The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 15, 1930, Page 12, Image 12

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The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Sunday Morning. Jane 15, 1930
News from Mid -Valley District!
. OlO ; : lo o
GERVAIS, June 14 A. Nibelr
ind family and Hiss Gertrude
Weiss attended the flower show
It the Valley Motor company show
rooms Sunday.
i Miss Gertrude Weiss was in
Portland Monday to se her sis
ter. Miss Dora who remains quite
ill in a hospital there. Miss Weiss
alao called on Pat Powers of Ger
vais, who is in a hospital receiv
ing treatment for an affection of
his teeth. Mr. Powers is improT-
: Mrs. Ruth Jefferson of Howell
-Prairie was shopping in Gerrais
Wednesday. Mr. Jefferson said
that herry growers in her neigh
borhood were getting crates on
the ground and making other
preparations to begin picking
! Miss Cella Bujflp of the Howell
Prairie neighborhood, who is tak
ing a special course at O. S. C. at
CorTallis, is at her home for a
two weeks vacation,
f Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson of Port
land drove out Sunday and attend
ed church services and were din
ner guests of Mr. and Mp. R. S.
Marshall. The Fergusons are for
mer residents of this community,
iaviag traded their acreage west
of town for Portland property two
cr three years ago.
Mrs. Frank Miller, daughter or
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Prantl, gradu
ated Tuesday from Monmouth
Normal school, receiving a fife
certificate. Mrs. Miller will teach
near Tualatin nest year.
Miss Dorothy Minaker spent
the first of the week with her sis
ter, Miss Carol Minaker at Mon
mouth Normal school. Mr. Mina
ker drove over for them Tuesday
Mrs. Sylvia Draper Smith of Salt
Lake City is to spend the week
end as guest of Miss Fern Wads
worth. Mrs. Smith is a former
teacher In the Gervais high school
and Miss Wadsworth was one of
her pupils.
Miss Rose Albright, who gradu
ated from Gervais high school
with her class last week, left Wed
nesday morning for Oakland,
Calif., where she will make her
home with her sister, Mrs. A.Taylor.
Mr. and Mrs. Sumner Stevens,
Mrs. G. J. Moisan and lone and
Doris of Turner were Sunday
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Vincent
at Wren. Marjorie and Mary Vin
cent accompanied them home and
will remain for the week as guests
of lone and Doris.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Keller of
Hague. N. Dakota, and Martin
Pfeifer of Minneapolis left the
last of the week for their homes
after a ten days- visit with their
eiater and daughter, Mrs. Val
Miller and family.
Mrs. Charles R. Moore, who has
been quite ill with sinus trouble
, for the past several weeks, is now
: much improved.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Stokx and
i daughter, Dorothy; Mr. an Mrs.
i Earl Dunn and daughter, Violet;
and Miss Monica Schwab drove to
I Halsey Sunday to call on Albert
i Stokx, who is acting as relief op
erator there. Albert accompanied
1 them home and returned to his
work Monday.
Miss Theresa Prockoza of At-
J wood, Kansas, who has been vis
iting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Alphonse Vanderbeck; has return-
i ed to her borne. Miss Prockoza ex-
I pressed herself as being an Ore
1 aon booster.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Snow of
Portland spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. J. E. Cutsforth. Miss
; Helen Snow, who spent the week
at the Cutsforth home returned
ith her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Booster
i spent Sunday with Portland
: o
g?2ZZ2 Sim P Ly a prod., mi WtfyOr-WTTlu. itfc.
way. s kiicrrErisT wtui
mm ana a auwa a knar in
That geaial iwedua, Jack Oakie, whose
pictnre HMoatry
pony as he bfla
lr iking car that
priced sixes. The
Hayes ville
dred Mason lias gone to Klamath
Falls to spend the summerl
. " William Hickman who is seri
ously ill. sag been taken to the Sa
lem General Hospital. Mr. Rick
man bad a severe attack of ton
silitis several weeks ago and com
plications have developed, neces
sitating his removal from his
heme, to a hospital in Salem.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Reed and
ton Gerald spent Sunday in Wood
burn visiting with Mrs. Reed's fa
ther who has been seriously ill.
Bert Stephens and son Norland,
-of Tillamook are visiting Mrs. Ste
phens aunt, -Mrs. L. B. Halbert.
Mrs. Margie Kell was a busi
ness rfsitor in Portland Tuesday
and Wednesday.
Dorothy Smith has gene to
Aberdeen to spend the summer
with her father.
Donald and Frederick, Jr., Mac
Mil lan of Corvallis are visiting at
the home of their aunt, Mrs. E.
M. Bailey.
T Scotts Mills
: Pupils of the Noble school enjoy
ed a hike Monday to the forks of
the Abiqua and around by the
milk rancb taking the whole day
: jof.n.
-. The high school students ac
companied by Principal Mrs. Beth
"et Taylor and teachers Miss Ray
' craft, Miss Newcomb, and Miss
; Foster motored to Island Park
; Xrlday where they picnicked and
- spent the day.
Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Vallen have
closed their meat market here
and moved to their ranch near
' Molina. .
Miss Clara Muckens of X't. An
sel is visiting her brother-in-law
and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Lou!e
Schaecher this week.
o : o
ries from Lebanon for the can
nery. Chicken thieves are active In
this community. Mr. Laul's hen
bouse has been visited twice and
many chickens taken.
Mr. and Mrs. Bovard, their
daughter Margaret and Mr. Bar
ker of Longview, were Sundaj
visitors of Mr. West. Mr. and
Mrs. Whitby of Eugene also called
in the evening.
Mr. Duncan started picking
berries for the cannery Wednes
day. The school board for Swegle
school will make their annual re
port next Monday night and the
necessary business transacted.
McCoy T
o o
McCOY, June 14 Miss Helen
Richards and Lindley Edmundson
were quietly married at the home
of the bride's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. G. L. Richards.
Miss Richards is a former Sa
lem high school- teacher, but is
wellknown in the community as
she has lived here all her life. Mr.
Edmundson is from Salem.
Misa Eleanor Rutledge is quite
ill with the measles.
Mrs. Willis Earl of Portland was
visiting her mother, . Mrs. Fred
Jennings Tuesday.
The air around this community
has been more than ringing with
cow bells and much noise of all
kinds due to a happy crowd of
young and old alike chivareeing
the recently married couples. The
couples were Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Land is and Mr. and Mrs. Lindley
Mr. GroTer, a building con
tractor from Monmouth, was a
business caller at the Waldo Finn
home Tuesday.
Central Howell
Walter Haverson motored to
Dallas, Thursday to get his wife,
who has been visiting her parents
Strawberry picking started in
several yards this week and all
of them will probably start by
Monday. Strawberry growers aay
the crop outlook here is not very
A. Berglund of Prescott. Wash.,
arrived at the R. C. Ramsden
home Saturday evening and re
turned to Prescott Sunday, accom
panied by Mrs. Berglund, who
has been visiting here. Mrs. Otto
Fnnnemark and son, Dale, of
Portland , came down with him
and. spent the day, Mrs. Funne
mark returning to Portland with
the Berglundg Sunday, while Dale
is remaining for a longer visit.
W. Kotchman has a new brood
er house completed and a large
chickenhouse nearlng completion
beside his fine new barn which
was finished some time ago.
O o
I Praturh j
O : C
PRATUM, June 14 Rev. O. J.
Beadles of Trinity church, Taco
ma. Wash., was visiting here
Tuesday and Wednesday. He was
pastor here five years ago.
The Methodist church was
painted the first of the week.
Mrs. Harold do Vries left for
Portland Friday morning where
she will spend the weekend with
A United States postal employee
was here Thursday looking after
the proper painting of the mail
boxes on route six. He will be
here again the first of next week.
The Sunday school baseball
team met for the first time this
season, Wednesday evening to
practice up a bit for future twi
light games.
Mrs. H. W. deVries underwent
an operation at the Willamette
sanatorium Thursday.
o o
- SWEGLE- Innt- 14 Prwt
. Bicknase of Minnesota is here for
an extended stay. He is a brotb-errln-law
to John Lane.
Miss Madge tad Ellek-y Foster,
cousins of Mr. West, were here
over Sunday from California
hert Mr.-Foster Is a forest rang
er .oa the Pitchfork reserve.
Mr, Welty is, hauling auawbac-
JEFTERSON. June 14 Mr.
and Mrs. Oluf Christensea and
daughter, Joan, came from Tole
do, Tuesday for a visit with Oluf's
mother, Mrs. George Vail, who
has been ill for two months.
Peggy Jenkinson of O. S. C
is the guest of Garnet Whedbee
this week. Peggy will return to O.
S. C. Sunday and will attend sum
mer school at that place. Peggy
and Garnet were sorority sisters
at. the Kappa Delta.
Mrs. Beach and daughter.
Joanna and sons. Elmer, Ralph
ana lwis. or Kugene were re
newing old acquaintances in Jef
ferson. Wednesday.
D. M. Burn: has purchased
and removing the t,:r 'wocd- shed
on the Quinlin property ' on ' the
highway which has beea an eye
sore to the city for several years
and is a great improvement en
.the uenway.
Waldo Hills
WALDO HILLS, June 14 Mr.
and Mrs. Warren Crab tree and
young son, David, and Mis sLouiee
Medlar of Silverton and Mr. and
Mrs. A. A. Geer, Vesper and Reba
Geer and Mrs. Wr: M. Moore
motored to Taylor's Grove near
Mebama one day last week for a
A good crowd, considering the
busy times, gathered at the Wal
do Hills Community club house
Wednesday evening to enjoy the
lecture and musical program put
on by Dr. W. S. Haley, who is
connected with the Guaranty
Trust company of Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Edson Com stock,
Roger and Janet Coinstock, were
guests at a no tost dinner held
at the C. L. Coffey home in Sil
verton Thursday evening.
Miss Myrtle Moore of Portland
is a weekend visitor at the home
of her sister, Mrs. A. A. Geer.
Ted Finley returned home Wed
nesday evening from Condon. He
had accompanied bis wife there
the Friday previous on receiving
word of the serious illness of her
grandfather, Dan McFarland. Mr.
McFarland passed away Sunday
afternoon. Mrs. Finley and. two
small children, Teddy and Norma,
will turn Sunday.
PERRYDALE. June 14 Miss
Elaine Chapin of Salem has been
visiting with Wanda Elliott this
week. On Tuesday noon they left
for Tillamook beaches expecting
to come home on Wednesday.
Alice Roberts and brother Lor
en have gone to California to
spend the summer visiting rela
tives. They intend to stay until
August anyway. Loren will find
employment while there.
Sylvia and Betty Mcintosh of
Corvallis are visiting at the borne
of their grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. C. L. Gilson.
Mrs. Lorenzo Gilson left Wed
nesday morning for Portland to
visit a week with her fatherland
attend the Rose show.
H. A. Lee who was quite badly
injured last week is able to sit
up a part of the time now. He had
been stretching fence when a hook
broke letting the stretches loose
and striking him on the leg hurt
ing his knee and ankle. The in
jury has been very painful, i
AUBDHN, June 14 Mr. rand
Mrs. A. L. Lindbeck attended a
dinner given by the Salem Wom
an's Press club, at the Gray Bell,
Tuesday evening.
W. H. Faxon and family left
this week to take possession of a
farm west of Albany, for which
they traded their, home here last
April. J
Mrs. Ida Frye of Coquille acd
her daughter, Mrs. M. B. Robin
son of Salem, were recent visitors
at the Ben H. Hawkins home.
Mrs. A. L. Lindbeck entertain
ed Thursday afternon in honor of
Mrs. Stephen Stone, Mrs. Mary
Denton and Mrs. W. A. Pettit of
AUMSVILLE, June 14 Irvin
McCully left Friday for California
after joining the army and ex
pects to take ap aviation while his
parents, Mr. and Mrs; Claude Mc
Cully and son Max left Sunday for
Arizona where Mr. McCully has a
sister and other relatives.
Mrs. McCully'a brother Harvey
Carlson and bride will take care
of the McCully farm here.
Misses Leta and Susan Bollman
left this week to join their moth
er at Klamath Falls after spend
ing the winter here at the Frank
McManman home to'attend school.
Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Bradley
moved their household goods from
West Stayton to the DF. East
burn property here this week also
Mr. and Mrs. M. McColiough are
moving their household goods to
the H. P. Jensen property.
Westley Mix came home Wed
nesday for the vacation months
after attending the Willamette
university the past -rear at Sa
lem. Mrs. J. Sheets and children of
Newberg spent the weekend here
with Mrs. Sheets' mother, Mr. and
Mrs. Parson. - . - :
The baseball game played here
Sunday between Stayton and
Aumsville proved to be an inter
esting game the score being 10 to
3 in favor of Aumsville. .
A group of young folks' gath
ered at McCully home Monday
night to cbivaree Mr. and Mrs.
Harvey Carlson the young couple
being married Sunday. The group
reported being well entertained
by the young couple.
John Mix baa recently taken the
Rawleigh route for this district.
Mr. Mix is taking the place of Ar
thur B. Johns of Stayto --.
Troy Nance of Albany was call
ing in Aumsville Sunday.
Strawberries are in full swing
here this week with a short crop
being affected by a dry fall and
so much rain this spring.
A number of folks from Aums
ville attended the funeral services
of Lena Denbem Monday at Tur
ner. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Collins and
Mrs. Ida Prunk of Salem after
making a business trip to Stayton
spent Monday evening at the J.
H. Prunk borne.
HUBBARD. June 14 Ripe
wild blackberries have been found
in the vicinity east of Hubbard.
Many growers began picking
the Etterburg strawberries this
Hubbard is suffering an epi- j
demio of measles, and several are !
reported ill, among whom are i
Phyllis Brown, Carol Moomaw
Moving Storing Crating
Larmer Transfer &
Storage ,
Phone 3131
We also handle Fuel Oil and Coal
1 -t
Th e attractive means of
comfortable, economical ;
transportation for hundreds
of thousands of motorists
Whippet Fear prices rsnj From $360 to $643. Whippet Six prices
horn $6-5 to $850. Prices f. o. b. Toledo, Ohio, and specification
subject to chins without notice.
i mi
Willy sM
I 515 S. Commercial - j Telephone 922 I
and Tresa McMannls.
W. L. Bently from San Gabriel.
Cal., is here and will remain tlij
after the berry season. Mr. Bent
ly owns one of the largest ever
green blackberry fields in the val
ley and indications are that he
will have a good rop of berries
this season. Mrs. Bently Is visit
ing ia the east.
Miss Mary Goudy Js at Seaside,
Wash., where she expects to visit
a month or more with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bevens of
Bend are guests at the home of
Mr. Beven's mother, Mrs. Martha
Bevens and brother, Clarence
Bevens, and also at the home of
another brother, A. R. Bevens. Mr.
and Mrs. Bevens expect to attend
the rose festival while here.
O. H. Boje spent the weekend
with Mrs. Boje and children,
Marie and Gordon. Mr. Boje is
employed by the highway de
partment and at present is at For
est Grove.
Sunday guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Boje were: Mr. and
Mrs. Otto "Wonderlik of Milwau
kee and Miss Mary Dupont and
Louis Freiburg of Portland.
Judge G. Hayes of Oregon City
is a guest at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Bud Thompson.
Hungarian cinemas are closing
because exhibitors say they are
losing money, according to de
partment of commerce reports.
Ninety per cent of the gross re
ceipts is absorbed by various du
ties and like expenditures.
CepyrtfM 1930 by Dodsc Broche Carper
Ability to understand and supply the motoring needs of the American
family has been the. backbone of Dodge Brothers success over a
period of T5 years. All the experience thvs accumulated has been
put into this Dodge Brothers Six, with the result that this car is
even more popular than ony of its predecessors. It is comfortable,
safe, easy-riding and easy to controlr Doors and windows are extra
wide. There is ample space for five adult passengers, with leg-room,
head-room and elbow-room to spare. The Mono-Piece Steel Body
affords protection that promotes peace of mind. The weatherproof
internal hydraulic brakes are an important safety factor. The flexibil
ity of performance that comes from a smooth, powerful engine is still
another insurance of satisfaction. This car has, of course, traditional
Dodge dependability and long life. Let the family see and drive it.
4 74 -South Commercial
Telephone 423
Six Body Style. 1 ag 1. jTirJ7 , f, ,1? i3 fipfray
590 to '695 TjVjiiOT 5590
Fri f. o. b. factory 1
I till, a X m-i .M3 aill. . Qiin t i A4 lW Wry j
MflDW itDllSHt
mur IFfirrsit Onapii (Canir
Why b&Q a lesser car ?
Forget "list prices and get the facts. Get the
actual costs trade-in, financing and extras
considered. You will be astonished at how tittle,
if anything, more it costs for the outstanding
advantages of the Essex Challenger.
: " ' a "
Es costs little more - yet it is a big ear, witb big ear advantages.
You ride with ease. You have the solidfeeliiig of the biggest car.
It is a car you will be proud to own. You will be proud of its appear
aoce arid luxury, and you will be proud of its performance.
im examine and ride in the New Essex Challenger. See how little
more it costs. Then no lesser car can satisfy.
K FoP the np '
LJ O D OlJ thtr model jurt
I fcV.-Zl "attractively priced. Wife
'.w.0ett.cMV color eboic.tItr.M.t
Wood - Wheaton Motor Co. Inc.
350 N. High
Telephone 212