The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 08, 1930, Page 10, Image 10

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The OREGON STATESMAN. Salen, Oregon, Smday Morning, Job 8, 1930
The Valley Agriculturist and His Work
Markets Crops Farm Home - - Livestock
The Diversified Interests of
Willamette Valley Fanners
Ecfctor' Note
Mr Madelain Ca!l!n, Valley Newt Jitor
cf The Oregon Statesman, Is also In cha-irl
cf U.e marktt news of this paper. Each
S-unaay t- ar-.tcs con.-crcinc the grit a'.tnral
' Ji trt to v!ley firmer. Contribu
te!! ef nerit arc ifitiled.
Moderate Decline Noted in
Most Commodity
PORTLAND. Ore.. June
j.ov A mnHiiralf but well
fined recession hit the market In
Portland bringing prices down at
the turn of the week. All livestock
fell off except spring laaibs. ana
wheat was down one cent.
Heavyweight hog were oil !
cents to 9.00-l.:.0; lightweights
were down from 25 to 75 to
10.75-11.00 com pared to last
week's close of 11.00-11.25 and
feeders-stockers were celling at
11.00-13.00. unchanged.
The cattle tre.ding was draggy
and low. Good steers were down
2"5c to 10.75-1 1.25, aDd good cows
were down 50c to K.50-9.00.
Vealers fell off 50c at the . top
and were quoted at 10.00-11.00
compared to 10.00-11.50 last
Lambs were unchanged at
8 00-9 00 and were finding a food
market for the .-noire, fat stock.
The drop in wheat brought Big
Btnd bluestem to 1.17. Soft white
and western white found the. 1.0J
level, and hard winter, northern
spring and western red sold at
1 01. Oats was unchanged at 20.
Hay continued unchanged at
these quotations, based on buy
ing prices, f. o. b. Portland: Alfal
fa 20; valley timothy 20.50-21;
eastern Oregon timothy 22.50-23;
clover 17; oat hay 16; oats and
vetch 16-17.
Butter prices were unchanged
with extras at 32 cents. Eggs. too.
were moving at the same prices
as last week, with fresh extras
going at 25-2C cent?.
Eastern Oregon wool and east
ern Washington woll was quoted
at 16-21 cents, .in.hfiiged: valley
coarse at 16. and mdiiim 20
Oregon hops. 1020 crop, wrre
6 and ft cents.
Italian prunes were beim sold
7 and 10 cents, and petites at S
cr nts.
. ',tUS.. &iJZA
fcnv--. wags -vs, -i-r
V, J- r- '-Jt-' wvSfef -fe-f
I !
r ' ;
! f
irw-tj. varans
Douglas County to Ship
Fruit to California With
out Regulations
Chester Mulkey Finds Ladino Clover
On Irrigated Land a Valuable Aid in
Reducing Costs of Milk Production
Members of Washington As
sociation Attempt to Prove
Products' Worth
The following story from the
Northwest Daily Product- News is
given with due apology to Rtrley
and Anania. I the annual spvin
liars contesr now underway?
"Marvels of recent feed devel
opments were revealed in ihe de
liberations of a recent meetinr of
feed dealers, member of the Feed
Dealers Association of Washing
ton, at Helliiigham, it we are to
believe ail we hear. Getting into
a discussion of the results from
the use of various feeding mater
ials. TV. B. Kan of FTervon. re
lated a most extra-onlinary ir
rumstance attending sn -prri-ment
at Everson on the ,! of
yeast in fetds.
lr. Hart Ott
"One pen." related Mr. Hart,
with extreme solemnity and every
appearance of sobriety, "was fed
on mash without ye-ast. and The
other, of an rqual :r.imber of
chicks, on a mah containing
yeast. -At the md of The test
period, there was absolutely no
difference in he .-hicks, but the
pen fed on veast CONTAINED
ED." Not at io he outdone. J. F.
Jackson, of Bellinghnm. related
the unusual experience he had
with a new poultry woman, who
fed Fox River feeds. Ignorant,
this lady kept her 500 baby
chicks !n an open pen. without
'over, without litter, surrounded
"by burlap stretched on laths in
the mud, exposed to the rain and
liail. utterly unprotected: "hut'.,
pointed out Jackson, with great
emphasis, "made no difference,
of course, because he iiv;tl n"
frods." .
"Calling on her." he continued,
"in respond to a phoned com
plaint that our feeds were kill
ing her chicks. I wt-nt out. and
asked her. 'Well, how many did
yon lo$e? "Two chicks." sai.l the
negligent pouitrywoman "And
you blame our feeds?" I asks.
'Well, says the lady. 'I'm torry.
but I remember now that I drop
ped a plank on one of them, so
you're feeds arc oiily to ijlame
tor one." "
Well. thi was a prettv pood
tory. and it looked as if Hart
: Was down and out. but he swum
right back into the fray with this
: Jiftt to ho OnKkmr-
"Not long ago," said Hart. "I
old Fnie crate fattener aud some
efftf'mash. both Albers, to a man
who had some capons to fatten.
Well, he made a mistake, ar.d fed
the egg mash to the capons, and
then one day he noticed tha' Ye
was getting more eggs than the
number of hens he had -o he
checked up on it. find fotind out
It i relil'ly reported that at
this noint Mr Jackson qni'iiy
pasted out of the picture."
"The solution of the dairy prob
lem in the Willamette valley lies
in irrigation and rotation grass
ing, thus reducing production
costs,' said Marshall N. Dana in a
recent talk before Marion county
dairymen. Those who are in
clined to agree with Mr. Dana
have been interested in watching
experiments along this line and it
was with the idta of getting facts
in regard to' such experiments
that we visited ihe farm of Ches
ter Mulkev, southwest of McMinn
ville. ?lr. Mnikey has gained wide
fame for his fine Jerseys and for
the past few years he has devoted
much t'ime and attention to the
problem of feeding, to keep the
production of milk at the highest
possible level and at the same
time to reduce production costs.
The Yamhill river flows
thiough a part of the Mulkey
farm and Mr. Muikey conceived
the idea of u-,ing the water from
the ri.-r for irrigation purposes.
, Various systems were studied
icvrtfnily until he decided to raise
j rhe water from the river by meana
j of a pjmp and turn it into a
wooden flume. Since his work was
I in the nature of an experiment
' that might prove of value to
others lie enlisted the aid of the
Oregon State College experi
ment se W" ice and other agencies.
"fcA seven horce power electric
motor was installed to supply
power for the pump. The bank of
the ri er is steep and a lift of r, 5
feet was necessary to bring the
water to 'he ltvel of the fields.
A wooden flume 1400 feet long
was built and the witer "arrkd In
t'.:is to the fields.
?ome alfalfa came under this
irrigation project but the most
notable results have leen attain
ed with Ladino clover. Various
new !yps of clover hae been
trit'l in the Willamette valley
bur few farmers arc acquaint, d
with the possibilities of Ladino.
that large heavy leafed variety
that multiplies by means of run
ners !;ke those on a strawberry
plant. These runners creep along
close to the ground and root at
every joint.
On May 11. 1&29 Mr. Mulkey
sowed 10 acres to Ladino clover,
using only 32 pounds of seed for
the 10 acres, i He explained at
this point that he bad planned to
sow it heavier but when the time
came was unable to get as much
seed as he had hoped to get.
The 10 acre field was divided
Into three parts, each section
carefufly fenced oft from the
other. Three tinit during the
growing season this field was ir
rigated. On September Z of the same
year he turned 19 head of cows
into the first section. The season
was very dry and so the field was
irrigated twice more during the
fall. When the stock had pastured
one section closely they were let
in to the other. Small patches of
the clover went to seed and the
seed was simply allowed to drop
and re-seed the field The seed
yielded per head of clover was
exceptionally heavy. Mr. Mulkey
counted the seeds' fn some heads
and the count frequently ran as
high as 30u seeds to the head, the
average being about 250.
On March 26 of this year 2S
head of cows were turned on to
one section of the ciover. The
stand was more than a foot high
and very heavy. In examination
of the field we found the plants
in a solid mat with
Maggots Play Havoc
With Onion Crop in
Hazel Green District
HAZEL fiKKE.V, June 7
The maggots ate destroy
ing so much of Joseph Ben
nett's oiiionn, it may be
necesary to plow up the re
mainder and seed again or
to quick growing cropr
such as carrots.
Cut norms ran be des
troyed with poison in bran,
but ax jet no remedy bus
been found for maggots.
Both pests cause the onion
grower much trouble.
and the drop in butter fat test
was no greater, if as great, as us
ually comes in the spring when
cows go on pasture.
That the animals like the La
dino clover is evidenced by the
way they will walk straight
through another field which has
an excellent stand of good grass
a.nd never touch the grass at all
but head straight for the clover
before they eat a mouthful.
"Ladino clover must have
iter." said Mr. Mulkey. "but
properly Irrigated it provides, ex
cellent pasture for dairy cows."
Mr. Mulkey is convinced, after his
experiment with the clover, that
costs of milk production may be
reduced at the same time that
quantity anil quality Is kept up
and increased, if pasture grass j
properly selected and managed.
Washington and Oregon
Milk Producers Study
Market Conditions
At a recent meeting of the
board of directors of the Oregon
Milk Producers Association facts
and figures showing the compari
son between Oregon and Wash
ington milk prices were given.
The Seattle milk producers asso
ciation has been in operation
more than nine years. Careful
check has been kept on the work
of the organization. The report
in part follows:
"The cost of production In
Oregon is equal or more per hun
dred pounds of milk than the
price received by the dairyman
per hundred pounds for his liquid
It has recently been stated In
one of our newspapers that the
milk producers in the Portland
milk shed were receiving as much
or more for their milk than the
milk producers In the Seattle
.Milk in the Seattle area is prac
tically all marketed through the
Dairy Cooperative association and
w-e herewith show comparative
figures of prices paid the milk
producers In Seattle and Port
land areas by years: net at farm:
Corvallis. June 7 For the first
time In fire years, fresh cherries
may be shipped, from Douglas
county to California points un
hampered by quarantine regula
tions, according to word received
from J. C. Leedy, Douglas county
agent. The quarantine rule Is
sued by the director of agricul
ture of California May 28, 1925,
prohibited the admission into the
state of cherry fruits from cer
tain sections of Oregon, includ
ing Douglas county where the
cherry fruit fly was reported to
have. been.
Although cherry growers In
that section objected to the1 quar
antine and county fruit inspectors
as well as Oregon Experiment sta
tion entomologists were unable to
find presence of the fruit fly
maggot or adult flies, the embar
go held. About a year ago vari
ous organizations in Roseburg
and Douglas county started a
drive to have the quarantine re
moved, but this was abandoned
because of the lateness of the sea
son. Early this year, Leedy took
It np with A. C. Allen, Medford,
district horticultural commission
er, who is given much of the
credit for removal of the quarantine.
duction amounted to $116,781.00
from June 1, 1924. to December
31, 1929.
It was also stated or inferred
that the dairymen in the associa
tion in the Seattle area were
burdened with deductions from
their milk checks.
It Is true there is a deduction
of 12'.2C per 100 lbs. of milk
taken from the dairymen's check,
this is distributed as follows:
3 cents used as running ex
penses. 5 ceuts for surplus milk, simply
a revolving fund.
2 i cents plant fund.
2 cents organization tund.
Three cents out of the 12 Vz
cents deduction Is the amount
used In the general' operation of
the business, the remaining 4Vi
cents Is placed in reserve and is
at all times available in the form
of buildings and equipment for
the manufacture and handling of
their products.
It was also stated that the only
amount deducted from the Ore
gon milk shippers check was the
handling charges of 35 cents per
100 lbs. for hauling, but there
are reports from sections of the
Portland milk shed where deduc
tions are made for hauling all the
way from 30 to 40 cents per 100
It was also stated that In
December of last year the Seattle
contract price was $2.95 per 100
lbs. This was for 3.8 per cent
milk and as Seattle association,
pays 6.8 cents for each point in
excess of 3.8 per cent, the price
for 4 per cent milk would be
3.08 H per 100 lbs. less 25 cents
per 100 lbs. for hauling and the
association deduetoln of 12
cents per 100 lbs., leaving a net
Seattle Portland Lose to
Ave. Price Ave. Price Portland
Per 100 lbs. Fer 100 lbs. Per 100 lbs.
(June 1
to Dec. 31)
A general Increase in national
production of butter is indicated
by reports compiled by the de
partment of agriculture for the
week ending May 17. The report
of the I -and O'Lakes Creameries
shows poduction for 355 plants to
have amounted to 1.977,220
pounds, or an increase of 10.622
per cent os compared with the
previous week, and an increase
of 1.&87 per cent as against the
corresponding week last year.
The American Creamery Asso
ciation reports production of 173
plants to have shown an increase
of 9.576 per cent during the week,
over the preceding week, but it
was 4.M56 per cent less than for
the corresponding week a year
For the Pacific coast states, the
department's report shows 55
plants to have produced 1,260,954
pounds of butter for the week
ending May 17. This indicates an
increase of 2.825 per cent as com
pared' w-ith the previous week.
2.07 1 85 .24
. 2.50 2.13 .37
...2.57 2.07 .50
2.67 2.10 .57
2.57 2.25 -32
2.60 2.15 .45
2.60 2.00 -60
322 660.00
(Jan. 1
1930 to Anr. 30) ....
The last column of figures
shows the amount received by
Seattle dairymen in excess of
amount received by Portland
dairymen on 240.000 lbs. of milk
daily for year.
Two million, two hundred,
one thousand, one hundred forty
Not only a difference in price
of milk, but the Oregon farmers
were forced to submit to a deduc
tion of one per cent from their
milk checks presumably for ad
vertising purposes.
According to the city milk de-
noplmcnt thorn la ATk AAA Pnl-
1n f millr delivered dailv In the without lniurv but returned to tn
city of Portland, 30,000 gallon j campus on crutches after taking
or 240,000 pounds Is reported to j part in a mock combat for the
be bandied by the pasteurising ; movies
plants of Portland, this amount of
price of $2.71 per 100 lbs., to the
Seattle milk producers, and for
the same month Portland milk
distributors paid to the milk pro
ducers $2.40 per 100 lbs. less
hauling charges 30 cents per 100
lbs aad 1 per cent or i ctuia io
advertising, leaving the dairymen
a net price of 12.08 per 100 lbs.
or 63 cents per 100 lbs, less than
received by Seattle dairymen."
Wear Schoonover, star Arkansas
football end. piayed three seasons
Celery, Lettuce
Growers Welcome
Recent Rains
milk figured at the prices paid to
; the farmers by the distributors,
j shows that this one per cent de-
The University of Utah ewns
the only glider in the state. It
was built by students.
growers of lettuce and celery
welcomed the continued rain.
They d.d not have to pump so !
much water for irrigating, saving
gas and time.
Richard Tnve has a fine field
innumerable of Rink wheat. This is a new
new roots forming from the run j variety for this district. Mr. Tuve
ner.s. J is renting ins i&iner s larm. hik
The first section was pastuu d ; parents have moved to Portland
PONTIAC. Midi (AP) More
.han SO plane will fly in the
Jecond annual Michigan air tour
July ie19. Pontiac will be the
starting point.
until April 3 when the cows vera ;
turned on to the second section. ,
Ou April 19 they were changed ;
o. er to the third section for at
least another week or 10 days
while in the two first sections the
stand was very good and Rhowt d j field of
but little depletion from the pa - :nunity.
turing period.
Mr. Mulkey kept a careful
check on the feeding of the cows
during this pasture period. Prac
tically the same grain ration was
ed to the railV owe as during
the winter but the ensilage ration
was cut one third and bay was al
most entirely eliminated.
In sp'te of this the volume of
tuilk "reduced increased steadily,
T T - 1 . - . .. 9 1 -T . .
that promises a pood yield. W. XI. i
Davis and Antony Itassmusson '
have irood pro. perts of barlt-y and
wheat crop--.
J C, Schnider has the Jt ;
red clover in the . oiv
W. W. nut'j.e.-foid his four
acres of black cap raspberries that
are looking fine. This is an un
usually lage planting of this var
iety. It is dificult to get pikerr
for rasrihe rris.
, Mr. Rutherford ha-. 10 acres of
Etterberg strawberries on the
Edward Dnnnigan Sr.. farm that
look better than most of that
variety in this community.
Oregon Pulp and
Paper Company
ManufEctarers of
Support Oregon Products
Specify "Salem Made' Paper for Your
Office Stationery
By'The Market Editor
"Why paint those fence posts and gates over again, they
were in good ehape anyway ?"
The work of painting had just been finished and the
owner of the fences gazed out along the shining row and
smiled thoughtfully.
"You see the farmers in this district are pretty badly
discouraged. The rain has delayed crops, money is scarce
and most of them are just about ready to quit. They won't
spend anything for improvement because they have lost
heart. They will be all right when things clear up a bit but
now they need encouragement. It makes every one feel
better to see all those shining white fence posts and gates.
It took only 20 gallons of paint anyway."
A new hola on life for 20 gallons of white paint. The
courage to carry on a bit longer after one is ready to quit.
A message to cheer through 20 gallons of white paint.
"If you lose your job and are completely discouraged,
go out and buy the most becoming hat you can find," was
the advice recently given a group of business women.
What is the price of courage, white paint or a new hat ?
The distance between the depths of despair and the heights
of courage may be bridged by a new hat or 20 gallons of
white paint.
"The greatest handicap to the sale of Oregon farms is
that they look neglected," said a real estate- salesman. "The
fences need repair, the buildings need paint and the yards
look as though nobody cared."
The ways of lending a helping hand are legion but can
there will be a more effective way than a cheerful smile or 20
gallons of WHITE PAINT?
Pole Beans Prove Best
Variety if Space Limited
The biggest crop over the long
est season is produced by pole
beans. The pole bean Is later in
coming into bearing because of
the more extensive growth it must
make before reaching bearing
size, but it is a valuable garden
crop. Contrary to the usual the
ory, a greater supply of beans in
a small space can be obtained by
pole beans than by bush beans.
The pole beans occupy no more
ground space but they do occupy
air rights in the garden to pro
duce a valuable crop. The only
extra trouble is in connection with
procuring and setting the poles.
They can be bought from any
wood working shop In the com
munity at a reasonable price.
Seven-foot poles to go to a foot
and a half in the ground will be
sufficient. They can be connected
by s4out cord at the top to cive
extra climbing support for the
beans if desired.
Pole beans are even more ten
der than the bush types and their
planting may well be delayed
until after the bush beans are in.
Set the poles from three to four
feet apart and sow from six to
eight beans about its foot. After
the beans have come up, thiu out
to the four strongest.
The standard of productivity
and quality among pole beans is
the Kentucky Wonder or Old
Homestead. It comes In both the
green pod and the wax type, the
green pod being the more common
and more popular. The ped; are
heavy and saddle backed, tender,
seven to ten inches long and
stringless when picked;;.
They develop strings if allowed
to become too mature, but 'heir
quality for the table is unimpair
ed even after the string- form
Early Golden cluster is another
favorite pole variety.
A curiosity among the pole
beans which is also a table deli
cacy is the yard-long or French
asparagus bean, a very long,
rathe;- curio-i vegetable which :s
said to be related to the cuwjiea
and which has edible pods.
The later pole beans art dual
purpose vegetables, being ust fn)
both in the green s'atf 'or s,ap
beans and in the mature s;ate for
shelled beans, either w i.i'e stjii
soft for succotash or nl,-ii dried
for baking.
Good Weather Is
Needed For Corn
TURNER. June 7. Farmers
are quite discouraged ovr the
wet weather. But little corn has
been planted and the weather Is
to cold for It to do well.
The dairymen ?.round Turner
unsually have quite an acreage of
corn planted for ensilage. If the
season from the middle of June on
during the summer St, favorabie,
a good crop is possible.
Animals Showing Evidence
ur Plastic Surgery to Be
Barred From Show
No cosmetic or animal plast'c
-i:'tery hereafter will be pernri-j-d
by the Tacific International
l ivestock show management i-i
O. M. Phirumer. manage,
and a corps of veterinarians can
I'!mh it, according to a letter
recced i,y Dr u- j ytle Mate asking his coopera
tion. "Though lone L linn n tn .v l... .
i . .. " " l"
,.V, -T!'e, "the practice
filling in under rhe vkin k
je.tinp or plugging the rtepres
'.na "un taiiow. oils, paraffin
lard and other substances so as
to correct the anatomical deficien
cies in the makeup is a deception
and practice that is hereafter te
boo. Such a practice does not tend
to fncourage good breeding or de
velop type and superior animals
and. besides, permits unworthy
individuals to win over more per
fect animals.
"Fortunately, the practice is
confined to a few show people,
principally professionals. At tie
Chicago International livest..,k
show last year, of 453 beef class
show animals entered and later
slaiie-hferf1 kIv .:
definite signs of so-called 'beauty
mm . anu certain parts
the animals wre condemned
unfit for human consumption.
"This is a small
is true, but it is a practice which
i. on not help to breed out animal
perfections. It Is not thought that
TiViv ! much (iinipie filling.
dew'.u lifting or plugging in the
lioithwest. One of Oregon's club
boys was reponed to be resort
ing to this practice, but he was
. : . . v. l . ; . m
""uiiiiHSf ignorant or any
wrong-doing, pnd was moed by
M'irit to win."
)"le said ilir nler w :i .
of judging shep only after
1:.. , been sheared.
"It would be inf cresting. "
T.'l- "tn .,.., nf
j uk-ed both b fnrp find after 1
. .. .i ... .1 t.
Lytic said he had not yet b ;(r-li-ined
what tru tbod will be tie
vised to detect cosmetic surgery
and treatment. He said, liowewr.
hat there always Is a test for the
trick of every trade and the oid
Tying that "murder will out"
still rings true. Disqualification
will be the penalty for those who
are caught. "
Carl Gustaf Ekman, head of the
(Tfople's party, formed a nen
; ministry today with himself ;-a
jpiemler and minister of defen-e.
j P.aron Rame! tal e the po--t of for
n?n minister.
ou measure a grain crop in bushels so vou can
determine the extra value of the "Caterpillar" Com
bine in bushels.
By the extra bushels of experience 44 years of
successful expesience are applied in manufacturing the
"Caterpillar" Combine.
By the e.-tra bushels of grain saving ability the
unique "'Caterpillar" system of saving grain is based on
positive agitation keeping the straw in a "Fog"
throughout the separation. Beating, bouncing, and
picking whipping, throwing, and blowing provide
the vigorous action tecessary for winning extra bush
el?, saving the grain, every year.
By the extra bushels of stamina and endurance
from the generous use of anti-friction bearings, from
the protection afforded by safety "snap" clutches on
all important drives from the reserve strength pro
vided in every part come the "Caterpillar."
Combine's ability to operate
uninterruptedly to bring you
unusual freedom from break
downs and repair bills. Today's
"Caterpillar" Combine is built
stronger than the pioneers of
the line many of which are still
in use after 25, 30 even 40
years of service.
Extra bushels bf perform
ance! Buy your combine by the
bushel and you'll buy a "Cater
pillar" Combine.
See your "Caterpillar" dealer
now Tor complete information.
You may lnspectthla
"Caterpillar" Combine
Port bind
845 E. Madisoa
343 Center
Formerly the HOLT Combine