The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 08, 1930, Page 6, Image 6

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    The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Sunday Morning, Jane 8, 1930
-:- Events of Interest in Social - Musical - Club Circles -:-
Afternoon Tea
NE of the outstanding af-
l.f fnir in weeks in the
rpalm of the younger socia:
circles of Salem, was the tea
given by Miss Marnie Crites
at the home of ner parents
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Crites
Saturday afternoon between
the hours of 4 and 6 o clock.
The eruest rooms were ar
tistically arranged with rosea and
taners to carry out the color
scheme of pink and green. The
6ervlng table at which Miss Cecil
McKercher and Mrs. James Bur
gess presided during the after
noon, was centered with a dell
rate arrangement of pink rose
buds and lighted pink tapers.
The guests were greeted at the
door by the little M'sses Barbara
and Betty Crites and directed to
Tae living rooms where Mrs. J.
W. Crites received with the young
Those who assisted in serving
during the tea hours were Mar
garet Burgette, Eleanor right,
Ruth Anna Crites, and Dorothy
The guest list for the afternoon
included the Misses:
Jenett S-ot
Mary Alhrirh
Klaine Mickel
llsnm Evmann
Olive M. Doak, Society Editor.
Ilupe Raymond
Uvra Brit
VViMa KJpetior
Doroihy Koor
Margaret H'ltzel
Jean Katridga
Vlms May
Fern Harris
Vronne Smith
Ruth Howb
Kri'lyn Rosa
l'ciity Wagstaff
Hetty Vaucta
l.otme Cramer
Kathryn Goulet
Ionna Bishop
Harriett Bricham
Kaihlren Phelpt
SaViMa Phrlpi
Keta Codsey
Knlh Fick
Marsaret WiWon
louise Mr Don gal
Klcanor Wrijht
Margaret Kneel
U infarct Burdette
Margaret Kyani
Fae Lrrisroll
Annahel! Rosenthal
Mary Jane Lau
Cathrvn Corey
Dolly Mort-ali
Mareuerite Harrey
II lid red Zehner
k"thlen Ki tj ni triple Ha tti Kanrp
J:ine Fitroatrick Charlotte Brown
Jewfll Fitzpatrick
lorothy Krebs
Juanita Powell
Clara- Lyon
Ituth Chapman
Kosa Nmbanm
lnri McAllister
Jeanne. Lund 'ford
Marjorie Miller
Gertruan Winslow
Pauline', Ronth
tiwenn GaMaher
Katherine Karle
Helen Boardman
Ceril McKercher
Edna Faust.
Elixabeth Eoyian
Marcaret Wagner
Helen Olson
Iorothy Alexander
Doryce Ross
Home Wedding
daughter ol Mr. and Mrs.
Roy V. Ohmart, became the
bride of Paul W. Allen, son of
Mr. and Mrs. William Allen in a
beautiful ceremony at the Ohmart
home Saturday afternoon at 2:00
o'dock. Rev. Fred C. Taylor ot
the First Methodist church read
the impressive single ring- ritual
using a bible which belonged to a
great grandmother of the bride.
Miss Aldeane Smith accompan
ied by Miss Grace Henderson,
sang "Possession" preceding the
ceremony, and as the bridal party
toek Its place Miss Henderson
played softly the wedding march
from Mendelsohn. The ceremony
was performed before a back
ground of palms, wftly burning
taU rose tapers, and high baskets
cf long stemmed flowers. All
about the guest rooms field dais
ies and rosea were used In grace
ful profusion.
The bride was very lovely In a
gown of filmy eggshell crepe.
?ade princess style, with lace and
French flowers at the throat.
Over the gown was draped a sheer
Jacket through which was sil
houetted the lace beneath. Silver
slippers, a good omea gift, an old
gold bead necklace, the gift of
a great-great grandfather to his
bride and handed down through
the generations to the bride of
Saturday, and a sh'ower bouquet
f Cecil Brunner rosea and sweet
peas In pastel shades completed
the bride's costume.
Miss Louise Allen, sister of the
groom, was maid of honor. She
wore a frock of rose chiffon and
carried an arm bouquet of sweet
peas in pastel shades arranged
with long pink aatin ribbon
Following the ceremony a re
ception was held for Mr. and Mrs.
Allen: Mr. and Mrs. Roy V. Ohm
art. and Mr. and Mrs. William
Allen received with the bride and
groom. Assisting about the rooms
and In serving were Mrs. Mervin
Fidler, Miss Irene Breltbaupt, and
Miss Pearl Scott
Immediately following the- cere
mony Mr. and Mrs. Allen left for
a motor trip to British Columbia.
They will be at home to their
friends in Salem after June 23.
Mrs. Allen is a graduate of Sa
lem high school, and attended
"Willamette university where she
Is a member of Alpha Phi Alpha
sorority. Mr. Allen also graduated
from Salem high school and is
trow employed on the staff of the
United States National bank,
Miss Maxine Stout
Camp Fire Hostess
Miss Maxine Stont, leader of
the Rose group of the Blue Birds,
entertained the girls at her home
Friday evening
with a treasure
hunt. After long
searching Rebe
kah Putnam
found the treas
ure snugly bid
den beneath the
A d d It 1 o nal
members in this
group are Gene
Tieve T u e k e r,
Eilene Tucker,
Muriel Sinstrom, Echo Campbell.
Games were played following
the hunt and later refreshments
were served in most unique fash
ion. Mra. John Campbell Is ad
isor for this group.
All Camp Fire girls are look
ing forward to the .time which
they will spend in Camp Saataly
some time in August. Plans are
ot yet complete for this event.
y p Today- We Present. ... . ;M4j&cM
1 II I ' 1 &i iigW&f jp jjr A O "
- s7: To ie 3rs Pawi fF. A?Zen whose marriage was an &wrS Ms,??' - f?
I 1 1 I X! O o Saturday afternoon; in the center group beginning P CtSN " n ' -
fl with the left the three Salem Gold Star mothers who will JT '
Vi"1" France Mi3 summer, Mrs. Mary Walling, Mrs. Jennie wfJf"jJ' ' D
V fi Landgraf, and Mrs. Eugene Eckerlen Sr. Mrs. Walling and . " a Xf iTQ r
Aofef Ldgraf sail from New York June 21 and Mrs. Eck- jP jt$L fcS&f? .
w r3Ss. I r7nt. i7e .f7m o 7V o-!. Ta jM. u.,:t T v:i i.
To the left, Mrs Paul W. Allen whose marriage was an
event of Saturday afternoon; in the center group beginning
with the left the three Salem Gold Star mothers who will
visit France this summer, Mrs. Mary Walling, Mrs. Jennie
Landgraf, and Mrs. Eugene Eckerlen Sr. Mrs. Walling and
Mrs. Landgraf sail from New York June 21 and Mrs. Eck
erlen sails July 9. To the extreme right is Mrs. Roy Hewitt,
wJio with Mr. Hewitt will leave by motor for New York June
14. From there they will sail for South America for a sum
mer tour.
r 1 5 r
The year Is at an end for nvost
of the activities for the Girl Re
serves. Summer will mean camp
life at Santaly for the month ef
July and a few meetings during
the summer. There will be discuss
ed at the board meeting of the di
rectors of the Y. W. C. A. Tuesday
plans whereby a light summer
program will be carried out for
the Girl Reserves.
High school reserves will meet
Tuesday in the Y. W. C. A. rooms
at 2 o'clock for a cabinet meeting
of both old and new officers.
Plans Fill be made for the instal
lation of officers Thursday at 2
'clock in the Y. W. C. A. Miss
Margaret Nunn is the incoming
president and will have charge of
thi installation services. Miss Ha
zel McElroy is the outgoing pres
It is nrged by Mrs. Elizabeth
Gallaher, general Y. W. C. A. sec
retary, that all those folk who
plan on going to summer camp at
Camp Santaly on the Santiam,
register as -soon as it is possible
for them in order that plans may
be made for the proper handling
of the groups.
Mrs. Gallaher will be camp
manager and program director.
She will be assisted by Doris
Clarke, assistant program direct
or; Helen Brelthaupt, assistant
camp manager and recreation;
Dena Hart, arts and crafts teach
ing; Rosalind Van Winkle, music
and dramatics; Dorothy Hutcha
son, swimming, athletics, and first
aid with Eileen Moore assisting
Any mother who is interested
to know about the camp and
what is to be dNne they may talk
to Mrs. Gallaher at any time about
this phase ot Reserve work.
Those wishing to make reser
vations for camp may do so by see
ing Mrs. Gallaher, Mrs. Wagstaff
or Mrs. Vincent.
A group of the camp workers
will be guests of Mrs. Gallaher at
her home Tuesday evening at
which time plans will be made for
camp activities. Other similar
groups will meet with Mrs. Galla
her in the near future.
Tea Invitations
Are Issued
Invitations have been issued for
a tea to be given by the local
Daughters ot Veterans in honor of
the wives and widows of Civil
War Veterans Saturday afternoon,
June 14. at the Woman's club
house. North Cottage street.
Members of the Grand Army of
the Republic are also included in
the invitation.
A mnsical program Is being ar
ranged for the afternoon. Those
in charge of the affair are Mrs. O.
H. Homing, Mrs. Katherine
Brown, Mrs. Pearl Ralph, Mrs.
Lauren e Stow, Mrs. Margaret
Ringle. Mrs. Laura Arpke,
Members of the second year'
junior class of Leslie church
were entertained Thursday eve
ning with -a picnic dinner at the
home of Mrs. John Bertelstffi. on
Fairmount hill. Following the
diSner old fashioned games were
enjoyed. Guests present " were
Anna Mae Grabenhorst, Shirley
Thomas. Jean Harrington. Ber
sice Wilcox. Margaret Wilcox,
Dorothea Greenwood, Marjorie
Greenwood, Elisabeth Otjen, Jean
Ponnd and Luclle Hanson.
Methodist Church
Women Have Tea
The last meeting ct the year
for the Woman's Home Missionary
society was held Wednesday in the
church parlors. There will be one
other meeting but it will he a
special joint meeting held with
the Foreign Missionary society and
will come sometime in July.
Officers were elected at the
business hour. Mrs. C. i Wilson
will serve as president to succeed
herself. Mrs. R. C. Glover, rice
president; Mrs. D. H. Mosher,
treasurer; Mrs. R. D. Waterman,
secretary; Mrs. Harriet Durkheim
er, corresponding secetary; Mrs.
J. O. Russell, missionary educa
tion committee; Mrs. U. G. Boyer,
stewardship; Mrs. A. B. Hansen,
evangelism; Mrs. Almira Hale,
supply secretary; Mrs. F. C. De
Long, mite box secretary; Mrs.
Nettle Schramm, temperance;
Mrs. L. L. Nelson, young people's
secretary; Mrs. B. T. Kumler,
children's work.
Mrs. Ronald Glover reported on
the district convention held in
Dallas, May 8. Mrs. John Canse
also spoke on the "High Standard
Contest." Other women from the
First Methodist church, who were
on the program in Dallas were
Mrs. J. W. Beckley, and Mrs. B.
T. Kumler. Mrs. C. F. Wilson,
Mrs. B. B. Blatchford, Mrs. E. C.
Miller, and Mrs. Walter Winslow.
Women who were not on the
program, but who attended the
district -meeting were the Mea
dames Rahe, Wood, Balderree,
McAdams, Schramm, Evans, Car
rier, Durkheimer, Vandenrort,
Savage, Ohllnger, Swafford, Fargo,
Miss Dayton. Miss Sutherland.
At the conclusion of the busi
ness meeting Wednesday after
noon an interesting program was
given. Miss Margaret Sutherland
presented a group of Queen Esther
Girls in a short play. "The Re
volt of Anne Hastings." In this
play, the parts were taken by
Hortense Taylor, Cleo Wood, Vada
Wlntermnte, Edith Mac Lord, and
Martha Kumler.
At the conclusion ofthe program
the meeting adjourned and Jhe
members went to the home of the
minister of First church. Dr. and
Mrs. F. C. Taylor, where they
were entertained with a delightful
tea hour.
The guests were met at the door
by Dr. and Mrs. Tayior. and Mrs.
F. C. Wilson. Assisting about the
rooms and with the serving were
the wives of ministers who are
members of First church. Mrs.
Ronald Glover was In charge of
the dining room and was assisted
by Mra. Yarnes, Mrs. Edgar Fort
ner, Mrs. Elizabeth Gallaher, Mrs.
Almira E. Hale and Mrs. I. L. McAdams.
Tuesday, June 10
Board of Directors meeting for Y. W. C. A.. 10 00
r o'clock In Y. W. C. A. rooms.
Salem Music Teachers association, with Mrs. Frank
Ulburn. 1291 Market street. DLjcuss plans for conven
tion; last meeting of season.
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War, 8 o'clock.
Woman's clubhouse.
Wednesday, June 11
Woman's Foreign Missionary society, First M. E
church parlors, 2:30 o'clock. Annual mite box offering.
Elizabeth Levy, violin recital, 8 o'clock. Woman's
club house, public Invited.
Friday, June IS
Daughters of Veterans, Woman's club house: reg
ular meeting, 8 o'clock.
Saturday, June H
Daughters of Veterans, tea hostesses at Woman's
club house to wives and widows of Civil war veterans,
and to Grand Army members.
D. A. R. Install Officers
At Country Home Of
Mrs. S. Jones
The last meeting of the season for Daughters of the
American Revolution was held at the country home of Mrs.
Seymour Jones Saturday afternoon. The guest rooms of the
Jones home were delightfully arranged with a profusior? of
garden flowers. The tea table was a lovely study in flowers
in pastel shades combined with lighted tapers in accentuat
ing colors. Mrs. Jones was assisted in serving by Mr. C. C.
Best, Mrs. H. T. Love, Mrs. Frank Newcomb, Mrs. E. M.
Hoffnell, Mrs. Edward Jory, Mrs. J. Lyman Steed, and Miss
Ruth Rulifson.
Thft hnsinpsa vriAotinof xca a
Mrs. E. E. Gilbert and Mrs. Paul
R. Edwards presided at the tea
table. The color scheme carried
out was lavender and yellow. A
centerpiece of lavender and yellow
columbine and iris centered the
tea table and combined effectively
with lighted yellow tapers.
As an attractive musical offer
lng at the tea hour Miss Hortense
Taylor and Miss June Director
gave violin numbers.
Monmouth Wedding
Pretty Event
Miss Leola Meeker, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Meeker ot
this city, became the bride of Karl
Lauerman. son ot Mr. and Mrs,
Ivarl Lauerman, Sr., at a pretty
wedding at noon Thursday, in the
Monmouth Christian church. '
Mrs. Victor P. Morris played the
wedding march from vV agner, and
accompanied the Misses Lena and
Frances Frizzell who sang "I
Love You Truly" preceding the
ceremony. Rev. Victor P. Morris
read the service before a group of
30 relatives and friends, and the
bride was given In marriage by
her father.
Miss Meeker was attractively
gowned in pink and wore a white
hat. Her bouquet was of rosebuds.
columbine and fern. Her sister.
wore orchid silk crepe with a la
Miss Ruth Meeker, the bridesmaid,
vender hat and carried pale pink
sweet peas. Herman lauerman,
brother of the groom, acted as best
Immediately following the cere
mony a wedding luncheon was
served in the church parlors. Mr.
and Mrs. Lauerman left by mo
tor for a trip in the south, and
will be at home in July at Sum
ner, Oregon, where he is engaged
In aiumber enterprise.
given over to reports of the
year's work and to the instal
lation of officers.
Mrs. C. C. Clark acted as in
stalling officer for the impressive
ceremony which placed Mrs. John
Orr in the regent's chair to suc
ceed Mrs. W. H. Byrd.
Other chapter officers formally
installed were Mrs. William For
dyce Fargo, vice regent;; Mrs. U
Ct. Shipley, chaplain; Mrs. Lewis
D. Griffith, recording secretary;
Mrs. C. C. Best, corresponding
secretary; Mrs. U. G. Boyer, treas
urer; Mrs. C. F. Turner, 'histor
ian; Mrs. R. C. Aiken, registrar;
Mrs. J. R. Allgood, librarian;
Mrs. H. J. Ostllnd, musician; and
Mrs. C. C. Clark, parliamentar
ian. Mrs. A. A. Underhili was
inducted into her office as one of
the three chapter directors.
The annual yearly reports were
read by the retiring officers and
Committees to serve the chap
ter during the coming year were
announced by Mrs. Orr, as fol
lows: Finance committee: Mrs. U. G.
Boyer, Mrs. James Heltzell, Mrs.
H. T. Love.
Program committee: Mrs. J. R.
Allgood, Mrs. H. C. Eakin, Mrs.
R. C. Aiken, Mrs. U. O. Boyer.
Social committee: Mrs. V. L.
Newcomb, Mrs. David Looney,
Mrs, W. W. Baum, Mrs. Marion
Looney, Mrs. S. L. MInard, Mrs.
Claude Ellison; Mrs. C. A.
Spragne, Mrs. Foster Cone, Mrs.
J. C. Kimball, Mrs. James Beck.
Colonial tea committee: Miss
Ruth Rulifson, Mrs. W. W. Allen,
Mrs. B. L. Steeves, Mrs. Homer
Smith, Mrs. Frances Cornell,
Mrs. E. L. Loose, Miss Nina Mc
Nary, Mrs. John Carkins, Mrs. G.
Ivan Putnam, Mrs; J. Lyman
Steed, Mrs. R. G. Baldree, Mrs.
G. C. Rieglman, Mrs. H. S. Pln
kerton. Miss Lillian Applegate.
Membership committee: Mrs.
A. A. Underhili. Mrs. M. P.
Adams, Mrs. C. L. Crider, Mra.
Walter Powell.
Veterans' hospital . committee:
Mrs. W. H. Byrd. Mrs. Karl Stel
wer. Mra. J. B. Eakln.
Visiting committee: Mrs. C. C.
Best, Mnu W. E. Hanson. Mrs.
Russell Catlin, Mrs. U. G. Shipley.
Champoeg committee: Mrs. A.
E. Austin, Mrs. W. B. Johnston.
State fair committee: Mrs. E.
M. Hoffnell, Mrs. Alton D. Hur
ley, Mrs. Roy Mills, Mrs. Carey
Martin, Miss Eva Ferree, Miss
Ols Clark.
The Daughters will meet once
more this spring for a picnic
meeting to be held at Champoeg
this coming Saturday. They will
resume' the -regular meetings
again in the fall.
Joshua Smith camp No. 6 Sons
of Union Veterans of the Civil war
will meet Tuesday evening at 8
o'clock in the Woman's club
house. Commander Bover will out
line plans for the summer activi
ties. .
Missionary Society
Plans Meet
Members of the First Methodist
church Foreign Missionary society
will meet in the church parlors
Wednesday afternoon for the an
nual mite box ceremony. Mrs.
Thomas Holman will have charge
of this ceremony.
An outstanding event for the
afternoon will be the talk given
by Miss Louise Corner, who has
just returned from five years
spent in India as a missionary.
This will be the first talk Miss
Corner has made in Salem and
promises to be an exceptionally
interesting one. Women of the
church and friends are invited to
be present.
Mrs. Elizabeth Gallaher will
will have charge ot the devotions.
Special music will be given by
Mrs. Thomas D. Yarnes.
Piano Student
Is Presented
Cora Buahnell Hendry present
ed Robert Carpenter in recital at
the American Lutheran church
Friday night before an interest
ed audience. Mr. Carpenter was
assisted in this program by Bud
die Rogers at the organ, Chester
McCain, cello, and Keneneth Ab
bott, vocalist.
Ushers for this evening were
Miss Victoria Schneider, Miss
Mildred Abbott, Richard Smart,
and William Lindstrom.
Bride-Elect Honored
With Affairs
MLp Margaret Breitenstein,
popular bride elect, will be the
inspiration for two delightful par
ties this week. Mrs. Frank Decke
bach and Mrs. Milton Steiner will
entertain Tuesday night In com
pliment to Miss Breitenstein, and
Mrs. Wallace Carson will enter
tain Wednesday.
Mrs. Dan Pritchet was hostess
this past week with a six table
bridge party in compliment to the
bride elect. Honors for the aft
ernoon of cards were awarded to
Miss Breitenstein, Miss Josephine
Baumgartner, and Mrs. Kenneth
Guests for this affair were the
honor guest. Miss Margaret Breit
enstein, Mrs. Frank Deckebach,
Mrs. Kenneth Perry, Mrs. Milton
Steiner, Miss Vivian Eiker, Miss
Helen Breitenstein, Miss Marie
Breitenstein, Miss Eunice Robert
son, Mrs. Rex Adolph, Miss Mar
jorie Chrlstenson, Miss Mildred
Chrlstenson, Miss Barbara Chap
man, Mrs. Kenneth Wilson, Mrs.
Wolcott Buren, Mrs. Kenneth
Power, Mrs. Frank Chapman, Miss
Catherine Hartley, Mrs. P. D.
Quisenberry, Mrs. Herbert Stiff!
Mrs. John Caughell. Jr., Mrs.
Gardner Knapp, Mrs. Wallace
Carson, Mrs. David Adolph, Miss
Helen Arpke. Miss Marguerite
Bailey, Miss Josephine Baumgartner.
Music Convention
To Be Brilliant
AN event that promises to be
one of the brilliant high
lights of the year for the
musical world of Salem will be the
fifteenth annual convention of
Oregon Music Teacher's associa
tion which will open here June 16
and continue through Tuesday.
The outstanding part of the
convention from the public stand
point are the two programs which
will be girn by artists brought
here for this occasfon by the as
sociation. Monday night Josef
Borissoff, violinist of note, will
play a splendidly balanced pro
gram including such composers as
Chopln-Wilhemj, Debussy-Hart-man,
Ries, Kreisler, Sarasate. and
one of the artists own composi
tions. Tuesday evening Olga steeb
will play a piano recital which In
cludes some numbers seldom
heard in Salem. Miss Steeb pro
gram includes:
Toccata and Fugue D minor
--: ; i:ach-nus,,n!
Rondo, A minor M7irt
Caprice TAiowfKe) (Jlui k-St S;i. tis
Concert Etude D fiat .. I izt
Rhapsody, Dp. "T9, Xo. 1 BrOi'ms
Soherzo C sharp minor Chopin
Clair de lun ivi!.-
The Fountain of Acqua Paolo .Griff, i
The White Peacock C.nft. s
Spinning (!lrls of Caiant.c (from
suite "in Brittany' ) ....Khen.-Baton
Rhapsodie in C major lohntni
To the teachers and supervisors
who will be present to t'ie num
ber of about 40) it is expected,
the program of speakers will hold
keen interest as well as the pro
gram evenings.
Mrs. Clifford Moore, president
of the association, will speak t lie
opening address and to this Dr.
Carl G. Doney will respond. Tht ro
will be what promises valuable
information in the talks to be
made by David Seheetz-Craig, ed
itor of "Music and Musicians"' and
by Carl Denton of Portland, Ion?
associated with the Portland svni
ph'ony orchestra. C. A. Howard,
state superintendent of schools
will speak on the subject of "High,
school music credits in private in
struction." Dr. C. L. Sherman of Willam
ette university will speak oa
"Psychology and the Mind;" Da
vid Campbell of Portland and Ar
thur Boardman will each speak
on pedagogical problems.
From the standpoint of the mu
sic supervisor the lecture by Glenn
H. Wood, supervisor of music in
the Oakland, California schools,
on the subject of group instruc
tion will be "of great interest. Mr.
Woods will also discuss "Music
Elsewhere" touching on the mu
sic of other countries.
Dr. A. B. Anderson of Oregon
State college will discuss "Sound
as applied to Music" and an out
standing lecture will be given by
J-osep Borissoff, one of the art
ists on the evening program will
speak on "Music in America."
Mrs. J. J. Tallman
Is Hostess
A delightful afternoon was
spent by members and a few ad
ditional guests of the Daugh
ters of Union Veterans. Friday
afternoon at the home of Mrs. J.
J. Tallman. Special guests were
Mrs. J. C. Coats, Mrs. Louie Ol
son, Mrs. K. Baumgartner, Mrs.
Hal O. Ward. ad Miss Doris
Club members present were
Mrs. Mabel Gardner, Mrs. Mc
Whorter, Mrs. W. F. Neptuno,
Mrs. Pearl Ralph, Mrs. E. K.
Bergman, Mrs. Thomas Maple
thorp, Mrs. P. F. Killan, Mrs. U.
S. Dotson and Mrs. Tallman. Re
freshments concluded a happy
time for those present.
I jv3s Vgo n if