The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 07, 1930, Page 6, Image 6

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The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Saturday Morning, Jane 7, 1930
Society News and Club Affairs
Ouve M. Doak, Society Editor
Mrs. Wilson Darby
Completes Bridge
One of the charming afternoon j
affairs of the week has been the
series of two bridge teas for which
Mrs. Wilson Darby has been host
ess. '
Tuesday afternoon irs. Darby
entertained with six tables of
bridge in play. Mrs. James Lewis
and Mrs. Herbert Stiff won high
honors. At the tea hour Mrs. Dar
by was assisted by Mrs. KoDert ,
Duncan 'of Silverton. Mrs. Walter j
Spaulding and Mrs. Hoy Mil's. .
Friday afternoon nricige was ,
again Uh play at six tabl s with j
honors hPld at the Hose of play-;
in bv Mrs. Phil Ncwmyer and j
Mr?. Elliott Colony. Mrs. F. S. .
Kowersox, Mrs. C. E. T?ate. and
Mrs. F. G. Myers assisted Mrs. ;
Darby at the tea hour.
The guest rooms were decorated
for both afternoons with baskets
and bowls or Caroline Testout
roses. At the tea hours serving
was done at the small card tables.
White linen was used for the rov
ers and each table was centered
with flowers carrying out the gen
eral color scheme of lavender,
rose and bronze in soft shades.
Friday, June 6
Rhythmical kindergarten demonstration, auditorium
of Nelson hall. 8 o'clock. Open to public.
First Spiritualist church, circle at George Stoddard
home, 14 20 North Fourth street, 8 o'clock.
Hal HIbbard auxiliary. United Spanish War Veter
ans, will meet, 2 o'clock, armory.
Social club of Daughters of Veterans, 2:00 o'clock,
Mrs. J. J. Tallman, 2320 State street.
Saturday, June 7;h college annual "Home coming" picnic, all
day it t Brush College Fchool.
Mrs. Seymour Jones, hostess to Daughters of Amer
ican Revolution, at her country home.
Littlo Light Bearers party, 2:30 o'clock. First
Methodist church.
Woman's Relief Corps, 2 o'clock, Miller's hall. All
members requested to be present.
Leslie Ladies' Aid
Elects Officers
The Leslie Ladies Aid of Leslie
Methodist church was entertained
at the country home of Mrs.
Charles Vick on Garden Road
Wednesday. A basket dinner was
served with covers placed for 60
Following the dinner hour a
business session was held and as
this date marked the end of the
church year it was decided to
make it the close of the Aid year
as well and therefore officers
were elected for the coming year.
The officers In office were reelect
ed. These are Mrs. W. J. Llnfoot,
president; Mrs. A. C. Bohrnstedt,
vice president; Mrs. Jay B. Hew
itt, secretary; Mrs. Alma Thomp
son, treasurer.
The next meeting will be with
Mrs. Charles Teeple, July 2.
Q. Should a man rest his arm
on the back of a woman's chair
; when he takes her to the thea
! ter?
A. No; he should keep his
hands in his lap.
Q. When should a permanent
guest at a hotel notify the man
agement of his departure?
I Miss Helen Savage
Is Complimented
An attractive tea was given in
compliment to Miss Helen Sav
age, who will become the bride
of Lars Bergsvik June 18. Fri
day afternoon. Mrs. Louis Stimp
son was the hostess at her home
on North 14th street.
Mrs. F. W. Rosa, Mrs. William
Blake and Mrs. Clifford Daue as
sisted Mrs. Stimpson In receiving.
A lovely gift was presented to
Miss Savage by the guests.
Recitals to Be
Given Today
A At If.isf a wpelr in advance.
q. should butter plates be Frederick Lamports
placed on the table at a formal i . r
dinner? '
A. No.
Music Teachers
Will Meet
The last meeting of the season
for the Salem Music teachers as
sociation will be held at the home
of Mrs. Frank Lllburn, 1J91 Mar
ket street, Tuesday evening. There
will be special business in regard
to the convention which will be
held in Salem June 16-17 by the
members of the Oregon Music
Teachers association. Because of
this special business and because
it is the last meeting of the year
all the members of the Salem as-
Miss Marnie Crites
To Be Tea Hostess
" X f ' , sociation are urged to be present
today will be the informal tea giv- . . .
cn by Miss Marnie Crites at the Tu f night
home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. ! , ,A.t the social hour which will
J W. Crites between the hours . follow tne regular business meet-
of 4 and 6 o'clock. ! in& iIrs- I-Uburn will be assisted
Miss Cecil McKercher and Mrs. 1 Dv Miss Ruth Bedford and Miss
James Burgers will preside at the t Lena Dotson.
serving table. Miss Margaret Bur-1
: r tte Miss Eleanor v right, and
Miss Ruth Anna Crites wi'l assist
In the serving.
Mistress Barbara and Mlatress
Betty Crites will g: eet the guests
at the door and Mrs. J. W. Crites
will receive with Miss Crites In the
living room.
Salem Shrine Invited
To Portland
Oregon Shrine No. 1 White
Shrine of Jerusalem has extended
an invitation to Salem White
Shrine No. 2 to attend the ceremo
nial to be held by the Portland
ledge June 14 at the Masonic
In the evening there will be a
6 o'clock dinner served at the
temple and the Salem delegation
are being asked to stay for this.
All those who are going, or intend
to go telephone Mrs. William Nei
meyer at the earliest convenience
so that reservations may be made
in plenty of time. It is desired
that a large delegation attend
from Salem.
Among the most important of
the social activities of commence
ment week at Sacred Heart acad
emy was the formal banquet giv
en in compliment to the class of
30 by the juniors of the academy.
The dining hall, fittingly deco
lated for the occasion, and the
tables in their beautiful array pre
sented a striking picture in the
mellow light of tall tapers, set in
antique candelabra. Music,
speeches, toasts were the order of
the evening.
Word has been received in Sa
lem of the marriage of Mrs. Lou
ise Chapman to Frank Sewall
May 31 in San Francisco, where
they will make their home. Mrs.
Chapman Sewall will be remem
bered bere through the many
times she has been a guest at the
liomes of Mrs. W. H. Dancy and
:,Irs. W. Al Jones.
Mrs. Jack Porter will arrive
Sunday to be the guest of her
Mother. Mrs. W. Al Jones at
JOnesmere farm for the coming
week. Mrs. Porter is coming to
Salem especially to be matron oi
honor for the wedding of Miss
Georgia Wright of Albany.
A social evening will be given
in compliment to Norborne Berk
ley, Jr., at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. George Hug this evening.
Mr. Berkley has been a member
of the senior high school for two
years and will leave soon for the
east where he will enter Harvard
university in the fall.
- Mrs. George Hug has had as
her house guests her aunt. Miss
Anne Shogren, and Miss Shogren'g
sister, Mrs. George McLynn, both
of Portland. The guests were
here especially for the gradnation
from senior high school of Wal
lace Hag, son of Mr. and Mrs.
George Hug.
Hwndftjr and Moaday
Bridge Tea Is
Pretty Affair
One of the pretty affairs of the
week was the bridge tea for which
Mrs. C. A. Spragne was hostess
at her home on Court street Fri
day afternoon. A color scheme in
p!nk was carried out through the
use of many rosos with here and
there a soft blue delphinium or
columbine to accentuate the pink.
For cards, which were in play
at five tables. Mrs. Walter Spauld
ing held high honors and a cut
prize was awarded to Mrs. W.
D. Smith. At tke tea hour, Mrs.
Sprague was assisted by her
daughter, MLss Martha Sprague.
and Miss Edna Savage.
Bride Complimented
With Party
Monmonth Miss Leola Meeker,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. M.
Meeker of this city, who was mar
ried June 5 to Karl Lauerman of
Sumpter, Oregon, was the inspir
ation for a delightful shower
Tuesday at the country home of
Mrs. D. A. Hoag.
The rooms were attractive
with roses and sweet peas, and af
'ter the profusion of beautiful gifts
had been admired, dainty refresh
ments were served.
Present in addition to the guest
of honor were Mrs. William Mc
Crae, Mrs. George Bann, Mrs. Ed
Gwalchmai. Mrs. T. J. Alsip, Mrs.
W. M. Meeker, Mrs. Chris Cum
mins. Mrs. Mary Alderson. Mrs.
Minnie Mack. Mrs. Ira C. Powell.
Mrs. H. K. Sickafoose, Mrs. Mary
Dornsife. Mrs. C. C. Mulkey. Mrs.
James Riddell. Mrs. R. B. Swen
son, Mrs. Adeline Calbreath. Miss
XJabel Riddell. Miss Ruth Meeker,
and the hostess.
Mias Meeker, a graduate of the
Oregon Normal school, has taught
for several years on Coos Bay.
Ladles of the Knight Memorial
church enjoyed a pleasant after
noon in the church parlors Wed
nesday afternoon at which time
the regular business meeting was
followed with a tea. Those pres
ent for this affair were Mrs. P.
M. Williams, Mrs. Rouse. Mrs. S.
F. Anderson, Mrs. A. R. Barnard,
Mrs. H. C. Stover, Miss Grace
Robertson, Mrs. H. C. Spencer,
Mrs. Maude Pointer, Mrs. G lea
son, Mrs. C. Eyre, Mrs. J. B. Ash
by, Miss Alice Riggs, Mrs. W. P.
Neptune, Mrs. Guy Newgent, Mrs.
Jos. Schindler, Mrs. P. E. Brown,
Mrs. E. L. Powell. Mrs. J. N. Rob
ertson. Salem Heights A graduation
party was given the eighth grade
class Tuesday evening by . Mrs. Ce
cile Wiegand, principal of the
grade school. The party was giv
en at Mrs. WIegand's home, the
rooms being attractively deco
rated with rosebuds, and tapers
of- blue and gold. The evening
was spent playing games, after
which diplomas were presented
by Mrs. Wiegand. A gift was
then presented to the principal
by her class. Those present at
the party were Neal Fischer,
Harold Monroe, Billy . McRey
tiolds, Doris Battles, Ertka Ohm.
Irma Robare, Elizabeth Casebeer.
Lorene Prultt, Mrs. Agnes Booth
and Herbert Booth.
Miss Doria Neptune entertained
with a bridge evening at the home
of her parents, "r. and Mr. W.
P. Neptune Thursday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Lam
port were hosts for an informal
dinner at their home in Ben Lo
mond park Friday evening Din
ner was followed with bridge,
Those present were Mr. and Mrs.
Gus Hixson, Mr. and Mrs. Karl
Becke, Mr., and Mrs. Roy Sim
inons, Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Quisen
berry, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Fry, Jr.
Mrs. Lamport was hostess on
Thursday afternoon for several
tables of bridge.
Kelzer Little Miss Sadako Su-
da of the third grade at Keizer
was the guest at a party recently
given in her honor by her school
mates of the third and fourth
grades. Sadako expects to leave
for Japan June 17 with her aunt,
Tominoe T. Suda, where she win
make her home with her grand
mother for five years, when she
will return to Oregon. The party
was planned by Alice Scott and
Bessie Whang. Sadako was also
the recipient of a number of gifts.
Refreshments were brought by
the children and served on the
school lawn. Games were enjoyed
during the afternoon.
"'Irk M-J
Cool and comfy for warm sum
mer weather is this dainty froek
and bloomer model for your small
girl. It is bo veryeasy to make,
too! The becoming cape collar and
the hem of the dress are cut from
white fabric while the "ody of. the
dress is cut from a print. A front
box pleat gives additional grace
and fullness.
Pattern 1923 makes up beauti
fully in. dimity, lawn, batiste.
pique, organdy or voile. Small
flowers, dots, geometric designs
and checks are popular for small
garments this season. Smart col
ors are red, yellow, pink, blue,
green and orchid.
May be ordered only In sizes 2,
4. 6, and S. Size 2 requires 1 7-8
yards of 35 inch fabric and
yard of contrasting material.
Ko drasankint experience Be- .
ccssary. Yardage for every aixe.
and limpie. enact inttrnrtieni ere
- Seed fifteen 'cents ia coins care
fully wrapped, or rump, for each
patters. Writ pliljr yoar mm.
address, style ember sad siae
. Oar book of patttrni for adults
and children, also transfer pat
terns, fifteen cents: ten cents
when ordered with a pattern. Ad
dress all mair and orders to
Rtateinwn rttera Department.
543 West 17th street, Kew Terk
Jessie F. Bush and Mariorie
Walker will present their stu
dents in piano and stage-craft In
the auditorium of the Nelson
building Saturday afternoon and
evening at 2:30 and 8:15 o'clock.
The public is cordially invited to
attend both recitals.
Those being presented in the
afternoon are Fred Magnussen,
Mary Clendening. Billy Phillips,
Arlene Sholseth, Carlton Boeh
ringer, Claire Hurley, Hume Bor
on, Betty Baker, Wendell John
son. Elizabeth Smith, Max Lip
hart, Betty Simmons. Berenice
Boyce, Marjorie McCallister, Jean
Boyce. Martha Krickenbaum, Lu
eile Boehringer, Douglas McKay,
Dorothy Englebart, Abigail Mil
ler. The afternoon recital will open
with a rhythmic orchestra, dem
onstration followed by solos..
Those being presented in the
evening are, Dorothy Damon,
Gwendolin Hertzog, Mary Frances
Henderson, Foster Cronemiller,
John Van Osdol. Arlie Dorrance!
Shirley Cronemiller. Jean Herritt
, Doris McCallister. Carol John
son. Pauline Drager, William
Bush, Roberta Johnson, Dorothy
Kibbe, Jack Bush, Vita Lennon,
Aiken Moored. Robert Downs,
Elizabeth Smith, Vera Jean Ru
ber. a e
M iss Pearl Osterman
To Present Pupils
Miss Pearl Osterman will pre
sent a group of her piano pupils
in a recital Friday night at her
home 1240 Court street beginning
at 8 o'clock.
Those who will appear on the
program are Helen Tanaka, Lyle
Brown, Margaret Sorahan, Morrell
Crary, Daisy Minton, Dorothy Mil
ler, Kathlyn Mosier, Doris Har
rington, Jean Harrington, Chester
Oppen, Louise Rich, Mable Beard
sley, Marion Mitchell, Gladys Mil
ler, H ' n Miller. May Beardsley,
and Miss Osterman and Helen
Semi-Finals Concluded
In Golf Tournament
The semi-finals in the spring
handicap golf tournament for the
women of the Salem Golf club
were played Friday with Mrs. J.
H. Garnjobst defeating Mrs. Gus
nason 3 ana I.
This brings the tournament up
to the finals which will be played
some time next week. The finalists
are Mrs. j. H. Garnjobst and Mrs.
Paul Hendricks.
Brooks. The regular meeting
of the Brooks Community plnh
was held in the club hmiso in
Brooks Thursday aftern oon Aire
Adolphine Harris, president, con
ducted the business meeting after
which the aftern Oon was snpnt
The women plan an entprfnin.
ment Saturday evening, June 14,
m me ciuo nouse.
Those present were Mrs Fima
Ramp. Mrs. A. H. SearR. Mrs
Cora Otto, Mrs. Leah Bailey, Mrs.
jwauae nmm, Mrs. Etta Banyard,
Mrs. Mary Martin, Mrs. Fay
Loomis. Mrs. Ella Harris Mrs
Heisler and baby daughter, Mrs.
Adolphie Harris, Miss Lavon Har
ris, Misses Delphine and Bert
Loomis. and Robert
Mrs. Weber of Spokane, Wash.
ine next meeting will he hM
in two weeks at the club house.
Shaw. The women of the
Shaw Community club held their
regular meeting at the home of
Mrs. John Batliner. They decid
ed to have a club picnic at Hazel
Green some time in July
The afternoon was snent In crv.
cial conversation and needlework.
Lunch was served by the hostess,
Mrs. John Batliner, to the follow
ing members: Miss Amanda iath
ews, Mrs. William Berg. Mrs. Wil
liam iirownell, Mrs. Ed Amort.
Mrs. Alton Brownell, Mrs. L.
Keene and son Ronald. Mrs r,
Gilbert and child
May and Fred, Jr., and Mrs. Ed
Goffin. The visitors were Mrs.
John Amort. Mrs. John r.rnoh-
and Mrs. Charles McAllister
Middle Grov Th ir,tnr
League of the Middle
church met recently , for their
monthly business meetine at the
home of Mrs. Lena Bartruff. with
me president, Katherine Scharf,
presiding. After the devotional
exercises. 10 members answered
to roll call: Mildred Waekn Pari
Leo and Geneva Hammer, Roberta!
uavia ana George Bartruff, Kath
erine and Cecil Bartruf. New
committees were appointed as fol
lows: Lookout, sympathy and
service, Katherine Scharf. Mildred
Wacken. Alfred McCallister; so
cial committee. David Bartruff,
Norman McCallister and Esther
Hammer: nraver and none- Pnh.
erta Bartruff, Cecil Bartruff; choir
management, Lola Hammer,
George Bartruff, Geneva Hammer;
scrap book, Genevieve Scharf and
Earl Hammer; song book caretak
ers, Harry Scharf and Leo Ham
mer. Refreshments were served at
the close of the meeting.
' e
. Dallas. Junior matrons of the
Methodist church held the last
meeting of the year at the home
of Mrs. Charles Lynn, Tuesday
evening, June 3. The evening
was spent in sewing, following
wnicn ine nostess served refresh
ments to Mrs. David Wright. Mrs.
Homer Brown, Mrs. Cej:il Riggs,
Mrs. Victor Waters, Mrs. J. W.
Warrell, Mrs. - Florence Hunter,
Mrs. August Rrsser, . Mrs. Forest
Martin, Mrs. Ed Dunn. Mrs. For
rest Ginn, Mrs. . Elmo Bennett,
Mrs. Elona Brown, . Mrs. Jake
Fudge and Mrs. Miriam Murray.
' i
-Mrs. W. H. Daney, Mrs. Frank
Saedecor, Mrs. Q. C. Locke, aad
Mrs. Henry Meyers will be lunch
eon guests In Portland today.
Mrs. H. H. OHager returned
Thursday evening from Los. An
geles and -San Francisco where
She has been visiting for the past
three weeks.
Lunch Compliments
Leslie Teachers
The faculty of Leslie junior
high school were luneheon guests
of Mrs. Lela Reed Newmyer and
Mias May Hale Thursday at the
home of Miss Hale. The affair
was in compliment to Mrs. La-
Moine Clark, principal of Leslie
school, and Miss Mary J. Rieth,
whose marriage to George Sulli
van of Seattle will be an event of
the early summer, and to Miss
Carin Degermark, who leaves Sa
lem this spring to take charge of
the physical education depart
ment of the Medfor d schools.
Miss Rieth was presented by
her associates with a cut glass ta
ble service in compliment to her
coming marriage.
The guest list included the
honor guests, Mrs. LaMoine Clark,
Miss Mary J. Rieth, Miss Carin
Degermark, and Mrs. Hazel Arch
ibald. Miss Bertha Maeness, Miss
Agnes Xorcross. Miss Gertrude
Anderson. Mrs. Nel Doege, Miss
Phebe McAdams, Miss Amy E.
Martin, Mrs. Almira E. Hale, Miss
Gretchen Kreanjf-r, Mrs. Ida An
drews. Miss Lois Tipton, Mrs.
Mona Yoder, Miss Vivian Carr,
Mrs. Madeleine Hanna, Miss Anna
A. Miles, Miss Laura Hale, Mrs.
Viola Franklin. Theodore Olson,
Gurnee Flesher, Mrs. Newmyer,
and Miss Hale.
Bridge Afternoon
Ha ppy Event
Mrs. Tyler Brown and Mrs. Carl
Allport entertained at the Daniel
Gibson home Monday afternoon
with a bridge afternoon in i com
pliment to their club. Honors for
the afternoon went to Mrs. Mervin
Fidler. and Mrs. Forrest Fulton.
At the tea hour Hie hostesses were
assisted in serving by Mrs. Kay
Guests were Mrs. Reed Carter.
Mrs. Harry Kroner, Mrs. Elbert
Bradford. Mrs. Edwin Eby. Mrs.
Ralp Mase, Mrs. Mervin Fidler.
Mrs. FoTrest Fulton, and Mrs.
Brown and Mrs. Allport. Mrs. Car
ter and Mrs. Kroner will be hos
tesses for the July meeting.
Bay's News Pictured
Thanking Gold Star Mothers for Visit
Gervais Mr. and Mrs. Peter
Prantl were honored with a sur
prise party at their home Mondaf
evening on the occasion of their
twenty-fifth wedding anniversary.
After an evening of dancing and
cards lunch was served by the
hostesses. Mrs. J. B. Susee, Mrs.
F. Manning and Mrs. L. Murray.
Mr. and Mrs. Prantl received
many beautiful gifts.
Present were the honor guests,
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Prantl, August
Nerinck of Portland; Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Eicher and Mrs. Joseph
! Eicher of Woodburn; Mr. and
Mrs. L. Murray of Silverton; Mr.
and Mrs. Clarence Grassman of
St. Louis; Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Manning; Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence
Grassman; Mrs. Agnes Grassman;
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Prantl; Mrs.
Theresa Schindler; Mrs. J. B.
Susee; the Misses Cecilia and
Alice Prantl, Nellie McGraw, Ber
tha Murray, Pauline and Theresa
Sch'indler; and Ewald Susee, Joe
Schindler, John Eder, Albert
.prantl and joe Marson.
Brooks. Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Coffindaffer entertained in their
home with a reunion and dinner
in honor of Mr. and Mrs. L. A.
Moisan Sunday. The group in
cluded Mr. Moisan's mother, Mrs.
Mary Moisan and the following
brothers and sisters and their
families, Mr. and Mrs. Francis
Moisan and 6on Malcolm, and
Lois Moisan of Marshfield, Mr.
and Mrs. G. J. Moisan of Gervais,
Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Moisan and
children, Florence, Sarah, Te
resa, Margaret, and James Moisan
of Salem, Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Moi
san and children, Kenneth and
Lucille Moisan of Salem, Mr. and
Mrs. Albert Nys and Miss Hazel
and Francis Nys of Jefferson, Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Moisan and son
Jack, Hubert Moisan of Portland,
Mrs. Tracilla DeJardin of Salem,
J. K. Manning of Portland,
Charles Moisan and daughter
Evelyn Moisan, Miss Letta Wal
lace, and the honor guests, Mr.
and Mrs. L. A. Moisan and the
hostess, Mr. and Mrs. Coffindaf
fer and sons, Billie, Curtis and
Glen Coffindaffer.
The last meeting of the season
for the Bona club was held . -the
home of Mrs. Wilfred Wilson
Monday afternoon. There will be
a special picnic given by the mem
bers for their husbands and fam
ilies June 22. There were 15 mem
bers present for this last meeting.
Following .the socia' afternoon,
Mrs. Delmer Smith assisted Mrs.
Wilson at the tea hour.
Mrs. A. A. Schramm enter
tained informally with a 6 o'clock
dinner Thursday night in compli
ment to Miss Martha Batterman
and Miss Mildred Halseth. An
evening of conversation and mu
sic followed the dinner hour.
Mrs. Georee Sea beck of Grants
Pass is the house guest of Mrs.
William Neimeyer. Mrs. Sea beck,
who is worthy matron of the
Grants Pass Eastern Star, is on
her way to Portland where she
will attend the grand lodge to be
held there this next week.
e e
Dr. Elizabeth Matthews, whose
home is in Italv is sDendinr the
summer with her sister. Miss
Amanda Matthews at Shaw, Ore
Mrs. C. B. McCullough was
hostess for two tables of bridge
in compliment to Mrs. Ralph
Cooley at the McCullough home
Tuesday afternoon.
e e
Keizer. Community and
school picnic, an annual affair
with the Keizer community, will
be held in the Hazel Green park
Saturday all day. Everv one is
invited and each is expected to
bring his own basket lunch and
laoie equipment.
e - e
Shaw. The women of the Wal
do Hills club were visitors at
Scio at the home of Mrs. Hall.:
They enjoyed . the meeting very
moch and a good time was en
Joyed by everyone. - -
KeUer--Mrs. C. C. Settlemier
of Lake Brook gave a family din
ner Monday evening, honoring her
daughter, Claudia, on her 18th
M) f& i
Surf i- ?1
Father Noel, ehaplain, shakes
hands with American Gold Star
mothers, and thanks them for
their visit to the mausoieum at
the head of the Doumont Os- mothers visited the graves of
suary, where j unidentified re- t French soldier dead before leav-
mains of French soldiers now re- j ing the hallowed spot where
pose. Several of the Gold Star i their soldier-son lie buried.
Porto Ricans Seek President's Aid
'Mm ' WWio
. , i -5w ), iiV?.;l mil . ii
Sill M 1 1 1 Hi 1 I
The delegation f prominent t
Porto Ricans headed by Colonel
Theodore Roosevelt, Governor
feneral of the Island, with
President Hoover during their
visit to the White House, Wash
ington, D. C The delegation
appealed U the President for
financial aid in providing bet
ter educational facilities for the
children of Porto Rica.
Brazil's President-Elect
Visits United States
Takes First Solo Hop at 73
Tresident-elect Julio Prestes, of
Brazil sails for a visit to the
United States. He will take office
November 15. The new President,
who entered public life as a State)
Deputy in 1909. was elected March
1. 1930.
: (Ft" fir - 7vtlf
First Adopts roppy as You can teach an old bird new
0 i i 7 . tricks, which ia a slangy way of
j m. aweau.c saying tbtt sir. waiter urara,
73, of Los Angeles, Cat., hza
J i j
You can teach an old bird new t learned to fly. After ten hours
of instruction, Mr. Upward,
whose son ia a pilot, took his
first solo hop recently.
Max Trains for Double Lacing
Miss Moina Michafel. of New York,
ia known throughout the world aa
"The Poppy Lady" because she
first conceived the idea of adopt
ing the poppy aa a symbol of the
tacrifices paid by the soldiers in
the World War.
i n
Max Schmeling, German title t eott, N. Y. Lacing this xhoa
tontpnder. nnttinr the) fin!)iin
touches on a shoe under the
watchful eye of George W. John-
. A. 1 M . A. W
on. at a anee taciory ai cn al
and handinr a laeinr t Jack-
Sharkey (whom ho meets o
Juno 12th) are two entirely dif-
xereni uunra.
From Conn, to Buenos Aires in Quest of Record!
1 4 1 !
j i 1
" I-' " ' mi i if ---rwiir "TUVlTi t
This giant seaplane, the MK,n
will bo flown from Connecticut
to Buenos Aires in an attempt
to establish a new non-top
record. LieuL-Com. George
iT fc,,p,mnj w make the
rgantic hop ia ninety hours by
iat &s gasoline tanka will
A;Hlfa!lPtal5 Mendoza,