The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 06, 1930, Page 1, Image 1

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Dny iftn(t aiitrtbrioa for t
Boats cndbif May II. 1930
Averac daily met paid S.183
Audit Buraaa of OmhiltM.
Fair Friday and Saturday,
cooler; Saturday; Max Temp.
Thursday 77, Un. 89, river
2.0, rain .01.
Salem, Oregon, Friday Morning, June 6, 1930
No. U
Commencement Exercises to
Be at Fox Elsinore at
10 o'clock
274 Seniors Scheduled to
Receive Diplomas at
Colorful Event
Two hundred and seventy-four
seniors of the Salem high school
are scheduled to march across the
stage at the Fox Elsinore this
morning to receive a neat little
booklet, between the covers of
which will be found bona fide
proof of their persistence in mast
ering the ins and outs of the high
school Latin, English, science,
history and elective.
Gathered with the students to
rejoice at their completion of the
high school course will be hun
dreds of . parents, brothers and
sisters, friends and fellow stu
dents. Admittance to the grad na
tion exercises will be by ticket
only, each graduate having been
provided with four tickets to dis
tribute to relatives or friends.
C. A. Howard Will
Deliver Address
The entire program for the ex
ercises, which will begin prompt
ly at 10 o'clock, follows:
Festival March in C. . . . .Cadman
High School Orchestra
Rev. 8. Darlow Johnson
Fiano solo. Sonata Pathetlque
Grave, Allegro dl molto e con
Adagio contabile
Elizabeth Boylan
"Violin solo, Capriccio Gade
(Turn to page 2, col. 3)
Exhibition Opens Saturday;
Many Gardens Named
For Inspection
Thr will ha no charge for the
Willamette Vallev Flower show
which opens Saturday afternoon
at the Valley "Motor company
show rooms at the corner of worm
T.ihortv ami Center street.
This conclusion was reached at
a recent committee meeting of the
various committee beads, and it
aa farther announced that in
order to meet the expenses incur
red for prizes, 110 eacn would ne
contributed by Ladd and Bush
bank. First National bank, and
United States National bank.
The list of gardens which will
be open to observers either all or
part of the weekend, was releas
ed Thursday, and the list follows:
George Putnam. Lincoln and
Reservoir street, Fairmount hill.
Eatnrday and Sunday afternoon;
Mr. and Mrs. U. G. Shipley, 148
Washlnrton street. Sunday only:
Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Livesley. -333
Lincoln, Sunday only; Mr. and
Mrs. Curtis Cross, 222 Lincoln,
Saturday afternoon and Sunday.
Dr. and Mrs. H. J. Clements,
3 CO North 14th street, Saturday
and Sunday: Miss Mabel Crelgh
ton, Jonesmere farm on Waconda
road. Snndav between 2 and 8
, (Turn to page 2, coL 2)
Seizes Crutch
And Walks Out
(r' S JV ,
t' Ai 1
" f I
' . i :
. y 5.-.;-KvX-:J: :;
BWhop James Cannon, frt, who
iert tbe senate loooy commmee
talking to itself Thursday.
Walks Out On Lobby Probe
Committee to Await
Official Call
Left talking to themselves to
day by Bishop James Cannon,
members of the7 senate lobby com
mlttee awaited return of Chair
man Caraway to determine what
they should do about the defiant
Calling back over his shoulder
that he would be in his office if
the committee wanted to sub
poena him. Cannon walked out of
the committee room while Senator
Blaine, republican, Wisconsin, was
asking him questions.
The bishop remained only long
enough to tell the committee he
was no longer a voluntary wit
ness and he would answer no more
questions whatever unless sub
poenaed. He had " refused to tell
the committee of his 1928 activi
ties against Alfred E. Smith's can
didacy. j
Senator Walsh, democrat, Mon
tana, indignantly replied that the
bishop was not excused butreven
as he spoke, the defiant witness
picked up his lone crutch and
stalked from the room amid ap
plause and hisses.
Walsh termed the incident
"plain contempt of the senate,'
but beyond that did not indicate
what recommendation he would
make to the committee for future
Salem's annual band concerts
will probably start late this month
according to Oscar Steelhammer,
who for many years has directed
th a hand
Concerts are to be held twice
each weeks throughout the season.
The number of concert, said Steer
hammer this week, will depend
upon the support received from
merchants in the solicitation
made tor advertising in the band
Each year the council appropri
ates a certain sum to which net
revenue from tbe programs is add
Lost Bridegroom Home
265 New Families Come
Primary Whacked Again
Cherry Fly Is Feared
PORTLAND, Ore., June 6
(AP) John Sahlin. 42. who has
dodged the matrimonial altar
three times, has returned to Port
land but he doesnt know where
he has been, or why, and be
doesn't know how he got back.
Hia sister. Mrs. J. E. Ihl, said
today Sahlin returned Wednesday
and has been under the care of
physician since his return.
Sahlin disappeared May 19 on
the eve of his wedding to Miss El
sa Carlson. Miss Carlson told po
lice she feared for his safety and
for two days Sahlin was the object
of an intensive search. When po
lice learned Sahlin had disappear
ed in a like manner, twice before,
the search, was dropped. -
No date has been announced tor
a fourth trip to the altar.
PORTLAND. Ore., June 6
(AP) W. G. Ide, manager of the
Oregon State chamber of com
merce, announced today that so
far this year 2(6 new families
have come to Oregon and 'hare
' made investments totalling 91,
057,534. Their land purchases
have aggregated 48,768 acres.
5 (AP) The - Klamath county
republican central committee, at
an organisation meeting here to
night adopted a resolution con
demning the direct primary law
. and favoring the convention nom
inating system. t
The republicans also adopted a
resolution of confidence in George
W. Joseph, republican ' nominee
Cor. governor, and In other repub-
? Ucan candidates tor state, district,
and county offices. -
Anxiety Expressed As To
Safety of Missionaries
Once Here ,
Nationalist Armies Still On
The Run, Reports From
Hunan Say
Considerable anxiety for the
safety of her daughter and son-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Silva, who
are among the American mission
aries and children stationed at
Chengehow, China, has been ex
pressed by Mrs. W. N. Coffee of
this city.
The missionaries are in the
midst of hostilities and communi
cation has been completely cut
off. A letter written April IS was
the last word received from them,
says Mrs. Coffee.
Mr. and Mrs. Silva were in Sa
lem last fall and Mrs. Silva spoke
in different places during her stay
here with her parents. They are
on their second service in China,
having left for the first over sev
en years ago.
Miss Geneva Sayre. of La
Grande, another of the party at
Chengehow is also a friend of the
Coffees. She graduated from
Monmouth normal several years
Nationalist Annies
8 till Retreating
The Nationalist government ar
mies retreated today both, in Hu
nan and Shantung provinces be
fore victorious rebel onslaughts
of widely separated battle fields.
un two otner fronts central
Honan north of Kankow, and
along the Haichow - Tungkwan
railway in northern Honan the
Nationalists were in precarious
condition after a month of fight
ing with 400,000 men engaged on
the opposing sides.
Because of civil war and ban
ditry, conditions have become so
unsettled that the foreign consuls
of Hankow were reported today to
hare decided to uree forelenera
to leave the provinces of Hupeb,
Hunan and Klangsi.
Hordes of Bandits
Join Rebel Forces
Moving northward through Hu
nan province, 80.000 Kwangal
province rebels, joined by a horde
of bandits, swarmed into Chang-
sna, chasing out northward the
10,000 Nationalists who made
feeble resistance.
The fleeing Nationalists aft en
deavoring to return to their ar
mies north of Hankow to reanma
the defense against the northern
rebels' attacking forces in Honan
American and other foreigners
of Changsha, on the approach of
the rebel army, took refuge on an
island in the Slang river, off the
city, here they were under the
protection of American and Brit
ish river gunboats, commanded
respectively by Rear Admiral
Thomas T. Craven and Admiral
TALENT, Ore.. June 5 (AP)
Cherry growers in tbe Rogue
river valley have been warned by
A. C Allen, resident state horti
culture commissioner, to look out
for the cherry fruit fly. The fly
is said to exist in Lane, Linn, Ben
ton, Polk. Marion, Yamhill, Clack
amas, Multnomah, Washington,
Columbia, and Union counties.
PORTLAND Ore,, June 5
(AP) The United States bureau
of roads here today awarded bids
on federal highway projects in
two national forests in Oregon.
A contract for surfacing 13.7
miles of the Willamette highway
in the Cascade national toreat was
awarded to A. Milne, Portland, on
a bid Of $74,920.
O. D. Wolfe, Washougal, Wash,
was awarded a contract for grad
ing S.2 miles of the Pendleton
John Day highway in Vhe Umatilla
National forest near Ukiah. His
bid was 171,281.50 -
D. C, June 8
Major-general William G. Ev
erson, successor to Major-General
Creed C. Hamilton of Oregon, as
chief of the militia bureau, will
visit the national guard encamp
ments la Oregon and Washington
this month.
Major - General Everson will
leave Camp Murray, Washington,
by plane June and will arrive
at Camp Clatsop, Oregon, in an
hour and a half to inspect the
Oregon guardsmen there. He
will Oy to Saa Francisco tbe
atext day.
mm sought
Damages of 336,250 are asked
by Catherine R. Flowence in a
suit begun late Thursday in cir
cuit court here against Arnold
The plaintiff received very s
vere injuries in an auto accident
which occurred on the Pacific
highway south of Gervals on April
zs. 19Z9.
She claims her husband, with
whom she was riding, was driving
north and attempted to sasa a ear
ahead. Just as he was passing he
was struck from behind by anoth
er car, causing tbe Florence car
to swerve around. Christen, driv
ing south is alleged to have come
300 feet down the highway to
smash into the Florence car and
cause the damages.
The plaintiff alleges Christen
was driving too fast, had impro
per and inefficient brakes and did
not have his car under control. In
a previous suit brought by the
woman's husband, 8600 damages
were won from the same defen
Team captains for - the new
member drive in the chamber of
commerce were in conference
Thursday afternoon preparing for
me annual campaign to augment
tbe membership of the organisa
tion.: .-
Headed by Douglas McKay,
chairman of, the chamber's mem
bership committee, ins worgers
will take the field next Monday
afternoon in Quest of recruits.
: Monday noon prospectlre mem
bers are to be guests ox me cnam
her at the regular luncheon.
Men in chage of the different
teams include J. N. Chambers, Ed
ward Schunke. W. L. Phillips, T.
M. Hicks. E. T. Barnes, B. E. Sis-
son. W. W. Rosebraugh. Otto K.
Paulus, GroTer HHIman, A. C.
Haag, Douglas McKay.
Firemen Injured
As Blazing St31
Explodes in House
June 6. (AP) Jack Cork
ery, Klamath Falls fireman,
was injured this afternoon
when he was fnng down the
stairs by the explosion of a
still oa the second floor of
large residence which bad
caught afire. His injuries
were believed to be serkms.
Elmer Dunton, tenant of
the house, was arrested im
mediately after the fire and
charged with possession of
the stffl.
The boose was a total loss.
Letters Being Sent Out Now
To Be Followed With
Personal Calls
James W. Mott said Thursday
that he would soon begin an act
ive campaign for the speakership
of the 130 house. He began this
week writing letters to all candi
dates sure' of seats next January,
seeking their support. Mr. Mott
for three sessions represented
Clatsop county and this year poll
ed the greatest number of votes
in Marion county.
Mott concedes that Frank J.
Lonergan had something tike 30
Totes pledged to him at the end
of the 1929 session' for the 1931
speakership, but declares this
strength of the Portland candidate
has been broken up by results of
the May primary election.
LonergaM's Strength
Hit by Primaries
"Only about half of Lonergan's
pledges will return to the legis
lature," Mott said. "Some failed to
be nominated and some were not
candidates for nomination. Among
the large group of certain mem
bers who are at liberty to sup
port whom they please, tbe knowl
edge that Lonergan doubtless
would organize, or attempt to or
ganize the house against George
Joseph, isn't doing Lonergan any
good, so it seems to me that bis
chance for election to the speaker
ship has crumbled. These members
are assuming, of course, that Jos
eph will be governor."
As for the comparative situation
occupied by himself. Emmet How
ard of Eugene and Herbert Gor
don of Portland,-Mtt said be
thought, at present they had
about the same amount or
Rules of Order Invoked By
Democrats to Stave
Off Progress
Move For Free Leather and
Leather Goods Comes
As Big Surprise
State Superintendent Is
Honored by National
Education Body
The tariff bill ran up against
four insurmountable barriers in
the senate today but hurdled a
fifth In the house and tonight was
back in conference for the fourth
time awaiting correction of its
rate sections.
After Vice-Presrdent Curtis had
upheald four democratic points of
order against the conference rates
on cheese, watch, jewels, rayons
and a provision relating to tem
porary, free entry of cattle from
Mexico and Canada for pasturage.
the house defeated 181 to 140, a
minority proposal to Instruct
house managers to accept the sen
ate's free listing of hides, leath
ers, and shoes.
The decision on the poiflla of
order automatically returned the
bill to conference. Both houses
reappointed conferees and Senator
Smoot, Utah, chairman of the sen
ate conference committee, said he
would call a meeting tomorrow in
the hope the corrections could be
made and the bill reported to the
senate tomorrow or Monday. Sat
urday usually is an off day.
Move for Free
Leather Surprise
While the vice president s deci
sion was no surprise to "republican
leaders, the move in the house for
free hides and shoes came unex
pectedly. After the branch agreed
to another conference with the
senate, Rep. Garner, Texas, min
ority leader and a tariff conferee,
made the instruction motion
which lost by 41 on a record vote.
The senate had kept the three
leather commodities on the free
list after failing In four attempts
to write a scale of duties accept
able to all sides. The conference
agreement carries the house rates
of ten per cent on hides, from 12
1 to 20 per cent on leathers and
20 per cent on shoes, all now on
the free list.
Loud cheers and yells greeted
Speaker Longworth's announce
ment of the vote, the first record
ballot to be taken in that branch
on these controverted levies.
Seven democrats Joined 174 re
publicans against the garner pro
posal while 30 republicans com
bined with 110 democrats for it.
Prominent educators and state
officials gathered in the state edn
Mtlami rienartment here Thurs
day, where they presentd to C. A.
Howard, state superintendent oi
schools, a life membership in the
national educational association.
The nresentation was made by
Roy E. Cannon, Multnomah coun
tv crhnni annerintendent. who
lauded Mr. Howard for his work
as an educator and bead of tne
atat edncational denartment. Mr.
Cannon said the membership was
a gift of the educators oi tne
state, but that employes of the
edncational department should
have partial credit for the success
of the event.
nttiAr anaakera included Gover
nor Hamilton, Secretary of State
Hoss, F. C. Fltspatriek ana ju.
Carlton, director and secretary of
the state educational association;
Elizabeth Murray of St Helens,
president of the eity superintend
ents group; R. R. Turner, super
intendent of the Dallas schools;
George Hug, superintendent of the
SalAm afthnolfl. J. M. Burgess, as
sistant state superintendent of
Outstanding Work
Here Is Cited
All of these speakers referred
to Mr. Howard as one of the out
tnndtnr adncators in the west.
and a man who was highly, respect
ed by all who have made his ac
quaintance. Mr. -Howard, in responding, ex
pressed appreciation for the gift,
and said it came as a complete
The membership carries recogni
tion in the 'department of city su
perintendents and publie educa
tion, wbleh are branches of the
national edncational association.
Before accepting the office of
state superintendent of schools,
Mr. Howard served as city superin
tendent at Marshfleld. Eugene and
In other Oregon cities for a num
ber of years.
Accidents Fail
To Halt Visits
To War Graves
RHEEMS, June ! 5 (AP)
American Gold Star mothers and
widows ylsitlng France seem to
resist every strain of their pathet
ic Journey, even accidents.
Mrs. D. J. ; Smith, Billings,
Mont, fell down a flight of stairs
here today but was resting quietly
tonight . Physicians deferred an
x-ray examination and are not cer
tain of ber injuries.
One hundred and thirty-five
members of the high school grad
uating class attended the first an
nual senior banquet, held Thurs
day night at tbe Masonic temple.
The affair was an entire success,
despite the fact it was the first
such event in the school's history.
Dr. Carl Gregg Doney of Wil
lamette gave the main address,
speaking on "If I Were Graduat
ing. Dr. Doney counselled the
students of the Importance of
making a will while young, and
then of living up to that will,
pointing in connection to the ex
ample of young Cecil Rhodes,
who, with but 60 cents, made a
will leaving 850,000 endowing tbe
Rhodes scholarship. Rhodes, of
course, worked toward and gained
the goal of his will.
Other speeches were given by
Mrs. Ellen A. Fisher, faculty ad
visor; Richard Baker, class presi
dent who was also toastmaster,
and Walter Woods. Impromptu
speeches were made by J. C. Nel
son, principal emeritus, Miss
Mabel Robertson, Norborne
Berkeley, Jr., of the faculty, and
Gertrude Wlnslow and Frea
Blatcbford of tbe class.
Choice Is Seen
As Vindication
l r- i - p
j- a ' x,y A t ' c :
- f -A-jf
Roy C. Lyle, prohibition admlnis
. trator for Washington and
Alaska, against whom charges
of conspiracy have been filed.
Appointment of Wesley L.
Jones as United States marshal
in that district is taken as ges
ture indicating White House
confidence in Lyle.
Appointment Regarded As
Indication of Faith in
Roy C. Lyle
Spotlight Stolen From Salt
Raiders by Lashkar.
Advance in North
SEATTLE, June 5. (AP)
President Hoover's nomination to
day of Charles E. Allen of Seat
tle, for United States marshal of
the western district of Washing
ton, to succeed E. B. Benn, re
opened the controversy over pro
hibition enforcement in this re
gion and brought out sharply con
flicting criticisms of the presi
dent's action.
Leaders who were active in the
recent republican state convention
at Bellingham, which specifically
endorsed Benn for reappointment,
interpreted the president as stand
ing behind Senator Wesley L.
Jones who publicly announced his
belief in the innocence of Roy C.
Lyle, federal prohibition admini
strator of Washington, Oregon
and Alaska, recently indicted with
four others for bribery and liquor
Lyle Opponent
Has No Statement
Benn was known to have dis
agreed politically with Lyle. Sen
ator Jones was known to have
favored the selection of Allen to
succeed Benn and today voiced his
confidence in the president's rec
ommendation. "I am satisfied he
is the best man who could have
been selected," Jones declared in
Washington, D. C, today.
Marshal Benn said today that
he expected Allen's appointment to
be confirmed by the senate. "I
have no particular comment to
make at this, time." he added.
"Tbls is a surprise to me. There
is nothing I can say at this time,"
Allen said when Informed of bis
Revolt Against British Rule
Appears to Be Spread
ing Fast
BOMBAY. June 5. (AP)
Hostile episodes on the north
western frontier have taken the
spotlight from the nationalist salt
raiders in troubled Indian.
A warlike Lashkar (tribal
force) of Afridis and Zakka KheU
tonight was, advancing on the key
city of Peshawar, and while auth
orities here felt that troops of
the northwestern area would be
adequate to, deal with this ad
vance, there was some consterna
The Peshawar region has been
in a troubled state for some time.
The crisis arose on the night of
May 28th when Narl Kb war, an
outpost, was fired upon. On the
same day some 3.000 Kukl Khel
Afridis, carrying a red standard,
assembled at Mardan where they
were Joined May 30 by contingents
from the Malikdln Khel Kamber
and other Kukl Khels.
The combined sections, march
ing with eight standards, set out
that same day May 30 and on
June 1 were reported to have
reached a point in the Bara valley
about 18 miles from the Pesha
war district border.
Horde Divides
Into Two Parties
There they held a Jirga (coun
cil) for several days, discussing
whether to advance nearer Pesh
awar, and as a result split into
two parties. Tbe moderates stay
ed there, but the Lashkar or hos
tile element, continued to advance
and since has been Joined by
thousands of Zakka Khels.
Coupled with this it was re
ported unrest is Increasing among
tribes further north. On Tuesday
two busses hired by the frontier
constabulary, returning empty
from Subhan Khwar, were am
bushed enroute to Shabkadar fort
almost within tbe limits of Shab
For the first time In the his
tory of tbe state a Knights of Co
lumbus convention will be held
outside of the city of Portland.
Charles Zerran has Just returned
from a meeting of the state exec
utive committee and reports that
plans hare been made to hold the
convention in Salem in May, 1931.
The St Paul, Salem, Mt. Angel
and Sublimity councils of the
lodge will be in charge of tbe in
itiations and will make complete
arrangements for the entertain
ment of guests during the conven
tion here, said Zerzan. In the past
upward of a thousand people bare
attended the state conventions and
Zerzan. In the past upward of a
thousand people bare attended the
state conventions and Zerzan be
lieves that 1331 will be no excep
tion. There are 23 councils in the
State conventions usually last
two days.
Absolutely no plans have been
made or are even in process of
formulation for starting another
Baptist church here, Rev. Robert
L. Payne, former pastor of the
First Baptist church and consid
ered leader of the group of 78
persons who withdrew from that
church Wednesday night, stated
last night
Payne said that he would con
tinue to operate independently as
he has done in the past few
weeks. It is the natural thing,
he agreed, for the group which
stepped out to organize a new
church. Payne stated he has
warned bis friends in tbe First
Baptist church not to leave it on
his account, telling them either
to get in and help the new pastor
or to get out entirely and not
hinder progress of the First
"I believe those people who
took out tbeir letters did so only
in a spirit of helping the new pas
tor, for they felt they could not
stay in and worship in the true
spirit," the former pastor of the
church said.
Included in the list who have
withdrawn are a deacon, a trus
tee, three members, of the pulpit
committee and a former clerk.
While not verified, it is ru
mored another list bearing ap
proximately 100 names will be
presented In the future witn re
quest for church letters.
Payne reiterated the statement
that he had absolutely no plans
to head the new group, however
said that it would not be entirely
unexpected should the group or
ganize and ask him to take the
Tire Companies
Announce Cuts
NEW YORK, June 5 (AP)
Mftny motorists vere assured Of a
saving in the cost of automobile
upkeep today when two tire com
panies -Goodyear and General
announced reductions ranging up
to five per cent on most popular
sizes. Other companies It was re
ported, would meet tbe price cut
'ind Ian
Yet Alive
D i g Frantically I o
Save Pair Entombed
Street Inspector I
Locked In Dead
Man's Embrace
A verdict of 1800 for Wilma
Hill and $75 for G. C. Conlee was
awarded by a Jury late Thursday
afternoon in circuit court with the
Judgment drawn against K. W.
Hariitt, Jointly sued with Seth
Fawk for the damages which arose
from an auto accident. Tbe Jury
held Fawk not responsible.
Miss Hill sued for 18000 dam
ages while Conlee asked 11700.
Earlier in the term of court a
verdict of $2,400 had been award
ed Linnle Hill while her father
received an award of one dollar.
Ia each instance the Jury found
against Harritt and relieved Fawk
of liability. The accident occur
red December 31, 1929, at Brunk's
corners on the road to RickrealL
Farewell Chapel
Given For Grads
At W. U. Today
The last farewell to the chapel
exercises will be taken by the
graduating class at Willamette to
day when tbey appear in their
traditional caps and gowns for
the annual senior chapel day.
Professor J. T. Matthews, who
has delivered the farewell address
to the seniors since 1911, will
again have his part in tbe cere
monies. Miss Llllmn Scott was
chosen by members of tbe class
to sing "Farewell Willamette."
SEATTLE, June 5. (AP)
Rescue workers, who dug
frantically for five hours to
reach two men entombed un
der tons of clay and sand in a
sewer trench cave-in in West
Seattle found one of the mea,
A. G. Brooks, senior eity
street inspector, alive wfc-n
they reached the bottom of
the 85 foot excavation to
night -
Brooks lay near the dead eeely
of Joe Ferro, sewer worker, tee
other man caught at the bottew
of the trench. The rescuers found
Brooks Jammed under timbers
which held much of the weight f
the clay and sand off him.
Laborer Is Dead;
Must Remove Ann
The deputy coroner was aaa
moned when Brooks was reached,
as it was found that it will be ac
cessary to amputate an arm fteen
the dead man before Brooks ca
be removed.
The rescuers were encouraged
as they neared the bottom of the
trench when they observed sign
of breathing and later heard tbe
(Turn to page 2, col. 1)
4-h mmm
Projects Engage Attention
Of 1377 in School Year
Now Ending, Report
The latest figures on 4-H bojs'
and girls' club enrollment in Mari
on county shows 1,377 scfceo:
schildren have been engaged is
projects the past school year, with
133 clubB represented, says V. W.
Fox, club leader.
The -projects and membership
are divided as follows? 40 cook
ery clubs with 480 members-; 48
sewing clubs with 461 members
two handicraft with 25 members;
six poultry' with (2 members; 13
rabbit with 90 members, sevee
pig with 4$ members, one ceri
with 13 members, three potato
and cucumber with 36 members
two calf with 25 members, two ,A
sheep with 10 enrolled, two health
with 26 enrolled, four room im
provement and homemaking with
33 enrolled, three rose and flow
er garden with 44 enrolled, one
canning with 17 members and alee
individual workers.
Fifty-five clubs have completed
their projects a hundred, per rent,
which means that every member
carried the project through all
stages. These clubs are In the fol
lowing schools: Fruitland, EM-
riedge. North Santiam, McLaugh
lin, Crawford, Union, five in ML
Angel, Waconda, two in Monitor,
three in Woodburn, Four Cora era,
Abiqua, Mill City, Salem Heights,
White, Howell. Stayton, Brooks,
Sublimity parochial, Aumsville.
West Woodburn, Liberty, Gervaht,
Aurora, Hubbard. St. Paul paro
chial, two in Labish Center, Bu Ne
ville. Keizer, two in Roberts, two
in Swegie, Bethany, Clear Lake.
Sunnyside, St. Paul. Central How
ell, North Howell, Hazel Dell aid
two in Evans Valley.
Petitions For Simeral
Reelection Circulated
Latest development in what
promises to be an excitingelectlon
of school board directors Is cir
culation of petitions for L. J.
Simeral, incumbent and member
of the board for the past nine
years. Simeral did not decide to
run until late yesterday, when two
groups immediately began circul
ating petitions for him.
No petitions had been filed with
the school clerk yesterday, but it
is generally believed tbey will be
filed by tonight for Dr. H. H.
Olinger, present chairman who is
ending four terms of service, Mrs.
Roy Keene, Dr. B. F. Pound and
Arthur H. Moore.' Henry CarL
whose name waa mentioned prom
inently -yesterday, said last nigbt
that he would not make the race.
With both Simeral and Olinger
expected to be in the contest, a
lively election is predicted. It Is
a safe! bet, however, that Olinger
will lead tbe entire field as ex
pressions from" every angle are
heard of the need to keep aim
on the board.
Simeral, in announcing last
night that be would run again,
said be will stand for as good or
better schools as any other city
or town in the state and that he
will adrocate Salem labor where-
erer possible in school construc
tion. Simeral has made a splendid
record In his nine years oa tbe
board. Two groups, one of labor
and one an Independent body, are
backing him.
Dr. B. F. Pound announced def
initely last night that he would
run, saying so many, names had
been attached to bis petitions that
he did not feel he could back out.
While not making a formal state
ment of his policies. Dr. Pound
said he would stand tor a frogTee-
sive administration consistent with
economy. His work in parent- -teacher
organisation, which fcr
hacking mm strongly now. ftaa
"been outstanding, and has point
ed toward progress and keen in
terest in child welfare. He sttt .
be believed labor would, too
friendly to bis candidacy.
Arthur Moore, local bieyelw
dealer, la the newest recruit fw i. ,
the forces for a post on the scsel .
board, and it Is yet unknown fcersr
strong following he - may coat- .
mand. - ' .'. . -
; Mrs. Keene is the only. woman .
running, and from this fact alone ;
it is presumed. she. will draw
big rpte If she definitely decide te '
file petitions. She baa bad aboat
10 years of experience in acteal.
school work. , - - . -
All petitions must be filed
tbe school clerk today.