The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 06, 1930, Page 2, Image 2

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    t PAGE TWO
The OREGON STATESMAN, Sate. . Orcyory Friday Morning, Jcne 6, 1930
Athletes, Journalists and
Debaters Honored as
School Year Ends
The Call
Board . .
rugits capitol
Today Song of
West" with Jehn Beleev
Fifty official Willamette onl
vcrslty student body awards, in
cluding sweater and certificates,
-were presented to a many stu
dent by Coach Hoy 8. Keeneaad
body president at chapel Thurs
day. Keene gave the athletic
awards, while McMInnimec pre
sented the salner ones.
Baseball certificates were award
ed Id Cardinal, Andy Peterson.
Delbert , Wilson, George Scales.
Jesse Deetz, Charles Gill. Harold
Hank, Marlon Moore, Laurence
Gibson, Walter Erlckaon. and
Dwight Adams . Track Utters
went to Frank Yan Dyke, Enoch
Dumas. Percy Carpenter, Don Fa
ber, Curtis Trench aad George
Poor. The name ol Paul Ackerman
was omitted by mistake and he
also will receive a letter.
Apeclal Awards to
BasketbaB Champ
Members of the northwest con
ference championship basketball
team which went through the sea
son, undefeated receiving awards
were George Scales, Ed Cardinal,
Harold Hank, Percy Carpenter,
Laurence Gibson. Dwight Adams,
and Manager Willis Balderree. An
additional award, given by the
members of the Portland alumni
association, Salem business men,
and the student body were siren
la the form of gold basketballs,
similar to the footballs given last
fall tJ the above men. - Coach
Keene was also siren the award.
Tennis certificates or sweaters
went to Edith and Pauline Ftnd
ley. Doris Steele, and Margaret
Moreboase, members of the wom
en's ream which went through the
season undefeated. Wesley Boe
der, Melvin Geode, Ed Begg aad
Charles Haworth reeeired men's
Four Year Awards
Received by Two
Two billfolds, given as a spe
cial award to graduating athletes,
were presented to Harold Haul
and William Mumford. four year
lettermen, the form.r in. basket
ball and the latter in football. Bey
Haldane, who has reached sopho
more standing, was glren a sweat
er for participation, in football
last fall.
Since the passing of an amend
ment to the constitution last fall
women taking part in interelass
thleties are now awarded sweat
ers or letters on a point system.
Two senior girls. Emily Brown
and Dorothy Whipple, received
sweaters for 1009 or more points,
while letters were given to Leah
Tanning, Frances McGilvra, Flor
ence Power, Dorothy Whipple,
Marian Morange, Edith Moraage,
Marvell Edwards, Rosalind Van
Winkle. Muriel White, Mildred
Pugh Emmons, Dorothy Pember
ton and Lillian Beecher. The last
group earned letters for 500
t-oints. Emily Brown was given a
silver loving cup by the women's
tthletic association as the out
itandlng polntgetter. She had a
total of 1112.
Debate pins were given to Ron
ald Hewitt, Ralph MeCuUongh,
Boh Kuteh' Charles Campbell.
Ray Lafky. Roy Harland, Marian
Morange, Marjorie M osier, Mar
Jorie Nelson, Lillian Beecher.
Florence Decker, and Margaret
Wall ul ah pirns went to Dorothy
Eastridge. Beneitta Edwards, Hel
en Stllee, Isabel Child, Viola Cre
aeer, Erwin Lange, Helen Carry,
Arthur Fisher, Roy Harland, and
Samuel Bo we. Collegian "C's"
were given to Elolse White, Marna
Powell. Rosetta Smith. Walter
Warner, Ellen Jean Moody, Lor
etta Matthis. Sarah Dark. Esther
Ross. Isobel Childs, Margaret
Eddy. Naomi Fleet. Fred Edmund
son, Harold Rose, Ralph McCul
lough, and Lucille Brown.
Today "Half Way
Tedar-f-'Such Men
Today "The Texan"
with Gary Cooper.
eniiTioo is
iWrite Novel
Or End life
A large number of letters will
be mailed this morning from the
county health unit calling atten
tion to the new statu of pre
school examinations.
This year, all preschool- chil
dren who are examined during the
simmer will be excused from the
regular first grade examinations
in the faH, provided records of the
summer examination and Immun
isations are on the school black.
School blanks to be taken to
the family doctor may be obtain
ed at the city superintendent's of
fice, the Salem health eenter or
the medical-dental headquarters
on South High. Examinations may
be conducted either by the fam
ily doctor or at the health center
Tbe4etter says further: "In the
past it has been the practice to
examine the first and fifth grad
ers daring the school year. This
year we are urging parents to have
their preschool ehfldrea examined
and immuniaed before school
opens In the fall so that defects
may be corrected daring the sum
mer months and smallpox and
diphtheria eliminated.
"Parents regularly look niter
clothes, books aad other require
ments, but often neglect the teeth
tonsils, eyes, heart aad lungs. It
is Important that no ehanees be
taken here. School is the child's
first big job. He most face new
surroundings, new Ideas, now com
panions, responsibilities, and
health hazards. He needs all the
preparation and protection we can
give htm. That is why examina
tion, of these children about to
eater school Is so important."
Commencement Exercises to
Be at Fox Bsinore at
10 tfctocfc -
(Continued from Page fu)
Jeanette Scott (elected by faculty) 1
Kiss Boylam at the plane
Valedictory , Talk
Barilla Phelps (elected by clan)
Address ,t' class. , . . . .octets
State Sept. c A. Howard
Happy Song .........del Blege
Sleep Little Lady Salter
Girls Quartet: Vivian Bonnet;
t Kathleen Phelps. Miriam HaU.
Mildred Gardner, Doryce Rons
at the piano
Presentation of diplomas
...... i.Snpt. George W. Hug
By tho Son .Schubert
Jugo-SIav Lullaby (translated
and arranged) Atherton
Incidental solo by
Mildred Gardner
Boys double quartet: Wlllard
Moses. Vernon Bushnell. Rich
ard Smart, David Eyre, Earl
Potter, : Bradford Lee, Trod
Wolfe, William Skewis
Doryce Boas at tho piano
Benediction.... Rev. D. J. Howe
'Wine' Taken
As Girl Asks
Right to Sell
Virginia Dare was tho first
white child: torn In the Virginia
colony and her nam's now adorns
certain, bottles of "wine" sold in
local drug stores.
But all the power of a first
family- name doesn't mean any
thing to Clark Valentine and H.
L. Walp who, slumbered, last night
la the county jail, unable to fur
nlsh 60v baa eaeh for thotr Al
leged four bottles of Virginia
Dare wine tonic.
Valentine and Wain were
hailed into justice court to an
swer the charge Thursday after
noon, plead not guilty aad will
have a trial.
The two men ire said to have
entered a' local drug store Wed
nesday afternoon, and to have or
dered four bottles of the .wine.
Tho girl who waited on them said
she had instructions not to sell
the wine, whereupon Walp told
her it was for a certain doctor in
The saleslady went to the tele
phone to call the doctor and when
she returned the customers and
the wine were gone.
valentine and Walp were ar
rested later In the afternoon. Val
entine on a similar charge filed
some days ago. was held in jail
for a tew days and released.
(Continued from Pace 1.)
taint voice of Brooks asking for
(Continued from page 1.)
o'clock; Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Doerfler. straight out State street
into country eight miles. Saturday
and Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. William McGil
chriiL Jr.. 695 North Summer
street and Homer Smith's garden
next door; Miss Anna Sonner,
10.4 S South Liberty street, Satur
day and Sunday: Mr . and Mrs.
Frank Deckebach, S40 D street.
Saturday and Sunday: Mrs. M.
Van Eaton. Ewald avenue and
Jefferson road.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan J. Fry, Sr.,
6Q6 South High street: Mr.' and
Mrs. W. H. BttTghardt. 860 Un
ion street, Saturday night i and
Sunday night only, drive down al
ley, gardes lighted by search
light: Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Ander
son, Sunday only: Mr. and Mrs.
John Cherrtngtoa. 1999 Court
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Cox, 2S
W. Lincoln; Mr. and Mrs. Frank
M. Erlckson, Salem Heights av
enue, Sunday afternoon: Mrs,
Clifford Brown, 1116 Mission
street; Miss Sally Bush, South
High street; H. O. White, fits
South Church and neighbors tn
that block.
SEATTLE. Jans 5. (AP
t orkraen from the engineer de
partment were working frantical
ly late today in an effort to ex
tricate two men, A. G. Breoks.
15, senior street Inspector, and
loe Ferro, S3, a pipe layer, from
the cavein of clay and sand at the
kottora of a 3 1 foot sewer eacava--Joat
la West Seattle. Two other
partly covered in too slide were
rescued by firemen.
Twaae of Accident
Appears Mystery
While hope was abandoned that
the men would be recovered alive,
rescue work was pushed forward
vigorously and inhalator squads
from tho tiro department and an
imbalance stood by ready to lend
my aid possible when the victims
of the slide were brought oat.
Pete Mocerl. of the contracting
, firm of Moeeri Brothers, wko was
supervising the work of the asb
contractor on the Job. said that in
' an Inspection of tho sewer trench
earlier to the day be bad teend
tho walla safe and well shored.
Ho said he was unable to deter
mine tho cause of tho accident.
The men who escaped from the
sudden cave-in were James Need.
33, and Domlnick d'Agostiao, laborers.
Extraditions Are
Hamilton's First
Official Tasks
The first official act of Ralph
3. Hamilton of Bend, who is serv
ing as governor pending the re
turn of Governor Nerbtad who Is
outside of the state, was that of
authorizing the extradition of Bill
Debellis who is wanted at Taeoma
on a charge of forging a number
of Northern Pacifie pay ehecks.
" The extradition was conditional
on the dismissal of an indictment
returned against Debellis In Port
Governor Hamilton also author
ised the extradition of Frederick
Walker, alias Fred Sutton, who is-
wanted at Los Angeles in connec
tioa with the theft of $15,000
from Joseph Wagner. Walker
under arrest la Portland.
Going on a vacation? Have Tho
Statesman follow yen. By snail
two weeks to any address 28 cents.
Harlan A. Judi, who la a depu
ty fas Conaiy OUrk Boy or oliiesv
almost write, a novel or "committed
suicide. Thimday afternoon; Tho
latter; eoum gammed tho moat ad-
tlsaila for a atesaeat as ho ee:
temnintad. bis snfatake:. he bad la-
iued a manlago license to a con-1
pie wien tin applicant aad dw
voree decree dated March; 10,
. Jndd recalled the Oregon law
that tfcensn xsmot he gran feed
for marriage-ontO six months
have, elapse following; a divorce;
' Hia dllenuaa was a real of:
would the marriage If performed.
be valid?
It was than that the nlet of a
novel OH wed. through his brain
at thOsamo time h contemplated
ending it all because of his mistake.
But light broke.
Tho onM -wan Charles A. I
Grenz, 29, of Jefferson, and Eno
la Grean. 20, : also et Jettorsoa.
The records showed they were
both divorced March II. 1130!
There it wasr and Judd grinned
and was relieved. They'd just
decided to Uy it again. And wa
der tno Oregon law too license
was valid.
J odd admitted tho Juno rush
tor license waa trying and the
complications of matrimony both
ersome and went on with his
Training School
Boys Entertain
At Elks Meeting
About 2,000 members of the
Elks lodge were well entertained
Thursday night at the temple by
40 lads from the Wood barn state
training school for boys. A box
ing match was offered under the
ocoachlng direction of Bad Ha
sten ; and selections from tho boys
were given nnder tho leadership
of O. J. Hull.
C. J. Lyle, assistant state, pa
role of fleer, gave an interesting
short talk to supplement tho pro
gram f tho boys. w. H. Batino,
superintendent of the t rati tog
school and E. L. Ferguson, state
parol officer weiO also present
for this evening.
Earl Sandels
Hurt in Crash
NEW YORK, June 5 (AP)
Earl Bande, widely known jockey.
was cut about the taee tn an auto
mobile accident tn Jamaica,
Queens, tonight. While Injuries
were not considered serious, he
waa taken to a hospital.
Sando was In antomobne with
Edward Barnes, Forest HUT, an
other Jockey, when the machine
collided with another. Sonde'
nose, cheek and eye were cut.
Going on a vacation? Have The
Statesman follow to. . By man
two weeks to any address 25 cents.
en m
The rirst to nay Otto K. Paal-
ut, adrntalstrator it tho eatate of
Mary Elisabeth Moarleesv does
ad. tho sum of S3 20 baa been re
ft lies ted ' by- Roy Kelson, whit
guardian of tho propertr of & JM
gwope,- Insane. Swope'a estate re
eetves tho money free a beading
concern, which la makiar- op tho
deficit nald to hato oconrred in
Swope'a baadUan et the Morrison
estate of ' which ho waa at one
tune administrator.
j Ii Kelson's statement to tho
eoanlv court, he declares; that 31.-
071.91 has boon received for tho
tat a wAiie vourcners tor mo ex-
peadltare of ICJJ I0 are at nana
02 tho latter um 1380.03 was
used for attorney's and administra
tor's foes, the remain tag going- for
incident expenses In handling the
Senior Red Cross life saving
badges have been earned by six
high sehool girls and junior
badges br It girts, all members of
Echo fialdereo's swimming classes
at tho ocaoot.
VV uinenr of tho seaior emblem
are: Laiuaa Potera, AJlco Patera,
Margaret Ross, Rita Godaey, Ger
trude Wln&Iow and Edith. Cle
ment. Girls who nassed tho iun-
ibr tests are: June Speer, Mado-
lyn McKtrtQp, Eleanor Kotblad,
Myrtle Rinehart, Fern Shelton.
Kathleen Lindbeck, Agaos Moore,
Doris Mccallister, Joeepklne Rod-
gers, Hasel Alsop. Barbara Amos
and Rosalie Evans.
Among tho things reoaired of
tho senior group are: four differ
ent carries, 0-foot approach to
victim and 60-foot carry, jump in
water wua etetnoa on ana take ocx
clothe and swla 10 yards, sur
face diva in six pr eight feet of
water and bring up object four
times, break three holds; artifi
cial respiration, float, tread wa
ter, break two persons in strangle
hold, lift person from tank and
write essay on prone pressure me
thod of resuscitation.
Sister ot "We"
Plane Proposed
For Local Firm
Salem Liona will be In the field
today to help sell enough stock of
the Lee Eyerly airplane corpora
tion to purchase a sister ship of
the Spirit of St. Louis. About
1 1000 worth of stock will be dis
posed of, it is hoped.
Tho slater ship of Undy's fa
mous craft is now at tho municipal
hangar bore, and Is just what tho
Eyerry corporation needs for pas
senger work, as It will carry five
It the stock- sale gees over. Ey
erry wtii nse tbe ship to take four
Lions to Bend Saturday after
noon. The Lions will make the
trip tn order to be present at the
final baaosot of tho state Lions'
convention which opens tn Bend
i inn nnriM nnron
MEDFORD, Ore., Jane S.
(AP) A telegram to President
Hoover, accusing... the United
States farm board of attempting
to" force Independent fruit grow
ers of Oregon into the co-opera
tive farm movement by what is
alleged to be a "European fruit
fly" scare, was dispatched .today
byLlemeUTn A. Baaks, publisher
of the Medford Daily News, on bo-
half of members of tho pear grow-
on protective association et tbe
Rosae river valley.
Statements b yH. s. tterrtam.
t Goshen, member of tho Oregon
hoard of horticulture, to t&o el-
feet that a eraaranUne on trait
crops of .tho state is threatened by
the reported prevalence of a mys
terious fruit occmrge were brand
ad by the pear growers as a bra-
sett attempt to frighten them Into
seeking tho protection of tho
Tho growers declared that tho
mystenona Enropeaa fly was
figment of tho imagination, and
that the situation Is analogous to
the "Mediterranean trait fly"
scare which wrecked the citrus in
dustry in Florida.
aXJckry atoaoo
ZoOo Volchok
Are yon gathering your votes
tor tho Ulktns: dollr
There isnt much to - say for
those who nave not entered the
model contest been use it's too
late to enter now,' bot I wish all
that have entered good hick.
"What comes first, the chicken
er the era?" I an ess our favorite
little singer, David Smith, who!
sang tor us last week has sure got
as guessing.
Marjorie Weum in a "Comedy
Dance" and Richard and Theo
dora Foreman in a Walt Clog fur
nished the program from faithful
Barbara Barnes, who has a school
Of dancing.
What fun we'll have this week.
Why? - Because we are going to
have a reel comical p toe rasa.
- Mario Dressier and Polly Moran
In "Caught Short," nine reels of
real fan.
Fanehon aad Marco's "Good
fellows Idea."
Silly Symphony "Autumn.
Chapter two of "Eagles of the
Night," "Snatched Into Space."
I can't very well compliment
yon Mice on the way you gave
that new yell, so let's surprise
Cookery Class
Wins Award For
Ending Project
(Special) Mr. Mary L. Fulker
son, county superintendent and
"v7. W. Fox, county supervisor,
were visiters at tho Salem Heights
school this week. They expressed
themselves as pleased with the
good work that Is being done.
Nine 6tudents of the eighth
grade are tbe proud possessors
today of a 100 per cent certificate
of achievement presented to the
carnn cookery class by the 4-H
elub. The students of the class are
Erlka Ohm. Neal Fischer. Lorene
Prultt. Elizabeth Casebeer, Harold
Monroe. Harvey Larson, Doris
Battles, Billy McReynolda, Irma
Robare. The boys placed the certi
ficate in a beautiful silver frame.
Mrs. Cecile Wiegand to tho lo
cal club leader.
Graf Zeppelin
Still Proceeds
June S. (Friday) (AP) The
Graf Zeppaltn reported by wire
less at a. nu. mid-European
time (PPM., PCTS) that it was
flying over Mallorea, largest of
tho Balearic Isles and about 50
miles from Seville as tha; Zeppelin
ha flown. Tha Graf took about
11 hours to make tho distance,
indicating a speed of abont Co
miles an hoar.
Last Times Today
16 "natural
color. Singing. '
Dancing Seaaatlosi
E. Brown, Vtvieaae
Begat,; aad a chorus
OX AW ...
Sat. and Saw.
and "WaB Street
A powerful drama
of Love, and Fi
nance, with Afireo
Frtngto and Ralph
lace . . .
1 I-
Used Tints Results Wrire Very
. Disappointing. TTflen Used .
; lea's nd Now Hair 1
' Benatif ul smd N
I think moot evcryoae is oss
barrasscd mere or less abont their
gray hair especially if it is dry
and aert of dnl aad dead leering
Uke sniac nsed to be, Every time
I combed my hair it woald cosab
out in handfuls and dandruff was
alwava aotacria art. Whoa J
came oat of the hospital after be
ing; there two and one-half weeks
say natr was a sigM, so I began
nsiag Lea's Hair Tonic aad its
splendid. It a the oary 'pvepara
tiea I know of or ever saw that
arill Jbriag hack year aataral hair
gelor. My hair is. identically the
same shade an of old aad full of
fife and lustre, thanka to Mrs.
LtaS Tonic Na neraen with dan-
drvff, faBing hair, or tummg gray
shoakt hesitate n ntement Lea's
Kswork Bcaa-tifaBy writesf
jMrs. ITonry Bchrenw, of SaanworV
K. a, srfcoas picUr appears aaovo.'
aso Lea'a for their hair. It
baaeee one s appearaaca so
There la atterly ao excuse any
more for looking old or being both
ered with dandruff. Lea's does not
effect your hair if it isnt gray.
It is inexneamve for only a few
drops; massaged into the scarp eeeV
night does tho work. Then whoa
la aoaatif at oathf al condition aad
color application twice areata
keep the scalp aad hair gn hand
some condition. Obtain of you
drvggist. If oat ho will get It
of his jobber for yon, or send dot
lar buL check or money order to
Lea Teak Co, Brentwood, MA
Sennits satisfactory to yon guar
anteed tn six weeks or money
cheerfaQr sawde-
Student Leader
Yet Officially
"Out" at High
yM Krnar. nresident of tho high
school student body, was stiaVml-
tras standing In the school yester
day and Fred Wolf, principal, de
clared he bad not enangea am
mind on his decree Wednesday
that Joe should lose bis croons
for 'Insulting Coach Hollla Hunt
The student body president's
dismissal from school on the eve
of graduation has caused no lit
tle comment, both from teachers
and students. Wolf said yester
day that an appeal or two tn Joe s
behalf had been made to him yes
terday by "elder and graduate
bars of Joe s secret society."
Prune Crop Half
Of Normal Says
Local Observer
Tho ltso prune crop ia tho
Willamette valley will yield about
half n normal tonnage in the
opinion of E. A. Miller of tho
Hawkins -and Roberts company
here. Miller said Thursday that his
inspection of orchards revealed
the "set" was very spotted.
Some orchards showed many
green prunes coming on in one
pact of the orchard while la oth
er soetioas trees would contain
very tittle fruit Miller explained
that the heavy yield of 19 It may
have caused this effect.
Whim some southern buyers
have been in this territory, as yet
no sound offers have been an
nounced tor the 30 yield.
Chief Dow and give it real good
this time.
, Rickty Ex. Ditty Ex, Ditty Kx.
1 Rickty Ex. Ditty Ex, Ditty Ex.
Lolla Balow, Lolla Balow
Miekey Minnie
Wanted Singers, dancers, har
monica players, both boys and
girls for the minstrel show. Re
hearsal at 10 oclock Saturday
morning In the theatre.
Bill Braseau will be at the the,
atre Saturday- morning at 10
o'clock to rehearse- singers or
dancers for tho minstrel show.
Motor Club Is
Denied Permit
In This State
Clare A. Lee, state insurance
commissioner, Thursday refused
to grant an application of the Pac
ific Coast Automobile association,
for perm tea Ion to conduct a club
service in Oregon. Hearing of the
application was held in Salem two
weeks ago.
Leo set out In hi decision that
the proposed contract of the com
pany was in the nature of an in
demnity agreement, which Is pro
hibited under the Oregon laws un
less the company making sucfi
agreement Qualifies as an indem
nity company with a capital stock
of $180,000. and deposits with
the state of $25,000.
' The. proposed insurance clause
of the contract was alleged to be
AURORA, June 6 Wintield
Atklnsin is home from Estacada
where he has taught tor the last
year, to be with his brother who
was leaving Wednesday for Annapolis.
9 Strawberries
Fill Box, Beat
Former Record
Strawberries are getting bigger
and better. Last week a man
brought In a box which waa tilled
by 11 berries. This record was
beaten yesterday when A. A.
Withers who resides In tho Eola
hills five miles west of Salem,
brought in several boxes and each
waa titled with nine big Marshall
berries. Twelve of the big fel
lows weighed a pound. Mr. With
ers has seven acres bearing this
season. While the crop is light,
the berries are heavy.
Mr. Withers is also a grower of
gooseberries, his production run
ning 29 ft tons to five acres this
Sat. June 7
Don't Miss It
Suffered 20 Years s&d Tried
ETerrthiBg CoakuVt
l nffcred with BuVe for twenty
yearn and eoald not get selief sm-
til I read in tee paper anew w
Colac Pile Pills yea take internal
ly. They are aiarreleaa," enaaw
siastkaliy declared Fax, a
weQ known fanner of ML Jack
son. Virginia. -
"My stomach feR miserable aad
the piles weeM cease dewm no bad
they feK big m my sa end hart
so bad I conld not sit down or walk
bat thanks Oe Colae Mle rilhv Tm
free at last of thai awful troabie.
I couldn't believe that effla yen
swallowed at weal tiate woold help
piles ia sack a short time bat after
the first two doees I casdeT see I
was gettiar netter TH gladly te&
anybody what they did for ate if
they write and yea can one say
nana aB yon want to," see tinned
tnte saaaw Thonaanen of others
say the same, No one should suf
fer another day or bother with
nasty salves er suppositories. Doc
toca laaoiss this new iateraalway.
Wsrmlsss aad ejsdck. If reader do
sirea to try Colae FU PiOs. bay a
bottle of local druggist, or send
7S to Colae CVsairal On Brent
weed. ILL. for reralar bottle, fan
eVrectmmv postage paid, by, return
auu. Eesnos guaranteed or
ey back by this natteesuy
tells what
a man cant'
do with
AB Tnlklag COnsedy
How Much Overweight Are You ?
Hus Table
Will Tell
Yon The
Average Weight of Men With Clothes
Feet and Inches of Height wifh Siloes
i - i
Ag 16-85-89ia0-83a-39(tO 44 5-49.;50 54 5364
- ft. 4i I 181 J3 139 149 143 'l44 145f 145
- 5 ia 134 138 140 143 146 117 149 j 119
Sia 188 141 145 14T 150 1st 153 J53
71a 142 147 150 153 133 15 158 i 15ft
Sia 146 ltl 154 1S7 160 161 163 163
S ia 150 155 159 162 165 166 167 ! lfiS
10 in 154 159 164 167 170 J7t 172! 171
11 In 159 164 16S ITS 171 177 177! 178
S ft. Oln 15 1T0 ITS 1T9 ISO tSS 1W I 183
1 ia ITS 177 161 165 16 189 133 189
There's a new and easy way to
gain in energy, vigor, ambition
and health.
And at the same time lose the
tat yon dont need andrdon't want.
Take a generous half teaspoon
of Krusche.a Salts every morning
in n glass of hot water don't
miss a morning, but don't take
them wtth tho idea that they pos
sess" reducing- qualities In them
selves. This Is what they do they
dean oat the impurities in your
blood by keeping the bowels, kid
neys and liver in splendid work
ing shape and fill you with a vig
or and tireless energy you'd most
forgotten had existed.
A jar that will last you a month
costs but 85c at Perry's Drug
Store or any drug store anywhere
in the world.
When the Jar is empty get on
the scales snd see how many
pounds yon have lost after that
you'll tell your friends that Krus
ehen Salts is worth one hundred
dollars of any tat man's money
After you have had your dally
supply of Kruschen everymorn
Ing for a couple of weeks you'll
get what is known in; Great Brit
ain as "that Kruschen feeling."
The urge for activity will fill
your whole being you'll not be
content to sit In the old arm chair
after yoflr day's work is done.
You'll feel the spirit of youth
within you what a Joyous feel
ing you'll want to take Ions
walks, play games and your work
will cease to be a hardship it
will become a pleasure.
Your old time ambition will re
turn youH arise early filled
with the Joy of living no grumb
ling at the breakfast table your
keen appetite will cause you to
relish everything th&t'a put before
For Kruschen Salts not one
salt mind you but the six vital
salts that Nature says your body
must have if your lite Is to be a
happy, healthy one.
Kruschen Salts will help you to
lose fat It keeps your kidneys,
liver and stomach In such good
shape that they perform Iheir
functions properly, keeping the
system free from poisonous waste.
Its tonic influence reaches every
organ, gland and fibre in the
body, bringing good health to all
who put their faith in it.
wz 1
Fanehon & Marco's
r BIG r
Fanehon ft Marco's Darling
S Boys rrom Cork
DEDICATED to those
whd want to shoo the
Maes away! Created for
those who hefieve there ii
So substitute for laughter!
: picture that's goinr to
bringr happiness to . more
people than any film on the
screen today! r
Aha Sffly Syrnphony