The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 05, 1930, Page 2, Image 2

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    PAGE TWO -
The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Thmaday Morning. Jane 8, 193fr
m Trump Retained Ab Fvmit Immc&or Aker Hearing
official ens
failure to View Fruit Ship
ments Blamed on Rail
road Officials
Seymour Jones, state market
Agent, concluded a general two
hours" discussion Wednesday
saornlng eouceruiag the work of
H. U Tan Tram u county trait
laspector, by saying the verdict
appeared to be "nut guilty."
Whereupon Mr. Jones asked the
county court to adjourn the meet-
lac; and Judge Jobs Siegmund
promptly complied with the re
sult that the, hearing on "charges"
against Mr. Vaa Trnsip was at
an end.
The discussiea was carried on
before an audience which tilled
the circuit court room In depart
. ment cumber two, with Q. G.
Merriam, member of the state hor
ticultural eommision, taking the
biggest bniBt of the attack on
Van Trump.
'Grangers Support
Prnit Inspectors
la from all parts of the county
bad come grange members and
ether farmers, kyal to the pres
ent inspector and almost unani
mous in their testimony that be
be retained by tie county court lu
bt present capacity and at a sal
J of 13.75 tor each day served
together wiU 13.6 for each day
he uses hia car.
Opposition to Van Trump cen
tered In his alleged neglect of
fruit and potato Inspection in
shipments coming1 lntq Salem In
the maDs as well as in carloads
on tne railroads.
Merrtam, asked by Judgt Sleg-
iuoa io piace oeiore the gather
ing evidence of Vaa Trump's inef
ficiency, introduced a letter from
a local railroad manager, allow
ing that Vaa Trump had made no
Inspections of earlots of incom
ing potatoes ia years.
Blames Neglect
trpou the Railroads
Van: Trump countered, backed by
numerous people la the audience.
io aeciara that the law placed the
responsibility as muck uboa the
railroad t notify him that the
saiwneata were coming in as for
the inspector to visit the freight
depots. He poiated out that hia
work was so heavy H woalt be
Impossible for him te iaspeet all
the pestoffkes and rallread de
pots a the county daily, with the
view of checking Ineomiar ehia
meats. Judge Siegmund. at the start
f the soaring as well as Its con
clusion, eapkasiaed the fact that
the court had asked the fcearta
after Merriam had asked for Van
Trump's resignation fer inefft
deney. Siegnuad declared the
court wanted .to hear from the
people in this matter and te act
a accordance with their wishes.
Merriam brought out the point
that while the county court paW
Van Trump's wages, his cheeks ,
com Id be held up by a refusal on
the part of the horticultural com- J
mission to approve the Mils pre- j
cnitfa ny van Trump.
Mot of Diacnssion
Favors Incumbent
Discussion, largely la praise of
Van Trump, featured the meeting,
with nearly a score of eitlrens
taking part.
Max Qehlar, fruit buyer, de
clared that no officer was expect
ed to enforce all the laws and said
If the horticultural eemmtaeioa
would notify. Tan Trump en the
- special sections It wished en
forced, he was sure the inspector
would comply. Later In the discos
eton be declared the only charge
gainst Van Trump was that "he
had tfot been everywhere at once."
Mrs. Jesse Jones- -averred that
any difficulty in eulorcement.of
the inspection laws should be bid
en the people themselves tor not
reporting the antral of plants tad
potatoes. She said that Van
Trump had always given Informa
tion to her upon request.
Mr. McDowell made a stirring
JLV4n Tn"nD' clartat
that Marlon eouaty had progress
ed splendidly during the-13 years
Van Trump has served and new
bad as diversified agriculture nro-
eoonty in the state.
Tonve only been here 11
months.- he told Merriam, "Vaa
Trump went through a lot of these
foleina before, the young fel
lows were bom."
to-tpM Mad Dally
KL-w where, CUiaerd
U Merriam, called upon for mwt ;
Information, said that in Sageao
deputy fruit inspector made a
tear each day to the potrtlces '
sad to tke railroad stations.
Questioned A. E. Zlmmermas
IHtL1" 4ta utlno ho
tahbsbed for the fruit lasneef-
r la Which time ha eaalJ Jle. rw
thai Marion county had done well
in the past and would continue to
e so, without ootsido Interfer
The 'aaring" adjourned wKh
no vote being taken despite the
fact that John Coraforth asked
that a ballot he cast te show haw
the audience felt regarding Van
Trump's continues as trait in
The Call
Today Song of
West" with John Boles.
Today. ThaDican
Friday "Half Way to Hea-
Today "Girl of the Port."
Friday "Such ken are
iim niprrirnniiini tnnrn niniiinnn
uu iikifULnonir LuauuirtMi
Cooperation PJadgcd by Wa- Joe King Suspended m Eve
ter Company Head; Test
Suit Favored
Of Crciiilicn Oua ta
tree to admit that KXag axaenly
SJd, though mora forcibly and
aornana wtta tea. lurtaTn ant, what
tar of tan atmfrmj have been
(Ceottnaed (rota page
made si tha time f purchase, in
X2? together with an audited
statement of plant additions since
(Coatme from rata U
aJwaye hacke iteinal Volt to
ma efforts ta oawt class and ln-
tended to eentisam taasso. Ttaa
uen nugat ao hacked; agalaat M It to be o matter of nrtn-
eogineer's report made before the clnl that ka aheald. s m. '
aio py tat wanact tnterests. Aj. tomtk: etaJsaaeL Joe
These facts . the. mayor suggested. jS. ?Uantaisiaan?
esaity for an expensive new cvaJa
suon st -this time.
Aldermen Daacv sbh! Vindomrt I Asked what he meant ay "eosse
Joined with the mayor in telUn I roea.- Welf said; "Je has get
the water company officials they If0 Mtttttda U S
tnoognt tne City shonM be fair in I wiaw; aw am oeen
uta sxnaenu wucn latar aa
Welf to declara that "Jea ass gft
to Mt. wa hator, ha gets
ifwtc 4v 4W wa tV1
wiMi tha tkexsvusetuT readlnt 10
degrees at 4 p. su Two deaths
were attributed ta tha heat.
Today "The Teian'
with Gary Copper.
uon i Dais "tka tt Tf un
like myself, have never been able
to see why people made a fuss
about Gary Cooner. tab will nn
doubt enerieace a chum f
aeart as i did Wednesday after
nooa, waea l saw bin as the
idsay. lexaa bold-us man. with a
ransom on bis head.
oniy Is Garv a mUnii
nero, WHO taRes hia honor- HVa
. . ...
wnoy without a worn te
the whole picture is s well pho-
.iku, 9 we cast, that It is
joy to watch. Action is sincere
me scenes are rei. op
fake that oca tfoea not resent
" ?"eriug, aad the story has
excellent interest at all times. The
yi is a new one. and It is, there
Iwre' as welcome as a shower in
or emma Dunn la
heautiful and make Mffi
eomplement to the ur4n. -t
etiag of Cooper. You wfU want
to see her ini
unir mm
(Contimied from Page L)
rr-.f. ? ia Tm Tewm." B. H
te-."11 C3eaa2?s. 5
tt4 op lug e-
Ifdiet1 farter.
vvlcn time ha could r
hcessary Inspeetlon.
In his own statewiMfa. at v..
Trump declared that he took the
Bushey- He said hia
7 hn Mor than that af
a fruit Inspector. HO told how he
tOJk a census of all the berry and
fmtt acreage to the county as well
s making a map of th eouaty at
the- time of the war. Mr. Van
Tramn said had been active ia
walnut grafting damonstraxtons '
and had also held demoaxr.
in rodent control His wife, with
out pay, nas given frequent kec
?r landscape gardening, Van
Tramp declared.
Work of Agent
ttoae. Declare
Seymour J ones said he tlronght
the sentiment expressed at the
Keating indicated Vaa Tramp
kBld be retained. Several toe
and women, declared t v
Trn had done tha work at a
wrnty agent without the salary
teceired by ana.
uant InXareaces, directed
Merritni. vert to tha effect
oi beerH.rr ai Report
Fourth 8e&sio 2 ;OQ p.m Ekifi;.k.
nd Electaon of Office; B.i Vt
cwaiwr write ta
Bioa oi CioBTootwa
r,1 J j.1 1 MitnM, fm Hotel
p.m. tnn for itfatteeinr. tonr
I'M . MhrUm EatL
o.ou p.m. JIoTinr. pictures ef Ua-
?ri'' nd Inndrym-ner of the sUU to
be show. teDhhi Ins Msrtaal
SatuHky. Jim 7 7:80
Salem Gelf Cfe.
10:00 a.a. Viitiar a
MMrtiM cojni -r Sa
2"? VBcie 4 Ur.o Hotel
' P.w aaauar Banquet. AAdiMs.
ia Ksriaa SotoJ
mo amount naia the comMur.
which apparently bad acted-la
food faith in the purchase of tha
plant and bow was wflline ta ra-
linuish Its held.
Perplexing legal Questions were
raised by tha couscilmen when tt
was suggested that an option be
taken by the city to purchase the
improvements when they ware
coin plated and thus allow the work
ring leader ta tha secret society
business, although it ta not far
hU affiliation, with tar society
that he is out ef school. Ha ta
losing bis credits aaeaate ha in
anltad HoUla (tha coach), and
practically told the students to
forget what Holtis said."
Denies Principle
Involved ta Stand
King, la his appeal to the stn-
to proceed. Councilman generally I de&ts. bul mads reference to tha
grei uut no autnority was 1 WM'M wusui. regaxiuas; prm-
graniea nnaer tne erdiaancwfiaaa-l1'1 aooieijung is una vein:
ed. for tha council to do this with I
the result that the Improvements
star tea oy tne company will ha at
a stanastiu tnis summer.
Validity of Charter
Atuendnient at Issue
Holly said be Is standing on
principle; but I don't think he
Students seemed inclined to
construe this remark at their
prexy to Imply that tha coach was
Mayor tyvesley raised the qoes-1 taking such a stronr atana na
tion as to a source of money tor
ine engineers' zees, if such fees
were necessary as well as for any
additional sum In excess of fl
190, 09 If the plant and Its Inv-
prevemeats eeakl set bo purchas
ed for this sum.
Water company officials agreed
cause tha principal had "asked
sua to do so."
At another time, ana after de
claring that student government
was a farce at the high school.
King said:
"Personally. 1 ltk Fred Wolf.
but I think. s lot of his ideas are
with city council members that taboo At hia statement, the
no nnsj seen could bo taken aa to
purchase without legal advice as to
tha validity of th charter axaond
aeat. The visiting; water eomaanr
officials expressed the slow that
tha bonds artpoeed to be sold for
student body staged a good dem
onstratioo, and roundly applaud
ed Joe as ha concluded. King
also said ho believed tt nono of
the- faculty's business whom he
Invited to a. Daztl. but that ha
ua Mrehaso of tao omaany I himself had not rives the nartv
wwuMt bvl e accemea nsiu aireierrea to by wolf.
last suit, wsa carried to the su-1 After Joe's speech, Ds. Sdward
preme court to determine tha ral-l ruhii. .km.. u
.ttAV"K. coaei. ma; a talk
rauea ligation effort U sooths tha trenhled stn-
s-usau uj pvuio I dent boar
ct. v. ciium, yreiaeni or me
company, agreed to return to Sa
lem on Tuesday to confer with
the council after too latter selects
Its water commission next Mon
day night.
Meanwhile couscilmen are fret
ting over the Tory definite orob-
leffls imposed by tke people's man-'
date May If. The first problem Is
bow to resume the work en the
sew filter. The next ts how to se
cure money tor tha payments of
engineers to appxsiso the plant It
So entirely new appraisal is need
ed. A third problem is that of the
legality of the act which will nec
essarily be called into question be-
(oxo bonds can be sold. Lurkina
In the background is the Question
of plant valuation which Wednes
day appeared a, matter oi easj
settlement but which In reality.
may become very vexing if city
appraisers and company valuators
are unable to agree. In that arent.
litigation extended and expensive
appears to be fortbeominsr for
both; tho purchasers and the sellers.
Tha climax to tha assemblv
waa tha big topic of tha attarnoan
at .tha high school, and while
teachers and some of tna students
were strong tor the administra
tive side of the Incident, It was
evident that King had. a large fol
lowing and a good deaLof sympa-
iny. students themselves were
(Continued from Pace 1.)
ago to seek a position on the
school board, and who has a
fwtr mentioned for a nest.
had not definitely asado ap his
salad fast night to enter. Ho said
ke was reluctant to A a hat
that he may If do ens also fram
his district runs. Inasmuch aa h
feels there are certain thtnn
kiOh tho Sooth Salem distrfe
amst gain this Tear.
8oahi Safem Wanta
South 8alem parent-teachers'
grown ' wants- two things: a fall
time principal at both McKInhty
and Us coin lnstssd of m bead
orriag both; and a full school at
uacotn. now with- only ttvo
grndas. There are nlontr of an.
pila la tho district far both
echoes, ssys Posad.
Xr. .Pound has hocn wsrr nrase.
iaent In tho rarfjot-taaeher wofk
both-locally, trr the comity and in
the state. Ho has been on tha
etato ksgtslatlvo committee of the
arosp.. on v to seen position
worked enerreticallv for reform!
of the-klndergartea departments.!
While new candidates are beinr
talked and kre xathering adher-;
eats. Dr. O linear looms aa a threat.
to the oatiro field, and tt Is gon
J oeuevoa toot., aiuuwgh ho
ha aot ytt sai4 ha would teek
tha position, grain, a lam. ele
ment and especially the easiness
men will refuse to 1st hint retire.
Or. OUnget la the veteran ssam
ber of tha board, and freely cred
ited with keeping tho group right
side up. La gay crisis which con
front tha groan.
Supreme Court Justice Levy to
day denied to Barry K. Thaw
BOW trial of tho salt of siareU
J Sstardaa,'f ermer actreas, la which
aao won a izmvv Tcrdict Last
yoar- ' i
Continues from lags L
Gams. Mrs. Hacrao sooko
corning national auxirhiry work
on4 won the -wbele-bearted ontho
afasat of .tho Oregon delegation by
bor with and charm, "and sincer
tty. Musical numbers from the units
of Portland. Tillamook, lood.Elr-
er aa Salem added much ta tho
program. Tho American War
MoUers of Oregon, through their
president. Mrs, Ada fiklff. goat
fiowers aa an axpreaslon of ap
nreciation, fer the vsrit of tho aa
Uonsi auxiliary president.
: This visit marU'Mrx. aUcrao'k
first seonoiataaco with the Pacif
ic northwest
1 - f
Homo of 25c
One of ttt Big Magical
Comedies of lite Year
AH Talking, Sagiag. Danctag
i. V"
- - aw K sae a
fhtb agonal Konrs - -
Continuous S to 11 P. M.
lit. -rVTf -"1
Hf 11 I
1 25
'axi9 fben
BT yonwlat . isaisart
these bOarkme stars
bavo beosi bronght
together to give ya the
iw-oay n4otno thwa-
trol TVfit o onooan!
FAochon Marca's
Prloco of Cooti Stosjt
t Asked last night if bo had
eoasaim on tho situation, joa
Kta mii: "I said wool I UeQgnt.
an that, ia about a& I onn say;
of coarao. I want to area anx A-
Jtema, and I shall make an effort
i ret it I atfH Ca frod Valf,
Mt I axui think thera u bait a
prataxl of studont gorecnmonU
TwarooN, k. Juno c
(AP) President Jains Crtay pt
boess of Alnoatoei sshersuy at a
mass meeting tonight acclaimed
AjBhassjAot liwlgnt W. Morrow
ao o, ooteatlal prasldeat of tho
United States. .
NEW YORK, June 4. (AP)
- loday and Friday
100 Natural
color. 8rngtng,
Dancins; Sensatiom
R. Brown, Ttsdenno
Segal, and chorsuT
of 100 . , .
Sat. and San.
nd "Wall Street.
A powerful drama
of Love, and FV
oanco. with AOeea.
Frtnglo and Ralph
Ince ....
Tips on Best Uethorjs For
' Mfflc rrwhictfon Are
(Continued from Page 1.)
Personnel of the Dairy Demon-
strstloaj Train included:
Representing Oregon State col
lege; Paul V. Msris, director of ex
tension, alternate speaker gt noon
day meetings.
P. M. Brandt, chief in dairying,
livestock demonstrator.
P. L. Ballard, state county
agent leader,' alternate speaker
and market car dsraaastrator.
U. S. Burt, specialist fn visual
education, in charge ef ail exfci-
E. R. Jackman, farm crops spe-
cwuat. leoa ear oenMnatrator.
I. R. Jones, dairy specialist, snd
B. T. Sinuss. sotoriaarian.
management car demonstrators.
C J. Hurd, agricultural engin
eer, and Dr. 3. Wllster. ta charge
of dairy manufacturing, sanita
tion car demonstrators.
J. JL Toll, marketing specialist
and J. R. Haag, agricultiral
chemists, demonstrator ln mar
keting car.
John C. Bsrtnsr, agricultural
preat editor, la clurge of pabllci-
H. J. Finnegan and Melville
Rlchey, dairy students, stock car
attendants: :
C M. Beard&lev. iAm
ststaat In charge of Uteatare. I
Bmca Stuart, eiecuiclan.
raoadfentlBe-.the ?' P'
Kenneth Miller, agricultural
VT. p. Stapleton. Northern
clfio arrtcuiturai .0.
tet! YOUm- tDer1 MS-la.
aentH' Brdy' traTellia freight
n'T. Held repress,,
tative American Jersey Pcatt.
Ue t0WMaa' "rasej Cat
H. A, Mathiaen am.p.- t...
stein Prtesian aaloSoaT
The Erie canal, in lu eariv
waa known aa "CUatenn Wtch.4
. AU Talking Comedy
"Movietone one-aet News
Starts Tomorrow
Catherine DaJe Owen
1 1 1 ' ' .
IK'; MAY22 i
WK0" SEPT. 30
H)F cassiooofRoutoa Liberal Stepovora ffS,
I XW- JM aeae assise au
I -tffflf ' I I Ea r tbe Colanbla I
Itfin fflf. fr'M Bftver Scsuaie Rente eats I
lU Q l JI' I WarU Cosw Unaited r Cno I ?
H-J PlMBndlder. " ' I
lllli-il ' w Wtdlte. Agent Vl
WL It 'J D Mootta Ctty Peer. Agt. 1 I
' o;; M
..- 'K I
r .is-
1 -J
in'.. ni
II ERE U a fasoTifte that
toiMf potswtses ejf fJia
qooltttoa for pcttspWorav.
one tfiot you ilemooi fr
Assodofcod Oosofrno fi EquU
No on ajuotity ofoao
tnokwS good gaMfiis. TbJ
it wwy.
1n refining, gasoHa froe
Hons In vapor form. 019 token
off at twiotft toonporoUirof
wriin a KrtUrKcjr-4er
o w
minta boding range.
UvrocltonU rotable. Try Igut ot owt. But equcj.
orw too onej tact and lost rfc oyt today.
erar fa, fpeod and bog
oJItago. Tky bvtn xonv
p!wteV woy lo ypyr motor,
out thwf Wo snoro tWy.
ITkwfa EaM.rxoctioaatod
nnaos that youll itnd In At
sodated OotoUno qO these
vital Oropertiws osoembled io
correct 4roporbioa. Accept
this ossurance of getting off
that yoAif motor rtqgim for
tbsX perfrraoaco.
Ask tho Associated Servfco-
rA ct tttfjr red, greon and
cToarn stotton or oarage W tiut
V iiav-f W'V VS Lib U II
i MUm T? Vttad Bumbrito Kosvaossa
i.- i j -