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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (June 28, 1930)
PAG" TEN Tta CTGCn CTATgrlAI?. Catea. OreaL Satenlay Horsis-. June 3. A ThePaintingWasDoneby 1 Your Resident Painter Telephone 2031-W Patronize Him and You Patronize Salem Yes Surf (3M3KT TCJ7 A HT) Tr rvTo) Throughout Furnished by Salem Hardware Exclusive Agents in Salem Whoelsalers - Retailers - Contractors 171 S. Com! Pertlind Seattle .' BRANCHES: Phone 3700 Taeona Aberdeen losni PUBLIC lilVITE Rrst.of Us Kirid AIona Pa cifis Highway la Down-; I '-:town Area v? ? T The first completely Jnodene su per servleev station on the. Pacific highway In downtownxSalem wiQ celebrate its opening .today and the management has announced special treats lor visitors daring the day. : - : The 'new .Tesaeo station at Church and Court, operated y Chet Llndley and Ray Nash, veil known in Salem automotive -dr- ele will handle a f nil line of Tex aeo prodneta.aad Kelly tires, com plete anper service in tact, includ lng battery service, ear washing, tire serriee, ! high pressure lubri cation, and gas and oil, la the pro- grant for the new.estabusAmeaw , The proprietors, Llndfey and Nash, bare-been la the; serriee station business In Salem-tor sev eral years. Undley has been here sine 120, and part of that time -has been employed at the Shell Oil company station en Court and Capitol. : Nash -' has - worked at Smith and Watkins and ether sta tions for some time. For visitors daring the day the proprietors hare "tree smokes for the men, free sandy for the la dles, sad tree balloons tor the kiddles." ' CELEBILATES OPENING m r J Artlstle arrangement and buildings f the new Texaco trapes,-" statlosi a Court and Church streets, which has its f today with an Inclusive Invitation to the public to can and Inspect Its unusual attractions. Iindley and Xash are the proprietors. SIEIHSIS TO BE RET DM Frank H. Struble, Salem arch itect, has received architect's com mission to remodel the building on North liberty street now oc cupied by the Roth Grocery com pany and the T; W. C. A. in prep aration tor entry of the Grand Stores, Ine into this territory next spring. It la announced. Struble has drawn plans tor the work and officials of the .New vv jukKM-ra ) inimTed them. be aavs. Soon after the first; of the- year the Both Grocery com pany will vacate tne nuuaing ana active' work begun. Struble , will Issue the call for bids, from his office, it is said. - KTiMindUiire of between S12.000 and 115.000 Is Involved In. the re- modellnsr. which' calls for s new hnUdlnr front, new floor, new wlrlnr and ether features. The Grand Stores. Inc., will occupy the lower floor, while the T. w. C. A. wm eonunue their neaaquar- ten on the secona uoor. fmn Prluee Michael of Ru mania is to become a recruit in the army at the age of nine. KMSIHD 11 p'nnni niinTi liJLUifiuumuin t a sTZTaii- thnt of North Dako- . ' rintr flouffl . taa eonsiT'"ip' - - rsaafer maintained their leads Thursday, as : additional returns were tabulated from yesterday's primary with- the governor -ma-. JOTCU iwr rwiuv . sxceeaing v. .w---; i." turn pmiMtAf ., -.. snblican affair with only one eon- test on tne uemocrauo. wvh , ' mA IntBMMt Itt it SO slight litUe attempt was made to tabulate returns. The battle on the republican ticket was between the Independent Voters' associa tion and the Nonpartisan League,- eacn oaesong a cgnw" Shafers nomination by the In dependents was TirtnaUy assured when 1.147 of the state oreclaeU had given him C8.3S4 votes against 18.S1S for his non partisan opponent, K. H. Brant. - in WO congreui - Sinclair, nonpartisan, and Thomas Hall, independent, all had majori ties. A. C. Townley. once leader of the nonpartisan faction la the state, wss swamped In an attempt ed coraeoacK nuuuns "--In seeking nomination from tne third congressional ""iv" 400 APPLE VARIETIES OTTAWA (AP) More than 400 varieties of apples have been originated at the Canadian govern mental central experiment farm at Ottawa. ; and .HfloIiQGr? Plasterinjjf and Stucco Contractor 1165 Cross St. ' Telephone 2166' Salem's Newest and Most Modern ...... i . . At Court and Church St. $ome and Get Acquainted Free Balloons For the Kiddies Free Smokes For the Men Free Candy For the Ladies Will Feature and -3 Battery Service CarWashing Tire Service High Pressure Lubrication V , TEXACO PRODUCTS --KE1XY TIRES - v G19 Court Street 7' 7 - ( ' -Telephone 3773 XUKuhniAcentforilieTe Telephone 2484-J -OMRS We are proud of our . Part in the Construction of the Lindley and Nash Texaco Station General Contractor United States Bank Building and TEXACO SERVICE STATION Best Wishes for Your Success WE CONGRATULATE - - - . cn Cho odng SPRINGFIELD ? -.'V: v'.V ? -i 7 f-S Aft r-r fllhiifrrxr -; - - - 1 - . UbcdyJatCciiwr, : rr. Telephone IOCS nnmme . . " .. . ... !t ... ... T. . . . , r. 41. VE AUE niDZPEIDEOTTlTlET.IERCHANTS ;; if:. x'sflT'l Pi r