- I. I-1 'te- if IS 11 Iff f PAGE TWO SJLffiPW TOCELEBHATE Old Fashioned Fourth Will Be Revived Here; Two Days Scheduled It has been a loss time since Salem had a rousing old fashion ed Fourth of July celehration, but one is promised for this year to be held at the state fair grounds. There will be two days of It, Friday and Saturday, Jnly 4 and 8. "Biddy" Bishop, who has just retired as commander of tie American Legion, Is the gen eralissimo of the celebration and those who know Biddy know that he puts through any entertain ment program that he under takes. The Salem celebration Is plan feed to give recreation and enter tainment to the people of Salem and uiTOundlng territory. It is ' home celebration for home folks and the price has been""put within reach of the man with a dozen in the family. Races Feature Entertainment . Featured la the entertainment will" be horse race with many of trie best horsea booked to start. As this Is an off-date It has been possible to obtain many of the same horses that come later in the fall for the state fair. In ad dition there will be motorcycle- races; carnival attractions, a "jitney" dance. Airplane stunts In front of the grandstand are billed. At night there will be- flre woVs including some novel pieces of rare quality. Bishop says the one admission at the gate admits the people to the grandstand and everywhere else except the concessions of the car nival attractions. There is plenty of free parking space and picnic grounds are free. POPE RAISES FIVE 'ATICAN CITY. June 30 fliP) Pope Pius today brought tor a close- his sacerdotal Jubilee with a round of activities which included the raising of five men to the cardinalate, a denial of the church's responsibility for disturb ances in Malta and denunciation if proselyting activities In Rome. His holiness held a secret con- sistory at which three Italians, A j French prelate and a Brazilian re- ceived the high rank of a prinas t of the church. The non-Italians were Arch bishop Da SHveira Cintra, Rio Janeiro, and Bishop Lienart, Lille France. The Italians were Mgr. Marchetti-SelTaggiani, secretary of the congre&gion for the' propaga tion of the faith, former papal auditor at Washington; Mgr. Raf- faelo Rossi, assessor of the con- Ftstorlal congregation and Mgr. gerafinl, secretary of the congre gation of the counell. Ooenlne of bids for a new bridge on North Commercial street appears to be the most im portant business to come befove the: city council next Monday night- Bids will be closed Jury 7, Several councilmen estimate the Bridge will cost about $17,000. Alderman W. H. Dancy Bald Tuesday that he would favor that the bridge be built on force ac count, rather than under contract. to assure townspeople that only local men would be employed. Sale of SSO.opO'in bridge bonds was recently made by the council XI M . . J J ana me xxorta commercial unasa is the first to be constructed un der this bond issue. Wife Wedding Six imes, Latest Hubby Declares When C. M. Addington declar ed his former wife had been mar ried no less than six times ia the Last IS years, and that several of the ceremonies were literal due to insufficient time elapsing between the dlvoree of the wife and her remarriage. Justice 2ra cier Small became somewhat saa picious of the complaint Mrs. Ad dington made against her former spouse and took Addington's case under consideration. He waa brought into oart Tuesday charged with non-support of two minor children. Ad dington declared he waa willing to help the children at the rate of $10 a month but said he had been sick and out of work and waa tn no condition to assist them. GuyR.Heislar Service Today; 1 Here 24 Years Guy R. Heislar, a resident of Salem for the past 24 years, died at the residence at-48 North 18th afreet Tuesday afternoon after a lingering BLness. He was 48 years old. ' ' ' 'ketslar was7 nnmarried and made his home with an aunt, Mrs.' ' lEmma Rodgers. Be came here with his Barents from Nebraska about 2 years ago and has made eta home here since mat time, bis father died 11 years ago, while his mother died last December, f - Funeral services will be held Wadneadar afternoon, at 1:80 ei'dock from "the W. T. Rigdon : ' and Son chapel and Interment will 1H Molts GOUNCILTQ OPEfJ DIE BIDS SHI r -r- be at York. Nebraska, tha former The Call Board By OLIVE M. DOAK HOLLYWOOD Today -Hit the Deck." Jack Oakle. Friday "Trigger Tricks," Hoot Gibson. THE GRAND Today "Love, Lire and Laugh," George Jessel. Friday "The Fighting; Le- gion Ken Maynard. v POX KLSDfOBJ? Today ''With Byrd at the South Pole." BLIGH'S CAPITOL Today "Her Unbcrn Child.- Thursday "Mammy" with Al Jotoon. .WASHINGTON, July 1 (AP) Less than two weeks after enactment of the new tariff law the senate today added sugar and pig iron to the score of commodi ties it has asked the tariff com mission to Investigate nnder the flexible provisions to determine whether the rates actually equal ize differences in production costs here and abroad. Senator Copeland, democrat, New York, proposed a resolution to direct the, inquiry into the new duty on Cuban raw sagar. It was adopted althont debate after ap proval had been given an amend ment by Senator Reed, republican, Pennsylvania, adding pig iron for investigation. The duty on Cuban raw sugar was raised from 1.78 to 2 cents by the new law. That on pis; Iron was left unchanged at I1.2S a ton, Senator Reed losing an amendment to raise it to $1.50. the duty recommended by the fi nance committee. Under the resolution the com mission would report its findings as early as practicable. IE AT MILL COT ICED Death Tuesday of Mrs. Sarah Brown of Mill City following a two weeks' illness of smallpox, called Dr. Vernon A. Douglas. county health officer, there to make investigations. Dr. Douglas reported upon his return here that Mra. Brown lived on the Linn county aide of the town and that no doctor had been called In tfce cases. Two other cases of sickness are suspected to be smallpox, the husband of Mrs. Brown being sick and the mother in another family, relative to the Browns, having been 111 the past two days. Neither of these patient has broken out with the rash. yet. Two children in the Brown family. show no symptoms of the- disease. Contact will be followed in the cases this morning, the health of ficer to return to Mill City tor that purpose. Dr. Douglas said last night, he did not believe an epidemic would break out there, aa. most of the children were vaccinated several years ago when a number of cases were discovered. Anti-Cigarette Petition Here Held Sufficient Completed petitions for the pro posed Initiative measure prohib iting the manufacture, sale, pos session or giving away of cigar l ettes in Oregon, were accented by the secretary of state here Tues- I . day. The netltions were filed a week ago. The petitions contain the names of 18,112 voters. The measure will be referred to the voters at the November election. The measure is being sponsored by the Anti-Cigarette league of Oregon. Portland 1WTE III MO SM DUTIES SMALLPOX CAS over July Tickets or Sale Joly 2-3-4Hetura limit JIj 7 . Sbnilar Bedociions to other points. . Foil Information from J. M. Ri tents Ticket Arent To The KMVMl Employment Situation Here Improved; Over 2000 Busy on Fruit Marked relief In the nuemploy raeat altnatioa was nteed In Sa lem this week when local can neries were able to put en larg er crews. More than 100 people are- employed in trait naeklns lit Salem at the present time, accord ing" to a surrey made Taenday- local canneries and trait packing plants. Probably all el the -women who want work in the fruit have found employment -this week bnt many men are still seeking work. The cherries coming tri now are better than they were last week, according to W. O. Allen, man ager of Hunt Brothers. Bfost of Cherries Vow Sold, Report Several local canneries have re ported that they are following the lead of Hunt Brothers and buy ing cherries at five cents. Practic ally all growers who have market able cherries have1 sold them. The loganberry crop Is turning oat much better than was at first expected. The berries are of large size and excellent quality. Tneie will be a larger crop than had been hoped for. Although many vines were winter killed the large berries have served to In crease the expected tonnage. Cherrians Asked To Take Part in Road Dedication Salem Cherrians are being ask ed to represent this city In the Bahnon river cutoff road opening and celebration July 19. The gathering Is to b held at Valley unction, near Grand Ronde, on the east end of the new road which forms tha most direct route to connect the Willamette valley with the Roosevelt high way. Letters seat by King Blng BliU- man today to ail unerrians ass them to participate in the open ing ceremonies. POLLYWOOD .25c Today and Thursday TONIGHT IS RADIO NIGHT BRING YOUR TICKETS WONDER STAR IN A WONDER SHOW JACK OAKIE as s . fLgnttng, wisecracking tar in the musical wonder OJaw was. .GSLT with . POLLY WAJJHEB Also Talking Comedy- and Pathe Sound Reriew and Return by 4th OREGON STATESMAIC-Sjfenu ;t- Oregon, Wednesday OldDobbin Takes One On the Chin The horse takes another blow from the motoring public, with announcement by County Road master Johnson yestarday- that narrow strips . pavement oa number of tha county reads viS be widened an fast aa ia conven ient. These narrow strips, found oa a humber of hilly roads, were left when tha pavement was laid in deference to Old Dobbin, who eeold tnrrel np and down a wet or frosty hin better with a grav el footing. Now, as horses grow fewer and fewer, the connty road master lias been forced te ineline his ear more and mora to growing , de mands of the motorist that these narrow places be Widened to the regular site. The first work of this nature will be done on the penitentiary road. GRAND WED. - THUBS. Comedy - News MXLM. Act Smokers: Gaotos c Test this for yourself: Veltot Smoking Tobacco is different different in aroma, different in flavor. It is an all 'round tobacco for pipe and cig- nrcttt -note the cut; just right' for rolling, i f Say what roa please, there is notnmgthatinelloTTskaf tobacco Eke Vgangitj wooden cask for two years or more. If you roll your own, you'll find in erery tin of Velvct tho rmkings of about SO of the bestdgarettes you ever smoked. Velvct tobacco is made and cot Jtrst exactly right for rolling. If you pref er to smoke a pipe, then here's a tobacco that hits the mark. . Test it out for yourself! LaxartaMYizsTosicoopa, OFHceisncn 03 LIEEkSES H Sheriffs, traffic operatives and an other neiee officers tn Oregon will begin checking up today on motor vehicle owners who hare Mt as4id tor the- entreat year license and drlva their machine on the statt highways. This was announced at the state depart- went here Tuesday. Telegrams wax aeat to all sher iffa Honday by Secretary of. State cn i. t c. r i c: r L r i Last , Tisaesf - --'""r I TODAY I' 11 " ' ' " SJ "HEQ UWDOnN CHBLD TREMENDOrS Df THEHB AND POWER Offeaslvo to bkmw, a load.e pteaewre for all, and a mor al aa big aa all mt-doors. Beconanended for every Fath er, Mother, Boy and Girl over 1ft, FBAKK BXJGH PRESEXT8 OREGON PREMIER SHOWING (TOMORROW) PRIDAT, SATURDAY 1 m m . w m j A Joyous, Jol- noon JubDe. J I JnkM. III! r"V 1 j and Jollity. J wlA VW ; Berlin Al's-Xalking - Al's Slngii Al'a Tghtng I JIsIdEITlIl Ihe tobacco in Velvet is aged in wooden casks for 1 over two years. . that's why it's so Morning; July 2. 1930 - - - - ---- ; ' " gisa " Blosa suggesting that persona driv ing motor vehicles not equipped with arremt Ucenae plates after July 1. t considered as riolattac the state. traffic cede and subject to arrest. Tuesday's mall at tha motor ve hicle department was the heaviest for the year, and a long line of applicants waa ia evidence, until late afternoon. More than 18. 004 seta o license platan were is sued Monday at the three Ore son offices. - Many motorists apparently were of the optnloa that they would be allowed to operate -thetr cars, with old slates until after Jry. Last Time TODAY to Blacjiface in a Blasterpiooe of Slinst relay. Irvtng Songs. MYov Alnt Seen Noth tn So Funny I VJ 2full if JNS. j OUNCES IN THE In a pipe: It hits the mark Mining Company Willi Intervene In Rate Hearing The Eastern Oregon Mining as- eeciatioav -with headoartera : xn Baker. Tuesday filed a petition fj TODAY ly W THURSDAY -rj 13 MCSVSW Hi OS II ! & LN, A Daring i i If tsm MUW i M ctthpsovm poms TALKING town smen NO ONE SHOULD NEGLECT THE OPPORTUNITY OF WITNESSING THIS RE MARK ABLE ACHIEVEMENT a cigarette: Just exactly aaJrinst" tn ttunuo service w" rL..iad hw ths Orogoa-Wash- T-Zi-Z: niiroad , Jk WaTlraUOSi comoaay and: U Oregosr Short tta line of railroad between wnmestead and.Robinette. The hearing, case one v-l a .will ' - OndUCted ; by . tOS) interstate tommerea eoamlsslen. A Daring AdTenture Brought Right Before Your Eyes and Ears!!! 11 - ' Aatfuntic Pictmn ct th Fliekt OrtrCnJ. Screen Vodril Metro tone News right home. - f N eaywi!awH.Jt