- t PAGE SIX - B,WMa.W. , ,www ;i Bridie Tea A lovely .party '61. this week -was the Dnage tea rjtcb j ' X. Lundsford at ber - home oh ! South Church street In eempli ' ment to her house guest and " niece. Miss Willie Martha Lunds- ..-'a . I Vr lfM ' fnni nr fireensnoro. uui " a i Lundsford has been in -Salem tor the oast month and will leave Saturday for her southern home. High seore for the afternoon of cards went to Mrs. irria and Mrs. E. H. Kennedy. At the tea hour Mrs. Lundsford was as sisted by Mrs.-Howard Biake ano ' Mrs. E. H. Kennedy. -Guests, for the afternoon were ! t n.ford. the honor guest. . u. (mU Smith. Mrs. . H. -YmimAi Mrs. Howard Blake, noasv Mrs. Howard Hnlsey. Mrs. ..: Walter Kirk, Mrs..T. M. Gregory. ' Wrlei; nd Mrs. N. Wiener. " Miss Lundsford has been a ' .n. m fui has been an in- . . t HmnnhMTi. : aura. o. ' aptratton -for- several ' charming "narties. Miss Jean Lundsford en- r nlng with a dinner party at tne nruiiKii . . . . . - nr. Belle followea oy . w.r Miss Luadsiora. -----' Holman. rern Harris, Bess Me , Curdy tf Fert Worth. Texas; and Jean Lnadstord. . ? Reception Plans Are Ready - The- reeeptlon which Is being - planned or Rt." and Mrs.Jrd Taytor f or1 tonight -at the W. T. .Rlgdpn home promises to be a delightful affair. . - ' . All the friends of Rer aad-Mrs. ,Tajkr are Invited to call. during the retention hoars which ae be ;twHO eight ad 1 oreloelH Those ' who are not members ol the church ar nrged to call u wefl at those wSo are members." Rer. and. Mrs.'. Taylor plan to lcaT'a galem Friday for their w home in Portland where Rer. Tay- - 1a has taken orer the:ittrata ( the. Rose City Part Methodist church. . . Monthly Missionary Luncheon Today - Women of the Knight Memor ial church will hold, the regular monthly missionary luncheon to day at 12:30 o'clock In the 'church parlors. At the program hour Mrs. Mark McCallister will tell about the Oregon young peo ples' conference held last week at HUloekhurn. Oregon, where the acted as dean of girls. Hostesses for the day are Mrs. Joseph Schlndler, Mrs. Homer " Harrison, and Mrs. H. L. Draden. Statesman Pattern This stunning frock with front bodice bolero and pleated skirt, is the last word la fashion. Note how the Joinrhf of the skirt flare , i; tPts. nh lower line of the bo "lero creating ;- a' alender effect, further; emphasised : byf the long y rolled collar. The model l sfeeve ; . , less, a delightful stylo" for warn weather. .. . , fc4 Pattern 18 CI may be cut from silk or cotton fabric . , . flat ; 4; crepe, pique, shantung,; dimity, i etc. A iaatei print with solid pastel collar would be loTely. All the raw edges may be bound in :.-pastel itape ' smart and t easy msthod ot finishing. , ,'" ' : Msy be ordered only in slaes 14. It, IS, 29rtt, 4, . St aad . .40. Siso I t requires a . 3-4 jyards. : of 9 Inch fabrfe- .and: 14 yard trimming. ..... -$iBdti'mHaf mfaca,' -RiMiT- Tsroas tr vwy atow sad tiaple, tiiet fautrtctissi are gfetn.,' yVX-'t' v.T, -m DRMi'Mtrli olBttT ftiMy wttfni r atamps, m HUM- Writ 'Iaialy mim 44mc, style' a water as! site wsatej. :.-J..Vft,'V.--;.l Osr Wk f pattens fer.aaaMs aa4 , AMdrwm. - ! -pav , tors, 'tiftcca ; castas ' tea " aaata - warn. erdara4 with a patterav AH Jtaaa all 4 stall ee4- tars -Statetaaa . Fatten OrsaitnaL S4S WaaS- t7tk Mni IT aw Xarfc (7 'ra w v ' 111 I nil VI I . H nrr ' a-M. , -i w h v j A.; L ft J I . -ft . I I MO -- x - tig- i m m m ; . 11 T ! H H ll w mews OUVE M. Doax. Mrs. VirgU StoK ker, nee Gwendolyn . Jarmdn, who with1 Mr. Stoliker- will leave today for Los Angeles where they will make their-home. SOCIAL CALENDAR Wednesday, JvJy 9 . '-' Reeeption for Rer. and Mrs! F. C.. Taylor, at W, T. Rigdoa home; t o'eloclt to 10 o'clock; all members of First Methodist church and friends' are Invited to call, . . . Woman's Missionary ; society, " First Presbyterian church, S:J0 o'clock, atehureh. Woman's Missionary- society, of First - ChrJeUan church, J: 3C o'clock-in the church parletrs. - W.-H."-M." S. of lslie Memorial church. Mr. O. R.' Moorehead, 4tl Kearny at a : o'clock. - - . - Thursday, July 10 Postponement of North Salem - W. C. T. V.: untU July J4. .- . V" ' ' ' ' U. S Grant circle No. I, Grand 'Army of the Repub lic, 2 o'eloekV armory. Each member is ree.ttested. ta e present. ' ' .' , . . -, k Friday, July 11 Daughters 'of Veterans, t o'clock in Woman's 'club house, regular" meeting. Brer Ready Birthday-club, annual picnie at fair grounds. . . Sunday, July IS bfeer of Amaranth lodge : pic uic for six state or ganisations, Hazel Green. T. S.. Roberts Portland Guests Prof and Mrs. T. S. Roberts mo tored to Portland Monday where they were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Luelan E. Becker for" dinner and an evening of unusually en tertaining music. j Just a tew minutes, after Prof, and Mrs. Roberts arrived, Daniel f' PbilippI, noted organist from t. Louis and his mother- arriTed at the Becker home where they will be guests for the month of July while Mr. Pbllippl is vaca tioning. Following the dinner hour the guests retired to the music-room and enjoyed the excellent organ in the Becker home as it was played by Mr. Pbllippl and also piano and organ numbers. Prof, and Mrs. Roberts will hare the pleasure of .presenting Mr. Phllippi la an invitational ev ening of outstanding music in their lovely residence studio Wed nesday. The program has not been announced by Mr. Philippi, but will be highly selected and for Oiose who heard the St. Louis ar st wnen he was here, year ago it will stir great anticipation. Mr Philippi is organist at Christ church cathedral in St. Louis. He will play a program in the Portland First Presbyterian church Sunday at 4 o'clock. Mrs. F. L. Purvine Will Leave Soon Mrs. F. L. Purvine ot Long Beach,- California, who has been visiting 'friends and relatives In Salem, McMmnville,' and Portland since April will leare today with Prpf. and Mrs. E. Northup of Mc-. Minnville, for Seaside,' where Mrs.' ParvtiM will spend a few days with her sister, Mrs. Frank Thorn-, ton ' . - - . Mrs. Purvine will sail July. IS. for San Francisco, where she will meet her daughters, Miss Ruth andMis Loro Pnrrlne. She will motor back to ber homo in Long Beaeh with her daughters. The time spent. i; Oregon ha been tery busy lor Mrs. Purrlne. Long: trips, parties and Informal entertaining; hajt made1 a delight- fur few weeka-fr,her. . ' i i Friends of Georgia Sneed Gueh ther and R. Guenther will be de lighted to learn that a daughter was born to them Monday In Port land.. The yoang lady has not jet been named. " She was bora on the first' wedding anniversary of her parents and also on the wed ding anniversary of prof, and Mrs. T. 8. Roberts. Mrs. Guen-' ther was an assistant la music with: Prof and' Mrs.- Roberta for several years before ber marriage. The Bethel Dorcas dab Is plan ning an ice cream -social at Bethel kovoi shm d'. 'reaHBiui7 w iuuiwamj ewiUBg, jaiy it. rroceeai io to lovarai wt building fund There will be n usasnai .prQgraai at Ss W; : Th ctuhr will i meet at the home - ot Mrs. J- Ki Ctmtkert Wedhetlay atUrnooa : to complete the final plans for the .social. " i"-. ' " ''." . - " ' -Mrs, jGardnerKnapp Js' slowly eonvaleeciag at the home of -her parents, Mr.-and Mr W. W. Society Editor Mrs. G. R. Moorehead To Be Hostess The Woman's Home Missionary society of - the Leslie -' Memorial church wilt meet at the home of Mrs. G. R. Moorehead, 421 Kear ney street Wednesday afternoon beginning at 2:30 o'clock. - This will be the first meeting with the new president, Mrs. Moorehead, presiding. Mrs." B. T. Barkus and Mrs. Jess Daughterly will be as sistant hostesses. Mrs.' W. J. L4n- foot will have charge of the devo tions. As this Is the first meeting of the new year plans will be made for the coming activities and accomplishments. - a a Mrs. Carrie B. Sbepley ot Rltx ville, Washington, has come to be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Sprague and Mrs. Martha Schmuck. Mrs. Shepley will al so visit the Claude Talmage home during the several weeks which she plana to be In Salem. M w Ann Corlett and Miss Amelia - Corlett were Tuesday guests at the home of . Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wood. The guests were oq their way to Vancouver and Victoria B. C. and after visiting there will return to their home 'in San' Francisco. . Mrs. Wood and Mies Ann Corlett spent-on year together In Honolulu where they were both teaching. News has reached Salem of the marriage of Miss . Iola Bixhy of Portland and Kenneth .Abbott, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Ab bott of Salem, Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock in Kelso, Washington. Miss Eleanor Halliday : of. Mon mouth - was maid of honor and Robert Beau of Parkdate was best man. Mr. and Mrs. Abbott will make their home in Portland after short wedding trip. . w w m Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Schmall ot San Francisco arrired In 8a lem Sunday to be the guests.. ot Mr and. Mrs., A. F-Schmall, par- enu oi Mr. . oenmau ana Wim Mrs. J. Tf BLuinan,-mother of Hri. Sehmall; They expect to be here about a week. , , - . . - . .Jl-' iii Elders : and deaeoiu ixf :tie Presbyterian ehurch and ,thelt families gathered for a picnie and lawn supper at the home of Glenn Adams In Polk eonnty Monday OTtnrng E:yrt Warrington of Corvallis was moderator of tha business meeting held during the evening. . : - "",.Af.,"-- ette t By ROBERTA 1X3 I ""J. " la K correct to '.wear 4ia 1-nondS to formal : afteraoon wedding t i - : - rA, "No; thay' a'haald 'be worn only laT the 'evening when the oc casloh St very elaborate. ' , . Q. Should a muilcalelbeionnal er-iatoraalT' A. It is formal. " 9. rWhat should no' b careful to avoid when eatinxr - :4 -. - A, Bolting the food., smacking ice rrr,' ormaklng a noise when I - .i' Etiqu The OSECOtt STATESMAN. Farewell Party Is Given -Young r Matron CompUmenting Mrs. Virgil Sto- llker,' nee .Gwendolyn Jarman. a group of her Irf ends entertained with an xTclOck dinner for her at the Red Lantern on the Jeffer son highway. Tuesday evening. . Mrs. Stoliker will leave today for Loa Angeles where she and Mr.. Stoliker will make their home. Mrs. Stoliker has been en tertained with several ' farewell affairs within the last few weeks. Those who were present Toes- day. night. were Mrs. Stoliker, the Miss Margaret Corey,. Miss Isobel George, Miss Haxei Johnson, Miss Lorraine Kinser Miss Margaret Durdette. Miss Phyllis Day, Miss Cynthia Delano, Miaa Maxine My- e rs.. Miss Frances ; Martin.: Miss f Esther Wood; Mlsa LoU Wilkes, Kvaaer Ms. Jea astridge. Miss Viola Croxier. Mtas Margaret Bn- tL .-Miss.; Robert Smith and Miss Frances Marie Kupper. a Turner Lodge Installs Officers: r..J.f i T.tvii. ij 1 .r -"Vr; I " , " I aaae, - vuwvmi j - -" ga. aa a-aaw i I. O. O.F. hall and the following I amn w.r, lintlM for th I new term: Miss Mabel Walker. K. G.; Mrs. Lucile MeKinaey, secretary; Mrs. Gayette Barnett, treasurer; Mrs.' Hatel . MeKay.- conductor; Mrs. Loretta Rowley, chaplain; MIes Mildred- Martin. R. 8..N. G.; Mrs. Hester Grume, I. G. W.; A. Martin'. 0. G.; Mrs. 'Mabel Mar tini musician. Ladies auxiliary 'to th. Eagles ledre will not meet' this Wednes-; I day as planned but' will postpone I the meeting-until July is. Thie will b the last -meeting in July, In -August 4here meetings, ' 'August will be' two Itnd Ang- ust 20. Thero will be a regular meet ing of the U. S. Grant eirele No, S of the Grand Army of. the; Repub- if. a - a a. mm - m. 1 - wmx ..." I 7 "":ifleld ot Portland visited ' thefr noon. All members are reauested f- u,. .i-v. vi. to be presen't. ' . . J Mr. and Mrs. Howard Blake ae- companled by Mrs. Blake's moth- er, Mrs. J. S. Berry, spent the Fourth of July and the following week-end at the Giimore hotel at and" daughters Patricia and Nor Newport. I ma Lou spent the week-end with Mrs. George Kraus and Miss Orletta Kraus of Aurora are the house guests of Mrs. R. J. Hen- dricks at her home In the Roberts apartments. . Mr. and Mrs. K.M. Harris and Mrs. Charles D. McCIure former- Donald spent the Fourth of July ly of Salem but now ot Walla week-end with their husbands at Walla, Washington, are the guests Cascadia who are there' doing car at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. penter work. Harris on North Cspitol street LIBERTY, July S Mrs. Anna V. Robbins had as her guests over News has reached Mr. and Mrs. the week-end Mr. and Mrs. Reu B. C. Miles from Miss Eva Miles ben Catching and Mr. and Mrs. of her safe arrival in Paris. Miss Frank Catching of Huntington Miles sailed from New York June Beach, California. 13. Miss Belva Hill is BDendinar-sev Mri. Cedric Helgho of Boise, Idaho, is a guest of her aunt, Mrs. C. E. Goodwin at the Royal Court apartment; North Salem W- C T. D. has postponed its regular meeting from this Thursday afternoon to July 24. fi Harry New berg, who was re- " vi; , . , B" 7 " r " . five yeara for manslaughter, ' la connection with the slaying of Leonard Olson, Tuesday received a conditional pardon from Gover nor Norblad. , . The pardon was recommended by. Judge Knowlest who presided at the trial, the county Judge. district, attorney, 10 of the living jurors, and 1S00 cltlsens of Wal lowa and. Union, eountles. Newberg has a wife had three ehllarea. who are now receiving support from W.Jlowa county. WiniieldLeiever Rites Ate Held INDEPENDENCE. July- Wlnfleld r. Lfever of Valaeta passed away at the Willamette Sanitorlum ; July 8, Funeral - services were, held from the Keener funeral home oa Sunday at 2 p.m. , Rev. Ranton officiatlng. Interment was In Odd Fcuows emetery at Daiias. " While-small eompenJons,' looked on neipiessiy, s year 01a jamea Fayara, Jr., sank to aia death ra a swamp her today. BERG RECEIVES EXECUTIVE jb a S aaa- a a' I ireo nvunut nu nuug uavf VTAmOrh Trn tlhlntfat accumalate you feel an urge OlUlll&UIl I I II II U I li rir gsidlrapepia ieartlmiri; DIOaung, lOnr Stomach, and poor! digestion make yon miserable and 1 BTonchr. e-manw faoda do 1 agree with you, wky not mako thf Dioicxy li olhuto tist? TJlote ti Juurmless Uyt young or el. ' vet works With- surprising snaed. One Ingredient has the remarkable one half teaspoonfuHn a giaae or power 'to digest t.940 timet - Its bot f cold teT- tomorrow mora owm weight Ooat firo vp: .Get teg ahd-'eTefy morhlnt-Hiad ' If Dfotex at any drag store. Pat ft Mcr don't change your whole Idea to a teat. Moner back If you doat obout reducing, ge back and get seon feel Uhe newr and able to tho.sman price yon paid for then." eat most anything; - Only 5e- i A- Oei an tf cent bottle ef Krnschea - .r- : - ;i.:f n! '. . voaanrtiai tsu -.f Sxfen. Oregon Wedaesday Mcmhft Jury , 1S0 piBiun -Approximately If members- -of Pi - Gamma -Mil, ' national social science, honorary , fraternity, .will meet in Salem today to hear Dr.' Leroy- Allen, national .president of the organisation Meetings . are lAodtador two o;clock this af- ternoon and - seven o'clock . this evening at the Marlon hotel. During the afternoon the group will hold a general discussion meeting- to confer on social sci ence .problems and fraternity: business. ' A banquet will be served tonight.-' .Dr. , Allen will speak during both meetings. ., sor of social and political science I at Willamette university. Is In charge of local arrangements.; Liberty O- "MBERTT. July : 8 MB. and 4rm nh.rt nAiir n -threa ehUdren . FTank. jAlvln and Xath- Mr. and Mr. Oscar Pee and Roy Mi0h' of Salem made up a party when BD11t the wtek-end near -Alsea. Oregon. Leon Williams of Toledo is at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Williams and- son Joe Jr.. Mr. and Mrs. Km Rl and daughter Connie, made . , M "1 Mrs. J. H. Patterson who was seriously injured when she fell from a ladder in Mrs. Anna Rob bins, orchard over a week ago was moved to her. home here Monday. Mra Patterson- had a bone; brok en and the ligaments strained in' her back and win be In a cast for several weeks. Mrs. Henry ' Gilbert jam up from Corvallis. where she is at tending summer school at O. .8. C. to spend the. Fourth of Jury week-end at home, , r. and Mrs. ji. u. rorsierana ehildren . spent Saturday and Sun- oay at Aisea. Katherino Denney of Beavef- toh,. spent Sunday; with Catherine Dallas. , Mr. and Mrs. Fred Morlts of Menemonee Falls, Wis., were week-end guests at the -Gilbert home. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Staach- k Mr. and Mra. W. W. Westen- house and children. Vincent and Rowena spent the Fourth at Green's Bridge near Scio. I Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kroger I Mrs. Kroeger's sister, Mrs. Henry Gilbert and husband. Philin FKrv and Edward Lem- ery of Los Angeles, are guests at the Joseph Schotthoefer home, ,Mrs. R. L. 'Foster and sons. Philip and Donald, and Mrs. Er- nest Free and sons. Paul and eral weeks with her erandnar- ent. Mr. and Mrs. E. Williams. Mr. and Mrs. -Tbwnsend of Portland spent the Fourth of July as guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Richards. Mrs. Joe Pierre and two chll- dren Priscilla and Joe Jr., of Olympia, Washington, are guests of Mrs. Pierre's mother, Mrs. Kate Holder. . Jack Brant who has been work ing In this community for the past two months has gone to Am boy, Washington. Harold and Marion Good of Monmouth were Sunday guests at the P. H. Judd. home. . Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Denney and children, Katherine, Hastings and Lorraine were guests of Mrs. Den- ney's sister, Mrs. Henry Gilbert, I Mrs. J. H. Patterson returned heme from the hospital Monday. She is still in a cast. Harold and Marion Good .of Monmouth were Sunday guests at the P. G. Judd home. Why Fat Men StajrFat The trouble with me, and 1 guess this applies to 19 of the I men w no are putting on weignt, I didn't have the energy or "pep" to keep It off. Lost all Interest In anv health- activity and Inst lazed J.m.. ponnd, until I got that "Kruschen feeling." Start taking Kfuschen Snlts-- that's the common-sense way to reduce but dont take them with the idea that they possess redue- Bg qualities in themselyes. : Thls is what they do they I clean out the impurities in your blood by keeping the bowels, kid neys and liter in splendid working ghape and fill you with a vigor land tireless energy you'd most I fprgotten had existed. 1 t as a result Instead of planting yourself in an easy chair irery I for 'activity ' that keeps yon mov- jlnrotound doing , thethlnga a 1V always wmwo mi no ana needed. to do to keep yea la good condition. - - H .Thea-J watch-the . pounds, slide off! r i' -' r ' -' " ' I Kreschea Salts are the np-to. 1 date Ponntald ef .Youth. -Takav XlSalts - j - lasts '4- weeksat Perry's tDrug. Store" any '-progressiva -fdruggut-anywlerexitt- the worte. fi'EETIiEHI HONORED "NEATH LIBERTY BELL' I .'K ielvViesr inwleJjM niiftoni ayor Mackt.f ' :':aaalrjfu?V trist Makes craft to- order : ' ARDMORE. O k la.-M AP) Jolm publel of this .town is. said to be the country's only gun smith who makes guns to order.' Big ' game hunters and " expert marksmen .are his customers. -NOTICE OP APFOraTME T t OF ADMINISTRATOR Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly ap pointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon tor the Coun ty of Marion as Administrator of the estate of Flora Von Behreu, Deceased, and that he has duly qualified as such administrator; all persons baring claims against the estate of said decedent are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified, to me, at tne lot fie ot, Ronald C. Glover, my at torney, at ZQ3 uregon Bunaing, Salem, Oregon, within six months-) from the date ot this notice. Dated . at Salem, . Oregon, this 21th day of Jane. 1130. GEORGE CHRISTIE JOHNSTON. Administrator f the estate of Flora Yon Bebren, De ceased. ' - BONlLn C. aLOVER. . " ' 7 ; . : . Attorney for Airminisuator, Salem, Oregon J.2B, JS, f. 19, tl NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT . OF EXECUTOR Notice Is hereby given that ne undersigned has- been duly fP pointed by the ' County Cou of the State ot Oregon tor the oun ty of Maries as executor A the estate of Anelia Olbricb Tichida. Deceased, and that he J a duly qualified as such executor; all per sons baring claims against the estate of said decedent are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified, to mi, at tie office of Ronald C. Glottr, my attorney, at 203 Oregon Bulding; Salem, Ore gon, within six months from the date of this n'otfo. - Dated at Saln, Oregon, this 25th day of Jun, 1930. W. K. LISTON, Executor tf the .last will and testaaant and estate of Amelia Obricb Tseblda, Deceased. RONALD C. GLOY1R, Attorney for Ezeojtor, Salem. Oregut. J2S. 12. I. II, 13 i::-jseto Cftll uran FCCD BILLS BY USECF SUSftn Sugar Makes Inexpensive, Wholesome Foods More Appetizing Although meet foods rise in price at seasonal periods daring the year, the price of sugar varies bat UtUe, and is always low. The coat of sagar to hoasewtves fat the United States' is much lower than it is in aay other, coantiy. The value ef sugar in reducing food VHis' is Quickly apparent Wholesome dessert, which can he inexpensively made, round out the aimpleet meal in a satisfying way. The same is true ef jellies. Jams and relishes. Sagar. ef coatee, is one of the ehief ingredients in these roods. When sagar Is used as a season ing in cooking essential TefeUbres, their appetising eualitles are noticeably inereaaed. Try a daah ef aoarar to a niaeh af aaJfc in raokla cairota. turnips, beans, tonatoes, and ether vegeiablei tanned or fresh. The sagar Uendiag with the aau aaa vwgsaoie jatees U deUdeas. - Stewed fruits become aaaat inwH. .n angar is added. And sngsr sprinkled en breakfast aereala da. veleps their flawer ia a taste-plaas-ina' way. . ,' , . . . Thaoimortanicv ta hn l and h&ery products at the "store aroM tne earner" ahbald aat be overtook. These eMMeaa, whole- some desserts are sold a a price within the reach of aU A Jt xaa owawr insosnxe. adv. s 'l ;-1 .A II t Announcement-1 aaaBnaaaannaaaaaa 'h ' V ' dejndenee HalL Allna4eK jm. V , frett As V:" ftOTICS to. SAU OP" CWvEfMBTT Tixnaar 'Canaral -Laa4 Ofliea. WukiiifH. D. C Mar 3. 180 " Katiea a heraty eiT Wa v w UathatiaBa at ta acta mt Aii t AM tl..l?K' and Jw ir IFhJt aaM4aS by ef.May US SW. H1MU Koa.- t5 aaaiT). ad parsaaatta ayartat r.ftoti, appra'aa Jmf .. ., M . ""le tha timber i the " fanwaiag laads will la' J.f 11. "30. J " a. St. at pal aatiea at tha U. 8. laa tffie Bilr. Orafoa. toj A k prtaa -wm hy thi. U aahiactia tha appraTal at th Barra Ury at htl-tarr. Tha litiaaal ea paeA tharaaf, fcas aaw risht la 'parebata , I awsHa - aoaatiauaaa ha tha sw r .v risht le'swtasse -w awaraa. -.y tciitar yat ' rrtMieM ei aa w fVlir ?A Md rrIatieaa af Jaly IS. J" MiJa tha wi rawnrad tkara rw. aaiMaltaS wilt a - taraci( ala la aat appraT, atkavwiaa att? wiU Una for the tiatbar. wMck mwO raimveS witbia 10. ysars. Bits wiji; a raeaivad tram aiUaaaa TJaW EUtaa, aa4aUoB-ar rtek. elt Uca a4 . cMpwatiaas eralad ante . lss af tia trait BtaUt.' r aay aOa. tarrHary ar airtriet haraaf-eaiy. Cha aapHcatiaa ie KIWimAw ul I tiwKi ea say Ugal smbdiviaiM wiH r rf area-separata War haiag 1- w44 la aay affar af a larCar aais, t, IS g..B. 0 W Bae. 17. IWjtfl; La w . aLT 'Ji iTii - swi ." Vaiww. H, raear. iv m; t. t b-. u- . . . A U J .1 T . A U - 1 r. iseo aaa If MV (SIV. vallaw fir. SOSO V IV-' ' . M, Scatleek, Jt. yauaw nr S4 M. red fir 80 M. haamlack. 140 M; SWH. BE 14, yallaw fly. 100 hf. rad fir. SCe Jf, kaailaek, 8 M; T. S S, B. T W. Sw IS. SW 14 HB14. ,rafir. 10 M, wait fir, iv a. ea lEiQDimjDamia lTht Electxo-Xpld Homidificr, wbidx h H sealed porcelain ; tonttineiv protects jtiie moisture content of fruits and tte' Stables from evaporatiori. It keeps. luce, celery, parsley, radisb, tomatoes, greens and otier vegetables in aVcrispi wholesome condition, retaining all the original freshness and flavor., .Wilted vegetables, whea washed and left moistV jare restored to crisp deliciousness when placed iri tl : Electrb-Kold Humidifiet for just a short time; : ; ' " . v" f ' iTI.EIectro-Koid Humidifiet; an bt placed on any shelf, or the bottom of the food compartment, in any Electrch Kold refrigerator. Is available lo : $3.qo . ; m & UdCovrtCt. n. I t, -, rios! M. Z.ki- fir. M IWS. 'S"iT -.lla) f 1 HVVlJSl pw - - - . - - a- - aau Ania nr. ivivtfi - - lt a VM. a-rasiK. . ..... E--. mrii bk. ya law - uk. i" " c-. at v:, to tl SOW Ir iraa - Tr.'.'jr fn. . 4s rir mvm 'i. nwu SEU. rad fir. MO M; VVW. Lat 'Umtbr. 400 4te M: T., .xEttea Oji? KFH SW . tLi U "at. 2S XEtt mf Vsi yellaw fir. S50 law fir. 940 M: T.. Bi tr.D.?1w; KE4 NEH. wd firrSeo M; o tlabr oa thaaa' ectiaas -e,ba aaM Iter laim tha $1.50 pet to' - J rallaw fir. t.OO w M pirn. 01.S5 par M forthe wd wear. fj.OO pa M far tia kemloek.asd M crate pr M far Ae iajaaia e4. i4 yaltew fir: T. 40 Ma ' i. TA JfE H.ytnw i2fla J'0 8KU JKEH. yrfkw !. 70, X. ted . ISO tt. ri fir. 0, Mj wklta r. fir aae .tS eeata par M far tkawatta iT C. C. VOOBE. CawaUtw J U.4S IS Jy St THE FRENCH SHOP IS FEATURING TODAY A BiatJaictlve lpitTe' l?; j tmnr Salt in k aeiasoB "wheM ea . dona euncuve.r is m er at aaa tnral abade - aal " simply 4 n-' . mt clMurtnJbss; stoplvtlty from ih6 " tluree Wgf . pearl ' Cwaa naarrhintr.to naeet EdeoA' . WWB UIW im vm mmmm w :the smartly f4catc skirfke hip length Jacket has si Jaaxnty, Mrmwast collar sued the bfg peatri 'bntteaa aiear -acalsi eaaw - at the pockets.. '.- 7 r . . . Tbe siae of the salt is lfld :st as isrlced at flt.78. FRENCH SHOP 115 High SC. " - m 70 -Mi ra,.r. - JCjKM; - 8WV panaw piaa'Ste.M. asar.plaa, SO M. re4 fir. ISO M af ba tiaibarea leT. a. nil far lass tkaa Mm a. 'MT VJrTTTI 1 ' - . -.. i -: -V 4'