CIRCULATION DT!y limit ittribtia for tV lontk a4u( May II. 1980 6,848 Averags 4ly act said 6,15 Audit Bamv of Ctc1t1ob. FOUNDED 1631 WEATHER Cloudy and unsettled to day and . Sunday, probably shower; iax. Temp. Friday 82, Mob. 40, cloudy; wind north; river 1 foot. EIGHTIETH YEAR Salem, Oregon, Saturday Morning, Jane 7, 1930 Xo. 62- HINT'S FOBCESMLY TO HftLTDRIME Troops Concentrated After Retreat to Combat New Threat From South Americans 'Urged to Leave Tsinan as Artillery Is Heard Near City Efforts to Forbid Poisons in Alcohol Are Again Defeated WASHINGTON', J one 6 (AP) The senate again crashed by an overwhelming vote today an effort to -p re Tent by legislation use of poisons in denaturing indu strial alcohol. The latest of repeated at tempts by Senator Tydings, democrat, Maryland, was defeated 45 to 16, after be had blocked consideration of the Howell bill to tighten prohibition enforcement in the District of Columbia. Tydings attempted to at tach the amendment to a bill to regulate the labeling of canned fruits and vegetable. SHOWDOWN ON TARIFF WITHIN IS IK I Single Vote on Conference Reports Agreed Upon By U. S. Senate Mention of Frozen Cher ries, Objected to Here, Eliminated SHANGHAI, June 6 (AP) The Nationalist government's ar mies fought hard today to keep the- rebel tide rolling from both north and south toward central China. After battling for a month to halt the northern alliance rebels driving through Honan and Shan tung provinces toward its capital t Nanking, the government was called upon to meet the menace from the south. Kwangsl prov ince rebels and bandit hordes of several provinces .advanced today 80,000 in number to attack the Nationalists at their new base south of Yochow, province of Hu nan. Hurled yesterday from Chang sha when the rebels overwhelmed the city. 10.000 Nationalists re treated northward to form de fense lines with the large Tung tink lake at their right and the broad Tanktse river to their Tear. The Nationalist govern ment, realizing the gravity of this rebel thrust at the tri-cities Han jow, Wuchang and Hanyang, com mercial and strategic centers of China, ordered all available troops mustered to halt the south erners. Censorship Prevails In Honan District A veil of censorship appeared to hang over military .operations In Honan province, where a long series of battles between . the northern rebels and the National ists was reported two days ago going against the government forces. Retreating then before rebel attacks along the Haichow Tungkwan railway, the National ists were reported In a precarious condition on the main battlefront of China's civil war. The northerners, having cross ed the Yellow river into Shantung province, approached Tainan to day. The sound of the artillery firing as they fought the Nation alists was plainly heard In Tsinan. The American consul was said to .have urged Americans to leave the city. In Shanghai, Nationalists offi cials met to strengthen the finan cial sinews of war. Nearly two weeks ago Finance Minister Soon telegraphed President Chiang Kai-Shek, leading the Nationalist troop in Honan province, that a speedy victory was imperative.. In addition to the civil war, said Soon, the government had been called upon to deal with na tion wide communistic and bandit depredations and economic dis tress due to depreciated silver, crop failures and paralysed busi ness. These, he said, were com bined In the gravest menace the government had faced. L ill OPENS 150 Gather Here For Two Day Event; Election is This Afternoon About 150 laundry owners, wives and employes were regis tered yesterday for the first day of the 10th annual state laundry owners' association convention which will continue through to day. Sessions are being held at the Marlon hotel. Delegates are here from all parts of the state, and also from Washington and California. An address and two papers will feature this morning's session, and this afternoon the principal item of business will be election of officers. R. J. Gilbert of The Dalles, vice president the past year, is slated to succeed T. T. Georges of Portland as president. Of most general importance in the series of speeches yesterday was the annual address of Presi dent T. T. George. Facts pointed out by George included: Seventy-five laundry plants are located in Oregon, with the busi ness in this state ranking among the best in the United States and receiving near the highest per capita patronage in the county. Practically every laundry is housed in well ventilated build ings with most modern equipment installed. More than $10,000,000 is in vested in the laundry industry in Oregon. Owners and operator make their homes in towns ' In which the business Is located and take an active part in the civic af fairs of their communities. Thirty-five hundred persons are employed in the laundry business (Turn to page 2, col. 7) . PERJURER SENTENCED COEUR D'ALE.NE, Idaho. June (AP) Convicted of perjury, Steve Read en of Clarkia waa sen tenced to serve two years in Mc Neil Island penitentiary and to a fine of $5000 by Federal Judge C. C. Canahan today. Four Candidates Are in Race For School Director Four persons seem pretty def initely to be in the race for the two positions on thealem school board, with names of Dr. dinger, incumbent, Arthur H. Moore, Mr. Roy Keene. and Dr. B. F. Pound, submitted in petitions filed yes terday, closing date for filing Petitions were also filed for L. J. Simeral Incumbent, but he said last night he had virtually decided to stay out of the race. None of the candidates for whom petitions were filed have yet filed declaration of acceptance of candidacv. however this may be done any time up to five days prior to the election, which fails on Monday, June 16. By HAROLD OLIVER WASHINGTON, June 6 (AP) A final showdown on the tariff bill In the senate Is anticipated by leaders of all factions by next Fri day at the latest. Under an agreement proposed today by Senator Smoot, republi can, Utah, and consented to unan imously by the senate, that branch will take a single vote on the two conference reports comprising the Hawley-Smoot measure. While at least one republican. Senator Reed, Pennsylvania, ha not made up his mind whether to s.pport the bill, majority chief tains are claiming victory by one or two votes after conceding sev eral doubtful votes to the opposi tion. Senator Reed said he would not make a decision until he had made further study of the changes. He was abroad attending the na val conference when most of the final revisions took place. Lower House Vote Will Follow Soon Should the measure pass the senate Friday, republican leaders look for the final house action the following Monday or Tuesday. The conferees today corrected all but one rate section against which democratic points of order were made and sustained yester day by Vice President Curtis. They deferred until Monday a fi nal rewriting of the watch sec tions to meet opposition challen ges. The most important change agreed to was the acceptance of the house rate of seven cents a pound but not less than 35 per cent ad valorem on cheese and cheese substitutes. The previous conference agreement provided for eight cents a pound but not les than 40 per cent. Alterations Make BUI Move Popular Senator Blaine, republican In dependent, Wisconsin, said the new rate made the bill "more un popular than ever" from his point of view. The conferees made further cor rection by separating rayon fila ment from yarns and providing a minimum duty of 40 cents a pound on the former if over 30 inches In in length and 45 cent a pound on th yarns. All reference to frozen cherries was eliminated but the under standing is that these would come In as preserved cherries at a rate of cents a pound, plus 40 per cent. Another section was revised to permit free entry of horses, mules and cattle from Mexico and Can ada for pasturage purposes for a peilod of eight months. The orig inal conference agreement fixed only a three months' period for cattle from Mexico. fdOfllifirrtfmXT dumber Output One-Half Js) vj -I ' Merriam Makes Denial Jpy "sr.nlTib Eugene Senior Honored ItJJIICJIiJ Power Wire Takes Life PRODUCTION REDUCED PORTLAND, Ore.. June 6 (AP) The West Coast Lumber men's association announced to day that 325 mills reporting dur ing the week ending May 31 oper ated at 57.82 per cent of capacity that week. Their total output was 3 1 $49,000 feet, representing a jeduced production of 20,000.000 from the total of the previous week. Orders during the week in creased more than 3 per cent and exceeded the weeks production. NO DANGER TO FRUIT EUGENE, Ore., June 6 (AP) Howard S. Merriam, state horti cultural commissioner. In an ef fort to clear misunderstandings he alleged grew out of statements at Salem early this week, today declared that "there is no Imme diate menace to the fruit growing Industry of Oregon from insects or disease." Merriam asserted that a "great deal bas been made out of a few Isolated words which have alto gether a different meaning when the context of what was discussed is considered. "I pointed out that lax inspec tion In any one county might re sult In conditions for which the whole state might be quarantined by other states. To Illustrate my poirt I cited certain examples of disease needing the closest con trol, the strawberry "yellows" for instance, the cherry fruit fly and a third disease which I did not see fit to mention by name." YOUTH ELECTROCUTED EUGENE, Ore., June e (AP) Wayle L. Inman, 32, of Venta, was electrocuted .last night when he touched a power wire on the roof of a building. Efforts of the Eugene fire department to revive him with an inhalator were fruit lees. BIDS ARE OPENED PORTLAND, Ore.. June 6 (AP) W.-H. Lynch, federal road supervisor, today opened the third series of bids on the national for est road program in Oregon and the low bids were forwarded to Washington with recommendation that contracts be awarded. The bids were: Hefty and John son, Portland, surfacing 13.9 miles of the Roosevelt highway in the Sni3law national forest, $146,- o41;. C. R. Johnson, Portland, grading eight miles of the Can yon CityBurns highway In Mal- neur national forest. 168,682: and Bauers and Bauers. Portland, grading 5.2 miles of the Pendle- ton-John Day highway,, $76250 PARKS HONOR GRAJD EUGENE, Ore., June 6 (AP) Lawrence Parks. Eugene, sen lor in the school of business ad ministration at the University of Oregon, ha been named honor graduate in the University of Ore gon unit of the reserve officers' training corps. Major Barker, head of the lo cal unit. In making the announce ment said that the war depart ment authorizes accredited R. O. T. C. units to choose an honor cadet from among the graduating students. . TAKES OWN LIFE EUGENE, Ore., June 6 (AP). Edgar O. Nelson, 43, a travel ing salesman, ended his life in a rooming house here last night by shooting himself through the bead. The body was found this morning. Nelson is survived by Iris parents, who lire ta tka east, and by a sister, Mrs. G. 9. ttelson, Los Angeles. GUARDSMEN LEAVE FOR GAMPS SOON Graf Rests at Home After 12,000 Mile Flight The Graf Zeppelin, piloted on an epoch cruise over four continents by Dr. Hugo Kckener, arrived at Ita borne base. Fried riohshafrn. Germany, Friday. Picture shows the Graf moored at Lafeehnrst, N. J., on its last stop in America prior 10 me unai voyage across ne Atlantic. "Farewell Willamette' Sung in Traditional Manner at W. U. Approximately 100 national guardsmen from Salem will leave here Wednesday morning for the annual 15-day training camp of the state guard. Company B, the Salem unit of the 162nd Infantry, will leave here on a special train with other guardsmen at 8:15 o'clock that morning, and the field artillery group will leave at 8:50, both these units to proceed to Camp Clatsop between Seaside and As toria. Captain Arthur Bates and the local detachment of headquarters battery will leave Sunday morn lng for Fort Stevens where they will be until June 26. Captain Willis E. Vincent of headquarters will leave today for Camp Clatsop, where he will be camp adjutant and organize head quarters. Major Joseph Schur, also of headquarters, left Thursday for Camp Clatsop. Schur will be quartermaster of the camp. Oth er members of state headquarters. including Major General George A. White, Col. Thomas E Rilea and Major Elmer V. Wooton, will leave for camp Tuesday afternoon or early evening. Rider Is Killed As Horse Shies KLAMATH FALLS. Ore., June .(AP) William Marvin, 45, waa killed near Bonanza today when the horse he was riding. by a passing truck, threw him to the ground and stepped on him. The weight of the horse fractured several of Marvin's rib and forced them into his heart. MORGAN IN DRAW VANCOUVER, B. C, June (AP) Tod Morgan of Seattle, former Junior lightweight title holder, and Santiago Zorilla, dus ky Panaman, fought 15 rounds to a draw here tonight. 1 t V" IK V. , - 5 " ' - --'i"? "Ws A. v . HP- " i . N I uiMMmi:i'niMMM in minim maw hi m iri 'm FIRST UNIT Of Willi MOTHERS RETURNS HOME Indelible Impressions of Journeys in France is Brought Back 1 CHAPE SENIORS L IS on HELD Is Seventy-seven graduates, garb ed in the traditional cap and gown, marched into the Willam ette university chapel Friday morning to attend the annual sen ior chapel day. Incidentally it was the final official chapel service this semester for all students of the university. President Carl Gregg Doney opened the exercises and spoke a few words of farewell to the graduates. Then Leslie Manker, president of the senior class, took eharge of the program, and after a short talk he introduced Pro fessor J. T. Matthew who bas spoken at all senior chapel exer cises since 1911. Matthew used aa hi "text" "What one fool has done, anether fool can do." "Af ter all, fool have done pretty well," he said, citing examples of the fool who discovered America, the one who perfected the tele phone, the pack of fool who won the Revolutionary war, and the one who perfected the steam engine. Lillian Scott, member of the graduating class, sang "Farewell Willamette" as the closing num ber of the program. Helen Mc pherson was accompanist, for the solo, and played "Pomp and Cir cumstance," the senior march. Friday was the final day of reg ular classes, and only a week of examinations remains before the close of school. Seniors have taken their oral tests and members of the other classes will be given the finals next week. Commencement days are June 14 to 16, although the celebrating of the anniversary of the campus Christian associations at the First Methodist church Sunday of ficially ushers in the final cere monies of graduation. Rev. James Edgar-Milligan, of the First M. E. church at Corvallis, will be the speaker. KING TELLS STORY Mill KUM Weather Imperils Last Lap Of Tour Detour Necessitated by Electrical Storms in France; HJnprecedented Conditions Encountered in Spain FRIEDRICHSHAFEN. Germany, June 6. (AP) The Graf Zeppelin rested tonight at her home base, at the end of a history making voyage which had carried her to North and South America, over a portion of Africa and thrice across the equator in 19 days. Dodging terrific electrica lv storms that threatened her with MALHEUR BILL ES IIETOEDjy HOUR Right of Oregon to Sue in -District Courts is De nied by Act disaster over southern France, the Graf detonred to Germany, turning aside from her customary course in the Rhone valley and passing over Soleetre, near the Swiss frontier. The last two days of the Grafs voyage were made memorable by the most unseasonable weather Spain has had in years and again by just such an atmospheric dis turbance as all but wrecked Dr. Hugo Eckener Graf dirigible In 1929 when she was forced to abandon an Atlantic crossing at a point near the suburbs of Calence and finally landed near Toulon. A widely enthusiastic throng greeted the returning voyagers at the end of the dirigible's seventh Transatlantic crossing. The city from end to end was bedecked with flags. As the great Graf came in sight of her hangars at a few minutes after 7:22 p. m. (1:22 p LIED SHOW WILL F PEN IRE TODhY Large Entries Swell Exhibit On Eve of Extension Display Here Willamette valley flower show under the sponsorship of the Sa lem Garden club, the largest thing of the kind ever undertaken by the club, will open to the pub lic today at 2 o'clock In the show rooms of the Valley Motor com pany, corner of North Liberty and Center street. In the displays will be found ntrlsB frAm all dt thei WHlam. m v 5 wT :l 1 ette talley. So many entries have WASHINGTON. June . (AP) Acting upon recommendations of Attorney General Mitchell. President Hoover today vetoed the house bill authorizlnr the United States to be made a party to a suit by the state of Oregon In the federal district court to de termine the title to lands consti tuting the beds of Malheur and Harney lakes. It was the second time in two weeks the chief executive has ex ercised his veto power, his disap proval of the Spanish-American war veterans pension bill being overldden by both the senate and house. The Oregon veto message was accompanied by the ruling of the attorney general in which he held the supreme court the proper place to settle the litigation .in volved. Asserting the purpose of the bill seemed to be to provide a tribunal by which the state and citizens claiming an interest la the disputed territory could settle their differences, the letter said the "constitutional jurisdiction of the federal courts does not ln- (Turn to page 2, eol. J) EUREKA, Cal.. June 6 (AP) Clarence L. King, 2S, ex-con vict, recounted to a superior court jury today his version of the shooting of Mrs. Minnie McCoy. his former sweetheart for whose slaying on the Redwood highway north of here In February he is on trial for murder. King broke down several times today and at his conclusion a number of women In the. court room were weeping. King said he and Mrs. McCoy frequently quarrelled over money matters, but principally over his desire to leave her and wed Eu nice Pardee of Corvallis, Or.. It was while they were en route by automobile to Sacramento from Portland that the quarrel became bitter. King declared. "She drew a gun suddenly." King related, "and threatened to kill me." A struggle resulted for posses sion of the gun and the weapon was accidentally discharged, kill ing Mrs. McCoy almost Instantly, he said. King told how he carried her body to a Redwood log where he broke down when the realization came to him she was said. "I hated to leave her there, he concluded, "but I knew someone would find her and give her a decent burial. King then drove to Corvallis where a few weeks later he mar ried Eunice Pardee. His arrest was brought about by hi attempt to withdraw funds Mrs. McCoy had on deposit in a St. Joseph, Mo., bank. fired, sirens shrieked and the bells of all churches pealed. Great Demonstration Made on Arrival The police with great difficulty succeeded in holding back the ever Increasing crowd from the roped enclosure. It was an equal ly difficult task to escort to the field Mrs. Eckener and wives of Captain Lehmann and Captain Fleming, who arrived with a di rector of the Maybach company. Soon after arriving the Graf's commander began to make plans for other activities of the Zep pelin which will keep the dirigible in the air much of the time. There will be numerous flights over Germany and Switzerland. The Zeppelin took off from this base May 18, left Seville, Spain, May 20, and arrived at Pernambuco, Brazil, May 23. It visited Rio De Janeiro and, re turning to Pernambuco, depart ed May 28 for the United States, avoiding a previously scheduled stop at Havana, arriving at Lake hurst, N. J., May 31 and depart ed two days Iter for Seville. Arriving at Seville yesterday she remained just 31 minutes, discharging passengers and re plenishing fuel and provisions. The voyage from there to Fried- richshafen lasted 24 hours and 47 .minutes. . Communist Plan Of Professor Is Quickly Nipped MEMPHIS, Tenn., June 6 (AP) The effort of a college professor of economics, hi wife and a communist district organ izer to establish a local organiza tion resulted in their arrest today on the non-bailable charge of threatened breach of peace. Horace B. Davis, professor at Southwestern college here, and Tom Johnson, who came here from Birmingham to aid organ ization efforts, were arrested in the midst of a conference with the police and other eity officials Prof. Davis's wife, Marlon, 31, was arrested later . at her home and all held Incommunicado at city jail. DERN BEATS L.UTZE SALT LAKE CITY. June 6 (AP) After losing the first fall in one of the toughest matches he has engaged In this season. Ira Dern, Salt Lake City heavyweight wrestler, came hack to defeat Nick Lutze. Venice, Cal., in the next two in their match here tonight. been made that the small- special rooms which had - been planned for demonstration living rooms have been given over to exhibits. Many of the large entries were made Friday night.. These in cluded the rock garden displays and other large landscape dis plays.. The show rooms will he open and Mrs. Kitty Graver and Mrs. A. S. Husey, who are in charge of registering entries, will be ready to meet the folk making entries at 8 o'clock this morning. The judges are: decorative sec tion, Mrs. W. H. Burghardt, Mrs. Monroe Gilbert, And Mrs. B. 0 Schucking; commercial, William McGilchrist, Jr., Mrs. P. T. Brown of Silverton, A. A. Doubrava, Sheridan; horticultural. Miss Oda Chapman, E. M. Gillingham, and Mrs. c. G. Cowles of Albany The show is open to the public and will be open both Saturday afternoon and all day Sunday Cash prises will be. given for prize winning exhibits 016 BLAZE FOUGHT OF IN CHICAGO, June 7. (AP) Fire brake out at 1 a. m. today in the heart of the loop. Flames shot skyscraper high from the seven story building va cant on Monroe street, between State and Dearborn and opposite the Majestic theatre. The build ing is one of the oldest in the loop. The fir was threatening the Fair department store at 1:30 a m. Two firemen were injured by falling debris. The east wall of the building was likely to collapse at any moment, firmen said. Flames, sparks and smoke shot high Into the air and were tisible for miles. Drill For Water; Find Natural Gas THE PAS. Man., June . (AP) Seeking water at Kakawa, northern Saskatchewan, a drill ing crew was reported to have struck natural gas at 300 feet, setting in motion an incipient oil boom. The gas was said to have ignited and be still burning. Residents from outlying points were reported rushing to the re gion to file oil claims. Touching Stories Told by Members of Party on U. S. Soil Again By LOR EX A A. H1CKOK NEW YORK, June 6 (AP Mothers of heroes, the first l'tf group of the 6.000 whom two re publics will honor this summer grateful recognition of the sacri fice they made, came back to te .' homeland today from the graves of their sous iu France. As they depart tomorrow 'or the cities and hamlets to their boys Niever returned. will carry a picture one exai-ed, moving moment that she v.;H never forget. It is not always the same pic ture. Each of the 227 who tank ed frotn the liner. President Hard ing in Hoboken today apparentry had been touched by some tceee, some contact, some event tht had had its special 8fgnifi'. for her alone. They were not always big tbiurs and curiously enough, it wa w dom her first siglav. of hei own boy's grave. For Mrs. Ada Brown, Winter Garden, Fla., it was those reww and rows of white marble crofews in the Romane cemetery on each of which is lettered: "Here res' in honor and glory an Amtryu soldier known but to God." Varying Impreions Arr Brought Hack For Mrs. Julia Burke, MavwocO, Neb., who?e son, Lieut. WgiTt Burke was part of the toH re quired for the British and Ameri cans to break through the 't man line, it was the poppkp ?n the great Sonim cemetery. And for Mrs. D. C. Waring, ft Cincinnati, Ohio, it was the sigt (Turn to page 2, col. 3) EXTENSION OF S HOSTICK BOUND IS TO FEDERAL JURY E. H. Hostlck, charged with Im personating a federal officer and with passing bad checks, was bound over to a federal grand Jury in Tacoma, Wash., after a hearing Friday before Lars Bergsvik, fed eral commissioner, in this territory. Hostick, arrested June 4 on his farm near Corvallis, is said to be the man who passed a bad check January 13, 1930, in Vancouver, Wash., under the guise of being a federal narcotic officer. Police authorities say that Hostick pass ed numerous checks using this shield. Ball for Hostick was set at $1,- 000 which up to a late hour Thurs day he had not furnished. Bergs vik said unless Hostick would fur nish his bail by today he would be taken to Tacoma. Bergsvik, as a commissioner of the federal court in Portland is authorized to con duct preliminary hearings on fed eral charges. SERVICE ALLOWED Important Franchises Are Awarded Oiday; Sil verton One Goal Two extensive franchises Uir the laying of gas mains on kigfc ways in Marion county were grajoi- ed by the county court Friday the Portland Gas and Coke -m-pany preparatory to a consWtr able extension of that firm's serv ice In this district. One franchise provided for Mh extension of service into Mt. Angel and Silverton, tbe line run ning from the present main wfci.fc goes through Woodburn. The second franchise embram a large rural area running fretn Spong'g landing on the Wilte; ette river, east to Haiel Orewi school, south to the Salem-Wbi-aker market road and west to tb city limits of Salem. These limit are skirted in the district to whir the gas company is given a fran chise and the west line rm north to meet the place of btgl ning at Spong's landing. , Privilege Granted Is Not Kxrlnxive Undfr the francises the m company is given a right to lT its mains on the county rov-fin at a depth not lea.? than two ft below the surface of the grad. The company agrees to be Hah for all damage Incurred by tbe laying of the mains or 6bf quent accidents due to any M-tt''-ing of the excavation. The com pany also agrees to change I'm nines tn fnnfnrm tn anir n. wr grades adopted by the county. No time limit is set on tn franchises and and exclusive prH ileges are gi anted. SILVERTOX. June 6 .Spe cial) "Silverton and Mount Anrl -.1. ri t . I cuy council? nivc votea to rrsvr a franchise to tli Portland 7fl (Turn to pa?e i, col. 6 Graduation Exercises At Kimball To Open Monday Culmination of the year's work at Kimball School of Theology will come Monday and Tuesday, June 9 and 10, when the annual reception and commencement ex ercises will be held. Tlje ceremon ies will do honor to the educa tional attainments of 13 students. The reception, always an out standing event of the spring per iod, will be held Monday evening at 8 o'clock at Kimball hall. Pres ident and Mrs. John M. Canse have extended an invitation to all stu dents, alumni, trustees, faculty members and friends of the in stitution to attend. Competitive reading for the Fisher prize will take place Mon day afternoon at 3 o'clock, and will be followed, by the annual communion service and class meeting. Commencement exercises will be completed Tuesday, with the day's events to open with the alumni business meeting at 1:31 o'clock that morning and the meeting of the board' of trustee at 10:30 o'clock. Graduation program is set f 2:30 o'clock Tuesday afternoon at the First Methodit ehurch. Rev. Professor Everett Stetson Ham mond, Ph. D.r D. D., will deliver the address to the class, his sub ject being "The School, the Stu dent and the Goal." The finale to the school yar will be the annual alumni ban quet, to be held Tuesday night t f o'clock at the Jason Lee. The IS students about whom tbe commencement festivities revolve are: Wilmer A. Briggs, Edsa J. Ellis and Faith Friday, candidates for the degree of master of arts in religious education; Marcus P. Berbano, Mrs. C. O. Branson, W ti mer "A. Briggs, J. Henry. Ermt, Meredith A. Groves, Theodore B. Mitsner and Ormal B. Trick, efts dldates for the degree of doctor of divinity; and. Everett M. FjV rWarber and Edward W; WlthneH, candidate for diploma. V