PAGE FOUR Tne OREGON STATESMAN. Saleau Oreiraiu Wednesday Mornlng3nne 4, 1930 - . - "NoTavor Sways I); No Fear Shall Atce.1 From First .Statesman. March 7 S. 1831 m ' THE STATESMAN PUBLISHING CO. CHAXLE3 A. SrSAGl'ErSBEtSOM F. SaCKETT, Publiskrrt VcIhIbles A. Spbaccb - - - Editor-Manager ShtlOON P. SACxrtr - - - Managing-Editor Member off the Associated Press Th -Associated Press Is esclustvsty entitled to the cm for pbf eatlon si alt news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited" In this paper. Pacific Coast Advertising Representatives: Arthur W. Stypes. Inc., Portland, Security Bide. Ban Francisco, Sharon Bid. : Los Angeles, W. Pae. Bide Eastern Advertising Representatives: -Ford-Farsons-STeebert Inc., New York, 171 Madison Ave. Chicago. SCO N- Michigan .Ave. Entered at the Postoffice at Salem, Ortgonas Second-Clatm Hatter. Published every morning except Monday. Businest office 215 S. Commercial Street. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Mall Subscription Rates, in Advance. Within Oregon ; Daily and Sunday, 1 Me, cents; X Me. SX.15 ; Mo. $2.25; 1 year 14.04. Else where (0 rests per Ha or 5-0 for 1 year la advance. By City Carrier: SO cenu a month; f 5.(0 a year in advance Per Copy 2 cent trains, aad Mews Steads rests. Glass of 1930 THE class of 1930 steps upon the stage, rehearses its brief part, and makes its exit from classic halls -to enter the hurly burly or the drudgery of the everyday world. The sea son of graduation is upon us again. In every hamlet schools are closing and classes are being dismissed with diplomas certifying they have finished the course. These are great daysfor the young people. Those whose hair is-turning grey need not look upon youth with such cyn ical smiles. They were young once themselves and should recall how thrilled they were at high school graduation. Nr dowe sympathize with the old critics who make fun of the youth who finish high school and college for the' disillusion ment which they assert awaits youth when it enters into practical -affairs. .. i Our young people are more sophisticated today. No more do they have graduating orations on how they will solve the problems of the world and how they will slay the dragons of Error and Inertia which retard human progress. Youth has its eyes open; and realizes full well that a diploma is only a scrap of paper so far as gaining real success in life is con cerned. Our graduates do not anticipate that they are going to perform Herculean feats in cleaning the Augean stables of politics or transforming society or solving problems of in dustry. Their first concern is to get a job and win out at the job.- We hope however that with all their sophistication youth will still cling to some measure of the idealism which is its birthright. Where indeed are we to get renewal of our faith if not from bright-eyed, intelligent, earnest young people, who having been trained in the schools, having been edu cated in the theory of good citizenship and wholesome con duct, enter into active life with the hope that they can make real contribution toward bettering conditions in the world? Save us from the graduates who are cynics when they leave school. Their souls are calloused, and they offer faint promise of return to society for educating them. No" give us high school and college graduates who are cheerful, who want to live, who want to "do something, who have real purpose in life, and the mental and moral equip ment to enable them to attain something worth while. We shall not make fun of them for exuberant idealism. No in deed, we shall greet them heartily, and wish them well as they straighten their shoulders, to the load of civic duty and moral responsibility which those it the end of life must each year lay aside. Of f to a Fresh Start COINCIDENT with the offering this week of $300,000,000 in German reparations bonds issued under thje Young plan, it may be said that Germany if off to a fresh start. The Dawes plan gave war-wracked Germany one start and ' the rebuilding of German industry was rapid. The : Dawes plan was indefinite as; to the term' of payment. While Ger many faithfuly met every condition of the Dawes plan, the time came when a final settlement of the reparations diffi culties would-have to be made. That settlement was concluded at Paris last year by a commission -whose moving force was Owen D. Young, and the plan is called in bis honor, the Young plan. Under it the gross amount of German obligations for reparations was fixed at around eight billions of dollars. The terms of payment were decided on, and to facilitate exchange from Germany to the other countries a Bank for International Settlements has been created and is now functioning. It succeeds the War "Repar ations Commi&sion. The bond issue is the next step in the plan and the bonds are being offered this week in'the United States and in other leading countries of the world. The portion allotted to the United States is $80,000,000; the bonds are priced to yield a little over 6ft. Sinde the national 'debt of Germany was ex tinguished through the'depreciation of theirfark, the burden imposed by the reparations is no greater than the normal national debt of a country like Germany. The load will be much easier than the peak payments under the Dawes plan, so there is every asusrance that Germany will meet the ob ligations imposed on it under the Young plan and by the terms of this bond issue. ir To the world this means, we hope, the final easting of accounts respecting the financial settlement of the war. With this issue settled the nations of Europe can go ahead with some confidence in their economic security. The result should be a stimulus to German industry, making it a better market for American prcdticts.This adjustment may be just what is needed to make foreign trade get back into its stride, which would have a stimulating effect in all countries of the world. . - l " mere snouia De no tmucuuy w tusposing i me oyv 000.000 issue in this country. The previous issue of German 7's are now selling much above par and much above the call price. - , Tom Turner, Portland basebaU magnate, vents his. spite on taft Gregory, Oregonlan sports writer, for printing a letter from a; ran which rave Turner a good panning. He voids Gregory's pass and forces him te'elt a paid seat tt the frandstaad.if he wants nort the came. This I tannest ioke ef the week. To be consistent. Turner onght to bar -all newspaper writers from the vicinity of! the ball park. Just tor that theferOand paperr aright clip-the eetoma of free pubucltyfand Turner might aulckly "set up a honor Tor Ire space. . -. . , ' i ; r The Portland Journal la la a great fret because of the bad talk ot Wildcat Bob Duncan who abused Editor Irvine, 1st UtM criticism at all ot the attorney for its chief advertiser who vtllined members of the supreme court. Evidently to the Journal It makes a difference which ex Is doing the goring. i Today Talk I It Is surprising and encouraging how much health- propaganda we can see and; hear these days. From the newspapers, on the radio, la the t pulpit, go admonitions to aU for right lir- . Health , has positive quali ties. "Health is wealth," Health eertainly Is wis dom! Health to a condition, of well-beings of hiMiniit Ufa and vitality and no one can af ford to neglect The value of proper living lies in promoting; better health, and these -are no mere words. We lust have to live properly In order to maintain good health. . The summer Is an excellent time to get one's self in good shape for the winter; when coldmists "blow; in from the sea, and chill eajit winds howl down ' the . chimneys. Sudden changes of. temperature in the - autumn days bring rainy -weather and wet feet after balmy days, when light clothing is the vogue. Colds dispose us to easy in- l lection if - we have not built tor health In the meantime. Everyone should build up "re sistance "to disease, te Sadden weather changes by. good, vigor oiu exercise every day in tee oafc-df-doors and sunshine. Yeaean do li, and I can do It, no matter whets we' are. It lost takespenre- verance and stlck-to-iuivaneaa- - These preventive measures for health mean constant habits, of right living. It does not mean too long a tramp one day, and none the next. Overindulgence in food or drink one night, and none the next. When we once have health, we must keep it. , , Our doctors will help and do help Immeasurably. But our fates are surely in our own hands. No physician can promise to cure ev ery ailment we have, but he can' help; in preventing it. -Having thorough physical ex amination at least once a year is wt in entirely new.ea. Thous ands pursue this course every year, with the result that health promotion and the prevention of disease are intelligently conducted affairs. Tour doctor, consulted in tlme prevents many an ailment that: you may never know of. By consulting him you are conserving your; health, and also you are In line to be; cured of any Incipient disease which may be lurking In tne pacKground. This matter of consulting your family doctor in order to eon serve raur ewn- heallh and vnr family's health does another thing. in tne ease or a patient who finds upon examination that he - has some Incurable phrsleal defect. he li ablai to take better eare t Himself, and worries less ' wader the guiding band of -his physician than! he J possibly eonld -rhen "lurking In the shadows of th morbidly unseen.' . . The ttforal of this is. sea war family doctor wften'xor his eousw sel ind a: physical examination, and so conserve your health- v yourself physically fit by an out- oz-aeers lire during the long sum mer days.; The eonserraUon ef health is rup to you, s-aeaeaMMawssat Answers to Health Qoerle J. Q. What causes a nafn on my right side below the belt? My appendix Is aU right. a -What can he dona for aaaal caurrh? :. A.iYon may be troubled rith constipation or ras in tba Intes tines. Correct your diet and keep the Intestinal tract clear. z--speclal treatments la advi. able.' . . Mi J. Q. What Is the cause of herpes coster or shingles. A.i Some kind of body nolsmt Is responsible for the trouble as a ruier; out tne exact cause is uncer tain Overwork and worry are fac tors In most Instances. You should hsrs; a thorough physical examln atloa and follow yonr doctor's ad vice as to treatment. MRS. 9. b. Q. What should a woman ot I, S ft. 1 In. tall weigh? J -What would be a suitable blood pressure for a woman or this St Tould the blood ressar ar1 bearing' on severe pains in the hack of th neck and head? " ; ; i - . ; .iA.-too should weigh 'about 129 pounds. ... " -ftrA6,lt or .:Tes, ttesw symptoms may be IndlcaUve of ab aornial blood . pressure, although they may-be caused by other dis turbances as well. Have your blood pressure tested so that def- uu aavice may te outlined. ; j! y , . . CoJCJ.What causes catarrh ths earand what treatment u advised f . - ; . MOOVlRODUCnON I y iwaKwisaSiiasiii iaavisssseaswet ., s&Q ; WLL. BTTS for BREAKFAST By R. I. HENDRICKS "WD1 (ERIE'S EN fl LY?D W. 1nf CAROLYN WELLS ! . 1 I CHAPTER XLV Doctor Eaton left the sickroom with a heavy heart He knew a lot abont the results ot shell shock. and this present case showed many similar symptoms. His diagnosis, corroborated by his confreres, was that the whole lllne. of Emily was the result ot shock by some frightening occurrence or series of occurrences. The latter most likely, tor one shock, however great could scarcely reduce a strong, healthy girl to this piti able,1 trembling wreck ot humanity. , But the doctors all agreed there was nothing to be done but watt and let mature do all it could by Itself In a recuperating way. EmOy took the nourishment they offered and swallowed milk or broth naturally and with tao turwiillngness. This led to a more assured opinion that ' physically there was little 'the nutter with her. Bat when the sedative effect woc atf and eoasetoaxnes began to return; than cam about the ter rible spells of hysteria aao appar ent dementia. Abont. dawn- Emny had One ' ax these attacks and became- so vio lent that they , ware obliged to re strain hfr try tores. "I must get out Of the window" she cried, not loudly, but with low. piteous tooan. 1 must get out of the window!" ' "Tea, dear." soothed the Arse. "Tes, you. shall -tret out ot the window. Just wait untu after noon. Take a little nap first" And so receptive was. Emily's disordered brain that she obeyed and went to sleep as suggested. Then in a moment she was wild again, teasing tier restless head and throwing her arms about Patiently the nurse soothed her and tried to calm her. Sometimes the efforts were saecessf ul, some times not. oat tae nurses, fre quently relieved, were indefatiga ble and persistent in their deter mination to do their part toward the recovery of Emily Duane. Not only was it a celebrated case, as well as the most import ant and Interesting case the hos pital had ever had In Its brief ca reer, but they all loved EmUy, they ail admired Rodney, and they outvied one another In their work We aren't sure whether Caesar Mussolini will Involve Italy with France or notr but we wreead, wire Wither country ean-get any help from the U.8JU This country got enough of foreign wars to last it for a few generations. . . . - " M r . - 'HfTTTi .hi 8 , j' j. j-j 1 ' They will have to Intent some new handicaps for Bobby Jones Here he is eomfsg "home with -the" British atiateur chaxsptwaahlp In golf. He la just too perfect for the present game. - ' - The Oregonlan-. is doing plenty ot apologising for Joseph; per haps thatVlll satisfy the supreme court. (. - . WILI BUILD SHirS . S PORTLAND. -Or e. (A P) Kenneth D. - Dawson, rice-pre si dent and general manager of the v-Statet,"Stamshtp company -1 said construction of five fast passenger ships tor operation between New Tork, Portland,' and - the Orient awaits only the opening ot bids at Washington. D. C. June! 2s, and the executlion ot a mail earry tor'eantractrtt the -Porttadrnld 'Is aaeessfui-'-'--. " rarigs fA-The troblr.trpToUftlyne to a . catarrhal condition of the "aM.throt which has.affaeU ost- b elearetf up first of alk For full particulars send .as self-addressed, stamped envelope and repeat year sjueUl f for You fcrtoday ; " ...j The rolasae of a pyramid' with a square base-Is 9 f cubic inches and Its height li inches. What does side of the base measure? Answer to Testerday'a Problem I847.S0, 1.14S per cent: Ex planationMultiply $100,000 by 7-S per cent. $7S,000 hy - per cent and 151,000 by 2-2 per cent: add: last two results and subtract from first. Add S7E.O0 end mttBttrauhtract ttoth "t 2 OO.t 00, 1 anr details, and -the she said belter -go- hem and freshen ap and get his breakfast i ; "Ton ran breakfast here It ya like," he went en,' smiling at htm "hut Tm sure you'll fare better at Knollwood. And you can't sse Miss Duane today in any , case. Pernaps not for several days. I "But he getting better. She's doing-aBr right?" begged Rodney, aad the nurse was moved to give htm 'seme "details: "Tes;itshesald. picking her words carefully, "she's doing jaU th doctors can expect or hope tor at present. They want to build her up, physically, before she ls'atjes noned -orrrelx spoken to." r S 5. - "Has she said anything at alit" Nothing coherent I was with her about three or four e'cldck, when: she woke suddenly and seemed to want to talk. I didn't uUseoaraga' her exactly. . and 4he tried hard to say something. Bet she couldn't et the words right. Then she "waved her arms abont aad said thickly. 'Cant talk feet pen-- fer t 'offered her a pencil and a paper pad.' But she dsly stared at me and said 'No, ne get pen Wall, of course. I did n't dare to bring pen and ink tot she's likely to fling It all ever th sheets, so I said Tea, dear, to morrow we'll ret a .en for yon,' and she smile ualmost rationally, andl dropped eft t alap llk-a lamb." . . ... -. . ijf Rodney listened, glad to hear and divide into ttUM. be seen She -wants- to ten Of her experiences bnt she can't com mand her speech yet. If the doc tor will let you, give her a pea today, nut of course, don't do anything he thinks unwise." "No. sir," said tLe nurse, de murely, quite willing to let this nice young man think he was giv ing her valuable advice. Sayre irent back to Knollwood, greatly heartened by his talk with the nurse. It brought Emily nearer to him to , hear these de tails of what shelwas doing and saying. Had he known ,tbn real truth of her terrible night, he would have felt less secure of her ultimata recovery. At the breakfast table aM tried to be cheerful and hopef uL Aunt Jady -was frankly jubilant over Emily's return and was aura that she would be aer own self again. . Pete - was worrying -abont the police. Ho hadn't mentioned It, but he felt sure the moment Em Uy was well enough they would arrest her for Folly Feanlngtosrs murder. Emily arrested for murder f The idea -was so absurd as to seem Im possible, but Pete -know hew strongly Lawlor believed In the girl's guilt, and whatever the out come might be It would mean a lot of-trottble and publicity. Betty was a little downcast, for she had had a relative who had lost his mind through the effects of shock, and she secretly feared for Emily. Fleming Stone, pleasant and kindly as always, was abstracted and thoughtful. He roused to sharp attention when Rodney related what the nurse had told him. For Sayre, so pleased himself to learn details of his darling's doings, wasted to pass the story on to Interest Aunt Judy and Betty. Bat of them all Stone showed the deepest Interest "Tell that again, Sayre " he said, excitedly. "Tell It exactly as the nurse told it to you." Nothing loath, Rodney repeated-It att, befng careful to quote the exact words of the nurse. "1 shall have to go right to New York," Stone said, as they rose from the table. "Pete, you keen- aa. eye and ear for anything that may happen. Of course, no- chanced to he unlet, a nurse tort1i Jf occasion te.teU Eedney he had Li if1. rrhank yon, nurse. It's plainvte thank She the aunes a full account ef any thing she 'says or does, it rtnj mean everything In our search for the villain who brought all tale about. I shall stop at the hospital before 1 go tethe train, for there may be some further news.". Stone hurried off, and though wondering what had given him this new Impetus they could scar cely think It was Emily' sugges tiea etwrltlnrwhat she could mt ay. : , And yet tt was. .- 1 Fleming Stone stopped -dtlhe hospIUl en his way te the station and sakd forvDoctor Eaton and for the nurse who "had been with Emily during the early morning aotira.rA.:- t yj. 1 V . "jronsee, dcoter," the detct lvasald. "our susplcUas are' well founded.-1 dost knew where En Uy has been pt these past six days,: btwe-do knsw-wb 'kept her captive. ' Wo dont know hrv sho got out, and.-wa catft know until either she or her captor does ten ns." . . - They talked a few moments longer and then the nurse they had summoned appeared. ' "Has Miss Duane said anything rational? Stone asked Jaer. ' U?t tatloatoehe repned "Bt;nhe:hbles V. great 'deal. Most of It Is incoherent and'of 'no sense at an. -Bat some em phrases recur eonUaaally. Xha -t always asking for a pen, but given either a pen or pencn. ' she eaanot nse marks en the paper, aad then throws them1 down. And she says over and over 'double yon, double yon." whether she means the let ter W or what she means, I don't know. But it's everlastingly, Mouble yon, double you, and once she said clearly, 'Remember,' dou ble you( end then she went off into unconsciousness again." "Thank yon, Stone said speak ing so fervently that the nurse stared. (To be continued) Editorial Comment From Other Papers AS OTHERS SEE THINGS There are only two newspaper editors In Washington state and Colonel Robertson of tba Takfnta Republic Is both ef them. He got off the following interesting Interesting comment on the pri maries In Oregon and Pennsyl vania; "The nomination of Mr. Joseph; by the republicans ef Oregon for governor is pointed to by corres pondent was another victory ever the newspaper press because near ly all the Webfoot editors were opposed to the gentleman. We don't consider the affair as much ot a victory. Joseph was nomin ated by about 25 percent of the votes cast; only about one-third of the people took the trouble to go to the polls and vote at alt The Oregon press has nothing to be ashamed of. It merely did its duty by Its publle in opposing Jo seph. - The newspaper cannot make the individual rotor, or any group of voters, do aaythlnr. It is one ot the Inalienable privil eges of the people to do the wrong thing, and often they do It for no better reason than to turn down advice." "The defeat ot Old Man Grundy In the Pennsylvania primary was hot, as some one says, a triumph for decency in politics of the KeystOM state. Grundy, a little boss of many excellent traits, was 'uggernauted by the machine owned by the big bosses: because he .got over Into tnefr -territory; In-plain and modem ' terms, the highjacked the old. man. Davis! I who was nominated by the'-nra-4 uui,iu as ; sooa except in one important war. He will do what taskmasters tell him. : The Ma chine couldn't put Brown over for governor, pinchot got that nomination and it ha is elected will be hu oir iaau, which is only a little worse than being in con trol of the machine." ester days irCrOUOrcsta Town Talks froanxW; Per Fathers gad A JbMO 4. IMS The lnnntl nnuVr A'itiTa Ion, -edited hy thwntedeniS'Ol the Salesx Wti school has jasl made ttppearance,It has tteea weir patronized htho local fcerchanU. Salem Lodge, No. li; Deaet Honor.' held electfoa with th toU lowlna- iwulu: Jars.: Jessie Pugh, delegate f or thsarandrJodge; sirs. Grace Johnson, alternate delegate; Mrs. Margaret West chief of hon or; MrsLueretia Burton retard enirrs. Msry A: ThaUherrfllasnit flent; LI. i ' : tier; Mrs. Carrie Holrhaa. recellrfttnt' er; Mrs. Oertrude eatriady of uvauir. an. abbs BUiler, Chief. Of ceremonies; - Mrs. Luda tCrpssaa, nsherr MrtiArabeua Bailey, ln- kes meealngless4 sida watch. -."j; The provisional government: S V Quoting Bsncroft ftrlctly from this point on s "The fourth ana last article of the land law tor sade all persons to hold claims rupon city or town sites, extensive water privileges, or other situa tions necessary for the transac tion of mercantile or manufactur ing operations. Like all the im- Iportant acta ; of the legislative committee, tne uno iaw wa mo mark ot Shortess, who was, at this period of his history. In close sympathy with the Methodist mission. The fourth article was directly designed to take from John McDoughlin his claim at Oregon City, but when the motion waa put to adopt the law as a whole, there arose considerable argument, the mission having also laid claim to a portion of the land at Oregon City, and hav ing erected mills on the island at the falls. In order to antet this discussion and satisfy the mis sion,, a proviso was proposed 'that nothing In these. laws shall bo so construed as to effect any claim ot any mission ot a relig ions character, made previous to this time, ot an extent not more' than six mies square-' "The reports of the various committees having been adopted, Jason Lee, Harvey Clark, and David Leslie were chosen a com mittee to draught and adminis ter an oath of office to the per sons elected en the 2d of Msy, and- to the supreme judge, who should thereafter enaUfy all civU and military officers elected by the people. Burns having to signed his office as Justice ot the peace, Moore was chosen la his place. James OTiell was also chosen Justice ot the peace for Yamhm district and Amos Cook constable. Joel Turnham waa elected constable tor Cbampoolck district, la place of Bridges, who had gone to California. "The choice of an executive committee was a matter of more moment, and the subject of active canvassing; It finally fell on Da vid Hill, Alanson Beers, and Jo seph Gale. None of these men had influence enough to be dan gerous to the peace ot the com munity r two belonged to the set tler class and the third was but a lay member ot the mission. The i oath of office was administered the same day. by motion ot the meeting, and thus the whole business of starting the machin ery of the first . government of Oregon was concluded. . "With regard to the influence of the Methodist mission on the organisation of a temporary gov ernment, the student of history can arrive at but one conclusion. The first object of the mission was to secure large tracts ot land. Having made their choice, finding the United States government slow to act in the matter ot bound ary "and title, and fearing the en croachment of immigrants who might dispute with them their right to a land monopoly in cer tain localities. It was their only recourse to secure the establish ment of a temporary government, or even as independent one, which should confirm by law the claims already taken or that might be taken, under the law. It was not their policy to Seem to be more anxious than other men, but rather to strive to make the set tlers anxieas about their welfare, and to nse them to promote their own' ends. "The scheme of government framed by the legislative commit tee ot 1142 had a political signifi cance - imparted to it by Robert Shortess; which was not compre hended by the majority ef Amer ican settlers who voted for It By making its basis the ordinance of 1717, passed by congress for the government of the territories north of the Ohio river, besides its other excellent- provisions. It was intended to settle the"' Ques tion of slavery west of the Rocky mountains, as had been done -in the northwestern states. Also by extending Jurisdiction over the whole of Oregon up to the time the United States should take possession ot the country, the right of Great Britain to any part of It was ignored a step In ad vance ot the position, publicly tak en at this time by the government itself. "It is doubtful If, when all was done, the British residents of the territory, even McLoughUn him self, fully recognised the Impor tance of what had taken place. This was the mistake which he often made In regard to American enterprises. . Ho was slow to learn the difference betWeen xnea trained to subservtcTier. and the quick- reasoning and alert Inde pendence pt 4ht Americans, who though: sometimes dressed. 'in suns,' possessed ' tho faculty - ot making- themselves masters : of whatsoever destiny fortune laid upon them." a Robert Shortess, mentioned by Bancroft as noted above, was a attire of Ohio. Bat ho came to Oregon from Missouri with the Peoria party,-in 1229-40. He-'waa a man-Ot eod attainments sind extensive reading. Ho wU Con- veTtedV-as he expressed It "from a-atate ef gloomy infidelity.! by the Methodist r missionaries. ' He was an extremist In party feelings. aao at once roraed prejudices against the rsle of the Hudson's Bay company, v Jit -was , the an ther la 1242 ef a petition to con gress': arainst the'arbitrary claims aadi protoeedings of - this BrttUb concern nd its chief rf actor. Dr. MeLoushlln. He Invented tho phrajre, : "salmon skin- aristoc racy," a applied to the principal ofOeent ot that company. W, H. Gray, '"who thoronrhiv .--.m. thlzed with his anti-British spirit; said he and many others should have a pension for maintaining the rights of Americans on the west coast . , Lneatnrrifta -nm oers, oi the Applegate covered wagon , train of 1 142 .at The Dalles with-s canoe load f'pro rUUmzZi He wad chosen ont I ot the Judges ot Clatsop county -by the provistonal gorernment legts- lamrajB, Asia. He was severelr woaaded ' in the wreck of the steamer Gazelle, of the upper Wil lamette, in 18S3, by the blowing up of her boiler at her wharf at Canemah eauslng the most ser ious disaster that ever occurred In Oregon waters, killing 22 peo ple and Injuring a number of others, several of whom soon died. What was left of the wreck was run over the falls and rebuUt Into the steamer Senorita. After wards the boilers were used in the first of the pioneer boats called the Hassalo. S V Shortess died in 1877 near As toria, where he lived as a recluse. Men of his type, embittered against slavery, were responsible for -placing in the Oregon state constitution clauses against the coming of either slaves or free men of the colored race. S V The land laws enacted by the provisional government were con firmed on the admission of Ore gon as a territory- AU the pro tective measures for the mission hofdings were retained, and their claims were lost only through the death of Jason Lee and the break ing up of the missionary organi sation. "U It was stated in this column in this series, concluded today, on the making ot the provisional government, that Dr. John Mc LoughUn. was the first governor ot the vast "Oregon country, and that after Jason Lee came they together divided ; the rule 'tilt February 12, 1242, when, the day after the 1 Swing Young funeral, what was called the first provis ional 'government by Bancroft was set tip. But there was a sem blance of American government even before this, for In 1838 David Leslie was named justice of the peace by the Methodist missionaries, and dispensed jus tice la the Willamette valley, in 1241 a canoe. in which were some of the goods ot the family of Rev. VT. H. Kone, missionary, was upset in the Willamette river and a box containing some of tha clothing of Mrs. Kone, coming ashore, was picked up by a Ca nadian French settler, whose wife, an Indian woman, appropriated it to her own use. This led to the arrest and trial of the responsible party before Justice Leslie. Many long chapters would b required to explain this, and what followed from it. lEJl'ES COAST 1 FIl K NAVAL AIR STATION, Lake hurst, N J., Juno 3. (AP) Un der a quarter moon, so bright the night sky was blue Instead ot black, the dirigible Graf Zeppe lin floated from the ground at 9:12 (EST) tonight to start its eighth ocean crossing and com plete Its journey across fonr con tinents and two hemispheres. With 22 passengers, four of them women; and a crew of 50. th giant ship lifted lightly Into the luminous sky aad with a roar of its five greats motors headed away for New York and the sea beyond. The departure was uneventful, the ship being towed easily from the hanger by the mobile mooring mast aad scarcely mora than halt a hundred man. Ropes were cast loose. Gutteral orders were bark ed from the open windows of the control cabin where Dr. Hngo Eckener, commander of the ship, superintended the sailing. And then came the final orders to the sailors and marines holding the ropes. A. crowd ef several thousand witnessed the takeoff end as the Graf swung around for New York it passed directly over the breath less watchers. The schedule calls for a stop at Seville, Spain, In fifty hours, a wait of an hour or two there, and then the last 20 hours to Freid richshafen. So will be completed a flight in which there were stops in Europe and both Americas and in which the ship flew over a tip of Africa and twice across tha equator. It was the longest jour ney the Graf has taken except tor her record-breaking flight around the world last year. HUES nueuEsrs " SILVERTON; June 2 Mrs. John Graver (MlW TttUo Foss) is a guest ot her brother, Louis Foss this week. ' , . r Mr. ad Mrt: MslTinfciTiaesi of CoqaWe are visiting, . srtverton mends now, : Mr. RfTiasss Is with the J.-C. Penney tdmpany. at Co aufrie. - Mrsackt-RandalL.-who has been a guest ot her mother, Mrs. O. S. Hangs'' tor the past two monthv left Saturday fer Seattle wherecshe -will now make her home. ; - Mrgy Randall has been with, ner husband la Honolulu for the past feat years. : Mr. Randall ha eea transferred to the states with headquarters at Seattle. , . - Mr? and ;l?fwj ' Sam Loreaxon sent tho -weekend At the, eoast. Glenn Jenkins ;aad-his mother, MiaT Attn Jenkins.' were Sunday visitors at the M.- J. Madsen home. The Jenkins are residents of Port tand.',rf4 v- i ' '. Mrs. lfj. Madsea Is spending a" week: at; the Tiome of her son, Alvln, at Salem. ; AIT 'O: Nelson, who has. Veen' seriously lib tor fho 1 past two weeks. -is On the road to recovery and spends part of each "day at his ouice egauuH. . .. h A no host planer was enjoyed U .the F. 2LV Sylvester home Fri day evaciiag.- Those attending in cluded Mr.- and'Mrs. Edsou Cora tfot1&iSn''X.rKCimnUt. Mr. and Mrs; Ctt43offee, Dr. and Mra. A. J. McCanneL Mr. and Mrs. am.Milesfnd Jannett Graham.