'Tie OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Thtrraday Morning, Jane 5, 1930 PAGE THREE Local News Briefer Population Grows Salem's' population Increased, 15 persons yesterday, to 26,216. Seven of those reporting yesterday have been resident of Salem for a long period, and only yesterday be thought themselves that they had not gotten in on the count. The count here and elsewhere in the district is being closed up as fast as possible, but Supervisor It. J. Hendricks urges that anyone who has not been enumerated repart once at the office in the post office building. Sixteen white flat crepe dress es, sices 40 to 58, very special, 112.75, each. Mack's, 395 N. High street. Ieavrs For Denver Dr. W. P. Walker, who has been here the past week or 10 days to make the fifth annual appraisal of the Marion county health work, left yesterday afternoon . for Denver, Colo., where be will speak before the general federated women's club session. From . there he will go to Salt Lake to attend the western branch of the American public' health association confer ence from June 12 to 14. - Program at School First grade pupils at the Park school held an informal program yesterday aft ernoon, marking the close of the school year and also the close of a farm project study. The children conducted their parents, a large number of whom were there, over the school room to inspect, the many Interesting piecs of work that had been done in connec tion with the project. .' Dollar dinner cteiy night S: to 8 at the Marion hotel. Administrator Named A. L. Whitney has been named adminis trator of the estate of Ardula May Porter, deceased, in an order filed Wednesday in the county clerk's office and signed by County Judge Slegmund. The appraisers of the estate are Keith Powell, Eugene Courtney and B. M. Keep. The es timated value of the property is $2300. Peutbertons Leave Dr. and Mrs. J. Ray Pemberton and daughters, Mary, Esther and Ra chel, left Wednesday on a trip east during which they plan to visit Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa and Indiana. On the return trip they will visit the Black Hills region of South Dakota and Yellowstone National park. They will be gone about two months. Want 3Pd furniture. Tel. 511. Special Meetings Special meetings, particular feature of which will be the Hawaiian steel guitar numbers played by Mr. and Mrs. Rowell, will be held Thurs day and Saturday nights of this week at the Emmanuel Full Gos pel church. North 17th and Che meketa. Mr. and Mrs. Rowell will also play at both services Sunday. Corey to Spokane H. H. Corey, member of the public serv ice commission, left for Spokane Wednesday night where he will attend a meeting of the Pacific Northwest advisory board on in dustrial and transportation prob lems. All three members of the Oregon commission are members of the board. Best old time dance in Salem every Friday at Mellow Moon; 25c and 50c. Mrs. Fisher Chosen Tribute to the success Mrs. Ellen A. Fish er, high school teacher, has made aa faculty advisor to the present senior class was implied in the decision of the junior class to ask her to be its advisor next year. Cecil McKercher, present advisor to the juniors, will not teach here next year. Final Account File The fin al account of George H. Sauder. administrator of the estate of Levi Sauder, deceased, has been filed in probate court here. Re ceipts for the estate were $4000 and expenditures were $665, the report shows. Report Filed E. N. Hall, ad ministrator of the estate of Tom Brown, deceased, has filed a re port showing that he received $1. 074 from the estate and spent $606.80 in his first half year of administration. Remember The Silver Creek Falls Loop drive. Leave for Mountains Mr. and Mrs. Edgar B. Dougherty and chil dren left yesterday morning for Breitenbush, where they will spend a two weekV outing and vacation. Daugherty is superintendent of mails at the post office here. Present Diplomas Mrs. Mary L. Fulkeraon, county school su perintendent, was in Keizer last -night to attend the eighth grade graduation exercises of that school and to present diplomas to the students. Two Named Added Two more names were added yesterday to the list of graduates of the Salem high school this year, bringing the total to 275. They were those of Faye Oalton and Melborn Gra ber. Sues to Collect The Pruden tial Savings & Loan association has brought suit in circuit court here asking to foreclose a mort gage for $1453 held against Ralph J. Stevens, et aL New Trial Asked Motion for a new trial was filed Wednesday by J. E. Hill in bis ease against Setb Fawk and K. W. Harriett, Hill re ceived a verdict of one dollar in his case. Grandparents Again Dr. and Mrs. Carl Gregg Doney have re ceived word of the birth of a son to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Doney in Carlysle, Pennsylvania. It is the Doneys' second child. Boy Born to Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Roy Thomas of 1345 Fir street are parents of a baby boy, born last night at the Salem gen eral hospital. Thomas la with the Cherry City bakery. Going to Convention Lions from Salem who will leave some time today or early Friday ' for Bend to attend the state Lions confab are: President J. E. Fitz gerald, President-elect Newell Williams, Lelafid Smith, Harry Scott and A. C. Haag. all dele gates, and O. D. Olson and Dr. George Lewis. An additional group will leave by airplane Sat-; urday afternoon, arriving in Bend: in time for the final festivities Saturday ntgbt. Lost, Hampden wrist watch. Finder please return to high school office. Joy Hills. Medical Men Gather Profes sional topics concerned 50 mem bers of the Marion-Polk-Yamhill medicalsociety at their gathering here this week. Dr. Willis John son of Portland, president of the state medical society, read a- pa per on "The Sudden Loss of Vi sion." Dr. George R. Vehrs of Sa lem gave a paper on "The Prin ciples in Practice in Local Anes thesia." He illustrated his ad dress with lantern slides. Mrs. Minton Sues Mrs. Delia Grace Minton has brought s;ijt in circuit court here asking that nhe be divorced from Joseph Minton, former attorney in Salem and now a resident of San Francisco. They were married-in June. 1924. Mrs. Minton asks that her maiden name of Delia Grace Stevens be granted her. Our husky hi-grade baby chicks will thrive now without extra ef fort or equipment. Started . and day old in stock. June prices. Sa lem's Petland. Several Cases Fever A mild flurry of scarlet fever continues in the Mt. Angel district, accord ing to the county health officer, with three or four cases there now. The West Woodburn boy who died from this disease Mon day Is believed to have contracted the disease while at a dance at Mt. Angel. Answer Filed Answer to the complaint of the Marion Automo bile company against John MHol ick, et al. has been filed in cir cuit court by the Bank of Ore gon City which represents the in terests of the late Harvey E. Cross named as one of the defendants. Sixteen white fiat crepe dress es, sizes 4 0 to 56. very special, $12.75, each. Mark's, 395 N. High street. ROTM HEARS Politics, Life in General, State Chamber's Work Discussed Ralph Hamilton, acting gover nor, speaker of the house of rep resentatives, was the speaker at the luncheon of the Rotary club yesterday noon. Hamilton talked of politics, life, and sundry other matters that interested bis audit ors Immensely. Carle Abrams in troduced him as a man who might move from Bend to Salem when some large duty called him. Bat Hamilton replied with fer vent loyalty to his home town of Bend, that it would have to be some great temptation to get him to leave his. home there whose lawn runs down to the banks of the dashing Deschutes, and whose windows open on the snow-clad peaks of the Cascades. Dealing with political matters Hamilton talked of taxes, and said people had the wrong atti tude. They are anxious to have county courts and legislatures and school boards make appropria tions to finance undertakings, but when the tax bill comes they are apt to grumble and complain. Ton can't have these things free, you have to pay for them," he de clared. Hamilton is president of the state chamber of commerce and told something of its-great task in promoting development of Ore gon resources. He cited the speci fications of the new postoffiee at Klamath Falls which call for the use of Bedford stone from Indi ana, when just over toe hill af Ashland is very fine granite. Another speaker at the lunch eon was Rev. Gillstrap of Turner,1 who told of the boys' school there which accommodates 24 boys and is performing a very useful work in providing these boys with a home. 1 TYPES - TYPES - TYPES 7 i mi m E FOR HILLS STILL ON Verdict Not Expected Until Late Today; Plaintiffs Win in First Cases ulty for membership in the organ ization on a basis of high char acter and scholarship are Elsie Allen. Lydia Childs. Katherine Everett, Donna Hildesheim, Helen Hughes, Frances McGilvra, Mar Ian Morange aad Marjorie Nelson. OAMIf EF Rurr Mil What's yonr type? Pick It out from the medley here and then If yon are Interested In knowing how yon "screen" take yourself to the Dagmar studios, room 420 Oregon building, and tell the cameraman over there yon want to go through the test that hundreds of Salem people are going through these days. The Dagmar company Is now se lecting a cast to take the roles and minor parts In the Willamette valley picture, "The Purple Flood." Every Salem person who has any ambition and who wants to be in a real movie, has an opportunity to do so now. MB HE BE GM LICENSE State Embalming Board Back on Promise Is Claim in Court Visitors From Kast Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Sava.se of Waconda, have as their house guests, Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Savp.ge, who are here for six weeks from their j home in Washington, D. C. Mr. ravage is connected with thestate department at the capitol. Mortgage Foreclosed Suit to foreclose on a mortgage : was launched in circuit court here Wednesday by the Prudential Savings & Loan association against Blanche B. Huffman, et al. The plaintiff seeks to recover $2200 under the mortgage. Appraisers Named Foul Mc Cullough, Keith Powell and Eu gene Courtney have been named appraisers of the estate of Tom Brown, deceased. Clement Here E. C. Clement, post office inspector with head quarters in Seattle, is paying a two or three days' inspection vis it at the office here. That Oregon barely escaped a state-wide federal quarantine against one of its fruit crops that brings over . a million dollars yearly into the state was infor mation given the Marion county court " Wednesday by H. S. Mer rlam of Goshen, member of the state board of horticulture for western Oregon. Merriam would not give the name of the disease, the particu lar fruit Involved or the location of the orchard. He said the dis ease was discovered by a county inspector who bad it identified at the state college, and that al though a federal inspector urged Washington authorities to de clare a state-wide quarantine the state experts got the disease un der control in time to avoid a quarantine. Had the ban been declared Mer riam said It would have been al most as serious as the quarantine placed on the state of Florida af ter discovery of the Mediterran ean fruit fly there. M mm 0 CO NTY FIS VISITOR FROM SOUTH PERRYDALE, Jnne 4. Mr, and Mrs. Robert Mitchell and family visited Monday afternoon with Margaret Mulkey in Salem. Miss Mulkey is a cousin of Mrs. Mitchell. She is on a month's va cation from Long Beach, Calif., and is at the home of her grand mother, Mrs. S. A. Riggs. The secretary of state Wednes day apportioned among the vari ous counties In Oregon a total of $56,249.43 for county fair pur poses. The tax or county fairs is one-twentieth of a mill baaed on all assessable proDertv in the state. The excess of one-twentieth of a mill on' the taxable property in Multnomah county which amount ed to $3,961.56, was distributed equalfy among the counties elig ible to share In the tax. The law provides that no county shall re ceive !n excess of SI 6.000 for fair purposes. The following summary shows the various counties, together with the amount of money appor tioned to each: Baker , 1,252.51 Benton 924.22 Clackamas 2.673.17 Clatsop 1,313.56 Columbia 966.37 Coos 1,413.08 Crook 882.75 Deschutes 776.07 Douglas 1,678.53 Gilliam 600.16 Grant 478.63 Harney 545.52 Hood River 00.86 Jackson 1,668.04 Jefferson 370.31 Josephine 498.90 Klamath 1,880.86 Lake 629.68 Lane 1,781.77 Lincoln 541.04 Linn 1,763.41 Malheur 719.64 Marion 2,715.51 Morrow 654.23 Multnomah 16,610.64 Polk 1,022.40 Sherman 603.42 Tillamook 14SC.12 Umatilla 2.44J.JT Union l,UUt Wallowa 595.88 Wasco 1,013.51 Washington 1,859.7$ Wheeler. 355.30 Yamhill 1,266.18 cnicago win vote July 1 on a unified traction plan which, it ap proved, will assure the city of a subway. Obit uary DeCora Died, in this city June 4, in fant son of Mr. and Mrs. J. C DeCora, : 3 days. Announcement of funeral later by Clough-Taylor company. A petition in mandamus de manding that he be given r. license as embalmer In Oregon, was filed in -circuit eourt here Tuesday by R. F. Larson who named the State Embalming board as defendants in the action. Judge L. H. McMa han set June 12 as the time when the defendants must come into court to make any answer they wish to present why the license shall not be granted. Glen S. Macy, W. F. Walker and Frederick D. Strieker are members of the board. Larson claims that he was a practicing embalmer in Kansas from 1906 to 1927. When he re moved to Oregon in 1928 the board, he claims, promised him a license when he produced his certi ficate from Kansas, a certificate showing his character to be good as well as a $30 fee. All these qualifications have been met, Lar son alleges. On the board's promise he pur chased property In Silverton and made it over Into a mortuary. Larson says he would be damaged in this investment to the extent of $10,000 if the license is not granted. The board, he asserts, now asks that he take an examination. Establishment of county Toad from Detroit to Whitewater part of North Santlam highway. Re-location of portion of mar ket road from Silverton to Wil- lard. Establishment of Matheny mar ket road la the Union hill district. Petition of Mrs. E. V. Winter- mantle for road in Talbot district. Petition of Hal Walton and oth ers to declare road through Hayes property in Labish section, a coun ty road. Petition of R. O. Amort and oth ers for county road In Hullt dis trict. Petition of John F. Schaber and others for road in Fellers subdi vision to Hubbard. Some Girl to Be Very Glad With Dolly! A verdict in the case of Wilma Hill and G. C. Coulee against Seth Hawk and K. W. Harrttt is not ex pected until this afternoon in cir cuit court since only one of the r.'s "p lw UJUU,umcu'ison? Then she will have for her There is some little girl in this j city who on July 22. will be so ; happy words will fail to express of her Joy. The rea dme Wednesday. The ease is the third brought against the defendants as a result of an auto accident which occur red at Brunk's corners on the Dal las highway. December 31, 1929. Wilma Hill peeks damages of $800; Conlee requests a judgment very own, a doll the like of which. neither she nor her playmates have ever seen. This is a doll 34 inches tall, which talks, sings, and even says its prayers, will be her yery own. None of her playmates will be HYETT'S ROTE HELD NOT TO BE PIPES ! J. W. Hyett. individually and as administrator for his wife's estate, .was acquitted of all lia-i bility for certain notes gfven the Bank of Frewaier, Oregon, under . a decree issued by Judge L. H. v. ..L it a u u . i , i sa 4i ,t j . . i iv court held that Hyett executed the notes at the Tauks request to cover a "dummy" stock transac tion and that Hyett never receiv ed any value for the notes. Subsequently when' the back was sold, the buyers attempted to collect the not?s amounting in to; tal to $5640 from Hyett. Tt court set the notes aside. nf 11 7AA from th ripfpnrLanf K. 1 auic iu tri Fawk and Harritt were driving separate cars. They dispute each other's liability for the accident. In the two cases tried earlier In the term of court, Linnie Hill received a verdict of $2,400, while J, E. Hill received an award of one dollar. The next case on the docket is that of Florence vs. Christen, a suit to recover damages due to auto accident. Alpha Kappa Nu Members Named At Willamette Announcement of the election of eight senior girls to Alpha Kappa Nu, national honorary so ciety, was announced at chapel exercises at Willamette Wednes day. Judge O. P. Coshow of the state supreme court delivered the address, speaking on the value of an education. Those were elected by the fac er to buy a doll like it for there ate none to be bought. The only way which they can be had is by winning them and that is done by collecting votes which are being given with every purchase made, by 35 merchants of Salem and also at the Fox Elsinore theatre. These votes will be obtainable until July 22, and on that date the votes will be counted and somebody is going to go home so happy that Christmas will be like the measles in comparison. The doll has a place in its back where a tiny non-destructible rec ord can be inserted. These rec ords will play five songs, which when playing, sound as though the doll was singing. There is also a talking record, and one which makes her say her prayers. High school girls in Batavia, N. Y., must have their parents per mission in writing before they may go stockingless. PILES CUBED by a few painless treatments No cutting, no burning, no loss of time Drs. Lewis 408 Oregon Building BOM PETITIONS LI BEFORE COi T Petition for a road near West Woodburn is up for hearing be fore the county court the petition being made by the Ingeborg broth ers. Nine other petitions, all up for first reading, have been laid before the county this week. They are: J. W. Mayo and others. West Stayton district. Re-location of market road from Mill City to Niagara. Kibele Died, at a local hospital June 4, Mrs. Marie Kibele. 47. An nouncement of funeral later by Clough-Taylor company. City View Cemetery Established 1893 Tel. 1268 Conveniently Accessible Perpetual care provided tor Prices Reasonable 1 Totals - $56,249.43 PUES CURED Wttkest DR. MABff,,TA SSS Oisgen 9Bds pelcrett ittemorial Bfodar.tcfr A Park Cemetery with perpetual care Jest ten Ententes from rbe heart of town I YES- We Rent Vacuum Cleaners S(g!lilHihfliaTi Father' Day June 15th Give Dad a Tie Hundreds to choose from at 1 95c TO Free to Asthma and Hay Fever Sufferers Free Trial of a Method That Any one Can I'se Without Dis comfort or Loss of Time We have a method for the con trol of Asthma, and we want you to try it at our expense. No mat ter whether your case is of Ions; standing or recent development, whether it is present as Chronic Asthma or Hay Fever, you should send for a free Trial of our meth od. No matter in what climate. you live, no matter what your age or occupation, if you are troublea with attacks of Asthma or Hay Fever, our method should help you. We especially want to send it to those apparently hopeless cases, where all forms of Inhalers, douches, opium preparations, fumes, "patent smokes," etc., have failed. We want to show every one at our expense, that our meth od will end all difficult breathing. all wheezing, and all those terri ble paroxysms in mi.ny instances. This free offer is too important to neglect a single day. Write now and begin the method at once. Send no money. Simply mail coupon below. Do it Today. FREE TRIAL COUPON FRONTIER ASTHMA CO., . . 1819J Frontier Bldg.. 462 Niagara St.. Buffalo, N. Y. Send free trial of your method to: I 2a 11 2193, Used Fwrnitnre 6 3epartment & ' tSl N. High THE ADDITION OF ETHYL FLUID TO VIOLET RAY. . .Ike anti-knock exira- ciiaiiiij highly oiiahexi (gasoline PRODUCES . - t ... . IrMatTtetlol i IXOYD & EXGDOIt Kg Schaefer's Antiseptic GARGLE A valuable remedy in the treatment of ulcerated or inflamed throats. Price 50 Cents - Only at Schaefer's Driig Store The Original Yellow Front ai Ca-dy Special Store of SaVm Phone 197 1S5 If. Commercial Quality Pn Cowteoy I si I 's ied! ft firs viotn mm 'VP 7 X i W sea Violet KoyGoofa.e fat est aoajfoi oan-ltfiock sMiav fwel ea riw Porific Coast wfli continue lobe oM by 4000 Inoepeaosat oeolsfs ot ao extra cost No extra cfcorgo for Violet toy maorioriiy. to a. at. m4 hear th Vlolot Ray Morryntakcr t in e double powar J ptogrczr. Ot.. rrw ...... i COIN ..... sm arse Hi. IF you how been wing ordinary gasolines and auxtures, yov cant imagine what strkJtt tcienco has mod unhlyov step on a mrottU mat releases General Ethyl Never before on me Podfic Coast has Ethyl been added to a gosolino of Violet Roy's superior quality... extra pow erful, vitalized and anti-knock. It creates in your cylinders a turg of double power. At oil independent dealers displaying Hie Genera! Ethyl sign. Costs no more than ordinary ethyl gasolines. A PRODUCT OP GENERAL PETROLEUM CORPORATION OP CALIFORNIA 'j 3;