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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (July 6, 1930)
The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Suday Ifaraiag, Jdy 1930 , : PAGE THREE. I lf'fH irniTI SlllXr Iifirif (rrYrvi irifi Ivxv Qf of crYrkY R 4wo ti V . . .' .il ' ? 1 : . : , : . f O OX I North Santiam I o o NORTH SANT1AM. July S Mrs. 8. Gunsaules who has been assisting at the George B. Howard borne during, the illness of Mrs. Howard, has returned to her home in Stayton. . Marshall Newman and family cf Seattle. Wash., are rlsiting his sister, Mrs. P. A. Stevens and family. . . C. T. Scofleld and sea, Bnster, are spending 'sereral days at Cra ter lake. They are accompanied by Mr. Pcofield's two neices, the Misses Johnstons of South Dako ta, who are spending their vaca tion here. L. H. Daris .and family of Lyons, former residents of this place, called on friends Wednes day. Glenn E. MeClellan has been ill the past week caused by bal ing some teeth extracted. Mr. and Mrs. Roy ReeTes and children, Lois and Dwight, are ' here from Jewel. Ore., at the home of Mrs. Reeve's parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Bond. They will stay until after the Fourth. - Mr. and Mrs. I..R. Harmer left Friday for Colorado, Alaska. Mrs. II aimer's mother, Mrs. H. B. . Condit of West Stayton, will ac company them. They expect to be I gone two months. While in Alaska they will be guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. Wells, a brother of Mrs. Condifs. o o I Central Howell o c CENTRAL HOWEL. July 5 The Roth baler is working at Earnest Roth's. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Westfall went to Walla Walla Wednesday where Ray has secured work on the i new annex to the reteran's hos- pital which is being built. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Llechty motored to Woodburn Sunday to see their daughters, the Misses Gladys and Esther, who are, work lng at the cannery there. Dale Fnnnelmark returned to his home In Portland, Saturday after spending several weeks with his cousin, HolHs Ramsden. Miss Lucille Westfall of Iowa has been a guest at the John Tweed home. Since coming to Ore gon Miss Westfall has received word from her parents in Iowa that they have disposed of their property there and are coming to Oregon with the Intention or making their home here. Miss Faye Ramsden is work ing at Hunt's cannery in Salem. eon accompanied by Mrs. Haynes mother. Mrs. Clarence Cole, left Monday evening f or WJtBSor.Ore., where Mr. and Mr, fcaynes wtH visit the Cole" family this week." ' Mr. and Mrs. George Haynes, Mrs. Louie Schaecher and Mrs. W. T. Hogg were in SUverton Wednesday- afternoon. Albert Pereey motored to Cra ter lake Tuesday. O O I Independence o o INDEPENDENCE, July B Mra.Glen Burdick of Los Angeles la visiting her mother, Mrs. Clara Taylor. Mrs. Lee Robinson of Tillamook la spending some time with; her mother, Mrs. Smith, and her sis ter, Mrs. Frank Berry. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hubbard and Clara Taylor motored to Corvallis the first of the week to visit Mrs. Taylor's granddaughter Margaret Ireland, who la recovering from a goiter operation. Mrs. Ella Stack of Chehalls, Wash., is risitlng her sister, Mrs Frank Arrell. Mrs. Alpha Bascue was a shop per in Salem Wednesday, Mrs. Will Shahffer of Toledo Is spending the week with her mother, Mrs. Alice Parks. Professor Thompson, who was the Smith-Hughes Instructor In the high school for the last year, has moved his family to Califor nia where he has a position in a school. Jefferson Scotts Mills X SCOTTS MILLS. July 5 Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Sloan left last week by motor for Idaho, where they will loin theoir son and wife and family, then continue their trip to Yellowstone National Park. Mr. Fry is doing Mr. Sloan's chores Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Haynes and Zena ZENA, July 5 Mr. and Mrs. J A. French, Mrs. S. A. Jndson, mother of Mrs. French, Margaret French and Edward, Leonard and Dale Yarnell drove to Salem Sun day where they were guests at a birthday dinner given in bonor of Mr. French's aunt, Miss Orsa O'Flynn of Salem, who celebrated her 83rd birthday anniversary Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Madsen and sons. Richard and Robert of Lin coin and Miss Audrey Smith of Portland were Monday evening guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Crawford of Zena. The hostess served borne made ice cream and cake at the close of a pleasant social evening. Hollywood HOLLYWOOD, July 6 L. H Wilcox and three children, Harry, Maray and Monica, are visiting with Mrs. Wilcox's sister-in-law, Mrs. W. W. Fisher. Mr. Wilcox and the two older children expect to return to their home in Medford soon. Monica will spend the sum mer with Mrs. Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sharff spent the week visiting In Portland. Miss Lorraine Super returned with them to spend a few days. Mrs. Wallace Williams la visit ing with her sister, Mrs. W. L. Davies of Hollywood. JEFFERSON. July E James Wild, who is In the navy, sta tioned at San Pedro. i enjoying a it day leave of absence, with his father an dusters, on the farm. ' Sx R. Tandy motored to Wald- Port Monday, on "business. He re ports the roads in fine condition U the coast. . Mr. and Mrs. R. p. Btrana. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Drake and: little Freddie, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Haynes. of Portland were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Hins. Mesdames Straus and Drake are sisters of Mrs. 'Hins.. ' - Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Phelps and sons. Clair Jr., and Donald, ac companied by Mr. phelp'a sister, Mrs.' Ruby Woar - and Mrs. Phelps' mother, Mrs. John Josse of Portland and Mrs. Bell Phelps of SUverton. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Phelps and fam ily, Sunday. , Mrs. Florence Cornell of Grants Pass accompanied by Jack Thom as of Oakland. Calif., arrived on Wednesday for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Thomas and family. JEFFERSON. July 5 Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Denson and son, Jim- mie, and Mr. and Mrs. William North and son William of Corval lis, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles McKee Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. 8. A. Pease had as their guests Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. William Duckworth. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Bettis and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Vogel of Eugene, and Ferris Pease of Albany. Mr. and Mrs. Alec Warren, of Conden are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Emery. Leonard McCaw drove to Pedes with his truck to look after the crops On their farm their. Mr. and Mrs. M..E. Richardson and Mr. and Mrs. Winifred Rich ardson and family motored . to Breitenbush Sunday for a day's outing. cherries and says he had a fair crop. The Darcr family have cone to Liberty where they will camp and help harvest loganberries. Johtf Marshall la bnsv enttlnr hay and harvesting his loganber- Mr. Wrisrht and Mr. Duncan have finished picking their straw- Denies. George Beeman rot the con tract to furnish wood f or Swegle school. The Roberts family have moved Into (heir new home on Garden Road and their children will at tend Swegle school. I Auburn o I o- I Roberts -o i ROBERTS, July 6 Mrs. C. D. Query. Miss Julia Query and Henry Query are spending : the week end at Rockaway. Mrs. A. E. Atdel and son, Alfred of Couer de Laine, Idaho, are vis iting this week with Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Davenport. Mrs. Atdel is Mrs. Davenport's sister. Mrs. Mildred Orsborn and chil dren are spendldng the week end at the coast at WynlL Swegle -o i PROTECT TH VITAL POINT fA N ST -:i:- f-.4 bj:. il, i s . i rk.' i. work... Sofurdoys: 8:00 I l f -'M I fo8 30p.. I J ..Li nf KNX Fridavt: l"7 JT I ft- mw'vx . emsHSJBM SWEGLE, July S Mr. and Mrs. Simpson have returned from a visit In Idaho. Their visit was pleasant but made short by the Ill ness of Mrs. Simpson. Mr. Thoma has finished pick ing his cherries except the pie Weed MiffiS Now h&ve in stock Calcium Chlorate, Sodium Chlorate and K. M. G. Can be applied at any time when plant shows good growth. May Salt Special prices for the hay season: Half ground 50 lbs 50c 100 lbs.....95c Special Fine Hay Salt 50 lbs.....55c 100 lbs. $1.00 Also, sulphur to put on your hay to keep out the mice and rats. D.A.White & Son 261 State St. Salem, Ore. N Keep carbon out of these 7 parts in the Trouble Zone and you'll avoid 81 of automobile engine ailments. That's what automotive experts say. There are two ways to do It. One . . . put your car in the shop and have the carbon removed. That's expensive and' ties up your car. Or drive your car with Gilmore Blu Green Gasoline . . . it is guaranteed to remove carbon while you drive ... at no extra cost to you. Insist on it from the Cream and Red pumps at genuine Independent Service Stations everywhere. THE ONLY PREMIUM GASOLIN vu J ii nl nl il ivJ E AUBURN. Jnly & The gas company Is putting gas lines through this community,, seyeral families haying contracted tor cms. Mrs. Harrey Armstrong after sereral weeks of convalescing Is now able to be about. Harrey Armstrong had an op eration Saturday, for nasal trouble. Edna Blirens la 111 at the home of her aunt, Mrs. J. Sloan. Independence day was celebrat ed in different ways by the people of this community, some going to the mountains, soma to the coast and some attending family re unions. Others celebrated by hard work In hay fields and berry fields. Sidney-Talbot SIDNEY-TALBOT, July 5 Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Blinston and daughter, Ilene, spent sereral days last week on the Tillamook beaches. They report the Roose relt bighway a beautiful drive. Mr. and Mrs. John Olson and family recently mored to a farm near Elk City. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Belknap spent sereral days last week fish ing at Florence. Mrs. U. M. Harding. Miss Grace Harding and Jack Whittington of Corrallis. were guests Tuesday of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Freeman. Woodburn WOODBURN, July 5 Dr. and Mrs. Gerald Smith and Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Hande drore to Port land Thursday evening to attend the wedding of Mrs. Hande's brother, Reid Connell of Bills boro and Miss Frances Phillips, who were married at the home of' the brides mother Thursday ere ning. Mrs. Hande was matron of honor for the occasion. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Baxter and two children of Eden, Wash., who hare been rtsiting at the home of Mrs. Baxter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Galer the past three weeks will return to their home Saturday morning. ECONOAYi Ohieeconoffliisii saaificingljbeWu but an elimination or unnecessary; details governed bu; qears of experience r adonswon "Whm ix Summons Comes ffl Now Sl jCIj in our Hj I NEW HOME I Hi 466 State Street F" 1 j Vibbert&Todd Ell JJJ MAJESTIC RADIOS Vf ; EcB EASY WASHERS H" n n UJJ MOTORS ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES LED II u MITM Now In His New Location Center St at Church with APs Super Service Station Selling and Endorsing The FAMOUS Fdscc Aois-FyKnr 1m MAY MEVER AA1M BE S B.WI i 28 x 475 REDUCED PRICE LIST onyoerwlwel PIT ADDITIONAL SIZES 29 x AAO $ 535 ZO x JOO ...... 0.15 31 x MO . V . . . . 045 SOx 5.25 . . .' . . . 9AO 31x 5.25 .... .V 9JT5 29 X.5.SO . ...... 9.95 SO x 5.SO . . . . . . TOO Do ftoro to soo FKXI CKJOGCD 6 WLV Tina mai ,r?r7 NOW LOCATED AT nl CENTER & CHURCH STREET Lii-i PHONE '22C3 , s. GASOLINE ..AT NO EXTRA COST