The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 08, 1930, Page 7, Image 7

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    - s-S-
Picnic iGroires'cnd Bcachts
- Lure riiw: Durina
RICKETi IJuJy 7 Some -from,
Cliis , community attended - the
celebration .it the. -state TAlr-
grounds and .other, towns -hut the
greater part ; t tha community
peat . the- Fourth- at quieter
puces. , .... -r -
T5etrr f &mitia ' tnotored t
the - dlflereat 'eeachesy com at
tended theACnte -t fct. Tiai;
some motore te -Caecadia while
others ipettt -flay at the home
picnic groan daw finger's - drove.
wnere swlartninr. rames. rae
ad hall ainee-were m progress
aurisg the-ony. - - - . '
One of the -most Interestine and
hardest playenVbattfcame during
the afternodn I -wad the one ' la
wmcn tae dots avo no mar
ried men a sever trimming. ev-
eral from this - emuusttf play-"
ea in win leasts. -
la the TaMr -fire works from
the different - home IHttnlnatefl
the iky, M fespecfalTy nlee display
was set six at tne Horner
home. .
a oris b
LYONS. July 7. Mrs. Clyde1
saerman and . tiro daughters ot
West Salem spent'the past week
Here with Mrs. Sherman's Barents,
Mr. and Mrs. Haray Shelton.
The Sherman's . -were residents
here several years ago.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Brother
ton had as gUesrt over the week
end. Mr. and Mr. Tred Daurher-
ty ot Salem. Mr. Daogherty was
a resident of Lyons, Before mov-
.lap; to Salem several years ago.
' - Mr. and Mrs. William Brother-
ton of 93 Bosh street, Ashland,
passed through Lyons Wednesday
on their way to Breitenbushwhot
springs,- where they expect to
spend several weeks. 1 '
Rain Did Not
Damage Hay
Tery little clorer hay Is left
standing now. The rain did not
wet the hay enough tor hurt it.
Because of such poor hay weath
er, the hay had to he left is the
swath so long that tt has blotch
ed mere . than .ordinarily, which
has affected the color ot tho hr.
TUBNEBV July 7 A number
of Turner people eetehrated Jaly-4
at tne ceie oration held at Greens
Bridge. W. A Delzell, candidate
for congress-was the speaker. -of
tne day.' There- was aomethlnr at
laterest, each hourt the day,
with -uasie- races,' games:, tag-of-
war, meropiaae flights, aad clos-
lajf swith fireworks.
Mr; and Mrs. H. R, Peeta en
tertained i Sunday -lor their two
daagfcters, Mfeses fiyhn and Ha-
L also Was Vernalta, Dolan aad.
T.Matxlner. allot Portland, v
MJsa Elm Busier. - who -at
tended high School in 7 rr
years 'ago, has returned to Iter
memo fa aleu aiuf . - -.;
wk rwith Turner relatUeV
llias BeTarly Xsom at Halsey Is j
the house guest of Mr. and Mrs.
Bono, taring tas week; ' other I
guests at tha Bond: home Sunday
were Mrs. L. Bond and daughtarr
Mrs,' Howard, and ywang'dangh-
ter,snmey of AJhany.
The lock crasher that was hnUt
a fourth of & mile east of Turner
four years ago has -keen mored to
a location on the Santlam rtrar,
two miles east of Marlon.
Guests from. Portland who were
at the R. L. ffheissen home Sun
day "were Mr. and Mrs, A. Lapafe
and soa Henry, Mr. and iIra.;iL
A, Theiseenaod ton Henry and
Miss Gaylatfa Brpusoni v 7 ? :: ?
i IV C. Ganaing' resamed his du
ties as mho carrier on route two,
tie Crst of the week-after tak
ing his annual two weeks vaca
tion, Iran Hadley substituted for
Mr. Gnhnlng. 4 l
".-Mollis .Bones has-"been solicited
by representative of the Aaron
mnk sUWes to no vn the tall
trip for the horse show season,
which would 'necessitate his leav
ing home by the last of - tha
month. Mr. Bones la ;' former
employe of the company.
-Turner people are pleased to
not that Rev. W. 8. Burgoyne
has bean assigned the M. . pul
pit for the coming year. - Mr. and
Mrs. Burgoyne and daughter Rath
have 4nany friends In Turner.
Tho W. C DeUeU family and a
small party of frleada snotored to
Corveilis Sunday to spend the day
with Miss Thelma DelseU and Mrs.
Avalyoa Fehlen.
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Thomasen
hare as their house guest their
daughter, Mrs. H. Chasa of Sacra
mento, CaHC who plana to make
her parents a leisarety visit.
Mrs. C. H. Riches entertained
her children her children, Mr.
and Mrs. J. M. Klany, Mr. and
Mrs.- D. 8. Riches and Leland,
Monday, it being her birthday an
niversary. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Baker ot Sa
les, apeat Sandty at the home of
Mrs. Baker's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Barnett. Mr. Baker
has charge ot the MacMarn store
en East state street,
Birs. Ella Ouafee, who has been
111 at the home of her sister-in-
law, lira. P. C. Canning, since
last March, has not teU so well
fer-tae but ten days after a mark-
J improvement.
Hay -and Fruit flow Keep
I Farmers Busy Fcr Lcn,
i Hcbre r r"
rAMlTT. July T -Harvesting
Of the' hay eropr and - gatheriag
fruit rn this -vietetty r keeping
ths-farmers and orchardlsU'tery
ousy ac Ul present iilBa -
Cherry picking n.' the Eola hills
east ot Amity, bejraa .taattwaok.
Mr; Matthew -reports - a humper
erop this ymr, Ther are labont
lSwpukers empioyed. ttfej
acreage. - Tha picker tare xxad-
tat their Joba rofUahle ones w-
en though Xhe vtte. orchetnea ts
low. Thtey report ery ood pick
ing and tho rata tailed to crack
the aherries. .
vetch hay la rowttjf v cxesp-
tlonaily rank aad tha report tt,
high yields per acre. Tha farm
era here ten ia that clover hay Is
not returning such a heavy crop
this season. They axpect a good
seed yield this autumn; however.
- ist grain via ripening rapiaiy
dtfa to? the warm weather" liocal
farmers tell 0 it ts rather light
In patches hut they think: that it
will head very tally and return a
good yield. Cutting will not be
gin for several weeks yet.
AUITT. laly T Miss Genel-
da McCarty went toeattk last
week where sh win spend the
summer with her grandmother.
Mrs. Bete Larson left Wed
nesday for an extended trip In the
Mrs. Parker Allison ia enjoy
ing a vtsit with relatives in Can
ada while her husband n sua
serving ton tha jury tn Portland.
A. W. Newby motored to port-
land Wednesday whera he tran
sacted business. - i-
tir. and Mrs. A. a Carrie and
family spent Sunday , la Albany
vhOtlag relaUrea. j
MIsa Audrer Crawler and Claa-1
dine Murphy who arj attending
Beamvith Kerau axshool -Yts!t-ed
at the Sasa Morris em for
several days. ' Accompanied by
their friend Mis Florence gnod-
grass.'they motored to Newport
where they celebrated tha lth.
MU Snodgras la fmploytf t
MeMlnnviUe. : - - - ' :
and Mrs. R. A. Lawrence spent nT-
eral days. ef past week-at-tte
Mr. and Mrs. Gay Taylor hare
moved : from the .room nover ha
pest oixicA to -taa . ecamaiu rs
ideneo. '
Mrs. Lena Belllajter visited rola-
oves ana inenaa tn saiem aur-
lnp the mid-week.
W. P. fihuti has left on a basl-
ness Arlp to San Francisco. . ?
Miss Lila Brbugher who has
been dean of a girl' school at
Sltck, Alaska,' the past two years,
arrtvett home Tuesday erenlnw to
spend her vacation with her ptr-
ente. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. B rough ef.
Mr. and Mra. -Ola Larson and
daughter Clara t SflteVton, spent
the Fourth with another daugh-'
terf Mrs. Almond Rich aod:f.atn
- Lfttle Ciena DaJ. who haa
been visftittg his Mad parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bale; has re
turned to hi home la Portland.
Mrs. J. nr. Ammsdsam and slsbar,-
Mrs. Grace Ahlera of 8aa Fraae-
cisco, visited -relatives v in Port
land Wednesday r
Mrs. W. P. 8hutt and brother
H. EL Clough. aad Mrs. Mt Scheatk
of Los Angeles.. Calif, returned
home Tuesday evening from - asr
eral days spent at the beaches. '
. Mr. and Mm. JC. M.. Klckemon
and son. Rex. Mr. and Mrs. u i
Smith and daughter, -Gate, dror.
recently to McMtnnvHle, whera
they -visited Mr. and Mr. Arthur
Owens. . . ,
Members Ot tha Friends chnreh
enjoyed a picnic on the Abiata-
the Fourth.
Mr. and Mrs. High Magea and
faintly of Ashland visited retatffe
and friend here aver The Fourth,
Everett Bhnts er BHdfa, Ora
goa, haa beea Ttsftthg his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. BhUtS.
H...0L ,'
Laf ayetts LtcJcs I Scehcf
ffeassnt Gathenng of
bers of tho local grange spent the
tourth a'picnie rat Lafayette
Locks. Tha day was spent in
swlmmtsg aad aereral games
were started la ha afternoon.
Thoie attending wtrs Mr. and
Mrs. Forest Penee. Mr. and Mrs.
Orta K5eJtoBT."MrV and Mr. Wm.
RowelL Mr. 'aha MT. ArthttT Bea
ver, Mr, and Mr. Joe HarUnd.
Mr. and Mrs. Ora TJahts,sMr. ant
Mra Crouch t Portlahd; Mr. nd
Mrs. Thornton of Rlllsbora. "Mr.
and Mrs Jack -fiwen of MCMln
vllle, Mrs. Charles Larkin, Grace
Burn Buftlfsoh of Balem; rciaud.
John, tltfyd Larkinr Ray Dent,
BTn Reweil, Harvey Beater; Billy
Hhriahd,- Eaeth. RowlL H
trade Larkin. Dorothy and Fran
eesand ftorehca Lants.
Harry Dempeey begah last
Mopday to haul the children I
the Farm Home district near Cdr-
vanis to and from the summer
school at Monmouth. If a drlr-
tntvhls high school bus.
Portland Family
Visits at Zena
ZENA. July 7 -Mr. and Mrs.
H. E. Smith and children Bobby,
Alice' and Dorothy., ot Portland
were Saturday visitors at tha
home ef Mr. and Mrs. W. N.
Miss Audrey Smith, their
daughter who , has been Visiting
tor several weeks with her aunt.
Mrs. Crawford returned to Port
land with them and tame back by
train Sunday night. Audrey will
remain hero 'Until cherry pick
ing is finished as she has been
picking In the orchard of 8. v.
Crawford. -
Bobby Smith remained at Lb
coin with his grandmother. Mrs
Alice Sfmpsea for an indefinite
Mr..and Mxa. G JL. MctnTosa, Mr.
and Mrs. Pearl Hedges. Mrs. Ger
trude Davidauaa4 Mr. and Mrav-
Willard Craven. cAmtydsed a aar-o
ty who apeat tha Fourth at John-J
son creek about two miles, from
Kings Valley. This la an ideal
place for plcnle as it ts up' to the
mountains and one has m wonder
ful View of this waUey.
Mr. and Mr, wmiam McWn-
ney have returned from .Bend
whera they have eea rlstttna
with their son, RoUa McKfisney. .
AH tha ' stores ware - kepi Onen
Thursday: evening, to aecommd-
data the rush of business before
the Ith. . . . : '.
G. GGhdfrey. lbostnuster. It
taktni a month vacation. Be
will spend part at tha time la
Lakeriew, and other places.
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Wiley
spent the 4 th at Oregon City.
Mrs. Frank Fisher f Portland
arrived the first of the week to
remala for some time visiting her
friends'hera, and will be with her
parents at Surer. Mrav Fisher has
been very 111 tor some time. In a
Portland hospital, and this la her
first YUlt to . JCndOendenca for
soma time. Ber manV friends are
glad to sea her able ti be around
again. T-r."
Mr. ; and Mr. Robert McKee ?of
Long Beach, Caltt, are, here to
spend the summer in tho valley.
They have two daukhters here.
Mrs. G. G. Godfrey And Mrs. Har
ry luft and one son, Sam McKea;
Mrs. E. W. Linquist Is enter
taining hef mother and father,
Mr. and MrSj A. T, Anderson of
Missoula. Montana. . -
Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Bodga of
Salem called on old friends
Fred. Eldengeorga ef McMlnn-
ville spent the 1th with his par
ents, Mr. and Mr. EL Elden
Mrs. Addis. Whltaker la eneat-
ing a few day with her eon Glen
in Monmouth.
Independence spent a quiet day
tha 4th aa a great many were out
of town for the day.
Some went to beaches for the
week end, home went fishing, and.
others spent the day at a real eel
ebratfon. A lrumber spent the
evening on the river bank, enjoy
ing Tire-works, as they were
fired on the mala streets.
Tumr Farm Scene of Gath
ering of Many Interest-
fed Friends
TURNER, July 7. -A crowd ot
about-lit people gathered 1 at
noon July I, at the -n "Boys
Home .farm, of 10 1 acres, locat
ed IK miles south east of Tnr-
nea. Barbecued meat, bread.
cream aad coffee were tarnish
ed and lunch baskets ad , plenty
of good eats and a very pleasant
noon picnic was enjoyed, after
which a short program was pre
sented by E. J. Gilstrap, who is
pastor ot the local Christian
church and Is also at present
general supervisor ot the "Boys
Home" farm.
'Orchestra music was furnished
by a group ot Sherldaa people,
who came to spend the day at
tho convention held at tha Taber
nacle. They arrived In a school
bus. After ; prayer by "Mr. Gil
strap, -J. L. Webb was introduced
as a sound Business man "and a
friend of the boys, who is chair
man of the local "Boys Home"
farm board.
Farm Kefjrhbor Speak '
C. A. Bear, who Is a hear neigh
bor ef tha farm and as a success
ful tiller of the soil Is in a posi
tion to neighbor in a helping tray,
was called on for a abort- talk;
HeJmentloned the tact that the
boys were expected to do a certain
amount of work, that It was the
Terr best treatment of tha boys.
as are all feel more self respect
ing, when we can at least help
make our way. The farm is well
situated aad can be developed In
to a valuable acreage ta time.
Mr. Gilstrap referred to a fund
that has very recently been start
ed and hoped It will 'soon be large
enough to buy three cows which
are much needed.
C. H. Jesse was Introduced.- Be
and Mrs. Jesse wbo is matron,
have had direct charge of tho In
stitution from its beginning which
Is almost two years ago. Mr.
Jesse introduced each boy In
turn. There have been 24
all winter. Just now a few are
away On vacation. Four ot the
boy are of high school ag, the
rest attend ( grade school, except
ing little t ourrear-eld Reece,
who I the Idol of tha household.
The boys under the dlrecUoa
of, the matron de most ''of the
housework. Walter L.- - Meyers,
chancellor of Eugene Bible .uni
versity. . who haa 'general super
vision of. the several such insti
tutions of: Jth church, .spoke . ot
the land, which was donated by -Cornelia
Davis as the foundation
for a great work, the building up
ot h great plant, though tha start
in the -first twa Years haa seem
ed SlOW. ' . -
The girls "home, corresponding:
to the boys ! heme, I located la
Eugene. : r.- - r ;
Rev, R. t FntUam of Lh Grande
spoke a few words In i apprecia
tion of Her. and Mrs. E. J. Gil
atrao. They are wntirinr. In not
only tha work at tha local church r
bat a managers of the Boys'
Bona and tarsa. :. . , i
- Mr.Tatnaoa said We as cherch
people must support the home
unta the farm can bring In a full
living; the local charea was or
ganized by Mrs. Putnam aboat II
years ago, while he was serving
tha Bungalow Christian charch
in .Salem... . ,-, v
Mrs. Cornelia Davis, a apry lady
in her to odd years, was asked to.
stand and receive the Chautau
qua salute la recognition of her
gift. .- -'.!..:. . .'"
. Music was rendered by tha or
chestra and .benediction was of
fered by Mr. Clara G. Vernon,
who Is field representattre of tha
institutions tor the children. . "
All were Urged by the chairman
to go through the. new barn ' and
also get n 'good view of the grow
ing crops. At t aclock tha chnreh.
people hurried back to the Tiber
nacls for the Afternoon service.
.LYONS, July 7. -Thursday sto
nlng at tha dance in Mehama,
"The Lucky Lady" chosen as local
representative la the Oregon beau
ty contest, was by popular , Vote
Miss Lola Trask, daughter of, Mrs.
Roxle Trask, of - Lyons." ' ' ,
Miss Trask win be one of sev
eral young ladies to compete for
Miss Oregon at J amen Beach In
the hear future. '
The "Necking" Party
Cross -Word Puzzle
I 2 3 H 1 "r 10
PTT i s '
t What Is the snaefeaJ
Uia sysUsa ef Seadh AaaeHeaf
t Waal U the pviaclpel river U
Ireland? . ' K ' .
11 Machine, for weavbg. .'. ;
trWat W tha SMsae ef tike aas-
taia wbe aeniss tha whale he
13 Full. - ' ' . ' -.j,:
14 Whal la aasnral aassa far
; : tha Wast ladies, axdadisl she
le--Above, .
LT-Waar away.
19 like.
izArrahrement ofails-n a
tS Conrrivanse fev washing heats.
t7 W'be wasAa1cfl aresleenf at
' tWU. 5, by the Uemea el Rap.
t mealalias isi l4 there h
tnf mm tmmtrm ; 1
12 What was the aasvs af the
eaea - wae eU neaeiita -ef -AUIes
Staadlah's Jv let
IS What ssmfcew af Aleehaaa es-
tke sWstractien
If Taa braeA ef what
1 eyaahei wf peaeet
IS Rinv af anpw r
EO-rWarm treather dmk. .; , .
Zl What U aeeteer mate far the
Mr af water. ' -SS
What is the aaaital ef Lens.
ZP Uesei
HWkm U the airy, trkksf sptfH
- U ffhabaisss' rTseaaestr'
X4 giece out, i. . . -v, 4
3T DeaonstJacttva rroiiaun r
40 For axampla (ahhz.). . . . ..
'4IJWae reaeetsei the gift at a
fed Ueaes hi f eeef chaaxW
'as .Whe was the smpreaae eUty
ef tha late Iters eatheea7i
4 U what Sute Ja Pike a Peat
48 In law. a thinst - v : ;i ; -
ita Musical instrument ': Vi
50 Causa to-moTi' '
51 Blood-rockto? Cies, -.r
2 ProTiace af FrossiaV'.; - -
Y Of whet state is Mel3cry
tk eapttal?
. X Prefix: not, fXti .
. I Love.ta axcasav i;
'4 Arabian chiefs.-' r - ' s ; 1
" eRaraiaaati prized lor Ifootr
0 Possesfcx, v. , :.: 'r
-T Month in the Jewish calendar.
Direct a ship. .- ';,;;
- 9 SOTt -poems. -:-c
a .what was the Uaraage af
eservesw . . . .,
31 at be Genea, what I Tha
' siott lperUat seapert 1st
34 What Soefh Asaerlce wee
try Im I Heme Pare, BetMa
' and lie. Argentine RepabDsr
J5 WlthotflKa'l :
17 -Goes wfch steady jafiiag
59 Trunk af t hssmn body, y
4XrMLResaaja aUoity what was
the fee tne tasa
Marchr ' "
ii Rodents.
4t Catahwerf.
nerewllh U thi soTuSaa to yes-
: M
m 111
ffi -
4 2' ,i
til -fj
1 ' : -4 - - J-
ir i t
-"- - -' 1 JcBn- mZt atit ZTZ tt-- rQo
cto-rswca3 tvNCWMa
ett aeoat to -rm
Ml nAWcii XI
tjtettin; a tin on Paw's Intentioo
m m m -wjiwil. is-aares -a 1 sew a wssenss rvivi.t a eesa e aksrente ava a ..r w -va jjsa w m. sp-s r 1 a a sr mm - r- m b
A Dream TtilriUcd'
1 rm- -AOo t
1 V
" ; ' ..... ....... .. . ...,;.,... i -
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1 fSaWvit 1 -iUI. " !irv f I emmtuiis' S V caw? w taste fSrs
. . ...... . -s . i - . Z ' . - ,
A SciJsn Ctoge of 0?!iba '
D7 r.:uapHY
ALON2r vrmoit I
CUTDNii&Hrr mo '
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ki Ski '
f k-i- ru i r .
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'naitrw MtMrsose.. Aft &Hntn& tatyn
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. HaitTHTj.s
V WJCH ci -
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