I t - '-Mr-:... u 'The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem.- Oregon; WeJncaday tloriimg, June 4,-1930 PAGE SEVEN Hugh Webb .'Unhurt When ; His Truck Goes in Ditch 1 ArAumsville AUMSnLUE, Jane Hurt Webb while driying the .Oregon grain truck' Saturday from Stay- ton to Tomer-bad tne misfortune to skid on the wet pavement at the railroad-crossing and upset the tmek in the ditch. Mr. Webb escaped, with est injury. -Mrs. Mary Kahttle left Saturdar for her home at Vashon after ris- iting her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Bradley Mr. and 'Mrs Francis Eastbura nd famHyef -Cottage Or ore spent the weekend her with relatfrea. Mr. and Mts. G. Nance and fam ily of Albany spent Sunday here caning- on oia menus. - Bethel 9. s. held an an day memorial program Sunday -with bible- class at wsnal hour followed by a program land a memorial ser mon by Rer. Mlnton of Salem. Basket lunch 'at noon, special music and preaching services In afternoon with a full house at tending;. Depot agent, Me. 'Keith has moved his family to the John Crum property. . Jirs. Blanche Albright moved her family Monday to the Harms .farm home n. the Wltiel district .or the summer vacation before moving to Lebanon where -Mrs Albright will teach school this .tail. . Mrs. C. Bell and seas LaMar ;and Ralph of "Grants pass came Friday and will visit with Mrs. Bell's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Mc Collough until Friday when they ; expect to return home taking- with them Gordon Bell who has been attending O. A. C. the past term i school. VHas Howard went to Airlle Saturday to finish the school term there. Vilas attended the Atrtie school about 4 months and the rest of the term at Anmsville school Being eat here Thursday, May 29. mmm WACONDA. June 3 Mr. and Mrs. Tern Walker and children of Portland were week-end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Allyn ffuaom. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Patterson kited. Sunday at the home of their daughter and son-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Russell. Ree&t guests -at the home, of JKr. and Mrs. A. W. Nnsom were Mr. and "Mrs. Roy Craft of Port land and Mr. and ' Mrs. Charles (Hoover and daughter Rosalie of Pioneer. OLD AND NEW CHIEF 7 M r Deputy Chief Inspector Edward t Molrooney has bees a member P. Mulrooney, promoted to f et the New 1 Tors: Police De Police Commissioner of the pertinent smee the age of 21 City of New York, is pictured : and has worked his way through being congratulated h tr iili stages of fits force. Commissioner Grover A. Whalen. I li ra nil ini ISMS II VISITORS SCOTTS MILLS. June 3 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cobb left for their, home in Oakland.- California, Sun day, after spending several days with Mr. Cobb's sister. Mrs. C. D. Hartman and family. Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Smldt were shopping in Portland Thursday. Mrs. Henry Wellman and small daughter, spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. Tan Hatten in Mt. Angel. Little Coral Jennings of Wash ington is spending several days with Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Myers. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Jennings -spent Decoration day here. J. S. Korb was In Oregon City and Portland Thursday on bus iness. Max S&lzman left for Portland the last of the week where he will reside. John Geren who is attending O. S. C. spent "the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Ger en. . Miss Beatrice Amundson of Stayton spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. X. Amundson. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Shutt who hare been in Los Angeles the past three weeks attending the rail road and telegraphers convention. returned home Friday evening. They report having a wonderful time, taking trips through Holly wood. Beverly Hills, and as . far south as Agua Caliente. Mexico. Miss Doris Hogg of Salem spent the week-end with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. W. T. Hogg. Mr. and Mrs. Louie Schaecher visited relatives la Mt. Angel Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Van Luden 1 Gross -Word Puzzle Br EUGENE SHEFfEB and small daughter of Washougal, Washington, spent the week-end with i Mrs. Grace Dunagan and family. Funeral services for William Leeds who passed away in Seattle Monday were held at the Friends church Thursday afternoon, - Rev. Allen off icfattag. Interment was in the I; O. O. f. cemetery. "Mrs. Gordon Woodford return ed to her home In St. Helens, Fri- aay aner spending several oars with her mother, Mrs. Grace Dun agan. Mrs. Otis Shepherd and daugh ter visited hereparenta, Mr. aad Mrs. W. Hawkins In Sllverton over Sunday. ' A2 M il NiJ I8 I M II J! - t, mW 1 ""TTTliri 11 Wl" HORIZONTAL. rtofto 42 e fastening 4 e-shaped be - seeorea J church as by a i seats -padlock: y T-Uthical 4Jl-edeU -unte lit toward t;intelJigetice lll8-rt sea . ofTJhild 1l4--effaee ' of 12 SwcjeT 44 enasthetie . iris having - 4prepare seeted abll. ,: Jroo . - -'-etio ,tT valley. . dSFreneh 1J neteetthe definite i scale ;jP-a suhste' 4fZ-egles et' . . " wrswasi I"3. . itlJkartwm. ... ' snesa streak Z7.-" fj... SStndites - TfJL : TSL'. bfisymbol for JZSZ . ' -jJZmmm l27-n btcHm Berewitli 1ssle f eWtffioa x tioa tr Testerdrv ' orange tipping' : ' ; . . ' - ' ; VfC Indei .... 22 flesh of animals . esedfer 5-ilural ""r pronemn j bird f man of 25 pole -peeial ZT twine T leanuns; g-eed-' V turn into a : capsule. -tiTuidby -as in beat flazer le cottoe metal 29 ass- "sCgyptiaa mg . sua god , t money It ohllqiie , to waa or : 11 rests upoa, bej ..- - for support 'II 4lri. IS intotkat- -satirf nf J beftr-; jji-sirnif r K - 8 one wee ":amps ;r tiaTett 'stiaear -rtwsstbe bitter - a 1 12$ fortiCea- - i tion - ftwUfcees- " i 132-obscure Til, J-. I czuonae - lA sjinb ol der; h-fortifr. S3 being , " p outer c f 49-.Persisa til toward 3L T Ski faTe 13 tH it c 1 1 e id r- r .1 w i: 'til O A -A J-'T-by mesnj . r ef r--- r? l-X Mwehicleal '5 4 : .'tweem ; : ; e . . " - tine .nou eaav4a. w xerssi UTTER USE FAVORED PORTLAND. Ore., (AP) R. H. Kipp, executive secretary of the Columbia Valley association, returned from an lit e-mfle trip through eastern Oregon nd Washington with the report that interest m development of the Co lumbia river is increasing rapidly in the wheat belt of Oregon and Washington. DM1 HOME Spacious Residence to Re place One Destroyed in Recent Fire McCOT. June 3 Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Finn will erect a beautiful new home to take the place of their home which burned early this spring. The'new home will be built this summer and in the same location as the old one. ' The excavation for the base-- ment is already pretty well under way. Dallas Chiistensen left Sunday- morning for Canada where he has relatives and plans to stay some time. Mr. Henry Domes and children. Pauhne and Wayne were shopper In Salem Saturday. Mrs. Lewis Lynch and Miss Eva Christensen were hostesses for s miscellaneous shower given Sat urday afternoon 4n honor of Miss Helen Richards. Mrs. Morris Christensen has been very III tor the past week. but is reported as being better OV. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Brooks of Portland visited at the Frank;. Brooks home Sunday afternoon. Miss Beatrice Hawley and her mother, Mrs. Fred Jennings were la Corvallis Monday. Miss wfnona Finn was home from Airlie Friday and Saturday, Miss Mens- Brooks was a Salem caller Saturday afternoon. Mr. . and Mrs. Frank . Brooks were in Hlllsboro Wednesday end Thursday visiting Mr. ' Brooks brother, Claude. Miss Claudia e Murphy and Miss Florence Snodgra of Amity ware guests of Miss Betty LOu Fine Thursday and Friday. Mfss Marjorle Walling and Low ell Purvine called at the Brooks home Saturday afternoon. Mr,, and Mrs. J. P. Peterson vis ited relatives la McMlnnville Fri day afternoon. A merry crowd of young folks surprised Mr. and Mrs. Donald Shields with a chlvaree party Tuesday evening. Everyone had a Kyitt Faa WU1 Graduate From N.YJfA.Jme$ McCOY, Jane S. Cadet Ryder W. Fisa, aoa of Mr and Mrs. Waldo Finn of Mc Coy, will graduate June 6 from the New York Military cadeaay. Cadet Finn entered the academy two rears ego, after having graduated from Amity high school. He will work oa a boat, which travels wp end dowa the Hudson river this sum mer had will resume his sta diea ta the east this fall to prepare himself to take a competitive examination for an apeoiatmeat to the Unit ed States Military academy at West Point. lively time Including the newly4 weds who have only been mar ried a ehort time. J. W. De Pries, who has not been home for e number of months, is home on e short visit. Mr. DePries has been working as engineer on a freighter and has visited the South Sea Islands and Mexico. He expects to stay about one week. -Miss Eva De Pries motored to Portland Thursday morning with her cousin. Lulu Grahle where she Joined her mother, Mrs. J. W. Do Pries, end aunt. Mrs. Mabel Flet cher and accompanied them to Illwaco where they spent the week end. Herbert Parr Is working for Waldo Finn. Donald Ewingls Injured by Fall BRUSH COLLEGE!. June t Sunday Is generally conceded to be a "good" day but did not prove so to Donald EWlng who Sustain ed two broken bones tn his era below the elbow when a step on the stepladder on -which- he was standing to pick flowers, broke, giving him a nasty tall. An x-ray examination showed the bones would knit nicely not necessitating setting them. Don aid is the IS year eld son of Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Ewtng of Brush College. BID HNS SH SHverton Boy Will Spend Year in Law Work in European Countries SILVERTON. June 8 Ronald Hubbs. who has been spending a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Hubbs, is leaving this week for Los Angeles where he wilt board the North German Loyd liner for Hamburg. Mr. Hubbs - just completed his second year of law at the tlnirer sity of Oregon where he was a member of the Alpha Tau Omega social fraternity, the Phi Delta Phi, International honorary law fraternity, and the Friars, the senior men's honorary fraternity. Mr. Hubbs .plans to study abroad for a year. His headquarters will be at the University of Brussells but he: hopes to follow the Euro pean custom of studying part of the time at various universities. If he reaches Holland In time he will study International law at The Hague this summer. Mr. Hubbs is being accompan ied to Europe by Howard Sturgess Of Vancouver, Wash., who is a fraternity brother of his. Stur gess has been studying in Belgium for the past year and has Just now been home tor a short vacation. ClliOUE SHO L TO HflVE-PlCNlC CLOVERDALE, June S The Cloverdale school closes with a pletrie Thursday. A big time and basket dinner Is planned. Miss Rachel Garner will help Mrs. Ivan Hadley this summer. Mr. and Mrs. Iran Hadley and Mr. -and Mrs. Arthur Kunke at tended the Decoration day exer cises in Salem Friday. Misa Olga Garner apent the past week at home here, her health not permitting her return to her work in Salem. Mrs. Fred Schif ferer and Miss Mildred Schltferer were - Salem visitors Saturday. Mrs. Maty Peetg of Turner was calling in Cloverdale neighbor hood Friday. Miss Mildred Schif ferer an em ployee of Salem spent Friday here. Ivan Hadley is fencing his fam, he has several men employ ed helping la this work. Sam Drajer of Salem called on his mother, Mrs. C. Drajer here recently. Mr. end Mrs. N. Hamilton of Salem visited Cloverdale Sunday. Miss Sybil Peets of Portland, visited here with N. Hamilton Fri day. Mrs. Hattie Busick of Salem called on friends here Sunday ereping. Eains Injure JVuit Crops; Grass Benefits MARION, June S The con tinsftus rains are doing consider able damage to the strawberry and cherry crop in this locality and if weather conditions do not change this crop will be extremely short here. Grass and grains are being considerably benefited how ever by the late rains. Mrs. t Hubert Dane left Satur day for 'a two weeks visit with rel atives in Seattle. Miss Marlon Barber came down from Salem Saturday and accom panied her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Barber on an auto trip (o Cloverdale Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Smith of Portland came down for a Sunday visit at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Lee Smith. J. A. Doerfler had as Sunday guests Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Glover ot Creswell, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Doerfler of Albany and Orvll Doerfler. Miss Bonnie Haack came down from Mill City Saturday where she has been teschlag school the past year and will spend her sum mer vacation here with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Haack. Miss Haack has been retained as teacher la the Mill City school for another year. Mr. and Mrs. Blain Stanley ot Portland visited with their aunt and nnclev Mr. and Mrs. U. F, Terhnne Sunday. CiPBEU EH IIBPUIIE TBIP San Francisco to Portland Hop Made in Five Hours PERRYDALE, June 2 J. A. Campbell returned home by air plane Friday afternoon. He left San Francisco at 9:30 o'clock in -the morning arriving In Po'rtland at 2:30 the same day. He enjoy-; : ed the. trip very much. Mrs. Campbell returned Sun-' day evening with Mr. and Mrs., George McCuliah. They drove : through leaving San Francisco Friday morning. The two families -have been sight seeing in Califor nia and Mexico for more than two weeks. Aladine Campbell and Douglas Miller went to Sheridan Friday to play in the Junior band for the memorial exercises, Aladine ac companied Mr. and Mrs. Alvia Thorntoa to Dallas to spend the weekend after the program. Several families from here went ' to the Evergreen cemetery at Me Mlnnevllle, Memorial day. J. E. Houk and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Miles Houk. and Mr. and . Mrs. C. E. Corey of Salem had a basket lunch In the park in Me-' Minn villa at noon. Mrs. L. Conner returned to Me ?r Mlnnville Saturday after apending V. 1-1 . l.i. V J - jneiuuriai aay wua aer u&uguicr. $ Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Elliott went i to Corvallis Saturday to stay the weekend and attend graduation exercises on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. c. L. Gllaon ac companied by Mrs. Win. GUson of Dallas were In Philomath om . business Saturday. Miss Helen. McMillan spent the weekend in Portland with her parents. She returned Monday ; morning. Miss TJieda Ned row visited -Sunday with her parents here, Theda is employed in Portland. Dr. James G. Keedham, profes sor of entomology at Cornell, has been awarded the King senior me- mortal medal by the Peaking So ciety of Natural History. i , ? MICKEY MOUSE "On The Right Track' By IWERKS fl J f -IAWG OH MUMNIt J 'QW.MOiy. lMBCTTNGa OEt, MICKEY, BVJT ) n J . NEXT STOP I "POLUY AND HER PALS" "This Place Called Home Sweet Home By CUFF STERRETT. lliW AT-; il f XJtt r4APTAiSO$feT V J J it 6GDS! A 1 60M KfSP) f i ':jp!i-w r ' . - 0-ZZ- UTTLE ANNIE ROONEY 4The Labor Question -"j 1 ktjT ' - -MbJA eve Mcsrice , zeco ;f Da - orpma.w tflt THAT JLjX L WHEtte -rveee'S soweowE't hu,ii. ' VuX)oiLr pdc2. rN M j2!; By BEN BATSFORO ITS ACAliiST THE : LAW .TO MICE A k:it . UUDER ACPL PUT- I'M T4KUJ : A "MAUCP PACK THE Li pooch cove 4Ck avd I LL OlVc. tOU A JOB 'pcucu44rrriwc pocl a ; 4 TOOTS AND CASPER A?ljtigbiig iiat ter THAX COLONEL 7 f AJHOJE. EVER6TT TOOWW9 ARE TWK UlkAt 70LPMArUrsY. I TllJll rvT 111 hCL. - a f nrv i jin.! lHTI LKS ivwlwar -, By JiMMYTwlURPHY 4 iXf iMVmm m .-'- m a aa. . . .(----. w - - -" - a sr a i - - sv i m m s sm a ria a m r-m .. i . . i a m ! nr mi - - . - - - mm - aw w m fbs s t- h .isr . r - , - a. 1 iftr TZJ liA3lVrTl 1p?hwI : A : ------ . : - ,i.X . --. - J - i " - " . - -' " ' - ' -- r -: ;..,r -- i -i. -t :-- . j s.. -.r -.-. . - - ' - - .- . . . . . . . . -- . . f - - 1 - - - v - . . . , --- - : - "- - - . " -. r - -.- . -. ., . - . ---. : -.- L- - . v -c-- f- . ,- . - r - -