The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 10, 1930, Page 2, Image 2

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EK6EEQS f 01
General,, Peal rWoir? dm man JK
.- - fig -"Vancouver -Barracks -mud tie
Cltliena Military trilnjng .tamp.
- Irlrica to tow tn ?traialaf. here
' las sent hie coasra.tala.Uops to tie
-.'chAImaa ,'of b-: Miriest county
eoatnfitee;on thai fact, (hat Ma
' iWunty fUStfS third la ill
. coutdei f the sUtJ In total re
resentatioa -at the camp, and made
.. considerably oxer tar county uo
' tiwhielrw'15. A1 total bt'U
. tpwttxm wjete eat in of hUh
thVee' were "rejected "on "account
ot physical WnatOcrji: or undfcr
' age, and one, infield C. Clark,
-was.gaat-to Fort. LewU,.WasaIai
'toa,tA enter the training eahjp
for-jfleld artillery; that: bates bis
f zofeeV'whne twenty acre actually
enrolled --a$df, taking the" training
- MulFnomaTH jeotrntyla represenlu
Jr,"5 0:,Doya CiacVaraaa eoub-
7 ty ay 7 tad Marwit cotnrty uy. 20
atTiiee'trer.1 General4-Wotf eoin
- f&eAts pcrn tie tact that for tne
first tfine fa tae history ef, Oregon
every .county In the elite la rep
r. resented: at the canjjt-'A total et
. S&i ; toys, i are actnally. enrolled
- .treat .Oregon-out ot .7 applica
cidns previously gent In, There, are
Ca addition 111. from tae state of
WasMngton; making a total of
49 SK now; fn, .camp .at, Vancouver.
BTI tatfng .the Infantry course.
SoMler" Kow
At Rifle. lUnm i
tasf Jtfonda mdrning the eji
. tire camjr. moved ut to Bonne-vflfe'-seventeen'
mile' from Van-
i confer, where they are tn training
W te' rW ranger and m return
tn 'Vancouver Satsrtda- .-o -
' Camp will officially jbta afuly
" 29? nd Friday,'. JOly 18,'JIW be
-designated aa visitor rday.All
'TAembera of tae? enrollment! eem
mlttee and ell ciOzeti rnterejrte
- 1 the training1 camp and1 fan toe
- Jurya arwi eordially; lnyttBd to ; fte
: atresentr.tbat dar.-Oorernor'AiiW.
Horlilad;- fiasii accepted: Generkl
Wolt'l lnTitatfcrntorepreftOra
on. and will make the. present fir
jyon. of. medal aad trophies: won
by thebQ;s during camp'.. Mayor.
X Urcaley jhaj. also' accepted
asr.laTtation to .be present, ..rep
resenting the city of Salem -
In .writing, to the. cpnnty chafr
man General Wolf says:
This Teport marks tae- eon
elnston ot the m6st snccessrul en
rollment campaign efer condacted
(a tnis district Kor oaly dll te
. fsr surpass1 onr fnota at who,
' fcof" first tinrtf on- record tre actn
uy BaTe .stndents la camp froni
erenrone of the ft counties com
prising th Vancouver Barracks
enrollment district. The .only un
satisfactory feature of the whole
campaifcir was the fact thai 111
- ficceptett applicants who vere act
ually ordered to camp; failed to
report; most et-their -failing. toad
te thla-ioffiee-hai they ifdund
themselree anabie to attend. For
: twnalely, Oweverf we received a,
lirge jmnfbef of Hat-mlnuteappU-'
eat Wnr. i front Maltnniah , and ;
Claifc eirnHs that: we finally
tad to turn arway a eensMerable
-number of Teally desirable appll-
aat-v- ? - . :r
Tbtf sesnlt aw a-whale Is most
mtttfftag t al) concern ed, and j
thinks In fullest measure .re
Sierebyfcttentfed to aU-memben'of
lite enrollment organisation, srhase
rrtlTO tfltetee -an :-?aiitOhg
" feffrtrta irr i eseusIM for tfnr
: luicesl. Kmt tlat tha craund ha f
been so thoroughly prepared, the
: eanpstgn next year shonld be
Jnrra-A- Wg prograa
wfii b stag. atdr -Jt rf desired
ittat an- members of the ;aidll
thent of gaaiaattdpt alt parents aSrd
rrteads of students and-aJ-eltlr
sens generally wh ara interested
Iff national defense nd the devel
biraietit of onr yoathapend that
Jlif wtth ftke yng;Bie herj;at
' tan reimp. W are going to - wall
lnyltatlons to all of those -menj-tioned
wTseee-aames and addresses
we have on record, but there will
be many more whom t we . cannot
releh Id thia- Vay? Jus remem
- berthat an-lavitaUon, i not sill
' essential; and aeiw all yea can to
- - AvertiS the, event" ,
' ;fcrten -liett
Are From Salem ; , " ,
- v thP opa fresm Jfarton 'Coubtr
' wtd ajwrae atBdhtg.tSe -tl-
- . paaf Mmtamtralnlag- camp at
- Tancotrtar arwaslollowsi ,
-.Biaantyftu Taemav.. S.,
CbtiHdgBf street 1 raverion,Dsrc
' eotfrae C; fei Campbiai. Xeww
p.. 532 Statesman iYfc.." .Salem,
r -TVilHaa .4.-liS' SUtaaaiah -aVfe;
rfiweaabre ur4; CtjLerk8i
hri. 5uVenonbasfeairJa 1
clal itreet, Batem. rA ttura Ctt,
Rs'lZTiffyteyal Coirta
Antl Sarenwlbasi iwnrse. Co.;
' V -r-ititK 4W IT. -X-r iWfc k iflsrtrre
; .Wtordj Sunrme Iftjiet, I
..-Caleaw baie jconrsez Ctt 1$ J'H
la i?fitVi llanr
t reamer -Co. , K - insist-uaroia
'T'et lVtAveVaTt4
. eodrse; t5e.MU-PatyA
i " S15S SChnrch street, Saleaa, bs-
' - texts -Ulcni, iAsic
. ' coarsav cal
rm Bv '-' ' . an
- rwEresrW-ii
-' see. KVT. IUttrd -1.' .
rra. ro. L.: j3.?yfc juinnan .;;
- -4L5-S. Cottage streev..iem.-reo.
ViMirse, Co, Tj Walsh, rtafiets Ifv
; ' i3 eVi a'TeMtalern.'Jid course,:
- ter strefeT, 'SalSm, Tas1 e icoii rsS CO.
.TCJ Whltliagtffn.TX.rsiie w.,1 4i
S-Sj;VCbttff8i.:irteV fialem, v basiff
m cdttria,Co.'X:. . -yj ' " '.
. XeiSe O'Dare wa'a'tafeasadlfrtmi i
fisllce 'cort JW"eanes3ay !aREr ;
f- 'frrciu;2g-iiot-Vvj:ity:tachar'xf j
, , -" robbing : th WUlametfA Grocery 1
at some aanlr and fruit. ;- '
' And on
- -tag People 47J
mneli heavier thai we-nadaritle--f
ipated." said R. WV CUH, cherry
in e.laokcri -oiThari tL the
ClarkJ'-Waa bealffl Wednesday,
with 299 pickers at work - The
ciarxa Baye,t tin acre orchard In
alh, pcilBgJias iai( been.eonv;
Dieted. Much spraying Tnas been
done In these orchards so that no
evidences rCfthft fruit, fly inaj-
Bou om ween lonno.
coast tines In . sonthera . Oregon
last Sdiflayj : and W tirlce of U
eents gallon pre Tailed in Jlaxah-
Tleld, Bandon and North Bend,
icccrfltai ti'ffen-TUcI01r jtsslitafit
eeret4JTtlf:hOr. 2L&J,o
just returned from v two ;weeks
Tacanon jannc mio .tnat country.
cal union is performing valiant
serrio in providing -peastons- tor
(ot Jta kttdi eonlutuentoa: in
redacing . honors ol wdrlc; tor .em-
pwyes.sua xa jnc auxement. pi
Pelkrpresentativeot the
anion who -was i& Salem; on. baal
nm;Wediesayii Peikey ils li
imntypeatiperaXot; by. trade bat
spends most of his time now-aa
contact man for; the International.
His' home is IS Seattle. 1
T&tiirfTeT ildi' gi(n4& 20 per
cent in the lasti decade in popula
tion while in 1929-S0 its school
population alone went np 200 said
DeGatts : Reeves, ach6oI superin
tendent : there, in Ealem Wednes
day; Reevetf foltowed 'C -W.
Shnmway 'asi shpeTintEndettf. Uxt
ShantwayliadTa record df XS rears
eonttou4ua-servica at'thv hear Of
vantonttrraohooii. wire if he rfr
ttretMnVJst aesfldMls'daya WUH
school wdrlr were; pasaed but th
prgetijjwraj :eoaqaeredi this
Wing, antf-novr, ho'i a. candidate
for the repMhllean nbmlaatleni f pr
eonnty-:! .school, superintendent:
Wa$h fatten bat . its .primaries!. In
Septemnor, i sayf i Reeves, ? .Eid
elects:, the nominees the following
Wovember. r ,
' So freqnent- a Thitor in Salcra
1 R.'E. Ifason stsArbanw that he
ayS 'Ms-presence IreTe fir no news.
us as salesman: for a- small whole
sale and retail drug'btfs&m In
Albany, and - maker the rounds of
all thw? towns' from- Salem - to
Roaeburgv including many olt tie
main line.. : He gets here aboui
twice- a month. He makes the
Marion his headquarter while
In Salem oC official 'business to j
dispose iot beads' for the port of i
Newport" of wirtcH he- la treasurer; i
ta-Bert RfAUenv' He will confer !
with' the state treasurer today en
the .bond prorrotettlon. Inciden
tally, ;Mf. 'Allen Is- strong boost
er for 'Newport -an is optimistic
about thai ftrture at that town ahd
resotf, which aw telievew fr really
trd its way to foTgsrs ahead after
Some" year f Inertia. Weather
conditions are ffse there now,
Btslaesa tf gowd'an the rummer
time 'stares' kit ttAii ttttttfr and
big wee end trewda ara there, he
reperti.- BTr AlMa -1 i prerprletor
ot Allen's" reataaraut -there.
, - .- - t
suu eaeraoop .ic labor win m
heidf tn, galemi if f tf orta to be
made iy the ldcal grades and la
bor - csuSdl uatarialtse. H. WI
Hale,; aecreUry af; the ' cWndl
here Wm IriStf acted fa cdfflmunl
cute with cUufef cO'uhell secretaries
about getting the convehtlon tor
Salea; , ... . ..-1
.Faak Pt ? Marshall, business
agent ot ih building tfadea cban
eil; was elected trnaien A:
McFadden- wa alecfed :'aetgeabV
atHirsts botfe ibese itlons; bb
ing racawsioceastoned by resig
aatlea oj George ier guipn. , Mo
Faid.ea44lalt .wmiams, Andrews',
A. sWir a&i n4 B Davidson
presented redemtiali -a delegates
from Caepentersi local Ko. i068
MfAMlflJttiCW f
AP)-t-Oaa Isoanenberg, reeegals
4rtraa kMvyweighJt wrestllnt
taatttpieBj. men .af f the atates.
ttassed Jo Ht id ot Ita4y lattwo
vdaai a tiua tn here Janlrht.,
of highway
-a-tmgeaarma-wiisiaer meeting of .the state high
war, commission to be field in
t Portland Jury U -X ' ';
The projects follow;
- - Benton and. Lincoln. eQuntles-
PPWtrlntclr.tTT&ines. or brp:
kejf a,toi nAd-'crnshed jock sir
facing on county roads In vicinity
of Enmrniv n,rV-'V V i
.Harney: eountyASHver Creek
Bage Hea Qll seettoa Central Ore
gon highway, 1 0,1 $ t miles grad-
4 xiaa a
section Ta
lacjfi41ilghway;- 157
tntles pi gradewldenlnc and grir-
ti anoniaer constrncuozu - i
KatvtvrS ox rUt
axuf Welser spur , sections of Old
Oregon Trail, 10 miles ot regrsd-
gTadlnr atid-wldeatnir ind. gravel
Tillamook county. -..Pleasant
Taliey-temlock sCctldA. of Booie-
veit fast highways ea ot.rey
iajf facing' wort rAndUurnlsalng
erashedT, gf a'rdt for. malntenence
V Douglas jounty , :
bridge iver Jdyrtle' creK in fdwn
of Myrtle Creek oa Pacific fifga-
Muitnojaai? coitnr 4onto:
tlon of Irafflc; jpimtra: , 0$ lper
staie bfldiebetwlen, Vancouter,
Wash4 and: Portland, On the Pa
clfWklgJIway. , . ';4--Wheeie
c o. t y. Concrete
bridge, over jECDck Creek. apprdti
raately 2S jnOei iast pf Mitchell
on. the Ochocd" highway.
4 4 M4 t
H Wniamettl' nnlversttf and 'tae
Methodist Old! PefiWs Cojne.,1
Salem ajpimda'rtaB bfftiatfei
of the JIOOOOO esUta of be:M
Mrs. Helen Jjt Hantejr,, 7t, yrfod
of a Portland automobile dealeft
The wm.vas admitted to probata
In Pbrtlaai .tsMtf; , ; ; i
The old people's home win re
ceive $5,000 under the Wilt la:
inedlately whUa Willamettf i
share, is part of a trnBt " faid
whloia will fieeome nvalTaaie" at
the end of 20 years. Will H. Mas
ters, executor :bf h:,lHll;is I
charge of thef fand wild wflf bi
distributed among- several cbarP
table and edtrcational fnstitatibhtf
at the4 end of that time.
v ' - ' - - i -1.. r
.Contlaued from Page i), w .
tomary deathberl blessing it dnt
thw popw- and ; apeoia. -blessing
which his hoilnesflt bestowed as! a
signal fedaor td the aged cardinal.
until he sank into tthcohsclous-
ness the nearly century .om
prince ot the Catholic church cd
traded to talk
latei gathered at a seaside M
tSoagii there was-, a. percepttlltf
Weafceatagi in kls.'vejce-Ae aeeta
ed to. derive pleasure frona thw
conversations. . . r , -.
Just bwfoaw be dled.lie reeefvea'
. wtott i frona i Fransesao dra-lav
isadeTaecretarr te the- pTiraanln
tster, on" -behalf ot Premier Mfes
oltas..i.!. p.:'? xs. Tt':
XThr llifies wf .tha-tard-iai be
gan ei; ascension dayi When : he
btartaied hlnweH. He-jenntraeted
a told: whieh later tlereloped lit
the rafection Which caused datU,
L'o'cMm Tafte'
5 jw' agency for titVlime'tlr
line tn Jattt'a4lotrened Wed
naaday; wrn-panl Thompson And
Clyde BAtKfrort ttartefl Bote IM
nesa "atlsT South -'Commercial
street, 3Chey aucceed Rus!; Smith
tf 1asirss tm- were -formerly
employed by,nlm. ; " '-q'
,i tU tw9 nek innalltfoh to the
fim toa'liaa'wto .ert- GUmore ;
gaJMlie aad Vatvolme olL- . t,.--ffha
lntrttdrortha store baa
been. repaTAted7and slighUy l.e
moda.ed id anticipation. t the
ew::criiiers:jiocw.paaey. -- ; ,
-."Je ,v'
Bid for 3S miles
la and resnrfflcjaf votXjt-s I
, PtiV-couJity-rpir - Cofaerr
Itqnmodfh Section ",0t ; West 'Side
Pacific blaiwav. t.S tttteii '.ot
fiflE uEfkEFI
slaas te tiliinj flctcreo&l
keariua 'drama tcau Into -Its
(owa characters haa dive
IUHneA'wliolowe . . V men who Inst
-He 1 Hosue" tonebca the T
lart: . .v .
- j
TtilsnpixTWobD : ; 1 ?
Od-yrIvhAl Gnbert" la f
Friday'Trretnd Easy.
m " o T - -
Tat "Th Bla Hoase.1
-tfatarday -jifSatety in-
Numbefs i yriih. ChmrleS ?
nddy"Soets. ( - J
i.'nr fTitf"trbfc wsIstiMf Ik sua
nf . Tt: rinna Tint leVdown eittiar
ia i(fii'ifotp1tfofogTaphr, or
In dramatic incident, i
' Therej ar; ZoutitandinjL. actors
ftf tht htue tTiSjoara.
sdma ot then, onel remejubera, J
name and spmapl-themlnsCbev
cattsa. tliey ware .particularly
a at ftren moment. The man .vba
did . ectrfci.VjW 1
wiU jjectainrj baimpjrinjjapon
the ninda of ..thou . whb see. -Xhe
picture, is "Chester M6M?7 Robert
Montgomery, ,taa Yairac9.te:
Orris does-
teworit than he Mid Iri "The
Case of Sergeanr Gflsche. . t1e
plpt of the story fi prison life
and: a ferfifle "pf istra. break. The
incident! at the 'follow one an
other leave the obsrvr asking
"Do sirch" Ihlnga -really l eaiaf; to
civillzaUon today?"; The AniWer
U,in.trnttt; that. .they idajbut the
majority know about them, not ;at
a and ;thl Utewta;havanot
beeh ln; 5heji Jar house.-ut ka)w
fromjobsetratioii can notp.utte
realize Juat .what -the. daiaspekt
tnside. (he; walla . prnsts .mean. fiX
terxWtn',Tbez BUr jHpuse'.' vpae
eertabily must have a fairly good:
knowledge ,
M 7 ' I I' .
CHARDON, QAtoj jroiK Ic
f APi-r-yred Wtman -was seriorisv
ly injured today when, a cow. ha
was railkias died aad fell oa Mar.
a.pianed ;. beneath fhe animal
Wiman .was unablo toA move for.
nearly an hour antil his cites At
tracted aid.- ,.... -.-4
niu OF IT!
Sour atomden.- fndteesfion. gat;
Thesev- ate -sfgaV whicte J nsnaiiy
mean last one thfngt etceaa actd.
ThaitOTnacnj nerve have been
ovetvsttmulated. Too much acid
Is makinat food sour in the
stomach and intestines. ;. . t
, The way id correct toesr.aei-a
tr witM aa aikait ; Th best fbrna
ot alkali for thia purpose ta Fir,
lips. MUX of Magnesia. Just, tdke
a acoo-flral . of thia. hArmlfiss, aV
most , tasteless ptepaWtlon , In;; A
giaea bf : water . jt.wotks-insUht-ly.
. Thi 'sfmaCk nOTnai aweet.
Tod aid iAppy Airatft ia hya ahla-
atesi viouTJaeariBurnv gas, aeaa
achey bniottlness 'or- indigestion
haS vanished! i
. t Know Phlllipa.:ttiik of -Mag
nesia and you're through with
ofTrta ttethofl tomary it irtte
pleasant .way 4ha etffcient wly
ip: autallnlse the systemr to relieve-
the effects of bver-acfdlty." -.
t Fhtnips Tallk M Vatnesia bla
beea .auadard with ; ttoctora fdr
brer SO years. e and SOe bot
tles at all drug stores. Be sure
you get they genuine.
'Milk of Magneaia" has been 4
the TJ. v. Registered trader mark
ot th- Chas. rL Phinipi CTiemlcal
Co, -and ltd predecessor, Chaa. H.'
PMlIips;VHnee mSUur; ??
at the llrlto Uotel, .
vjfi JtoIf iztlt
try Df. TaWttrt; cj XT. XLL20TT i
jaiiea xtomvv' nw suceBnuon
" f MrAEOott - .
f.;-H- 4-i-- i f rguV.
Iism 10 a.nutoT r. ae.
receive e, free tea-day Uatjptrj,
et theisbU aanscltotie -PJS-l
aAw-aaA 4 .wxaialaA &3-aveJ
derisnttrated ts asu Miratlr-r .
tnastw art eers tismt iimw omm:
them of their rupture and astodl
them zresa -we-aauie. a
r$tart'a 4lapae-rads axe fr.:
iv? wr "-Tt:- ft ths tmSr.t
I being mesaxt:enenuco appuj .
tern mace seu-saaef jurpwi; 4 1
-Oi jarjeatosry estrc-
T5apsr xasaeasr ael -
CitK!pajegaa.-tn.sniiir'-. ,
Cjassr.-sa's)Kias-r 2dT?t
f2ifi3ni2abKie staft elver-r-
easfv :arpir-)ijrrai-i -c.t:
a-rg TS a yours thasassnda are ke-J
tssriy (treatea -eneive'H4J
home wliout ; Jandcance 'Un
wnrk, dLwardel ? Cold
tlamsi Grtnd Prix Tails ia&d
Uonteable Jientkat-Sia Fsanoit
cSkTroeeaaol recovery ia aiatUrM.
so no subsequent -use tor any kind i
tit wsTnort- . . J
- --.': - ihl
Do Trot tall te call -on ,Dr. EUldtt
aa yea 'may not have another ep-- '
portanity for .some time.,
H Remember the time Aid tta:
! - If . not Able to . Can, wrlM or 1
TUpao Co S3r 5taart tZz fetj
.Louis, Mo. ' ; ;
. ;Toda.y-,Tne Case of Ser- f
Friday "The dreat D f
Today "Call of the west,?f
"Th'e fifHous4. atoV
v -
rixlaa : .iKaowlax-d. Salem
a fete-Trtoter :ornearly s jiuarter
J century; , fiaa . cisgosfij-- oi-. nia
prinflnr . plant r at SSI SUtt
strebrand ts'jiow ass ocUted. with
the tLkarIatihg Mmpany.iln
tbrporateuC. The. change became
Knowland started, at tlis pres-
tfit tradd About2$rj:yfearf -igo,
YotUng. t years la;thi Stae
raaA ;Job 3tohtUeTi.apead
fauryeaxs,wtttl the, Capital .JdurV
na under the Bofer regime. And
later : goiag .o buslaeaa it a r
Umielf oa Comtaercial street 1 1
.v .He . wis identified . jto'rJlt : years
wttlX, the business Uflw;known. As
the Iee Unrnh. plant. aeUlngbia
Idtefesf;; taef i when . lt ; weaf Ao
California f jeyeral i'yeara o.
Since. -refunlnt to. eaiem. About
three -rears operated
tba plaat,.pi JBtata&treet;. mask oil
me equipmenr, or wnicn now goes
j IFCnowUnd m have, eharg f
tie joutslde workfor the Kliiitt
iotapaay; fC- a; EIllotf;.: ead kf
the EUIott printers; tii Alsd, a rit
erai alent Printer,., jtiving bee A
established in business here 27
f : Account of . tie" seoodl flay t
the ,bby cout timp near trona Is.
furnished by Jlmm Aligood and
, TMs U;ouMsecon4; diy Jt
camp uri ana we iearnea some
new songSk. JMr. DeCorah told us
was rery coia uwt nignt una
! -
Aa sT A A ic snar
nwawiws.iir.i; .
f 3
Swt : 5J-
&t -t
016 '. 'I t..
9t: r
..SBBBBBSk. SSv - 1 -j. - . . . . 1 ' i V7 .gBfeSWk n . . BbmA '
minyklroke and, made their -beds
orervAgaln. It tobsr tha boys In
dor Jent about two hoars to goto
' 'Our.tent leader was telUhg wa
Jokes and we were kept awake. I
woke up at 4 o'clock and atayed
in bed to first call, and then wa
tot'firessea; ?y"T
"Wa aaiig a few songs and then
we riiadi xreaktastlForr attpper
WtJjave to. have .a, meal licketV
aaa.t'ia a letter auaressea. 10 our
barents. ; J i l
M mm
hi i '
J trt ma!
' 1
Mr. and Mrs.
Victor llicks
on tneir wav eas-t to uasi na-
charge: .of. installing two new ex
perimental x-ray - machines re
cently . shipped latotuls country
i'On their way east, Mr. ahd Mrs.
Hicks will visit Jhe latter sister
at Berkeley. 4iCalif. ;4 Then they
will go test by way ot Los Aage-
les and New-Orleans. I
., M HUts..a: graduate ot W11"!
lamette i unirersity iarith.- Ijoaors, A
took ..hli-Mas tec's, degree. At! tha
UniTersit ot Washington and this
spring, received bis Doctor of Phi
losophy degree from the univer
sity of California
Aj ckcb Meets todax
The Salem Ad r clnb . is .16. meet
season. New, 9mcfirs; wm ha in
stalled,' pEej5ideni-I3ec Galrdpfef
Knapp .heading JhavJtflsC, ,PdWli
? 'nomas,, secretary,' will present'av
eport of tie1 year's amities, an$
&3M$iffa:-tfv6ri of the
cp'nf entlon'at Spokane., ' , :. : '
pnjg.waero. w .if" JbTrJ
gins, work fpr tha Westinghoise
Matinees Etcerit San 'L
.E' Balcony towef floor r.t
' -'3-J Y Balcony Lower floor - f ; j
P iSs-ill if
J S-l:i
i- '- " .S
" ..V-. . . 1 . .. m
.1 ...... . . . .y -' ,, -
, -Serious- damage by fire, to the
UUler anartmente M.f' erry street
nrtr,f-tfiA non hftrirWednelday
was tTjrted by the prompt w.oxk
of vJa downtown p& department.
The" tire? hlck ' wAa.nTjnedjtO:
the basement and first floor of tha
ihatotr.tHhiS'ilxiiaiTtt:U be
lieved to have started dose to (he
furnace- yoonL5 vi. i
Moat of the furnishings in he
apartmeai jrero t&rown ont of the
windows r by ttenantamany t
them, busy in the preparation jot
thef moon jneat .- One man. s said
ti tUiMflei iwb.casea ,ot bee
to tld groun'd-outside -bia apartA
kentin the excitement that pre
vaUe4durjng tha fire j 2L:
jVJStaCt.Aitent; U jdamaga ,or pe
amount of jasuraace.carriel cold
not be learned Wednesday night.
Fufierai Friday
- ' ' til A-. . Ju.
ident of rMcMlnnTille tor over ill
yearsV.;died at her home there
Wedaeiday;v-. - ..Wfr-'-
She leaves, a daughter, Mrs. A
B. Montgomery, McMInnyflle. And
a sister, 'MraL, Delia AUender. 6a
lem..; Funeral Z, servicea will i be
rrlday at 1:50 p..jn. from Macey,!
funeral . home .. at , McMIanvQIe.
witif concluding , services at City
VlW'Jernetery at S o'clock the
same atteVapon ' "
' '. r- ' . J
" Merrill Amos, was presented! in
fnstlf e cb.urtwednesday Jon the
charge oJtf la?5iagv i" forget chect
(a the amount of f 16.50 fie used
nOw in
. ,
. -1'
mm mw w w . . .y- . . j. . -
u k. i i - I - i
-position baa as' yet been
the tasav j
-SPOKANBi Jaly S-j-(AP)
FredXenhartrSpokane light hea
Tywelght' won a close six round
delphla ihearyweight, i here i tcv
i. a ; ' '
Mnw'l s'rT
delight ...
The story of
av great love
borm o tbar
prainw otrTea'
rlac nsnaace -...,-
aiauM sttsft i tf
. . ; e
l&ckgrottndst '
t - 1 .--' 3
- '
. r .
-t .
f '
- 4
Um name, of A. T.aieA' 'K3 dis-
Lixi ;
1 fODAT -TFItU 4 SAT. r
'si t, rr i fit. rV 17
a,- -v as- ' a. a -
AfL let Tf' '
ryTv U I romanco - of
f .1 nwct!
: ' T I
XsAfreeffe-V f -' I
f is I
r, .