The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Wednesday Morning. Jane 4, 1930 PAGE THREE C 'S DAY iS OBSERVED Trinity Church at Silverton Has Impressive Program On Sunday I i GERVAIS IS PROUD OF SCHOOLS . y. ii i f h I SILVERTON, June 3 Chil dren's day was fittingly observed with special services at Trinity church Sunday morning. Special musical numbers were given by the junior choir and the primary department. The baby daughter of the ReT. and Mrs. L. H. Foss was also christened at this time. The baby was named Patricia Ellse and the sponsors were Rev. Mr. Foss'g two sisters. Miss Ag ness and Miss Magda Foss of Se attle. Mrs. Foss entertained informally at dinner for her visitors Satur day night. FORMER in hkpiciiic K 0 Rue Home in Waldo Hills Scene of Annual Reunion Sunday WALDO , HILLS. June S When ws were In Minnesota" was heard many time Sunday at the annual reunion of the people who formerly lived at Hills. Min nesota. The picnic was held on the spacious lawn of the K. O. Rue farm home. Dinner was served at noon. to 60. Games and stunts and visiting made the af ternoon pass quickly. A business meeting, was held and officers elected as follows: K. O. Rue, president; Arthur Dahl, vice president; Mrs. Arthur Dahl, secretary. Next year's pic nic will be at the Stanley Ray home near Marquam. Mrs. Maude Haberly and daughter, Mildred returned to their home Thursday from The Dalles. Miss Mildred taught Home Economics in the high school at that place and Mrs. Ha berly has spent the school year with her. Roger Comstock accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Rex Russell, Eu genia and Rex, Jr. to their cottage at Waldport; - They left early Fri day morning returning Sunday night It la gratifying to the many friends of A. A. Geer to know he Is improving so rapidly in health. He la busy at bis Job as assessor. RICKEY STUDENTS ENJOY PICUIC RICKEY, June 3 The high school children of Rickey and vi cinity who are transported on bus No. 11 and E. C. Kruger, the driver motored to Hagers Grove Wednesday after school and spent the evening picnicking. Games were enjoyed and later sandwich es, ice cream and cake were served. An especial treat was a cake baked by Mrs. Kruger. Present besides Mr. Kruger, the bus drive were Olivia De Vries, Dorothy Bowen. Leora Gerig. Nel lie Kleen. Mary Sheridan, Susan na Hawkins, Hilda. Balhson, Ida Balhson, Francis Brown, Freda Meyer, Vellma Armstrong, Alice Auftehide, Mary Feskins. Kath leen Llndbeck, Ethel Johnson, Ruth Baumgartner, Margaret Baumgartner, Luella Shaw, Na dine Cam son, Margaret Magee, Kenneth Morgan, Paul Silke, Ray mond Wallace, David Elfstrom, Fred Fogg, Ralph Coulson, Selves ter Honkola, James McKlnney, CUbert Anderson, Walter John 4on, Jim Johnson, Gilbert Faxon, Lawrence Baumgartner, George Beattlng, Simpson. Ham rick, Paul Hamrlek. m V ' I J f -' V V L v. BRUSH COLLEGE - I Old Timers Gather for Annual Picnic on June 7 Liberty Eolk Visit and Entertain Over Weekend J. A. Ferscbwriler, chairman, Gervais school board, G. J. Moisan, active member of school board at Gervais. James D. Brehaut, who has finished his third term as princi pal of CSefvais school. gervais men is BRUSH COLLEGE. June 3 One of the biggest events ot the year at Brush College is- sched uled for Saturday, June 7 when old timers from far and near will gather at the annual community picnic grove for a splendid pro gram, plenty of refreshments fol lowed by sports of all kinds in charge of Dr. C. L. Blodgett. Other committees are: pro gram, A. R. Ewing and Mrs. A. E. Utley; reception, Mrs. U. J. Leh man, Mrs. J. D. Waiyng and Mrs. Harriett; stands, chairman Fred Ewing to choose own committee; parking, Burrell Oliver and Fred Olsen, refreshments. Brush Col lege Helpers; head of publicity. 'Mrs. John Schlndler. GROWING -RAPiDLY Principal and Members of Board Credited With School Progress, BERRY HIS T 111 LA CO! AREA PLEASANT VIEW, June 3 Mr. and Mrs. Frank 'Cook and daughter Leone and Clifford Evans went to LaComb, Sunday, to visit their son, Marion Cook and family. The LaComb district Is in the midst of strawberry picking. Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Shanks and daughter Claire and Liza West fall from Lebanon, vjsited Sun day, at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Cook. ATTEND O. 8. C. GRADUATION ZENAJune 3 Mrs. W. Frank Crawford and daughter Hilda and Wayne D. Henry all of Zena mo tored to Corvallis Monday to at tend graduation exercises at Ore gon State college. Mifca Dorothy Crawford, daughter of Mrs. Lottie Crawford was among those who graduated. By MRS- I. V. McADOO GERVAIS June 3 Com mencement exercises for the Ger vais Union ; High school will be held at the city hall Thursday ev ening, May fifth. There are ten In the class this year, five girls and, five boys. While all eyes are on the graduates at this time of the year would it not be well to think of some of those who have made education possible and 'who have given liberally of their time and effort that the pupils might have this opportunity. James D. Brehaut. principal of the' Gervais school, has held that position for three years and has been elected for two more years at an increase in salary. During his three years Professor Brehaut has established five well-defined courses; has built up the enroll ment from 60 to 95; and last year was the leading spirit in establish ing a bus route.' Twenty-two pu pils, come in on the bus and hav ing the free transportation is re sponsible in a large way for Ger vais high school . having this in creased attendance. Professor Brehaut has had IB years teaching experience. He taught in Canada; three years in Southern Oregon; three years as principal of the St. Helens high school; three years at Sandy Un ion High school; and has been at Gervais three years. J. A. Ferschweiler, chairman of the; Gervais high school board, has been on the school board since the organization of the high school In 1922. He has been a tireless wor ker for the; school and has always done all in his power to make it one of the best in the county. Mr. Ferschweiler has lived on his farm two miles east of Ger vais, practically all his life. He has been a successful berry grow er and is now growing a large or chard of filberts and walnut. Mr. and Mrs. Ferschweiler have seven SILVERTON HE STAGE CLASS NIGH IT SILVERTON, June 3 A pack ed house greeted the senior class Monday night tor- its class night program. Every available seat la the house was taken and many were forced to stand. The pro gram given consisted of the fol lowing numbers: Sarutatorian speech, Franklyn Evenson; class prophecy, Doryce Miller; violin solo, Beryl Ottaway; class will, Roger Comstock; piano solo, Vio let Herlgstad: valedictorian speech. Alma Anderson. As a closing number the seniors sang their class song and "Hail to Old S. H. S." The singing was led by Frances Nelson. Kenneth Williams acted as chairman of the evening. LIBERTY, June S. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ingham and family spent the weekend at Waldport. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Mclntyre spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Browning. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Rose and children went to Albany Friday. Mr. and Mrs. De Marce, parents of Mrs. Leek, have bought the Johnson place. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cleveland and family motored to Shasta City, California, over the week end to visit Mrs. Cleveland's mother. School closes June 12. A com munity picnic will be enjoyed by all. A basket dinner, races and ball games will be the features of the day. Everyone is invited to come with a well filled basket Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ingham will leave immediately for Washington- when school closes. Mrs. Rains and Mrs. Van San ten will attend the Oregon Nor mal school at Monmouth. They will drive from Salem daily. A pleasant time was enjoyed Thursday afternoon by all who took part In winning' the silver cup In the community talent con- test. Ice cream and wafers and peanuts delighted the kiddies Eighth grade examinations and seventh grade geography examin ations will be given Thursday and Friday. Dixie Rose had the misfortune to run a nail In her foot, Mr. and Mrs. Merle Baltimore and daughter, Phyllis, spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bell. Martena Jones is out of school with the mumps. i guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Behnke of Florence. Mr. and Mrs. Behnke are leaving the last of the week on a three months trip to their old home in Ontario, Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Dencer at tended the graduating exercises at Chemawa Sunday afternoon and again Monday evening. Dr. and Mrs. W. H. . Walker, Mrs. Van Klmmell and Mrs. Van Kimmell's mother, Mrs. Black, motored to Monmouth one day last week. Mrs. Frank Hrubets and Mrs Anna Robbins accompanied Frank Hrubetz to Corvallis Monday, where Frank received his diplo ma from the Oregon State college. Mrs. A. B. Todd and Mrs. Allen Luster . of Forest Grove, Oregon, are guests of Mrs. Todd's sister, Mrs. Anna Robbins. Mrs. Todd is the Washington county Juvenile officer. Mrs. William H. Becker, of Fres no, California, is spending some time with Mrs. Anna V. Robbins. Mrs. Becker has been several weeka vial tine different narts of Ore eon I . Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Richards spent Thursday in Portland. Jack Brant spent the weekend in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. William Du Fresne and sons Bobby and Billy of Portland were dinner guests Sun day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Richards. Mr.- and Mrs. Percy Judd and Harlan Judd motored to Corvallis Sunday where they spent the day with their son, Leslie Judd and" family. Subina Schmidt, a student of home ot her mother, Mrs. K. Schmidt. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Scott had as their guest Sunday Mr. Scott's nephew and his wife. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Scott of Medford. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Holder and three children spent Memo rial day and the wee' end at Nes kowln. Mr. and Mrs. Clarenre Holder, Mrs. Kate Holder and Miss May Shaver, of Salem, visited relatives at Lyons Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Coffey and Lloyd spent the weekend in- Port land. Bruce Cunningham and children went to Shaw Sunday. Two Bets of twins were born within a year to Mr. and Mrs. William Reihl of Oriskany Falls, N. T. 171 S Mrs. W. R. Dallas spent Sun- the Oregon Normal school at Mon day and Monday in Eugene, the mouth spent the weekend at the ANNOUNCEMENT We wish to announce the opening of our, store at our new location ouih Commercial We appreciate your pa tronage in the past and hope we may continue to serve you in our new lo cation. MEDHEEl PLUMBING SUPPLY CO. WHOLESALERS A RETAILERS OF ALL KINDS OF PLUMBING SUPPLIES NOW AT 171 SOUTH COMMERCIAL ST. PHONE MSt . Branches at Port fans' Seattle Taenia Aberdeen . children, four of whom have grad uated from the Gervais high school. One daughter Is mar ried; two daughters are in train ing for nursesjjLnd-Hhe son is as sisting his -father on th farm. G. J. Moisan is always for any thing that means advancement for the schools or the community, and gives liberally of his time. He was bom at Brooks in 1876 and lived at home until be was 22 years of age. He has lived at Gervais since 1902 except about a year when he was in Portland. He came back to Gervais in 1905. He was assistant postmaster for five years under Wm. J. Clark and at the end of that period was made postmaster and served in this capacity uirtil 1916 when there was a change in adminis tration. Mr. Moisan has been a member of the city council since 1905 and has been mayor most of that time. He has' been a member of the grade school board for nine years and on the high school board for six years. He has been in the commission business here since 1916, Mr. and Mrs. Moisan have one son, who is a graduate of Gervais Union High school. G AM ELS are made to smoke MITT SOCIETY 15 PROGRAM SILVERTON, June 3 Rev. H. L. Foss was the speaker at the Sunday meeting of Trinity Young People's society held at Trinity social rooms Sunday afternoon. Rev. Mr. Foss had for his 'sub ject, "What Shall I Do With My Life?' . Other numbers on the after noon program Included a reading by Mabel Strand; piano solo, Nor man .Jensen; selections by male chorus composed of Rev. Mr. Foss, Alfred Jensen, Hans Jen Sen, Victor Madsen, Norman Jen ten and Palmer Trovend; piano duet, Viola Larson and Charlotte Goplemd; horn solo. Rev. Mr. Toss. , - C0IL7S CORED ran io or Gobs Per Why Suffer With w.fia a s : , - junmr mm crops am HOtA Comes Corn BESUUfS GUARANTEED V " NEWEST. BEST REMEDY Ho taSrydoa&izras pads .r fccrainx add get an envelop f O-Joy Com Wafers for jt dimft. Thia as paper, .press one on ttm com rtlhlbf and lipsticks them Shoes rfoe-hurt. Pain lr gone fcnmediately. Dance if 7 . wish, no bother, foss or dangtr. Later, ia the bath, eat comes corn, eaUoasv roots and alL Like tragic, i- Everyone is coin w&a ever O , v Joys, " Broadway was overjoyed; rouwCIbe,too. Ex O-Joy Wafers - lor a dime at druggists, - i ' V":,Vi? -; -; AdT IPI&1L0R3 New Era IKfotmce PaOimtt i I7oi? Ynai? Eloinme There is no investment that pays any larger returns than keeping your house well painted. . And well painted does not only mean that the workmanship Is good, but that the right paint has been used. Cheap paint is not economical because it costs , just as much to apply and only lasts one-half as long. Acme OnaJirv New Era House Paint is made on a stricdy scientific basis. Each batch that is produced is tested for cor rectness of shade, covering capacity and durability, thus insuring the user excel lent results. Acme Quality New Era House Paints, by their beautiful colors blend your -piopeity and its surroundings into one harmonious combination that " adds to the'prkleof ownership . and the "iov of living." $53)V30 GALLON , - ' s&- t-1 V 'J?? :S "" - vc h :-:v: A : fp VJ ft? U ;rypaL. . . - yyi J V! h Zt -v '-X: - ;v '. -x. -, -tv 5 2 k w m t'tt'Sfe-" -vw?.v :. vi : ; x-K: :. -iX:-.m:v: ':.- ' ' 7. -x-:'.-. :x- y'.v::v:v.' T?yv- U&rfP vV-,s i - - - v tr T." i (New Era Acme Quality White $3.75 Gallon) JO? Car fumhure and worjdworE Dries whue you wait.'No experience need-: esimphflcwkoiu Durable. SoU 5rv aMccieyBeckOuaiaxitee.Comesm exquisite colors dust wEl delight 35c Brush and Ui3 Pint Rogers : Lacquer for only 65e) J See the ! Window Display 120 N. Commercial St em, Oregon From the day the choice-leaves of sun-mellowed Turkish and .Domestic tobaccos are first selected for Camel Cigarettes, every step in their manufacture is headed toward just one goal the making of a thoroughly enjoyable smoke. Pleasure, found at its best in Camels, is the only reason for smoking. That's why Camels make no pretense of being any thing but a smoke. Camel is a blend of exquisite smoothness, mild and mellow and marvelously fragrant. Have a Camell O ISSe, ft. J. KMidlf&MM