-CnrGC:i CTATTX IAN? akOrt?oa; Car iay ' Jcsa 23, 1933 PAGCNINn il DOES IlLIMili CChsries May Be ' Damaged iCtt Hay and erain Betv terf or Showers tSr - RICKBT, Jnri; 21 Cirfcile the nut. amount of daagev done to V eherrles by the rn eanaoe yefa j t told j the ttmt afraid - If ft tfCQBCiaiiM the eherrles will be & 'At tout tossBOma ndthbortflg-com-f - tmunitjjhave already lost their -eat cherry crop. - - farmer veliaUd bis loss at $0t. i TTho creater part of the clover :Jhy -1 ;ent and what la In the 5 honk will probably hare to 4 be pread out again. "v i (Little damage has been done tto' the retch .hay by the. rain as ;U - greater part of H is stilt 'standing and unless- hard wind ?ttftmld blow with, the rain and ' eanse the i vetch .to fall over the Teteh hay wlU be benefited..! ,"f tH- Ifartia end .M. Wells We ,au j. exceptionally " fine ' field of rreteh hay on the D. i, Harris farm. This field was land plas ' tercd thls sprlngV' ' Both . Martin andr;. Wells hare dairy eows and win use their hay fferttheir herds.' J - ; D. A. Harris also has a email ? field of vetch near his house 'that; be used for; sheep pasture '- this spring that , is almost or all . . as n average jnan and as thick as it can stsnd7 "The rain has been beneficial to -the j grain, corn, potatoes and lo 1 saaeerrles. - .'' ' - 1 :Logaaberry picking has started and .a fair yield is expected- on the majority of the yards but in - iat yards only a small crop will re tfcarrested as the Tine were '1 badly damaged' by the- hard cfreetes hurt winter. Ilonmouth Wants Widened - MONMOUTH. July 2 aMayor "H. T. Morlan and City Recorder Paul JTaeheron, empowered by the engineering department of the state highway commission, hare been securing this week from land owners along the west .aide high way i immediately nortbiof Mon : mouth a right or way "extending between the etty limits nd Clow earner, some three miles, to In rreeae the width of the 'roadbed -heve so many unfortunate aeei dents hare occurred in recent yeast ' ?-.'.' .;-5t?j'ifrf- Ttae payed surface win be wld . nefi, and It Is planned to elimin ate soma 'of the additional road tUcsBPT by ditching only oneide of rtae track, JMrt will bo used from the newly purchased right of wars, to be -used as 'filler in -rhSeaing the grade. Grading will te ffone by contract, and the "ma c&am and oiling by , the highway tarae proper, s j . i - 5 eTTATTOti. June . - is-T" w o j fiisytoa girls, Mies Loreba QuiU ,liot and MIm Lucille Caspell were memjjers ot the graduating .class f R. Vincent's school of nursing;' - at Portland. The graduation ex erdbes were held In the new f 373,009 building of the school of , nursing, at 8 p. m. on Wednesday peering.: Their many friends Vfeese hop forthe bestfprrthem la xbeir chosen profession: r ; - t.- impro -':-W W WV.-'iM-(Wi -- aW yea by useoi eralizer Fbrag Crops ntPoHr(iinty - .By LILLIAN F." BILTKU '' DALLAS. Jene fS. That tn ereased . yields i can secured from . forage, crops by the appUr cation of super phoepfiate. Urn phesp-kate. ltmerock- a d poultry maaur -lias been sue eessfuny r dem enstrated by at least thre Polk county farmers. . Glen De Ha- irenp omltry raaaand fruit man, : ast east of Dallas has .doubled a d t-c ebted the yielda.-of retch At the piesent time there are two or three striking demonstrations of these effects to be obserred on Mr. De Heron's plaeep ' : v Alfalfa is growing successfully on hill ground where -manure and llmerock have beea used. Com mon Tetch is making 'extra -fine growth where the-poultry, manure iy - 4. SlUHieK INITIllES SIXTEEN 8ILVERTON. June 28 Six teen new members were initiated into Silrertbn Grange here last night at an Impressive ceremony. A special sesston wss called ear ly In the erening when the first and second degrees were confer red. At S o'clock the regular ses sion was called and the degree team from North- Howeir confer red" the third and fourth degrees. Following the Initiation. cere mony an elaborate banquet was seryed and a social hour enjoyed. 8pecial Tialtors for the evening were L. S. Lambert of Stayton, master of Marion county Pomona. Grange and Mrs. Lambert and Mr. and Mrs. Tyler of Monitor. Stayton to Have New. Grocery STAYTON', June . 28 Charles Gehlen announces that he will put in stock of groceries and meat market in his building recently vacated by the Associated store. The building will be remodeled and rearranged and he will eon duct his business on a cash, basis. He does not plan to give delivery service. Mr. Gehlen who has long been la" business In Stayton has been carrying, stock. of dry goods in this same, building with the Asso ciated store. It is said the store will be ready to serve the public Monday. : Cherry Picking un ati LtWrty was applied three year ago.' Be side these fields are sections that did net recelv sueir snnUcatlona. rrhe alfalfa is weak and colorless wacra manure ana junerocs: was hot.appUedV The ,TStelL aa. al most entirely silled est last win ter or Is ery: spindly where lime and manure was net applied The lupar-phosphsia, added tr the poultry manor, while- it Is still on the dropping boards. Ur. Da Ha resf considers this and the general use nf llmerock " mosey mak er for nli.rilTandV- -y- :- ' Another farmer that has found ltmerock fnereasej the 'yield of alfalfa.' Is A.-E. SaeketCwho'Tias a . place located between Dallas Htnd Falla -Cityw Llmerock 'Was ap- puea at rue- rate- 01154 per acre. The difference In color and growth of the field on which, llme rock was applied -and that .n which it was not.' used - Is ; very noticeable Mr. Saekett also experi mented with the Ladak strain of alfalfa , seed; supposed to be. for high dry land. No difference could be noted . between It and - the Grimm, variety, la fact the latter has the most ..favorable ...appear anea, .- -a An application of tO pounds ot land plaster per acre to his alf alfa, was found to be very suc eessfurby S. H. Barker, pioneer farmer of the Zena community. He has Just finished his first cut ting which run oyer two tons to the acre. For those farmers who are able to Irrigate their plaees, Mr. Beck has made a model of an Irrigation gate, which is used in diverting water onto the nearby fields. It is -similar to those used in cen tral Oregon. The cost Is very lit tle, about 7S cents per gate, and requires about II board feet' of lumber to construct. The model may be seen at the office of the county agent In Dallas. ENJOY MOTOR TRIP OAK GROVE. June 28 Mr. and Mrs.. R. Solberg returned Thursday from their vacation. They ' motored through . western Washington into British Colum bia and back through Idaho and eastern Oregon. The trip was de lightful and was enjoyed very much but Mr. Solberg Is glad to be back at his store. 1 -. Y XIBEHTT. Jane 28 The"-fruit growers ot this community are busy- harvestings their crops. The strawberry crop -being 'almost fin ished nd in most yards the lo ganberry - picking started , last week and the Royal Ann cherry harvest will start this week. The rain of last week did not damage the Royal Anns - id any extent - but the -Bings are quite badly damaged. v , Crof Word Puzzle ByUGENE SHEFFEK " " v - TTn-mn ma WiT 52 TT" 55" . HORIZONTAL 1 IS male sheep ' VERTICAL 10 achieved' rivtrJ&l town in 40 religjeos 1 impassible "lgiloeeiar ' ;,"- south eremony ''; 2 prefix: fc.T-'v -- 1 Greece, rival ef "Athena ' a 1 mum .fcl female enuoren artiela 42 notlemaa's 41 preen re ' 4 S near - iJUelengias; i4--rie; (proceed j. bonds ef i, assedatiesi SO euads mg f - . mum 12-verjeyeeL: -: plural mm . .. wiiiii 1 girl's nam ated 4 native of a It Urge hole , Turkey . 201ubrieat HfE V 21-4ead " l" mritt. a feel T Hawaiian J molitem. -r wreaths 2T recret a- rnn ruih rn f:f s ins DTK llurt I ilUltltl Dim . MOXMODTH, Jane 28. Mr. and Mrs. T. - Lyman Meador ot. Prairie City are guests of Mon mouth friands this week while on their annual vacation. Mr. Men-: dor, -.who was - formerly : athletic coach ef th Normal school, has been dty superiniendentjof school at Prairie. City for the past two years, and lua been re-elected for the coming ' year .at -an ' Increase in salary That locality is also big boyhood home, and he baa super visory ehargd of 2vl0d acre eatt tie branch owned br hi father. .Mrs. Meador was thi inspiration Wednesday afternoon for a bridge party or.whieh-3frs.'Bvr. Butler was hostess at her attractive home on Broad street In addition to the guest of nonor, those present were Mrs. -Sadie Smith, Mrs,' Homer Dodds, Mrs. Mina Cornelius, Mrs. D. R. Bidden. Mrs. Trad Hill, Mrs. James Gentle and Mrs. Butler. Seasonal refreshments were serr ied after the playing. O- r., ; o Rosedale 1 was spent in tying a comforter for 1 lady in Portland.,-:.. . .,- On of the heirs ef the Bruner estate was her from Portland re cently, looking over the place. Mr. and Mrs. Bruner lived here ewer 29 years ago, .-. jt -.,-- ' , . . ... Ormat Trick Is nf Astoria thJa week atttadtng j-tha. Methodist eonlereac. ' ' - - I O- CEL Ff.l . JlONMOUTH. June 28.-- Ore gon formal, sehjoolf faculty mem left wltl. their families, number ing in Viaboat e. met at Helm fck park, south M town for a plc nie,WedAesdfy after the dose of school; Baaeball and" swimming of fered recreational activity jrhile a cafeteria supper was being : ar ranged on long tables;" a This was " the; first out-of-door function' enjoyed by the faculty this- season, and was ably captain-' ed by the efforts. of Dn A. S. Jen sen,- - tOSEDALS.'Juae 28 -Mr.. Rice is visiting her daugheers in TamhlU f or a f ew days. Mr. and Mrs. C. Bosell of Port land visited at the E. B. Stroud home Sunday. J. D. Alexander recently made a trip to California. He returned Saturday accompanied by - his daughter. Marjorle, who has been teaching in -a high school near Palo Alto. She is now attending summer school at O. S. C. .' Mrs. Ed Whelan la at the horn ot her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Smith, convalescing from an oper ation performed at the St. Vin-T u mor 'or less of an expert cents hospital, Portland a tew I ment but he beUevee it wlU be 'weeks ago. success, Henry Palmer and son DeLois from Santa, Barbara, California, are spending some time visiting and looking after business inter ests here. Mr. and Mrs. Culbertson, who have spent the winter at Madeira, California, are again living on their ranch here. The ladles missionary society .met with Mrs. J. D. Alexander Wednesday afternoon. The time At Perrydale PSRRTDALir. June 28 Its a busy time on the farmer is cat ting or hauling hay. The hay crop is verygood in this location this season. The main crop being har vested at this time is cloven Later the veatca hay will be ready. There is some alfalfa here too.'- "Ji -vlJCiCampbell and John Rob tlrOoth hare nice fields of sl faUaMr. Campbell has field of aiUU he U Irrigating. He has a diztf ! Salt Creek and an elec- Uielstotur he uses for pumping. -GRANGE PLANS PARTIES STAYTON, June- 28 Stayton grange has decided to hold so cial meeting nights on the first "Saturday in each month and as a consequence grangers and their friends are looking forward to Saturday July 5. for the first one of the series of these social meet ings. There will be cards, other games, dancing and lunch. FEBE BEAUTY i STAYTON, June' " 28 Things are moving ahead in fine shape for the "Most beautiful" girl con test, sponsored by - the Stayton Liens club, -i On Thursday" eren tagJaly S. the two most beau tiful girls of the upper Saatiam country .will be chosen by secret ballot at an old time dance at Mebama. . . " - -. - VOn Friday erenlng, July i 4 thi two most beautiful girls from the Scio community will beehosen at a 'dance to, be given, at the hall thersu. This Is to be caraival dance "with the Tumble Ian ort chBstra tarnishing the music. 1 On July 12 the four girls voted the prettiest at 'the above named 'dances will come to Stayton where they will compete with candidates from other sections' of the valley and the winner here' will go to Jantxen beach "to compete in the pageant": f : pulchritude being staged there on July IT. ... Any single ' girl between the ages of it. and 2S is eligible to enter the, contest which is being sponsored by the Lions and who pay the expenses of the winner, o : . o I o- FOMEEK.GOOD Jefferson JEFFERSON, June 28 Gerald Phelps returned from Camp Clat sop ; Wedaesdsy afternoon, and took the evening train tor Med tord, where he will Join the high way crew, who are doing the patchwork on the road, getting ready tor the non-skid euTface. They are working from Medford toward Eugene now. . Mrs. C. M. Smith and daughters Luclle and Jean, -and Mrs. Fred Wled are spending the week In Medford, tbesgmest ot Mrs. Wied's sister. Mrs. Laura West. Rev. A. W. Oliver motored to Dalles Thursday to attend the fun eral services tor Rev. M. J. Bal lantyne. Mrs. J. H. Roland of Salem was In Jefferson, looking after busi ness interests. - Mrs. J. O. Van Winkle and son Richard and Anita Cooper were dinner guests of Glenn Russel meat in Albany Tuesday. Dr. J. O- Van Winkle reports the following blrthst'to Mr. and Mrs. j E. v. Oakley, . Jefferson, a seven pound, daughter, named Betty Luclle, June.SC; to Mr. and Mrs. A. Hayes at their home near the Marion road on June 2C, a 10 pound daughter. - OAK: GROVK, vJen J 8 Kail Stevens has fine field of spring sown alfalf aThe field was seeded shout April lOtad has grown to about 15 Inches nigh now. Mr. Stevens is very enthusiastic about alfalfa for a forage crop for his eows and pigs. r" Rowland and son hare been busy ( filling their silos this week with 'oats and reatch for summer feeding of their dairy herd. Mr. Rowland also uses clover as a silage crop. The oats and reatch and other hay eropsv are rery 'heary this year owing to the cool, damp spring. ; Monmouth Hears Ot State Grange MONMOUTH. June 28. Worthy Master W. J. Stockholm was the principal speaker Satur day at the June meeting of Mon mouth grange, and gave an Inter esting resume of his recent attend ance at the state grange conven tion at Redmond. The ' grange convention was more than ordinarily well attend ed, and many delightful features of enjoyment were arranged for the pleasures of the guests by the Redmond faction, including a pic nic attended by more than 500 persons at the headwaters of the Metolios river. Competitive drills were held out-of-doors; the .audi ence being seated in the fair grounds grandstand, and number ing fully 8,000. WESTERVILLE. Ohio (AP) The old Stoner House, in which Benjamin R. Hamby wrote "Darl ing Nellie Gray," is still in use here. It houses offices of the Antl- and Hettie Gordon, at their apart- Saloon league. iTsiasKC r MONITOR. Jun 28. Those from Monitor attending the to' anion or the deceudants of Abner and Elizabeth Shanks la Salem last Sunday were Mr.! and lara. Ingval Edland ,Md little daugh ter Aloha Lee,'-Mrs. .' Elisabeth Hosier, Mrs. . Janl Christenson, : William Hosier. Elwyn Chris tman, Clifford Dimlcki Mr and Mrs. V. G. Calvin. Mr. and aim. L. IX Len on, Mrs. L. B. Dimlck. Mr. and Mrs. Paal-Burdert, Charles Mo- , Kee. Misses seml-Dimlck; Waivo Leoon. Hasel DlmJck and Edythe Calvin. vt - , Mrs. Sirilda Shanks aid Mr, Anna Shanks Longmtre of Naches,: Washiagtoa, who were here to at tend th Shanks reunion. In Sa lem, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. V. G. Calvin Tuesday night. .--c -Vv; raHoeiFE cmeoEsinDiTcii PERRYDALE. June 28 The road work In this district Is pro gressing rapidly. At MltcbeU cor ner it is graded and graveled and Is now a safe and good looking corner. Wednesday a gravel, truck aad a ear seemed to have great diffi culty in getting by each other. Finally the car took to the ditch. " When the road was. narrow aad -sharp turn there had never bee an accident o -o - I North Santiam -o NORTH 8ANTIAM, June IS. Opal Tripp with her brother Otto, of Astoria, left Thursday tor California where they will spend several weeks visiting relatives. Harold Parker of Newberg, spent the past week at the horn of his ancle, F.J. Parker: E. Friesen had the misfortune to injure his toot quite badly thi : week. '' MICKEY MOUSE A "Stake," WeH Done By IWERKS V-ewCC 13. f XI ut o rt on Vl u-x. um mop too rn5 mSf S'-M YTt. A AWvTf-Pw vow cvto mead or A " 5 - "POLLY AND HER PALS Unmatched Confidence - - RR6-WORKS. GERTRUDE? jl T3 H6R UttWORKS, THAT IKAkJTV AiARMiST. SAMUEL. CARTfe 6LAWCHe;i ptf&OrJAltf t HAVE TO BLOW HtK'V UTMOST COJPDBJC6 h-tww U IDlSCRcrTlOW.' - - f WAL, APTTER ALL CH ILTD, KI0T THAnK HE:AV6iS By CUFF STERRETT 3.: WR6 UtTEr AWAR& OP-that fact Samuzl. AJ-b JUST AS thakkPll r ASSURE" (mi LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY A Sad Parting By BEN BATSFORD THC coucj has ordered SEJJT To TWE.O?PHAAlACE. t AOV - i liWiifUJ. tUCKY? HAS COT THE PlWESr 4J' OCPftHC Wl TtflS STATfe AKIDS MfoHTV lUCfCM TO CET SEAiT. THERE. - OP CDUBSfc . THE POUT ALL.CXU DOCS IAJ THE ORPWAAlAG& SO TWEED'S AJO HARM (AJ VOU VOG i SAWXJ6 PAZBUJ&JL RLE4SB? A To WM - cm 1 PLEASE 'ft AaT CoUHA SftCCntrt JUST A SPOAJGE.- VOO CAATT OCOUAJ IT-AV "TWf MORE M3U JWOISTEAJ IT. THE AAOkE it SWkLU r TOOTS AND CASPER A Snaky . Witness By JIMMY MURPHY 't v - er wniem :. Jl f eminla , . w ; -. : . pronoun' , rcri the eya-- i.;Sv 24 fatten :Sv??4 decliae f J --za 1 restrain, -v : f 2 1 4estineAii - :tf rait con- - e -1 - - sistinr of kernel an4 . : ? ' shell ' . ." ' jgaamll rut -Jt oak 34 prohibit JT Tnoldini " .. ; fcavinf; r : .- eection aw" lonfS ..- curve : 28-k.bby ex ena . HrwUh Is the sohitioa U Sat- !?-fe5?Mlj rday's JLit!Sfr ? e-w'''i :.oi-i?v',Vanarn!- c pnssiHiiiiiTi'en. n 1 i MV1 .'.t-r'v f one'--"-' " 41 medieval r, ''rA steel . - v -,war elub i-peUUo - At eeryalent ? 1- II . tr ilila XjAUfT. 'cmtjCl '.llvlabritJ y0;KiSHtlr3 H QLlVI taneUef Ae . - . ... ... .v -i-. . -, seals ; rvB rOTra. - - -THE IDEA KT AUL wHATW I SUPPOSED W . a. V9 . A. .iJt i I X .Laa-.H TTELL TWsTPUTM. " - a tea. siawsT a a ekk . -A PRETTY HAPTTVMr? Vol r I SyaSfaaa km. Cir- olp Trial yEt be at; tomorrow thsw 5HOUU HAVE40bs? . IT rfWaJSMT PORTVWCT V ' IP 1 WDMT HOM UP ' 1 1 II . a - rts run XAJr enr- 7- I OFCtXJPT4T0OT3 17 tQ (-KSVa-?S-.l A f, CAJEEP TOMI6KT IF TM T . NERVOU9 ATTWa TRIAL, 1 AM RiaKT NCxeV ... THE OUlxSrE rVOMT WMOW vVMOd : CLAH0T OR ME.! v L if. uai e i6 cuavrV n ? I AM TWELLHAVC TO CARRY HIM NTO THS COURT i ROOM MATfcS rr PbllkRTAKSA DOTTTUS CF5KU. !Ni .HALTS' ALOWx ,VTTH MS 1M CASE PAJrCT;