PAGE FOUR The OXtEGffif STATESSSATf, Saltta, Oanegaa, Saturday Mwaiag. Jung T, f930 Xa Favor Sways Us; N Fear SkaU Aice. From first Statesman, March 23. 18S1 THE STATESMAN PUBLISHING CO. CbablesA. Spkagve, Sheldon F. Sackett, PubUaher Charles A. Spsacue Sbcedo F. Sackett EUtor-MttnQQeT - Managing -Editor Mmiilmi nf rha Associated Press The- Awrtate Press to exclusively entitled to the use for PjW; eation UMiwr dispatches credited U it or Mt otherwise or wilted la this paer. PnMfi rvt Advertisinn. Representatives : Arthur W. Ftypes, Inc.. Portland, Security BJdg Ban rranelBca, Slraron Bid.: Los Angeles. W. Pac Kdg. Enters. Advertising Representatives: ForFartns-Btecher, Int. Nw Tort. 271 Madison At.; Chicago. Its N. Michigan Ave; EnUwed at th Poe toff ice mt Salem, Ore ff art, tut Stcod-Clae Matter. Published every morning except Monday. Busmete effice. 213 S-Commercial StrMtt. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Mill Subscription. Rates, In Advance. Within Oregon; Dally and Surxtay. 1 Mo. 5f cents: S Mo. $1.25; Mo. 92.25; '1 yar 4.0. Elaa twr est pr Mo. ar So. OS for 1 year la advance Br City Carrier: 59 centa a month : 85.50 a. yaax la advance. Per ! Copy I ceaia Oa trains, and Mewa Stands 5 cent. The Issue BISHOP Cannon's walkout on the senate committee pre cipitates the real issue as to the extent and scope of the senatorial power. Does it possess plenary powers of inquisition? Is it a national grand jury whose deliberations are staged like a great spectacle? We raise these questions with no purpose ""to defend Bi&hop Cannon, whom we are quite willing to have through the third degree by any properly authorzied body, nor to express sympathy with Harry Sinclair who suf f ored a jail terra for refusal to answer questions propounded t him. These questions concern the functioning of the sen ace as a branch of government and the reliance of the indi vidual upon the constitutional guarantees involved in the bill of rights. Where & person is suspected of violating a law he is sub ject to citation before a grand jury where he may be exam ined ; but even there he has the right to refuse with no pen alty attached for such refusal The blackest criminal has that right and the courts protect him in it. The country acquiesced in the sentence of Harry Sin clair because the country put him down as a bribe-giver and had no mercy on him. Even the court approved the sentence which was imposed. But that opinion and precedent may rise to plague us. In this instance the senate committee consti tuted to investigate lobbying goes far out of its way to in vestigate the activities of the bishop in the 192S campaign and wanted even to investigate his purely private financial speculations. Senator Walsh declares as the bishop walks out that he shows contempt of the senate. Indeed he does, but bo does the senate committee show contempt for the bishop's constitutional rights and contempt for the rational limits of it? inquisitorial authority. The senate has no authority to make investigations re garding elections to the senate ; it has authority to carry on investigations on subjects which it is legislative upon. But it should have no more authority to subject individuals to general inquisition than the executive or judicial branches of government. The senatorial committees have performed good service in exposing rottenness and corruption; but their in quiries ought to be conducted without infringement on the constitutional rights of individuals. Bishop Cannon is wrong in claiming that what he did with campaign funds was purely his private business. He didn't use his own money; he headed active organizations. His own moral sense ought to lead him to make public a full report of the way he handled the Jameson money. Reform ers ought to be the first to publish their financial reports. The bishop discredits his own cause by standing on narrow legal grounds. Let him give his report to the press in the form of an affidavit; or better still, permit a firm of certi fied accountants to prepare and publish such a report. Then, his defiance of the senate committee would not react against him. HEALTH Toefay Talk By BlS Summer la usually av tiring time for that baby. Hot, weather 1. bard enough, for the grown ups. but for the frail baby it ia hard. Indeed. The dar nroihars fcs.e their hands fU keening, them selves well and, looltng after the nttfe ones. They mast not forget how ee ential It is that they rhoaU Ksve good health. po&e and plenty of rest. They must keep fit. Every mother should take the very best care, of herself. It possible she should nurse her child during the sum mer months. If the mother loses, her appetite and gets too little sleep, her child is liable to grow restless and Irritable. Before lon the baby eats less, and then coma along indigestion, diarrhea and vomiting. Prepare Food Carefully If. for; any reason, the mother cannot nurse her baby, and eaw's milk muBt be substituted, new problems appear. The first re lates to getting good milk. Sha must be sure that the milk comet from a well-known and approval source. Tb feeding should bet prepared with the greatest of care. The milk should be kept at all times at a low temperature. By this I mean that It should be submitted to a refrigerating temperature of 5 degrees Fahrenheit or less. This is vital so that the milk bacteria shall be kept at the lowest possi ble number. It is imperative that the milk be protected In this way if your baby is to be kept well. The baby needs regular hours for feeding, bathing and sleeping. Just as Boon as the warm days come the baby can sleep longer out-of-doors. Have a time in the day whea the baby may lie, free of clothes, in the sunshine, in order that he may kick and exercise his little limbs. He needs this exercise Just as much as doe the older child or the adult. The baby needs the effects of sunshine on the skin. Exposure to sunshine is one of the very best ways to keep the skin in good con dition. But this must not be over done. The tiny baby's skin is very sensitive. A short period of time is enough to expose the delicate skin to the elements. Keep the skin clean by regular bathing. The more active the baby's skin is the less strain will be thrown on the kidneys. During the. hot weather free perspiring helps to eliminate the wastes of the body. By keeping the baby's skin clean and in good working order you are adding to his well-being. OMI GLORY'S BIRTHDAY RECALLS HETORT f J i. T t BITS for BREAKFAST -By JL J. HENDRICKS- V. 8. Marines sajajte the natioBal flag at a tropical outpost tn the West Indies. Insert: Soldiers of the Sea at Saa JMrgo, Califs during a formal presentation of the Stars and Stripes and their regi mental colors. The national flag is carried to. the. right ta Uus and ail simuar paraaea or xormauoas. Highest honors are always accorded "Old Glory by all naval and military forces either at home or Uncle, Charlie Benson : V e' Resomiag the, biographical aketcb started in. yesterday's is saa. and still quoting verbatim: "Unda Charley Benson, the sub ject of this sketch, was a great lover of th chase. Hunting with his hounds, o( which ha always had a goodly number, was his chief, delight. He was often heard to say that no music was so sweet to him at the baying of his hounds. It was related ot him thai, while passing alon the street in Salem he heard a young woman, playing on an old fash ioned melodeon. The business he was In Salem for could not be transacted until the next day, so as. be was fa no particular hurry ha asked permission to sit on the porch to listen to the music When she bad finished, he Jumped to his feet, id his energetic way, and said,- 'That beats anything I have ever heard, except the barking of my houndst' The young woman fait much offended at this com parison, but to Mr. Benson it was quite a compliment. "Uncle Charley always had his ears turned to catch the far off call of the chase, and In those days this call was given through the hunt er's horn, made from tha horn of a cow. One day coming along fie road between Suhllmity and Turn er, he heard a peculiar toot-toot, not quite like the usual call to iiounds. but he could think, of nothing else that it could be. so, scenting senison for supper, he &et out with his trusty dogs to iwad off the prey. In the excite ment his hounds took him to the village of Turner, where, to his great surprise, he found he had headed off the first steam engine ever to run on the newly laid rails of the Southern Pacific rail road through the town of Turner. (It was of course the Oregon and California railroad then.) The Secret of Eugene's Success THE city of Eugene has been very successful in the opera tion of its municipally owned utilities. Back in 1908 after a bad typhoid epidemic, the city bought the water system. It started generating power to operate its pumps and from that went into the power business until it now controls this dis- . .tribution also and has recently completed a hydro plant on the McKenzie. In the May number of "The Commonwealth Review," a publication of the state university, there is a history and description of Eugene's municipal enterprsies. In view of Salem's contemplated purchase of the water system, it is pertinent tr note that the secret attributed to Eugene's success is the fact that it has expert management imder a non-political board and the utility enterprise is kept wholly separate from the rest of the city administration. Iiere is what the author, F. M. Bennett, has to say respecting .this: There Is nothing mysterious about the success of municipal ownership at -no and elsewhere. Neither is there anything- mysterious about the failure f municipal ownership in many other ctttea. Moreover, It would bo as grossly -rrunoua to assume that municipal ownership can be effectively substituted ft r private ownership tn all dtiea as to assume that every man can be a suc- et-js in Dusiness ior mmseiz. "In ui;ene the administration of the water and newer ntilltlea la 1 1 rely separate from the other administrative offices. At tbe top ia the Water fcoard, five men elated by the votcra, not appointed by the mayor or eooncU. Ki-t all members are chosen at such election, and terms of offices nrm ar ranged ao that the board at no time has a majority of now member. Receipts ni eiirnuiiurvB mi tj lb ma way connected wuu outer receipts Sad expendi tures of the city. Thus tbe political factor, which baa been the nemesis of so Many publicly owned projects, Is effectively removed. The arrangement tor election aivea stability to tbe board and makes for continuity of iuiuim.t policies. Moreover, by e Derating aa a distinct unit there fm mo temptation no possibility, in fact to divert the earnings of the tility to the geaeral coffers f the city. The utilities are a separate business enterprise, operated as such tn a business basis, paying their own way, and pasatnc en savings in the form tower rates. "For the operating? personnel, the Eugene Water board has always fol lowed a policy ei ecanac tecBnieti aea tiring a tborotiih cngineerinc fi Ritnciai or auminuurauve training, at a salary commensurate with the wnrk : men who, with singleness of purpose, will gather tne facts and aswist in the determination of sound policy based on the facts secured. The Sen-ice of such men is indi sponsible in guarding, directing and operating tbe publicly owned vtility. In thla connection, continuity of administration la eeaential. Siwh continuity can only be achieved by freedom from political domlnaUon In for- m.i:iin or general policy ana appointment 01 orncials, "At Eugene the general superintendent, his engineers, and members of the Iministrative staff, are equal in ability to those found anywhere In utilities oV comparable size. The wisdom of this policy has been demonstrated over an1 over again. From an operating and engineering standpoint, the Eugene utilities are on a par with the best, either private or munlcipffl. Manaeement Is the key note in the success of any business enterprise, and the municipally . ...J .,.!!(, I. Mv i r a ... Exhibit of Industrial Work A SUBSCRIBER writes to ask why we did not comment on the fine exhibit of school industrial art work which was shown in the vacant room in the Johnson building last week, Unfortunately for us, we didn t get to visit this exhibit 1 hough we passed the room several times, each time the en try way was occupied by some transient hawker who was surrounded by a crowd of gaping males. We caught a glimpse of something in the window but didn't feel like making a football rush to get through the crowd. Undoubtedly there were times when the entry was clear but we missed connec tions and didn t make a special trip to see the work. We are gla dto quote what our correspondent says, and to give cordial endorsement of this form of educational in struction. Our informant writes : "Just to see the array of drawings, printings, etc, on the walls was worth the time. Then there were the annual training work and mechanical drawings. When boys, some o: them absolute failures at books, can turn out work such as vas on display last week, they deserve credit and plenty o: it. All those nice mahogany and walnut tables, lamps, cedar chests, writnig desks, seats, stools and other incidentals cer- tamly deserve mention." Editorial Comment From Other Papers THE LAST STAND It comes as consilerable nf a shock to learn that bosses in cer tain lumber camps of the Pacifie northwest have taken to lavinc oat golf courses among the stumps or me Cut-Over mountalnafdna where their gangs have been working. The resulting picture ia easr to imagine: the heavy-fisted bull of the woods, arrayed in golf knick- rers. checkered socks and a form- ritting sweater, waggles his golf clnb in a clearing that only re cently rang to the sound ot axes. ana wnscks the elusive ball over slopes where sweating lnmber- acks toiled to bring ancient trees down to the matted sod. It is all very surprising, and doubtless it is extremely signif icant, la one way or another. At all events. It would seem to Indicate tnat tne horny-handed rough necas or tradition are growing tame at an anprecedented rate. A lumber-Jack on a golf course! Well, times do change. But there are places where this bit of infor mation ought to be received with load cries of na belief. Peddle It through the eld. cat erer Michigan white pine country. some aay, ana see wast response yon get, Michigan knew the lumber-Jack la tbe day whea he was a sign and a potent tor the timid; mm nay van no war aea like n Trojan all winter long, rod the logs down foaming rivers la the springtime at high peril to his unwashed neck, clung to one shirt throughout his life" and wound nn eacn annual drive with a two-fist ed bartender that Jarred the whole lower peninsula of the state. The Pacific northwest knew him In the same incarnation. Washington and Oregon can re member when the woodsman's one great diversion was a semi-annu al drunk that invariably ended tn an epie fight a fight In which steel-spiked shoes descended lusti ly on brawny bodies, a fight ta wucn eye-gouging and hitch-klck- ing were accepted as perfectly proper methods of offense, a fight which like as not wolud tear down a whole building and think noth ing of it. That is the lumber c. mp tradi tion. But now golf courses! sometmng nas changed, some where. Rodyism is mora intimately in terwoven witn onr past than we usually think. The lumber-jack was only one among many; sailor cowboy, miner, longshoreman steel worker all or these were hairy-chested, rough-and-tumble trades with no niceties or refine ments. Bat the old order does change, and the lumber-jack is like the rest of us. We seem to have lost the frontier forever, somehow. It they can build golf courses ad jacent to lumber camps, onr riot ons past has been eternally buried Engine Gnard. "WHERE'S EM0LY7 ; VV ty CAROLYN WELLS CHAPTER XLVUI. 'On Sunday morning Jim came in an said I had lost my last chance. 'You've been obstinate too long,' he said. 'Now take the consequences. He wasn't ugly in his manner. Just hard and cold, like ice. 'I am going away to day, he said, 'and I am not com ing back. I shall go where I can not be found, by detectives or anybody else. Now here's what I plan for yon. Von see this safe There was a small Eafe in the room, evidently put there to get it out of the way, as it had noth ing to do with the baby clothes. In it I put the key to this room; have a duplicate.' "He put a key lu the safe and then ha fiddled with the combin ation, 31-17-8.' He showed me just how to work it. 'But.' he said as ha finished, 'it is a time lock and you ean't open it until Wed nesday that's the day it's set for " 'And I'm to stay here, until Wedaesdayr I exclaimed, still more mad than frightened. 'Yes,' he said, 'Rosa will leave food for you. I'm sorry it must be mostly eanned goods. But they are the best quality. They were in the pantry 'And Rosa brought in a lot of cans of baked beans and sardines and chicken and ham, and tins of crackers and condensed milk and bottled coffee; you know, that nice kind that you take on board steamer. Well. Rosa Diled all the stuff on a table without a word and started to leave me. I grabbed her and offered her money or anything if she would iget me out. But she was too loyal to Jim ana she wouldn't move a linger to help me. She left two or three can openers and corkscrews and went away. "I only saw Jim onr arW that, jnst for a few minute ti said, 'Remember you've brought tais au on yourseir by being such an obstinate little piece. You haren't accomplished anviMne- for I shall get away all right "And Jnst then, I heard Rosa whisper to him. The Double tot" and he said, 'Yes, shut Bp!" so I remembered that. "Then ha said. 'Sorrv but t have te have the electrlcitv and the gas turned off. But I'll leave the water on. I can't let you have a light, you see. Remember, it's all your awn fault, that you are here The he went out of the room, but h poked his head back to say, ! hope the time lock works all right. But it's a bit old and ruiUy and maybe it won't. If not "Ha shut the door and foMtml it. and that's the last I saw or neard of any human belnz. T tried to be philosophical, and I could have nulled through all right if he hadn't said that about the time lock being rusted. If that didn t work. I was shut up there in a living tomb, where no one would ever think of looking for me. I tried to amuse myself with tne any things and the books and the papers, but when It mt dark Sunday night and I had no light I gave out. I cried myself to sleep and woke in a pitch-black room, not knowing the time or anything." Rodney put bis arm around Em ily and drew her closer to hint. She smiled up at him, but said. Mt me go on, I must get It over." "Well, then," she said, "the hard days began. I thought it was sad enough when Jim and Rosa were there, but-this awful soli tude and silence were worse. And the thought of that rusty time lock got on ray nerves. Then one night there was a terrific thunderstorm and rm tro afraid ot thunder storms. And once I heard a mouse nibbling. And I'm terribly afraid ot mice!" She shivered all over, but went bravely en. "Of eourse, the thing that got on my nerves worst was the fear of that time lock. I tried to forget it but I ooaldn't. Then one night I ate some tomato soup and it was spoiled or something, and I had ptomaine poisoning, or I thougbt had. Oh, I was so sick! And that's about all, only the fright and the Illness from the soup and the fear of the old rock nearly drove me insane!" "They nearly did said Doctor Eaton, looking very grave. "And at last Wednesday came. t thought the day would never pass. I tried the lock a million times for I didn't know at what hour it would be freed. And when it began to get dark and the safe wouldn't come open, I fainted and I dont know how long I lay on the floor there in front of that safe. But when I eame to, I tried the combination once more and it worked! "I stumbled out of that room and downstairs, somehow I don't know how, and their front door has a Yale lock, so 1 could open that from the inside. I came out. closed the door behind me, and I managed to get over here, and that's all. Emily fell back against Rodney, who, at a nod from the nurse, car ried her straight back to her room and laid her on the bed. "Go away now, darling, Emily said to .him. "I'll be better tomorrow." The nurse put her back to bed, and Aunt Judy came ap and pet ted .her, and. her mind relieved of its burden, Emily fell into a nat ural and refreshing sleep at last. "Now, for my part In this drama," Fleming Stone's deep voice was saying as Aunt Judy re turned; "You have an heard who is the man responsible for the death ef his wife and for the ab duction ef Miss Dnane. 1 will pro. dees him snd let him speak for himself." And, handcuffed between tvo Stalwart policemen, Jin Penning ton was led into tbe reoss. Tve nothing to say." he de clared Insolently. ''You've got the goods on me and I cant kelp my self. But I don't have to talk." "You don't have to." ssid Jen nings, "but perhaps you'll tell why you killed your wife." "I was sick and tired of her," Pennington buret forth. "She was no sort of wife for me. We were always incompatible, and after the death of the baby she was a neu rotic. I couldn't stand her. And that day there was such a good chance, as I thought, I Just put an tad to my troubles. All would have gone well if Emily hadn't happened along Just at that min ate. But I couldn't have forseen that, and so I did for ber as best I could. I wasn't going to be shown up by that minx, so I Just shut her up till I could get away. There was no danger of the time lock's not working. I said that to scare her, for she was so cocky and so obstinate." "What did you do with Rosa?" said Jennings. "I paid her off in New York and let her go," said Pennington snllenl. y "Where were you hldingT "On a ranch in the West, where I thought nobody could ever find me. I don't know yet how anybody did." "It was this way," Stone ex plained, suavely. "Your friend Rosa let slip a word about Double ynnt which Miss Duane caught and remembered. As I happen to know of tne Double U ranch, a small ranch owned by one Ulysses Up- dyke, I thought that's where you were. I telegraphed the authori ties near there, and that's how they knew just where, to find you and bring you here. "I was also put on the right track by Miss Duane'a insistence in her delirium to 'get pen.' I felt sure she meant 'get Peon and she did. She has told me since. Then, her aversion to the tomato soup snd also her aversion to the baby she saw in tbe hospital are ex plained by her disordered mind's retaining the memories ot the soup that made her so m, and arso the nursery, brought to mind by the sight of the baby. It's a won der her mind didn't really give 'way under the strain beoynd re call." "It's a wonder mine hasn't giv en way, having to live the life I've lived," said Pennington, and forthwith he began a tirade against Paultne and her short comings. "I didn't exactly mean to pin the crime on Emily, but you see family fought me like a little tigress when I first tried to take her to my house. If anyone bad come along then it would have been all up with me. But once I had her under lock and key, I was safe enough. Then I found her fur and a bit of her necklace on our living room floor, as a re sult of her struggles, and when I came over here that night later, I Just pitched them over the bridge to get rid of them." "Then you were in at Wallace's just as you said?" "Of course, I was. And when I was there, I had no intention of committing a crime. But when 1 joined Polly on the bridge and she began to rag me about Rosa which was too silly; I detest Rosa I just acted on impulse, hom icidal mania I suppose it might be called. And it Emily hadn't hap pened along " "Yon said that before." Jen nings Interrupted him. "Come along, Mrs. Pennington. I dont be lieve these people want to see you any more out I know some people who do." And still with a nonchalant, al most jaunty air. Jim Pennington was led away on the route that has wo return. "What gove you your first hint of Penn's guilt f asked Pete of Fleming Stone, who seemed in a talkative mood. "The use of that word, 'gul- lery " Stone replied. "It's such an unusual word, yet I knew I'd heard It. Then I remembered It was in one af Pennington's ear ner plays. So that started me off. Miss Wolcott has a complete set ef his plays, and I verified it when I was there. I felt sure that hoax letter was merely to divert atten teion from the real abductor, and so it was. Pennington was very clever, but when I went down to New York snd fund he had gone away without telling his bank his address, and he had taken a lot of money with him, I began te think where he could have gone. He didn't get a passport, so I knew he was still In this coun try, and I thought of a ranch as a fine hiding place. Then when I heard Miss Duane had mentioned the Double TJ, I knew just where to put my hand on him, and did, through the medium of Uncle Sam's troopers and police, forces. "If there's nothing more yon want to know. let's leave it till to morrow. I'd rather celebrate to day." 8o they celebrated, for none ot them had any very deep sympa thy for Jim Pennington; they had only room hi their breasts for gUdness at Emily's return and re covery. And so therapeutic is happi ness that before tbe evening was i fast, Emily waa back again on "As has been written before, Uncle Charley never wore a coat. He also said that as a boy in Virginia he was nine years old before he ever had any clothing but a tow shirt. He believed light weight clothing was con ducive to good health and longev ity. His ripe old age of 87 speaks louder than words in his defense. "Mr. Benson was lucky in the selection of his donation land claim, and as the years went by he prospered. After many years, when steel rails united the east with the west and traveling waa a pleasure compared to the way he had come out west, he made a trip back to his old home in Illi nois. Clad ia a new blue drilling shirt and a pair of trousers made Of good strong material, bought far the occasion, and with his re turn ticket and $700 tucked away In a pocket on the inside of his shirt, he set out. Being a very sociable man, it was not long un til lie made friends with the con ductor and brakeman as well as tbe passengers in his car. His wife had provided him with a gen erous lunch box, but after this became depleted he had to look about for something to eat. This was in the 'good old days' ot the eating bouses along the route, in stead ot the palatial dining cars that followed later oh. Evn in those days some lunchroom pro prietors were a little careful as to the habits of their patrons, and when Untie Charley presented himself in all the glory of his new shirt, but coatless,, the proprietor barred the door with his srm, saying he could not enter his din-1 & - ill. . . . e tug room wiiuoui cui. "Uncle Charley was nonplussed This was something new te him. Never before had he been refused a meal anywhere he had applied. He argued that he did not have a coat, but was no tramp. He even showed his precious seven hundred; but the restaurant man was obdurate and Uncle Charley went back to his day coach, a wiser and a madder man. By that time the train was on its way again, but Uncle Charley was hungry and his dignity had been offended. When his new friend, the conductor, came along and heard about the treatment he had received, he assured him that it would come out all right after all and be would see if tie could not get him something to est. "In taosa days even raurouu trains were not in so much of a tiurrv sa thev are today. The mad rush had not yet attacked the Ameaican people, so this con ductor telegraphed ahead to the next available place to navs tae very best meal they could get ready for a men without a coat to eat, when the train stopped. Sere enough, the meal was ready and Mr. Benson sat tn his shirt Bleeves all alone In the dining room and ate to bis heart's eon tent, white tbe train wsited, un der the conductor's orders. e Is "Uncle Charley was endowed with the rare quality of being a good story teller. He alee had much histrionic ability and this made him a welcome visitor at all tbe settlers' homes, as well as tbe chief entertainer, wherever the men of hisday congregated. His satire, directed at the opposing political party (be was a staunch republican), always found ready listeners, because of the rare wit with which it was Interspersed. "Even down to . his old age be never rode when, he coald walk. It has been told of this old man that even when he knew bis wife was hitching up the mules to drive to town, be would start out and go the whole way on foot, perhaps arriving there ahead of her. "Uncle Charley lived to see most ot his pioneer neighbors gathered to their fathers. One by one they passed on and when his time came it found him ready at the age of 87. He died oa 8, 1902. two years after his ,;i7 tan wife had passed on. li' " buried beside her in the Whitn, v Hobson cemetery, near SubiinVv Marion county, Oregon." ' "' To the city council: By all means, vote unani.i ly for the vacation of the MUb end of Trade, street, in order i. at the paper company may hu room for Us contemplated expan sion. S It will meaa the rebuilding l(f one of the first paper making ma chines installed, in order that u may be up to date, and turn out a quality product. The new mon ey that will hare to put in will mean, for making the machine over, for building and other im provements. $100,090 to $120 000. - W hat Is more important, it will mean about 50 more employees in the mill, which wUl take about the same number of additional men in supplying pulp wood. etc. That Is 100. Count five in the family of each worker, and that will mean an addition of about 500 directly to the population of Salem. Indirectly, that nieaua another 600. That is the war such industries work in bulldin? towns and cltiea. The Bits man helped In the original fight for the vacation of streets for the paper mill. The mill came at a time when the country was torn with war. Sa lem was losing population: busi nesst was poor. This mill put Salem on the up grade. Its com ing has bee nthe chiefest factor in adding 10,000 to the popula tion of this city and its suburbs in the last 10 years. More than any other one thing, it has helped Salem's business stability for the converting plant on Front street is child ot this mill. "a Forget about the cinders, etc They are to be eliminated. That is in the plans. S Think twice; forget prejudices, and not a vote will be cast against the street vacation. Nor ought a single Salem citieen think of de nying the reasonable request. Salem has room for (and pros pects of) at least three more paper mills, in city and suburbs. How many of the three will soon come if this vacation is denied, or even if the proposition has a sin gle councilman's negative vote? A Problem Fop You For Today What will It cost to dig a ditch S feet wide. 15 feet deep, and 75 yards long, at 60c a cubic yard? Answer to Yesterday's Problem 3 hrs. Explanation Smith can unload H in 1 hour, both (-6 In 1 hour. Subtract V4 from 5-6. Jones does 1-3 in 1 hour, or 3 hours to do all. VIBBFRT ID III mwmm i Vibbert Todd. local electrical dealers, announced Friday that they had signed a lease with O. F. Johnson for the east room in his store building on State street, the lease to become effective July 1 and to extend for ten years. The firm Is now located In the Hughes building at High and Ferry streets. "We felt that our business had expanded until we were forced to have a very central location." said C. A. Vibbert, in making the announcement Friday. "In a short time we will add the Majestic re frigerator to the Majestic radio line we now handle." The main store room space will be used 'for display and office pur poses while tbe basement will be equipped to handle tbe mjotor re pair work whieh is one of the specialties ot the store. Entrance to this department can be gained from a rear basement exit which is adjacent to an alley. Vibbert Todd started In the electrical business is Salem ta June li. Fred Erlxon is handling the re construction work in the room preparatory te the new firm's us ing it. An entirely new front is to he used (a the room. the sofa by Rodney's side, making new plans tor the postponed wed ding ceremony and for the wed ding trip. "We wont have such a dressy wedding." Emily decreed, "and we won't seed the services of old Spinka, but we do want an hon ored guest who wasn't Invited be fore, Mr. Fleming Stone." And with his best bow Stone ac cented the Invitation. THE END. Dividend Case Hearing Is Set Word was received here Fri day by A. A. Schramm, state su perintendent of banks, that the circuit court at Astoria, has fixed July 14 as the date for a hearing on bis petition fer the) release of a 0 per cent dividend in the liq uidation involving the- Astoria Savings Bank, defunct. The dividend amounts to ap proximately $600,000 In claims filed by depositors. It has been tied up by litigation la whieh some of the depositors sought to be de clared preferred claimants. The federal and state coqrts previous ly held for Mr. Sehrsmm. BEXEF ACTOR DIES PORTCHESTER, N. Y., June 6 (AP) William Wilson Cook, corporation lawyer, whose gifts to the University of Michigan are said to have exceeded $5,000,000 died Wednesday at his summer home at the age of 72. REBELS SLAT POLICE PERNAMBUOO, Jo (AP) Dispatches received here today said 21 police ot the state of Par abyba were killed yesterday in an engagement with Brazilian rebels near Agna Branca. The rebels cap tured a large supply ef arm and munitions.