'Mpp .1 4 , wmt me .3 1 1 Survey of Aurora Yards' Is Encouraging to Grywcrs ' AURORA, July 1. A partial surrey of the hop situation In the Aurora district finds the ..hop growers more vptlmlstle with pro pecta of higher prices 1 and the present condition of the crop. The 30 acre young yard of Lo rfta.Ciesy, which he rant himself, has a-18 per cent stand, is tn good condition .and has little erl deace of downy mill dew. dray's old yard of 28 acres, leased to Chin Bow. has a little better than one fourth .stand. lt. year this year -produced- 32,000 poinds ot liopi'ane" I not expect d to pro a ace orer t.voo ponnas wis year. Percey Ottoway reports a ?100 per cent stand In' his small new yard. His old IS aero yard did not come well bat la eomparatirely free from downy jnlldew spikes. J. Mlley reports a good stand on his eight acre tract, with a little trace of mildew on his tines, but no lice. . Pardy .Brothers hare a 46 acre yard with a 75 per cent stand with little eTldence of mildew, and are spraying tor lice. Fred Dentals 10 acre yard has a two-third stand, and has sprayed for both lice and mildew. M. N. Crlssel has a 75 per cent stand on his 15 acres and will spray for mildew although there Is little eridence of it. W1H G. Gooding has a 10 acre yard with a 10 per cent stand with some eridence of mildew. He will pray for both lice-and mildew. W. J. Mlley is only working hU 20 acre yard, he has about a ,75 per cent stand with no mildew. Wiley recently, sold 91 bales of 192 hoos at 10 cent. ' The Will Thamer IB acre yard 2 rJuris nub uici m v yir hvi mildew, j .LL MOXMOUTH. July 1 Rer. L. L. Dally, Baptist pastor of Mon mouth, has been for the past two weeks at Camp Sherman in east era Oregon attending the Baptist Yquug People's assembly where li? is In charge of the Royal Am bassador work of which ha Is state director. He also has general charge of athletics, and Is teach ing classes in archery there. Rer. C. M: CHne of Portland has filled the Monmouth pulpit 4 u ring ReTerend Daily's absence. F. S. McLaughlin returned this ..week from ' Metolius, Oregon, ' where he has been substituting as railway station agent while the regular incumbent was away on a racation. IS BACOTMOlOinU Cross -Word Puzzle By EUGENE ! 2 3 H I5 I6. 7 I8 I-1" i TT" v 16 P11 18 W 20 22 ' T li ZIPI-lI-ZP55"! HORIZONTAL ! 1 above S pertaining to speech T make a s ! glancing" . movement It negation JS executive disapproTal 14 eg2 ahaped 15 one ef the JS bereraxe ,. 29 imall 1 U TUey . 40 nothing . but 41 Virginia (abbrT) 42 Uber 43 linger ' about . ;' '44 the upper . air 46 prepare for publication '48 symbol for sodium "4r-etems ef -. ; certain taQ grasses - . epics 01 , Homer 17 twine 13 neuter I pronoun . 20 strip 11 surmount,, . as a dif- . t ficulty , 22 female ; ,. deer ' 23 f rosea - . water - 24 turn ' toward ' Herewith Is the solution to ytt terday'i pvole. - IHA(VEf iS'P" -"f"" 25 faU te kit , 28 symbol far : neoa . -' 2T stupor 2 measure ef 2 wan - i V8f ultiTtU - land , US2 fowl s ianhrase i-- i ' 8 eymooi itr - aamariam IS srbceeded 28 eminence . , 27 aaew CWfriSa. ISM. I MENLO PARK WIZARD HOKOHED ; 1 . , : o . . . ;.. . . - ' ' , " i i .;'.-: 4 'if ', k t' - K ::: : .9 . Thomas Aim Cdlson, the crest- est tiring inyentor, wHa the John Scott Ifedal presented U him by a troop of Philadelphia. f RMEi MONMOUTH, July 1 Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Hartley of fiath erlin were business. callers at the A. H. Craven farm Monday, inves tigating Romney sheep with a view to stocking their farm In Southern Oregon. The Hartleys were enroute home from a racation spent with friends at Boise, Idaho. They were mnch Interested at the lat ter place in a Mechanical Cafe, where cafeteria trays and food re volted on rollers within an Im mense glass case and each guest was privileged to help himself to whatever be chose at the price of 50 cents per pdfson. Hot dishes were kept at systematic; heat by an electrical device; and. cold dishes were refrigerated, the while all revolved mechanically about In the glass case. 1 A lower case compartment was a soiled dish recepticle. The In stallation of this Innovation was recent In Boise; and the Inrentor who has applied for patent rights, plans to install six cafes I in Se SHEFFEB 58 cupola 51 Hebrew ' name for , God - VEarnCAL' . 1 joining . -l-bedy ef civil ; officers 2 roughly elliptical V 4 radical -v 6 near. -; 6 cuirass er corselet 7 eppose 8 ealotatMa -. to the - Virgin Egyptian-) deity ; It being at rest or ease 11 apper- .1 - .tieas ;, la wrath v' 'l lyric peeae- 21 drilixe 22 eld werU -aaaaalef - the parsle , famuy - 24 plait . :i 26 genUe ' 'V 27 vehicle 25 ewamp ; i. 25 grieve far ; Si volume 81 directed ' , toward ta v side . 22 delay past - r- 'the proper hear XI paraded . 24 calm SS sway -l 88 distant ' "; , 27 Bulgarian J. coin - 22 bUck : - ": : European s ". MeUea 48 speck . y -42 marry 48 masculine r prenena 4 S symbol , for hslium l 47 ferfn 4 ' 5T i if ej IUIEGB1 Pa, notablea headed prema Cevrt Justice) Roberta. ; ay Sa- attle soon. One hundred and flftv dctmu wer aerraA at one time with only fonr serving girls in atienaaace. MCKEY MOUSE s?littifc-l 'MfsTCMuiiiwKa' . M ' I I I I l" II If . I )V I -7 TT. 1 1 MinniE! I ? T f WSA I 'TOLLY AND HER PALS" HE ; La rwu i . LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY S GEe. THIS A SW&Lt. , . II r TMOU6HT ALL OUPHUJ X I i 11 f C&PHAU ASYLUM I - ) ( AS&LUMS MiASUICZ dbLLM X PEEU Ule A -if, , ' rsfe-'I-: 4 SEP 7d SLEEP, 'A III AlffS. AiEAAJV'S, 1 GlVM TU2BB CHEECS,-" Imlfli V CAJ AW EVE12VTHIA If f' A THE DBST Asi 0 C0Ol! I 4XJAJ6 S0A4ETWIAM lM il,l!f r h ' : ' - 'HI ' lm: BypecT- CETuas.Twe -Al U.t& shcjvm how glad i am J -v Q- . H n p : ! li yiii j J - ? - 1 TOOTS AND CASPER -tmatt PiaosccunKir r ATTOPNSY RAfTHEa TJrVf t Cfi&POZi "WHEN AKEP FE1R90NAL. rt3UR FINANCE HAVS9Aia-i'j ""o f ANSWER. rr- 'mm m BE Victim In Local Hospital Following Auto Accident at Hubbard HUBBARD. Julr 1 L. Dreh- rer received many- broken bones and his arm ' and ahonlder were badly cat, when crushed by an au tomobile as he was attempting te cross the Pacific highway at the school house at 7 o'clock Monday morning. - - Mr.- Drehrer was taken to the Salem General7 hospital by ., P1; Gerald 'Smith ot Woodburn. At the hospital forty stitches were taken tn Mr.- Drehrers arm and shoulder. .His nose and right leg and knew were found to be bro ken. Mrs. Drehrer accompanied her husband to the hospital and remained with him until after the stitches were taken and be seem ed to be better. Mr. Drehrer was on hlfway to the home of rrankTlsh tor the family supply of milk as he was crossing the pavement three ears approached and la the confusion caused by trying to pass each oth er and at the aame time dodge Mr. Drearer, the accident occur red. Mr. and Mrs. Drehrer hare liv ed tn Hubbard for more than twenty years. i Home Coming 61 Church Attended JEFFERSON, July 1. Mr. and Mrs. W. u. G sarin and family at tended the- annual homecoming! of the Presbyterian church at Pleasant Gioto Sunday. They report a large attendance! and Tory instructive sessions j daring the day. A, plcale dinner was enjoyed at the noon hoar. A I should HAVTE-"N PUNCHST M NOSTOO-rJ 5o tvcrn.EDi HS I PiWrTKNOY & WCl LWl i? If WOOR' n uvpuarowo Rc. ll Mil ll I Z!" l&4ZSX2Sr- u- II 1 SKS I Im rm m m I f . n Ci it I I 7, :'fJ::V;-- . "f .. Wdrththe Penalty ' M 1 1 r n RepcrtyHeevf Yield ci Clover MONMOUTH, Jaly 1. Haying la oa la rail f oreo im this sectioa. and samsa ally beary clorer crops are reported. Becent visitor from Idaho arerred that If clover there made two toaa on the acre on Irrigated land tt was eonsidered aa ercel lent yield; and they were astonished to find fields here yielding three tons to the acre without irrigation. Hubbard Band Wins . HUBBARD July 1 The Hub bard community band received silTer ioTing tup at the reunion' of the- pioneer steamboatmen " at Champoeg Sunday. The cup was giren by the steamboatmen in honor of the band's service In helping to make the event a success. ST. PK PICNIC VOTED SUCCESSFUL SILVERT&N. July 1 The annual St. Pkura picnic was a de cided succes and risltors were present here from Mount Angel. Portland, Salem', Shaw and Sub limity. Following the chicken dinner the afternoon was spent with various forms ot sports. The women of St. Paul's par risk ar busy at work preparing for the autumn bazaar. While the hasaar la not held until No vember 11, much handwork for it Is already completed. Blocked Gertrude's A LKUe FZ. HEUJO,W HOW THE? ITM PROuT QVXbO,fXri j . " . i i i r n hi i in i ieiin I ii ii I i "m T T" rTl 11 U F I J ....... m 1 ikiy5ikSJJv l ' " : KrrT AT HOMO IN THI tLEPHAMTe CALM AO THTi. -.OCCAM WAVC5 &UIN4 ATtrMODri! .WWTO APPLE MUST, er m v a a aw sr. on I Werner . : : 1 ". I - Annual Picnic Held at F. L Ycrgen Home at Aurora r AURORA. July 1 The Ter gea elan, direct descendants ot August Tergen, born In Mellhelm, Germany la 1SJ1. and his wife Xllsabeth GrlfXla Tergen, born In the United States In 1833, Eli sabeth Tergen Scheurer. born in Germany In IX SS, William and rerdanand Tergen also born. In Germany "held their annual pic nic at the home -ot T. K. Tergen Sunday, June 15. About SO persons were present At 12 o'clock noon, dinner was served under the spreading oak trees on the; lawn, and at 3:30 cake and Ices were served. Pres ent were Mr. and Mrs. William Tergen and family. Mr. and Mrs. George Tergen, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Bailey, and family of Port land, Mr. and Mrs. John Klster, Mr. and Mrs. Lyall Tergen and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Tergen and family, Mr. Sand Mrs. R. O. Jack, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ter gen, Aurora; Mrs and Mrs. T. J. Tergen, Mr. and Mrs. Thurston Tergen and family, J. T. Tergen and family of Champoeg; Mrs. Christine McGonegal and F. E. Tergan of Hubbard; Bob Mat land of Portland; and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Tergen and family, Aurora. ANTIQUE DEALER VISITS MONMOUTH, July 1 E. W. Sturtevant ot Seattle, a dealer In antiques, was a Monmouth Ylsltor orer the weekend, and purchased several articles of glassware from Mrs. W. B. Egleeton Traffic Birthday - Suit Bit of Heaven - - 1 . t AtNirT 1 wa A" K vir-virM i. are na.t--f - l fTASZ . ttX) WERE ONLY TrNta THAT. OT MY 53AT vAvHik'-nG:' tAVTtQ 5A1D PO MADE MT . MONBY FOR IMS PTX-fer ' 1 eOMONS AIM . .I'M m W nr? i- ra lest Pent U 1": FczrJ,lIcney Safe AURORA, JsJy 1. The puna which disappeared from the fOHnff station last week aad owned by Habert Maylle, was found early the est morning by Mrs. R. H. Soathwick, It was toaad tn the grass t the aide of the Aarora State Bank, near a path that cats across to the filllnc tation. The money had not aiatarbea. . E PROMISES WELL CLOTSRDAXJC. July 1. Lo ganberry harvest is well under way hero witk prospects of a good yield. Most growers will finish cherry picking this week. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hennles and Miss Gertrude Anderson went on a fishing trip Sunday up near Manama, having a most pleasant day for an ideal picnic. Mr. 'and "Mrs. Pete Davis are away picking cherries. They left their oldest daughter. Rose, with Mrs. Jay Cook, taking the others with them. Mrs. Anna Kunke and children spent the week end In Salem, where Mrs. Kunke went to con sult the doctor about little Joyce, who is Supposed te have the whooping cough. Mrs. Hasel Morris also fears that her little girl, Aliens, has the whooping cough. .Miss Emma Sniff erer who has been spending the winter In Sa lem will return home in a few days to stay tor a month or so. Word came from Mrs. W. An derson a few days ago that her daughter was Improving and she would bo home soon. She has been In California with her daugh ter for the past two months. ?-marr mr-r k OR NO M L lTiX ir Hi? V LoenriB RRY CROP I V . BP fmmm- Salem, Heights Loganberry Crop Better Than Was Anticipated '0:U " SALEM HEIGHTS, July 1. C. M. Robinson and family, Wayne Robertson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Robinson, Dr. D. D. , Craig and family, Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Lathrop, ot Salem, Forrest Casey aad family of Salem droTO to the north fork of the Santlaa . Sunday and held a pot luck plcale enjoying a wonderful outing and a 'good time. . - ; Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Mahoney of Salem bare just recently taken up their residence here In Salem Heights. Mrs. Mahoney is sister ot Mrs. Clears BarUetU The Maho neys say they like Salem Heights very much and intend to make this their permanent address. H. G. Wiggins and son Donne gan drove to the Labish and Mt. Angel district Sunday to rlalt friends. Harry Scott and family, drove to Turner Sunday and attended the church contention being held there, thence to Lyons to .visit Mrs. Scott's sister, Mrs. J. W. Winters. Mrs. E. E. Robertson ! and son Wayne of Klamath Falls and formerly ot Salem Heights, spent the week . end here xlsit friends and relatires. Mr. and Mrs. Cleave Bartlett and family and Mr. and Mrs. W, T. Mahoney drore to Spong'a Landing to spend the day Sunday. H. M. Nixon drove to Falls City Sunday to look after business In terests. Loganberry picking la now In fall force la the Salem Heights district and the reports are that a good crop will be harvested, bet ter than was anticipated. ' By CLIFF STERRETTJ I ear ity 1 sm. A. fr By BEN B ATSFORf By' JIMMY MURPHY, rr catrrJ lUL-RUM U VL UJECf By iwERKS "tou com J6o-tb'0Aa- IFTOiU-lET KtS.HAVEONq rocoeocK n . I A -