The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 09, 1930, Page 2, Image 2

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Debate on Disarmament Is
Started, Then Row '
Is Resumed
(Continued from Fags L) j
to request tie papers if compa
tible with public interest Mc--Kellar
refused In amendment
'nd Senator Robinson, Arkansas,
the democratic leader, proposed
the anjsndjnent bat bo.tou was
reached on that either.
Treaty advocates ' apparently
. were willing to adopt the resolu
tion In the lntereit of speeding
debate. President Hoover ha
sent sm of the documents to the
foreign relations committee bt
he- has withheld part et them as
senting their - publication wonld
not be compatible with public la
tjerest. There fa no expectation
in the senate be will send them np
ren If the McKellar resolution Is
adopted. '-
Senators Johnson and McKellar
conceded today they could de
fiothlnx about It If the president
declined- Senator Reed. republi
cs!, Pennsylvania, has, offered to
how in confidence the notes ex
changed between Ambassador
Dawes and the government prior
to the London parley. These are
he notes which hare been witb-
neta . r
Twe Quorum calls today reveal
ed only one more than the neces
sary 49 members were present to
transact business and treaty advo
cates showed some concern.
Senators Barklsy, Kentucky,
and Coaally. - Texas, democrats
' leave tomorrow as American dele
gates to the interparliamentary
union in London. Before leavlar
Barkley spoke today in behalf of
ths treaty urging its ratification
to-the interest or peace. He fear
ed rejection wonld invite a "dis
astrous naval race."
uhp son
Question Is, Did Inspector
Charge Public For At
tending Grange
x (Contlnoed troro Page X.)
original letter was published in
this paper: '
8. H. Van Trump.
County Fruit Inspector,
Salem, Oregon.
Dear Mr. Van Trump:
I have Just received my copy of
your recent open letter.
Since the matter has gone this
far. I think it should be carried
further in Justice tq yon and to
the public. In fact your suggestion
coincides to a considerable extent
with ' a plan that I was consid
ering putting forward. However,
as I will explain, it strikes me
that yon aire getting excited about
the wrong part of the news story
to which' yon refer.
Let me say before going fur
ther, however3, that this newspa
paper wish at all times to print
only the truth, and if it eventually
appears that yen have been mis
represented, we will set our read
ers right at once and win offer a
pablle apology. Still, you will hare
to confess that even If It should
develop that we were, mistaken,
. all yon were wrongly accused of
was attacking The Woodbnrn In
dependent It grange meeting. It
really 'makes little difference
whether you did bo or not. Never
. theless it was not in any spirit of
carelessness that the news story
was published, sad the informa
tion was obtained from a source
that I considered reliable. As you
no doubt know, a newspaper can
not always reveal the. source of
Its Information.
Now let na clear up the Issues.
As yon surely must realise, there
is no objection to your making an
attack on The Independent, at
grange meeting or anywhere else.
If yon are under the impression
that this paper objects, let me
set yon right at once.
There is a real lssno involved
. here, and It was suggested In the
story we Published, but yon have
strangely, ignored It In yow let
ter. It to this. Did yow or tne yo
not, for June 28. Its ft, officially
report yourself as being engaged
tn "office day" and seek taxpay
ers money tor sucht It yot did so
report, then te what extent. If
any, was the report truer Are yon
prepared to state that 00 the day
m euestien yen did remain In of
fice all working hours, there con
doling yourself industriously and
efTldentiyt ; -
. Now It yon calmly examine) the
news story to 'which yen refer.
yon wilt note that this issue was
suggested there. Ton were not aes
rnltely accused, but yon Certainly
were rim a, cnanee to explain
yourself, and while yon are mak
injr the welkin ring with protest
egainst ether parts ef the story, k
does seem strange that yoa did
net into, this one issue, that .Is
really a public issue. .
It bad been my hope to bring
this matter to a head In a more
leisurely manner, but since yon
' have nrednltatea, things. I
willing to go through with them
' et your earliest convenience. Ton
can arrange any kind et a hear-
- ire before anyone yen wish, at any
'rime von desire, and I will be
there. I wm bring e witness)
but wm depend on yon to bring a
tew grangers who were present at
the meeting In Question. If, when
I question them there, they say
the storv that anoearea in to
Independent was erroneous. I will
.gladly concede, publicly, tnat yoa
, did not attack tnis paper as
believed. . .
- - 'Then we will be free te i take
-no the real Issue .Involved: -Did
. von collect, or attempt to collect
' taxpayers money for services yoa
did not perform! Let us have no
evasions, please; If it Is your hab
it to collect pablie - money tor
your time spent at grange meet
ing, the public which foots the
bill Is entitled to know It. ,
f -i ie esefT
; 'j:t-Zi' ...
y 4 ' k . . ..rii--.-- i .: -: - .
I ' - T ' Vs''-r,
1,-, f V '
Dr. a X. Hsteh, ChineM member ef the Vnfoai Uedtcal CoSets, te?
rekba?. Chin, and his white wife, the former Ute'liwise Tattle of
Bmm Jete, CaUformia, pwved Klpliasx M wnba Dr. Hsieh aacT his
bride are vfcttins; tlMt parents, Mr. avd MxtSW. Ik Tattle In Saa
Jose. BoQi beUete la mixed msrlaces ssad say tbey are very
happy j '
Health Unit Efficiency :
Is Increased Under New
Regime, Report Reveals
A noticeable increase in effi
ciency of the program of the Mar
ion county health unit despite a
slight curtailment in force since
the first ef the present year is
evident la the- semJ-aaBaal re
port of the unit made yesterday
by Dr. Vernon A. Douglas, di
rector. Eight nurses have been on the
ob the ast six months, as com
pared to 1ft working the' corres
ponding period In 1929. How
ever, the sanitary Inspector work
ed only the latter part of the first
half of 1929". Pronounced In
creases were made in work In
both the sanitary and dairy and
foods departments.
Figures show that work In all
departments has been maintain
ed on the same level, and in sev
eral Instances good Increases
made. There Is still, the report
Indicates, need for greater em
phasis on control of venereal dis
eases, sanitation and tubercu
A start toward control of the
venereal problem has been made
the past six months, with a elin-
ie for this cause established and
treatments increased from 2ft to
81 cases over last year. These
cases are all indigent, others who
appear being referred to their
own. physician.
The chest clinic established this
year has helped bring out more
reports en tuberculosis, with 54
diagnosis made the first half
of this year as compared to 27
last. year.
Exactly 100 more calls for the
prenatal services of the nurses
were made this year than last.
with 330 visits made to expectant
mothers as compared to 230 the
first half of 1929. Delivery ser
vice, except for assistance in pre
paring equipment, hat been dis
continued. Infant health service showa a
health growth, with nurses mak
ing 1187 Teld visits this year as
against 742 last year, to call on
304 Infants as compared to 241.
However this Is still below the
I would also like to Question
yon tn detail about some ef the
other days for which yoa collect
public funds. I trust yoa win not
shrink from answering any such
questions. As yon no doubt know.
there nave been rumors for some
time concerning possible variances
setween your reports and your
actual activities. I will say frank
ly that It was s desire, to bring
these Into the open that caused
me to lend ear tn the first place
to the report of your activities at
grange meeting on. June 28. .
I win leave It te yoa to ar
range: all details the hearing
yon suggest, and to notify me as
to. when ft is te take place. With
this in mind I remain,
Faithfully yours.
; llome et
JOHN . :
in lib
firct lr
Also Talking Comedy and
-r -News
Preschool nursing visits
almost . doabled and twice, . oa
manv aehoel examinations, were
given this year as last. j
Twice as many field rUt.
wuiuug wu tuuuw wm-
i a .n .m .
luunicauiv oiscasfjg wviv ub.uv
-t-.f- At . mmAi f
. . A AVI- - W I
L"'r.?'; Uirf ff,r: I
iwo bbmw m
under six years old were immun
ised this year, as compared to
73 last year. There was a de
crease in vaccinations, from 1138
to 693, however this figure, ac
cording to the health standard,
should be kept up to 750 each
six months.
Vital statistics are available
only tor the first five months of
this year, but show only a differ
ence of two births in the first fivel
Months of each year, with 404 in
1830 and 402 in 1929. There H
were 24 & deaths the first five
months' of this, year, against 292
last year. Degenerative . diseases
were responsible for most of
Comparison of communicable
diseases shows an Increase - In
diphtheria sola year, a big drop
In scarlet fever and smallpox
casea: Increased reporting alone
is held responsible tor higher fig-
ores on tuberculosis and in ven
ereal diseases this year.
The Call
Board .
Today Dennis King
"The Vagabond King."
Wednesday John Gilbert
In "His Glorious lllght"
Friday "Free and Easy.".
Today "The Lady of
Scandal" and fight pictures
of Sharkey and 8chmsUng.
Wednesday "The Big
Saturday 'Safety in
Numbers" with Charles
"Buddy" Rogers.
Today "No, No, Nanette"
Wednesday "The Case of
Sergeant Grischa".
Friday "The
Great LM-
Today gon 0f the Gods,
with Richard Barthelmeas.
e e e-e e o-o e.e e-o e-
: ' i :
iT To)
Tfce03Iy CTATI
Physical Director Choice
Left up in the Air After
t (Continued from Page 1)
and Directors Frank Neer and
hire.' Keen smtrmtng , aav attitude
that newspaper stories havn given
ks decidedly one-side wnrslon et
the aXIair. -
i t)lfector Welder was non-com-ttital
mm. the matter and Chairman
Oliager, a strong friend ef CIA's
when he was re-elected fast Tear,
refused to " override -the superin
tendenfs teeenneml atton, Neer
and Hug proposed a substitute
plan ' whereby smother tnstrnetor
be added to help Gill, which they
Tigered wonld solve tha alleged
Inefficiency difficulty, but Ollnger
stood pat against adding another
salary n the 4lsmct. we one ox
lered e moUen thai Gill bo .re
tained. Huntington 43osrtract
Also Held TJp
L -BeUlo Baauag, etbleUe coach,
has not - been re-elected ta the
no&t. vet. however, matter' of
whether or not ie win be eligible t
i aoimng up nir erection.
: Sidestepping his previously, an
nounced intention to abide by the
superintendent recommendation
Chalrnufn O linger waft the only
member of the board to argno
against Hugw recommendation
that Dorothy Taylor be re-elected
with a salary raise to 11.800, t
principals of the hfeKlaley and
Lincoln schools. The board voted
that ehe fee retained tn her pres
ent position with the raise,
dinger -objected to the idea,
however, on grounds that the
beard bad intimated to o. delega
tion from Booth Salem that each
schoor would be given a principal.
Delegation had asked such a
change so mo time ago, although
finding- no fault with Miss TayV
or'srwork aad asking that she bo
kept at either school, bat prefer
ably Lincoln. . .
Two new grade teachers were
hired: Mabel Dotson. who has
been teaching lav The Dalles the
past year and a graduate of O. B.
C and the Normal at Monmouth;
and Carolyn Carroll of Junction
City, who has been teaching; Inl
ILo Grande.
Other miner m altera disposed
vui Mgss ne es,a,ss was. a,asjsi .we
,M. iMfMiottnn
a . aaii4 M it.
V xs a so a a, evuvwt oes-ao vtv"o
south side of the Lincoln grounds;
lninrtMlln of rowlrtnr In the
Highland building to provide two
lights tor each study room; pur
chase and Installation of a now
transformer at tho Farrteh school
to comply with the city code and
to cut down the current for the
manual training Shops there. . -
Report of tho supplies' com
mute to purchase eight Royal,
11 Underwood and six Remington,'
f ' -"I
' " r " - -
. .-.-: 1 :.
; . . ( ,: v ..... . .: ''.
- :1
. s 's C . -
Krw arrivals at tho United
States liQttax Academy, Went
Point. tTV nureMng; somo
what rsrrsdly. from the m.
in to their bar-
typewriters was approved.
: Bids for ealntlng of MeKlnley
school wlH bo called for shortly.'
School Janitors who are on the
Job during tho summer will handle
painting of tho Interior of the
Grant school, and possibly other
minor Jobs.
Bills were authorised paid, and
tho superintendent given power to
switch a few of the teachers to
new positions tor the new year.
1 1 B
Bollywood Jinx
Oxii)aks Broken
, By S-l Victory
(Sacramento's Solons trimmed
the Hollywood Stars in a night
baseball game here tonight, (-1.
breaking the Jinx that Oscar
mtfs elan has held over them
since tho season) etarted. It was
the first Sacramento win over
Hollywood this year, the locals
having dropped seven straight in
a. series at Los Angeles two weeks
Hollywood 1 10 2
Sacramento 5 11 0
Helierson, Page and Severeid;
Ylnct and Klehler. i
While M. D Pllkington was at
tending a meeting of tho Ameri
can Legion in McCornack ball
Tuesday night his car, a Hupmo
Ulo sedan carrying license num
ber 2,8, '71, was stolen from Us
narking place on Court street, be
notified police last night.
PORTLAND. Ore-. July 8.
(AP) A tank trailer containing
2800 gallons of gasoline snapped
loose from the truck by which tt
was being towed, overturned and
bant, into flames. . ; i
TO H P. M,
. a f - mW .anr wj nu
txssm MODR1S
walucs Gsar LEWIS stone
Here the talking picture
soul searing drama . . comes
into its own characters
thai live . women who love
... men who lost . . The Big
House" loaches the heart!
.. " ... .- -f. r- - .... ... .; -.-
The Station with a Clock
rack aiter.ftcy had taken the f
oath - of . alkgiaaee. to the Na
tional emblem. -Tbo-'cnydcts.''
whose military saxeer starts in
ULSanemotm wju snow
Mere, mere
A ri d Yon
Bits of Personal News
Gleaned About Interest
ing People
Klamath Falls had four days
of celebration and the town was
crowded with visitors, reports
Chief Justice Coshow, back ffom'
a July 4 trip to the southern Ore
gon metropolis. "Days et '
depleting the settlement of the
country years ago, was a pageant,
presented over the July 4 holi
e e
"I think California, should per
mit the release of MOoney and let
him come to Oregon to run for
governor on tho republican tick
et." laughed Dr. R. T. Boals when
be- was euaetioned yesterday on
bis choice for the republican stan
dard-bearer. Later tho doctor de
clared he didnt know who would
lo one of bis best
The outstanding; Vt
taphone Drama of
all times ...
Vitanbone Acts
. (Talking news
weekly) .
A New Western Thriiier wiiu
romantie appcaL Dramatic
story of a Breadwoy sopbisU
coto who fouBd love, life oad
bapfeBoso ...
I I Laws Tisaes Today 1 l
M)2SJ 3
vfjr WATT
marked improvement'
maxehina' rhythm one year from
fctew, when they wCl parade
toore deeeronalv
V 'wis and doubted if anyone else
The green Willamette valley
ieomnared with the Swift Current,
.Canada country, looks most entic
ing declared Edy the Miller, here
lj Tuesday ta visit her cousin, Ruth
dsxav wno is aaverasing musp
ger of tho Pacific Homestead.
Statesman puhucauon. miss auu
erT says in ths region of Swift Cur
rent which in near Moose Jaw.
the land is somewhat bar and
flowers cannot be made to grow as
they do here. Miss Miller and
Miss Clark had not seen each oth
er since they were girls In Texas
Oh. a number of years ago," com
mented Miss Clark.
July 8. (AP) A landslide to-
.day slocked the mala' highway
near Gardiner, north entrance to
Yellowstone National park. Dyna
miting of ths mountain side to
forestall additional slides was
when you
1 V.
- c i
SAM fbanoscc sasio.
SAH DIC&O 0040
fOSSAUIku 4J88
1AJ5TAH06 . StUM
san FRANasc6'wwcd;.; : ; 13
.LOS ANGELES CST,) ' . ... 24
Soathern Psdfic Agent
11 it i i
Piaseclri Buys
Kingsvood Area v
. In West Salem
' Purchase; of the Kingwood
HelghU and jungwooo -
tracts In west-, sajem w vvj--,
pleted this week by A. BPJaekl
wbo- acauired, the'eroperty ttom
C. A:' Robertson. KPiasocki made
tha deal through. ?pb 5 Wsraock
who represented both the buyer
and the seller ; wamocavwui,oe
placed 'iaichargs of ;tho aalosof
Klngwood HeighU tracts by Pla-
geckL t
; Fiaseckl sata xuesaay
bad made ths purchaso after giv
ing the ares thorough inspee
tioa and determining In Ws own
mind that the? Weet Salem prop
erty was very much to be' desired
as s residence area for Salem poo- -
pie. He sill some touses now ,r
built there sold this
summer and a. sale office tor sale
of other traets would be opened
at owes at Room 49t, Bank of
Commerce building.
Theft of Candy
Ai Warehouse Is
Charged to Trio
Jesse O'Dare, 85f was brousht
Into Justice court here Tuesday
afternoon charged with theft of
four boxes et candy and Iwd cans:
of fruit from the warehouse ot
tho WUlameUe Grocery company
here. With O'Dare were tweju
venlles whose names were with
held.. O'Dare asked the court, for
time to consult an attorney. H
spent Tuesday night 4n-JaiL ,
Walter Berg; wag fined IlkV
Tuesday tn Justice court for
speeding, oa the. Pacific highway
north of -Salem. He paid his fins
and departed; for West Wpodbum,
his home. .
Funeral services: for Bvs. Jm
Iss Beckley, who wag ktllrt In au
automobile aotldeat south of 8a
lem Sunday night, wiQ be held
from' the VF T. Itlgdon aud Sow
chapel at l:tl p.m. Thursday ft
Is announced.'
Train s )
Yc need not llsnityom vara
tioa to ust one place. Eotoy
the foil sweep of Calif onus's ;
playgrounds on a Sonthexft
Padnc vacation ticket. "-:,."':;'r
Here, sandy beaches, lofty
mountains, famed resorts an
all closely linked by Southern
Pacific A ticket to any cms.
destination, includes stop
overs and permits sidetrips to :
the many other places jouftl.
want to visit, " "
And the trip to Calif bfola
the spectacular Sbdsts fioasw
with crowded tmies of scenfe
leador, ; : ; ' ;
Its trains dally to Satt
tfnoosoo sad Lot An
les. i.iany cew tnvd re
xmanents sdd to ths
pleasure of vottr trip.
a vex vuc&uoa srans.
tram. Se&eshed
yott arrive at
arid ready
for further informatioiL
. - , dty Ticket Office y
,14 N. Liberty, TcL' gO ,
; Passenger EUUbn . ,
tZQt Oak 6U Tel. 41,
1 I II
11 1