The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 07, 1930, Page 5, Image 5

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    The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Saturday Morning, June 7, 1930
Local News Briefs
Dances Prosper The Wednes
day night dances sponsored by the
American legion drum corps at
Mellow Moon continue to at
:ac: large crowds according to
"rank Cain, manager of the drum
r ,r;..5 this rear. It will be possible
a ith the continued support "of the
.ubiic for' the corps to meet all
. 4 expenses without asking tor
:d from business men as has been
' ine In the past. Thomas broth
ers play for the dances and so far
he erenings has represented snap
y entertainment.
Going to Los Angeles Monday
r Tuesday. Want two to share
xpcnses. Inquire at Statesman
Governor Goes Home Gover
:ur Ralph Hamilton, after con
tacting the affairs of the execu
tive department here since Tues
lay. left for his home at Bend
"riday night. He'wlll not return
the capltol until next Thursday
unless called back by some emer
,ency. Hamilton, who is speaker
t" the house of representatives of
he state legislature, is serving as
i-jverwar pending the return of
lovernor Norblad, who is outside
i the state.
Novak's band Mellowmoon Sat.
lass Day Held Senior class
ljy at the Sacred Heart academy
as held Tharsday afterno'on in
he assembly hall, with the fol
. owing program given before an
Audience of faculty and high
school students: class song: class
Uistory by Margaret May Thomp
son: prophecy by Loraine Zielin--ki:
class will by Frank Saalfeld;
jledictory by Arnold J. Jarvis.
nd farewell.
Lost On June 6 at Salem base
tall park, lady's tan purse con
fining small change and person
l property. Return to Statesman
ffice. Reward.
Invited to tUm Bake A num-:.-?r
of Salem Lions are planning
attend the clam bake to be giv
n Sunday, June 15. by the New
port Lions club at the Newport
:?ach. Special features have been
planned for the day. Including an
'xhibition by the United States
at guard of capsizing and
'.reeches buoy rescue. The clam
' ke promises to be the largest
nvr held In Oregon.
Andersons Leaving Mr. and
Mrs. J. T. Anderson, who have re
sided at Moore's apartment for the
past nve years, will leave this
morning for Welser. Idaho, where
Mr. Anderson will take over man
agement of one of the four stores
operated in eastern Oregon and
Idaho by the Trotter company. An
derson has done special advertis
ing tor many of the merchants
Here for the past 20 years.
Kenneth Harlan Says Basis
jOf Two Hoquiam lobs
Not Comparable
4if urda v.
Band Mellow
Rummage sale, 521 Court. Sen
ator hotel Bldg.. Friday and Sat
urday. Daughters of Veterans.
Biggest bargains ever.-
Douglas in Mt. Aagel Dr. Ver
non A. Douglas, county health of
ficer, was in Mt. Angel yesterday
to maae investigations into re
ported cases of scarlet fever and
smallpox. He found the supposed
smallpox in one family to be
chlckenpox. The scarlet fever
cases were ones which had pre
viously been reported and visited
by the district nurse.
Dr. R. T. Boals hag moved his
offices from 407 to 509 1st Nat'l
Bank Bldg.
Mm. Denhem Dies Mrs. Lena
Denhem, 43, a resident in this
city since February, passed away
yesterda" at the residence at 2168
Mill street. She is survived by
two brothers, Roy Witzel of
Turner and Herbert Witzel of
Vancouver, Wash. Funeral serv
ices will be held Monday after
noon at 1:30 o'clock at the Rig
don chapel.
Novak's band Mellowmoon Sat.
Return From Seattle Mr. and
Mrs. George Martin, 1196 South
14th street, have return-" from a
month's visit to Seattle, Wash.
Their daughter, Mrs. R. L. Tower
of Seattle, was seriously 111 while
they were in the north, but when
they left, her condition was much
Going to Los Angeles Monday
or Tuesday. Want two to share
expenses. Inquire at Statesman
Leave for Sooth Mrs. .E. .M.
Pound, Mrs. Minerva P. Holcomb,
Elizabeth Holcomb. Mrs. L. P.
Gilbert and Miss Franc Gilbert are
leaving Salem today for a three
weeks' motor trip through Calif
ornia. They expect to spend 'some
time at Yosemite and to travel as
far south as San Diego.
Good News
From Entire
Oregon State
Investments made since
January 1 by outside
capital in land exceeds
One Million Dollars
Ki-irige Finished Concrete, work
the new bridge at Rickey has
I. -en finished according to Philip
Fisher, county road worker, who
reported Friday to Roadmaster
Frank Johnson. The temporary
wnoden bridge, used during the
construction period, has now been
moved atop the new structure
which must set for 28 days before
traffic can pass over it.
Dollar dinner eieiy night S:45
to S at the Marlon hotel.
IMrnlc at Hger's Grave A St.
J-weph's picnic will be held Sun
liy June 15, at Hsger's grove,
with an invitation extended the
public to attend; Music. games
and speeches have been planned
f ir the day. Families are asked
bring baskets, but coffee, "hot
dofgs." candy and Ice cream may
! secured on the grounds.
Friday and Saturday special
Salvia, zennias and marigolds. 25c
P-!T dozen. Salem's Petland.
Final Settlements Made Three
dawes of final settlement in pro
bate cases were issued by County
Judge Siegmund-on Friday. They
concerned the estate of E. A.
Tlatcher. deceased; Cynthia Ann
Bailey, deceased: Minnie Meeski.
Want used furniture. Tel. 511.
Frats on Picnics Sigma Tan
and Alpha Psl Delta fraternities
of Willamette university are hold
in? their annual picnics at the
coast today. Sigma Tau will spend
the day at Neskowln, while Alpha
I' i is at Oceanside.
Novak's band Mellowmoon Sat.
Accused of Forgery A. E. Ev
ans was arrested on Friday on a
charge of 'forgery. According to
the complaint Evans forged an in
dorsement to a note to obtain
money from the United States Na
tional Bank in Salem. , .
Wilson Kerntor Name d
George W. Wilson has been named
executor of the estate of John
C. Wilson, deceased, in an order
Issued from probate court Friday.
There are nine heirs to the prop
erty which is valued at $9000.
Best dance Sat. Hazel Green.
Account Filed The final ac-
ount in the estate of N'icholas J. j
Haas, deceased, has been filed in
probate court here by Emily -R.
Haas, administratrix of the es
tate. Property valued at $1500
was left by the deceased.
Kitraditlon Asked Governor
Hamilton Friday issued papers re
questing the return to Oregon of
James Sexton, who is wanted in
Umatilla county, on a series of
forgery charges. He is under ar
rest at Frenchburg, Kentucky.
Reynolds' on Vacation Mr. and
Mrs. George Reynolds left this
morning on a week's vacation trip
which will take them to Idaho. Mr.
Reynolds for a number of months
has been a representative of Gen
eral Motors Accounting service.
Fox Breeders to Meet The
Oregon Fox Breeders association
will meet In the Salem chamber
of commerce rooms today. The
business session is expected to
last daring the morning and most
of the afternoon.
Population Grows Present
count for Salem's census stands
at 26,240. R. J. Hendricks, super
visor, says he believes the final
figure will reach 28.250.
Lodged In Jail W. H. Raynor
was sent to Jail Friday on a charge
of son support. Date for the hear
In? has not been set.
Novak's band Mellowmoon Sat.
Wrong School Gfvrn Names
of pupils graduating from Leslie
junior high school were referred
to yesterday morning as coming
from the f arrlsh junior high. Ev
ery one of the 106 pupils men
tioned was from the Leslie junior,
high school.
Witness Commencement Mr.
and Mrs. O. H. Borthwick of An
telope, are Salem visitors, making
the trip yesterday to attend thej
graduation exercises of the local
high school seniors. Their dangh-j
ter, Addie Borthwick, was a mem-j
ber of the class.
Denying that his firm had
charged excessively for Us ser
vices at Hoquiam In comparison
wth other engineers. Kenneth
Harlan of the firm of Carey &
Harlan, called at The Statesman
office yesterday to vindicate his
organization from the implica
tions contained in The Statesman
editorial of yesterday morning.
! "Our firm was engaged to do
the entire ' job at Hoquiam," de
clared Harlan. "We were the ma.-
Jor engineers in charge not only'
of field examinations bat of
building tip the case which went
into the court. Our work was so
Well done that it could not be
overcome and stood the test of
the courts of appeal. So the
amount of our work
compared to that - of the other
firm of engineers employed."
j Harlan claimed his firm was
entirely competent to carry on the
work which Salem requires. "This
job calls for valuation experts, not
construction engineers. In the
Hoquiam case the experts called
by the water company were not
Construction engineers but valua
tion experts. There is a lot more
io this work than just the engin
eering and construction side. You
have to know everything about
depreciation, obsolescence, func
tional utility, as well as court de
cisions determining values."
Report Refuted
' So far as being disqualified in
the bearings in the Hoquiam case
Harlan says that that report was
a frame-up; that from his entire
testimony in that case only one
question and answer were strick
en and that was because the city's
attorney had failed to ask the us
ual technical questions to qualify
him as a witness for the particu
lar point he was asked to testify
"We are not desirous of rob
bing the utility company. But the
only index of the fair value of the
plant is its depreciated condition,
with due regard for what going
concern value it may have.. This
was estimated at $15,000 at Ho
quiam and was permitted to
stand. The city cannot afford to
be a good fellow of itself in buv-
ing the plant, because it has to
guard against making the capi
tal investment too great."
Could Duplicate
Plant For Less
Asked about what he thought
the water plant here was worth.
Harlan said he could, not say. ex
cept on the basis of size of the
city; though he felt that the city
could install a complete new Dlant
ior less than the company a ask
ing price.
nrLII. i - . ...
nine nere iiarian called on
members of the city council, giv
ing deails of his successful record
in valuation fights, together "with
endorsements from public officials.
Investments made by new families locating In Oregon and buying
land, equipment and household goods daring the first five months of
1930 passed the million dollar mark, according to the monthly report
just issued by the state chamber of commerce.
Total families numbered 265 and Investments amounted to $1.
057,524. Land sales have mounted, the total being 48,761 acres dur
ing the period. During this same time 919 families wrote to the state
chamber and said they had decided to come to Oregon and locate this
year and they indicated they would have $2,939,070 Tor investment
First Five Months Total July 1. 1930
Rummage Sale Iast day TO
DAY. Open this evening, 521
Court street, opp. County court
house. Sensational bargains.
Meeting Postponed The reg
ular meeting of the Missionary so
ciety of the First Presbyterian
church has been postponed until
Wednesday, June 11, to allow
more time for ractice of the play
which will be given at that time.
Here for Gradaation Mr. and
Mrs. J. W. Lillle of Hot Lake, east
ern Oregon, were here yseterday
for the high school commencement
execises. Their son. Byron Llllie,
was a member of the graduating
Lamber Chief Here L. R.
Crosby, chief engineer with the
Weyerhaeuser Lumber company
was calling on friends here yes
terday, while on his way north
from Klamath Falls.
Given Small Fine L. A. John
son was fined $2.00 for overtime
parking when he was haled be
fore City Recorrter Poulsen on Fri
day. License Granted An auction
eer's license for three months was
granted Friday at the city hall to
H. F. Woodry.
Williams In CorvaUls T. L.
Williams, internal revenue agent,
is in Corvallis for the week end.
New families located in Oregon ...
Investments made by new people
Acres oMand purchased
Number of inquiries received
Pieces of literature mailed
Number of letters mailed out
Families coming to Oregon
Will bave to invest
Albany Greater Albany: Orders O
for road scrapers coming from
many states to the Slate Construc
tion company here have kept the
factory running 24 hours per day.
The factory has been busy all win
ter and is now six weeks behind
orders. Three to four big scrapers,
worth on an average of $1300
each, are going out weekly. The
plant is on a good paying basis
and expanding rapidly.
Coos Bay Times: An imported
Swedish gang saw arrived here
last week for the new Ostlind Fur
niture factory. It will saw profit
ably alder, myrtle, maple and oth
er hardwoods, found here In great
abundance, with practically no
waste, even handling logs down to
five inches in .diameter. High
grade furniture has been shipped
from eastern states to the west
and the product of the local mill
will go into markets unhampered
by overproduction.
Springfield News: The Eggi-
mann cough drops, manufactured
here for the past 13 years, will be
sold In the Orient this year
through a Portland Jobber. Orig
inally a sideline, they have in
creased In popularity throughout
the United States so that last year
sDDroximatelv 60,000 packages
pvere- sold and the demand is in
Albany Greater Albany: The
Shook Packing company here one
day last week shipped ISO cases of
boned fried chicken to California
points. This Is practically a new
Oregon payroll but in the few
short months of Its history has
prepared and sold 1000 cases of
chicken, using over 24,000 Linn
county chickens.
Baker Record: Over 200 mem
bers 'of the Pine-Eagle Dairymen's
association attended the annual
meeting at Richland last week.
Reports showed 691,947 pounds
of butterfat handled at a net price
of 44.88 cents per pound to dairymen.
to June 1930
f 18.950.412.50
Construction work In Salem has
shown a slight upward trend with
three- permits issued for new
houses within the last three days.
Building Inspector Bushnell,
while disclaiming that building
permit totals this year approxi
mate those of 1929, declared Fri
day that Salem and the state of
Oregon was far more favored In
1930 reports than the majority
of states.
Building permits the nation
over were $210,411,000 for the
month of April in 1930 in com
parison with $541,343,313 the na
tion over. In Oregon the compar
ison for the two months was much
more favorable, there being a to
tal of $1,235,052 Issued in Oregon
in April, 1930, In comparison to
$1,748,685 in Oregon in April.
In Salem recent permits have
been as follows:
J. G. Schminke, 1456 Ferry
street, permission to alter a Irouse,
$100 estimated cost.
F. E. Losse, 935 Columbia
street, permission to erect a
house, $2200 estimated cost.
L. E. Swenwold, 2350 Cherry
street, permission to erect a
dwelling, $2500 estimated cost.
State bonus commission, per
mission to alter a residence, 2210
High street, estimated cost $300.
C. A. Brown, 370 Bush street,
permission to erect a house, $1800
estimated cost.
Ten members of the senior class
of Sacred Heart Academy last
night received their diplomas at
one of the prettiest commence
ment exercises here this spring.
This is the 6 6th class to pass from
the protecting portals of the Sa
cred Heart school.
The address to the graduates
was given by Rev. J. R. Buck, pas
tor of St. Joseph's church, his re
marks being of pertinent value to
the honored ten: Mary Grace Coo-
ver, Vivian Gertrude Killian, Mar
garet Mary Marsland. Muriel Mar
garet Moomaw, Margaret Mary
N'athman. Margaret Mary Thomp
son, Eleanora Loraine Zielinski,
Arnold Joseph Jarvis, Francis
John Saalfeld and Edmund Wil
liam Weisner.
The commencement address
was given by Rev. Thomas J. To
bin. The musical numbers on the
program included: "'Shadows. Fall
ing" (Gardner) by the high school
choral; "Dance of the Fairies"
(Hawley) and "tinkle-oo" (For
man) by the vocal class: "Polon
aise Militaire in A Major" (Chop
in), by academy string quartet;
Loraine Zielinski, Julia Moynihan.
Frances Jensen, violin, Margaret
Mary Nathman and Barbara
Schotthoefer, piano, and Alena
Bremmer, cello; "Laudate Dom
inum," girls' choral.
day. L. Earl Deane will Te leader
of the trip. Anyone interested is
invited to attend and and should
provide a trail lunch.
The excursion for the week end
of June 14 and 15 will be an over
night trip to Tumble Rock, above
junction of Tumble Creek and
Breitenbush river. The group
bound on this trip will leave the
Y. M. here at 2:30 o'clock Satur-dav.
Odd Fellows to
Have Excursion
To Odell Lake
What promises to be a gala
event fpr Odd Fellows of Marion
county is scheduled for Sunday.
June 22. when they will make
their first annual i. O. O. F. ex
cursion to Ode'.l lake in the Cas
cade Summit. The event is being
sponsored by Stayton lodge Xo.
64, and will be participated in by
Odd Fellows from Silverton. Mt.
Angel. Woodburn. G e r v a i
Brooks. Salem. Turner
and Jefferson.
The excursion will be made by i ary 3. 1929
Three suits for divorce were in
stituted in circuit court here Fri
day, two being brought by the hus
bands in the case and one by the
Ray deMerrit says his wife de
serted him this spring and told '
him "she did not wish to be both
ered: her orders were that she
was to be left alone." The couple
were married in December. 1928.
They have no children. One Jack"
Church is said to have called Mrs.
deMerrit frequently by phone and
to have helped win her affections
from deMerrit.
Carl M. Blume, married in 1920
vras deserted by his wife mora
than a year ago. he alleges In his '
suit for divorce.
Carolyn H. O'Dowd. married in
Marion 1928 to Michael B. O'Dowd. was
I deserted by her husband. Febru-
she claims. She asks
train over the Southern Pacific, j the court that Carolyn H. DePew.
the Salem group to leave at 7:10 I her maiden name, be restored to
the morning of June 22.. The re-i her.
turn trip will start from Odell
lake at 5 o'clock that evening.
Friends of Odd Fellows and their
families will make the trip with
Three Licenses
Issued; Brides
School Ma'ams
ROSED ALE Despite the fact
that Rosedale school patrons have
seemed satisfied withhe arrange
ment the past year by which pu
pils from this district were trans
ported to the Liberty school, a
special election held In this dis
trict last night resulted in deci
sion to reopen the Rosedale school
this fall. The vote was close,
standing 16 for and 14 on the
losing side.
This election apparently ends
several attempts to bring about
consolidation of the Rosedale and
Liberty districts, which has been
talked for the past few months.
The Rosedale schoolhouse has
been idle this year, while all pu
pils from that district were trans
ported to the Liberty school. This
move was made last fall because
the Rosedale patrons felt it would
be cheaper to the district to send
the pupils to the Liberty school
and also because they felt the stu
dents would have better education
al advantages at the larger school.
Leslie Requests
Johnson Return
Rev. Darlow S. Johnson, pastor
of the Leslie Memorial church
for several years, -was this week
extended an Invitation to occu
py the pulpit for snother year.
While the vote for returns of
Rev. Mr. Johnson was not unani
mous, it was very nearly so, only
three dissenting ballots being cast
in the secret vote which was tak
en at the meeting.
The Pacific-Atlantic Navigation
company, which proposes to build
five ships for operation between
Atlantic ports and the Orient, by
way of Portland, today received
from the state corporation depart
ment here a permit to sell $5,
600.000 worth of stock.
. This was said to be the first
company of its kind to make Port
land its home port.
Reports received by the coroora-
tlon commissioner indicated that
33 Portland firms and individuals
already have subscribed to $3,-
104,000 of the stock. Kenneth D.
Dawson of Portland is president
of the company. Other officers are
Henry W. Poett, San Francisco,
vice president, and Clifford J. Mc
Millan. San Francisco, secretary
and treasurer. McMillan was previ
ously California state corporation
The stock is to be sold without
advertising, use of prospectus or
any "high power" methods. The
issue Is proposed to meet the re
quirements under the merchant
marine act which allows the com
pany, in this instance, to borrow
75 per cent of the total amount
required from the United States
Reports filed with the corpora
tion commissioner said that the
company proposes to build five
combination passenger and cargo
steamers, which will operate be
tween Atlantic ports and Manila
by way of Havana, the Panama
Canal. Los Angeles. San Francisco,
Portland and Japanese and Chi
nese ports.
It will require 30 months to
complete the ships. Payments for
stock will be made over a period
of IS months. The permit will ex
pire by limitation June 1. 1931.
Going on a vacation? Have The
Statesman follow yru. By mail
two weeks to any address 25 cents.
Mary E. Hawks, age $9, died at
the home on route two. Turner,
June 6. Wife of Andrew E. Hawks
of Los Angeles; mother of Miss
Pearl Hawks of Turner and Mrs.
Bertha Miller of Salem. Resident
of Turner two years. Notice of fu
neral later from W. T. Rlgdon
and Son.
Smith Estate
Made Up From
Mortgage Loans
An estate valued at $10,905,
consisting almost entirely of first
mortgage loans scattered over var
ious real properties, is that left by
J. N. Smith, deceased. Appraisal
of the property was filed in pro
bate court here Friday. C. M.
Byrd, L. P. Aldrich and T. Roem
bildt made the appraisal. Cora E.
Smith is the executrix of the es
tate. The majority of the loans were
less than $1500 and were made at
seven and eight per cent Interest.
Marriage license business re
turned to Its three-a-day rate Fri
day in the county clerk's office.
Each of the brides gave her 'occu
pation as teacher.
Lawrence B. Cook, 22, who lives
on Silverton route one. received
a license to marry Florence Olive
Nesheim, 24. who also lives at Sil
verton. He Is a surveyor and his
wife-to-be a teacher.
H. J. Lannerud. 25. a resident
of Bend and a laborer there, re
ceived a license to marry Lulu M.
Coperlund, 25, a teacher at Silver
ton. E. Raymond Bonesteele. 23.
345 Market street, Salem, received
a license to marry Pauline Grauel,
22, 599 East 52nd street. Port
land. He is a salesman; she Is a
Moss Lake Goal
Of Chemeketans
On Sunday Trip
The Chemeketan local walk for
Sunday, June 8, will be a trip to
Moss Lake. Cars will leave the
Y. M. C. A. at 8 o'clock Sunday
The group will drive to Scotts
Mills and then up the Crooked
Finger ridge to Abiqua Falls, the
bike proper to start from this
point. From the falls to the lake
is a distance of about three miles.
It is expected rhododendrons will
be In full bloom at the lake Sun-
Mrs. Almenda Simler, 50. died
in this city June 6. Mother of C.
M. Simler of Dayton and Mrs. E.
P. Booth of McMinnville. Funeral
services Sunday, June 8, at 2
o'clock at Dayton under direction
of Clough-Taylor.
Lena Denhem, 43. died June C
at the residence at 2168 Mill
street. Sister of Roy Witiel of
Turner and Herbert Witzel of
Vancouver. Funeral services Mon
day. June 9, at 1:30 o'clock from
W. T. Rlgdon and Son chapel.
Levis Wee. world famous mpoolociat.
cam. positively read your talents, virtues
and fa!ts m the drawing, woras ana
what nota that you scribble whoa "lost
t Bend your MscrfMi&nasM or stanaturt
tot aarfnfe. Sadow tteftctom aft. MikaS
hMaTent fro x a bo mt kCikad madia, aad
t c U. Addrw L it 91cm, cm W
16 Ounces
Two Lbs. for 40c
Made from pure creamery
Only at
Drug Store
The Original Yellow Front a-J
Ca..dy Special Store Salem
Pbone 17
1S5 N. Commercial
Quality P'ns Conrte y
Wttaea 'arsttaa et
Have The Statesman follow you
on your vacation. Two weeks by
mall to any address 2S cents.
City View Cemetery
Established 1893 Tel. 1206
Conveniently Accessible
Perpetual care provided for
Prices Reasonable
JSelcrest iflcmorial
rtons 3Qi)f Prtert
A Park Cemetery
with perpetual care
Just ten minutes from the
heart of tom
We Rent
Vacuum Cleaners
U 2193, Used Fwrmltsure
151 N. Hlgn
By James W. Harrell
RF.MF.MBRR to stick to the job that yon understand.
REMF.MBF.R that we're gaol, too and so are our used
ears. Our job is to get them so reasonably that we can
sell you real motoring satisfaction at a more than fair
1928" Sport Brougham Victory
Model, Priced Special at
1927 G. B. 8 Ton Track, Dual Wheels, .New Rack. Re Du
eoed and Mechanically perfett. $1045
192o G. B. 1 Ton Chassis and Cab.
Thoroughly rebuilt
"Baying Safely Means Buying of a Reliable Dealer"
Long Term Men
Escape Folsom
Statewide search was started
tonight for Ethan McNabb-and
Floyd Sampsell. Oakland bank
robbers, who were niissiuj? from
Folsom prison at the afternoon
Although Warden Court Smith
expressed belief the pair was in
side t he prison walls he ordered
guards to bring them in at all
Sampsell and McXabb were
serving Ion? frms for parole vio
lation from SanQueiitin as well
as for robbery of an Oakland bank
last summer.
HUXTSV1LLE. Tex.. June 6
i'AP) The state prison electric
chair took the life of William
(Dagger) Pruitt. 22. convicted
slayer of William Kann, 17 year
old Dallas high school boy. at 12:
17 a. m.. today.
by a few painless
No rutting, no burning,
no loss of time
Drs. Lewis
408 Oregon Building
Midget Market
Originators of Low Prices
S51 Stats St.
are bound to be better when the meat comes from the
MIDGET MARKET. Comparative prices don't mean a
thing-. Its Comparative values that count.
Sirloin Steak
25c lb.
Beef Roasts
20c Ifo.
"NUT SWEET" Sliced Bacon per lb. 30c
Cured ths old-fashioned way. Wood smoke, no artificial
Good Selected Bonelem
Boiling Beef Corn Beef
IlSeEtb. 25c Mb.
Extra Fancy Milk Fed Veal
Firm white meat. A real special
Milk Fed Milk Fed
Veal Steak
Finest Veal
Loin Chops
25c Mb.
Veal Roast
20c Ito.
Bake or Stew
Breast of Veal
Limit with meat purchase
Youner Tiz Dainty Lean
Pork Roasts
UOc lb.
Loin Chops
2Cc Alb.
Sugar Cured
Bacon Backs
22c lb.
Sugar Cured
Bacon Squares
Ground Beef
20c Mb.
Para PM
Little Links
25c Mb.
Useless to pay more Risky to pay less.
Out ef consideration if our employes we dose
Saturdays at 7 P. M. Harry M. Lery, Mgr.