The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 06, 1930, Page 4, Image 4

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The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Ore-oa, Friday Merging; Jbm6, 1830
mr ' ...
v nm 1 1 1 iiiii rn , iiHiDixi
"No Favor Sways Us; No Fear Shall Atce.n
From First Statesman. March 28. 1851
Charles A. Snuct'E, Sheldon F. Sackett, Publisher A. S pracue ... EditorSIaxeaer
- Managing-Editor
Sheldon F. Sacxett
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the one for pwbM
emtlon of at) dwi dispatches credited U it or not otherwise credited
In tbls paper.
Pacific Coast Advertising Representatives:
Arthur TV. Stypes. Ine, Portland, Kecurtty Bldg.
Ean Francisco. Sharon Bid-.; Los Angeles, W. Pac. Bids.
Eastern Advertising RepresentatiTes:
Ford-Parsons-Stecher, Inc., New York, 171 Madison Ave. I
Chicago. 2S0 N. Michigan Ave.
Entered at lie Postoffiee ef Salem. Oregon, a Second-Class
Matter. Published every morning except Monday. Businet
office 215 S. Commercial Street.
Mail Subscription Rate. In Advance. Within Oregon; DaBy and
Sunday. 1 Mo. SO cents; 3 Mo. $1.25; 6 Mo. 12.25; 1 year 14.00. Els
where SO cents per Mo or (5.00 for 1 year In advance.
By City Carrier: 50 cents a aaenfn; $5.50 a year In advanoe. Per
Cop 2 cents. On trains, and News Stands i cents.
Hiring Valuation Engineers
CITY councils sometimes do foolish things but we hope the
Salem city council will spare this city the humiliation of
having employed Carey & Harlan to serve as engineers for
water plant valuation work. Harlan is a self-starter whose
sole asset is his ability to sell himself. He is without stand
ing in Oregon as a professional engineer ; and was unable to
qualify as a witness in the hearings in Washington in the
Hoquiam suit. With a pair of leeches like this fastened on the
city, the treasury would be bled as they thought up new
schemes of mulcting the city.
Apparently they justify their exorbitant fees by the ex
cess they promise to wring out of the water company. That
smacks too much of a dishonest basis of compensation: like
dividing the spoil after a rich stranger is waylaid and robbed.
We believe the citizens of Salem are willing to pay to the
water company a very fair price for their plant here. The
nominee for mayor, Mr. Gregory, who based his campaign on
municipal ownership of the water plant, told us emphatically
that he was in favor of paying the company every dollar
they had invested. We are not ready to go that far, because
if the company paid an excessive price for the property, then
we do not tee that the city is bound to pay such excess. This
much is true, Salem expects to pay the company on the basis
of a fair and honest valuation. We don't think Carey and
Harlan could give that valuation, because we don't believe
they are competent for this work. They are publicity engin
eers, not hydraulic engineers. They would try their case in
the newspapers. Carey himself is an engineer of recognized
standing in Washington; but the methods of the firm dis
count any professional status Carey may possess.
It was brought out at the council hearing Monday, night
that Carey and Harlan charged the enormous fee of $12,000
to the city of Hoquiam, while another firm which did the
same work, and probably did it better, received a total of
$5900. We see no reason why Salem should pay such an ex
cess fee just to get the undesirable advertising of having
employed these utility hi-jackers. So long as there are plenty
of capable, reliable experienced firms engaged in hydraulic
engineering who are available we hope the council will let
its choice fall in this group.
The Banking Invasion
THE impending entrance of the Transamerica corporation
into Oregon banking has created a big stir in financial
and business circles of the state. This great financial and in
vestment company founded by A. P. Giannini and embracing
the Bank of Italy with its many branches in California and
the Bank of America in New York City, is negotiating to
purchase the First National Bank of Portland and its affili
ated institutions.
For years there have been rumors and forecasts of the
invasion of the Bank of Italy in the northwestern banking
field. Branch' banking has been confined to state lines, and
holding companies have been created to operate banks in
several states. This move of the Transamerica corporation is
probably an initial move in which the financial octupus will
seek to gain control of banking institutions in key cities.
Bankers predct that Seattle may next be invaded, possibly
Tacoma and Spokane.
The question arises whether this concern will start out
to buy up banks in the smaller cities of Oregon. This seems
rather doubtful at least until banking law is modified mak
ing group banking or branch banking easier. Just how the
entrance of the Transamerica corporation into Oregon bank
ing will work out remains to be seen. Will it mean that the
vast resources of this concern will be more readily available
for Oregon development? Or will it mean that Oregon depos
its already diverted all too much in Wall Street call loans,
outside commercial paper and foreign bonds, will be sucked
up all the more into the great financial centers?
The situation is full of interest except to the poor devil
who is hurrying to scrape up enough money to meet yester
day's checks.
A Woman on the Schoolboard
THQSE who think this is still a man's world will say that
the city school board should be composed of all men.
Those who think that way are out of date. Even the old
Presbyterian church has at last voted to admit women to the
position of ruling elder; and that is just about the last line
o. defence.
This is a woman's world as well as a man's world; and
in the1 field of education men have pretty largely deserted and
.. v...x.u w uu me wur& ji instruction, women, oo
most of the teaching; they serve as heads of departments,
as principals, sometimes as superintendents. And the right
kind of woman would make a valuable contribution to the
school board.
The board has more to handle than mere problemsof
business and finance. Much of its work is in handling the hu
man relations and settling- the human problems which arise.
In these the f entfnine viewpoint is well worthy of representa
tion. We do not propose a woman for the schoolboard merely
to do honor to the sex; but because we feel that an intelli
gent, sympathetic woman could render service of great value
- in such a position.
A Step Ahead
OREGON takes a step ahead when the atateHbecomes an
independent operating Trnftrftttiie Pacifd Telephone and
Telegraph company. Previously t?ariland and the remainder
of the state had been just theappigndage of Seattle Now
Oregon has full autonomy, nbjeia ohly to the control of the
company headquarters in San Francisco. This brings to the
state an enlarged, official personnel -together with a comple
mentof highly skilled technicians to tdepboojvKot only will
this bnnfftoiht state many who. formerly jsided elsewhere,
which wul help Oregon business, but from the operating
standpoint Oregon will benefited Decause action on ques
tions that arise will receive much nmVVer riio.wvn r;k
less company red tape than where the matters fcad to be re-
UVM tfl Stat-Ha fnf soft Lmum
1 " Sle,n pUiir Joanwl ridicules Hoover for having failed
"T 0p dTanc notlce8 "great engineer." The trouble
with Hoover U that he la a. exeat engineer; what he ahould have boon
was cowboy to ride out taootemBede of tha seaateT - "
There U more to acting Gorernor Hamilton's self-control than
L4 4t nklng a PlP. He used to pitch in organised basebau. That
ought to be good training tor the governorship.
today's Talk
By R. S. Copeland, M. D.
) A: A
1 "
Proper nutrition is tha
isaeertaat problem eoafrositag
the yoaaa mother. It means
constant battle
to oarry out a
program that
shall assure u
tritlon for the
normal growth
and develop
ment of her
Unless a child
learns the habit
t eating Tiroo-
erly very early
in life. It may
mean that he
will be weakly.
sickly, flat
chested and un
ci e r n ourished
generally. But
this is not all, tor all sorts of
troubles are apt to go with them
poor teeth, poor eyesight, cat
arrh, colds, and a low resistance
to disease.
This matter of nutrition far the
growing child is so important that
it should be shouted from .the
housetops! People are so busy
they do not want to be bothered.
Well, there is just one thing to
think about, this precious health
of your child.
Every mother should inform
herself about food values and all
the simple rules of hygiene which
hare to do with the health of a
young' child. Study a good book
on the care of a child. There are
myriad of them. Consult your
family doctor about the best com
binations of foods for your child
and follow his directions.
Up to the time for weaning a
child, about a year old, the diet
will hare been carefully directed.
Before the teeth are formed, the
child can be given cereals, prop
erly cooked and strained. So thai
no indigestible hard lumps or erea
small particles are left in it.
To cook cereals for so young a
child they should be steamed fa
a double boiler for two or three
hours. This should bo done, no
matter if your cereal le advertised
as a quickly cooked variety. It is
only after long cooking that the
cereals grains. are made soft and
After weaning, a child should
still have plenty of milk to drink,
but the amount will be reduced
somewhat to afford an appetite
for some of the solid foods. Cere
als with whole mUk, several varie
ties of strained vegetables and
fruits may be given.
Cream soups and strained vege
table soups are excellent. Lamb,
beef and chicken broths with rice
or tapioca are excellent for the
child's luncheon.
Introduce all the "hew food grad
uaUy and in very smalt amounts.
Follow your doctor's orders as to
what these foods shall be.
Most children from the time
they are a few weeks old are given
orang and tomato juice. The
chUd up to two years should fol
low this rule.
Toungsters cannot have strong
bones, pure blood and healthy tis
sues without painstaking care by
the parents in their proper feed
ing. Regular hours for food, plen
ty of food, and tho fMih .t. anJt
sunshine make for their perfect
Let the emphasise the necessity
of sunshine for every chUd. That
radiant energy comes not from the
visible rays of the sua but the
ultra-violet rays of short ware
length. These rays are most In
tense from 10 a. m. to 1 p. m. and
in the summer months are more
intense than in the winter. Now
is the tkne of year for the children
to be out In the sun to get its ben
eficial effects.
, There ean be no danger from
rickets or other degenerative dis
eases when your child has the pro
per food and sunshine and fresh
air. A proper study of this nutri
tion business and strict adherence
to it, covers the whole problem of
health for the young child.
... Of Old Oregon
Town Talks from The States
man. Our Fathers Bead
June 6, 1005 -
The Oregon Library commis
sion has elected its permanent sec
retary in the person of Miss Cor
nelia Marwia.tof Madison, Win. in
accepting. Miss Marvin declared
the Oregon position to offer tho
best opportunities in library work
of which she konws.
The. resignation of Miss Grace
Miller wfcs received and accepted
at the regular school board meet
ing last, nirht: RMa
w nvtv a vvll uS I
for supplies tor the coming year.
The city board of health has re
newed its efforts to secure a nonse
of detention or pesthouse. It pro
poses to have the Salem hospital
erect a separate building and de
dicate It to pest house purposes
and take charge of ail infectious
A small party of pleasure seek
ers s. O. Barkhart, Mr. and Mrs.
O. Keelaad. Mr. and Mrs. Wflltam
Parker aad MJsa Ada 8wmrts drove
to Silver creek falls Sunday morn
ing. ' -
A Problemv
For You For Today
Smith can unload a load of coal
la 2 hoars. Smith anal Jones
working together can unload It In
1 1-5 hours. I .How long wlU It
taka Jones, alone?
Answer t l'tater-dayl Problcxn
Boat It miles per hour, streaitf
8 miles per hour. Explanation
Divide 21 by 7; divide SO by 4;
remit am. p. k. aownstaaaa.
HuKIpJy 1 by 10; subtract S;
divide by 7; result IS minutes per
mile or $ miles per hour, speed
upstream. Subtract S from J5,
firing speed ol-boat. . Tt
-lr.:.-.flrl:ti;::aS!!Ji, 4 . It :?r.
And so. when Flamfti w fitnn.
came into the room, ho saw a pret
ty girl with a sweet bat troubled
face sitting up against the pillows
waltiac tor him.
Lot fat do the talking." he
suggested. , 5Wo want to cover all
the ground'we can with the least
possible exertion on your part. I'll
tell you what I know and what I
think, and you can set me right if
go astray."
'And so expeditious was the de
tective's procedure, and so true
his deductions and conclusions,
that Emily had little to do but ac
quiesce and ten him taw points
that ho -had no other way of learning.
Now, he said, as they fin
ished their confab. "I wonder It
you would be willing to pot this
all out of your mind tor twoavty
four hours. Forget it utterly and
leave it all to me. In the mean
time, you ret thoroughly rested.
give poor Mr. Sayro a sight of
you, and your aunt, too, if you
feel equal to it, and then, tomor
row. If you're p to it tell the
story to us an."
That would lust suit me," Em
ily simled at him. "This talk with
you is about all I can stand for
one day, but tomorrow I'lL bo
ready to face the whole world."
I believe you will be," and
Stone realized that, severe though
the shock had been this young,
healthy constitution was going to
throw off the effects with aston
ishing rapidity.
At the nurse's orders, Emily
had a long rest, and after lunch
eon Rodney was allowed to visit
Warned not to be too emotion
al, he just took her into a strong.
silent embrace, and then, laying
her back on the pillows, he said:
"Not much talky-talky. my
lady. You're just to b still and
look at mo and let mo look at
you for the space of twenty min
utes, and then It's good-by until
We'll have our twenty min
utes," Emily assured htm, "and
something, tells me we won't wait
Oil tomorrow tor another trea
ty. If I wheedle tfce nurse, I'm
sure she'll let yon come In and say
good night to me, and on. noddy.
darling, in a day or two. I'll be
absolutely all right again. Won't
that be finer
Sayra fully agreed with this,
and then the twenty minutes flew
by as ii on wings.
Aunt Judy was - allowed a
short Interview and Betty and
Gibby a peep, and then Emilr was
ordered to rest up for the rater
view of the morrow. ,
It was an important affair.
Emily. irirtL la aor right
mind, and fairly strong an4 wall.
sat on tha sofa to the lounge.
jrtta Redaey aoaida Iter,
6b was about ta too her at or
to tioss most eonceraad to mtar
It. and her -aadieae Included:
Chief Jennings -'.and Detective
Lawlor, as well as Fie Sting Stone
aad-the Knollwoo household.
-I shall tell this lust aa it han-
poaod. Emily began, la a low,
clear toiee. 1 shin maks-tt as
short as I. eta. ana t ess tm tt
sfetan later. Tor t ioas want ta
giro out before I finish.
"An you" an knew. I left hare
about Ova clock the day at the
tea. tub 00 to tha aaaatut to
kiss Mrs. Laurence's pew baby, A
ioonsn notion, perhaps, oat that
doesn't matter, that's whatf start
ed out to do. I had on my diamond
neckiaca aad I caught ap my
stblo fir aad put It 6a. vita i
Tagua.fhought of covering np the
necklaee. Not that I feared rob
bery, but it seemed -a sensible
tMagT. av i ',:-: . :
"I went straight down our path,
and along tho road toward the
cross-lots cut to the .hospital. The
Penningtons had left here about
t crossed the big ravine I thought
1 saw Mr. and Mrs. Pennington
on the bridge over the little ra
vine. They did not see mo, and
they wore quarreling, or it seem
ed so to me. Anyway. I didn't
think much of it, for they often
ana turn, but as I got nearer, I
saw I saw Jim Pennington throw
his wifo over the bridge rail.
There is no doubt about this. I
saw It, and I heard her faint cry.
"I went on and came to the
bridge where Jim Pennington
stood alone.
" 'You've killed Polly, I cried.
You threw her over into tho ra
vine!' ' 'Nonsense.' ha sold, 'you're
dreaming; I did nothing of tho
sort. Come along with mo ap to
the bouse and I'll show yoa Polly
there, alire and well.'
"I felt dazed, I didn't know
what to do, and urged on. In fact
ho half carried me, I found my
self ta the Pennington house.
" Where'e PoUyr I demanded,
for I saw only Rosa, the maid.
"Without a wprd, Jim picked
mo op and carried mo upstairs.
Ho opened the door of the nur
sery and put me inside, and came
la himself.
'"Now Emily ho said speak
ing with perfect calm, "you aaw
me. I did push PoUy over. Never
mind why or how. Are you going
to tell?"
" Tenr X cried. 'Of course Tm
going to teU! I can't wait to get
to some place where I can tell.'
'Then you must never reach
such a place." he said, so coldly
and cruelly I thought he was go
ing to kill me then and there.
"Well, you know the nursery
at the Pennington house. It's a
lovely big room, all white enamel
paint and exquisite furnishings,
aud a bathroom all white and
silver. Polly had it done up for"!
the poor little baby who died.
Aad It is sound proof; act a bit
of noise can get through its walls.
Polly had that dene to keep the
child quiet and to prevent it dis
turbing the house if it cried.
Also, tho windows are strongly
barred. Can you imagine a better
prisea? Jim locked mo is there
and said I could think the matter
over. If I would promise not to
tell on him until after be "had
time to settle things up and get
away from Hilldala, I could go
free at once. He was perfectly
willing to trust my word."
: "What a great story!- mar
mured Stone, as Emily paused a
taoment, and was riven a re fresh
ing draught by the nurse.
Abel Collins had arrived snd
ike Everett Craven, but Emily
seemed not to care what addi
tions were made to her smdience
She went ahead with her taia aa
if she had but one Idea, to get
It told.
"S he went away. Jim did. and
alsoat aalf pasfcalx, he looked ta
sgiua to tea If I aai ehaarti aw
mini. . :v. , .,
"i Ml ua no, rd alt there tm
doomsday before rd io one thrag
to help him escape Banishment tor
I kta awful crime. Ho took It light-
uws eisrjuusK, asm
sreat aft, locking the door behind
elm. ' .
T was atad mere thaa frightened,-
and I aaatg4 est the door
aai I yelled, had I did all 1 could
to make s racket. Thee. -about
eerea, Roea came ta with a tray
of dinner. Perfectly good food,
bat 1 cotl&Vt eat, of course. I
tried to get around , Rosa, but
aha la bound heart aad soul to
Jim Pennington. She adores him,
and either ho took her away with
him, or she thought he would. I
dont know which. Well, she left
the tray, and came back tor It at
eight or so. Ae T aadat touched
It, she Just shrugged her should
ers and went off and left It there.
"That was Thursday, you know.
wen, arter that Jim Pennington
ten minutes before I did, and as -came to the nursery .twice every
day and all he said was to aek me
if I had reconsidered and if I
would promise not to tell on him
until he had time to make his
getaway. I refused to do this,
naturally, and he went away
every time. Rosa brought me
meals three times a4ay and I just
stayed there. I didn't know what
to do, but I did know that I was
not going to promise to shield
mat murdererl Of that I was
positive, no matter what else
"You obstinate little piece!"
Abel Collins murmured beneath
nis breath.
So the days went by. Of
course. I waa perfectly comfort
able, physically. The nursery has
a lovely nurre's bed and all the
bathoom appointments are per
fect, and there were books about
aud magazine. And Rosa brought
me loveiy things to eat."
"Rosa knew all about It, then?
asked Lawlor, who waa eagerly
"Oh, yes. Whatever Jim did
wag -perfect In her eyes. Then
came the funeral. I knew, be
cause Jim told me. He was tnest
straight-forward and casual about
if all.
"'I'm sorry, Emily he would
say, 'that you're so obstinate. Ton
could just as well be at home,
and have you wedding as planned
and all that ' but I cut him off
every time and told him the
moment I got out of that place, I
should go straight to the police
with the whole story.
" 'And you can' keep me here
forever I said.
"And he said, oh, I dont
know in a meaning way that gave
me my first feeling of fright. Sup
pose he should go off he said he
was going away and leave me
there to die! I couldn't make any
body hear. T had tried and tried.
I had yelled out of the windows,
but they face jthe mountains, you
know, and the room is between
two extensions, so my voice
couldn't carry far."
(To be concluded tomorrow)
Beck Speaker
At "Colleze
This Friday
County Agent J. Ralph Beck will
give an addresseon "Home Sani
tation" at the Brash College
eehoolhouse Friday night. The
usual 6:30 supper win be omit
ted and a' Bght lunch served at
tho close of ths program and
business meeting.
Log Rolls on
Foot of Youth
MILL CITY, June t Word has
beea received here by Mr. aud
Mrs. Joe Mombert of the serloua
tajnry of their son Verio erne, he
beea employed at a logguf camp
near . WUlamina during tho past
several moo tha. The uccl4nt. oc
curred last week, when young'
Mombert caught his foot beneath
a log and tho log rolled, knocking
ana sown and pinning his leg be
neath it. Several bones of the foot
and leg were broken. It Is under
stood that It will take at least
five months for the bonee to knit.
Mombert Is married and haa one
- MARION, June I Mrs, Alice
Sargent who has beea visiting at
the home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. C. B. Bouck the past week
returned to her home at Orinoco,
Oregon, Tuesday,
Uncle Charley Benson:
There la a biographical sketch
ta the "Book ef Remembrance of
Marlon County, Oregon. Pio
neers." by Sarah Hunt Steeves,
the facts tor which were fur
nished by Mrs. Otto G. (Dora)
Schellberg, 647 South Commer
cial street, Salem, that makes in
teresting reading and also it
shows a good piece of writing, so
it will be inserted feet as writ
ten, beginning:
"Charles Benson was born May
10. 1816, In Greenbrier county,
Virginia. In 1824 he went to Il
linois with his parents, where
they resided until 1848, when his
hardy, adventurous spirit felt the
urge to tryhis luck in the far
west Oregon country. With the
families of a Mr. Rudolph and
others he set out on this long
Journey. Without any but the or
dinary hardships of all immigrant
trains, they arrived in the fall of
that year. .
"Mr. Rudolph, mentioned above
as a member of this train, haC a
charming daughter, Caroline, so
Mr. Benson thought. She was a
delicate, lovely girl and soon aft
er their arrival in the valley of
the Willamette, Charley and
Caroline were married, on No
vember 1, 1849, and immediately
took up their donation land claim
not far from Sublimity, Marlon
county, Oregon. Caroline's health
did not improve, and after a two
years' fight with tuberculosis she
died, stronger In her Presbyter
ian faith, as was her husband at
that time.
"Mr. Benson was a man of
more than ordinary endurance.
Through all sorts of wind and
weather, he never wore a coat. He ;
was a great man to walk long
distances, doing it with much de- i
light, and to show just what this !
hardiness consisted of. he per
formed one feat of walking that
was the marvel of all the country.
"During Caroline s last illness.
when hope for her recovery had
almost fled and all available rem
edies had failed, Mr. Benson felt
he must de something more. The
only doctor was at Oregon City,
about Be miles away, but he
thought possibly he could get
some medicine they had not yet
tried that would help her. It
was la late winter, about Febru
ary, with all streams badly swol
len. Nothing daunted. Charley
set out on foot for this place early
in the morning and by breakfast
time he had reached the Molalla
river, where he stopped long
enough at tha home of Uncle
Sammle Allen to drink a cup of
coffee, without sitting down, and
to take in his hands the hot bis
cuits and Jerked venison they of
fered him, when he was on his
way again. He always traveled.
In a dog trot, and by bedtime he
had made his way across the
country, wading the streams as
he came to them, arrived at Ore
gon City, got the medicine that
even the doctor knew would do
no good to the poor dying girl.
and had gotten back to his home
la 8ublimlty, covering ths dis
tance of about 100 miles in about
ta hours. This seems to have
been an impossible thing for a
man to do, but the trip was so
widely talked about and vouched
for by the settlers on the way
that even- Charley's word, that
was never questioned, was not
needed as a guarantee.
After Caroline's death, Mr.
Benson married Marilda Green-
strest, on October 10. 1SS2. Ma
rilda was the daughter of Absa
lom Greenetreet, who Immigrated
to Oregon in 1851, They were
married in the Condit church,
still standing at this date of
1926, about four miles southwest
of Aumsville, Oregon. It was
told to the writer, by a daughter
of this sturdy pair, that Mr. Ben
son first noticed Marilda as she
passed by his claim on her way.
to the timber, where she was mak
ing ralla, and hauling them out
with an ox team, to fence hex!
father's new donation land claim;
and this daughter related tho fol
lowing tale of their courtship's
beginning: By this time. Mr.
Benson had learned that the wife
of an Oregon pioneer needed
brawn as well ae brain. Pioneer
ing was no job for delicate wom
en. The more he saw of this tall,
slender, sinewy built girl, the
more he thought she would make
a good wife.
"As has been recorded in the
notes on the Greenstreet family,
Marilda had already endured
more than her share of hardships.
Taken prisoner by Indians on the
plains, 'taking her turn as guard
of the immigrant traia through
the long night vigils, tending
their stock along tho way, fight
ing with starvation, etc., then
the hard man's work that await
ed her la her Oregon home (aa
relate! ta tan Bits column ome
weeks agot- had brushed away
some ot the culture aad refine
ment that are usually attributed
to the southern girl In their
stead she had developed some of
the sterner qualities.
"It has been the history of all
great wart of modern times that
following In their wake Is a great
ware ot profanity.
"The winning ot the west'- was
not so much one great battle ot
arms as it was a long drawn out
battle with the etemeata, with
enough real fighting thrown ta to
make It real warfare. Profanity,
according to all the pioneers, was
very prevalent on the plains dur
ing this 'winning. MarlMa's
father was considered quite a
champion along this line and It
was easy tor gtrU who had to
work with and do tho work of
men to drift late the vernacular
ot the plains.
'Tho first Urns Mr. Benson
went to ealt at the Grntrei
cabin. Marilda was not at home;
So had intuired tor her and there
waa no doubt left La the minds
or too ramiiy- whom he had called
to see,-tor all there were other
marriageable girls la the house
hold. Just-thea an ef aer aie.
ter saw ker coming toward tho
house, with an ox team and her
load ot ralla. Some one hurried
out to tell her Charley Benson
was waiting In the. cabin to tee
her and to hurry. Marilda was
tired from her day's work; tho
ride ot many miles over the poor
est of mountain roada, and sit
ting on the load of rails, had not
added to ber good disposition, so
she answered back, 'What in
does Charley. Benson want to see
me for? I'm in no hurry; just
tell him to wait until I unload
these rails and put away my
oxen which she leisurely did be
fore she went to the cabin to
meet her fate. For aU she had
become inured to all sorts ot
hardships and had adopted some
ot the sterner traits of character,
typical ot many pioneers, she
lived to see a large family of sons
and daughters grow up around
her hearthstone, who dearly loved
their devoted mother and who
loyally cherish her memory.
"The children of this union
were: George I., John R., William
E., Melger A., Mary E., Ferman E.
Katie M., Charles H., and Dora
B. Of these children Ferman E.
died April 21, 1892. Katie M.,
Jan. 3, 1884, and William E.
March 21, 1890. They were all
burled In the Whitney-Hobsoa
cemetery. Sublimity, Oregon.
Mary E. married James Clark and
moved to Moscow, Idaho, where
she died en May 28, 1901. Dora
B. married Herman Schellberg of
Salem, Oregon, and owns part ot
the old home place. Her brother,
Charles H, owns the other part,
none "of it having passed into the
hands of strangers at this date."
(Thts sketch wUI be finished
in tomorrow's Issue.)
The Safety
Valve - -
Letters from
Statesman Readers
Editor The Statesman :
Not long ago some one protest
ed the use of the river road as a
dumping ground. He was a resi
dent ot tho community and was
offended that others would dump
their garbage In or near his door
yard. Now he is safe in such a
protest, for many will agree with
him, and there are no financial
interests involved only a few
careless persons with no definite
purpose in mind.
Now I, and no doubt many oth
ers less able to see the danger are
being offended in a more far
reaching manner.
In this morning's mail I receiv
ed a free pack of cigarettes with
the suggestion that if you smoke
them you'll like them. Now, for
the sake of others who are unde
cided what to do with the free
gift, take your pencil and figure
what it will cost you to use it.
Suppose you do smoke it, like
it, and become a smoker, thereby
removing the only barrier between
your four boys and the habit. You
five should influence at least five
others to form the habit.
From the free pack of smokes
we have ten habitual smokers, if
the Influence could be stopped at
that. Let us limit them to two
packs a week and limit their lives
to twenty-five years. Counting the
price at 10 cents a paekage, what
can be expected from my freo
package of "Old Gold"? You may
run out tho totals or make your
own estimates, I am only review
ing the-possibilities ot thts one
little package in my possession.
I habitually refrain from being
a crank on any thing that con
cerns the liberty of ethers, and
when church people generally were
signing a petition to keep this
business out of our state, I re
fused, on the ground that the Devil
be aUowed to have his 'able set for
those who cared to dine with him.
Now I draw the line and refuse
to let him set it in my home for
"Christ is the head of this house."
No doubt, thousands of homes
will be face to face with the tre
mendous responsibility of the dis
position of similar gift to mine in
the next few weeks. No doubt this
day thousands ot these gifts will
be carelessly laid away by parents
and become the first smoke ot
their boys or their neighbor's
boy. Or at home when tho f.Iks
are away the girls may learn to
As my suggestion for the dis
position ef these, I would appoint
a receiving station, with proper
publicity, that those thus offend
ed might make their contribution
to a public honfiro to be conduct
ed with proper ceremonies. Let
those be there who axe bound by
its habits, also doctors and teach
ers who know its effects. Then
let's hare a few of Salem's clean,
clear eyed, steady nerved, brilliant
minded men, both young and old,
who have never been contaminated
in this way.
While we are careful to keep
unsightly cans and garbage from
offending the eye, lets keep, our
homes free from the thing that
wrecks the body and damns the
Owen Leonard.
Fall From Horse
Injures jChild
MEHAMA. June 4 Margery,
the little S year old daughter ot
Mr. and Mrs. "Albert Weller ot
rora Ridge te from horse Mon
day afternBoa: and broke her arm.
She was T Maaed to a Staytoa
physician and had theHbOne set It
is badly-swollen in another place
and had to have several x-ray pic
tures taken. 1
school mjconox planked
GKRVAJ3, Jane 4 The high
school .boards District No. 1, met
Monday- evening and appointed
thy yedgoa and elerkS for the an
nual school election, which will be
bald Jnae tl.-Mrs. Ullle Wads
worth - aad- Jeha dene are to be
Judges and Mrs. Maymo Cnts
forth and Mrs. Viola Eenning,
clerks. Mies Morrison was elected
to teach the domestic science de
partment for next year, and this
makes the teaching staff complete.
Miss Morrison has been teaching
at Bay CUy-' Y .