pagc rcun . - " ' 1 ' 1 - , I mNQ.favcf Stea Vt; 7rexU nrst statesman; March as, issi STATESMAN CSABUBI A BPIUOTE. SHTLDOK P. SAaCITI, 2UhfclJta ; CtLUOza Jul SrtASxm 'V" .' '. Bditorlifnaffmr- ' Ecsipcn F. &icxrrr Uanrngtog-Ediior Member of tbo The AaoJf!fttd TTev ta excltJYty entitled lottttwte ptrttl- etUos sf au twm dJapatcfc creoiua ta K a Mt ia uua ; " PscISe Coast Advertising Bapresentativest. " Arttrnr XV. Stypea. In&. Portland, Smlty Bide' '. BaavrraiKJaco.' snaron Bzas-X r Ejtstera" AiTeitUing Bcpreseautlfts:' Fesd-:Fssea-StaeJt, lae New Tack, STt Madisoa EafervsT of tie JPostef ios at Solent, Oregon, as SscoeoVCless uauer. rnwwaea everv morning except kwuqi. ffit 215 &4mawea2 Street " SUBSCRIPTION RATES ; ' , ' KaB uteerlpttaa Rataa. to Atfvaaca. Wlthta" Oregon I' DaUr vend ' Sosdar. 1 eenta; I Ma. LJS ; a Ma. $2JSj 1 yea Its. Eias w&ara t cents acr Ma or S500 (or i year tat adva&ea. - By City Carrier: SO cent a month : aS.SO a rear In adi Copy cant Oa trama, aad Nwa . ,tl T Fitting onomics k a NO one with my well wishes for the welfare of that great body of American citizens engaged in the most essential 'industry of Agriculture can "welcome the tremendous decline III commodity prices. " " . . It is EiSlI wonder that "Governor Reed of Kansas tele graphs the Federal Firm board chairman, Mr. Lege, that "Kansas is facing' s catastrophe. Thousands of wheat grow ers are facing disasterjbecause of the necessity to $art with their crop at a. price below the coat of production.' - A great group of producers losing money, facing bank ruptcy, is alarming and disquieting, to say the least. . v But the inexorable laws of supply and demand, of sur vival of the fittest, grind incessantly if albeit cruelly. We seriously doubt that the proposals of Governor Reed that "the farm board purchase 25,000,000 bushels more wheat at current orices and then. announce that the whole period" would avail for any length of tune. It would be like giving dope to a patient; the day-dreams would be pleasant ut the habit formed would be in time self-destructive.' . For curealls in thincrs economic are as impossible as In things physical. When a part of the human body 1 out of order, pain is sure to ensue and dope only covers, it never 1 l i yrwn i i J J - J !lL1i.1J.' eliminates pain, wnen wneai is ovprpruuuceu, wii.uuuiuuj a portion from the market is paving the way for disaster. Much as we would like to encourage such newspapers vas the Pendleton East-Qregonian in their rep?ated demands for a nation-wide marketing plan to hold up commodity prices at home and to dump the surplus, abroad, we doubt its economic feasibility and think the "cure" would eventually .kill the patient. ; ! . There are effective remedies which will alleviate some ' m I arm uis. tooperauve movements vo eliminate uie ptuuuc-er-to-market cost are sound when well managed. Realiza tion of. the plight of farming generally makes proper the enormous, advances of cheap money made to the farming in dustry by the federal government. No fair-minded states man can object to rapid changes in local and state taxation systems to take the burden from land where it no longer should" rest and make other forms of wealth contribute a rateable 'proportion of tax. Cheaper, more-efficient means of farm production should be universally available for the thrifty, ambitious producer so he may parallel the success ful manufacturer in reducing tne unit cose pi every proauct . he raises. ;;v--.r -. ' - ' ' ,r But price-fixing on such international commodities as cotton, and wheat and is variance with law smore inexor able than those of the United States congress. For example when there is over-production of lumber the only way out is to cut production or to tnerease consumption or Dener, xo ao Doth.. J . " ' " J . ? ' ", . V , lit every mill in the country should $ake the every tenth board cut and' burn it, it would not be long until every fifth board would have to be destroyed, then every third until we would be harvesting enormous crops of timber. V" If the dictum of economics in days of low. commodity prices Is a harsh verdict, at least for those courageous and thrifty men in the industry there is some hope The more carefully financed farmer, the man diversified as much as possible to bulwark a low commodity price in one group, the man nlayinsr the same over a five ox ten-year period instead of from year to year, can see businesses, the race is long and aging. .Yet the most essential industry of all is farming, for it is the first-line of production. The fact intelligent farm ers are concerned aBbut present-day problems, and are being forced to use every sound, sometimes unsound methods of solution; indicates that agriculture is going through the tra vail essential to an progress. . There's Sorrow in Adna ' ONLY those who know Adna and its faithful, competent postmaster. Carl KrummeL can understand the tragedy the hands of drunken murderers. .. . . For, Adna audits postmaster are not often to receive Mich minTrma ef front tabb attention as this sorry wees; Has brouarht. - - - : A quiet,' rural spot is Adna in the Chehalis valley and seldom is news of greater consequence than the fact that the hay crop is Uuatifiil or the hih schewi baskeUsall team Has v Carl Krummel, by birth a Germany by training as artit lery officer and an engineer in Germany, had sought Amer .ica and later. Adna. as. a oqiet retreat where he would not face militarism as a profession but could rear a family tm der the more 'satisfactory conditions the United States af fbrded,i ." . :5 ; . -... -:r; .-; - . : j - It was not srangeto those who knew Cart Srummel to know that when invaders entered his store Saturday, night he sought to protect himself. Had he not ventured all to re-: - establish himself in this hew land? Was mot his training i cause he died resisting attack this was not failure for him; - it was death oh the field of battle. r - - -.': Ixi Adna,. we. fancy; there Is atKL stir and crach talk for such tragedies come but once in a lifetime to the people of that quiet community.Mr8.'Kr woman with the education received in Germany nd Paris uxuversi- a , J JJ m - A A. . "." 1 lies, win race up vne ouaes ox postmaster ana store sscper, In addition to "the housewife's task shl fcdtMcIIy perfemod. . As hmz a men are by nature endowed to be home pro tectors and other men axe pilliers cf property and life there shall be bad days in the memory of every Adna. Other men in other situations like that cf Krummel will be brutally de stroyed. For some ddntis zzzza inevitable in every, town as in.the life of every individual. . ' ; Chairman Phil Metsehan has ing a ballot among the IS committeemen, for the place to hold the re publican state convention. -. The' problem - now to be considered Is what Phfl will do If SI county seats aach receive one vote. . i. - Advertisements at ir4ford nowned' comedian. Is to have charge of .the program when I A. Banks Is nominated as an independent candidate for senator, r It seems the affair will be funny enough without expending good money for a professional laugh-maker. Ccssn Doyle Is reported to have made a quick connection from the spirit world. , 7e sujsest TaeTejpim'tate"; i:ti.'c tcrjrj aetemuung oa nuns . lio.msa. - TprH inEiMJL in u m - sjnr-ji asst i"ejr T'T mf .1111 . - ., , . . . , I I . - w - - ' 1 J- ' h v v i- pr No Fear Shan Aict? PUBLISHING Ca i Associated uem anaeiea,; vv. rat 1 ' f : .' . etanda a caata - - X A ! J AX- J . hope ahead. In farming of all slow and unusually discour - - . . - - " j-- " exercised fair mlndedness ta har- declara thai Ed. aadrews- 're , r - rf;. - r- -v-; '- , v JIU : Tciivra Tsli I i . . -' - 1 11 , .. Ill I " " , W " I I i 1 C . ' ' ' - ' 4 J I . : U ryR.aCce!and.IlIX , . Host cl ear maladies end health troubles are due to faulty diet fa the summer time Indto- eretteas In e drinking tor, i a treat leal ot -troabl. dlstnrVance Js tTrfUtnutle ,n ot the taxlde nelac " nt branes of the latestiaev a confilUoB. cal ad - "enterttla.- Uott forjQi of e&tartUa an of th eatanaal tn la kimola mea&a that there 1 such as trri Utlos or InnawaiaHoa of the ma eons vettbran ot the bowel as to result 1a aa iacreased How or mncoca. It Is aa atoch at taiarr hal condition as a bead told wfcer there 1a a marked Increase ta the flow of toueoos from the tfose. " -" ' . - - v v A. put of the intestinal tract may be Inrolred In a catarrhal Inflammation. .When there ta a disturbance ot any one location it Is apt to lntolre the entire mem brane lining. - The, rery eommoa eanae ot ea tarltla with cluldreJi etpeclallr in the taUnr of Improper, food. It mey be- redaeed by wereaUae and with most people the eating of nnripe fruit may bring It on. Many of as find faat some partlealar food wUl cause dlar rheathe reason belna: that that partlealar food acts as a .poison to the. intestinal tract. Spoiled mflk. etronr eoifee and plama are rtoodatntXa which trrftata tome pewonn. vr:- la yeaag chSiren and iafaatsf the cause is usnally found la the quality of the milk, Older chil dren, who overeat ice cream, can dy, paitry or soda drinks are very apt to be troubled fn this way. Or any person who eats bad meat, unclean food or necomet Infect ed by contaminated food handlers may: hare an attack of diarrhea.' Ia a pronounced case of enter itis there may be severe pain. A colicky pain is Quite common where the cease ia taking the wrong kind "of food. There may be a slight amount of ferer and great thirst, and so the tongue may be dry and coated; If the diarrhea eoatutfes for soma time there will be prostration and a sense of Illness. It Is always wise to consult a doctor in such cases. Nervous influenza plays a great part in this condition, too. After stage fright or other sim ilar emotions there may be mark ed diarrhea. Typhoid ferer. tuberculosis. pneumonia and other Infections are ; accompanied hy diarrhea. But, as a rule, it is a passing dis turbance,' due to some dietetic error. ; If diarrhea occurs fa the caa of a child the milk should be stop- pea at once. Many mothers, es pecially ji9w mothers, are afraid their babies may starve to death if the milk is storoed. It is far better to give the child nothing bat water for a day or two. So long as tha temperature contin ues your doctor will probably ad vise against food, and it is good adrlce. ,. . : Colic may he relieved by hot. moist compresses to the abdomen or hot water bottle er a hot tub bath. Freauent enemas wul help. It is a good thing to go to bed and redact the diet. Many adults tuff er from chronic diarrhea er from enteritis. Infsuch casea there is aa oaaenying cause ana that must be found by your doctor. answers to Health Qncriee M. TL Q. What is the causa of Vincent's angina? Jl predispotlng f actors are on ally present Tobacco, defective teetht tartar Inflamed gums oral uaeleanUness, alveolar,- absces ses, scurvy mercuria stomatitis, trauma of tho macons membranes follow tonsUlotomy and other op erations ia the month and pri mary lniections with other organ- urns are aU factors.. It is rerard- ea as aireeuy and Indirectly eon utgeens wiuua rather narrow lim- its. 1C If. VL Q. Can sinus trou ble be cured? Who should' I see mr creatmeniT- JL Consult a nose and throat specialist for treataaau vonnct user is tne nest, say the men who hare had charge of crewaof laborers , ttetm Cba.staia pnsoa working ea ' he . salem- Rostdale, CalemJtif srsda and lem-Sidjaey roads. CoavlcU work steaony - and . BneomplatBiagty front morning gntu sight, the foreman says, . . V- ' Her. John XL Coleman. ZL president f TrCUmettSL nnlver tity, has left tor Csir, -rhsre t wUl preach at the lleiLot easra meeuag now la aessioa .there. i Miss TTlalfred Brrd. a recent graduate of the New England con servatory of music, returned to taa itynsterday. fer.tht gso- mef holidays. - UIss Byrd won sig nal honors In eastern musical cir cles. : . - A- - l ,A1 . i ' Lester Luckey, employe of the Lehman sash and door factory. met .with a serious accident, when la some manner the swing saw pierced his abdomen. r AXOTnxs sour HAMILTON. Bermuda. July T. CAP) la a 27 toot sloop, cap tain uaa stu bos, Bermuda, sailed alone last night tor England. Ills v r . mmm-. mm. n Tewa SaScs fresa V eHatcaW aaaa Oa Fathers T4 m m a m t - ta i m aw at - at . at aaw v akv. aw am . , .. a mm a . 'KM M w SheSCA BED D By BEN AMES WILLI AMS If he was surprised at the Question. Brander did not show It Tre no dislike for Mr. Tobey.' he said frankly. "He's an able officer. He knows his business. "He' does not like you," Faith said. "Why not?" Brander smiled. "It may be.- Ie admited, "that Mr. Tobey Is lacking in a sens of humor, rve a way ot laughing. at things. Mr. Treat, oa the Thomas i Morgan, used to curse me jor grinning se much ot the time. Perhaps Mr. Tebey f He did not finish the sentence: he seemed to consider if unneces sary to do so, er unwise. Jaith said nothings They stood together, eyes off across the wa ter balancing unconsciously -to the motion ot the ship. Their shoulders were almost brushing. Brander felt the light contact en his coat; and he moved away a little, lnconspleaonsly. She turned at last toward the companion; but after one step she stopped and looked .back at htm. - "I think." she said, "that Mr., Tobey believes you mean to claim that the find of ambergris Be longs to you. i know he does. There's aa harm in puzzling Mr. Tobey. "fhere may be harm lor you 4a his bettering that she said. For a moment Brander's level eyes met hers, and she law a flame In his. 'Tm not particularly concern ed" he said Quietly. - . She bowed her head to hide her eyes; and she went elow so quickly that tt was as if aha fled from him. Faith tiad aanraif Tnarflf fmm iba beginning. that Brander had no real Intention of claiming the. ambergris as his personal booty. He was too sensible for that, she ten. ana ne was not greedy. -' - She had been sure. baC Ukeaa women, she 'wished to be reae- sured. - t5he had given Brander the chance - e reassure heri speaking et the gri aad of Baal Tohej's suspicion In the nutter. it would hare . been so easy for juranaer a jauga ana. say: .: rxou know i hare no such Idas, H -belongs to ti Sally, of That would have settled the thing, once and lor aTfl, $nt Braa- uer aaa aoi reea ; rransr sad forthright. ' v ' , 'There's no harm ta puxzUng Mr. Tobey," he had said. And when she had suggested: that there might be harm for Brander his eyes aad - hardened with something Uks defiance la them. ne remained as much et a puxsle te Faith as ever. . t - n Brander . had dslSerats!? rTanned to steal a place ta her iueaghts be could barathea ae better means, FaUh, with her growing ssnsa of rerponswiuty f car the tally, tor the ctrccess cf the royage; tor the good renown of KoU - Wing, - was acutely .con earned ' when anything threaten ed that success, c The ambergts waS properly a' part of thafiaK IyS takings. Brander must see It ta. Bli he mean to push his claim 40 make trouble? w She tried ta rind hex answer to this Questloa in Brander . face; she began to study tla daCy, he perceived the strength of .the man, his . pels and assurance. Brander was very.-eure t himself and of his ca;abIt!es, wltheut . ta the least overrating' them. He knew himself for a man: he eore him self as a man. Faith respected him: without her realizing it, this respect and liking grew. k Unconsciously Brander was ranked now and then - -In - her ttiststtf lesUs neTansband,lton Wing; she compared the ttre taea without being willing to make the comparison. -And in the process, she studied Noll Wing more close ly than she had ever studied him before. It was at this time that she first marked the fact that Noll was shrinking, wasting the flesh from his bones. 1 His skin was be coming loose; It sagged. His great chest was drawing in between his shoulders: his shoulders slumped forward. Also Faith saw, without understanding, that the great cords of his, neck were beginning to stand out under the loose skin,, that hollows were forming about them. The man's bull neck was melting away. Faith saw. though she did not fully understand; she knew that NoU was aging, noth ing more. She was drawn to Noll, at this discovery, by a vast tenderness; but this tenderness was imper sonal. She thought it a recrudes cence ot her old. strong love for the man; It was in fact only such a feeling as she might have naa tor a sick or wounded beast She pttld Noll "profoundly she tried to make him happy and comfort able. She sought now and then, to woo him to cheerfulness and mirth. Bat Noll was shrinking, day by day. Into a more confirmed habit ot complaint; he whined con stantly, where in the old days he would have stormed and com manded. And he resented Faith's attention, resented her very pres ence about him. One day she went into tbe galley and prepared a dish she thought would please him; when she told him what she had done, he exclaimed: "God's sake, Faith, quit fuss ing over me I X got along more 'n twenty years without a woman. Faith would not let herself feel the hurt of this. But even while aha watched over NOU. Branaer mora and more DOBfeessed .her thoughts. Her recognition of this tact led her to be the more atten tfva to NoU. as if to recompense hint for the thing he was losing She had never ouce4eutv her it wa Inevitable that rtttls.d raionins? change in Faith Should be marked by those la the cabin DaaTuaw R una Branaer saw u Brander saw. tt, and at urst nis pulse leaped and pounded and his eves shone- with, his thoughts. On deck, about his duties, he carried: tae memory oit aer -eyes aiways with him br-ye us she had looked at him that day and many days' betore questioning, a little wistful,, a Jitue wondering. , . But Brander was a strong man aad as. put a grip japea himself He wast erawa to Faith: he knew that tt halet himself go, he would be canrkt ta whirlwind of pas-i sloe for her. i But he did not choose to- let himself go, and by the name tokua he took care to care a part ia .what might be taking place la FaUh herself.0 . He knew that ha might - hare played epos her awakaned. tnter4 est la aim: ae knew that it wonid k worth ttself to see more Clalaly that which he had seen tt her eras: nevertheless, he nut the thing awaytrom htm. When she wag aaeut, v ne became reucent curt, abrupt He took .refuge In an arrogance of tone, and absorption in his work. He began to drive hil men. '...- v s ; Danl Tobey saw. l Danl v had eyes .to seer and it was InevlUble that: he .should, diseorer the first hints ot change In Faith. F.r he watched her Jealously; and he watcned Brander aa he had watch; ia um xrom ine oegunninr. ? 1 A - . . . ... I t - Daa'I saw Faith and Brander drawing together day by day; and though he hated Brander the more tor it he was content 46 sil still and wait Ha counted noon their working Brander's bwa destruc tion between them la tha and. PaTrlrwar.ttta destructive Tnood In those days, Jir . hatedrj the THEROMAi:Cfi EVENTFUL VHAUNO CRUISE strength of -Brander, .the loyalty of Faith, the age of old Noll Wing andrth youth of Roy. He was-be come, through overmuch brood ing, a walking vessel ot hate;, it spuiea out of rum with every word, keep his voice as amiable as ha might hs hated them am But he was careful to hide his resentment against Roy. He cul tivated the boy. he worked little by little to debase Roy's standards ot life, and he looked forward vaguely to a day. when he might have use for the lad. Dsn! had no definite plan at this time save to destroy. But for ail his absorp tion in Faith he had not failed to see that Noll Wing's strength was going out -of him. If NoU wera te die, Deal would be master ef the Sally and thole aboard her. DanT never lost sight of this possibility: ha keet It well In mtnd; and he laid, little y little. the foundations upon which In that day he might build his strength. Roy was one ot these foundations. ; , Danl saw" one obstacle In his path, even with Noll gone. The men forward, and some of the under officers, were hotly loyal token they looked upon Faith with eyes of awed affection. Faith had that in her which commanded the respect of men; and Danl knew that the roughest maa to the crew would fight te protect Faith. against himself or any other. He never forgot this. When Roy KIlcup , last ot them an, marked Faith's Interest In Brander, tha boy unwittingly gave Danl a chaaee to strike a blow at the men's trust in the captain's wife. : .. .. - r -. ; Roy, though he might auarret with her most desperately, was at nis heart devoted to Faith, and wild with at pride a her. He marked a Iooib In her eyes one day. aad It disturbed him. Danl found tha boy on deck, staring out across tha water, his eves eamded with nerpiezltr and ooubt kot was aft: there was one ef tha men at thau wheat Dan! glanced toward this man ., .one ef ua ewa teat crew, by asms Hat ter,.wlta a sly eye sad a black tongue Danl spoke te him In passing seme eommaadto keep the Sally steady against Ue.pree- snre or is wme ena atopped beside Roy, dropping big hand oa the boy!e shoulder. ,--,-. - Hello. Roy," he said amiably, Roy looked- op at him, nodded. Deal caught 'a climnsa' of the shadow- la his eyes aad asked, la a-inenaiy. ions: ; Whafs wrong? You're worried - Jtoy shook his heaaC Deal laughed, , "ttnacxsi you caat tool aay on wita.tnat, Roy. IX yon don1 want io aia T f Roy hesitoted; he studied Daa'I (To be continued) r FcrYcaFcrTciiy How ranch sooner doer the iun rise at Phllsdelshia. lonsituda ft degrees le .minutes west, than at eaa nrandsco, longitude tl d grees J minutes 4 S seconds wsstr y - -Answer to Yesterys Pfotlent, TT UD T 111. cr Hon -Let amount: X- raid, equal i; TTi amount equals ,tf, and Z equals .SSS at T a, or .f: add 1 Si, and .t and. divide Into 14 U this wfil equal amount X- isali. Mnttfrtt-v 4SI Siv -.11 m-m equals amount paid bTTl fitltW Vij- t. w aorouai vj .n VO gta Z'S amount :-cmae can annnat i vj eaca oy. s.i s, i...; BITS for BREAKFA Ey TL J. . Tha, Jones family: '-- k S " : - " . Writing for the 'Book at Re membrances ef Marion eouniy. Oregoay FloaaersvM by Sarah Hunt Bteevas, sirs, urace u aastxa ex wooa&urn. wue wa- B. Austin, tesilng merchant , et that city, and . a daughter of Jesse B. Jones, son ot the origin al ft. W. B. Jones, eouinouiea the following: a t W. R. and Elisabeth (Al ien) Jones crossed the plains to Oregon la list. Grandfather was bora ia Kentucky oa November I. 1114. His people came from tha Britiaa islea tA Virginia be fore the Revolution and both his grandfathers, Matthew Jones and NeiUy Bybee, were present at the trinmnh of American arms, tne surrender et Cornwallis. Soon af ter, Nsilly and Mary (Norman) Bybee went to Kentucky, where ia ITsl their daughter .Frances was born. His father, Thomas, son ef Matthew and Mary C rum- pier ) Jones, was born in lTIBin Southampton county, Virginia. When grandfather was 1 1 years fld his parents moved to Indiana, The Aliens, l who were English Quakers, landed with William Perm. Grandmother, horn In In diana on May 7, IS It, was the grandfather of Isaac Allen and Elisabeth Rush, whose brother, Ban jamia Rush, signed the Dec laration. Tha , wedding or her parents, Thomas Allen and Philip Hart's daughter, Rachel, was the first In Owen county, Indiana. In the -earne county, on November 17;- 1881V the ' wedding ef eur grandparents "was - solemnised. In IstS it was eelebrated again tn Marron county. Oregon. Anda pTeno flsTtrasorine grand father used to say, whem I claimed JUde - Allen's daughter Thelr early history ta similar to that of many ia their genera tion, Grandfather's schooling was had during the few months of the year when the -boys could be spared: from the heavy work ot nbduJar the wilderness to. ge to taa leg stboolnonse. the conaaan- ity center that blued tha trail of the pioneer. This, with his natur al ability and lifelong habits of thrift and Industry, was the. cap uai with which at 18 he began life. B odd Jobs aad hard study he gave himself seven orofltable months, at Bedford Seminary, and tor the two years that followed. er until his marriage, returned to the log schoolhouse; but as mas ter, not as pupil. His bride, schooled by the same hard' but stimulating conditions, was a fit ting, helpmeet Both were strict observers ot the precepts of the isapust cnurcn, to which they' he longed. Near -Gosport, Indiana, on the farm her lather gave them they, lived and "prospered for many years. - ; "Following the gold rush- of '49, grandfather, with three oth ers, crossed the Isthmus ot Cal if ornia, but -poor- health compell ed an early return. The Pacific wast however, had claimed him tor its own and on March 10. 18S3. the final lan of the contin ental trek was begun, and today his; - descendants . are scattered along the last frontier from Al aska to Mexico. la writing te his relatives. Srior te his starting tor Oregon, e tells of his intentions and sajs, I expect to start some time about the loin of March next H with my family and company ot soma 10 tnea or more, as I expect to Uke St te 10e head et loose cows, one four-hone team for the family, four ox teams aad four other mares for service of the eompaay. Tea' may ask why I should take such a , fatiguing Journey, etnee I have been bless ed ta worldly accumulations as. X hare. X would lust say that God. tn His' providence, " may direct things contrary to ear - expecta tions for the good ef His crea tures, i ask aa Interest la tout prayers, that Ckd may bless the efforts et jour unworthy broth er in his western enterprise.' "sons months before their comiortaue : noma, Which was well and even handsomely fur nished, had burned, aad although wuuag Beignnors helped them re build, grandmother, finally con sented te sell tha farm aad take the - long ; aad portions -tourney with, their family et 10 children. wa ataeas eat is years of age, the youngest six snontha. But when, by way of Qulncy, Hlinola, where the ehildrea saw ttaelr tlt steambeat and where a wac- Editorial f rat ient From Other Papers i : rwu auvjbrxvRB It IS said that tie farm board and "the government experts en with amazement while wheat noes dowa. It ther are a mlli iy lev eecaaee ' everyone else knows .what; tha troable Is. It Is that the farm board, has tied e ee-'MMhnaaA AStrirhr Ahntit hi 'fTthe dossestta aarptoa Incidental geesing saeriejea, wheat from goingr to its accustomed markets tor Ue last six months, New aa other crop of which a big surplus will be a part is. coming on. No body knows what the farm beard ts going to do with tha wheat tt already has: whether it wiu ac cumulate mere wheat; this year with treasury f uads or whether it ts going t Interfere ia a. aaw way- with the disposal of their product by tha tamers.. The farra board's-'Operations ia wheat os tenstbly.tor the relief of farmers consulate one of &a foclezt busi ness adventures in the history of tha country, 7hat. tla hoard has done ts to. try .te corner wheat with the taxpayers taeney, and not satisfied with a ul ctnljuU atioa , for crs crc? it amrently prcposes ta bey with co tins Ha lt One Cay scan, tie cad cct corao and imless the cavcrsnert holdings are to - ts - d:;tr:rtl wiuit won't be wcrlh, errrri- -koria, TiVs triy rcit t:-a ta rolnj down Ttilr ST ta was loaded with crackers for. emergency Waa, i tney rpacnoa t Bt Louis, ' they were forced to stop for medical aid. '-V f "Grandfather ana motnsr, wu WUlle. had made a farewell visit to Susannah, Sandy gran smoth ers sister, - and iert wun wr ws ; Allen family Bible, a final sacri Unknown to either sister, one of tbe Sandy- cousins had the measles, whUh Wiua earriea hack to the train; All ef the chU- drea, Bachel la fiartlcular, were sick, and Joseph, trying o th old pepper . aoz pistou naa lost the forefinger, of his left- nsndV Orandmother hersen was not wait though with. her girls.. Susannah, Rachel tne easy ana the smaller boyeW she -was com fortable In a specially built wag on nrorlded with a etove and beds with space beneath for clothing. But ' at the thought or tne a an ger ous- and uncertain future that faced them and' the ailing chil dren, she hesitated - before the last gate swung to behind them.' The black silk dress that grand father bought tor her at St . Louis, her - Paisley ' shawl ana some ot her handwoven counter-, panes ere still la good condition. "But these ancestors w ours were not unworthy descendants of the stern settlers et the Atlan tis seaboard; they had put their hands to the plow and-the train. which : consisted -ef the ! family wagon, drawn by four horses, sin wagons with ex teams, so norsea, let head of eauie and the crog. Lion. moved slowly westward with Its company It precious souls.. Besides the family there were wnnamBrainv Jonr af terward the husband et Rschelf Mr. and Mrs.' Jeans, Llge Collins, John and Mart Tabor aad one other. iiad charge of the horiM. and. drtire 4he j family wagon "Wesley Jeans drove the loos tattle aadetherwise eared for them. The ethers, with Those as, Joe and. Willie,. drove tha ox teams. Mrs. Jeans was took, v (This story will be continued tomorrow.) f Scissored Sqiiibsl Editorial nts front the Press 4f the State ' The state committee aa a whola has bat to read a little political -history ef reasonably recent date to get a full eaderstanding et , conditions that confront Oregon. The state at present is in a con dition of ferment and unrest. Party lines so blading as uey migac aa Tnu is a time lot the best Judament ef renubllcana' to be used, and those men at Pendleton : sensed their resDonsi Mlity in an admirable manner. KlanMUq falls Herald, e , e e Here we aad been feeling sorrv for, Mr. CooUdgav We catherad from the press reports that Mn, Coolidge was going Into the col nmaist buslasee aad It turns out T that all ha does Is to write a ser mon a day ef about Is d words. Any falrlr 'rood aewaaanar' man could do that while shaving aad wh:mii, J9fA vVtUAd JUSa. Bar. ta writjk m Miami . m.m dar -Urata somathfsr alaa If yoa don't beliava it try it- CorvaBIs GaactteTlmee. . ' Ancient Socrates took' his hem lock with nis eyes open. At least he didn't hava te take the boob logger's, word tor what he was Setting. Eugene Guard. ' , - -? ' .:. e - - The candidate Trho recafrea tha gubernatorial nomination at the hands of the Oregon republlcaa central committee on Jnly S3, rery likely will not retus it for bar tnr tt tendered him oa' a Frldayw Albany Democrnt-Hgrald. The farmer aow haaanrars ta discourage all pasts that prey a vegeiaDies. Tne one lor tourists. however, is etui composed of bird shots Sledford Stall Tribonew - "What this eountry needs is to have faith,., says Ex-President Coolidge. But about aU that the farming and laboring classes hare left te: have faith ta is hope and charity. The Dalles Chronicle. We learn via - tha - Oreronlaa that the Tale student paper says editorially .that fully halt - the xaie students . cheat- tn examina tion, That, we should think, is a record that Tat might wen brag about, If true foe ta meet eel leges the ratios for cheating are ' much klshtr. Corvans Gaaette Times. - - -. ; - v - - Tough lack tUt the'publlclt hounds cf HoUyweod-cant think of any way ef breaking their stars in to the -public prints ; without getting them engaged, married er dlvereedRebarj SewaJterlew .11 : .... - ... n- The .Portland womap who , claimed , th that was aal Lher own and caused a big row ta the newspaperav ha been found tosane. But ererybady outside of the Portland-newspapers and the courts had totae te that cocln ion months Sgov Albany Dssa erac-nerald . , UestGlad&toho uan is Stiicldo ORESon CITT, Ore July T (AP) -The body of Cisstous XT. " fctrtaUn, C8, tf trett Gadstone,, tragtcriEl ta t!l tsrzri toSiy, His throat had teen slashed. a. Cto liorris nclaaneall ha bills ved li-s Trends wtrs ss!i intllcted and as litest would be held." ..'- July t UP) ZzJt7Z son ef r. xnniM et id ta the 'y near the til lOtfjhUl UifST t- 1 Urj. V,. CoUr-!ila,-wtT CTi Cclrnl vif-:? r - .:rr. - . C trj t:a:cl!i3 for lis