The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 09, 1930, Page 3, Image 3

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    Mqnon CuMy Jersey
. "7zn - : : r
'a&tie Club Again to Sponsor Tour
Farms of Northern Part of
County Will Be Visited
Jn Near Future
The summer tonr of the Mar
lon county Jersey Cattle club will
fee held July It and will cover
the north end of the county.
Cars will meet at the St. Paul
State Bank at 10 o'clock on that
day and will first visit the B. P.
Etupfel farm where some fine
Jerseys will be shown.
Other farms wnere prize cattle
will be seen are the S. J. Smith.
John O. Kaufman and Sons; Hen
ry Zorn, H. S. Coleman. John H.
Fick. Frank G. Kuensting and
Sidney Miller and Sons.
The group will gather at
Champpeg Park for lunch. Each
one Is asked to bring his own
lunch but coffee and cups will be
During the lunch hour a meet
Ing of the club will be held and
short talks will bo made. The
Marion County Dairy Improve
ment Cow Testing association
wishes at this thne to take up the
matter of another cow testing for
the coming year.
Everyone who is interested In
dairying and in fine Jersey cat
tle is invited to attend this pic
nic and tour.
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(Left to right) Col Charles JL
lindbergh, MaJor Charles Kmgs-ford-Snuth
and Edward C Fogg.
Undy paid his respects to Major
Kiagsford-Smith and compli-
mented the marrelous Austral
ian for him and his companions
oa their wonderful trana-Afc
lantie flight from Ireland to
North America.
Diversity of Amusements
Enjoyed by Residents
KINGWOOD. July 8 Resi
iaeiits of Klngwood enjoyed the
Faurth in yarious ways.
Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Bittner en
tertained that day. Mr. and Mrs.
Gibson Osburn and Mrs. Kather
lne Gigger all of Hopmere and
Mrs. Rose Rogers of Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Beckman
and son Gene attended the cele
bration at the fairgrounds. -
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Krebs.
their four children and Mrs. J. M.
Fisher of West Salem drore to
Keskowln and Newport, return
In? home that night.
Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Flack en
tertained at dinner Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Debenion . and their son
Joseph junior of Bremerton.
Wn. Many Kingwood folk celebra
ted in a safe and sane manner by
picnicking in various pleasant
places. Among them were the G.
E. Vosburgh family who enjoyed
a picnic with the Wallace family
at their home near Turner.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hall. Mr.
and Mrs. A. L. Applewhite and
daughter Catherine, . Mr. and
Mrs. Theodore Bernard and Carl
Bernard served their dinner to
gether at the Brush College com
munity picnic ground. Mr. ana
Mrs. Bernard Benson and, Wn
Erwin apent the day at Hager's
. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Emmett and
family. Charles Emmett of Al
bany, Mrs. C. 8. Emmett of South
Salem, and Mrs. Jenkins who is
Mrs. E. W. Emmetfs mother pie
nicked at Green's bridge near
Dr. and Mr. D. A. Williams
and son Darid and the doctor's
sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Fuller of 8uver ate
their luncheon in Willson park,
Missionary Convention at
Turner Closed on Sunday
Sixty-Five Persons Enjoy
July 4 Picnic in Waldo
Hill? Locality
most delightful as well as "safe
and sane" Fourth of July picnic
was enjoyed by Waldo Hills peo
ple and mentis in the Charles
Riches canyon.
Sixty-fire people with well fill
ed baskets came early to the love
ly spot and at noon a wonderful
dinner was served. Game were
played la the afternoon. Invited
guests Included T. D. Allen, Mr.
and Mrs. Dewey Allen and little
son, Kenneth; Mr. and Mrs. R.
B. Ren wick; Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Riches; Mr. and Mrs. Clark War
nock: Mrs. Adamsoa and daugh
ter. Miss Emma, all of Sllverton,
and Mrs. Slmeral. Mrs. Lela Rich
es King and. son. Blllle, of Salem.
' Mrs. W. H. Moore, who makes
her home with her daughter, Mrs.
A, A. Geer, is enjoying a visit with
her sister and her husband, Mr.
and Mrs. A. A. Wilson. The Wil
sons, whoso homo , is In Cincin
nati, Ohio, are spend a year, with
the son In San Diego and made
the trip to Portland by water.
Here they were met Sunday morn
ing by their niece. Miss Myrtle
Moore, who accompanied them to
Silverton. It is IS years since Mrs.
Moore and Mrs. Wilson have seen
each other.
Mr. and Mrs. I B. Haberly bad
as their' guests for the Fourth.
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Gallagan and
family and Walter Reed, all of
PorterviHe, Cal.. H. S. Gallagan
of Hood River and their mother.
Mrs. Mary Gallagan of Silverton.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Knight and
daughters, Edith and Ethel, spent
Independence Day at the lovely
Silver Falls.
Waconda Families Enjoy
July 4 at Beach, River
and Other Resorts
AURORA, July S Mr. and
Mrs. Edgar Pierce and family and
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hendricks
of Salem were Sunday callers at
the Becke home. Charles Becke
and his party Henry Becke and
Karl and Mrs. Becke arrived ear
ly Sunday morning from Yellow
stone park.
SILVERTON, July 8 Mrs. Al
bert Olsen, who fractured her hip
Saturday, was taken to the Sa
lem General hospital Monday in
the Jack and Eckman ambulance.
Mrs. Olsen was 75 years old Sat
urday. .
WACONDA. July 8. July 4
was a day of recreation for most
people of the community. -
I W J Um xr Jt CV m . anil
jnr. iuu Jul . sju. ikumu auu
family accompanied .by Mrs.
Scharffs mother and sister, Mrs.
Robert Bollier and daughter,
Ethel, spent the week end at New
port. Those attending a picnic at Fair
field held in the T. A. Dltmar's
grove were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Goffin and daughter Constance,
Mr. and Mrs. John Klenski and
family, Lucille, Margaret and
Leo; and Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Mil
ler and children. Junior and Bon
nie. -
Among those who spent the
day at Wheatland were Mr. and
Mrs. George Brown and family
Gladys and Lselie, Mr. and Mrs.
A. W. Nusom and Mr. and Mrs.
Carl Brown and children.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Shlvely and
family accompanied their soa-in-law
and daachter, Mr. ' and Mrs.
Gndgel of Iowa en a trip over the
Mt. Hood loop the day of the
Fourth. Julian De Jardin enjoyed
the ball game played by - the
American Legion at Silverton. Mr.
nd Mrs. DeJardin attended the
game played there on Sunday also.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Nnsom en
tertained at dinner the following
relatives: Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Nusom and children. Robert and
Dorothy; Mrs. Rosanna Aiken and
daughter. May belle, all of Wood
burn; Mr. and Mrs. Francis Nu
som and children, Rosemary, and
F. Ronald; Mr. and Mrs. AUyn
Nusom and son, Donald, and Keith
The Eldredge Sunday school
classes are making plans for a
picnic to be held July 20. '
Mrs. Sunberg and Infant son,
Howard, who are now at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Julian De Jar
din. wHl soon return to their home
in Salem.
SILVERTON, July 8 Two Sil
verton girls who were graduated
from Pacific Lutheran college at
Parkland. Wash., this past June
have secured schools for the com
ing autumn. Miss Viola Taw will
teach in Washington right across
from Hood River and Miss Bean
ca Jergenson will teach at Stan-wood.
Liberty Homes Entertain
Many Guests Oyer
LIBERTY, July 8--Cb.erry
plcking Is jnst about finished and
loganberry picking Is well under
way. Both crops are light this
Mr. and Mrs. Henry GiberLMr,
and Mrs. A. F. Kroeger and chil
dren, Mr.' and Mrs. Fred Morirs,
Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Denny and
children, and Mr. and Mrs. W. R.
Dallas and children enjoyed
picnic at the Presbyterian recre
ation grounds at Mehama Sun
day. Mrs. N. E. Gunnell and daugh
ter Kathryn and Master Meryln
Gunnell spent the Fourth of July
holidays camping in the Aleea
Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Denney and
children. Katherine, Hastings and
Lorraine of Beaserton were
guests of Mrs. Denny's s!sterr
Mrs. Henry Gilbert, Sunday.
TURNER, July 8 The wea
ther was ideal Sunday for the
crowd that gathered at the taber
nacle for the last day's services
of. the Christian Missionary con
vention, that has held its sessions
during the last eight days.
The attendance at the Sunday
school here was 440, and at least
200 more were present for the
preaehing service. The number
registering during the week end
ing Saturday night was 967 and
many attended who did not reg
ister. There was congregational sing
ing at 11 o'clock followed by the
memorial program, always held at
the opening of the second Sun
day's service.
Dean Sanderson of Eugene who
has always conducted the service,
was not present and Rev. E. J.
Gilstrap the local pastor, presided.
Mr. GiUtrap mentioned the Mem
orial Tabernacle being presented
by Mrs. Cornelia: Turner Davis,
and her brothers, - George and
Louis, now deceased; it was ded-
. i n to
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Busby and
family and Mr. and Mrs. F. Kauff
man and family of Portland spent
the weekend In the Bend country.
The Busby's visited with the E.
G. Churchmans at Sisters, Mrs.
.Churchman being a cousin of Mrs.
Busby. . .
Many places of Interest . were
visited while on this trip. They
.went to Clear Lake, East' Lake.
Big Lake and the Silcko, Mines.
On the return trip they had the
thrill of seeing several deer in
the wilds. They had a wonder
ful trip, finding the country so
beautiful at this time of year. .
to. Bend Is
Enjoyable One
SDL.VERTON, July 8 Mr. and
Mrs. Dan Rireness hare returned
from a trip to Bend where .they
were guests of Mr. nd Mrs. Har
ry Saanerud, (Miss Lulo.Gople-
rud.) , - ' . !
They made the trip over" th
MeKensie highway which they re
ported as being pretty dusty.
They returned by way of the Co
lumbia river highway.
Both Mr. and Mrs. Riveness
were greatly Impressed with the
scenery of central 'Oregon. While
there they Ylsited the lee - and
lava caves and Pilot Butte.' The
trip from Eugene to Bend took
them Just four hours. -
SILVERTON. July 8 Mr. and
Mrs. H. Gordon McCall of Reeds-
port stopped at Silverton a short
time Tuesday on ; their .way to
their home front Portland- The
MeCalls had been at Portland on
business connected with the Ump-
u liomoer company. Mr. MeCau
' was formerly connected with Sil-
rextoa lumber auiia.
AURORA. July 8 At Christ's
Lutheran church next Thursday
and Friday at 8 P.m.. Dr. A. U
Mlchelson, a lormer judge ana
criminal lawyer from Germany
111 apeak both in the morning
and the evening.
Mr. Mlchelson has spoken In
manr churcnes, of dinerent ae-
nomlnatlons. and has an Interest
ing story to tell. Dr. Mlchelson la
the son of an orthodox Jew ana
was. brought up In the house of a
Jewish rabbi. He studied In the
University of Berlin and ' other
European universities, and gradu
ated with high honors. He not
only studied law, but also, medi
cine, languages, psychology, and
philosophy. He was decorated
with the robe and cap and the Im
perial Insigna. He then was a
judge In the court of Germany
and afterward practiced as a crim
inal lawyer.
Through the study of philoso
phy he became a free thinker and
repudiated all religion. Judaism
Included. After his conversion to
Christianity, he gave up his -position
as imperial officer an was
called s a professor of foreign
languages and literature to Amer
ica. ....
From an atheist, he has become
one of the most devoted follow
ers of Christ. '
icated 38 years ago. given as
memorial tor their parents, Henry
and Judith Turner.
Turners Honored
The large pictures of Mr. and
Mrs. Turner were placed On the
rostrum, Mr. Gilstrap referred to
them as usually hanging in the
local church and he always felt
them an inspiration in his church
work. They came of pioneer
stock in Ohio, then pioneering in
Oregon, they were staunch work
ers In the Christian life, helping
to establish churches an always
working for the right.'
A favorite hymn of the deceas
ed, ""The House of the Lord" was
sung by Mrs. C. Harris. - The
memorial prayer was offered by
Mrs. Mary A. Cox of La Grande.
The second old favorite hymn
Loving Kindness" was given by
the choir, led by Carman E. NelL
Swaader Present
C F. Swander of Portland, who
is the state secretary, had charge
of, the offering, for the day. ex
plaining that the expenses of the
convention would be 175 and it
would be necessary to make the
offering $292, to add to last Sun
day's collection. Just preceding
the morning sermon, a standing
rote of thanks was given as an ex
pression of the people for appre
ciation of Rev. Geo. A. Millers
very helpful messages. Rev. Mil
ler began his last service by say
ing he had spoken 18 times from
the pulpit during the week. He
was glad he had .come at the invi
tation of the state officers and
without further preliminaries he
announced his text as the 23rd
The Sunday afternoon service
opened at 2:80 with a song ser
vice led by Carmen E. Mell, fol
lowed by the communion sermon
by Rot. Cllve Taylor, of Portland,
after which the sacrament of the
Lord's supper was administered
to the large congregation.
The young people of the C X.
held their service at 8:80 and the
last service of the, year's conve
tion closed after a stirring sermon
by Walter L. Meyers. Chancellor
Eugene Bible university. ,
SILVERTON, Jnryt Sylvia
xmmt. agea I passed away u ue
family home hero shortly, after
noon today. ,
Although she had been in poor
health for some time her eondW
tion was thought to have been Im
proved recently, and her sudden
passing was a great shock to fam
ily and friends. -
- She is survived by her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. George Barr, a sis
ter Evelyn and a brother Robert.
Her father George Barr was for
many years mayor of snrerton. ' '
Funeral arrangement v are In
charge of Jack and Eckman and
services will be held tt l o'clock
Thursday with interment In the
Silverton cemetery. r
Parkhills Proud ,
' Parentsof Child
WOODBURN, July 8 A nine-
pound baby girl was bora to Ut.
and Mrs: Robert Parkhill Sunday
night at the hftm of Mm. Park-
fhiU's parents,, Mr. and Mrs. Ly
man Ehorey. Tho baby was named
Jeanne Louise.
Parkhlll'av who IItsj In Talsetx,
have been visiting with Shoreys
lor about two weeks.
KINGWOOD. July ; 8 Rev. and
Mrs. Harry R. R. Neat of Lodi,
Calif., are visiting Mrs. Neat's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. La
Rant The Neats came by way of
Eugene wAere they attended a
ministerial .meeting.- : .
Misses Hasel and Vina Emmett
went to Gates Saturday where
they were joined by friends who
went with them to Camelia lake.
The party spent the week end at
the lake. The' Misses Emmett re
turned home Sunday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Comp-
ton spent several days recently on
their homestead at Alsea. "
Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Theo
dore Bernard Sunday were Ira
Blodgett and 'sons Delmar -and
Earl Of Dallas and Mrs. ' Anise
Meeker of Estherrille. Iowa,
Ana WannaW
Scene o f Picnib
AURORA, Jnly 8 Mf. and
Mrs. E. E. BradU and, Martha
Francis spent. Jnly 4 at Arm Wan
na, tho summer home of T. JL Ro
senkrana of Portland, which Is sit
uated on the bank of the Salmon
river on tho loop to ML Hood.
. Tho jtresent and past employes
and their families of the Carlton
and Rosenkrana store at Can by.
were invited to be the guests of
Rosenkrans for the day. About 40
availed themselves of the oppor
tunity.- Bradtl was formally con
nected with the nrm. - i(.
- AURORA July t 3fary ; Lou
Kent drove her grandmother, Mrs.
F..M. wlgart, -from Eugene, lor
a weeks star with her daughter,
Mrs. A. L. Strickland. Mrs. Swt-
gart has been entertained here be
fore and Is .well known q to the
-TTihiib Vailujie
New Ford engine gives outstanding acceteration9 speed and power
without sacrificing reliabiiitg or economg
Ford car, so apparent on every high
way, is due largely to the sound
mechanical design of the engine
It has outstanding acceleration,
speed and power, yet that is only pari
of its value to you. Greater still is
the fact that it brings you all these
features without sacrificing either
reliability or economy.
That is the reason the Ford car
has given such satisfactory service to
millions of motorists all over the
world and has been chosen by so
1 -f
many large companies that keep
accurate cost figures. In every detail
of construction it has been carefully
planned and made for the work it
has to do.
The design of the compression
chamber is an important factor in
the efficiency of the Ford engine It
is built to allow free passage of
gases through the valves and to thor
oughly mix the fuel by producing
turbulence within the cylinders dor
. ing compression. The spark thus
flashes quickly through the whole
fuel charge, resulting in quieter and
more effective engine performance
Other factors are the direct
gravity gasoline feed, the specially
designed carburetor, the new hot
spot manifold, aluminnm pistons
chrome silicon alloy valves of larger,
diameter, statically and dynamically
balanced crankshaft and flywheel
simplicity of the electrical, cooling,,
lubrication, and fuel systems and
accuracy in manufacturing.
' I '
Roadster . . . . '. . . . . $43$
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Sport Conpe
De Loxe Conpe
Three-winder Fordor Sedan
Gourertible Cabriolet i '
De Loxe Phaeton . .
De Loxe Sedan .
- Town Sedan: . . .. . .. . . .
Ml svicM . o. b. Dtti thu fnttkt mi JeUveryr
I lire escrow at tew com. -
turn nwn wmnn jtoxrn iibar
: Aote the ncczreat Ford deaSer, for , dzoiiotration
i e
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" - 4 .
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Aurora ladles, - ft
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