The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 06, 1930, Page 6, Image 6

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The OHEGON . STATESMAN, Salem, Oregws, Friday Morning. Jnae 6, 1939
and Club
Ouve M. Doak. Society Editor
Raphaterian Club
Disbands For
The last meeting of tbe season
Tot the Raphaterian dab until Oc
tober was held at the home of
yin. H. S. Gile Thursday after
noon. The business meeting was
held on the lawn of the Gile home.
Here officers were elected for the
following year. Mrs. Elliott Colo
ny was elected president to suc
ceed Mrs. Otto Wilson; Mrs. Mor
ton E. Peck will serve as rice pres
ident to sneered Mrs. Phil New
merer and Mrs. A. A. Schramm
111 succeed Mrs. James Heltxel
as secretary.
Following the business meeting
a" social hour and refreshments
were served In the living rooms of
tbe Gile home. Herring was done
at small tables which were attract
ively centered with gay bouquets.
The hostess was assisted in serv
ing by Lorraine Wright and
Schuyler Gile.
As the guests departed eacn
was presented at the door with a
dainty garden corsage by Miss
Lorraine and Schuyler. Members
of this club are Mrs. Carle Ab
rams, Mrs. James Heltiel, Mrs.
Morton B. Peck. Mrs. Ray L.
Smith. Mrs. Guy O. Smith, Mrs.
Frederick H. Thompson, Mrs. Al
bert Siewert. Mrs. John ETans,
Mrs. Otto J. Wilson, Mrs. Lee Un
ruh Mrs. Ronald Glover, Mrs.
4 Phli Newmeyer. Mrs. Henry Comp
ton, Mrs. Charles Sherman, Mrs.
F. L. utter, Mrs. a. a. vu
1 Mrs. G. C. Bellinger, Mrs. Charles
Bates, Mrs. A. A. Schramm,
Mrs. H. S. Gile.
Mrs. Tom Wplgamott
Bridge Hostess
' .Mr. Tom Wolgamott entertain
ed Thursday evening with bridge
for a froup of folk, who have been
-meeting more or lest regularly
throughout th sehool year for in
formal' social affairs. Blue Jupin
and pink gladioli made a charm
ing deeoratlye note for the guest
rooms of the Wolgamott home. At
",tbe supper hour Mrs. Wolgamott
was assisted by Miss Csrietts
'; Guests for the evening were
Miss Mar Jorie Christenson, Miss
Mildred' Christenson, Miss Ada
Rosa, Mrs. May Eyre, Miss Echo
Balderree, Miss Beryl Holt. Miss
Ola Clark. Miss Etta White, Miss
May Ranch, Miss Gretehen Kraer
roer, Mtss Ann Boentje, Miss Car
lotta Crowley, Mrs. Lela Newmey
er,. Mrs. Eula Creech, Mrs. Ellen
Fisher, Mrs. E. W. Barnum - of
Marshfteld and Miss Lola Mil
liard. Mrs. Edgar Rowland
Luncheon Hostess
Mrs. Edgar Rowland entertain
ed members of her club with a one
o'clock luncheon at her home
Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Kn4ght
Pearcy " assisted Mrs. Rowland.
Flowers were used In gay array
about the guest rooms and were
used to make a lovely centerpiece
for the luncheon table where were
seated Mrs. H. R. White, Mrs.
Jess Wheaton. Mrs. Ted Brown.
Mrs. William Yarnell, Mrs.
Knight Pearey, Mrs. Ralph Allen,.
Mrs. Grant Fallin. Mrs. Ed Don
nelly, Mrs. J. H. West, and Mrs.
Tbe afternoon was spent infor
mality with conversation and sew
ing. 'Silverton. Mr. and Mrs. C. J.
Roseheim entertained at a very
enjoyable little" dinner at their
home Tuesday evening' for Miss
Faye Bentsoa of Los Angefes who
is visiting her parents here now.
Covers were placed for Mr. . and
Mrs. GV B. Bentson, Miss Faye
Bentson, Miss Beverly Bentson,
Lawrence Rosfeheim, Miss., Sophia
Roseheim and Mr. and-Mrs. Rose-hlm.
Friday, June
Rhythmical kindergarten demonstration, auditorium
of Nelson ball, 8 o'clock. Opea te public
First Spiritualist ehureb, circle at George Stoddard
home, 1420 North Fourth street. 8 o'clock.
Hal Hlbbard auxiliary. United Spanish War Veter
ans, will meet. 2 o'clock, armory.
Social dab of Daughters of Veterans, 2:00 o'clock,
Mrs. J. J. Tallroan, 2329 State street.
Saturday, June 7
Brush College annual "Home coming" picnic, all
day at Brush College school.
Mrs. Seymour Jones, hostess to Daughters of Amer
ican Revolution, at her country home.
Little Light Bearers party, 2:30 o'clock. First
Methodist church.
Woman's Relief Corps, 2 o'clock. Miller's hall. All
members requested to be present.
: iQ. What are the fashionable evening-
calling hours?
A. From eight lo nine-thirty
Q. What should a woman wear
to an afternoon wedding?
' A. Afternoon frock, with hose
and 'shoes to match, kid gloves
and a hat.
. Q. What, is the principal rale
for proper eating. '
"A. To eat Quietly and slowlv.
. - -
Mrs. Howard Blake
Afternoon Bridge
Mrs. Howard Blake enter
tained with a delightful afternoon
of bridge at her home in the Roy
al Court apartments Thursday
afternoon. Flowers carried out a
red and white color scheme that
made an artistic background for
the card tables. Honors for
cards were held by Mrs. Palmer
MacDonald and Mrs. Otto John
son. At the tea hour Mrs. Blake
was assisted by Mrs. Erwln Smith
and Mrs. David Brees.
Guests for tbe afternoon were
Mrs. Palmer ' MacDonald, Mrs.
Jack Callahan, Mrs. Otto Johnson.
Mrs. Jack Elliott, Mrs. J. E.
Hunter. Mrs! Walter. Spanldlng,
Mrs. Kenneth Power, Mrs. David:
Brees, Mrs. Erwin Smith. Mrs.
Willis Rpughtori; Mrs. W. E.
Scandllng, and' ' Mrs. James
Young. . ... .
V '
Miss Signe Paulson
Is Complimented
Miss Signe Paulson, who has
been a teacher in tbe Salem senior
high school and who is leaving the
system this year to accept a posi
tion in Seattle, was the guest of
honor Wednesday evening tor a
delightful party. Mrs. Sylvia
Kraps, Miss Lois Reed, and Miss
Ines Relf snyder' were hostesses at
the Paulson home.
, The evening was spent inform
ally. A memory -book was made
and -presented to Miss Paulson,
there was an original song con
test and an interesting cross word
puzsle the story of whieh involved
Miss Paulson and her leave tak
ing. Guests for the evening were
Miss Paulson, tbe honor guest.
Miss Lola Milliard, Miss Ann Bo
entje,. Mrs. Laura Eaton, Miss
Berneitta Herron. Miss Katheryn
Barhyte, Miss Florence Kron,
Miss Lois Fellows, Miss Sue Em
mons, Mrs. Clara Pomeroy, Miss
Etta White, Miss May Rauch, Miss
Sylvia Paulson, Mrs. Bernice Dun
can, Mrs. Dudley Taylor, Miss
Dorothy ; Taylor, Miss Carlotta
Crowley,' Miss Vera McCune, and
Mrs. Kraps, Miss Reed, and Miss
Mrs. Claude Talmage
Is Hostess
Hayesville Mrs. Claude Tal
mage was hostess for a charming
o'clock dinner party at her home
Tuesday evening. Roses from' the
Talmage garden made an artistic
background for the small Individ
ual tables at which the guests were
seared. Mrs. Talmage was assisted
by Mrs." Kenneth Talmage.
Covers were placed for Mrs. J.
Armold, Mrs. Lillian Cadweli, Mrs.
Madalene Callin, Miss Genevieve
Morgan, -, Miss Ruth Clark. - Mr.
Talmage, Mrs. Talmage.
"An informal evening of conver
sation followed the 'dinner bour.
Miss Gladys Paul was hostess at
a Jovely ' dinner last night, follow
ed by a line party at the Capital
theatre; In honor of Miss Clara
Heater who will leave the first of
July for a trip to Europe. Spring
flowers decorated the table where
covers were laid for tbe honor
guest. Miss Clara Heater, Miss Es
tel'e King. Miss Pauline Patter
son, Miss Marian Zinser, Miss Len
ora Mieke, Miss Julia. Currie, Miss
Jessie Paul of Portland,, and the
hostess, Miss Gladys Paul.
Miss Heater plans , to leave Sa
lem about the first of Jury, and
will be accompanied by Miss Irene
Lawrence of Portland as far as
Chicago where they will -make a
short visit. She win sail from Mon
treal, Canada July 11, on the S. S.
Megantic and Will arrive at Cher
bourg, France. She will visit
France, Germany, Switzerland,
England, and Holland and will
attend the Passion Play in Ober
ammergau. On the return trip, she
will arrive, in New York City and
return over the southern route,
visiting friends in Washington. D.
C, New Orleans, and San Francis
co, arriving, in Salem about Sep
tember 15th.
Charming Recitals
Future Events
Prof. William. Wallace Graham
will present the students of the
violin department of Willamette
university in two recitals. The pro
gram will be given Tuesday; June
12 in Waller hall and will include
students of both the primary and
advanced; departments. It will be-:
gin at 8!30 o'clock and the pub
lie it invited.
The second ; program will be
given, by three, advanced students,
and will be a sonata presentations
with Miss Ruth Bedford a& accom
panist Invitations are being,
maiieff for this program which,
will be given June 19 at Waller
haM, beginning at 8:30 o'clock.
Those who do not receive special,
invitations and who are interested
in .the: work to be presented will'
be welcome.
- ";.'
Evening Recital
Pretty Event
Mrs. Frank Powers gave her
spring recital at the Robert's stu
dio on Summer street Wednesday
night before selected audience.
The guests were met at the door
by small Misses Sybil Spears and
Leone Spaulding, who presented
the programs, and directed the
way to the studio room on the
second floor. In this long room
with its soft lights, and profusion
of columbine in many shades,
brought from the gardens of Miss
Mabel Creighton, tbe audience lis
tened to a delightful musical pro
gram. Students appearing were Bev
erly Armstrong, atricia Byrd,
Ruth Massey. Barbara Williams,
Ann Tartar, Dean Byrd, Jack Pow
ers, Roberta Patton, Charlotte
Eyre, Maxlne Ligon, Marguerite
Clark, Frances Roth, Douglas
Chambers, Betty Abrams, Laneta
Bellinger, Rose Gibson. Prof. T
S. Roberts closed the program,
with a delightful organ number.
After the program Celia How-"
ard. Marguerite Clark. Barbara
Williams presided at the punch
Shaw.-rrThe students and teach
ers of the Immaculate Conception
sehool at Shaw held their- annual
school picnic - in Gof fin's grove
northeast of Shaw. Games and
races were well spent by . every
one. At noon lunch was serred
with, hot coffee, and wieners. The
school, will Close Friday the 6th
- ; y - -; - ' - -f
Gterborfera. Jarf 1UC
36-inch CarUin' Voiles, Marquisettes; wMU 4 . f
eerja or cream,, Special, .yard. ...... : ' "- - IDC
-r ; - , : y ' ' ' . " l
V; WMtr Hock Towefa. V ; 81x9 SfceeU
- " r - Special . ... . . .''.''"' "...,.
tfVW - : :'
, ..f' - 9-4 SlMctiprUBbleacheei;
9-4 Unbleached Sheeting Fair grade. Yard
Hij;h grade. Yard ... ;"'. t K
.i i : v f40-lneli Tabinj
t Table Oil Cloth a ;: ' r UnenFiBiah
Pattenw 35x45 - . .-t n J " ; r?;JufrS'
V'-: 2St;Mi fr - - i25c V- -,Jr"l .
' - - " -
: : 1113-29 If. Commercial SL K
Meat and Vegetable- Dishes
Tbua Seasoned Have New
" -Taste-appear
Mrs. H. S. Hughes
Mrs. Harold - S. Haghes was
hostess to members of chapter G.
of the P. E. O. sisterhood for a 1
o'clock luncheon followed" by the
business and social afternoon of
the regular meeting of the chap
ter. Assisting hostesses for the
luncheon were Mrs. H. E. Boling-
er, Mrs; D. X. BeeehleiT Mrs. B.
J. Miles.
Luncheon was served at small
tables covered with organdie cov
ers in pastel shades and centered
with flowers to harmonize. The
central serving table was In yel
low with lighted yellow tapers.
Covers were placed for Mrs.
Wolf of Portland. Mrs. E. T.
Cramblett, Klamath Falls, and
Mrs. E. C. Riehards of chapter A.
B. as special guests, and for Mrs.
D. X. Beechler, Mrs. H. E. Bol
linger, Mrs: W. H. Byrd, Mrs.
Frank Churchill. Mrs. W. T.
Hickey, Mrs. E. J. Huffman, Mrs.
W. M. Hughes, Mrs. Amanda
Kuntz, Mrs. G. W. Laflar, Mrs.
C. K. Logan, Mrs. F. W. Lange.
Mrs. B. J. Miles, Mrs. W. W.
Moore, Mrs. Caroline Seiee, Mrs.
Fred Tooze, Mrs. W. H. Wirtz,
Mrs. C. A. Sprague, Mrs. H. S.
Hughes, and Miss Anora Welch.
At the business meeting which
followed the luncheon Mrs. W. H.
Byrd and Mrs. C. A. Sprague
made reports concerning the re
cent P. E. O. convention in Klam
ath Falls.
. The last meeting of the season
for chapter G will be at. the home
of Mrs. Frank Churchill in two
weeks at which time the members
will enjoy a potluck luncheon.
' .
Independence. The auxiliary
of the American Legion met at
the. home of Mrs. Altee nDixon
Monday evening. The meeting
was called to order by the presi
dent, Mrs. Biaon. There were
sir members present and Mrs.. W.
D. Wiley, a visitor, irem Roseburr
unit No. 1. The Independence
unit No. 33 have sent for -their
charter. They will hold a rum
mage sale June tt.
Plans were made to attend tbe
mass- meeting of the auxiliaries
In Corvallis Tuesday night."' The
Independence unit also attended
the meeting in Salem Wednesday
evening . at which time - the na
tional president was greeted. The
meeting adjourned to meet' June
zf at the home of Mrs. Willow
quette on 9 th street.
Bride-Elect Is .; y:'
Honor Guest
Silvertom Miss Lulu Goplerud
was the Inspiration of a 'pleasant
party at tbe home of her mother,
Mrs. Marie Goplerud, Tuesday af
ternoon. ' Miss - Goplerud's marri
age Co Harry S. Sannerud will be
an event of Sunday.
Those attending the party in
cluded Mrs. Martin Hatteberg,
Mrs. Henry Torvend, Mrs, H. L.
Foss, Miss Gladyce Dahlen. Mrs.
Henry Storlie, Mrs. Adolpb Hau
gen, Mrs. Samuel Torvend. Mrs.
Bert Iverson, Mrs. Oscar Satern,
Mrs. Hans Jensen. Miss Charlotte
Goplerud, Miss Marie Tinglestad,
Mrs. Andrew Hari, Mrs. O. P.
Hovde, Mrs. M. C. Storm ste, Mrs,
Earl Adams. Mrs. Otto Legard,
Mrs. Silas Torvend. Mrs. C. Ene
voldson, Mrs. L. G. McDonald.
Mrs. Arthur Gottenburg; Mrs. A.
O. Nelson, Miss Esther Towe.
Mrs. Bennie Roison, Mrs. Victor
Madsen. Miss Nettie Hatteberg,
Mrs. Edwin Hatteberg, Miss Syl
via Hari, Miss Alice Jensen, Miss
Goplerud, Miss Cornelia Gople-
nid, Mrs. Marie Goplerud, and !
Mrs.G. Goplerud.
Press Club Plan
T" it rv. I
io nave uinner
The Salem Woman's Press elub
is making plans for a six o'clock
dinner to be served at the Elks'
temple Tuesday evening. An infor
mal program is being planned for
this evening, which will be the
first affair at which both the mem- i
bers and husbands or friends have !
met together.
It is requested that reservations j
be made for this dinner with any j
one of the committee in charge
of arrangements, Mrs. Stephen
Stone, Mrs. W. C. Conner, and j
Mrs. Charles- Nunn.
Aurora Club Unites
With Third District
Aurora Once a year Aurora
elub women look forward to an
afternoon at the home of Mrs. A.
D. Tergen. Wednesday 26 women
made the trip to East Butteville
where Mrs. Tergen and -Mrs.
James Ogle were hostesses to the
club members. '
' An interesting program and a
business session followed by. roll
call which was answered "by giv
ing names of native birds of Ore
gon. Mrs. John Kraus gave' an en
tertaining report on iichaefr An
gelo as an artist.
: Mrs. -Schwab and Mrs. McAl
1 ester, delegates' to the Marlon
county federation held here re
cently, reviewed the various phas
es of the meeting. Mrs. Ehlen,
who represented the club at the
state federation which was- held
at Salem, gave a report of that
meeting. ' - T
The Aurora elub voted to feder
ate with the third district federa
erate a4 Mrs. Stetnhoff
talked an ontltae for m pro
gram for tbe coming year. Mrs.
Evans chairman of the program
for. the. afternoon spoke very en
tertainingly of the club work and
club programs. Short talks were
made concerning state officers and
thetr duties by Mrs; Nathan Maa
nock and Mrs. MltcbelL
At the tea hour) the hostesses
Were assisted by Mrs. Glen Ter
gen and Mrs. Davis.
. Gervais Mrs. G. J. Molsan was
hostess at her home Decoration
day to the following group of rel
atives: Mr. and Mrs. Ira L. Vin
cent and daughter, Mary, of
Wren; Mr. and Mrs. L. K. Sieg
mond of Salem ; Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Calavan and daughter,
Janett, Mrs. S. L. Taylor and
daughter. Made, Mrs. Lucinda
Simmons, and Mr. and Mrs. L.
Frann, all of Portland; and Mr.
and Mrs. Sumner Stevens and
lone and Doris Turner of Gervais.
Silverton Wedding
r Pretty Affair
Silverton A pretty wedding
was solemnised at the home of Mr.
andMra Saul Melby Wednesday
afternoon at 2:49 o'clock, when
their daughter. Miss Dena Melby,
became the bride of George John
son, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter
Johnson. Rev. H. L. Foss read the
single ring; ceremony. -
The bride was gowned In a love
ly peach satin dress and wore a
full length velL She was attended
by Miss Florence Johnson, a sis
ter of the groom. Arthur Johnson
acted as beet man.
Following the ceremony a din
ner was served at which covers
were placed for the wedding
party. Mr. and Mrs. Peter John
son, Mr. and Mrs. Sander John
son. Mr. and Mrs. Helmer Ander
son; Mr. and Mrs. Saul Melby. Mr.
and Mrs. Nels Moeang. Ralph Mos
ang, Mrs. L. Down, Mrs. Stump,
Miss Gladyce Stump. Miss Margery
Mosang, Miss Irene Mosang, Mr.
and Mrs. Sam Cooley. Miss Doris
Mosang and Donald Mosang.
After a short wedding trip the
young people will make their
borne on a farm neat Silverton.
The Little Light Bearers of the
First Methodist church will hold
their mite box opening and party
at the church Saturday afternoon
beginning at 2:30 o'clock. After
a brief time devoted to games a
program will be given by the chil
dren. Mrs. A. A. Lee Is ta charge
of the party and Is being assisted
by Mrs. O..H. Templeton, Mrs.
Reed Rowland. Mrs. E. B. Gab.
riel. Refreshments wlU be served
late la the afternoon.
Mrs. J. J. Tallman, tizO State
street, will be hostess io'tfce mem
bers of the Daughters of Veterans
elub Friday afternoon beginning
at 2 o'clock. It is urged that all
members be present for this social
Mrs. Harry Roberts. Mrs. Ivan
Draper and son Boyd all of Cam
as, Washington, are the house
guests of Mrs. U. S. Dotson for
this week.
We Especially Urge
Out -of -Town
To take advantage of our large selection
of good coats, values up to $69.75
Priced at
$10.d $19.75
A group of fine dresses
$10 and $15
Open until 9:30
Friday and Saturday evenings
395 N. High Si.
Figure, .
rL mm
tlTEAR these new-day shoes
which give youthful ener
gy and action to your feet and
thereby impart supple grace to
your entire figure Come in
see the new modes. They are
indescribably smart and chic.
Tempting the appetite does Hot
necessarily call for the serving: ef
rare oelieacies er laboring witb dif
ficult recipes. The most simple
foods can be made inviting SI only
their distinctive flavors are empha
sised. . .
. The cook wh experiments with
sugar and sale ia seasoning: foods
will be amased at the ddkious re
sults ia vecsUbiea, meat stews and
- - J t . mm ,
soupav aare-ny kbu oniy.eeirnca
flatness. The addltwa of surer.
Ibowever, Wines eat tW flavor as
etblr irediewt cmtu .-.. .
X das of togac to a jrfack ef
salt is the bask rule. for. seasowng
sneal aneT visatsMe dSehes. Tor the
sake of cowvenienee many cooks
keep a mixture of sugar and ;salt
witbia reacky Some prefer eqoal
parti snwasix two parts
om efealtj ee the reverse.
. Wb1?e pleases th appetita,
there m keem Oeatre w est
ef it. As a result ef this increased
consumption . ttet sysUnfc gets ha
full reenircsBcnta ef vitamins, Sain-
-esaK Teucbagnnd calories. .Kest
feeds are snsra eVlieieas'and'nottr-
isIiing with sagar The 8agar
Adv.- :
f Y
7.1 Lk y EVERY IAI11
MUi l tti7 ;
AU aixe. in the lot bot not ; . ;
-r . H siws in every1 shade. Some ' -
y,r - - : i; -Fah - Faanioned ' othera'
ll .--V I..--".- . i
Large in capacity. . ;yet friendly
to smallest accounts
More than ever before the mod
era battkmg institution affords
aertrjees-helpful, to the individ-T
ual, business and industrial con
cern, and to agrictrltural enter
prises'of every kind.
Here at the United SUtes Na
' tional for instance are provided,
departments for: Commercial
AecowntaIrrdividual Checking
: Aeeoonts, Savings- Accounts;
rtilt lrxjsit protection for va!-:
uabtes, Trust Service foe every
f iducrary need, Travelera.- Che
ques Forergn Exchaage, Ut
ters of Credit and jPounsel and
. ' ys - - .
; Advisory sfirvhie by men long
experienced in solving problem
a'ffecting -Salem and its sur
rounding territory.
We cordially invite you to "come5
in and-tnmsact your .baiflg
business with officera rwboia
you have know jrioaklly- for:
many years. '- - -
- United States NatiSrial Bank"
t: ;r r : :Sdem,Oregoriin
.:v.j; ... . : .