The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 07, 1930, Page 3, Image 3

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    The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Saturday Morning, Jane 7. 1330
Polk County Boys and Girls
Carry Projects For Long
DALLAS, June 6. FiTa boys
end one girl enrolled In 4-H agri
cultural clubs of the county have
carried on their projects lor six
or more years in succession. Many
boys and girls have carried on
their projects for several years
already and will probably reach
this record.
Maxine Ferguson of Eola has
carried on bee club work for six
years. Joe Rogers, Jr., la In his
pixth year and is carrying pig,
calf and bee club projects. Joe has
b(en one of the outstanding club
members in the county for years.
Karl Johnson of Elkins has been
a calf club member for seven
Chester Frederlcksen of West
Ralera has taken part in poultry,
rabbit and garden club projects
for six years, although not carry
ing on all of the projects any one
year. Leslie Stewart has been act
ive in calf club work for eight
years and this year is the local
leader of the Bethel Jersey Calf
Club. Leslie Is one of the out
standing club members of the en
tire state, having won numerous
Jesse. Walling of Zena has been
a sheep club member for six years
and this year is local leader of a
cheep club with members in the
Oak Grove and Zena communities.
All of these young folks are fine
examples of the many benefits de
rived from active participation in
4-H club work.
According to the records in
County Agent J. R. Beck's office,
there are five club members who
have been active in club work for
five years; 20 who hae been act
ive for four years: 3 8 who have
been active for three years and
43 for two years. Then there is
a list of 65 beginners who are
taking up one or the other of the
many agricultural projects In 4-H
club work. In addition to this
phase of the 4-H club work there
are many members with similar
records enrolled in the Home Eco
nomics clubs.
" Mis- jU&
1 is
ttti I -i
Excellent Work Done During
Year is Revealed at
Chicken Thieves
Visit Farms in
Keizer District
. KEIZER, Jane & Chick,
en thieves are becoming ac
tive in this community.
Charles Weathers reported
having lost aboat OO black
giaat chickens the other
Other places visited were
Ray Betzer's and Joe Bart
ruffs. Time for farmers to
fix np the old automatic shot
gun and watcb!
teresting and especially well exe
cuted exhibits of posters depict
ing presidential administrations
and important historical events.
Seniors from the various Portland High Schools have been selected to act as Princesses in the Port
land Rose Festival, June 13-14. (Left to right) Elsie Mitchell, Mildred Coe, Kathleen Sanders,
Kathryn Conser, Rcba Lee Moore, Caroline Hahn (Queen) Gene Alouise Dickson, Lucille
Thomas. Photo by courtesy of General Petroleum Corporation of California.
Plans for the first aunual all-T
ajenic, to be held Friday, June 13,
at Hager's grove beginning at &
o'clock were shaped at a commit
tee meeting held last night at the
T. M. C. A. Outlines predict a
big event for the entire T. M. C.
A. family.
The picnic is planned to bring
together the families, including
wives and children, of all persons
affiliated with the Y. M. and also
with the women's aud girls' work,
under auspices of the Y. W. C. A.
Each family will provide its own
picnic lunch and coffee and buns
will be sold at a small cost. A
girls' group will conduct a candy
Preliminary plans call for a
wide range of activity for the
boys and girls, with water sports,
track and fields events, volleyball
and baseball games all on the
program. In the water events,
the boys' and girls' life saving
corps will participate. Addition
al stnnts will also be arranged.
A big campfire, replete with
stunts and group singing, will be
finale for the picnic. Short talks
will be made around the fire and
awards for track events will be
The eommittee in charge of the
picnic includes: C. A. Page, Wil
liam McGilchrist, Sr.. J. B. Crary,
Dr. L. E. Barrick, Mrs. Eliiabeth
Gallaher of the Y. .W., two repre
sentatives each from the Junior
and young mea-'s division, R. R
Boardman, Ivan White and Ben
JEFFERSON, June 6 (Spe
cial) Constances olderston.
coach of the girls' basketball
team presented the following stu
dents with letters and stripes:
Seniors, Elizabeth Aupperle,
captain; Audrey Tiedeman, Mar
guerite Coin, Berneatha Lake.
Juniors, Blanche Main; sopho
mores, Helen Weddle, Mary Main,
Gladys Calahan, Alice Harris,
Ruth Rockhill was eligible for a
letter but had the misfortune to
break her finger early In the sea
son, which prevented her playing.
A. Windell, coach of the boys'
basketball and baseball teams,
presented the foil-owing with bas
ketball lettes: Charles Rockhill,
Merlin WheBbee, Harold Wright,
Dallis Harris, v'erdo Harris, John
Kills, Don Boyer. Leland Wells,
Francis Nys and James Pate.
and Mrs. Clyde L. Fowler. In
the afternoon they drove to Mon
roe where they visited Mr. and
Mrs. Bert Peters and family and
returned to their home in King
wood that evening.
AH of Victims
In Prison Fire
Are Identified
COLUMBUS,, Ohie. June , 6.
(AP) All of the 320 victims of
the Ohio penitentiary fire of
April 21 had been identified today
by the state burenu of identifica
tion. Only five had been listed as
Those identified today were Ar
chie Jenkins, Jolin Norziusky,
Donalt Hart, Anton J. Cramer and
John Spires, all of Ohio.
Everett Gardner
Writes of Life at
Cape Cod Home
KEIZER, June 6 One of
Keizer's foremost young men is
Everett Gardner, who is attend
ing Boston Theological university.
During his summer vacation he
is domiliced with a family out
near the shore of Cape Cod Bay.
In a letter written to his fam
ily In Keizer he says in part:
V Everything Is so beautiful here.
We are away back in the woods
although Tight along the water.
The lady slippers are as large as
l dollar, buttercups are thick
You can look across the bay and
see summer homes ' dotted all
around the edge. We are just a
little way from the end of the
Cape Cod canal and the New
York-Boston boats go within a
quarter of a mile of the bouse.
About 9 p. m. a big passenger
boat goes down. You can hear
the people talk, see them dancing.
etc. It is a beautiful sight to see
that big boat with powerful
seTrfchlights go past.
Yesterday morning when
went out to empty the ashes, the
tide was nearly in. The wind was
just lightly rousing the surface
and the sun was banked by some
clouds. Everything around me
was very fresh and beautiful."
But with all the beauties there
Everett is homesick for Oregon
and he would be perfectly satis
tied to hear the whistle of the
boat that plies the Willamette
near his Keizer home.
Chicken Thieves
Operate Widely
Police Believe
That farmers of this vicinity
have been the victims of a highly
organized and widely operating
gang of chicken thieves is the
opinion of Oregon City police of
Two men were arrested when
they attempted to sell leg: band
ed fowls. Their names would not
be disclosed by the officers bo
cause they fear that other mem
bers ot fhe gang will escape when
they learn that their companions
have been caught..
The chickens have the follow
ing legbands: B series numbers
59798, 59800,
and A
59787. 59785.
59793, 53014,
53034, 54012.
53038. 53032,
Chicken thefts have been num
erous in Linn county recently and
theofficers believe that they can
link up the arrested men with
some of these crimes.
Mrs. B. G. Merrill of route 4 vis
ited the Salem Heights grade
school Thursday and submitted to
the requests of the upper grades
that she again give them a talk
on. pioneer Oregon history.
Mrs. Merrill's talk was a con
tinuation of one she gave several
weeks ago and contained personal
experiences with the Indians and
school teaching of the early days.
She told how her husband's fath
er, Joseph Merrill, was six months
in making the trip from Illinois
to Oregon In 1847 and also com
pared the modern school with the
first one in which she taught a
long cabin school with puncheon
It being Mrs. Merrill's birthday,
she was presented wltb a large
poster, done by the upper grades
depicting Oregon pioneer life,
with the request that she again,
at some future date talk to them.
Wednesday evening the Salem
Heights grade school held Its an
nual school exhibit. There was a
very large attendance at the
school house and some very ex
ceptional work was shown. Each
room and the large hall was beau
tifully decorated with large bas
kets and vases of flowers of ail
kinds prettily arranged.
An excellent program was held,
many students contributing their
part. Josephine Albert of Salem
favored the audience with two
solos which were especially well
received. Miss Marjory Miller and
Miss Price of Willamette univer
sity, who taught special classes in
music at the Heights school this
year, gave- several musical num
bers which were greatly appre
ciated. Ethel McCoy's room, first
and second grades, had a splen
did exhibit consisting of: "House
of Health", Circus Parade. Dutch
sand table, posters of children of
other lands, weaving and arith
metic and spelling booklets.
Harriet Zosel's room, third and, y-j . T" T
fourth grades, had many and ! lVer vlSlCS 173
unique exniDlts consisting or: a
farm table, table ot products of
Hnited States with ribbons giving
location on map. Posters of how
people work and live in all coun
tries, art work in crayola and
drawing; exhibition of spelling
certificate, also of gold medal won
by her room In third grade coun
ty spelling contest; writing and
original stories.
Agnes Booth's room, fifth and
: sixth grades contained many ln
i teresting exhibits, among them
being a house and furniture pro
ject. This consisted of a crosa sec
tion of a modern house .showing
in detail construction and fur
nishings. This was built by the
boys of her room. Also very at
tractive history, geography and
health posters and notebooks on
picture study and geography.
Cecil Wiegand's room, seventh
and eighth grades, presented in-
June ( (Special) A notable
program has been arranged for
the banquet "which closes the ex
ercises of Hoover day, June 9, put
on by Pacific College in honor of
President Hoover who was the
first student ever enrolled.
George Neuner, United States
district attorney, will respond as a
representative of the United States
government to a toast at the ban
quet; Hal E. Ho?s. secretary cf
state, will speak on behalf of the
state of Oregon; Mayor George L.
Posters of English, geography of j Raker will sneak for the citv of
countries siuuieu, proaucis. etc.,
posters on civics and an excellent
array of notebooks on history,
English, geography, and picture
Perhaps the most outstanding
exhibition was the art section
consisting of water colors, char
coal, pencil, pen and ink, cray
ola and oil painting of the fifth,
sixth, seventh and eighth grade
pupils under the direction of
Agnes Booth. There were 65 oil
paintings in one section, some of
them being copies of well known
artists and very creditably done.
Mrs. D. D. Craig, Mrs. F. M.
Erickson, Mrs. E. E. Pruitt. and
Portland; and W. H. Woodworth
will respond on behalf of the home
Dr. Burt Brown Baker, vice
president of the University of Ore
gon, will speak for the state edu
cational institutions ar.d President
Leonard W. Riley Of Linfield col
lege will speak on behalf of the
independent colleges of Oregon.
Chester A. Haldey, pastor of the
First Friends church of Portland,
will speak for the society of
Friends of Oregon yearly meeting;
Dr. Thomas W. Hester will speak
for the college board: Professor
Russell W. Lewis for the Pacific
Barnes' dancing class. Mlar Fern
Wadsworth of Gervats and Miss
Marguerite Estudillo, daughter of
Mrs. Helena Estudillo who teacbea
in the Gervais high school, wera
Those who attended Tuesday
evening were Mr. and Mrs. G. T
Wadsworth and son. Homer, Mr,,
and Mrs. M. D. Henning, Mrs. Hel
en Estudillo, Mrs. James Brehtut, -and
the Misses Gertrude Weiss,"
Helen Miller and Etheloy Susee.
New Channel as
Engineers Plan
1 trtl 1 A (Jrtii1tr' Dilnh f PViArtia
rs. H. F. Zinser poured tea dar- . ...At
ing the evening. 1 lu "r """" uif
Lyra Miles Dann of the class of
1917. for the alumni.
In addition to the main address
at the dedication of the tablet in
honor of President Hoover in the
afternoon, A. R. Mills, president
Of the college board, will present
the tablet to the college on behalf
of the board, and brief responses
will be made by Levi T. Penning
ton, president of the college;
Chas L. Conover, vice-president of
the college, and Ben C. Hunting
ton, president of the senior class
and retiring president of the asso
ciated student body.
ABERDEEN, Wash., June 6
fAP) The boisterous Hoh river
on the Olympic peninsula roared
through a new channel today aft-
1 er,, state highway engineers per-
I -J vu . i .. . . : r. n
mother nature.
Fountain fish flapped in the
series of shallow pools left after
power shovels opened a new course
for the 6tream.
The surgery was for practical
rather than aesthetic purposes.
The river had eaten away a quar
ter of a mile of new highway and
was threatening an additional
stretch. The new channel 300 feet
wide and 15 feet deep leads
straight across a big bend.
Water Head Is
Sick, Aurora
AURORA. June 6. Georga
Fry, superintendent of ater
works and city recorder, is con
fined to his home with typhoid
fever. He was first taken with
influenza but failed to care for
himself before typhoid set in.
Glen Foster is acting as superin
tendent in his absence.
Gervais Girls in
Dance Revue
GERVAIS, June 6 Several
from here attended the Elsinore
theatre in Salem Tuesday evening
to witness the ballet dancing giv
en by the pupils of Miss Barbara
E will crate and
pack your
household belongings
for the trip and put
them in place after we
have moved you "to
your new home. Ours
is a complete service.
In an executive it's Leadership
Figures On All
Four Counties
Now Given Out
Polk county has a population
of 16,865 and Tillamook county
11,765. according to announce
ment made here Friday night by
R. J. Hendricks, census enumer
ator. In 1920 Polk county had a
population of 14,181, and Tilla
mook county 8810.
Marlon county's population for
1930, subject to correction, was
announced as 60,000 and Yamhill
county 23,000. Marion county had
a population of 47.1S7 in 1920
and Yamhill county 20,529. The
population of Salem was given as
DENVER. June 6. (AP)
Dennis J. Phillips, Jr., Denver and
Garo, Colo., mining man, was
blown to bits tonight when a ease
of dynamite exploded in his ear.
His wife and daughter, first re
ported with him. were found later
safe. They had not been with him.
2 Deaths Occur
In Plane Crash
ALLENDALE, Michi, June
(AP) Two men were killed and
a boy injured critically in an air
plane accident near here late to
day. The dead are Gilbert Mc
Diarmid, pilot-instructor for the
Leonard Motorless Aircraft com
pany, of Grand Rapids, and Gil
bert Reinikr sales man for the
GERVAIS, June 6 Mrs. Sam
H. Brown and sons, Samuel and
Kenneth, went to Oregon City
Wednesday forenoon to attend the
funeral of Dr. Clyde Mount, a cou
sin of Mrs. Brown.
MALTA, June (AP) Arch
bishop Caruna today refused to
permit a special Te Deum to be
suns in the cathedral of St. John
In thanksgiving for the escape of
Lord Strickland from an attempt
ed assassination May 23.
SILVERTON, June .Margue
rite Shaw, president of the local
order of the Girl Reserves, was
selected to represent Sllverton at
the meeting to be held at Seabeck
this summer
Special Session
Consideration of
Treaty Approved
Dispute over the procedure for
consideration of the London naval
treaty was ended today when Sen
ator Watson, Indiana, republican
leader, announced finally it would
be taken up by the senate in the
spfcial session proposed by Presi
de'n Hoover,
Watson's announcement was
made after talks with President
Hoover and Chairman Borah of
the senate foreign relations com
mittee. It ended the discussion
which started yesterday for dis
posing of the treaty in the regular
NEW YORK, June f. (AP)
Heat which pushed the mercury to
90 degrees, took the lives of two
men and prostrated four, today.
Home Moved by
Tractor Power
AM ITT, June 6. Tuesday
morning, Joe Stullenberger mov
ed his cottage from its former lo
cation south of Amity to a vacant
lot in the north part of town, z
distance of about a mile.
Joe had outfitted bis house with
a complete set of rollers and a
sort of a steering rudder and mov
ed by the power of a tractor. The
cottage is now located on Stanley
street by the city park. He plans
to occupy the transplanted home
Los Angeles In
Million Class
1930 census of Los Angeles to
night was announced at 1,231,730
an increase over 1920 of 655,057
or 113.69 per cent. The growth
probably Is tbe largest of any ma
jor city in the United States.
In the story of writing award ,
won by Keixer pupils a typograph
ical error was made so that Har
riet Minturn and Blanche Betzer
were not credited with having
won improvement certificates.
These certificates are the highest
awards that can be won by a sixth
grade pupil.
iV. y. Contractor
Killed in Crash
BOSTON, June 6. (AP)
Pearl S. Thornsen, 50, president
of a Boston and New York con
tracting company, was drowned
and 14 other occupants of a Colon
ial Air Transport trl-motored
plane were Injured or auffered
Immersion today when it dropped
into Boston harbor off the muni
cipal airport.
KINGWOOD. June . A re
union of relatives and friends was
enjoyed Thursday when Mr. and
Mrs. O. B. Bittner and son.
Thomas Osburn, drove to Corval
11s taking with them their house
guests. Mrs. Edward Rendles and
Mrs.v Ernest McCauley of Port
land. In Corvallis they visited
Mr. and Mrs. Peters and Mr. Dol
ly Fouch and took dinner with Mr.
Your Wife
Do not burden your wife
with the settling of your
It is not a woman's job to
handle and liquidate your
business, appraise the assets,
and invest and re-invest the
She will have other re- "
sponsibilities at home.
It will be both wise and
considerate, to free her from
this difficult task and ap
point this old, experienced in
stitution as your executor.
Ladd & Bush Trust
Company '
A. N. BbsH, President.
WJI. s. WALTON, VIce-Prea.
I F. ALDR1CH, Secy.
JOS. EL ALBERT, Trust Officer.
-. Ik i ,,Sl ' J? Is' 'v,' 5iK.4E:Sti4ry to-&&-9&i?J' N::Sfey:w:.:1
..-.'it. -
in a cigarette it's Taste
Knowing what to do and doing it that's
what carries a man up . . . and a cigarette, too.
uniform quality, aroma, flavor Chesterfield's popu
larity is built on knowing what smokers want . . .
and giving it unfailingly.
TASTE THAT'S THE ANSWER and that's what
smokers get in Chesterfield in fullest measure the
flavor and aroma of mellow tobaccos, exactly blended
and cross-blended, all to a single, satisfying end . . .
"TASTE above everything'.
We state it as our honest
belief that the tobaccos usee)
in Chesterfield cfesrettes iff
of-.finer quality and bene
of better tan than in any
other cijirette at the price.
CJ i trfi" d
1930, Liggett A Mrxas TomAcco Co.