OUi&OS STATESMAN. featlei, Ontm. Friday Uorttatg; Jtmt SB, f 939 PAGE SEVEN ! I IIB ' B Marion Man Again Takes Record Tests From His Jersey Herd MARION, JuHwTl Elrie Pick ri ku agativ demonstrated Ms ability to p ratface Jersey stock of & highest erodsctlve type the eviaenee m this e berne the awarding of a ld medal to Glmr Darling, 628217, en .eomaletian of ever second production record of .706.CS jwunds-of (at and 1Z,5C sounds of milk in 205 days. Mr. Pickard 6tarted this fine Jersey on her gold medal record at the age of six years and six months During the tea months of test Clow Darling's milk averaged 5 T percent fat and she carried calf 200 days at the time, qualify ing for ber gold medal ia class AAA. Every complete month of test ber yield of butterfat was bore the 67 found mark, and to ber highest month ber prod ac tion of fat was 85 pounds. At the age of tare years Clow Darling was first tested and in the ensuing 365 days she made -a . silver medal record of 584.51 pounds of fat and 9,667 pounds of tntlk in class AA. Sire Notable One This new gold medal cow Is one of the ten register of merit daugh terg of the silver medal sire, Dar ling's Gallant Boy 1548X6. Her dam Is VireXa France 2 nd's Glow 451701. To climax this award Mr. Plck ard has just been Informed by the American Jersey cattle clnb that his Poppy's Golden Princess 734, 169 has qualified for a silver med al ia the elass AAA. This is three year old row and her rec ord for the 3i days Is, milk 11810 pounds, butterfat C02.04, KJust 7.6 pounds short of gold Medal) average percent fat 6. 10 WOW! IT WAS A HOT 0NE Jj iYienama jf eople Vote Down Levy of $250 a v SCHOOL SHINGLES OUT Nebraska Folks Visit Friends MEHAMA Mr. and Mrs. Nye Paiiiips ana family of Buckley, Wash., arrived here Tuesday where they will visit with rela tives. They will all meet In Mill City for a few days and then leave for an extended trip to Denver, Colorado. Mr. and Mrs. H. Phillips par ents of Nye Phillips will accom pany them. They go through Idaho where they will visit friends on the Yel lowstone National Park. MEHAMA. June II Tha an nual school meeting was held at the school bouse llo&dsy evening and never was there sucfc a school meeting la Hehama. Oae sever knew there was so many pubrfe sphtted people In this dis trict before. They came from all corners of the district and many of then not aaalffied raters. It looked much niore as if a -celebration was go ing on tnan a school meeting. The school board was trying to rats 221 for shingles t shingle the school boas as It leaks In several places bat this was voted down by the taxpayers. Two new directors were elected, Julius Fitze to take John Hoe's place as ttr. Moo goes out this year and Giles Wagner to fill the. vacancy left -by Chet Kurbin re signing. Mrs. Hugh Harris was elected as clerk to the place of Mrs. Bohannon. - Ernest Kubtn and bis sister. Kiss Jane Kabin are taking a mo tor trip in California. WIS. DEED HIED TO SCHOOL BOARD Budget Approved at Annual Meet in Aurora; Folk Visit at CorvaHis AURORA, June 19 The an nual meeting was held at the Aurora schoolhouse at 2 o'clock Monday for the purpose of elect ing one director for three years; and a clerk for one year; also to vote upon the budget. Arthur Kraus was reelected as director and Lester Reed was elected to succeed himself for clerk. The budget was approved. Mr. sad Mrs. E. E. Bradtl of Aurora accompanied by Mrs. William Knight, Miss Josephine Knight and Mrs. Del Clark of Canby motored to CorvaHis Tues day and spent the day with Mar tha Francis Bradtl who is in at tendance at the 4-H summer schools. Mrs. J. J. Burkbolder who has been teaching in Portland, and her daughter, Marjory are enjoy log a week's vacation, with Mrs. Lester Reed, a sister of Mrs. Burkholder. EIEO WHILES Annual Stevens Reunion Hefd at Oak Grove and Well Attended Rodents Active In Liberty Area ROBERTS, June 10 Rodents hare been busy in this neighbor hood this spring and have destroy ed acres of corn after It was planted. Leslie King of Salem was out to stay with his sister, Mrs. Alice Coolidge Tuesday and Wednesday. Cross -Word Puzzle By EUGENE SHEFFER m mm 27 " 28 p II 1111 II mil 33 5T 35 3 38 39 WO . , (ecu 7T yZfiT V3 m ris mm- mm 57 " HORIZONTAL t S Becfina. X What SaaaUfc saUU W red tha PacifU Oceaaf What reyal faauly mi Eagtaad iacradca JasMS L Caarfcs 1 and Asmef 1 1 Which Is the shallowest ef the Great Lakes? AtMoisture fwmiBf en eeel bad-; iesatnfgfcft 14 Entreaty. 15 Era. ) ft Sevan csslss cUlssaJ the keaer f W At Wrtfcalaea af 4 Exist. 8 What yoath beloved by Veaas was kUUd by a wiU baart With what c on try was Nr way Staltsd ia 1814 aa4 sea. aratsw la IMS? - 7 Above. XSverytbiac. 9 Gathered a harvest. II Wkat seaport la Wastiagts, calUJ tk "City ! DUay," is tb Jrsal f fke.Nerta- i thoasa&d rupees. li.-JLZJJr-' alwKrtt nasse ef s, yvnnlar buH IZZnTZLuT f. ' baa player. , - r jTf efletoile of the aemestic f ewL .-J' Rl-Smairpoins, tlSShBL .W--EUtk priest ef XsraeL tu. Rnj m katd tK IT TTluca ea taa s. r jjg what CrUk saaif. 11 Oaa hundred thoasaBd laad is sitawlea Wakk SUta b asaaW altar tka Saaerr asaT 1 Spanish MBai aftprT tha verb "to be." ikm allr aevelMts wl viva assaee isera. "Eailbi, ChazUtte sas4 AsossT , IT-Witk t tka MlaW ! what caaal U the aaaaa mi da 41 Which i stsHsHsa Is "the 12 Wsttx Oa sUta ef vapen S3 Harass with aetty aaaoyaacas. at Month ia the Jewish calendar. 15 Szehrrnatioix vt disgust. 6 Numeral. 47 Make. 18 Material at leer to wipe the .. xeet on. 50 Matare. . a mistake. What villages aa tka Tkassae apposite WiaeW aaaUins pm ml tka' saset faatad al pablis ckaab la Eaglaa47 I $ Receptacle, Btt Melody. 17 Stations. $8 Long declamatary speech, VEXTICAIV 1 vnqTudicdV What ;ta tka Owriasj tka varialas; af 1T15 la fSkwi ki rayUfaraas T by Jeha CasybIL"0ka af ; t ( tfr Vabicla. refandeo!, $5 TUls of fomar Rnssiai rul ers. ,.. U Srielee of moral doty. . 7 tnmoaa, S Sebe it. 1 ; Wkat Is ska aaaHal af Saatat 0 Market - peaces is ancient Creak cities. 4 Highest point. $1 Parent. $2 Period af tima. $4 Werative. $6 bi tie year af. Xm ratga (abbr.). DeGuire Has New Winner In His Herd SILVERTON, June 15. M. E. DeGuire, local Jersey dairy man, evidently has a penchant for Jer sey champion winners of the spring shows. This week Mr. De Guire added the 10-month Succes sor's Hero to his herd of 75pure bred Jerseys; Successor's Hero, who is a Bon of Lion Farm's Suc cessor and a daughter of Import ed Eagle's Double Boy, won junior championship at the Marlon Coun ty Spring Jersey show held at Sa lem in May. At that time he was owned by M. G. Gnndersoa. The dam of this calf was Junior cham pion In the 1929 spring show. Two years ago Mr. DeGuire pur chased, also from Mr. Gunderson. Eagle's Buster Boy. the 1927 grand champion of the spring show. OAK GROVE, Jaaa 19, The aanaal reunion of the Stevens tamUy was held at the grange hall Sunday, June 11. bouati fal basket dinner was served at 12:39. A special treat af Mar shall strawberries was served. Thai Stevens sad sons war the growers of the berries. After dinner visiting and game of horseshoe wis enjoyed for soma time. Several cars of people drove over the aid Stevens homestead, which Is now owned by Mr. Deter Present were Mr. and Mrs. Her bert Poppleton, Kathryn and Rnth ryn Poppleton, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stevens, Mable Stevents, Miss MUla White. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Fink of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Haines ef-Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Irvtn Hsntley, Mr. and Mrs. Albert TeaL Mable Teal of Dallas. Mr. asd Mrs. C. F. Wells and children Barbara and Carolyn, Mr. and Mrs. WHlard Bartlett and little son, Ronald Buena Vista. .Miss Elsa Schlveley of MeCoy. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Huntley, Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Huntley of Independence, Mr. and Mrs. Emll Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. Seth White, Mr. and Mrs. Thad Stevens and Frank and Allen Stevens of Oak Grove. FELLER IN LIMELIGH " a i a Woodbum Man Tries to Drive With 3 Wheel NONCHALANCE NOTED i TCIIC WOOOBURN, Jwne iftWFTaak Felter. elderly Wood barn resident wta about a year ego attracted ttaea pablie attention by stopping bis car on the railroad track with the train approaching while he ealmly lit hit pipe, has broken Into the limelight again. itank Feller was driving east on Lanceia street Taeeday night when a West Woodburn maa named Elkins, driving a truck load af potatoes, crashed Into him AVIATORS KILLED VENT1MIGLIA, Italy, June 19. (AP) Two French army avi ators were killed and a third in jured when an amphibian bomber was forced to land at the mouth of the Nervia river after Its motor failed. Mrs. Y eager Is Back From Trip JEFFERSON, Juna 19 Mrs Minnie Teaget who has been vis iting her mother, Mrs. Annla Vaughn, and sister Flora, return' ed to her home at Seattle Tues day. Mrs. Dora ' Humphrey returned Monday from Portland where she spent a week, visiting ber daughter-in-law, Mrs. Doa Humphrey. IBM IS CJIiSEFi POT Many Families Come to Thad Stevens Home; Dinner Served as he was ariviaa aorta aa Ftwat street. The twa car traveled to gether ttt a general northeasterly direction, with tha track halting aa tha raflread track which runs parallel with Freat street. Fel ler's ear stopped last west of tha track, minus oaa treat wheel Notbtai darotedj Feller start ad to back away from tha scene without further comment. Failing to gw backward, he tried going forward with the same result. Eventually a bystander prevailed upon him to dismount and exam ine the ear. Very reluctantly, he then took steps to bring help from else where. Elkins was uninjured physical ly and Feller was absolutely un daunted mentally, emotionally and physically. The truck was removed from the tracks before the next train arrived. OAK GROVE. June 19 Mr. and Mrs.; Thad Stevens entertain ed a number of their friends Tues day evening at dinner at 8:30. A demonstrator of aluminum ware prepared and served a hearth dinner of several vegeta bles and a roast which -was cook ed entirely without water or sea soning, which was most delicious. Later he gave an instructive, lec ture on the preparation er foods and their value to health. Later strawberry short cake and Whip ped cream was served as aa e peelal treat. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Clif ford Wills, Mr. and Mrs. Wlllard Bartiett ef Beuaa Vista, Miss El sie Sahwlley of McCoy. Mr. and Mrs. J. Marx, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Schulke. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Hills. Mr. and Mrs. Justin Rowland, Mr. and Mrs. EmiT Stevens, Mr. and Mrsv Clifford Peterson, Mxs, Kate Ackerson, Miss Joy Hills, Frank Stevens, Alien Stevens of Oak Grove and Mrs. Brown and daugh ter. Miss Elsie and sons Peter and Ardwln of Greenwood. IL OBJECTS Ti D COMPiNi POLES System of Using "Stubs" is Cause For Ire From Woodburn Solons Bride Comes To New Farm Of Her Mate HAZEL GREEN", June 19. Herman Wacken, Jr., of Middle Grove, brought his bride to the new home recently completed on tha land bought last year for H. C. PoweU, of Lodt, Calif. The land fronts en the Van Cleave road, the house Is located la the woods. The hewlyweds are cor dially welcomed to the community. A number of relatives and friends gave them aa old fashion ed charivari Saturday evening; Mr. Wacken was married to Miss Dorthy Wilson of Portland, Jane It. Rudolph Wackea. a brother, of this district, and family were guests at the wedding. WOODBURN,. June 19 A dis agreement between the Woodburn city council and the Northwest Public Service company developed at a meeting of the city council here Tuesday night. The electric company has hsd a erew of men working here "stubbing" its poles. Large new poles were inserted in to .the ground alongside the old poles, which were becoming de cayed at the lower ends, and fas tened to the old poles to keep them in place. There has been a eHy ordinance since 1912 prohibiting this prac tice, and the electric company was roundly criticized for violating the ordinance. The objection to the "stubs" is that they are un sightly. It was decided that a communication would be (rent the company demanding the removal of all "stubs." and Mrs. E. P. Powell and two Children motored to Providence Sunday to attend the PoweU re an ion. They retort having had a fine time, and said the crowd was the largest on view. LIBERTY PEOPLE I 1 GILES 1 T H SCHOOL DIRECTOR Gov. Lou Emmerson of Illinois likes to fish. JEFFERSON. June 19 The annual school meeting which was held In the assembly room of the school house Monday afternoon passed off Ouletly, with J. T. Jones, chairman of the board In charge. The clerk's report was read and approved. Charles Hart was elected director for three years to succeed J. T. Junes, L. a. Davis was elected clerk, for one year to succeed J, H. Roland. Jeffersonians At Big Reunion JEFFERSON, and Mrs. D. M. Roland and Mrs. June 19 Mr. Burnett. Esther R. Whltsel, Mr. ROBERTS. June 19 Mr. sad Mrs. Forest Edwards, June and Leroy Edwards. Mr. and Mrs. Dock Jungwirth and Freddie Jungwirth returned Tuesday eve ning from a delightful four days stay st Tachats where they en joyed fishing, clam digging and other coast sports. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Drorbaagh of Salem were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Brown and family. Fred Brown of Harlan, Oregon spent Monday and Tuesday visit ing his parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Brown. Mrs. George Judson of Salem has been spending over a week with her daughter, Mrs. John Ore born. Mrs. Ellen Hendriekson who lives east of Sales visited recent ly with her aunt. Mrs. B. Papea-fus. CHURCH WOMEN NET S2S ON BERRY FETE SILVERTON, June 19. The strawberry social given at Trini ty church Tuesday evening by tna Trinity Ladies' Aid society proved very successful. Over 925 was net ted. This sum will be used for church expenses. A short program was given be fore the social. This consisted ef four piano solos: Dancing Sun beams by Orlet Moen; Caprice: With Careless Ease, by Borhlld Underdahl; Echoes of the Ball, by Florence Jacobson; and The Hum ming Bird, by Viola Larson; and a talk by - the Rev. H. L. Fobs. Rev. Foss spoke on the work on the work of aid societies ia the churches. MICKEY MOUSE "The Bottom Drops Out Of Their Plans" By IWERKS YCWN. Minnie.' VWSJ 1 C"-V" f lVt ocn OU? GOOOV A S movA X J f000CE-O-a.o, r IT ws ALt VOOQ FAm.T. Vl UEDE THCV COM. SYtYsS ikJ YOU COQHZQCD ) DPOP" SOT TOM CXpJ -tUAT TOO 1 V MQ.SMVSTtP VOo Fathcao VOU ) i' iMl.w VW t2 -&J3? C xo -wnlku.v. j w y disposes of (7tlpAf rJ7 mean As Mucmto utt ii jll "POLLY AND HER PALS" A Dog's Life" By CLIFF STERRETT A PRBTTy KITTLE 1 CRITTER, BUT WE j 1sgI " JWf 5P&NfD"r' 's. LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY Dry Up, Officer!" By BEN BATSFORD 'xjw ac- isoSk H II I r aS55 tiSrrGDf - kJ , l08: Ww. : H v" zoom ? JTk j 1 p t TOOTS AND CASPER The Price Of Make Up' Herewith Is tha solatia be yt bsrdnr'g pvnle. rim R ATPjTjD) 1M tfTgk c a r fgrsr SiE 1 c o Bs si jt Sp? rIe t e K &rr a T ueJd.a s s V t. t MMCP i oeap nJiK itJr I 0 swBli jfl "a TTi e n By JIMMY MURPHY - . " . I MRCAePp"v rsT,Lr2A,ANP' W I 6UE$ MJ MAW OP "1 1 H6PE AM rVHO PACKArS& s-e . HOW 60R0U I ltSlieeKT'Wl Valft--' ASw-eS m' Si 1