well that
. fM. iiAa. I riT. "nil rimR mn irom AmuiiK i .A.if. A . 4 -1 -.1
. w a .1.1. Lit. ...ia..4 J 1 rnnn - vuib " I . ' " . . .. . i n.. "11 ' rom fllS
was nturuea 07 mw jj uimvuue acciueuv, piaces me re- 01- nttrA Plinil Grimm. Inast fOOtDSll material in tne uni- l nrwfref . v
vTerAST srternoon m tne case, lanonsiouiiv on wicxianaer. wnom i . . a.- i n.v. .m... ,ai...iA n nro.nn ' i j . .
! , f. . 71 . . v . v . . i,Afn tha lit.. j,... a ., I ee nuKnei. aa- aecunu. . I 7' . t aumor 01 ouisianamg
; u iccwa w w ""s """ lean Tile company has filed com-1 South Water street, suvenon; i mat is not enongn out no (educational books. A few lines
! jiit enn i uu w rueu. . 1 Bi.Bt arainst E. J. WUiard oi wins . bronze aviation medal or-1 nas- me uisuncuon 01 oeing m I from thi lttfr HiTinnrf tk.t tu
LCla recervrtljudgm .?nd the Willard Tile companj seeklns feTed by Tbe Statesman. tint secretary of the old North- rIen(i nad crashed" from over-
ni . aatB "uM " ww 10 o"'51" to recover 1308. 0 alleged to oe Third. Ronald Miller: wins one western conference wnicn lncma- work and Insufficient attention tn
Old time dance New Yew Park duo for goods.
hall, S. 12th. Friday night, to Office Thomas L.
Ti.iti. -nrtt I Williams, internal revenue col
We are .riving special redec lector, has been-In Eugene on of
tlons on co'rset. and " Corselette. Z"inYZ Tn J tlcUl busine,, but expects to re-
tblsweek. Howard Corset Snop.- if two mlnor cWldren awarded to tnrn to nis offIce n .t116 P091 OI" airplane and glider contest for athletic flare but it is true, never-
. -a.- Mrs. Williams, according to de- ouuams u Doyrj under is years of age, con- tneiess. .
Phone Of fJdal Ketlres p. E. handed down reaterdav bv L t wi. dncted bv The Statesman, the Fox His flare for athletics has
Hicktnan. ex-general manager ior ,.. jn1 MoMaha. rwfn- TrTrJT-.- . iciainore theatre, the Eyerly Air-, grown into a deep and practical
the Pacific Telephone wa ieie- . . ... .nlldren !f he I . o " ..i' .1,1 i. - I rraft cornoraUon and the Grimm interest In health and the prob-
urapb company th the " Facmc onntrihttin .,. .linnort. the T7-..Til " - a riwr school. Time trials for the lems of "keeping well". Just re
northwest, has been retired from Ant.TMt a " ' fltint models were held Wednes- cently he held a scholarship In
the telephone organisation, ac- ' . - ' 10 v day on Sweetland field and the health education to the University
month pass to Fox El sin ore the-led the biggest colleges of thelnis owa health.
atre. we,.MwllDw1ii.l Mr. Hnr h h- ,ki.
W it,. ti w ..vti. viMs I t h a tAVAsnnt HABDr fAn rxavAtirga una " suv
r ounn; ri r nuiun, k r" 1 tlons aside from tha nn. f health
. . 1 i . . k. a.WAWmka. .th All. AARTAF. I " -
n d Don . I lijo uuucob wuaw.v
ences in the umtea states, wmie
Above are the results ot the Mr.: Hug did not ten me anout nis
for his students and his teachers
He organized the first junior
high school 'U the west; of Mer
Mlanville In 1014; he has been a
regular - attendant and .supporter
ef the; Inland Empire educational
association meetings for tbe past
14 years: Is now and baa-been for
the past three years president ot
the Northwest Association of Sec
ondary and 'Higher schools; has
been . instrumental In organizing
five rooms where sub-normal
children ot the Salem school sys
tem may be studied - and aided
(organised in Salem -a definite
system of supervision of schools;
organised through the University
ot -Oregon an extension division
In Salem where each winter
adults may take university work
from . university instructors from
tbe University of Oregon or Wil
lamette university.
All these things and many more
Mr. Hug has been Instrumental
in developing and like the ancest
ors from which he sprung he has
pioneered many of his accom
Born in Eastern Oregon
Eastern Oregon claims Mr.
Hug's birthplace. There in Sum
merrllle. a little town now hardly
known in the Grand Ronde val
ley.' Just a few days after his par
ents had arrived from a cross
country trip by covered wagon.
George Hug was born. He re
ceived most ot his education in
country schools snd in Elgin and
La Grande. He taught two years
before he entered tbe University
of Oregon where be partly worked
his way through school in addi
tion to becoming outstanding in
athletics and scholarship.
His work in school was all tab
en with the Idea of becoming a
teacher as the motivating princi
ple. He graduated from the Uni
versity with an A. B. in educa
in Salem lO Tears
His teaching experience .has
been in three towns over a period
of 23 years. He has been in Sa
lem 10 years.'' Mnch summer
school teaching has also added to
his number of years in tbw teach- .
lag: field. ,
What has teaching- meant to
him? His own statement during
.our: conversation was that Th
Joy that comes from teaching is
seeing students develop and make
good when they go out into life
jt v.'l..n
That is - the teacher's completed
produet. Then Mr. Hug pro
ceeded to point out people who
had accomplished whom he had
particularly watched. Their
names Include some, of the best
known men and women in the
edueatlona ltield today.
' Finding people ot unusual abil
ity and pushing them on to great
er accomplishment has been one
of Mr. Hug's bobbies, and he has
found it a most satisfactory one.
Mr. Hug is married and has
three youngsters. He Is a mem
ber of the Masonic lodge as well .
as of the Elks; he is a Rotarlan,
and a member ot the Iuahee .
country club." He was a member
and one of the organizers of the
Beta Theta Phi fraternity in the
University of Oregon. In addi
tion to this he can laugh, an
what is more he can laugh at 'a
joke on himself.
. H. Hunt Again
Interested in
Phamacy Here
J. H. Hunt, who two years ago
sold most of his Interest in a
local drug store to his partner,
George Nelson snd Joined Eli
Lilly & Co., pharmaceutical
house research division in Cuba,
has returned to Salem to make
his borne. ,
Mr. Hunt recently repurchased
an interest in the Nelson and
Hunt store. Mr. Kelson has sold
out the entire stock to A. T.
Woolpert and Mr. Hunt and the
store Is to be run under the
names of Woolpert and Hunt.
eordlnr to word received by C. C.
Aller. manager here from E. D.
Wise, vice-president and general
manager for
Oregon. His
effective July
July clearance sale at Howard j 8t1'
Corset Shop.
Hendricks to Chanipoeg R. J.
.1 HanA rtofc-a. will h In rhimnoec
the company for S"0"; today to deliver an address on oc- dally among entries in the scale finest departments of school
retirement became $5,200 and costs in favor of the Methodist Day at the models contests both for planes health in the Salem schools which
1. plaintiff has been given in the celebration. 9 Mrs. and gliders, and the Judges. Lee exists . in any school In the
case brought by Percy J. and .TV vi JL .nnntn
aMiA. miwi'ii ata indeed at the of Michigan where he studied.
tHontro witn tne aid or vaiuaoie assisi-
Competltion was .keen, espe-lanta he has Duut up one oi tne
Like Finding Money !
200 Cherry pickers for 100
acre orchard wanted. Just start
ing picking Royal Annes, heavily
loaded. Clark's Orchard on Or
chard Heights road, R. 2.
Attend Camp Meeting Miss
Louise Pinnell. pastor ot the
Christian and Missionary Alli
ance church,- was in Canby Wed
nesday for tbe annual e'amp
meeting of the church. She was
accompanied there by Mrs. Gil
bert White, Mrs. Edwards and
Mrs. Stewart.
Dollar dinner every night S:45
to t at the Marlon hotel.
Away Until 1SU& Paul H.
Hauser, deputy Internal revenue
' collector In charge of tbe Income
tax department, is spending nthe
" lore part ef the month In Mc-
7 Minnvfale, Carlton. Mewnerg ana
Dallas, and will not return to hla
$ neadinarteri here until July 13.
i . ;
The party who was seen taking
diamond ring from Miller Apt.
No. it please return to Mrs. M. C.
Caul and avoid trouble.
case brought oy rercy
Grace El Pugh against
Mattecheck and others.
dance Sat.
M. W.
Cox Fined Alvin Cox, taken
off a Southern Pacific passenger
train early Wednesday morning
in an intoxicated condition, was
sentenced to five days in the elty
Jail in police court Wednesday.
Wants Non-Suit A. E
hart yesterday filed in circuit
court motion for non-suit with
out prejudice In bis ease against
Mike Tanser. .
n.inlHoka rill AMnmnsn Mm. I TCvftrW and Howard Grimm, had country,
difficulty in picking the winners. curing me past year Mr. ug
Files Account D. A. Larmer, I some excellent flying was also ex- organized a class for health in-
adminlstrator of the estate of hlbited by the young aviators aid scruetlon for his teachers. One
Margaret Bogynska. has filed his gnder students. hundred and twenty-five teachers
final account as such. There Is prizes will be swarded formal- took this eourse which was de-
$2117.21 to be divided among N- at the Fox Elslnore theatre signed not so much to give the
the heirs. (Saturday afternoon 'at the Mickey teacher Information that ho could
. . MnA rii.h hnnr. 1 o'clock. In I oass on to his students as it was
SpecUl Meet hiw a special prires which cannot be designed to aid the teacher him-
m.eei5Lthl 7: brought Into the theatre, such as self to live a better and more nor-
vi uirm.o c . i , i. ., m- imim. mil and tiesiinrni existence. 1 o
nliiiiftuu a luvij nuu gtiwv AASiA i i i i
tion. certificates showing that the make the teacher think in terms
" . Ai I . A . - V.aliV - A W 4Ah Atk I M
holder is entitled to these prizes oi tneir own bmiu was iu amw
will be presented.
? rr : 9
Births 1
noon to dlscu --tters pertain-
Eber- ing to future work, sHsCriTXia
Girl Born A baby girl weigh
in y pounds was born to Mr.
and Mrs. Leo Butter, saiem route
. early Wednesday morning at
the Deaconess hospital.
Landgraf Released L ester
. a av mm
Births Standing Hed W A
Johnson Mr. and Mrs. C. N.
TVM.nM m a. 11 riarnlvn JaB.:
- .. ... I AUUHBwlM A. " t v 1
Landgraf, placed m the city jaii ijjy 5 f
Peerenboom Mr. and Mrs.
Theodore C Peerenboom. 2440
Brooks avenue, a girl, Bernlce
Catherine, June C.
Oomstoek Mr. and Mrs. Le-
1710 Trade.
of Mr. Hug. and In addition to
aid them in correlating all school
work with the Idea ot health ac
in speaking of health work Mr.
Hug became very serious. Said
he. "It Is not only physical health
Tuesday night on"im drunk
charge, was released upon pay
. - M A A. V.I1
buLU, DDi Ul A) i IK".
Died near tbla city, July . Eva jjtrm For Camp Lewis-Dr.
Louise Becklev. 17. Daughter of It b o.v
Mr. and Mra. Edwin 0. Becker. rCamp Lewis. Dr. Schmidt RoyJ Bush Comstpck. 171
Route 4; sister of Dorothy, Helen ta fjr,t lieutenant In the dental 1 boy. Loula Ray. July 1
and uuiaa; granaaauguter oi
Mrs. J. w. Becklev and Mrs. E.
Humphrey, all of Salem. Also tlx Decree Given Tka investors
uncles. Funeral services Tburs-1 syndicate nas been awaraea juag-
SZ.0SS.44 m its
F. Anderson and
1 Jt a -M . Am a iltAt TIT
BM M7V, U- " - . . W I M A. tv- za.. T. Higoon ana son mortuary. u-igmMisi itj
ta club will be held this noon at terment City View cemetery
the Marlon -hotel, when Mrs. oral Bernd I Board to Mec The board of
Melntyre, president, will give I nfA titm ..!,... Tnmxr I irAotnr. af tha.T. V. C. A. will
further Idellgbta on the interna-, Jul g Mrfc girjlh u hold a luncheon meeting at the
tlonI eonvenuon neia recently in Berad.Bbout fl. widow of the IT this noon.
late August Bernd. Survived by
brothers, Joseph Hughes, Turner
route 2; Lincoln of Iowa; Charles
"v. . D. of Wenatehee, Wn.: one sister.
BOOKS W slmr liu H Vtmw of Pa.tOH
rii Im A.MAwaASkAw
Want used furniture. TeL 111. j
Wins Jack . Frok-
mander has been awarded Judg
ment aougbt In bis. ease against
Harry E. and Kmma H, Joy..
mMl linilCIAlLI AAAA1A AV AA . U M
, . . . v l son.
Eugene seeking to clear title to
' land held by tbe plaintifL
Died at the residence,' S40 S.
1tth atreet. Jnlv S. rhristlan fYr-
Take a ride In the new PontUc erby survived by widow. Isabelle
Big f . Try out the wonderful per
Tormaaee of the new Oakland V
type .1. ' '
I Attending Conference Dr. H.
J. Clements left Salem Wednes
day for Seattle where be wilT at
tend the sessions of the Amer-
and following children:, Carrol.
Donald, Marjol, Crystal Jean, all
of Salem. Funeral 'announce
ments later by Clough-Taylor
company. -
Died at MeMinnville July t.
lean association for the Study of I Anna Elizabeth Allender. Sur-
Ooitre." Dr. Clements . expects to I vived by daughter, Mrs. . A. E.
: return Saturday" night.
Visiting From Coquille M r s.
W. A. Gilbert and son are in 8a-'-
lem fxvm Coquille for a several
.; days visit with friends here. Mr.
C Gilbert Is county engineer in Coos
f county.
Kodaks, developing, prescrlp-l
t tlons, Woolpert & Hunt, Court at
- Liberty. , '. ' .r
Visiting Mrs. Hnrd Mrs. Etta
B. Fisher ot Los Angeles. Calif.,
is bere for an extended visit
with ber son-in-law and daugh
ter. Mr; and Mrs. Frederick A.
THurd of 815 North Cottage.
Montgomery, MeMinnville and
sister, Mrs. Delia .Allender. Sa
lem. - Funeral services Friday,
July 11, 1:30 p. m. from Macey's
chapel at MeMinnville.' Conclud
ing services at City View ceme
tery at I p. m. . -
City View Cemetery
Established 1883 Tel. 12M
- Conveniently Accessible
Perpetual care provided for
Prices Reasonable
We Rent
Vacuum Cleaners
3aH 2103, Used Furniture
' 9epaKnent
451 If. High
The Best PrepamUon of
Its Kind, the
Softens and Whitens the Skin,
Removes Freckles and Tan,
Prevents Wrinkles. ' .
Price 50c and 75c
Schaef er's
Drug Store
The Original fellow Front nd
Cady Special Store ot Sakm
Pbonw l7
185 W. Conmiorclsl
Quality Coroy
You need refrigeration; get the best. That means Gas
The absolute silence, high quality, reliable efficiency and
economic operation of the
Gas Eledtrokax
make It the best investment, the most satisfactory all around.
Thb week TWENTY DOLLARS off from regular retail price!
(Bring tbe coupon or entire ad.)
i Good For $20.00
on the retail cost of a Gas Elcctrolux Refrigerator
this week at Gas Salesrooms.
1S So. HJsjh sc.
Salem, Ore
XI 712 know how to
.hold goods forva short
or a long journey so
that they will arrive at
their' destination In
tact We note care-
folly even if hurriedly.
Becoms a Customer-Sharehtder
o.. ro.Pi r. Ti t. J3eltrest intmorial
I2.9S, Special for $1 this week. ; .
ii ,inrit
ii axm WMa
Howard Corset Shop.
Front iAOoaey Batte Miss If ar
guerlte Looner was a - business
caller tn tbe city yesterday from
Looney Butte. : . ,
Rstnte Appraise Estate of
C. W. Tounggren . has been ap-f
praised at 12,071. C. A. Reynolds
A Park Cemetery
with perpetual care
' flnst test snJnntes rrom tbo
boart of town
Is administrator.
' ,
" . . 'ft'-
"Pepco" is part of a great, nation-wide system serving 471
in Eastern Canada. The assets of tfns system are over 300,
000,000. and groat earnings at the rate of over f39,000j000
a year You can shave in these earnings by investing in
Central Public Service Grpotatibii
4 Cumulative Preferred Shares
f60 Per Share
A safe investmentyielding aver 6
Km h sk ym cm kcMSf tmfmntJurtkMn f m link m 0 aslt
- ' . . ; ladtreof , . t -'; " " -
Pacific Northwest Public Setyice Company
General Offlce PEPCOiPrtIaad - .
237 N. LibeVtyj Salemr' Oregon r Telephona 3490
1- MAIL this cbuPON---"""rr
CtaOtmemi Ptesass send sue, withowt obligation, inforaatkm nboot Central Public Service Coc
toratjon Cnnvilatrve 1
. : The SUtlon with a Clack v