r- -.This Section : .J . . -. P. L & R. :age - distribution. of"this section with complete coverage of Salera and Salexa B. F. Fs. SALEM, OREGON ; Permit A section of .The Oregon Statesman featuring Merchandise Savings ! r4 Salea, Oregon, Wednesday Horning; July 2, 1930. ESQ llllil AID h4B Watch for thk section Teach Tnnrsdar. . Ralnh H. KUuinv a.hJc; it..... B JLUCB, KBU -nnBr. uomm i ii HELD GOOD Jefferson District Reports Strawberry Season Near '! ly t3ver JEFFERSON. July 1 Straw berry picking la about finished la thla.TiclnUy. TBe yield wa sot as beavy as was anticipated, but the berries 'were large, owing to the late rains. The ; grower faring their crops contracted, made it difficult, tor the house wires to get tanning berries. - ;T 1 Cherry picking la 'well under way, with only affair ;erop , The loganberry crop outlook la good. Picking commenced Monday. Hay harrest has begun, the crop is good, owing to plenty of moisture and good growing, wea ther. The prune crop looks prom ising, It: ic. Thomas reports that hln orchard will yield better. than last year, 'which was halt a crop. V. D. Looney expects a tine crop from his orchard, two mites west of town . - Fall sown grain is heading. The heads are not as large,' but . the quality of grain Is good.v "The spring grain has a good color, and is stoollng out velL - ScKoolBoard PMTU I, i nnn PIB1IT USES i CLOVERDAUB July " - i4-JaT Cook chairman of the school board j auo Airnur &unae scnooi clerk PRATI7M,, July 1-The usual took . an . airplane trip Saturday l CMorth f ti- MUhMM iiernoon. waa.tneir iirst and I Sunday. school nicnle will hmheAA Dom pronounced greauf. The on the . picnic gtonnds next Fri- wiy was nn ny a paint eom-1 day.. Ererybody Is weleome. pay.io.cnoi boards buying I There wiU be-no bands play paint of them. . line or dress naraders or ' lonr- I winded speeches, but just a good social time . with, races, ', ball games,, .horseshoe -pitching " and other amusements and . basket dinner, of course. - f enrp in in in ' 1 Cherry Wednesday iraw oh p eni RICKRE ALL, July 1 The program, sponsored by the women of the grange Friday evening was very successful. It consisted of songs, by Bill Rowell, Miss Eliot; recitation by Francis Lants; song by Joe ' Harland; recitation by Betty June Pence; dialogue, Eliz abeth Rowell and Gertrude Lar kin; pantomime, Grace Pence, Air ma Cowell, Addle Beauer and Mrs. E. A. Hamilton. There was roll call for the women to tell "How to get rid of a tramp," and the men, "How to get rid of a book agent.7. The next ' meeting of the grange will be the second Friday in July. Elizabeth Rowell and her cou sins. .Misses Doris and Jean Covad of Dallas, drove around the New port loop Friday.- -f -- Jesse Rogesdale who drives in school bus reports 23 pupils mak ing the trip to summer school at Monmouth each day. Mr. Roges dale says he stops ten times each way for railroads and - cross roads, besides stopping along the wy for the children. 1 PICNIC SCHEDULED JULY4 TURNER, July 1 The "Boys Home" picnic to be at the farm, three miles south of town is an nounced for noon Friday, July 4 with a barbecue. Anyone is wel rome to be present, with a lunch basket, ( It Is hoped that a number of friends attending the Christian convention will avail themselves of the opportunity to be present for the lunch and also to see the farm, with its . newly completed barn.' A -short program will fol Idi7 at .1:18 o'clock. '." . -'' HOPEWELL. Jury picking will begin around this community, Stanley Nash -has returned af ter a month visit in Portland. . Mr. and Mrs. Howard Stephens and -eon Vernon were dinner guests at tlje home of Mr, and Mrs. Charley Richen Sunday , Mr. - and Mrs. Isaac - Bantsave and Clifford Stephens spent the week end at the coast Mr. and Mrs. Charley Wood and dan ghter Lois spent several days at Pacific City recently. The young people of the unit ed Brethren church held a party in the basement of the church Saturday evening. ' " , ! Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Turner and Mr. and. Mrs.- Ralph Campbell of Salem were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Campbell Sunday. - A new barn Is being built on Mrs. R. Wood's farm. Mr.; and Mrs. Creed Loop lire on the place. Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Dissmore were visitors t the hpme of Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Davis near Gaston Sunday. ; v ?r - Sunshine Class ' Enjoys Picnic OAK GROVS, July 1 Miss Margaret Pro gave her Sunday school class a picnic on the church lawn Sunday afternoon. Margar et is teacher of the Sunshine class of little tots. ; T . ".VV . Present were: Zelma and Thel- Rowland, Lola and Clarence Pe terson h and - the minister. Rev. Geo, Poor. - StAYTOfJ LlOfiS TO STATTON, July 1 Wednes day night is "ladies night" at the Lions club and at this time Dr. H.r A.. Beauehamp's team com posed of the following Lions, and their wives are- to be .guests t the two losing teams: O. M. Ba ker, H. E. Tohle, Dave John, George Bell, W. N. Pentler, Fred Albus, C. H. Brewer, Carl Riee and Jake' Spanial. -The losing, teams were In charge of W. A. Wed die - and Har ry Rowe. Each team was given points for membership and atten dance,. the team securing the highest ! number of points to be the guests of the two losing teams, and- their wives. . a WESTSTAYTDNWiNS! OVER SILO FALLS WEST STATTON, July 1. - The West Stayton baseball team played Silver Creek Falls Sun day. West Stayton was victorious by a score of S to S. Quite a num ber from here attended. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Nipple are enjoying a visit from their grand son. Edward Kipple from Port land. Sunday callers atNbe S. J. Con di t home were Ai. wens ana son Earl from Willamette, Mr. and Mrs. W. K. WInslow from Anma ville and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Jnsa and family from Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Alva Condit and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Condit and Ralph Condit of Vancouver, Wash., were visiting relatives over the week end in this vicinity. The third annual homecoming was held at the Pleasant Grove church. A very , good crowd at tended. It was an all-day meeting with a basket dinner at noon. , Mrs. B. H. Beldon . and sons : are over In Polk county picking cherries at the Scbindler orchard. vDQJLV SUN SAT : ' NOW i Is the time to boy a good UsedCar j Turn to the listings on; the Classified Page Of. this pap er for attractive offerings! The Ideal Picnic Meat RABBITi Ixw in Fat; High in Protein . : SHAEFER'S RABBIT SHOP lOO S.'CossT,; TeL 2812J - '"Open every week day" l,'.- - except Moatfay,wX? 1- '. i ... - 1 ..- - v ... 5: , . ,-- Mum '; ? .Picnic Specials THURSDAY and .FRIDAY Large Sandwich Buns 1 ; . 20c Dbizen : 35c Angel Food Cakes 28c -.v' Store WiU Be Open AD Day Friday 4 f . Cookies, reg. 15c. Per dos es Friday and 1flt g&turday 1UC For Thursday and Saturday Real Dannish Butler Horns for Dainty Cream Cakes Per cat 18c . Orange Cream Basils. Doz. 20c Bread, white or whole wheat Lbs. .i 13C Maple Bars Dozen ... 20c BAKERY 345 State' For Your Fourth of July Outing or Picnic Get Your BUNS - SALADS and COLD I MEATS Here. OPEN SUNDAY July 6th ' We Give S&H Green Discount Stamps Phone 233 Carson Pharmacy " Hotel Senator Bldg. ESS CoEamni, 13S ggee BDsISvegy -1 . . . SoHdPaek Tomatoes No. 2 Can a-i Cans A 25c Federal MILE -r Cans 24c Large Size RINSO Pkgs. :45c Large Size LUX Soap Flakes Pkgs. 49c - Fancy Louisiana Head RICE O lb. pkgs. 24c Economy JAR LIDS 2 doz. 49c Ball Mason JAR LIDS 2 doz. 49c Jar Rubbers For Hot or Cold Pack Canning T Dozen 23c Woven Sandals '.. Dress Strap Slippers $4.95 Including New Mid Night Blae Sport Oxfords, Elk Color Sport Oxfords, white ..L Men's Oxfords v Special Group i - , Children's Strap r Pumps and ..Oxfords offered at Sale Prices v All Tertnis Shoes on Sale - - the Vacation . ' . . -j "2 . Styles for the Kiddies . II . . . 1 1 1 1 1 $2.95 i ..$3.95 yT j j ..$3.95 : ' H45 :! mm t ) ) SI,, t"l!7 .v J M 1, tr 7J I I -Z M. ' a a NEW POTATOES, 10 pounds 25c Another new Low Price. You'll be pleased with the fine quality of these fresh clean smooth potatoes. NEW PEAS, 6 pounds . ; . . 25c A startling price, isn't It the lowest we have heard. Doubly interesting, too, when you already know the crisp freshness of Simpson's vegetables. Peas that are tender and flavory Sweet as Sugar. FRESH Asparagus, 2 large bunches... 19c Fancy, tender, green Spearsfrom a fresh new cut ting serve creamed or with new potatoes and peas. FRESH TOMATOES, 2 pounds 25c Fancy red ripe tomatoes at a new low price . SSBSSBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSMS1 aieaaasaBSSBMBBBBBSSSSSHBSBBnBSBBBBSBBBBSSSSSBBBBBBSBSSaaaSS Gerber's Strained Vegetables We carry a full line of this specially prepared food for infants and special diets Small size cans oz.) 2 for . 25c Special prices the Dozen lots Straight or assorted - Queen Ann Hard Wheat An unusually fine, high grade hard wheat flour of the highest quality. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed in every sack 9-lb, Sack : . ; 49c 24 lb. Sack 95c 49 lb. Sack $1.69 Golden Valley Flour A special blended flour for cakes, pies and all pastries 49 lb.' Sack $1.29 fill riim Best Cane SUGAR 10 Pounds . 49c 100 Pounds , $4g Best Grade Powdered SUGAR " O Pounds 25c Hills Bros. COFFEE Per Lb. . 39C : Golden West COFFEE Per.Lb.t I39C M.J.B. COFFEE Per Lb 39c .... Memorie Blend COFFEE Per Lb. 39c Oregon Full Cream CHEESE C Pounds . 39c Waldorf Toilet TISSUE J5 Rons - 39c 12 Rolls : 69c Sll OJUl ecn Formerly Henry's Markets Our o 4ti of Jllj tor Thursday & Saturday Boiling ...... Roast All Steaks 16c ny2 to 20c Stew, 3 lbs. for .. Roasts! Chops . ......... 25c .... 12 eal Stew Roasts and Chops ........... 12c 172to20c Bacon Strips":.:..... Heavy and Light Eastern Bacon 18c ...25c Nice, Heavy Springers ... 30a j .Look over our other Bargains in Quality Meats and v: r -.'r. V .; ; 7 Luncheon McaU.vJ; :'"r ; r . . aaaa s s naa s s m " mm 170 N. Com! FOIUIEULY IIENRrS MARKETS - 25i N. Com! .Telephone 5G3 TeL 1657 telephone 30S 125 No, Commercial Street - . , I - " " 1 -