The OREGON STATESMAN, Sales, Oregea, Satarday Uonung, Jane 7, 1W PAGE NINB N MANY LITTLE HELPS MAKE BIG SA VINGS READ THESE ADS CULSSETXED ADVSBTXSXHa Heading notice. per line 25e Classified Advertising, per IIm lOe Classified Advertising, per line 3 times - Classified Advertislus. per Itne times ,ac One month, daily and Sunday nr Una 11.00 t!l Copy for this page accepted un- K ?.0 the evening before publi cation for clarification. Copy re ceived after tiiia time will be rue under the headintj Too Lata U classify. FOR RENT HOUSES PARTLY furnished R, house. 1396 Korth 4th. FOR RENT FOR RKNT Pasture month. Tel. 2SF11. land, by HELP WANTED MALE WANTED Man to do papering and painting la eschr.nge lor apartment tent, i'.'i N. Conur rciat WANTED TO RENT ILWE part time position open for TT. xn or woman wl- lJiebT. Should Lave ear. Small saury. Call Mr. Fiesu er. Senator Uotofc tmday, noon. WOI'.KKRS Your willingness to work with t'.e co-operation a-d help e offirr ou will aaauro you of a steady Job and a tvgular pay day. This is nut the regular blgh-pre- :-e proposltio iirwl we do. not want sJmD experienced, la our line. What you have beu vre don't care, if you cm follow Instruction and are wilt in to do an homs-t day's work for an finest day s pay. C-1I at IU"Bi 6, 117 No. Commercial St. 7 p. m. SHA RP MONDAY WANTED TO RENT WE have a man Out wants td rant 2 to 5 acres clows in. srood buildings re- f Mired, and fruit, will aro as high as - per montb If Jood, might buy titer. R LYNCH or WOODEN Wttb. HOMER D. FOSTER 170 State St. Upstairs, Phone 842 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Beautiful homo overlookinar Slf-m 4 room modem bungalow, garage. thicken coops and fence. 3 acres foil bluing fruit trees. Priced $5100.40 One thousand cash. Call 1693J. KB1MANNS BARGAINS Oa of th aicest small homes In town. 4 R. aad nook. Strictly modern. Beautiful lot. Cast Salem. A bargain. Nice 4 room bouse, fireplace, hdw. floor, $25. down. $25. per'auo, inehid Iuk interest. Insurance. Mrwiey to loan. RICH L. RE1MANN Phono SC5 Realtor 219 N. High St FOR SALE REAL ESTATE MONEY TO LOAN FOR SALE USED CARS BARGAIN ihe room house, tsflM Dpivata Mahav I nn condition, two lota, one on corner. I m .-.,y " 1 bearing fruit trees and walnuts, oast I FARM LOANS Plenty of money front, pared street, North Salem, near I to loan on good farm security, city canneries. 12100. Easv terms. nearly I Loan W are loaning rruaenuai in- new strictly modern five rooms eloae I anraaca company money on city ra4- ia east front, paved street, $3459. laemcesi - - F. L. WOOD I SV. "i. , " m iwbvtUi w unsw " "SI Good Used Cars UtT Bulck ach 1317 Studebaker Sedan 1927 Nash Spec. Sedan - 1927 Ford Sedan III State Street 12 Overland Coach 126 Chevrolet Coupe 1926 Chevrolet Roadster t4S . 645.00 . 750.00 . 2I5.0S . 34.0 . 25.00 Ita.M 50.0 BEST BU In close In suburban homes and acreage tracts. One two or three acres oa Market street, par Wig paid, price $500 per acre. Eight and half A. modern 6 R. bungalow for 1 30, worth $5000; fine half acre, 3 R. bouse, gar age, electricity, ctty water, only 1150 down: price $1130. Paving paid. A fine 5 acre tract, house S R.. bath and lights, garage, paved road. A good 6 A. tract and 6 R. bungalow, owner. away, mw; was ii&o. A fin S A. tract, mod. & R. house. bath, lights, SUM. Equity for SH. Price (4500. For quick deal. The above prices have bwn' cat 20 per cent. SEE BKCHTEL. or THOilASON 211 State Street Room 6. CITY AND TRACT LOANS Raasnaabl Rates No Delay 8TATB SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION Ttt- First National Baak Bide Phone 4ST Satan. Oregaa. SITUATIONS WANTED WANTED llouso work or restar ar.t work. Can futnlish reference. TaL 6 4K5. WOMAN Cel. 3703. wauls v.oik 251 Front. XTtV'tJjsfWaf m m m m WANTED Position as houaekeaptr, Co- tel apta.. Row" 3- FOR SALE Miscellaneous 5. M. E RLK 224 No. High St. Pboar 2242 A reliable Salem realtor selling city and farm property OX all kin as. t pe dal! st in exchange of all kinds ot trojerty anywhere. I want to dispose or the I room bouse, on corner 14th and Center. preliminary to building. Prefer to sell. lettine buyer remove trie nouse wnica Is well constructed, suitable for mak ing Into downstairs and upstairs apart ments. C. A. fcTRAGUIi at The States man. SO EASY TO PAY FOR A HOMK OF YOUR OWN THEN WHY RENT r $24.20 per month buys a new 4 room honse with nook and garage. Only $1170 for a i roots house. Good location. J0.8 for a 4 room house, nook, basement, furnace, garage, new and cozy. We have others to show. KKE STEGNER 275 State Street PORTABLE typewriters, all makes. rew and used. Aci.lers and typewriter for rant. Typewriter Bxcrange. 4il Cuurt street. FOR SALE OM papers. 10c bta die. Statesman office. li nifti ui nni . jtj nunnnoonfiri r nm i" " SPECIAL. iui i-s on wood and man ure. Everything deUwed. Phone aiiM. Elroy Nash Auctloo Sale depot aaa MMivai rarioaa rl iuiki. out .v satisfaction. No fair offer refused. T1. 2864. Salem. von SALE Ivory and green Universal ga range with Incinerator used aoe month. 1S1I N. 17th street Price o FOR SALE OR TRADE 120 actea. 76 acres plow land. Good Improvements. 170 cords of 14 inch wood cut old Fir aad Oak. Also 1504) cords ot oak and old fir timber. 71 ewes, 45 lambs and 200 hens. A creek on the placo. Everything goes for $7. ftO per acre. Will Salem. taka house or acreage near HOLLYWOOD REALTY 2002 North Capitol Phone 1847 Rea. tU. We have 2 clear Salem properties to trade for a farm. A wU equipped poultry ranch, splen did location, owner will sacrifice. A splendid duplex for 4 or 6 room I cottage or would consider small acre age. A splendid 23 acre farm worm , EXCHANGE Real Estate EXCHANGE I R. mod. home. Rose City dist.. Portland, for 4 or S R home In Salem, send full particulars. Rep. 621 E. 39th street, Portland. FOR EXCHANGE S Acres apples, 5 acres cherrlM. 1 room house. Only 6 miles from Salem, paved road. Price for quick sale $2500. Two Silcm homes, 4 and 6 rooms. vahte $4S0O. Both homes have good renters. Will exchange for acreage close to Saletn. LEO N. CHILDS CO, Realtors 320 State Street Phone 1727 EXCHANGE NICK B acre tract good soil, good location. 4 room house m good condi tion, electric ngbts, $480. Owner wants small modern bungalow up to $3500. Fine new 4 room bouse. N. Church Et, basement, furnace, fireplace, lights, bath, brk. nook, aad garage. We hare other models as low as Come in and loo them over ; will I try and please you. F.SW. Pettyjohn Co Inc. Tel 1260 McKay's For Used Cars With an 0. K. That Coants 192S Chevrolet 4 -door sedan $675 0 19 4-uevrolet ceaeh 650. 19S Chevrolet Cabriolet 416 00 19$ Chevrolet Sport coupe, new 750.00 1928 Chevrolet coach 1928 Chevrolet coupe 25.00 1927 Chevrolet Roadster 295.00 1927 Chevrolet touring . 295.00 1926 Pontiac coach - S25.0O 12T Paige coach 345.00 1926 Overland coach 525.00 ATI thoroughly reconditioned and guaranteed. Also a nice line of used truck9. Prices reasonable and conven ient terms. Douglas McKay Chevrolet Company Tft T.fCATiaN8 420 N. Commercial St. Phone 1802. 550 Chemeketa St. Phone 1425. BROOKS CELERY NOW ON ;M A R K E T STRAWBERRIES DOWN TO 11 CENTS Quality Is Good But Competition of Others Felt ON FARMS AND CITY REAL ES TATE. LOWEST INTEREST RATES. BEKT T. FUKD nR3T NATIONAL BANK BLPOL CTTY AND FARM loans at loweat ratea Best terms eWamatna. tw lasurancs departmeat offer yos es pert advice and service la an linen HAWKINS m HUH&AIS I IOC 9 Tel. 1427 20S Oregon BUg. To finance your new home or refi nance yoor present heme, see P. H. BELU 202 if. H. Bank Bids. TeL 102. PPRsa'lL LOANS UAKR on furniture, ears, salaries or other goad secwRy. Reayabl monthly, when in financial Bee ree us before closing a loan. GEKEKAU lis v fci&ii nejsirr CORPORATION First National Bank Bldg. Phone 1200 Federal Fares Loana itt Per ceat r. L. WOOD. 241 State Street MONEY LOANED ON AUTOS Contracts Refinanced Arrange to reduce sour paymenta Yon keep the car. P. A. EIKER Cor Liberty St and Ferry Phone 121 Salem, ore. TO SALARIED PEOPLE on olatn notes, endorsed aetea, furni ture. Pianos and other personal prop-i.. ,. Motah f AmnetlV erty. Repay in amaii monuuy mwir TeaiUv luuvui wviip.' All transactaen strlctry coBiurouai. stjtB I1AM COMPANY 212 Oregon WJ., Second Floor Corner State aad High O fries lira 10:00 a. m. to :M p. m. Telephone 922 Licensed by State. General Markets New low prices on all used cars effective today. PORTLAND. June 6 (AP) Butter prices continue to show strength, hut no changes b-ave been announced. Demand for both! storage and home consumption ap pears much brisker. Egk price were also holding their own. Reviewing the fruit and vege tabld situation, the Portland bu reau of the TJ. S. Department of Agriculture says: "Portland's team tracks are orer-supplied with tomatoes and cantalocpes. and both commodi ties show heavy price-declines. Cantaloupe declined nearly Ji.00 per crate, to 12.50 to $2.7 & lor standard sizes. Part of this decline is due to generally ordinary quali ty. Tomatoes sold to Jobbers as low as ftftc per lug of fair-quali-tv Californlas. ranging up to $1.75 for best stock from that district. Some Mexican tomatoes are virtu ally worthless. Even firm, solid Taxas tomatoes dropped as low as $1.50 per lug. "Although Brooks celery naa been moving In limited volume for a few days. Portlands lirst de liveries were made yesterday. The . DAISY PORTLAND, Or, Jus. 6 (AP) Produce debases, aet prices : butter, ex tras S3, standards 21. prim firsts SO, first. 2fl Eggs, treifc axtns 24 26. fresh mediums 3324. POBTLAXD. Ore, June 6 (AP) Xats w.lnntt. Or goo. 3580i; si soadx, 25 80; pesnota 9t10H; pecaa 25-2Tc ; filberts. 1T.Q 18c Hay whelessle baying prices, deliver ed Pertlssd; eastern Oregon tosnothy. 922. 5023.50: 4o valley. $1619 50; aHalfa. $1020; clow, $16; oat hay, $16; straw, $TQ ton; telling prices $1 te $2 store. Hop 1929 crop, 6 Si. Berries Are Plentiful; Wholesale Price Hits $2.25 PORTLAND OEAIlf PORTLAKD. Ore, Jono Vbeat tutnrea: C-(AP)- LXVE STOCK and POULTRY Come in and see the Bargains offered at AUCTION SALS OF HORSES Biggest horse sale in Willamette val ley. Sixty bead of horse a, well broke horse ranging In weight from 1400 to ma J maJ aftrfa e4rSlr' all broke. Som good heavy-boned j Valley MOtOT WOWipany -""-" " " - - i . . m j Center ana Lioerty Southern Pacific Ry. stockyard. Lebanon. aAawLV, IMUl Via. BUM, 4aWVa 44A4 I TZW. " 7 w a -i. 1250 down, $20 per month, and Inter- J Usual terms JJ -Maye Leb mi Onrv SSSoe. I anon, clerk. Cobb Cram, owners. , . ..ift. tHc rnnr. of lief liouhold goods. Real bargain with Eke Improvement for Salem swwaja iawl 4naeii' ' ' T I arlyTf rrDDTOm at. T V XTXT rKlTai NT jHCj g a-jiiarnu a ass. a a w-- . 309-1 U. a Bunk Bldg. Pbooe 140. eat. Only $S0. - C. J. Jackson with Phone 1995 I eWMwMWWAAAMsAAprVAA Comb, gas stove. l.u. ttikm. dinteg set" cheap. R. . Box 26 A. TeL i:F4. FOR SALE Netted gem Bead po tatoes? A. W. PeweU, RC . Box 49. or cull a3F. W ANTEPlfestPanewa 4aaanntswa' m -"-J ll LI WANTED Vacd pianoav In a-c- rnae oa radios pUon,-rapbn, or ror r.rturrTH. L. Stiff KurnMiire Company, FOR RENT ROOMS NICK room. qwJftJMW ROOM AND BOARD W. G KRUEGER 1 4"7 Nvrth C?Miiniffi t fca! $3200. New room English style home, l oak. floor in living and a using FOR SALE FARMS room, fireplace, basement, furnace. MR WAGE EARNER sTaraae. bgtit Ilxturea, etc szw. I WHY not get Into business ror down. IvauraelfT W. bava a fine 115V& acre $3eo. New 5 room bungalow, oak I dairy ranch where you caa establish "r1 in JlVng tnVn? rooin' yonraelf at gmall cot. acre in neoa, a vurwui., ioii umwhsmi, i euttlvtition. balance tn timber and ROOM A BOARD in modern home. Tln beds. Phone 138J. liRdB steam heated sleeping r.m, board. Phone 1063J, furnace, fireplace, laundry trays, Karaite and paving. Terms. $150. Bunraiow. 4 rooms and nice breakfast room, nam, garage, par- in r lfiurn 1 1 ttntvn t $1700. New Kngllah style home, 3 rooms ami osun, garage ana pav ing I i. $100 down. $3500. to loan. Fire Insurance. MELVIN JOHNSON S2I U. & Nat L Bank Bid. TeL $27 FOR SALE Fatrmotmt Hill resi dence with a wonderful view. Butlt for home by owner, a. j. kaua, iu Falrmount Street phone 1927. aaaaaa4aasV.a4sAa BARQAXNS T acres of fruit and six room house near Salem rieignts, gooa aeep boh. " TO VRD tt ROOM S meal, dally would make f ma chicken farm. $3200. flnrt cold water ia room Very easy tcrma 644 Mmri'i CoiniutTclal FOR RENT APARTMENTS . - - i n nn t tt Wararalaaf'V' si and $11. Damon Grocery. 832 NComX TWO u. thrc room apcrtmcnU AMBASSADOR APTS. PtKne Wll. MILLER APTS. under new nianage ment. Frnlhed room and apta Tel. 701. , , ,,-,,- FATTON APARTMENTS down districts. Clean, comfortable. nicely furnished, reasonable. For tn SSSdoa ' all Patton' Book atore. . . . -it anfirtmniR. 2 nicely fur T acre on ravin war Salem, elec tricity. 4 acres walnuts and cherries ia bearing.. $150 ; must raise money; otherwise would not cut off of farm. Beautiful corner lot Falrmount Hill district, good view, 150 by 150, priced at $1350 for ready cash, some terms. WINNIE PKTTYJOHN. Realtor 175 South High Street j00imtt a-',a-iai'saa-n FOR SALS S room thoroughly modem house, corner lot, fine loca Uon. Call i 2154a $200. Reduction for quik sale, rour rooms, nook, baeement, fii-eplace, big lot, fruit, shrubs, good investment. 2340 South High. r rii i nrisri rnrv-Y-y-1 - New plastered and decorated home. nasture. runninar water rear around. aeveral nice cherry and walnut trees, good B room bouse commanding fine View of valley, large barn suitable for either cow or sheep. Price only $, OOe. No mortrruK. Owner will accept good home in Salens or sell oa easy terms. We will e pleased to shew Uiia SEE Mra Ellis with LEO N. CHILDS CO., Realtor 220 State Street . Phone 1727. REAL FARM BARGAIN Id acre farm near town all ra culti vation and good loam soil all ia crop, small house, barn and out bldgs., good wen, good road, good team and tools. Snap, $6000 ; easy term or take res idence for part. PEBJUN'E V MARSTERS 212 Gray B1dr nl.hed rootna. Clean and a Upstairs unfioisUcd. but aUlrs in. Two F-lectrie range, eiecUO-kolO. heat ana 1 g7arrB bedrooma. down stairs with ater. woo i JT.V,. 2 or 4 room turaisaeu. modern. 1209 Court. 28dH X room rurmsucu OLYMPIC epta. a t. 720 N. Liberty. ?ir and C urchi $13 $0 and $15-$- Call W7R utnr' .11 nj'. uu r r 11 " "' " Prescott Apartments Two rooms furnished, fine kftchn, lots of hot water, light, garage, ad wits only, near state bouse, 104 Oa wr 120 00. - - . -ii ,.... room modern apt. Close to. Td 8 V?h . " " .: ill' Three room neatly nlshed anart-n-nt. private bath. 84 Court. . 107. ... t- AiniMmi ant. with bed im- nri.l ntonidlBL bV - a& i w . . . - week or ineuth. 245$ State Street. cross ventilation, kitchen lias lots of bunt in and Ule sink. Living room has hardwood floors, fireplace with beau tiful tile hearth. Cheapest new house in Salem. Seeing is belle v In jr. Phone 303 tor appointment. $10 down. K. E. ROBERTS 311 State Street t?.L M down and 1-5.00 per month buy nent 4 room home on paved street nice lawn and flowers. Phone 1570W. BARGAIN ! 12 room house arranged for three tree, shrubs, good location. A wonder ful boy at $2000 with very easy terms. Como In and let us give you the de- tails of this Income property. A. V WIHTK with J. F. TJLRICH COMPANY 325 State Street FUtte NEWPORT cottage to lease or sell at bargain. Furnished, light, snmty and ocean view. Call forenoons at 1483 N. Summer. ACREAGE FOR RENT nnd sale 25 acres 5 acres in nut orchard. 10 acre good po tato land house ( mile east. Call 299 N. Winter. 2$ Acres Stt mile north from Salem, C room plastered bouse, fireplace, barn and chicken house, 4 A. car- rota 4 A. raspberries, 1 A. cu cumber, 4 A. vetch, A. timber, crop contracted. $7500. $1000 down or will trade for house la Salem. $0 A. farm, buildings, running water, about 5 A. timber, 40 A. In crop, splendid bo 11 $129 per A. Includ ing 1-3 of crop. 1$ acres north, fair house, close to highway, all m crop, good soli, crop goes with place. Will trade for a farm or house In Salem. Price $6000. B Acres fine land, ml. east of Sa lem. li acres fruit, all in crop, $1700. $250. down. MELVIN JOHNSON 220 U. a Nafl. Bank Bldg. Phone 6J7. FOR SALE WOOD OUAaiMTEED OR Wood coat TeL 1$ SaMn fuel Ce. 743 Trade THB best wood In the city nr the mmn at Tracy's Fuel Yard. Prompt delf vory. Fbone DRY nr and eea wood, coal and fuel ofl Can o u far prices, we gtv food measure, good Quality and f3aRMaS TRANSFBR STORAGE Teiepnoae jsi lnnirrVMW-ii-riri-i'- " m m m m m WE hav 1$" wood on nana an tne time. Prompt delivery 14 8. Ilia Cobbe A MiteheU Oa, phone tl. nrvtn i( in. old fir. 27.59 cord, Phoae Z6F32. Four Corner Garage. IS" old fir. $7.0. Phone $66$. t tn ot ffr. 4 PL fir. oak and ah. No. 1 old fir hill lab. Reduced prtcea C. U. Harbaugh, UI Hi&iiiand Ava Fbone Ttn 2nd arowth fir $4,041 per cord Idelrvered. Phona 2712W. LOST AND FOUND LOST Blue cameo riait, antique setting, liberal reward for its return. Stratton Apartments, 670 N. Winter street. Your Dollars Worth Always J Oakland Sport Roadster, wire wheels, trunk, many other extras an exceptionally good one .$t?5 20 Type Esovx Challenger Coupe, run lea than .00 miles. This ear ta a bargain at ITS a2S Srodebaker Commander, 5-paa- senger sedan, rennlhed. A-l me rhanimllT. inside finish excep tionally rood 850 5S Whippet coach, run less than lflt0 mile a finish inside and out A-l - A . - 5 Kan 4 -door sedan, refinlslied. Tery good in every respect 27 S Tf Emex Coup 695 2$ Hudson, 7-passengtr sedan - 496 Hnnmobile sedan 475 THln Hedan 40 T HniliMii Coach . 36 IS WlllT-Knhrbt Sedan & 27 Kfset. Coach 29 '2S Essex Coach - 195 '26 Ford Roadster 1-5 2 Ford Coupe 1 TRADES AND YOUR OWN TERMS WITHIN REASON State Motors, Inc. Jul. Sep Cash markets: Open , ....103H Wheat : f '.ose U3 io:iH High 10Si 1034 hie Rend bii:e- stem $1.16; siift white, western white $1.03; hard winter. northern spring, western red. $1.01. Oats: No. 2 H8 lb. whiie SI9. Corn: No. 2 E. T. th.p aacat $33.50. Miilrun: standard $19. Local strawberries - are mora plentiful and the price has drop ped to J2.25 wholesale. Most re tailers are selling at II cent per box. Local celery has appeared ia the market and the wholesale price is 11.85 per dozen for tha small bunches. Dressed meats showed a slight arop when pork was quoted at IS cent and veal at 14, rrea rmita (Wholesale Quotations) ArVansa Bleeii Bananas, lb. 'Vinesips 2 Dates I'roiredary, SS. 10 oi. ptes. 6 SO Cone'a Pitted, rase .50 Cailf. Orsivfrult - 6.75 Isle f Pina 7.75 U 8.23 i.eons. 77ir. . goo 1.7S to 2.75 Of ..2.50 te 1.54 PBODPCB PORTLAND, Ore.. Jus 6 (AP yi'.V Mead j- raw miik (4 per eenO. $-.0 4 2.40 cwt.. delirered Portland, leas 1 per cent; srad. B milk, $2 f-5. Butterfst, station 27c; track, 29c; del iveries in Portland "Oo. 'Poeltry fbrvinr prices alive hearv hens over 44 l!n.. 2Se; ri edium hens S to 4'i Ih.. 20c: lisht hens. ITc: quality is good, but : with l so many fa: "j-" competitive Tepeltablea, demand is 8i 0T,.r. tzaz$c; pi,i 13318c: coated Orangea. Navels 8Js 100 l?'i 1-0's 176's I CIO-a 216's 2o2's 29Sa . 324's Str wherries ... Vegetaoics :esa' Qtiolaliost) 5.00 5.50 .25 7.SS 8.00 8.25 8.00 .9.50 8.59 8.50 3.25 rather slow. First offerings sold at $2.00 per dozen stalks of me dium to small sizes. "Straw berries were In light supply after the past few days' rain. Quality of most stocK was rather poor, although some Banks berries were Tery good. The mar ket was firm at 3.2t to 2.50 per crate. difks 18 ft 20. Potatoes. Gems. No. 1 rrade. .7SCr 4.00. Xew potatoes California, iliif-t ib. LIVESTOCK POItTLAXIi. Or. . June 8 (API Osttle 75, calves 10. quoUMt atmdy. Steers 11-1300 lbs 10.75 11.35: rd ll.00gll.75: meditim 10.00 (3 11.00: common 8.5010.OO. Heifers 9.5010.50; eomutoa to aaedinst 7 . 10 opinaca ia scarce, au uijjuei, to medium .75g...n; i0w cutter to cut at 3 5-&c Der lb., to retailers. "Cherries are preeent today from The Dalles. Yakima, ana Clakatoo. Prices ranged from 12 Vi to 12 V cents per pound. TIMBER DESTROYTCD LOS AVGELES, June ( AP) -A spectacular fire destroyed more than iiuv.vuu worm oi hardwood gad lumber la the JC J. Station company lumber yard here tonight. Other yards and In dustrial plants near the fire were threatened. ter .50.7S. BnlU (yearlirsra axclnd d) 7.50(8.00: rotter to tnedram 00 T.30. Carre. 8.00(S9.00; call te roe diutn 5 008.0. Tealers milk fed. lO.OOJf'll.OO: medinra 8.00S10.00: cull te eemsien 6.00,T8.K0. Mors 102. steady to Uronf. Heary weight. SO.OOffi 10.59: saedrnm weiht. f.SOffl 11.00; lizhl wetchl 10.75 flfll.00; lirlit lifht. flO.OOftll 00. Parking sow, 8.0OSr9.0O. Slanrhter pirs. u.ou10.5A. feeder sad stotker piea. 1 1. and 13.00. fSoft or ollr hoea and rosatlne Dies evrhided tn shove quotations). Mi4eO 700. Ijmbi, zeoi ia rliotee $8.00(39.04: sll weights, common 5.0047 8.50; Iambs, me dium. 0.50 S. 00. Tfirhnr wether.. S.755.SO. F.wes. 2.75(5? 3.50: in 130 150 lb., mtwiiiim tn choice 2.5?8.5S; H weigh tt, common 1.00 C. 50. . G.S0 .1.83 Locsl. dos Bu:..'c.: . :tuv lei. Lt-r doa. botirheik irrr.;s SO Bets ,, so Turnips . 70 Radishea , , m Parsley . 60 Onions 40 Garlic, lb. IS CsHifornis Tomatoes lag not nous. Lett see Lake Lsbiak Cucumbars, hothouse L75 to 3.00 Cabbage, local , 04 Rhubarb, local. O Peaa (Th. Da iea) IS r-otatoea. local a 00 Artichokes, dorea oo te 1.18 New potaloei 04 Vi to .0$ Feeds (Retail Juolaaional C!f meal 25 lba derate. t , .1.50 Cera, whole, to Cracked sod ground Mill run, ton Braa. ten , Kt- nash , . , With milk Fitras Mediums sen (Baying Price) . 1.2S .50.00 .44.04, -48.0O .83.00 54.0O .60.00 at the rte of six per cent per an num and with interest thereon DRESSED POtTLTBT PORTLAND. Ore.. Jnne 8 (AP T . . - J 7 . : 1 m i irom may i, ivov, at me rate ui fsn(.r oras 8Sf. hpn, ,-r. jr0 j six per cent per annual ana wiia ise. inWU1U3l 1. " V- . v A a. a vua I wnrtTasa vrnnwaalnf na jt,Mw are z J A a.. HM.41 XOUllO, V IjUIiI ADLIiS ". nill pnra, wio PORTI.AXn Ore June fi fiTM OI ten per cent per auuum, I Fnriti nd vrthlet. and fer the further sum Oil Trr fmit orange. VaVneiss. $8.00 120. with interest thereon from January 1. 1990. at the rate of; 10 per cent per annum until paid, and for the further sum ot 6 17. 64. with Interest thereon from January 1, 130, at the rate Tel. 1000 High A Chemeketa T.riST Bar horse, white star hal ter. Henry Kane. 241i N. $th on Pine, Salem. of woolen good and Woolworth be-Call LOST Roll tween Miller's 1721M. !AfT TTamwden wrist-watch, call 1254 or return to Statesman office. Reward, FOR SALE USED CARS Kinnnnnn r-, rtin rrxnrurxi n n r-n -riraff'wafT The'flome of Best Values 1;8 P ilrk SrMrr Roadster $75 1927 Liulek Coach 715 1925 R:fck Roadster 1925 BtnVk Roadster 1925 Buick Master Touring 30 25 1925 Buick Master Enc touring 2S5 1924 Bulclt Master Tourmg 98 1922 Bulck Sedan, run 15.000 miles !6 1922 Cadillac 5 passenger sedan .125 I 192$ Chevrolet Coach 43 225 Good Will Used Cars Sold with a guaranty. 1928-Pontlae Sedan 1927- Nash Cabriolet 1928- Durant Sedan 1928-Pontiae Cabriolet 1927-Nash Coupe 1926-IIudaon Brougham Many others to choose from. .$:sk.oo . 600.00 . 4S5.00 . 59,00 . 4 45.00 . 585.00 Fishing Cars 1922-Dodge Coup '" Kmlshed nt. 812 mo. 700 N. HWrb. ' FOR RENT--HOIJSl!a FtB RENT Hewasje fu-niabed and onfvmsiaued, y r, $41 State Street ; FOR REN T Clean bouse--$10 to SSta. Also flat store bldga, business lota BECKB & HENDRICKS 189 North High Street modern Haxur- 2 famished and two d SVTH JOHNSON Phone 637 taaaasawllUjaaw Furn . .at r IJiail MaU94S aW vuw TUrhllrileki. $ N- High St, Tel. 86 SPECIAL. ishinjrs sod lw ! II close in. arranged w1"" J" V tir I'. ows goofl income. Priced for a few d.ivK at $$00. SKR Mra Ellis with . ik:0 N. CHILDS CO.. Ro 820 SUte Street Phn If 5 room house, newly finished mrtde. Lots of bullt-ins. On pavod treet ; near School. Call 142SR. N'ICB 5 room house with nook, gar Ke, woodshed. BeauUful shade, natur al tree at 1350 N. list. Call toglW. FOR RKNT Three room furnished ouss ! s TOOa s- t1re room' ,25 - P. U WOOD 141 State Strwet j-um aaen.aa A rrtnrn modern bouse, furnace. fireplace electric range, ar r t v. 15.00 cj nuuiu f" r r. MM . 1000 $ Room house, with range, good location 50.00 aw n.r.m tiMicm 9?li rriaA H Tf flTAT 4 iwnrul avswv, ' 4.0A w.Tr tram re. only . 1aca.w 7 " - - FOR rentals v. SEE STEGNER 275 State Street FOR SALE or KXCHANGK 9A ACRFS tn HLTNKLUl HILL FRUIT FARMS. 8 miles from SALEM. A baratn. , A. B. McCOY. ltetsti, v asn. Box 226. REAL BARGAINS g .r-toH. new S R modern bouse $ acres R. A. cherrlmi, T yra old, famtty orcnard 1 Va srt. from Setlem at bar- gatn arte or traoe ror aaury raocu. I teres 4 R. how. electricity. good well, bam md other Improve ments. A snap for $2200.00. IS Acre chicken ranch, bldg. for 2000 hens, worth $4,000.00. A sacri fice at $2$04.0. CUARLKS WHITE 487 Center Street SOUS BARGAINS FARMS 50 ACRB3 $6500.Xr $730.00 down: $250.00 year. 7 -room house, barn, ajvoulrry house, good drilled well. Good dark soil, all fenced. A real buy. 64 ACRES $8500.60. $2500.00 down: balance easy, all plow land. S-A. filberts, 4 tt. old, 8-A. walnnts. ,erM rWlvr S A wraln An Korth Pieifle hirhvav Yr.11 bad 1 1926-EseX Coach better look this over before buv- I 1925-Star Touring tn. 4$ ACRES stocked and equipped has over $2000.00 crop tni year; 6-R. house, good bam, garage, poultry and hog house, 22-A. crop, 2-A. strawberrle, 1H A. logans, aU fenced, woven wire. 9-A. sum mer plowed, for grata ; price $8, 998.00, wltn cows, horse and tni- rJemcnt. 12000.00 down: balance 1 239 North Hizn easy. I 446 Chemeketa -ACRES H miles of Salem. $11.- I . -" 600.00; win trade for larger ranch, I FOR SALK atodel T Ford readster aman hooee, large bare, double I good rubber, run good 1969 Broad garage, poultry house, alt tu erop. I way. Wheat, eat and veatcb. What have you to trade t 211-ACREH 8 R. plastered bsnrgalow. aise bank noose, gooa nam, gr- 115.00 160.00 135.04) la'.i-rrhewolet Tourtna 65.00' Good tops, curtains, ruo&er inecnaia- ically O. - Wood-Wheaton Motor Co., Inc. Tel. 111. 1927 Chevrolet Roadster 1427 Chevrolet, panel delivery - zi 1925 Chevrolet Coupe 16. 1926 Chevrolet Touring . ni ll!4 Chevrolet Sedan 96 1917 Chevrolet ton truck 815 1929 Chevrolet truck aad lumoer trJllpr 850 1S27 Chrysler 4 Cylinder Sedan 490 1 Dodie Sedan 275 1925 Essex Touring 1928 F.wex 4 Touring 60 1929 Ford A sport Roadster 490 1028 Ford A Roadster 395 1 Vrd A Snort Coupe 895 1925 Ford T 4-dr. Sdin , , - 185 1924 Ford T 4-dr. Sedan 125 lt?8 Ford T Conns Ruxtell 195 192$ Ford T Coach 1?Q 1924 Ford T Ruxtell 165 1924 Ford T Roadster deiivwry .126 192 Ford T Roadster 125 Ford T Touring 1935 Ford T Coupe of ten per cent per annum until I 4.on: California. $ 253.73 erate. paid, and for the further sum of $47.50, with interest thereon from May 1, 1930. at the rate of ten per cent per annum from April 26, the further sum of $572.00 with Interest thereon at the rate of ten per cen per annum from April 25, 1930. until paid, and the further sum of 1400.90 special attorney's fees, and for plaintiffs costs and disbursements lneurrer In this leal, outdoor. 5v43. Cauliflower . V tenn.. m ft w I Urn III0TH1&. fi.UU. au".. L"tti lu" . 'rr TsMe pttoes Heaehntea rem $4.00 D6 maae iur me mib ui ids muu- YaVima. $3.50 0 4.00; wsitsn gaKed premises described in plain-I Oreroi. I2.25g2.50; new Cnliforni reds. iff'n romnlaint and hereinafter de-l c: whites. 4e in hweet potatoes scribed by the Sheriff of Marion 192 Hudson Coach 1926 Hudson Coupe 1922 Hup Touring 1922 Hup Touring 1925 Jewett Coupe 1928 Star Touring 1115 Star Touring 1924 Star Touring 1923 Star Sedan will wood trade 95 75 100 350 154 . 85 65 165 1 100 T5 for 85 FOR SALE 1930 Chevrolet tit standard sedan. Fullr eauinoed and run very little. nary and machine shed, 204 acres I Will trade and give terms. Mr. Allen, crop, 3-A. umber, wind mm. all no u&etaeketa bt. roan it;. rORCRD SALE And W'U sacrifice for a quick dal 6 room bouse in fair condition located within one block of Leslie Junior high school extra largo corner lot with one street paved some fine fruit trees on lot east front Price now $1250. THIS LOT IS ALMOST WORTH THE PRICE ASKED you get the bouse FREE. NON-RESIDENT OWNER Offer this 6 room plastered house Kxwted near S. P. de pot at a bargain paved street east front near school aad bus THINK OF IT $26.1)0. down and $20. per month Price now $1060. OWNER LEAVING And ha reduced price for Immediate sale 4 room with mtvWii nlmnbinsf can extra large lot wrtn neanmvi lawn, fliwers and shrubbery east front paved treet clow to school and bus lo cated to northeast Salem among many fine NEW bomea Just the place to buy you will lik it Prrce $169 A SMALL PAYMENT DOWN AND EAST TERMS ON THE BALANCHL SEE L. K. Oberer WITH W H. CRABENHORST lb CO. -REALTORS 134 South Liberty Street Phone 51? fenced, threshing outfit. Case tractor, horses and cows, avO ma-1 chxnery. 1-3 or all crop goeat with place, trade for smaller farm or I city property. 7-Acre chicken ranch. 6-R. house, built tn kitchen, electric liathts ssnd elec tric water system, water and lbrhta In all boildlaga New barn, 2 targe poultry houses and 7 smaller ones. 14 large bearing cherrtea, some walnuts and filberts and family orchard. 1-A. in cJotot. oats and veatcb. 2 miles from state boose, east. Will trade for modern house In Salem. For bargains, sea SEARS Sb TUCKER, ReaHora 184 South Commercial Street GOOD BUYS 25 acrea alt In cnltl vat loss, saved road, school bus. New modern reosn I bungalow, bam, poultry bouse sv Ooae I to town. 4l--is cam, balance Iterma 8 acres. 49 m cultivation, balance timber, nasture. all fenced. runaiasT water, 10 mile from Salem. $4te $2000 caaa. Balance easy lerms. II acres, v u cultivation, im war- .r srvsrem. dose to Kennel, ran onfld- ings. 10 miles irom saiern. jsw rjk. CEPTIONAL BUY. $9000 $2000, bal ance easy terms. SOCOLOFSKT ex SON First National Rank Btrflding BITS... Of General Knowtedge By W. L. GORDON- irtt Studehaker liaht $ Coach 28$ 124 Studebaker light 4 coupe 18S 1924 Studebaker Special Erie Toirr- t?ns'tVidhiker ileht 4 Touring 150 192$ Wlllya-Knlght Tounag i 1921 Tourmg 7$ Used Car Center ! CONSOLIDATED BY Y ALLEY MO TOR co., foru cak, o. j. "luw.-t Mnrlon and Liberty Open Evening and 6unday Phone 10 v8.50: rrapefniit. imperial 96.00 8.50; limes. 5 dos. cartons, 2.50; ban ana. H 0 Be Ib. Lemon Cariforr.I. $8.50Sc.2S. Cab- bare California winnestead, 8fr4e lb. Cucnmhert hothouse. Oregon. 60c Q 91.00 per dozen. Tomatoes local bot- hotiae. 17t4Sr.2ic Jb.. TeTat. 9S.5O0 Onions aelline orice to retailers: seta 5 (J? ffe; Oregon 81.55ffT 1.50 : new Teas crystal wax. $2.00: California. $2.00; aew Stockton reds, $3.35 aack. I.ettnce Oregon, 91.2."'.? 1.83 per crate for So. Asparagus Oregon, $1.2." (rrt.35 doxen bnncbea. Spinach local. SOtTCOe oranre box. Strawberries Oreron. $2.502.7S for 1 is Celery CaTtfornla, 9? 00 dotes. 85.S0 08.00 erate; hearts, $2.28 doaen bancb' e. Peppers BeU. 20e lb. Rhubarb Io aonfhern yams, $"VTS per hamper: Cali fornia. 7 7b. Peais Oreena. llrrlte lb. Bees California. $3.23 2. 50 per 29Tb. himper. l?c lb. Poiitry (Burin l'ric) Boosters. eldi Hoa.ia .. , Broiler Leghorns . at -is -7 . 12 II to It 10 to 18 .22 to 23 Others Wholesale Batter (Buying Prises) Butterf.t 30 Print se Carton , 35 Batter (Retail Quotations) Prints 3 Oarten 37 Grata and Bay (Baying Pries) Wheat, western red Soft white Oats, bu. Barley, ton Hay. retail pries Oats and vetch , Clover Alfilfa 8 41 47 .$29 00 Most (Boy in Ptica) Spriar I.aaba . Live Hfgs ; Dressed bare - . Dreese reel 18.00 te 22.00 -.18.00 to 22.00 25 00 to 28.00 07 4 10iJ .18 .14 Coarse . Medina Old Kid Weal 18 .20 Mob air -23 2T County, Oregon, according to law and the practico of the abore eo- UIICO tuuil, IML u.r yivvcrrua ; CHICAGO OTATK said sale may b applied toward I fTTCAOO. Juki ' ap Woist-re the navment of the amounts due I scarcltv tkrotizkont the North American nlsintitf and that the above named "Pfinr whest belt, toeetbar wilk s.rioiii ' .1 eeva A at rrva arA aAtaltl A l n .49 rVrtTYl rar41il A CieienaantS, ana eaca OI luem, n ftt, wht valnea a eeneral npwsrd trend all oersons claiming unaer mem, War. Toward tbn last also, th wheat or either of them, subseouent to 1 market received further impulse to ad - ' - . i m ..ti. .Lin.. the execution of plaintiff's said If"", . ""'f l. mortgage, may be barred and rore-1 tnT rentrai ' aad aontbern distviet of closed of all right. Claim Or equity Tanii ths yield of hard wb.t this sea- of redemption in or to said mort- X" TWtll, gagea promiswa. ana " l-att,Km higher than Teaterdaya thereof, and that maintiff hare finish. Corn closed 1-8-He down. Oata such further relief aa may be equitable. The mortgaged premie es hereinbefore referred to are particularly described aa f -Hows: That portion of the Norta Hall of th Joseph Despard Donation Land Claim in Townships 3 and 4 So nth Ranee t West of the will at l-8c declin to in eqnal gain, nd pro visions varying from rUe of See. le actbsek ta PORTLAND TEAM OUT BOISE. Idaho. Jnno . (AP) -In probably tbo hardest fonght 4 soma xtange j r em oi tue win- . 4h, v.. iQ amette Merldiaii, .Marton County. JSTjSSf Oregon whkh Ilea South of the g ; c,ub of Portland. 19 to County Road leading from Cbam Doeg to Newbere. the whole of said North Half beiag more particul arly described as follews. to-wtt: Beginning on the Township tine between Townships s and 4 soma Range 2 "West of W. M., Marion County, Oreron. at a point 11.38 chains East of th Quarter Sec tion corner between Section S In TownsbLo 4 South Rang 2 West and Section 34. Township 3 South Ranze X West: and running thence North 45 East SS.30 chains to SUMMONS t the Northeast corner of said IN THB CIRCUIT COURT OF j claim on the bank of th4) Willn- 9 today to put Portland definite ly out of the running for tne northwest championship. O Going on a vacation? Have Th Statesman follow you. By mail two weeks to any address 25 cent. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF ADMINISTRATRIX Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly ap pointed by the County Court of th State of Oregon for the Coun ty of Marion as Administratrix ot the estate ot Wllhelm E. Ahlgren. deceased, and that she has duly qualified as such Administratrix; all persons having claims against the estate of said decedent am hereby notified to present the name, duly rerified, to me, at the office of Ronald C. Glover, my at torney, at 203 Oregon Building. Salem Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated at Salem. Oregoa, thisi 24th day of May. 1930. JESSIE C. JONES, Administratrix of th Wllhelm E. Ablgren, deceased. RONALD C. GLOVER. Attorney tor Administratrix. Salem, Oregon. M-24.31. J-7. 14. 21. -O j AGAIN LEAVES FLIGHT UP IN AIR ..... ' --'MfriSff.- "frit',' . Mxfe. . y . y .s ... - I warn Sj-'W- SJ4.V jj. 6 H-$ -f THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MARION. Department No. 2. HAWKINS t ROBERTS, Inc.. a corporation. Plaintiff, vs. CLARENCE A. ELDRIEDGE and LOLA V. ELDRIEDGE, hts wife: F. E. OSBORNE; JOHN W. GEELAN and VERA V. GEELAN. his wife; P. . Mc- POLAND, Defendants, ITO: JOHN W. GEELAN and VERA V. GEELAN, Two of the Defendants Last Named. IN THE NAME OF THB STATE OF OREGON. Ton and each of yon are hereby required to ap- i par and answer the complaint I Wed against yea in the abore en titled Court and caoae on or be fog four weeks from- the date of the first publication of this sum mons, and If yon fan so to answer. for want thereof, the plaintiff win analw tn tha Court for the relief prayed tor in its complaint, name ly, that it nate judgment against Business Opportunities -ba-s r ran una naTanrsanraa,ini"Jir m mmm FOR SALE CITEAP Established fuel business including truck ana wooc in yard. Call 1362M- mo mier n-t eiui id eav I v-r .,-tra eiuiU read Bal-ltno defendania.CUraca A. Eld tablished lunch roe and eenfecuoa-1 basasa-rHtinaT. and those wholriedge and Lola V. Eldrtedgta, SUS ?ZJZ7 cineood l could mats t itinnJaUon with wife, for the M ot 4,m.0 to- Ui.. If n .r. Inoktnsrtnr a future I .hoi. aaialnear tn. wnrV at it for leather With UtereSt therOOB IrOm I T.. 1 ' " " I, . sasn t .1 totft an ins . i Ai- . m i.nn- at a t mis i j auuai t . av. m w. -, -v-w. n. . I 1 UU., . . " - i 1329 blsie atreei tiwuy"- - mette River; thence meandering up aid River North 78 4 degrees West 23.0 chains; thence North degrees West 13.5ft chains; thenee West 2 chains to the North west corner of said Claim; thenco South along the West line of said Claim S3. S3 chains to tne Nortn- west corner of the Sontn Half of aid Claim: thence East along the North line ot said South Half sx 70 chains: to the East line of said Claim; thenco North 41' Bast alone- the East line of said Claim 42.24) chains to tha place of! beginning and containing 318 H acres, more or less. This summons la served upon yon by publication in the. Ore gon Statesman by order oi Honor able Percy R. Kelly. Judge of the ahoy entitled Court, the date of such order being June i. lsv. The first publication ot this Sum mons la Juno 7. 1939. ana tne last publication thereof win be July 5. 19S0. JAS. G. HELTZEL. Attorney for PlaintiffJ PLacd rf Residence and Postofficg Address: Salem, Oregon. J. 7 14 21 22 JL S -3 mil- - '.':4i 7 It Befora am entntiaiastU crowtl at f PwtrtdTV T"rJ5i Hartford, Conn., the plane K. I Fiato and UfiSi of New Hawen, piloted by Uerrt. I A lesvk tn .tin 1 saada ConderGeorge Pond, soars landing at rhh aloft to begin t,40-raile ! aad Bpenaiinont ! th tVghh noa-ttop refnelinx flirht te , necessary. BuawM Airaa. iLarw-Tl Hsrhart 1