The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 06, 1930, Page 6, Image 6

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    4 1
i jj
Today We Present. . . .
A grovp of the most enthusiastic summer vacationers.
For them vacation means sun suits, days spent in bathing at
, the beach or at home in the, yard with a sprinkler for the
surf; it means going barefoot and comfy without a care in
the world unless the sunburn gets too deep. It means no
school, no music lessons, no dancing lessons, and cautioning
about staying in out of bad weather?
, Summer and vacation to thestf'folh meitns a grand and
glorious holiday the kind we all would like to take, and only
the lucky few who have kept youth .very 'close to them are
Nuptials Lovely
" Event
A BEAUTIFUL wedding ,was
that . which . united Miss
Helen MiUonberger, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Milton--:
berger. and Edward C. Nash, son
of Mr. and Mrs. John Nash, Saturday-night
at 8 o'clock in the
. First Christian church. Rev. D. J.
- Howe read the impnessive wedding
: ceremony.
I The church was beautifully ari
! ranged with palms, ferns and
masse of pink and white flow
ers. The altar was flanked with
greenery and flowers, and Just
back of the bridal party were
large candalabra each holding tall
Irory tapers whose soft light
created lovely shadows about the
; The bride entered the chnrch on
the arm of her father preceded by
her attendants as the strains of
Lohengrin's wedding march was
played by Miss Lois Plnmmer.
Just preceding the ceremony Mrs.
Trista Powers tVenger eang "Be
loved, it Is Morn," and Miss Lucile
Cummings and Victor Wolfe sang
a duet "Oh, Promise Me."
The bride was gowned In a
cream chantllly lace over peach
satin, and wore a long train veil
caught about the head with
orange bIossoms..Her bouquet was
of orchid sweet peas, Cecil Bran
Bar roses and lilies of the valley.
The maid of honor was Miss
Imogene MiUonberger, who wore
! a rose taffeta and carried an arm
bouquet of sweet peas and roses.
The maids were Miss Evelyn Den
nis and Miss Lottie Nash who each
wore orchid georgette and carried
aweet peas and roses; Miss Rose
. Hull and Miss Loretta Lashway,
who each wore peach georgette
and carried sweet peas and roses.
The flower girl was little Amf
Pheteplace in a bouffant frock: of
The best man was Barney Cam
eron and the ushers were Fred
Wolfe, Harold, Pruitt, and Will
ard Moses.
Following the aaarriage a re
ception was held in the church
parlors. Mr. and Mrs. MiUonberg
er and Mr. and Mrs. John Nash
received with Mr. and Mrs Ed
ward Nash.
Miss Greta Chamberlain and
Mrs. Joha Brodie, Mtss Betty Fos
dick, and Miss Georgia Nash cut
ices and poured. Those who as
aisted In the serving were Miss
Rosalie MiUonberger, Miss Gene
vieve Barnes, Miss Josephine Hull
and Miss Helen Kenuths.
- - Mr. and Mrs. Nash left immedi
ately after the reception for an ex
tended tour through southern Ore
gon and upon their return they
will be home In their own home,
'1780 North Cottage street."
.Both Mr. and Mrs. Nash are well
? known in Salem where they both
-graduated from high school. Mr.
AatKash is connected with the Ham-
liton Furniture store.
Reception- to Be ,
Farewell Event
Members of the First Metho
dist church wiU entertain With
: a farewell reception Wednesday
night between the hoars of
I o'clock and 10 o'clock at the
A : home of Mr. and Mrs. V. T. Rig-
. don in compliment to Rev. and
Mrs'F. C. Taylor.
Rev. and Mrs. Taylor will leave
soon for Portland where . Rev.
Taylor took over the pastorate of
the Rose Citv Park church In
'Portland today.
All friends ot Ret. and Mrs.
"Taylor as well as those who are
affiliated with the church are In
vited te come and meet Rev. ana
Mrs. Taylor again before they de
part for Portland. ..
' e
Word has been received from
Mr.'5 Frank Sne decor who Is oa
a. summer tour to Australia with
Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Patterson of
Portland. When Mrs. Soedecor
wrote they had Just arrived tn
Honolulu where they were to be
for a few days before continuing
ton their way to Australia. The
voyage Is proving to be a very
happy one according te Mxs. Sne-
- decor' letter.
. Mrs. W. A. Davis and son Rus
sell Davis have been visitors at
h Tmm nf Mr. and Mrs. W. A.
f DelxelL The guests stopped here
wn their -way from Oklahoma to
their home in Beulnrham, wash-
- Ugton. They will leave for their
i bene in 'Washington this morn
' lag. , i- ;
Ah Informal no host picnic par
ty w4th eovers placed for 20 was
held at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Kilrar Pierce as the Fourth of
. July celebration Jor thl group
The hack yard of the Pierce home
mad the picnic groaaas.
v:. - e e e
Bkh the Sicma No and the
' Chi Delta chapters ot the Del
phian society of Salem have dhr
continued meetings uniu tne iau
i eeason. . ,
. "J : o ' e
ms Dorothy Llvesley and W.
.1 C. Pastes are the weekend guests
of Mr. and llri. Frits Slade at the
Blade; eottage at Agate Beach.
. Mrs. Frederick Deekebaca Is
: speeding the next nronth with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. S.
Rober ta Burton, Washington.
able to enjoy. Too many folk
simply add a vacation t o
their many other duties, in
place of shedding the duties
and taking on the vacation?
Reading from left across
the upper row you are intro
duced to Patsy Holt, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. A. B.
Holt; .Ruben, Eugene and
Evan Breyman Boise, sons
of Mr. and Mrs. Breyman
Boise. Evan Breyman was
celebrating his fourth birth
day the day this picture was
taken. The nonchalant miss
in the chair is Meriam Jean
Becke, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Karl Becke.
In the loiver row begin
ning at the left is Doualas
McKay Jr., Mary Lou and
Shirley McKay, children of
Mr. and Mrs. Doualas Mc
Kay; and Lorah Kate and
John Spaulding Griffith, son
and daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Lewis Griffith.
Miss Mirpah Blair
Returns Front South'
Miss Mirpah Blair has returned
from San Francisco where, she
went accompanied by her mother,
Mrs. J. F. Blair, to attend the
Joint meeting of the American
library association and the North
western library association con
vention. Miss Blair was secretary
of the Northwestern library as
sociation and at the election ot
officers she was reelected to this
position for another term.
Miss Blair spoke particularly
ot the presentation of the New
berry medal given by the Amer
ican library association tor the
best book of the year written for
children. This-award was made
on the hook "Hitty. her First
Hundred Years," which was writ
ten by Rachel Field, and Illus
trated by Dorothy P. Lathrop.
The book tells the story of a
wooden doll and its travels over
the past hundred years. In the
telling of the story the history of
the United States Is brought Into
the theme In a most fascinating
manner, and makes it an ideal
story for children.
Desart Clan '
Has Reunion
The annual reunion of the
George and Melissa Desart clan
was held In Silverton June 29,
with more than 180 persons In
attendance. Among the visitors
were Will Turnbach and family
and the H. A. Armstrong family
who reside in Portland. Another
guest was John H. Scott, of Sa
lem, an old time friend of the
family. The program Included
games, musics! selections, dinner
and addresses,
Georgeand Melissa DeSart lo
cated in the Willamette valley in
1865 and remained here until
their death. There were IS chil
dren born to their anion, of which
seven girls and five boys are now
Although educational advant
ages were limited In the early
days, both Mr. and Mrs. DeSart
obtained a practical slant on life
and were prominent in the In
dustrial fields ot the Willamette
Another ptcnic will be held by
the clan next year.
The Woman's Missionary socie
ty ot the First Presbyterian chnrch
will meet Wednesday at 1:10
o'clock In the chnrch parlors. Rev,
BIrtchet' who la acting as supply
pastor, will speak on his work in
South America. All are urged te
be present.
Word has been received here
of the birth of a daughter July 4,
to Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Freeman
Sersanoas of Portland. Mrs. tier
sanons was Asalla Nolan, daughter
ot Mrs. O. J. P. Nolan ot Salem.
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Power
left Friday for Camp Lewis where
they will spend two weeks vaca
tion. They plan to visit Rainier
National park while there.
Dr. Power bears the commission
of second lieutenant in the med
leal corps.
Dr. and Mrs. Vera C. Miller,
nee Margaret Breitenstein, after
a short wedding trip are now at
horn in Saa Francisco where Dr.
Miller is Attached to the medical
corps of the United States army.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Bask sir enter
taining with a.hoose party at their
cottage at Agate Beach this, week
Daughters ot Veterans will
meet tor a regular meeting Friday
night at the Woman's. clubhouse.
a- .
Q. May a divorced woman con
tinue to wear her lings T
A. Tea; there are no reasons
why she shouldn't
v Q. How long before luncheon
hoar should guests assembler
. A. Five or ten minutes.
- . Q. What should be Inclosed
with a gift?
4-4. Either a not or a card.
. --"
rll Photos, mEtniBLUEu tsM
Reception for Rev. and Mrs. F. C. Taylor, at W. T.
Rlgdon home; 8 o'clock to 10 o'clock; all members ot
First Methodist church and friends are invited to call.
Friday, July 11
Daughters of Veterans,
house, regular meeting.
Mrs. Elizabeth K. Gallaher, se
cretary of the Salem Y. W. C. A.
will leave Monday night for
camp Santaly, in company with
Miss Dorothy Hutchason, Miss
Eileen Moore and the cook. Last
minute preparations will be com
pleted to receive the 34 girls who,
accompanied by Miss Helen Breit-
haupt. Miss Doris Clarke and Miss
Deena Hart will arrive In camp
Tuesday morning as the first
group of Girl Reserves to spend
their week in camp.
The girls will leave In private
cars from the T. W. C. A. head
quarters where their leave tak
ing will be supervised by Mrs. C.
S. Hamilton, and Mrs. M. B. Wag-
Cars have been donated for the
trip by Mrs. John McNary. Mrs.
C. S. -Hamilton. Mrs. Otto Head-
rick, Mrs. M. B. Wagstaff and a
camp car for nee In case of emer
gency has been donated and will
be kept In camp over the three
week period. A truck will bring
up the supplies.
There Is still room In the sec
ond and third groups for more
entries and any one desiring to
enter may do so by getting in
touch with Mrs. M. B. Wagstaff
at the T. W. C. A. headouartera.
Miss Hasel Tompkins of De
troit, Michigan, and Mr. and
Mrs. J. A. Richmond of Condon,
Ore., are guests at the R. B.
Fletcher home on North Winter
Miss Tompkins Is a niece, and
Mr. Richmond a brother of Mrs,
Fletcher. Both families spent the
Fourth at Clements park.
Mr. and Mrs. O. K. Krausse of
Portland, Mrs. J. C. Griffith, and
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Albert will
spend the weekend at Caaeadla.
Mr -aad Mrs. W. H. Damcv and
Mr. and Mrs. Q. c. Leeke anent
the Fourth of July at Holly, Ore
gon. ;
Mr. and Mrs. C. K. SpauldUfg
spent the Fourth ot July and
will apend the week end at New
port, where they have a cottage.
; '
Mr. aad Mrs. William Allen,
Mr. ani Mrs. Pan! Alien. Miss
Louise AUea and Raymond Horf
mamwHt spend the week-end - at
Cutler City. - i . ; f
Miss Gene Belle and- CUude
Belle are week-end guests at the
homo ofuthelr parents. , -
Experiments are wader war' at
Michigan State collets to set
how long seeds can lie dormant
underground and stlU : - sprout
waen? piaateoV
Olive M. Doak,
. "...tilt, t- r r-" ' ... n,iui II. J awiaiUaj
i .
. i
' iLLi'4
" rt -i "C
J -
S o'clock In Woman's club
Descendants of Abraham Gar
rison and brothers, pioneers of
this section, with their husbands
and wives, gathered at the home
of R. A. end Mrs. Harris, 701
North Capitol street, Salem, for
a basket dinner and general talk-
fest July 4. Present from McMlnn-
ville were Mr. and Mrs. L. D. MuU
key, Mr. and Mrs. Knight Olds,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Garri3on, Mr.
and Mrs. E. E. Ladd, and Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas Ladd. Present from
Amity was Mrs. William Jones;
from Salem. Mrs. Mary Townsend,
and Mr. and Mrs. Ersel Stowe.
-Miss Frank H. Hout and Ruth
L Reed left Friday for a two
weeks' vacation. They will go
south by way of The Dalles-Cali
fornia highway, visiting Crater
Lake National park in Oregon
and Lassen and Yosemite Nation
al Parks and Lake Tahoe In Cal
ifornia.- The return trio will be
made through the Redwood Em
pire and the Roosevelt highway.
Charles Kav Bishon. Tommv
Llvesley, Horace Stewart ot Port
land are entertaining as their
nouse guest for the week end. La
Verne Cook, one of the Instructor
at Culver Military academy where
all three boys have been In at
tendance the past year. The party
is occnplng the Llvesley c
at Agate Beach
Misa Elisabeth Lord and Miss
Edith Schryver have Just return
ed from a week spent In Walla
Walla where they were the guests
of Mrs. S. W. Converse. Teas, din
ners and afternoons made a busy
week for them while they were
Is Featuring Today
A little white crene dress
quite Ideal for mtd-eummer
wear. The red aad blue eollars
and cuffs lend a striking note
of contrast and narrow bands
of the same colors on the
sleeves give a novsl "service
stripe' effect. The skirt Is bo
pleated from a belt at the nat
aral waistline. The sise ot the
dress Is It and It te especially
priced at fll.TI. ,
The eusembllng sport eeat la
.at whiter Botany CanneL The
price Is 1UI.
Tht French Shop
- its nigh st, v
" -x- ' ,- 'X JS anataaaaaaiaWaammaaaaaaaaBBamaWa - - ' - " '-V- -."w " J '.-., . j . . . S
Society Editor
l If n (;-;r' .
Legion Auxiliary
Plans Gay Party
One of the Jolllest parties of
the year tor the American Legion
auxiliary will be the "pajama
Jam boree"which .will follow the
regular business meeting of the
auxiliary Monday night.
At the business meeting, dele
gates will be elected who will re
present the auxiliary at the state
convention to be held, in Baker in
. I 4 I VYST
1- ?
The SKIN skouW h
LassoNNuMBtnTHRZE Im previous lessons.
r Miss Arltn mas iescrilel tie
j ler famous treatment' Cltnsiug smd
Tenlng. The next step is SOOTHING.
A SENSITIVE stntknJJluvefre
s X-t qucnt applications of rich cream ta
keep it from early fading and wris
Va&l.Anj skin must he reularlj soodxd ani
softened to offset Ac evfls of steam heat, windy
weather and uncertain spring temperatures.
The hert time for applying cream is at night.
First cleanse aad tone according to my earlier
instructions. Thc&f when your skin is thor
oughly awakened and rxcrptivr, cream should
he patted on. MyVerra Cream is a preparanon
of gmt o!clicacj that is most gratif jin to de
sensitiveness of a nnc dry slon.
Mj Orange Skin Food u a heavier jprrpa
ratioa whose rich ingredients make it siutahla
for the elder skin or the unusually dry, flaky
skin. And for smggy necks and tuumly hol
lows, there is Adorn Cream.
Using the cushion tips of the angers pat on
the cream with definite upward strohxs, begin-
- 410 SUte SCreet
aHimiiiiiii.ii iiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiii I ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 iiiituuun iiiinmiiiiiifi
I w Mm u m
For the Jamboree, which Is
strictly a woman's party, there is
to be a program. The numbers
will include a feature dance, a
humorous reading, a "pep" num
ber, and a feature act entitled
"Real Things." All are expected
to come in costume and prises will
be awarded for costumes and
Following the program refresh
ments will be served.
frit tw0 steps
A iehott cream ihtc nooth tad rtinet vkkowt fat
' A ttekcreuB that bfadtopcaaUc Cora dria raMddU.
sniiktn . . . St. US. S1.7S. S4JS. SV-
T tx uteJ Utxrmllr oo thia Deck, (boulder n4 hat,
ad icnnr ctaaat . HJO. SZJO. SI JO. S&SO.
A pencMatins oS rich in cK iliwuti wkich iata
Ut lsbbr BMUck . ... $USU0.H
WpirlHy xUptad tat a Quick treatment bctotsoina
utatatfot ...... S2.j
Raaod U Sac. irich imlqat SnaUltr aaadU
fu( acEurata patting itrokea . ... Si.
... - i . '
niag at point of chin and working upward ta
the ear, die corner of the eye, the tanplt,wrtth
ihjthmif lifting pats. Smocsira cream just
tinder the chin where a Mcrepejkx4fnusthe
guarded against. Pat for several minutes unal
die face and neck are warm and glowing.
1lT.4tlrilt Aj4rJm Vn4i
Quisenberry s Central Pharmacy
P. D. Quinberrv
Bnnk of Commerce Building
Popular Visitor
Is Happily
NE OF the most popular visit
ors ot the season In saiem
aa Miss Mildred Croat of
Portland who has been the house
guest of Mrs. prince Byrd during
the past week. ' M ,
. Monday Mrs. Byrd entertained
with a bridge afternoon .in compli
ment to her guest. Tuesday, Mrs.
Sterling Smith entertained with a
luncheon. i
Mrs. Douglas McKay entertain
ed in compliment to MIss.Crout
Wednesday with a bridge after
noon and Mrs. Edgar. T., Pierce
ni a hosteaa'ln honor of the vls-
itn, Wtdnesdav evening with aH
bridge party.
Miss Crout left Thursday for
her home in Portland.
Leslie' Church Women
Plan Joint Meeting
The three women's organiza
tions of Leslie Methodist church.
the Ladies Aid, the Woman's
Home Missionary society, and the
Woman's Foreign Missionary so
ciety will celebrate a joint meet
ing at the church vkeanesaay.
The Ladies , Aid will have , a
special business meeting at 11
o'clock. This will be followed by
a covered dish luncheon at 12
o'clock at which the members of
each ot the three organisations
will be present.
At 1:30 o'clock the Woman's
Home Missionary society will
have its business meeting and re
gular lesson. Then at 3 o'clock
the Foreign Missionary society
will have Its election of officers
for the year, business session and
a program for extension mem-
Mrs. Mary Moore will be the
leader for the Ladies Aid. Mrs. P.
J. Yoth will lead the Woman's
Home Missionary society, and
Mrs. A, F. Waller willMead the
Foreign Missionary society.
Two Interesting recitals of the
past week were those given by
the piano and violin, students of
Joy Turner Moses at the Bethany
Reformed church at the corner
of Capitol and Marlon streets
Tuesday night the advanced stu
dents appeared and Wednesday
night the Dunning class and the
intermediate pupils were present
ed. Mrs. Oscar B. Gingrich, so
prano, E. H. Leach, tenor and
Julia Belle Austin, reader from
Woodburn, assisted Tuesday
night, and Mrs. Oscar B. Ging
rich In gypsy costume, gave an
operatic selection from the Bo
hemian Girl Wednesday.
Tsnl Tk-Z -
Hoffman Marriage,
Quiet Home Affair V
Miss Clara Hoffman,- daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Emll Hoffman will
become the bride of Carl Soos,
son of Mrs. and Mrs. Carl Soos
at 8 o'clock this morning at the
Hoffman home. Rev, Amos Mlnne
man will read the wedding- cere
mony. 1
Miss Hoffman will wear a gown
of egg shell flat crepe over which
will be worn an egg shell all over
lace packette, and she will wear
satin slippers, to match. Her bou
quet will be roses In- soft shades
of pink and yellow. Miss Emma
Gene Hoffman In ev pale pink
georgette and carrying an arm
bouquet of sweet peas In pastel
shades will be her sister's only at
tendant. .
The ceremony .will be perform
ed before a window In thcllring
room of the Hoffman home where .
ocean Spray " and ' v profusion .of
pink flowers win form an. im-:
provised altar. -
Following the wedding cere
mony there will be a wedding
breakfast served for the bridal
party and guests with covers plac
ed for about 30. Only the imme
diate families of the bride and
groom and a few Invited friends
will be present for the ceremony.
Mrs. William Labahan and Mrs.
George Peper will assisting In
serving the wedding breakfast. ,
Immediately after the breakfast
party the young people will leave
for a trip through California, lat
er to return to Salem where they
will make their home. Miss Hoff
man will wear a blue and white
ensemble tor her going away at
tire. i
Comes As Surprise
The announcement of the re
cent marriage which Is Just now
being made public of Earl L. Fer
guson and Miss Hazle Sloan
comes as a surprise to many ot
their friends. The Fergusons were
quietly married In Walla Walla.
Mrs. Ferguson's home Is In east
ern Oregon.. She . graduated In
pharmacy from Oregon state col
lege in, 1928. She was a member
of the Zeta Tan Alpha sorority,
finee her graduation she has been
associated with the Moore and
Beers drug store at Woodburn.
Mr. Ferguson's boyhood homo
is at Eola. At one time he was con
nected with the secretary ot
state's office and for the past ten
years he has been connected with
the boy's training school, where
he Is now parole officer.
The Ferguson's left Woodburn
Friday night for a two weeks tour
through California after which
they will return to make their
home In Woodburn.
Then dip jour finger in Muscle Oil and pat
thisdirecdyonunes,on forehead, neck or checks
to smooth and give fiexib3iry to dry or fur
rowed ska.
If this , treatment is taken the last dung at
tnght, a little of the cream should he left on,
especially around the eyes whrninstne lines
are sure to gather. If you have managed to
squeeze Ins half hour Wore dmncr for youf '
- Mpatting;Myouw3resstO
of ten minutes of hrisk worh irith ne;
Tissues; following that, patwithSkiaToflkk
tab away any possible greasy look, aad then.'
he ready for your amake-up. LastmoothleaJ .
plained the wrretiatidcvtiucit way cap.
plying tocac or astringent with an Ardcn Patter
which should he part of your rcjJmsinf
table equipment ;
Anodier treatment which you must not fa
to try wheal you wish to look uhusuaBy lovely.
Trcatnittt. Tins cream has hecs spcdaSy ptW',
pared to prrluc quick results and youwiShs
use fr according toaWtiona.
1 f '? :.
--- - -
If '- i -i "".'
,a.aa.aaajaaaaBaaaaBaaa ' ' ' ' - "