The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 08, 1930, Page 1, Image 1

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Daily Wtrtrt eistriTMtik far fee
, ,.; MlU eaeiag Jaaa I UM
. " .WEATHER 1 .
, Fair today and Wefaeti
day, moderate tempcntore,
humidity uuK&angjedi Mon
day clear. Max.. Temp. 73.
Mta. SS, wind north, river
1.7. .' ..; "i -" ' - -
4WH Bmi e CtrCTkflw .
Salem, Oregon, Tuesday llonxiiij:, Jnly 8, 1930
No, 8S
Council Gives James Hugh
Contract For Larger
Bridge Structure
Will Specify Employment of
" Local Help, City Alder-
men Agree
To Roberts A Horatkotte, con
tractors, vent the award Monday
nlzht from the city council for the
construction of a bow bridge over
Prlnrle creek at South" Winter
street for the sum of $1999.04.
the firm winning the award In a
field of sir bidders. '
James R. Hash, local contrac
tor, von the lob of constructing
a new bridge over North Mill
creek on North Commercial street,'
at a Price of $15,520.
On both Jobs the eonncil order
ed all certified checks submitted
by the other bidders, retained un
til; the council should have? com
pleted the legal acceptance of the
winning bide and the award of the
contracts. Under resolution pass
ed Monday night by .the council,
at least to per cent of tne labor
employed most be Salem resident
and this clause is to be written In
to each award.
Leas Costly PUa
Is Selected '
Decision was made by the coun
cil to build the bridge on North
Commercial street under the plan
specified as . number one instead
of following; a culvert type of con
struction tor which, the bids were
considerably higher. The coun
cil Toted that' during construction
of the North Commercial street
bridge, traffic would be. routed
orer North Front and North Li
berty streets, thus sating flit
which would bo expended for a
temporary bridge if the traffic
were continued orer North Com
mercial street. " ' - s
Other bidders and their bids on
the South Winter , street' bridge
were O. Dudley, DeYetbls, Oak
land, Calif. 11711.54: P. U
Odom, Salem, ) 7 II LSI; -Fred A.
Ertxon,- $7270.S;?Roberts ft
Horstkotte, $5911.04; J. R. Hugh
ISS88.I0; Carl- O. Engstromy ft
288.59. , SSEgfia
(Turn to page 1, eoC 5)
Apology for Its failure to secure
a permit to build a spur track
across North High street was con
tained in a letter sent the coun
cil Monday by Manager W. M.
Hamilton of the Pacific Northwest
Public 8errlce company.
Hamilton explained that bis
company ( contemplated the track
when the new Liberty street ware
house was planned but thought
that the Oregon Electric Railroad
company would .secure the permit.
Inadvertently the company fail.
ed to check on the railroad's work
and the track was built without
permission, apparently through
an oversight on both companies'
Mr. -Hamilton, after making the
full explanation, asked the coun
cil to extend a retroactive permit.
The matter was referred to the
public utilities commitee.
: PORTLAND, Ore., July 7
(AP) Matt Ryekman. superin
tendent of hatcheries for the Ore
gon state fish commission, said
today half a million cutthroat
trout egza had ' been received
from Montana.
Half the eggs will be taken to
the Necanlcum hatchery near Sea
side today and the other half will
go to the Galles Creek hatchery
In Washington county.
The fish will be ready,to release
in coast streams ' next spring,
Ryekman said.
ASTORIA, Ore., July 7 (AP)
Chief of Police John Acton said
Elbert Ageo, 17, tad FU Linn
'Scott, If, confessed today to rob
blrfJE a confectionery -end postal
sub-station here last week. -
ASTORIA, Ore,, July ,7- (AP)
3. R. Burke, prominent Port
land and Astoria fish packer, went
en trial in circuit court here to
day, on charges of arson in eannec
tlon with the Sanborn cannery
fire here last January. . -Selection
of a Jury was- mot
' completed when court adjourned
-today but it was expected that a
panel will be completed early to--'Saorrew.
r fc ,
ASTORIA.- Ore July 7 r(AP)
-Chris Raske, rancher from the
Youngs River district. Is In a lo
cal hospital aatterine from severe
Injuries to his legs and chst re
ceived Sunday aftermajon when he
was attacked by a bull he was
'Jaadlnr.. ' :'' .r
. Raske managed to roll wnder a
fsaee and eeeape from the animal.
Attorneys Engaged
To Pass On Salem's
r utiui s sue measurei npinr i nptf if
Portland Firm Will Examine' Charter Amend-
ment With View to Determining Legality;
of Water Purchase Action ;
SALEM coancflmen took action Mondayght employing
the Portland law firm of TeaL WmfrV.JMcCunoch"inH
Shuler to examine the charter
providing for the purchase, of
oy mis resolution oi employment, made theacquiring of that
property one step nearer, ' . . .
LOna Grist Of Minor CitV
tuny UnSi OI Minur , Wiy
Business Comes up at
Monday Meeting
The usual mlseellanr . of small
business.. . came . before the city 1
council -Monday night. Mayor T.
A. uresiey presiding and Alder-1
man Kowlts, eerrlng as recorder Inna will suffice and thus a sar-1 The distributors agreed to eom
ln lievTof Mark Poulsen, who was ling will be made both in time and J ply with the producers request
ui. I
Bids for steel for use In sewer
work were received from a num
ber of firms, the award being
glren to the Commercial Steel
eompany with an offer of 1517
for the Quantity of steel needed
by the city.
Without eompetlnsr bids, the
elty council awarded the Job for
the construction of a tar kettle
for street work to the W. W.
Rosebraugh firm for the sum of
Bills to limit the number of
card rooms, billiard and pool
halls to one for each 4009 resi
dents in Salem were quickly
Toted down.
Weed Ordinance
Glren Approval
An ordinance providing penal
ties for failure to eut weeds on
private property was approved as
was the ordinance. Introduced
several meetings previous relat
ing to fines for unusual and ex
traordinary noises whether made
by animals or . by maehlneryvv-
wiarr tne approval - et Alder
man Hughes, petition for the I
right to erect a three by six wait- say. the statement read, "I have
ing room for a bus passengers on had more kindness shown me dur
Fairgrounds road at Myrtle are- ing the last year from every part
nue was granted.
waison Townsend reported for
the airport committee that a new
mower , was needed to handle
weeos on tne grounds and when I
ne nad told the aldermen that naught but good will toward alL" proximately even with market de
money had been "discovered in As exact as the schedule of any mends was advocated here today
funds on hand" to meet the cost, active business executive Is' the by Secretary Hyde of the United
the city recorder was authorized dally routine Rockefeller has States department of agriculture,
to eau for bids for the mower.
upon motion of Alderman I
Johnson the city recorder was I
authorized to call for bids for the
Upon i motion of Alderman
Johnson the elty recorder
authorized to call for bids for a
!7 !me? fv no.toT?fc fl-
ars1W?rt tsa AV 4Vaa akt .mILa J .
. vivj yvuc -
Twelfth Street
TTJrr ""tT1 .,a
t. .v
S"1.0! vlla11 W0Ted
bis idea that the bridge en South
Twelfth street between Louis and
Ooward streets, be repaired by
tne addition of a cement slab
top. This la to be constructed at
a cost of f 1100 and the work is
, (Turn to page 1, col. 2)
Will Plant Trout Eggs
Promoter Is Suspended
Bankrupt Trial Starts
Boll Gores Astorian
n- .unrt.A . ..ntiAn of
He attracted the ttntlon of
?J"v m,., " Mb a m 1
the hospital.
PORTLAND, Ore., July" I
(API Trial of Dr. Cbarlee J.
Dean, charged wlh violation of
w. William Watklns.
chain of clinics In Portland. Ean auxiliary voted at the Mon
Franclsco, Los Angeles and da afcnf meeting to declare a
tut). k
Dr. Dean is alleged to
concealed assets ' from his bank
ruptcy petition.
NEWPORT. Ore.. Julv T
(AP) Leonard Hespark and
Stanley Wllklns narrowly escap
ed Injury or death la fire and,
explosion which destroyed tne
troller Acme to miles oft Yaquina
head Sunday.
Wllklns, owner ef the 11000
boat, was working on, tne gasoune
engine. J ire nreae out . ana
forts to extinguish it failed.
The two men leaped into a skuz
and rowed away; They had gone
.v . a a a . .v.. ....tu.
The two men leaped Into a Skiff
aboard the Acme exploded. The
jcti wa "?Z
men were rescued , by the troller
r PORTLAND, Ore, July 7
(AP) The Portland boxing cor
mission today suspended Captain 1
Harry -Hansen, boxing promoter,:
for a period of to days.
Commissioner Fred H.'Bay al-
leged Hansen- told him to ;"io
Jump In the lake." -
t Captain Hansen said he merely
told James Carroll, the commm -
slon's . secretary to - take the
plunge.- --
amendment nassed If v ifi
the water company here and
At the same time the council
proTided that the same firm, no-1
wa tor its accurate adrlce in mat- I
Ur -effecting constitutionalitT of I
bond.iaiue. examine tte proposed
oona issue wit the Tlew of de-1
termining the Talldltr of the I
no xeevwaa set for these
lees. City Attorney Trindle saying I
P' Mtomr charge for I
examination was one dollar
ior eaca ivug worm of bonds. - l
A month ago the ettr was eon-1
sldering s test euit to determine I
thetsAnmtttratf Aneillfw a ehse I
er purchase ordinance and else to 1
test, the legality of the bonds. It I
i bow the opinion of the council
that the opinion of the Portland i
in money.
(AP) John D. Rockefeller will
hbe 01 years old' tomorrow bnt
there isn't going to be any partic
ular fuss or bother about It
He will pass the day quietly
and with the -pleasant routine
characteristic since he retired
from active business almost 10
years ago.
In the morning nine holes of
golf on his private course, with a
few neighbors as companions. In
the afternoon an automobile ride.
In the evening, probably a family
dinner and a birthday cake.
Through the Standard Oil offt-
ees In New York, -Rockefeller Is
sued a blrthdayetateasentr
"It rives me n-reat nleasure to
of the country .than ever before
of the country .than ever before (AP) Federation of all grain The" hav been Intimations the t an engineer
in my life and It Is needless to growers of fhe country into one said, he used to sit In his office Plctuneque language employed by 7 -roiect To Immense the flam
state I am unspeakably gratefuL cooperate organisation and re- nd wait for patients who failed America's outspoken ambassador QMj
"I am In the best of health, sur- duction in wheat production to to appear. Jf Loon forbids their public- Jf"1 Jj Sed upon to deserlbi
Mnnuf h- 4a.. MmlAiul . nOlnt vhtn It will keen tD- At that Mm. tlOn. TS C V
rounded by dear friendsmnd have I
worked out for himself. He will
he an at n a. m mat tii Mniitii
of Ua hi RMrHm imnitA bnnm I
at Pocantlco Hillr. . rivine each
servant a brand new dime or
nlckel and then go for a short
walk Tnnt the rrnnnda
There will be a fairly hearty
breakfast. Rockefeller does not
I aa a a -
isuiier irom inaigesuon ana never
has., popular beUef to the con-
trary. At 1:15 he will retire to
" Mr 'tor an hour of work
over nis nnanoai ana benevolent
undertakings. At 10:15 he win
be on the golf coufse. - Nine holes
and then hell retire to rest be
fore luneh. After lunch and more
numerics, another nap. Then his
automobile ride, more rest, and
naWatM .Jr. avlata X nv a V
the American Legion aux-
m mMtlnr. who will renresent
i the auxiliary at the sUU legion
convention In Baker, August 14,
IE and If. Mrs. F. N. Waters.
Mrs. Roscoe Van Orsdol. Mrs. A.
M. Locksrd. and Mrs. M. J. Mel-
leblor are the delegates, ana . tne
delegates, and the alternates are
mmm nrlnak tTta rTain1r of
I the' summer with only committee
i of any business mat
may come up for eonsIderation.
Mrs.. William Watklns was elect -
Cd ana instauea M vice presiaoai
at. k a ae a.
to fill the vacancy left by Mrs.
lem In the near future; - .
a costume party, a program of
mnslc. and b amorous readings and
I dance numbers and refreahmenu
1 eoneiuaea one oi ue most pieaa-
concluded one at ua moil pieas-
ant meetings of tbi year.: Prizes
for costumes -were awarded to
tor costumes were - awaruea w
Mrs, If. -J. Melehlor, . rst; ?Mrs.
u,m wuiitf umiiA ant Mita
I rrt 'vrr
I Lola Obmart,
Brother Dutton i
- Leaves llolokai
For Operation
J HONOLULU, r July 7 (AP)
Brother Joseph Dutton, "Samar-
I ttan. of . Mllokai." who was
I brought to Honolulu for an eye
i operation alter . spending 41
l years In the Holokal Island leper
I colony, was resting easily today
at, St. . Francis hospital. :
i iiiul LuyiiLu
New Charge in Effect July
16; Result of Demand. 1
From Producers
Organization Win Hold a
" Meeting Tonight to Dis
cuss New Law
The firtt: objeetlre la the
threatened battle between nrodu-
eers and distributors of milk In
Salem was rained neacefnlly Mod-:
day night when the Salem distri- l
baton met the-hoard -of directors
of the nrodeeers association.
serv-lthAv mmIt is so m handred
for four per cent milk for a term
of one year. They maintain that
this nriee la necessary, in view of
the Increased cost of production 1
made necessary by the new Salem
milk ordinance which is soon to
KebAAmen shf f etJif f vsi
In order to comply with this!
ordinance many producers will
illiiuim nMtMra ' will I
(hare to add equipment to their
plants at an increase In cost.
but in turn passed the Increased
cost on to consumers io that be-1
glnnlng July If mUk will oe sold
at 12 cents a quart In Salem.
Prodncen to Hold
Meeclns; Tonight
This price will be for milk sold
: On a credit basis. For cash paid
i in adranee mUk will be sold at
11 cents.
The producers' regular meet
Ing wfll be held tonight 1n order Sherlock Holmes largely surren- for every member of it, and for Lb;t nit tMks when he was tell
that the new milk ordinance may dered his other interests during my government here." n-.Dont the editorial.- said
be fully explained.
Every producer la urged to at-
tend this meeting as It will be the W aniagonising many: ior- mcn.ear wm cau up nis reso- N In8pector Van Trump says
first opportunity for the produ- mer friends, it was his long ear- luUon tomorrow after Senator he ul Te the ABgodted Chan
cers of the Salem territory to have JJVJ&.-fSi tZ?li'JZ ties of Sem $100 It Alden will
the ordinance explained and they i
will be given opportunity to ask
questions about any point that Is
not dear.
July 7
a point where It will keep ap-
end Alexander Legge, chairman
lot the federal farm board.
Openlner a series of six meet-
Ings in five states In the heart
the winter wheat belt, the gov-
ernment's ehiei spokesman of ag-
I ncuxiurai budjocis aaaxesTCa a
large group composed of Nebraa-
V growers, dealer, bus-
I fflABe WM Awl sAtlllf SVAvlffe kTtiV at ri
j"co vw -
I jta there would be "no at-
n Vi to f0?? JE106!!
f1 ' e want farmers to do
Is to plan production according
to market demands." He said
I wheat producers were faced by a
surplus which he characterised
as agriculture s major problem.
without naming them. Legge
said in reference to proposals for
dealing with agricultural sur
pluses "there is one thing wrong
with all these plans and that Is
they will not work" In prepared
addresses he had referred specif
ically to the debenture plan and
the equalization fee, storm cen
ters in congress in recent years.
" CUBfir"5 m reni-yer"-
w.aIca oula jot permit dumping
f urplui wheat production la
ose countries at a price lower
than the country in which it was
Wa would give the wheat sur-
plus to China," Hyde said.
Logger Admits
r . ot -
JrHrZ IIJ Oiaying
r r m
TACOMA.- July 7 (AP)- A
vf.!SSS X2r
l aer or uan ivrummei, sw year oia
I Adna postmaster, Saturday night,
1 was made tonight by Myatt Simla.
I a i a a.
i , logger, wno naa oecn neia ai
I Chehalls with two companions
! dispatehea received by the Taco -
cimU made hia confession vol-
I ntriiv t Ronntv Proaecntor
I William H. Grimm. Sheriff Ed-
war4 yjoggler. Dr. J, H. Manning,
uir f. 3o Hatfield and
,77 V
Lonis Lund 'and two newspaper
I w v . .
l sion was taaen down ny hiss
ma waison, coin reporter.
Real estate directory, -'
" Soita 9SSJS0,
, laundry pervice, -
- Transier, Storage ,
' Tailor service, -
Bicycle repairtng, - .
; Radio service. Baths,
And many other eerrkesv
- For qnicht reference torsi
to the Bs&iness Directory on
Sherlock Yarn
. Creator Dies
II otftd Career flS Author Is
Recalled. Especially
Detective Tales
England, July 7 ( AP) Sir Ar-
thur Conan Doyle, 71, novelist,
historian, physician, traveler, and
spiritualist, died at his residence,
"Wlnflesham today of heart dis
ease. Lady Doyle, two sons and one
daughter were at his bedside ents to the pact, scorned the Reed I .b,A editorials In the Independ
when death came. offer and demanded the papers. I ud t- tsrB attacked the In-
Though the famous creator of -for the United States senate and AMni.nt vin Trnmn lust
er yeara or ms lire to nis
ehamplonswp or spintuaium,
I",","',"u """ou
Above all, England remember
ed the series of Sherlock Holmes
stories wherein he portrayed with
extraordinary vividness not only
the' greatest detective in fletton
but also the quieter, more leis
urely, more leisurely London of
late Victoria days.
Oompleto In Each
Shortly before bis - death. Sir
Arthur In a chat with the asso
ciated press correspondent ex.
Plained how he came to write his
Sherlock Holmes stories. As a
At that time, most magazines
were running serial stories, and
Doyle thought It would be a
great thing if a continued story
eould be. written in such a man
ner that eaeh section would be
complete in Itself, so that the
reader would not have to wait for
the next issue.
From this, he said, grew the
Sherlock Holmes stories.
Arthur Conan Doyle, latterly
Sir Arthur, had a long and varied
career He was a physician in the
I im tf A m. at a...I.-.V1 .
wwiuunmy oru-
"t novelist in the 10's. At the
beginning of this eentury he en-
JlV nia literacy s;enlun to place
uyt uo s we
Doer war. For thla he was made v& wo . caiui.
Cardinal Vannutelll, OS. Dan
or the Sacred CoUeee.' tonlsrht
I w. . r,A .r " ,
attack of uremic poisoning early
The aged cardinal had a very
bad morning. He was visited
twice by doctors. Drainage and
1 h?r .treafmnt resorted to.
with beneficial effect.
When report of his dnees
wcto circulated throughout Rome
many persons of all classes, in-
eluding government dignitaries
and members of the - diplomatic
corps called to express their eon
I nd their hopes that the ven-
wabie but robnst prelate would
I be able to overcome the eriala.
I L. ? pope toaay was kept eon-
i " tr" . " "" I
a, special benediction
i : ' a
I ummpr f animr
1 tS UBfilCJitPh ' rir
TTeis At 5Ji-.
fla-maM. S VaaSVVa. M tlt . ' ' 'A
vlrtdauV aU Tf -
rommw Newport,
I ZZ2Za, ZT " """
I ai , tne - executive denartment
1 Monday.
The residents of Newnort have
provided a summer, home for the
govenror, whieh was dedicated
Sunday The governor found that
the ' home had been decorated
with flowers and that a radio re
ceiving set had been Included
among the conveniences. Kit will
be known: as the . "summer eap-
noi." . -
MrsNorblad. sonl Walter, and
daughter, - Eleanor, are- spending ;
tne summer at Newport, -Mrs.
Frank Jenkins and family ot Eu-
gene are guests of the Norblads
for several daya,- '
Demand For Private Notes
Renewed at Once by
Treaty Enemies
Reed's Offer to Show Them
Privately to Any of the
Members Concerned
WA8HTNGTOV.. July 7. (AP)
President Hoover opened the
special 'session of the senate for
consideration of the London naval
treaty today with a 1.400 word
message, calling for Its ratifica
tion as "an important step in dis
armament and in world peace.''
Hardly had the presidential
sage been read to the senators
who answered the first roll call.
when Senator McKellar, democrat.
Tennessee, offered a resolution re
questing the documents relating
I to the London conference which
i President Hoover-had refused to
turn orer4o the senate foreian
..., I
senator neea, repuouean. j-enn-
sylranla, who was a member of
the American delegation, offered
them in confidence to any senator yan- Yrump has taken his type
who wished to see them. He said: wrlter fan iB haad and dl
"The senator who accepts my sug- rected another kind of challenge
gesuon wui reaauy see me reason
why the correspondence ought
not to be made public
However, Senator Johnson, re-
publican, Calif ornia, who with Me-
Kellar Is one of the chief oppon
ReMtatSon to Be
Caltod Vp Today
CX w . .v 1..
behalf of the pact. There was no
doubt tonight over the outcome of
a vote on the resolution and what
effect Its adoption would have.
In his message to the senate,
President Hoover touched on this
subject. He said "every solitary
tact which affects Judgment upon
the treaty is known, and the doc
ument itself comprises the sole
I - a al W 1A. 1
ooiigauon oi ine uwwa iaies, i
M a. v I a m . I
cuangea own AmuMBuuy
2wr. JS
Claudius Huston is standing by
Wg chairmanship of the repubii-
I r . -
i un nttlonal committee, at least
temporarily, despite a whirl of
agitation in republican rans over
hi. lendersnlp.
President Hoover, after hear-
Lg B1linMous complaints in re-
cent weeks against his party
chairman, conferred with him for
an hour and a half last night. '
Today Huston said he was go-
Ing ahead with his meeting of
commlttee officers here Thursday.
He answered no questions about
the future but it was made plain
In his behalf that he is not re -
train now nor at Thursday's
It has been freely stated in In -
ner rennblican circles for weeks
that. Huston would withdraw. The
successor has not been chosen aH
by ciinf
TtlYST 17. . JK"
has been looklnc orer a Hat
AeltaUon aealnst Huston start-
ed In the house shortly after tes -
tlmony was siven the senate lobby
committee he had used funds giv-
en by the Untion carbiae com-
I P' t0T W1 muscio enoais loony
activities or we Tennessee rrrer
improvement association In his
account before turning them orer
to the association.
me disposition OI ataacie
Shoals Is a live question in con
gress and the whole dispute was
forced over until next session.
110 to Write Bar
Exam Here Today
Approximately 119 applicants
will .write In the annual bar ex
aminations to be held in Salem
today. The examination will bo
Iheld la the house of representa-
i tlvea and wUl be conducted by
the state board of bar examiners.
Aero Tryout .
Wedriesclay ' . x.
'Trial fllghta for model
gJidere and airplaaee entered'
In the contest sponsored by
The .Statesman, the Fox
Ehdnove theatre,, Che Eyerly
Aircraft corporation and the
Grimm Gilder school, have
been definitely scheduled for
Wednesday mornlnsj of this
week at :80 o'clock on
Sweetland field - at WtUa
Mtte unhenltr. It wm
fonnd neceesary to postpone
too contest second time
Monday, bat then will be no
postponements. .
To Fonland Sh View
,, m. r:J-U n w t
OAJo nc UlUll I v niij ui
Things Woodburn's
; Editor. Wrote
Coantv- Trait Insneetor H.
Van Trump may wish that he
might wave a magic wand into
the air and bring back the days
of knights, swords and seconds.
Then Instead of calling upon the
public to settle a little matter with
a certain Marlon county eaitor,
he might slap that editor across
the cheek and argue the question
iw:tf.two fl T5f5r:
ui nam .
.tM. Antaina slanderous charees himif mnured in the
Iwihnn. Tninndent of Jnlv 3.
to Rodney W. Alden, editor or
The Independent. In a front
rtii. rnarta that at the
8alem rranrq meeting June 18,
Van Trump read from uniaror-
an. m6mber of the STange.- the
Woodburn paper said In part.
(Turn to page ?, coi. )
k rnnM vw n tkX
IV nnillllUlUiii e wJ
w of southern
Nevada today toward the brink
ua m.n, markina the
have been called upon to describe
it. .
Thev traced the path over
which trains soon will be lumber
fig to the construction town that
! a mere huddle of stakes now,
three miles from the canyon walls
that tower high above the Colo
Prom the foot of the canyon
walls a dam is to rise more than
B7K feet, thrusting Its roots luo
I ft below the stony basin of the
I stream. It will create a lake of
Joo' miles long, and in size wOl
dwarf the Elephant Butte dam on
the Rio Grande in New Mexico.
rearine Its shoulders more than
1 150 feet higher than' the J00 feet
of that structure.
The 4am U not merely a mass
I of concrete to hold the water
I back, Secretary- Wilbur said. "It
lis a complex Industrial structure
j traversed by pipes and corridors.
l la which will be placed tne regu-
I latlng gates and the valves for
I the dynamos which will gerferate
1,000.000 horsepower of electrl
leal energy and the waste ways
for controlling Roods.1
I Wilbur said 1.0.00 men would
1 be employed for a period ox be-
tween five and eight years.
I In announcing the starting of
construction Wilbur said
I seed toy Hood new nope ana
uew financial credit win be giv-
en one oi tne largest irrigauon
1 districts in the west. By lncreas-
I ing tne water supply oi l.ob ab-
I geies ana surrounaing ciues,
nomes ana inausiries are maae
i pobbjuio ior miuions oi people.
Health Work
Figure in
Health work, carried on In. the
city of Salem will this year; bo
entered In competition with health
programs from all over the United
States, followlnr decision of the
I local chamber of commerce to en-
tor Salem In the lnter-chamber
health conservation contest, spons
ored all over the country by the
united States chamber of com
merce. Cooperating with the local
chamber, will be the Marion coun
ty health unit.,-.; :V-.
r "Many things are In Salem's fa
vor In a contest of this nature."
Dr. Vernon A. . Douglas, : county
health officer; and head Of the
health . unit, said last night in
telling of the eontest,: "and. espe
cially favorable to begin with are
the climate hero and the class or
people, as well as the health pro-
-Salem will: be entered ' in the
fourth class et the five divisions
or the contest," competing with
cities of from 20,000 to .
population. Last ' year White
Plains. New York, won the first
prize and plaque la this division.
That elty has a per capital health
expenditure ef 1 1.1 1, as compar
ed to the 7 1 cents per capita spent
In Salem last year.
Seaport Advantaged
Seen for This
City Now ;-
Announcement Will to -;
Made Thursday is ; ;
Report Here . ; -
Strong indication that
freighting on the -Willamette
river between Salem and
Portland by means of barge, v
a dream of river navigators ,
as well as manufacturers, ca
ners, agriculturists and otb-.
ere, will soon be an actuality. '
is contained in dispatches wt t
ceived here Monday. .
These . dispatches b r l b ar ;
word that by Thursday of this
week, a contract . for barga!
navigation in the Willamette
river will be announced, thia
navigation to extend "to '
point above Oregon City, -which
has been the head' f ,
heavy freight traffic on the river,
neretorore. They add that the
point above Oregon City" Is ho
lered to be Salem. ,
Inquiry among persons at pt
ent engaged in river navlgatie.
discloses that the project in ques
tion is a new one and that the
parties thereto are saying nothtear
until the matter Is settled. It wae
stated that one party had signed
the contract and that It is in tfce
hands of a second.
Will Make Salem
Practically Seaport
Barge navigation has long been
sought here as a means of estab
lishing Salent virtually as a --
port city from the standpoint ef
manufacturing- and fruit produc
tion advantages. Barge transner-
tatlon from Salem to Porjlaad
win mean that freight charges '
from here to. world markets will
be practically on a par with sea'!
port charges, with only the added
cost of transferring freight from
the barges to steamers at Pert- .
Realisation of this dream hae
been held up due to the shallow
portions of the river which have
precluded year-around navigation.
During a large portion of the year ;
freighting on the river is possible
and the Salem Navigation com
pany has operated two steamer'
I with heavy patronage in the last
year. , . , , w
Last year after more than the
usual amount of work had been
done toward Improving the river,
it was hoped that the steamr
eould travel all summer and fall,
but an .unprecedented dry period
spoiled- these plans. - However,
still more work is being done this v
year and appropriations are la
sight for a greater program In fu
ture. Paper, lumber and all of the
land crops of the middle Willam
ette valley wlU be aided by tale
project, and the Inauguration et '
barge traffic now will also hasten
the time when the. government,
will authorize permanent lu-
provements on the river 'toe
"still water" of which much ha
been said and written. ,
Present plans call for construc
tion of wing dams to raise the
water to needed levels at the few
shallow, places below Salem. Word -also
came Monday that Pmideaa.
Hoover bed told Senator McKary.
he was whole heartedly In faver
of improving this river to permit -large
scale freighting.
, 0-aweiaMa(aaBBaB,: - 4 J
Dynamite Gus Sonnenberg, regard
ed as world's heavyweight wrest
ling champion In. a majority of
states, and Ed "Strangler Lew,
former world champion, wrestled
eight ronnds to a draw here to
night .- " . c'v,. . t
Here Will
.U. S. Contest
The contest is based on a num
ber of mala, factors,; Including: .
Water supply, sewage and garbage
disposal, milk and food supply,
preschool and . child hygiene, . t
death rates from preventable dis
ease, laboratory facilities, clinks
and local appropriations for health '
work. ....
A grading committee appointed
by the United States chamber -of -commerce
with the help of the
r American Publle Health associa
tion, wllT make the awards fe
each class, these t be announeaei
at the 1131 convention of the na
tional' chamber of commerce, tm
be held next year In Portland.
During the contest Salem . will
have benefit of suggestions and .
assistance of the American PaeKe
Health assocUtlon, as will other
competing cities. Last year the es
treats were distributed as follows
over the country: Eastern state-,
2S per cent;-southern staf ea, 23
per cent; central states, 39 -pr
eent; western-states. 15 per eeni.
This is the second year the aa
tlonat chamber of commerce b -sponsored
' such ' a contest, lie
health conservation - competition
growing out of successful fire pri
vention contests sponsored ty .
that body. , r -. - '