The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 05, 1930, Page 4, Image 4

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Local '.Girls : Plan
As College Days .
Loom Ahead
v Already plans : ars beginning to
take shape for tha coming year
of eollego lev the yosng omen
who pradBate troa Salem sen
ior high school tha past June. A
veal milestone In Jtiolr lires It
mast take eajeiaVr consideration
and dstsilesT pUaning aB of
,hi-h la anfreanded with a glor
ious glamou of rot colored
dreams whieb will continue to
grow ma tho first year of college
drifts Into. th second, third and
Some art to go eoi of ths etats
to school. - Mies Kataoryn Gou
lt will attend seboot In Callfor
la. Miss Wllda Fleeaer Is plan
sing on -entering the Unlrerslty
of CaUforala at Brkeloy. Miss
Vetaa May Is already slannlag oa
ter coalnr departors for Hawaii
. where alve will attemd the anlver
aity this -winUr aad ;lw with rela
tltei. ... .
Miss Eleanor Wright will at
tend the UniveraUy of Oregon. It
Is not yet determined where Miss
Margaret Heltset will attend eot
lege. . rl ' r : mtM ,
Among those who have doelded
'to come to WiU&metU oalTersity
aro MU Kathery -! Rowe Miss
Rath rich, lllti Bdith Clesient,
Miss SaTllIa Phelps Mlsg Doryce
' other posnlav saemhors of .the
senior class whoso schools are not
yet announced are i Mlsa KHenj
Hemenwar, Mica Dorothy Moorsj
Miss Kathleen jmzpatrichv Mlsf
fMiu MeDenshal. ana hiss
42raco Holman. j ;
Minnesota Club
Will Meet
Oos of the tig occasions of the
year for the Minnesota slab w:
b tho annuel midsummer sienae
which will ho held July 27
Plarmore Park near Hnbbard.
- For rtli affair members of t
Woodbnra Minnesota, dob will be
hosts. There wilt bo a hasfcet dln
werf serred at h o'clock, j picnic
atylo In the park. This will be
followed by a pregzam. It has not
yet been determined who will bo
the speaker of t he day. !
' Clabs from alt aw the Wll
lametto Tatter will be represent
ed at this picnic.
e -
Th D. J. MeLellan family.
lift Court street are. spending
the week-end at the beach. They
r plan to leate Monday for a Tl&U
at their former home in" Bend.
( TH Housewife' $ Idem Box I
la Oryhmt Weeks Blaahets
Didyou erer find that your woolen
blankets .washed beautifully but they
shrank la the drying? The next
time you wash them, wring , out at
much water as you can. Thes
stretch them on curtain stretchen
wnd the . blankets sill dry nicely
without hTtnlrlng,' - r .
v Royal
1 i
Paulus Bros. Pa Go.
Corner .Trade tnd High Strtela TcKpiume 2180,
Executors: and
; f p i Deal with things 'of vital
importance. Very often the
v ; future comfort "and - Kappir
. 1 - ness of .a family are in their
hands.' -
Let this strong reliable iri-
. stitutioxi serve you in that
- v - capacity.
v- T"7 A confidential conference
vith our trust officer is sug-'
v C: ;gested. ' " rl -'
I J- .W jT - t .
Iddl& Biish. Trust
i . .Company
A. K. XXCSH. President. , - .
VU. S. WAiTOS, Yice-rresw - ,
- I P, ALEIH&I, Cory.
- v aC3L H. AT.rT, Inst Ctflocr. -;-
.. I !'!' "
Outb 1L Voxst.
The clean, fresh appearance of
this delightful little model Is ero-
ated by tho combination of print
ed fabric with whits restee ana
collar. The slim bodies lines are
repeated In the Joining of the
skirt flare, making a most be
coming frock: for' largo figures as
wen as slender.
Pattern It 4 4 la particularly
lorelr made of dimity. Telle.
shantung or plane. Whits or pas
tel grounds printed la colorful
small designs are raTiahing for
warm. weather. There ere sleeres.
too. If you wish thenu
May bo ordered, only la slies
It. .11. 20. S4. 21, 18. 40 and 4.
Size 19 reusires 2 1-2 yards of
32 Inch material.
asi staple, esse latnctioa are
glf en.
Sal flfuaa si estae mf
(BUf miapuai r Mawpa. foe mmtk
pattaa. Wriu sUtatly yr niiee,
s4dru. stzle aaabar eai else
vaatoc. .
Oui IM f settenu tor aesMe
saS hilraa. ela trMsfar Pr
tores.- fl'Un eaatai Mat
raae eHarad wftb e seMete. As
areu all mil aoi ersare te
SUtcaaaa Pattern PpaztBeBt,
S4S Vaat lit etreet. Sew Jerk
Teacher U ......
Members of tho leCormlck Bi
ble class of the First Methodist
church called at tho homo of the
teacher of tho class, J. D. McCor-
mick and Mrs. McCormlck Wed-
aesdsr oTenlag.
la all about 20 couples infor
mally called during tho OTsning
to welcome Mr. MeCormlck back
after an absonco durlnff which
tpuft ho was attending conference.
Anne 5 hi; 'y:r
Society Editor
NaslvNKItonljerner ,r
Wedding Today
A very lorelr wedding of to
day will be hatf ; Miss Helen
MUtonberger. daughter ' t Mr.
and Mrs. W. T. MUtonberger, to
Edward C. Nash, son of Mr. tnd ;
Mrs. John Naab, at sight o'clock ,
In the rtrst chttstlsn church, ;
Her. 0. J. Bew pfJloUUag. ? - ,
Miss MStohberrer will bo at
tended by Miss Imogens MBtoa
berger aa maid of hesor, -Miss
Lottie Kash, Mlsa ftps Hull,' and j
Miss Loretta Lashway Us srtdes .
ualds.' Little Aftnv Pheteplacs
wltt- ho flower' girt."'-fr---s-
Barney Cameron win be best ;
man, and th ushsrs will be Fred
Wolfs, Harold Prtttt and WlUard
Moses. -K- :v - ' --'-.i': .
Miss Lois Planuner will play
the wedding march from Lohoa
grta, and Mrs. Powers Weager
will sing "Bemredit In Mom."
aad Miss Luoilo CmnnUnga aad
Victor Wolf 'win aisg as a dust,
-Oht Proalsf m.--. 5 -
rouowing. tho eeremoay thsre
will be a reception ta tne eharoh
parlors. Miss Greta. Cnsinbenaln. :
Mrs. John Brodle, Miss 4 Betty,
rosdlek. and Miss Georgia Wash
will eat less and pour. Miss Ros
alie Mlltoaberg, Miss GeneTlsTO
Barnes, Miss Josephine Hall and
Miss Helen -Kanuths. will ssttsv
An extended trip thrputh ths
south of Qregon has been alas-'
nod before tha young pcaiplt ooms
to make their horns In Salem, :
Foster Wedding -fi
Of Interest Here
Miss Leona ' MaS GeiL ohlr
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. A
Geil of Foster, Oregon, was bz&r
rled to Russea A. Forrest, aoa of
air. and Mrs. C w. Fortsst of
Salem, Sunday stenlhf at t
o'clock garden wedding st . the
home of her parshtf. In Foster.
Key. Meciuro read tho ainclo
ring eeremony bsfors about 20
reUtlres aad friends.
Tne nnaai parry .Touowea a
rose petal path to aa lmsroTlsed
altar of ferns, wild orange blos
soms, and firs. Miss Shirley Wat
kins plsysd ths wedding march
from Lohengrin as tho psrtr
took its place. MM Gen was
Siren la marriage by her father.
Toe bride was gowned . tn a
frock of green lace oror grssiL
Crepe, and carried roses caught
with rlbbom to match ker gown,
and she was attended by Xflss
Erelyn Harrang In a pals plak
georgette who carried sweet peas.
Tho best man was Sam Palmer
tea of Salem.
Following ths ceremony there-
was a reception,- Ths bride cut
tho wedding cake, a scry beauti
fully decorated affair, and Mies
Bessie Murpbey. Mist Shirley
Watklns. and Miss Sugaa Shanks
Immediately following ths re
ception Mr. and Mrs. Forrest left
for s a short wedding trip after
which they will b at homo In
Florence, Oregon,
i e e
Savage-Patrick Clan
Meets for Reunion
Silrerton park was ths acens
of tho annual Baraga-Patrick
clan reunion Sunday; This affair
alwaya takes ths form of a pic
nic, The SaThga and Patrick, fam
ilies wore among tho early pio
neers in ths locality and while a
large number who lire in Marlon
and Polk counties attended, many
from distant points la the state
were also la erldence.
A largs attendance is always
a feature of this affair as It aro-
Tiass tne only opportunity of
many to see and Tialt relatlTsa
who hars become so widely scat
tered. ,
Long tables heaped with good
things to eat appeased hearty ap
petites, alter which George Sav
age, president, called the clan to
Order for ths purpose of electing'
new oiQcers.
Elections resulted In Fred Gib
son of West Salem being elected
president and Charles Ramp, Sa
lem, as secretary. Hex Gibson la
ths retiring secretary. Visiting
and swimming were ths main ai-
Terslons of ths afternoon. .
Salem Writers Receive
Invitation r K
jits. t. ck rrsskiia has an
nounced ths receipt of sn Inrl
tation from Minnie Roof Dee. who
Is in eharge of tho program for
ths Authors and writers day . of
summer chautauaua at cnazasoeg.
to the Salem Writer club to meet
at. Champoeg tor Authors -and
Writers day to be held July It,
and to assist with ths program for
that darv - - -v;-,:
-' Ths program hours will' be be
tween three and sight o'clock of
ths afternoon of July lt. vlt is
urged that all members of ths
Salem Writers group who can ac
cept tho tnritatioa do so in order
that there may be a good repre
sentation from ths club.
Dr. and Mrs. 1: 0. Clements
and family had Mr. and Mrs. Nor
te Clements and family of Eugene
as Fourth of July guests. Norts
cismonu is a son of Dr. and Mrs.
Clements., ;.rS'.-s,r'?:''
ana isuns u tns drawsp. words esi
wht sets that yoursaie wtsa riast
acri yr?-rrr :"rt -1
r ai . -.jtri
easy S..-.r
Q. When dor ths brtds throw
her boueuei for Us cky OJas"
t catch t - -. I
A. After sh huoius dotra U
her goat arssaWv- j ; -;
L What is Probably us most
pronounced iadieaUoa. of en Ul-
pred persenT , - - r '
a- Ths TOicef u - be shouts.
screams or shrieks, It Is aa indl
estloa of nivbreodlnfi. 1
Q. Where are ths placer plates
set on ths dmaer table?.
A. Under the toup plates, or
under any eoarss wbers it is de
sired to hare them.
- ' - e. -.! ' ;
A holiday party that prored a
happy affair was that which mo
tored to MewporA orer tha Fourth
with Mr. NorineTHck and Mrs.
H. 8. Tower as patro&essest Bs
sidea Mrs. Flck and Mrs. Tower
tho party was " Miss Helen Ol
son, Miss Virginia Eiseon, MUs
Ruth Flct, Let Cos, Gordoi
Benaett, aad Jean ' Pary of Eu
gene. They returned Friday
night. . i.
e s e
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Feldman
of 1411 Court street ttrs rohe
to Belknap springs tor A f wVo
weeks' racaUon.
e e e
Mrs. George J. Psaree has had I
as he hease gassts- for 4hs past A
few days her sister. Mrs. Hep kiss
of Albany. . .
Ths iPdmaa'i Reltsf corps will 1
meet thht afternoon, at t o'clock..
CHICAGO (AP) The Brrfcr
lehAmerlcan track garnet to bt
held tn Chicago In August will bt
tho first major track erect ts be
held at night. Soldier Field is ths
(Continued from PAgo I)
Brander looked at WfiUa.
"Two hundred isn't to
laughed at. eh. Mr Cos?"
"Taac must as ths biggest find
of amhorrii trer was." Wlllia
said hoarsely. 1
Braade shook his head.
Ths Watchman, out o Nan-
tucket, brosght homt 169 pounds
back la 'at. 1'ts heard so. at
WUlia had nothing ta sar to
that; Us vest aft to Join Tichel
and Danl Tobey ssd tall 'them
ths weight of tha stuff.
Brander seat tor Esh Bitch.
us cooper, and ahowsd him the
Ftc ma a cask." ha said. bte
enough to hold all that. We'll
stow It dry."
Spa scratched his head. Ho
pat pro tha raiL
Tiz yon up a caskT" hs rs
posted. . "Oh. ayef He empha
sised the proaoun; aad Brander's
eyes twinkled. -
Thsy packed tha ambergris
away la ths captain's storeroom.
compartment at ths bottom of
the Sally, aader the eabtn, in tha
Tory .stern, . It rested there
smosff ths harrels aad casks of
food and ths general supplies.
There was no access to this place
sar through tht cabin Itself; it
was not connected with tha after
hold, where water and stores and
gear were stowed away, Brander
suggested putting it there; ha
cams to Noll Wing with his re
quest, snd ireeauss Danl Tobey
was with Hon, Brander framed
his question in a personal form.
, I d like to stow this below us
here. ho said. "Best It bs out
of each of tha men. i
Danl scrawled: Noll looked up
beamy, met B ranter a eTen. Ia
the end, he nodded. - ! -
"Where you like " hs said sulk
lly. i "Don't bother tne. .3
Brander smiled: and ths cask
waa hidden away, below.. : -
But it was not forgotten t It
could not bs forgotten; From, Its
hiding-place, - tha ambergris made
its Influence felt all over th res-
ssl.flt was ukt dynamite in its
potentialities for miachlsf, Ths
mates could not forget It; tho
bost-stoerers bt ths steerage dis
cussed it erer and oyer: ths men
is - ths f oVs'le argued about it
endlessly. , . .
It was a rich treasure, worth as
much ss tho whole cruise was tike
to bo worth la oil; and it was all
in seyea JumpsvTbat it ts sayit
was no more than a heairr-burden
for i strong man. Two nen-eould
' Great'Taius ln aman-compass
sets men br tha ears. Erery. man
aboard the saiiy had a direct and
personal Interest In Brander's find
of ambergris,-And the matter of
tneir desato- was uus--was tup
ambergris the property of ths
Sally, a fruit of tha voyage, or
was it Brander's? If it Iras a pari
of tha profits of ths cruiss thsy
would aU-shara U iU Xf it was
Brander s. they would not,, , .
Brander and this word had
gone around- the ship rhad spok
en: 01 it as his own. For .wnish
souHt condemned and. hated biai
sums praised' aad chose to flatter
him. It tha worth of tha stuff was
dlrided between them: all. Noll
Wing and Danl Tobey would haTS
tha Uoa'a share, sad tha man for-
hrard would hare bo mors that
tha sriea st a debauch, if it were
Braadera alone, they might beg
or ateal a larger snare from him.
Or and not a few had ihls
thought they -mfght-selxs - the
whole treasors and maks oft with
It.'-' ' . ---'I-; i'vW .s-!-
: Ths posslblUUes wars tnflnits;
ths ehances lor trousis enormous.
This new tension aboard ths
Sally- cams to s head in ths cab
in t tns very Tsurrf-snera was
charged with it. ' Danl and Old
Tichel nrera against Brander from
ths Crst; Cox was inclined to sup
port him. Danl sought to sound
Noll Wing snd learn his attitude.
Ho said to Noll casually, one day?
Tha gris will iakA thlAa.fct
crube, sir." -
Noll BoddadL. -
l Etiquette ;
- (To hcoatInue-U.i
mews m,mm:m
fiyrd receWng
th iwrty hJtndi
rntf -FrsarMtar1. Boswtumjl
atholAtterawsroMhintV1- I c.onor Uf grsss expiorar wns
State's Diatinguishsa SerrkS t ehartea ths unknown tea
MedaL Mrs. Franklin D. Boose- I fleserts of has Antarctic.
- - -
-x f k-J. f
y - "S ' , n
- - ri
Harold BusseS Ryder (center)
accompanied by attornsys as hs
smiles his wsy from the Crim-.
inal Courts Balding. N. T. &.
Mrs. Madelins Wolcott Sanborn,
Parisian actress and second cousin
of tiio late Gorexsor Boger Wot
eott, sppeared in Middlesex Pro
bate Court. Massachusetts, in aa
attempt te break the millkm-doQai
will of her father, X. W. Wsleett,
Nstiek shoe mannfaetnrer. She
was left $125,000,: but seeks a
larger share on grounds that her
sister, aus. uayie . ror&usa,
sited undue - Influanca an
. JTTts is tie fzaecs AustetXan
a :r llajor Charlea Kinrs-
v ford-Smith and his thies com-"
anions after theiy gaf s arrrrsl
fa Kev'Ysrk Cy frea 2:ew
f oundland, where they : were
- farced dewnv en their CIrhS
from DuLUn, Ircluti, ts tha
4-.-. a.
I s a -' n
f salt th shewn m 1 centcf. . Tht
I snnrn populace ex, vns ciasa
Capital "turned- out to helj
after beins Indicted ss f
and embexsler in tha 12,008
faOars of ths Woody I
stock saaitsasw nnav
Helen Waters. 24, of Lynbrook.
u L who was slain by her father.
poUcs e.y. ia s aad sags f oUowinj
loss of fortune in stock market. Tha
fsvtbr, ' Charles - H. Waters, : than
tilled bis wife and Waas2
United Ctates. They axe, fc"
U r'il: John Eiaans-s,
wimess - operatorj r-Drart Van
Dykjuot; Major KYr-Zor.'
Ejai-Jv-fliitt cczanander, gal.
rl CapUini ratricSi ,
hi gar
r' S
... J...A , ,...
. ,. . - ,,,,
i 'Xo " X
(N-x. i x'Si "
Xt'v A X.
t ? V
m? 252
Chptnln ArcMbsld Brooks, eom
SSSier Of the Utfated passenger
. iteamer Fairfax. whicV. rvnmei
j KSmnk tankeyPinsafl
iMsMachusetts Bay; Mora than.
lertylTe persons lest tteir ures.
some of whom were horned to
i death ly tfio U J
? by th Wtiflt ImpCt of ttt
' boon.
ths right to represent New Jersey
aw tae J. nomas a. fkiisott acnolar
ship contest to bo held this Sum
mer, Tha final examination takes
gaca on July 29 at East Orsnga,
r ' r' . .
i x- - "I '
v . V ' - - '-
.- X :?''".:.. kvj'v
- , '
. t ,,':::L . .
""L- ,''A V x 4" '
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r x x s - f-
if I x, -
J ;t",S( -,x. .
.'3 SV A 1m
f r
l - x. Si
f " -'x t y "
i XX ' '
x it
X y ,
.Theodora BoossTsIf geTemon- f Vafi S. JL Ean Loreaxe to rs
general of Porto Bice, wnrmt I anma hit affislaL duties at San
; awdd-hre ta fidondr aa ha sailed 1 Juan. eanitaX of ths T-T-4i .
larn erowV, iTZZ
City E3, KeV crk C-r r
, ill fc-K-'i tt wT?l!
;H:l -'SmuiSei;
Although he la Only ten days ores
21 year, of are, - WaSp?JS
(abors) has been elected Superioi
Oourt clerk sf Milton Ceanty,
Georgia, by A two to ens malorits
ote, Spencs Is believed ts bs tho
Utfrit Dressier fAtooui tinem
comedienne, blowing a lust to
gentlemen of the press as she re
turn on tha 8. 8. Majestic from a
visit abroad.
y V.
- n
fT!?ae'.bc"- f at 45th
xiV,:: r-,: . ijcrtraus
. .J t: T wended
.j. j j . ; a to ,be
',x--t f'7 i x. v
1 SwsaeisrK.iS'i' Mr'''.
. r A-ere-s Xa error"-
eorded , heroes iy Cia dir.