The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 24, 1930, Page 3, Image 3

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    The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday Morning, Jnne 24, 1930.
Woodburn Scene of Annual
Family Gathering on
"WOODBURN. June 23 Mire
than 1ZS members of the 8. W. R.
Jones pioneer family gathered
Sunday at WoodTmrn for the sixth
annual reunion.
Plans for early publication of
a boxk that will detail the record
of the family from earrr olnnti
days were presented by Mra. Grace
Austin or Woodburn, president.
Figures prominent in revolution
ary days were forebears of this
iamiiy that did pioneer dutr in
frontiers from the Atlantic to the
Officers chosen were, Mrs. Aus
tin, president; Mrs. Alma Morgan
of Portland, rice-president; Mrs.
R. B. Jones, secretary; and Mrs.
ayiTia ttrixey, treasurer.
M. 14 Jones of Salem, nnlv an r.
Tiring member of the family of
iweire mat armed in Oregon 77
years ago. made the address of
welcome. He recalled many inter
esting incidents of pioneer times
Response was made by Harold
West of Oakland. Short talks were
made by James Jones, Betty Jones,
PggJ Cannon and Ben Jones.
Young people had charge of the
program that followed. Gertrude
vanuon 01 roruand gave two or
iginal poems and a piano number,
Headings were riven bv Keith
Jones of Brooks and Janice Jones
of Eugene. A dance number was
presented by Patricia Jones of Eu
gene. Short recitations and songs
were given by Winifred Brlaey,
Alma Day and Joanne Tanner
Franklyn Hudson. Don Toombs
Clara Toombs, Dale and Elmer
Jones, Neva Ramp, Laronne Jones
and others. A pageant In mlnia
ture was given in costume by a
aog trained by Greta Harris.
The military record of the fam
lly, which has had representation
in every war from the American
revolution to the recent world
conflict, was read by Elton Jones
of Portland.
Mrs. Scott Jones of Gervais Mid
of family doings for the past year,
Lions' ' Club Sponsors Beauty Contest
" 1
STAYTON. Jnn M s..f.
Lions, who are going to enter a
firl In the Miss Oregon contest at
Jantien beach, bare announced
mai tney are giving a dance in
th3 open air pavilion, July It, to
finance the expenses of entering
a contestant, and that the flnali
will be held on this night at that
Each community, from Turner
to Breitenbush baa been asked to
enter their prettiest girl or glrla.
The girl selected at this dance
goes to Portland where she com
petes with girls from all over Ore
gon for "Miss Oregon." The one
selected as Miss Oregon goes to
Galveston, Texas, where she com
petes for the title "Miss Universe."
Prises, motion picture contracts
and stage offers will be bestowed
upoa the girls who win, down to
the seventh and eighth positions.
Those in charge ef pi affair for
the local Lions dab art Dr. Beau
ehamp, Edward J. Bell and W. A.
Wed die. Any single! girl between
the ages of IS and 21 Is eligible
to enter the contest.!
Mr. and Mrs. WUlard Craven
spent the day Wednesday In Amity
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Dean
Craven. They noted on the trip
there how many tourists were on
the roads, since the warmer days
nave come.
Mrs. M. C. Williams is visiting
her daughter. Mrs. C. E. Tallent
In The Dalles this week.
S. B. Irvine has moved to Sa
lem to remain with his daughter.
Mrs. Elsie Haiina.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Craven are
spending a few days at the Tilla
mook beaches.
Roy Podvent la driving a new
Ford sedan.
Cecil Ruef who has completed
his school work at Parkrose near
Portland, was spending a few days
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
George Ruef.
Mr. and Mrs. Roland Johnson
and children, who have just com
pleted their school work In Taft
are spending some time with Mr.
Johnson's parents at Kings Val
ley. They have both been elected
to teach in Taft for the eoming
Margaret Eddy who has - just
finished her sophomore year In
the Willamette university, is
spending the summer at home,
and is assisting her mother, Mrs.
J. B. "Vlolette in the dry goods
The Gas snd Coke Co. of. Port
land have rented the old post of
fice bailding and will open a dis
play and office room in this
Miss Fay arid Lorene Mort are
attending summer school at the
Oregon State college. They are
driving back and forth each day.
Mrs. E. F. Young of Los An
geles is visiting old friends here.
The Young's at one time lived
here, having a big bop ranch be
tween here and Salem. They
have been living in California for
some time, having a big fruit
ranch there.
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Dawes are
the croud parents of a pound
boy born in the Willamette Sana
torium, Wednesday morning, June
18. Mother and child are doing
Harold Busby accompanied his
vfather, Elmer Busby to Portland,
the first of the week, where he
will work through the summer
Mrs. E. II. Letourney, and
daughter. Mary Ellen, and son
Norman of Knapton, Washington
are spending a few days with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Saund
ers. Ernest Chown of Portland Is
working at the WIggan Richard
son Hop Co. He was a former re
sident of this place.
Atha Fisher of Portland Is
spending some time here visiting
old friends, and will be with. her
grand parents. Mr. and Mrs. ,E. F.
Black of Suver.
AMITY. June 23 Miss Clara
Earns who- has been working at
the Amity Standard office for the
past three years gave up her posi
tion to work at Salem in the can
nery. She Is accompanied by Ar
dyce Burr and Marcille Fox.
Little Gladys Richter will
spend her summer vacation with
her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs.
Rodger Rees at Eugene. Will
Richter took her there Sunday.
Mrs. Will Richter who is in a Sa
lem hospital, is getting along
Miss Marion Umphlette of Lake-
view, is home for the summer va
cation. She plans' on attending the
University of Oregon where she
will get material on some spe
cial school work.
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Woodman
spent the week end in Portland.
Miss Elaine Alderman returned
home with them for a visit.
J. A. Ruble spent the week-end
In Portland with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Newman
transacted business in Portland on
Monday of this week.
Miss Larerne Bowman, former
ly of Ballston, but now of Se
attle, was in town the first of the
week. She is taking a course In
beauty culture. Miss Bowman is a
graduate of Amity high school.
Miss Fay Mack of Stajton vis
ited relatives and her friend. Miss
Mildred Harrison last Sunday.
Mrs. John Cox and children of
Colorado, California, are visiting
at the J. F. Switzer home.
Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Ford and
daughters, Emogene and Cather
ine visited with friends here the
last of last week. They also at
tended the commencement exer
cises of the high school.
Mrs. Hene Emerson and Mrs.
Henry, both of Portland are vis
iting at the L. G. Emerson home.
Mr. and Mrs. Hammond and
daughter of Seattle, and Mrs. Etta
Day visited different coast re
sorts on Tuesday.
Miss Mary Biggs is working in
the Amity Drug store as clerk.
Don Woodman is employed on
the staff of the Amity Standard
parents, are to com for ber San
day. 1
Miss Mildred Haberly spent the
weekend with friends at Jane-
tlon City.
Miss Mabel Tenville has been
a guest for a week at the B. O.
Longsdort honfe. Miss Tenville
is a student at Albany college.
JEFFERSON, June 23 Mr.
and Mrs. George Looney and
Howard Hampton returned Friday
from a fishing trip to Alsea and
Waldport. They cam home with
a ten pound salmon i and a num
ber of salmon trout.;
Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Longcore
and two children of Portland were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Mc-
Kee. Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs.' Frank LllUrd
and daughter Estella, Mrs. Lydia
Hoyt, Mrs. Josephine Looney and
Miss Lou Miller motored to the
highway camp, beyond Silverton,
for a visit with Mr. and Mrs.
Chas. Hoyt. Mr. Hoyt, has employ
ment with the road construction
crew there.
Harry Kessler motored to Port
land Friday morning, returning
the same day with a wrecking car
which will be used at the High
way garage, owned by Fred Bar
ns. !
T. O. Kester returned from
Molalla Saturday, where he spent
the past week at the bedside of
bis brother Sylvan who is serious
ly ill. He reports that his brother
is slightly improved.
Vacations and Week End
Jaunts Occupy Atten
tion Of JUany
DALLAS, June IS Dr. and
Mrs. Penn C. Cmm drove to The
Dalles Sunday. ;where they visited
with ber parents until Tuesday.
Dr. Cram's ather la engaged to
the raising of ftfcnabs for ths mar
Mr. and Mrs. W. 8. Muir accom
panied by A. !B. Muir, went to
Pendleton Monday, for a business
trip of several lays.
Dr. and Mrsjw. L. Pemberton
and son Rexi left Wednesday
morning on. a v vacation trip. A
few days will le spent in Port
land, and part of the time at Sea
side. Later they will go to South
ern Oregon to 00k after business
interests. 1
Mrs. Charles? N. Bilyeu, was in
Portland Tuesday and Wednesday
on matters pertaining to the stats
federation of women's clubs.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Tracy snd
Dr. and Mrs. V. C. Staats. spent
the week end In Prescott as house
guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. 8. Kel
ler, i
Mrs. Erie Fnlgham accompan
ied her sister Hiss June Eller, to
Spokane Friday, where the latter
was married Saturday evening to
Mr. Earl Williams. They will re
side in Spokane.
Dr. A. B. Starbuck and family
were at Pacific City ove. Satur
day, and returned home Sunday,
by way of Astoria and Portland
Dr. Starbuck's; mother who re
ceived a broken hip in a fall last
January Is reported to be falling
gradually. She is confined to her
oea an toe 11 me.
Mrs. J. J. Wick, leaves Sunday,
June 22, on a 'trip to her former
home in Lavlk, Norway, where
she will visit I with relatives of
both herself ajjjd Mr. Wick's. She
expects to remain away until Oc
to 1)6 r
Mr, and Mrs; H. G. Black, Mr.
and Mrs. Maurice Dalton and Dr.
and Mrs. V. CI Staats attended a
meeting at Taft Tuesday evening,
at which plana were discussed for
the celebration! of the opening of
the Salmon rier highway. More
than 100 werej In attendance for
the dinner. 1
Lotted Type ef
TfdefllayJdl to
Enjoy the lilies
Staytoa has
man' or perhaps
A certain Siayton resident
visited the cemetery to see)
how the flantlam Hies,
planted on the family plot
were -dolus;. A wonderful
daan o f Ulles was fowad,
Moosntng tn profnsion. A
day or two later, going back
to the- cemetery to gain
view the UUee, H was foond
that seme one had dag them
aR Bp.
It Is said that these lilies
sbonld never be dag while
In bloom, se tt Is quite like
ly that whoever got them
will not get to enjoy them.
What eonld be said of one
who steals from a grave
would not look well in print.
Etterberg Crop
Below Normal
WACONDA. June 13 The Et
terburg strawberry crop is being
harvested at present and growers
in this section are disappointed in
the sise of the crop.
B. F. Felton's yield this year
will bo much below that of last
year. The berries, he says, are not
so largo and ef such tine quality
as formerly.
Dr. Arne S. Jensen to Head
Group for Coming
MONMOUTH. June 23 Mon
mouth's Lions club members held
their annual election of officers
this week, the following being
chosen: President, Dr. Arne 8.
Jensen; first and second vice
presidents, J. B. .V. Butler and
Fred O'Rourke; secretary, E. C.
Cole; lion tamer, O. C. Christen
sen; tail twister, J. J. Fuller; di
rectors, Ira C. Powell and F. E.
L. B. McClendon, a former
member, who has been away dur
ing the year, was welcomed back,
an Coach Larry Wolfe who has
been in Colorado on a vacation
trip, spoke briefly to the assembl
age on his outing.
and ho is always glad of an oppor
tunity to renew frtendshis In the
community. .
Those who had charge of the
arrangements were Lydia D.
Morse, resident and Francis Kis
er, secretary.
Mr. Bond la the Southern Pa
cific agent at Turner.
JEFFERSON, June 23 Among
those who attended the Browns
ville picnic Thursday were Ches
ter Miller and three children, Mrs.
Charles Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Looney and Mr. and Mrs. James
TURNER. June 23 Mr. and
Mra. H. 8. Bond spent Sunday in
Linn county near Halsey, where
the fifth annual reunion with bas
ket dinner was held by the teach
ers, alumni and friends of the old
Pike school.
The exercises were held In the
grove at the Kiser bridge. Mr.
Bond taught his first school in
the old school house 47 years ago
when he was a very young man.
LIBERTY, June 23 Harlan
Judd narrowly escaped serious in
Jury while returning fro.m his va
cation which he spent with his sis
ter in Vancouver. B. C.
He as traveling on a narrow
detour, Just as he came to the
bridge he met another car. Mr.
Judd's car skidded in loose gravel
and was thrown against the bridge
railing which gave way. letting his
ear fell fifteen feet into four feet
of water.
A wrecker was called and al
though his car is badly damaged
he drove the rest of the way home.
Mr. Judd. although wot badly
hurt, was bruised and had his
hands and wrist cut with the glass
from the windshield. Mr. Judd is
a deputy in the county recorder's
Waconda Homes
Entertain Guests
WACONDA, June 23 Miss
Constance Coffin was the guest of
Miss Lucille Asplnwall Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hunting
ton and daughter Jean of Port
land were recent visitors at the F.
R. Nusom home. Mrs. Huntington
Is a sister of Mrs. Nusom.
TURNER. June 23 Turne
was well represented Saturday
evening at the program and ic
cream social given at the Clover
dale school house. Several of the
young people assisted with the en
tertainment which was given to a
crowded house.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Barnett
drove to Crawfordsville early San
day morning to spend the day
with Mrs. Barnett's parents, Mr.
and Mrsr F. M. Bear.
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Bear and
baby Eunice spent the week-end
in Portland with friends. They
were accompanied by Mrs. Bear's
niece, Rosella, who returned to
her home.
Miss Hazel Boues. who has
been at the home of her parents
for a week, will return Wednes
day to her work, that of nurse at
the Eugene Christian hospital. ,
Miss Bones is the oldest daughter
of Mr.' and Mrs. Jim Bones and
she has been in Eugene wto years
going immediately after ber grad
uation from high school two years
Rev. and Mrs. W. S. Burgoyne
are leaving Tuesday morning for.
Astoria, to be in attendance at
the state Methodist Episcopal con
ference, after which they will
spend a few days at the beaches
before returning home.
Relieves Headache or Kearahrle
in 80 minutes, checks n Cold the
first day, and checks Malaria In
three ' days.
666 also in Tablets
STAYTON. June 23 Mrs. Em
ma Stoper accompanied by her sis
ter, Mrs. Ellen Reynolds of Red
wood, Calif., spent several days
In Portland this week.
Mrs. H. A. Beauchamp visited
with relatives in Portland and
McMinnville the past week.
Harold Richardson, a son of
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Richardson
of Salem, is at the Stayton hospit
al, having undergone an operation
for appendicitis. The Richardsons
were at one time residents of Sil
verton. .
M. E. Wright and family are
here from Placerville, Calif., visit
ing his brothers, Lindsay and Fel
ix. Mr. Wright Is a teacher In the
schools in the California town.
Ed Anderton, Mrs. Anderton
and their three sons were here
this week from Toodles, Wash.,
visiting at the Cliff Stayton and
Felix YanErmen homes and with
other friends. Mr. Anderton
taught school here about nine
years ago.
Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Alexander
are enjoying a new Ford sedan.
E. D. says this is tne time when
he bought himself a father's day
SILVERTON, June; 23 Ed
win Tinglestad of Kent, Wash.,
and Dr. Osoar Tinglestad of Park
land, were Silverton callers here
this week. Mr. Tinglestad, who
was formerly principal of the lo
cal high school, owns a paper at
Kent, and Dr. Tinglestad Is now
presiden tof Pacific Lutheran col
lege at Parkland. !
Miss LIUlan Block office nurse
for Dr. R. E. Klelnsorge, las left
for Grand Forks, N. D. to spend
her vacation. Miss Block ex
pects to be gone about three
weeks, i
The Royal Neighbors club met
at the home of Mrs. R. L. Gour
lie Wednesday.
Lewis Conklln baa secured em
ployment with Skagga-Safeway at
Portland for the summer months.
Conklln makes his home with his
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. M. L.
Gray when he Is at Silverton.
State Christian
Convention to be
Held at Turner
TURNER, Juno 23 Prepara
tions art nearing completion for
the opening of the state Christ
ian convention to be held at the
Turner tabernacle, Saturday even
ing. June 28, at 7:30.
The first big service will be
Sunday morning with Bible school
opening at 9:45, led by W. O.
Mosely of Spokane, followed by
morning worship at 11 o'clock.
The sermon will be delivered by
Rev. George A. Miller of Omaha,
Nebraska. Carman E. Mell of
Medford wfir have charge of the
music. r
Furnace Makers
Plan Convention
SILVERTON, June 23 The
Furnace Manufacturers next con
vention will be held at Olympia,
sometime within the next month,
according to a decision reached
at the convention held here Fri
day evening.
At this time 18 manufacturers
were present. The afternoon was
spent In golf; a business meeting
was held at five o'clock and at
6:30 dinner waa enjoyed at the
country club.
A 1250,000 memorial arch Is to
be erected at the south entrance
of the University of Texas cam
pus in Austin.!
TJBJENT JQOO mile high
JV way run brought out
following facts about Mo
touts, ths new motor oil
for high comrtuioa cats.
1. Watcc coiatumptiea
1442 miles jer quart.
2. Dilution only 1.4.
5. Oil Dm Not Thin. Vis
cosity remained constant.
4. Examination of cylin
ders showed complete
absence efyarboa fom
bf jCWdes. .
3. Oil coasajaiptioa 1214
miles pet gallon... 21d
txtrm mil hArkstkm.
MoToarrx costs only 25c
s quart. Try -at MOW
any Union Station.
Tie Uae AUter Oil for
Hfffc Ceitierses Cars
Tone in Union. Oil Radio Program
every evening 1 between B:SO and
5:45 over Station HEX.
Waldo Rice began work Monday
al the Julius Aim store in Silver
ton, taking the place of Ardis
Egan who is attending school in
The baseball team of the Waldo
Hills met defeat at the hands of
the Pratum Methodists Wednes
day evening, the score being 15
16. The work of painting the inter
ior of the Evergreen school is to
begin at once, also the installa
tion ef electric lights in both
At the Centerview school meet
ing Monday, K. O. Rico was re
elected director, Karl Haberly re
elected clerk and John Good
kenecht chosen chairman.
Mrs. Maude Haberly had as her
guest over the weekend her sis
ter, Mrs. Eva Keene of Salem.
Sunday her nephew, Lloyd Keene
and family of Shaw drove overfor
the day. -
Geraldyno Dkkman, Mabel
Longdorf and Janet Comstoek at
tended the picnic given by Mrs.
Gertrude L. Cameron to her young
er music pupils la the Silverton
park Thursday afternoon.
Woo Julia Aim of Portland Is
wfaitinr at the home of his 'grand
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J, CL, Car
rie. Mr. and Mrs. x ran am, an
- - -
' I
) ' 1
Tnx pAancTixErnoKi Akd Telectaiti Goupaht
"Coming events
cast their
shadows before"
i a (
' Jt - Y " I
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When tempted to over-indulge
Be moderate be moderate In all things, In
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over-indulgence, if you would maintain 'that modern.
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. lucky Strike the finest Cigarette
you over smoked, made of tho
finest tobacco The Cream of tho
Crop "ITS TOASTED." Lucky Strike
has an extra, secret heating process.
Everyono knows that heat purifies
and so 20,679 physicians say that
Luckies aro less irritating to your
Your Throat Protection
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1 have come to die crmclatic
Ant gmrrftrgfe human life fa Ai tn avoidaMe errora in diet We da not rtrsetaent thai: smoking lucky Strike
Cigarette will being modern figures or cztue the xedocdon of flesh. We do declare that when twnptfd
to do yrxmelf too well, if you will "Reach for a Lucky instead," you will thus avoid over-indalgence in
things that cause excess weight, and, by avoiding overindulgence, maintain a modern graceful form.
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