The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 06, 1930, Page 1, Image 1

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I A CIRCULATION "1 fSS-'"' I " ' 1 T
. -1 TnTl Aii f yCytSCl MTb weather- -
- I sm i
Events of Week Give Shape
to Previously Tangled
Governorship -Race
Norblad's withdrawal One
of Leading Factors in ;
Shaping Situation ;aL
.... . .. .. a
PORTLAND, Ore; Jnlj,&-;
(AP) Phil Metochanlf chaJr--man
of the republican ; state
central committee,, has catted
the committee to meet IJridajr
July 25, for the purpose; of "
yimifa mad nominating; a caa
dldate for governor.
; Metochan, , however, haa not
named the meettng place but
baa written letter to the com
mlttemen asklnc where they
wonld like to meet.-Several Ore
con cities hare made s bid for
the meeting; '
Slovly the midsnmmer sua is
drlYlnff away the foe which
- baa bees obscurinc Oregon poll
tics. Visibility Is .rapidly improv
ing for yetermn politicians whose
compass and instruments were so
badly wrecked by the ' political
overturn of primary day in May
only to be restored to working
order by the "act of God" a
month later.
These are the stars which hare
projected themselves in the week
past, which are proving useful for
those politically minded to get
their bearings again:
1. The renunciation - by Gov.
Norblad of aspirations for nomin
ation at the hands of the state
2. The meeting of the eastern
Oregon members of the commit
tee who decided to . fOTce no
eastern Oregon man as the party
S. The settlement of legislative
key, positions: Marks Of Albany
In the presidency of the senate
and Ionergan of Multnomah as
speaker of the house.
4. A little subsidence of the
call for an "independent" candi
date to adopt the Joseph pro
gram. Many Bids In for '
Important Meeting ; ,n
No date has been set Xor : the
meeting of the state central com
mittee and no place has been se
lected. Eastern Oregon proposes
The Dalles, while Astoria urges
the seaeoast where the political
heat would be mitigated by ocean
breeses. Eugene bids for the
chance to serve as host. The pros
pect is the the committee will
meet early in August, v but the
place is uncertain with Portland
in the lead. Metschan, the chair
man. Is a hotel keeper, and the
city hotel business is usually
light In August.
So far as candidates go the list
seems to be shrinking instead of
growing. Norblad is out; and he
was about half the list. The oth
er half Is still composed of T. B.
Kay, state treasurer.
The only other names receiv
ing much mention are those of R.
iW. Sawyer of Bend and Phil Met
(Turn to page 7, coL 1)
CORVALLIS, Ore., July 5
(AP) Earl Partlow, Monmouth,
today won the championship of
the men's division of the Oregon
State Archer' association tourna
ment while Miss Adele Hodges,
Portland, won the crown in the
women's division.
In the two days of shooting
Partlow amassed a total of 12C0
points and Miss Hodges scored
Homer Pronty, Portland, was
elected president of the associa
tion at the annual banqu't last
night. Other officers named were:
A. E. Coleman, Corvallls, first
vice-president; G rover Gouthier,
Coquille, second vice-president;
Dr. G. A. Cathey, Portland, third
vice-president; C. W. Traschel,
Sweet Home, secretary-treasurer.
Corvallls was selected aa the
site for the 1931 convention.
PORTLAND, Ore., - July 5
(AP) Major Oscar O. Kuentx.
U. S. army engineers corps, 'will
take over the duties of district
engineers at Portland July 27.
Lieutenant-Colonel G. R. Lu
kesh,' who has been both division
and district engineers, is relieved
of the work of the district en
gineer. He will remain in charge
of the division, whleh Includes
Oregon, Washington, Idaho, west
ern Montana, and Alaska. .
PORTLAND, Ore., July 5
(AP) Circuit Judge Gilbert an
nounced today the baby known as
Georgtana Jane Schaefer win be
sent to Los Angeles next week un
less partlet Involved In the re
tent Watson-Schaefer baby ease
advance good reason why the
baby should not be removed.
Mrs. George P. Schaefer, who
claimed to be the mother of the
baby, was committed to the state
hospital last week.-
Judge Gilbert held, after a hear
ing. Miss JCeraldlne Watson, Los
Angeles, -was the mother of the
jbaby. The yuvenlle eonrt at Los
i in Aiimin inii 1 1 1 l ' v ' . i . 9
Adms stEg
m mt raw n v mm mm mm mm mm mm mmu mm aaa bm aaa a a MaHnHMHHMaaBBaBaaaaaBBMaaa
fX 9- JSC
Portland Girl .
Leads 'Em All
. i
5 5
4 V"
A.t v5-.Si
Dorothy Heater, 10, of Portland,
Ore., who piloted m small bi
plane to complete three- omtaide
loops, something no woman had
ever done before. It was report
ed. 8he drove the plane upside
down for 8000 feet on the last
Further Grilling in Lingle
Case Delayed; Offer of
Escort Ignored
Jack Zuta was too much afraid of
bullets to come out of, hiding
today. The boss for ."Bust" Mor
as chose to defy police ajtsUfOT;
reit a mbq ionn see tann
lng rather than expose himself
as a target to the gang gunmen
who failed in a first attempt to
kill him in 'a loop ambush last
Tuesday night after he had been
released as a suspect in the mur
der of Jake Lingle, crime report
er. Zuta was especially wanted by
the police since the attack on him
four days ago, authorities viewing
this assault as an attempt by riv
al gangsters to avenge the killing
of Lingle, whose slaying led to a
war on crime and disclosure of an
apparent alliance between him
and Al Capone's gang.
The police offered to escort Zu
ta. to and from court, it he would
indicate his hiding place, but he
ignored their offer, he had as a
deterent the fact that 7 other
members of the Moran gang were
lined up against a garage wall on
(Turn to page 7, col. 1)
Partlnw of flinmiiion
RkBv W ww ww-w-w m m. 9
H Knents Heads Engineers
Miss Watson Gets Infant
Pharmacists to Convene
Angeles will be asked to dispose
of the case.
SEASIDE. Ore., July f (AP)
The annual convention of the
Oregon State Pharmaceutical as
sociation will open her Monday
and continue through Wednes
day. Prominent speakers, including
Dr. Arnold B. Hall, president of
the University of Oregon, will ap
pear on the program.
Wednesday a golf tournament
for the Pacific Drug Review cup
will be played. .
BEND, Ore., July 5 (AP)
Six live rattlesnakes will be mas
cots to the Military t order "of Ser-;
pents, play order of the United
Spanish War Veterans, in state
convention here next week. '
Three men, armed with lassos
and snares, left today for the low
er Deschutes country Jo capture
the snakes.
ASTORIA, Ore., July 6 (AP)
Governor A. W. Norblad was a
pall bearer at the funeral of
Mrs. Minnie Page here today. Mrs.
Page was a friend of the Norblad
Governor Norblad returned to
Salem after the funeral
ASTORIA, Ore., July 5 (AP)
Trial of J. R. .Burke, Portland
and Astoria salmon packer, charg
ed with arson, will begin Monday
before Circuit Judge H. K. Zim
PORTLAND, Ore., Jaly K
(AP) Jobs Pamela, 45, jamp
ed off SO foot railway trestle ,
here today in an attempt to .
take hie owa life. ' r -
Pamala landed on his bead
bat suffered only minor brmis-
He climbed back oa the
trestle and was aboat to Jampi
again when, a polieemaa seised
bim. He wae Jailed.
i ?
Hirani Johnson Labels Pact
as Step Toward Old
World Alliance
Both Sides Girtf Armor for
Battle in Special Ses-
--sion Monday
Opponents of the London naval
treaty -made the first move today
preparatory to next, w,eek's spe
cial senate session to consider the
pact. Senator Johnson, republi
can, California, urging its rejec
tion in a formal statement, on the
ground that it was "iniquitous
and inequitable."
1 The fiery Callfornian, who will
lead the opposition to ratifica
tion, asserted the treaty was the
"first step under the guise a fic
titious limitation of armaments,
and. in thejioly name ef peace,
to take the United States Into the
international adventures' whleh
oar people abhor. .
Senator Johnson's statement
eame after a day of preparation
by both sides for the special
treaty session called br President
Hoover for Monday. Republican
leaders said It was likely the de
bate would not get under way un
til Tuesday because of the desire
of many senators to prolong their
brief vacation between sessions.
Senator Watson, of Indiana,
the majority pilot, thought Mon
day's .session would be brief, but
said the treaty would be taken
up immediately if a quorum de
veloped. A special message from
Mr. Hoover ureinsr ratification is
"document was in the course of
preparation today at the presi
dential camp in the Virginia
mountains. - "H
; Senators Watson, and McNary,
assistant republican leader, were
expected to go to the Hoover
camp over the week-end to dis
cuss the treaty and other matters.
The opening speech in the sen
ate eontest will be made by Sen
ator Swanson, ot "Virginia, rank
ing' democrat on the fareirn re
lations committee, who haa pre
pared a 12,000 word address urg-
Chairman Borah of the mm.
mittee, one of those who signed
the favorable report on the pact
from the foreign relations group,
said he was "ready for a vote
now." He did net hellere. haw-
ever, that this could be had bo-
Tore ten days or two weeks. Trea
ty proponents are confident of a
big majority for ratification.
Brigham Young, held on a sta
tutory crime, was arraigned be
fore Judge Percy Kelly yesterday,
and pleading not guilty, his ease
was set for trial Monday morn
ing, July 28, at 10 o'clock.
Other motions and demurrers
were heard yesterday by Judge
Kelly as follows:
Waterbury. against Waterbury;
motion overruled for new trial;
action for services.
Dunifer vs. Porter; motion to
strike parts from the amended
complaint overruled with excep
tion; action to recover on eon
tract for logging. Plaintiff given
until July 16 to file amended
complaint and defendant 10 days
after that In which to plead.
MeNeal vs. Rohlfs; motion to
strike sustained in one paragraph
and. otherwise overruled. Plain
tiff was given 10 dsys to file
amended complaint and defen
dant 10 days after that to plead.
James vs. Rice; motion for new
trial argued and taken, under ad
visement. The ease was tried in
May and non-suit declared.
second gangster assassinatlofl In
30 hours today sent a prohibition
investigator and' an alleged boot
legger to their deaths, bringing
the total number of gun victims
here this week to tour.
, The Investigator, Barney Roth,
was shot down in the kitchen of
his home by one of two men who
entered at breakfast time. The
other man shot. Johnny Mlets, was
to have been arraigned in federal
court today on a beer making
charge. Miets had been sitting on
Roth's front porch waiting for the
latter to go to court with him.
The familiar staccato of gang
land spoke for the second time
within two weeks late today and
Joe Porrello, latest v Cleveland
bootleg sugar baron, and Sam
Tiloceo, his first lieutenant, are
dead.' -: i-' ;i.
- porrello and Tiloceo were shot
In the restaurant of Frank Mil
ano. ' '
Porrello gained control of the
bootleg sugar business when gang
land killed ."Big Joe and John
Lonard In October 1127. Porrello
and ' his six brothers combined
with Sam "Blackjack' Todaro la
the business, according to police.
Salem, Oregon, Sunday
Senator Smoot
and His Bride
" ' J
- " f
Senator Reed Smoot of Utah and
Mrs. Smoot, ' formerly Mrs.
Alice Taylor Sheets, prominent
church and social leader in Salt
Lake dry. They were married
last week.
Bids to Be Opened Monday
Night on Commercial
and Winter Spans
Monday night will be bridge
night at the meeting of the Sa
lem city council. Bids will be
opened at both the North Com
mercial street span and the Win
ter street bridge over Pringle
creek. Both projects have been
pending for months. The en
gineering work was completed
and bids finally called for. De-
aiaioa. oa- both jobs .will -be made
after the bids are opened. With
construction costs now at lower
levels the anticipation is enter
tained that bids for both Jobs will
be so reasonable that work may
proceed at once, helping to give
employment to Salem workmen
during the summer.
The matter of vacating a por
tion of Trade street for the use of
the paper mill will not' come up
till the meeting two weeks hence.
As the matter now stands the
council will probably disallow the
request. The projection of rail
road tracks into the street re
maining would have the effect of
reducing Its width too greatly, is
the opinion that has been ex
pressed by members of the coun
cil. A move has been started to
have the paper company run its
own siding track inside the pro
posed new building, leaving the
other track for a passing track
exclusively and not for storage.
With this concession the vacation
has a chance of passage by the
Little New Action
On Water Expected
A petition for a third garbage
collector will be received by the
council Monday night. Two are
now operating under city li
censes and a third . applicant
seeks such favor from the city.
Nothing is ready for action by
the council on the water situation.
Bear and Cunningham, city en
gineers, are beginning their check
of the compay's Inventory which
will take some weeks of field
study and office work. All nego
tiations are in abeyance pending
the completion of the engineers'
S. (AP). Niagara's thundering
horseshoe cataract ended another
dream of fame and fortune today
as it took the life of George L.
Sathakis, 46-year-old Buffalo chef
who attempted to ride through the
maelstrom In a barrel of his own
construction. .
Thousands saw the barrel of
wood and steel plunge over the
cataract.' But not a vestige of the
barrel of a trace of the man's body
waV found afterwards.
William (Red) Hill, veteran
river man engaged by Sathakis to
haul him out after the trip, gave
up hope tonight of, finding the
body and left the river bank.
Hill had predicted the trip
would end In 'death. He even had
an undertaker on hand.
Grants Pass to
v Purchase Plant
" GRANTS ' PASS, Jaly 5 (AP)
The city council today . agreed
to purchase from a group of Den
ver, Colo., capitalists the water
system tor $6 MOO. Representa
tftes oTthe company are report
ed to have accepted, thereby end
ing a series o contests and litiga
tions over a period of years. , ;
--.'A special election will be called.
Horning, July 6, 1930
Carl Krummel, Postmaster
at Adna, Wash., Killed
in Pistol Battle
Tragedy Occurs as Dance
Is in Progress in
Room Overhead
CHEHALIS. Wash., July S
(AP)-r Carl Krummel, postmas
ter and merchant of Adna, Wash.,
six miles southwest of here, was
shot to death in a revolver battle
With two robbers in his store to
night. A bullet struck Krummel
In the left ear, penetrating his
brain and kijled him instantly.
The holdups fled.
The bandits entered the store
while a dance was in progress on
the floor above, Bernard Krum
sneL grown son of the victim,
said he and his father were In
the store alone when the robbers,
wearing handkerchief masks, en
tered the room and ordered them
to hold up their hands.
' Instead of complying, the el
der Krummel, his son said, grab
bed a gun and began shooting,
while he dodged behind a coun
ter. After his father had fired
several shots, one of the robbers
opened fire, his first shot prov
ing fatal, young Krummel said.
A witness who6e name could
not be learned said the robbers
sped away in a light touring car
operated by an accomplice. He
said the car, containing three
men, first drove past the store,
then returned and parked across
the street. Two of the men walk
ed across to the store, while the
third remained at the wheel, he
' The witness said he suspected
nothing wrong until he heard the
shooting and saw the two bandits
run from the store, jump into the
waiting car and speed away.
Posses were organized at once
and took up the search for the
Bernard Krummel said the rob
bers were between 25 and 20
years old. They .were clad in ov
eralls, he said, and one of them
wore a light gray hat.
C The elder Krummel was about
I 'Years old. Besides his son Ber-
fnard, he-is urvived by hia wi
dow and another son, Carl.
NEPTUNE, N. J., July I
(AP) Three persons were kill
ed, two of them children, anoth
er child is missing and three ad
ults were seriously Injured in the
explosion of a fireworks factory
on the outskirts of the city late
Three blasts, following each
other In quick succession, rased
the factory owned and managed
by Frank Cimino and his story
and a half home which stood on
the lot.
The dead:
Cimino, onslgllo, 70, father of
Frank Cimino.
Cimino, Millie, 9, daughter of
Renna, Dolores, 2, 321 Nevlns
street, Brooklyn.
The seriously Injured:
Cimino, Mrs. Mary, wife ef
Renna, Mrs. Nancy, mother of
Del Flore, Alfred, an employee.
(AP) Army balloon number 2,
national balloon racer, of Dallas,
Texas, landed four miles west of
Danville, Ark., at 7:30 tonight.
Pilot W. E. Buie and his aide,
Lieutenant A. E. Kidwell, imme
diately went to Danville after
landing and reported their bal
loon In good condition. Danville
is about 95 miles due west of Lit
tie Rock. The region Is mountain
ous. TEXARKANA, Ark.. July 6
(AP) Four balloons, bringing
up the tall end of a procession of
16 bags which swept over and
near Texarkana in the national
elimination balloon races from
Houston, landed within 60 miles
of this city this afternoon. A fifth
was believed down.
ST. LOUIS, July 6 (AP)
Capt K. S. Axtater, an army en
trant in the national balloon race,
landed near Eager, Ark., at 6:06
p. m., today, his wife told the As
sociated Press tonight. He tele
phoned his wife after landing.
McNary s Visit
At Hoover Camp
(AP) Senator and Mrs.
Charles L. McNary left today for
President Hoover's Rapldan river
camp Where they will spend the
week end. - -
McNary expects to discuss Ore
gon projects with the president,
and will explain: the Umatilla rap
Ids project. ;
Endurance Champ Waves Greeting
As "City of Chicago" Roars On
v t 'a" f . Si -vAv
One ot the Hunter Brothers, John or Kenneth, the photographer
wasn't sure, stepped out on the catwalk ef the endurance flight
plane to wave a greeting at an approaching newspaper plane. This
picture was taken after the boys bad already set a world's non
stop flight record. They came down Friday after 553 boors, 41
minutes in the air.
Fliers Wish They
Had Stayed Aloft
Endless Round of Receptions and Bickerings
of Managers Contrast With Quietude of
23 Days Spent Over Chicago
CHICAGO, July 6. (AP) Their aerial labors ended after
553 hours 41 minutes of continuous flying to a world's
record, the Hunter brothers pried sticky eyelids apart today
to face unaccustomed roles.
Contentious managers six of them public adulation,
and the insistent solicitation of professional exploiters com-
Oblned to made their return to
n mi n
Search Aftermath of Four
Deaths in Alabama
EMELLE, Ala., July 6. (AP)
A band of armed men estimated
to number from 26 to 60 tonight
searched a swamp near the Mis
sissippi line for two negroes, Tom
Robertson and his son, Oliver,
participants in an argument with
a white man yesterday night that
caused four deaths, two white and
two negroes. Two other white
men were hurt and two unidenti
fied negroes were believed hiding
In the woods, wounded by posse
men's guns.
The dead;
Grover Bayd, white.
Charlie Marrs, white.
John Robertson, brother of Tom
Esau Robertson, son of Tom
Jim Ayers, white, was suffer
ing a cheek wound received in a
battle with the negroes last night,
and Clarence Boyd, nephew of
Grover, was Injured severely
about the head with a bottle held
by a negro.
Boyd Shot Down
From Behind, Claim
Grover Boyd was shot down
from behind by one of the neg
roes, and Charlie Marrs was kUled
while possemen and citizens
stormed John Robertson's house
last night, where the negroes had
taken refuge. John Robertson was
killed as he fled the house and
Esau Robertson was hanged to a
tree by the mob.
First reports of the trouble
were exaggerated, the death list
being given as high as eight.
Sheriff W. C. Scales, who took
charge of the search last night
and attempted to control the un
ruly mob of 200 to 200 men, to
day ehecked the casualties and
found 'four dead and two wound
ed. ,
One Slain, Two
Badly Wounded
6. (AP) Walter Baxter was
killed and his wife, Mrs. Sena Bax
ter, and daughter, Mrs. A. L. Ro
mero,' were shot and seriously
wounded here tonight. A. L. Ro
mero, who is alleged to have com
mitted the shooting, surrendered
to officers and was placed in the
Utah county Jail at Provo.
- The daughter's suit for divorce
from Romero was believed to have
caused the shooting. Both women
are In the Lehi General hospital.
Child is Injured
By Firecrackers
OREGON CITY. Ore., July 6
(AP) Edna Hubbard; 11. daugh
ter of Walter Hubbard, of Sunny
side, is in an Oregon City hospital
with severe burns received while
playing with firecrackers today.
Her condition is said to be
critical. -
s . t: s :r a ,sAr a
y Mk f
t:SA- A- -
AA-r c
"A t- Af
- a
earth almost as harrowing as the
three weeks they spent in the air
over Sky Harbor airport.
I Kenneth, who piloted the "City of
Chicago" to a new world's record
by a margin of 133 hours over
that of the St. Louis Robin, arose
at 11 o'clock after ten hours of
sleep, breakfast and, with the oth
er Hunter brothers, Walter and
Albert, switched managers for
the fifth time.
All four were then rushed to a
loop theater with their sister,
Irene, to begin vaudeville appear
ances. Their plans following the
next week in tbe theater were in
definite. They said they would be
unable to attend a celebration
planned for them Monday In their
home town, Sparta, 111.
The end of the Hunter boys'
epic flight eame at 6:21 H P. m.,
(C.S.T.) the Fourth of July, ow
ing to clogging of an oil filter and
a leak in the oil gauge line.
This defect caused hot oil to
spurt over the fliers and Indicated
quick failure ot the steel hearted
engine that had carried them for
23 weary days without faltering.
Read Services
Held S aturday
At Chapel Here
Funeral service for J. P. Read
were held Saturday from the
Clough-Taylor chapel with Rev.
Rev. W. Earl Cochran officiating.
', Mr. Read was well known in Sa
lem, having spent the early part of
his life here. About six years ago
he left for San Francisco where
he became a federal reserve bank
examiner, a position he held until
his sudden death Tuesday in Bur
lingame, Cal.
Mrs. Read was formerly Miss
Gertrude Fawk. daughter of Mrs.
W. W. Fawk, of the Fisher apart
ment. Mrs. Read and son, Gordon,
are with Mrs. Fawk for an inde
finite time.
The body of Mr. Read was
brought to Salem by Mrs. Read
and Gordon, and Mrs. H. 8. Somme
of San Francisco.
Bull Worth $16,000 Goes
Swimming inN. Y. Harbor'
NEW YORK, July 6 (AP)
Ten .thousand dollars worth of
blue ribbon bull went swimming
in New York harbor today, out
distanced police boats which gave
him up for lost and finally swam
ashore in Brooklyn where he was
captured by swimmers and tied up
to a post as meek, by that time, as
an ordinary old milk cow. .
Answering to the name of Al
phonse, or maybe he doesn't, the
bull was enroute to Brooklyn from
Btaten Island on the first lap of
an ocean trip to Germany when
he decided to go swimming, v
The mate on the ferry aboard
which he. was making the trip
tried to argue it out with him but
after a couple of laps around the
deck, with he bull gaining en the
straightaway and the mate pick
ing up headway on the corners,
Alphonse tell down . and went
splash. . .
r Came the pursuit, first one -police
launch, then two, then three,
then four, and a couple of tugs. '
v Puxxled policemen scratched
Fair today and Monday,
Continued warm with low
humidity; far. temperature
Saturday 84, Mln. 44, clear,
river -1.7.
Samuel Elkins of Brooklyn
Is Victim of Horde
as Town Pillaged
Protest of Mistreatment t
American Sent Previ
ously, Word
DIf Acuities with revolatlMr
torn China, already climaxed by- j--
a state department protest, we - -augmented
today by a radio
port to the nary department that
an American bluejacket had beta 4
killed in a battle with bandits. ,
The seaman was Samuel SI-J .
kins, of Brooklyn, N. Y., attached
to the United States gunboat.;
Guam. He was struck by a ban-
dit rifle ball during a short
counter at Yochow, Hunan, Ckri
na, when brigands turned from .
looting the city to fire upon t
ship. r
A news reDort from Shanrkul
said three British gunboats bed '
Deen urea upon at the same
time, and two sailors wounded
before the British and America
seamen silenced the bandit rifle
men. A report of the encounter seat
to Secretary Adams by Read AV .
mlral Charles B. McVay. com
mander In chief of the Asiatic
fleet, said:
"U. S. Ship Guam reports she
was heavily fired upon by cent
munis Is at about 1 p.m., Jaly ,
while convoying the Neininf past
To Chow. Fire was silenced T
26 rounds three inch and 1,24
rounds machine-guns.
Protest Sent by
American Legation
"Seaman first class Samuel K.w
klns was killed by rifle bullets.
"No sign of foreigners In Ye
Two days ago, the state depart
ment instructed th American le
gation at Peiping that "urgent
protests" were to be made agaimt
the mistreatment of American el-
tlsens In China.
This action followed a report
from Frank P. Lockhart, coniaT
general at Hankow, that he had
received reliable advices that'
American missionaries at Sniping,
Honan, China, had been driven
through the street with sticks.
State department officials said
today no reply had been receiv
ed from this protest, and tbwy
probably would not for at Hart
a week.-
PORTLAND, Ore., July 6
(AP) Union Pacific railway of
ficials said tonight only the quick
action of Engineer Root of tbe
Union Pacific's Oregon Trail ex
press saved a trainload of passen
gers from injury or death at Luc,
The limited was roaring west
ward from Salt Lake City toward
Portland. Engineer Root w
smoke rising from the trestle
across North Powder river and
jammed on the brakes so sudden
ly the engine left the track.
None of the passenger cars lft
the track, however, and only min
or' Injuries were reported among
the passengers.
Helper engines and derricks
were sent to Lun from Baker but
officials said It would take 3
houri to make the bridge safe for
Origin of the fire had not been
determined, late tonight.
MEDFORD, Ore., July h
(AP)-Dr. C. F. Easter, Portland,
was elected president ot the Ore
gon Chiropractic association here
today,. Dr. George Simon, Eugene
was named delegate to the nation
al convention to be held at C3a
their heads, tried maneuvering :
Alphonse toward shore, tried to
lasso him, tried everything they -could
think of. Alphonse became '
bored, really settled down te
swimming and they lost sight ef
him. . .:,'- : J;
Imagine the surprise of swim
mers la Gravesend Bay an hour er :
so later when Alphonse arrived;
panting; in their midst. Being re- - -,
sourceful they obtained rope from
a beach boat, lassoed him. tied
him to a post and called the P
lice, to which Alphonse gave .
meek acquiescence. He was tired . ,
of swimming, it appeared.
- He taken aboard a truck of , ;
the Society for tbe Prevention el ; ;
Cruelty to Animals, broughi Vw
Manhattan and held for his ewn- -er,
Lester Satterth waits of New- J
ton. Pa. The only damage appear- ;
ed to be a split hoof, probably ac
quired on the ferry boat. ,
Alphonse, the best Holstein bull
In Pennsylvania, Is to be shipped
to Germany for exhibition at fair ,
there.' A; " - '