The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 04, 1930, Page 2, Image 2

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; Only 25 Per Cent of Cold
' Pack Capacity Reported
Available Now -
The. local cannery season ill
not be la fall swing for at least
.tea days, according to managers
of the vsrloua plants. Tnecold
weather has. delayed tbt i ripening
of strawberries to each An ex
tent that the packing plants are
unable to ran to mere than 25 per
cent of capacity and several will
not attest pt operation for tea days
or two' weeks longer.
Hunt Brothers are cold ticking;
Marshall berries but are able to
obtain only 25 per -cent of tbe
amount they are prepared to han
dle. Tbe Northwest Fruit Products
company will not begin far aeme
time. an til "berrte re available In
'sufficient quantity to Justify i a
, start.
; Gooseberry Pack
Finished, Report
, It is understood that Held Mt
docb and company has flniehed
the gooseberry paek and Is eel d
packing and preserving a few
atrawberriea but canning, will not
"be In "fall swing for "some time.
. The Starr Fruit Products "com
pany is working at about 21 per
cent capacity.
Local cherry hoyers are not
discouraged fey the present con
dition Of the eberry crop, despite
the gloomy view of tnaay growers.
Tbey -admit that the -drop has
been heavy but feel that there
'will be a fair crop of eherries and
tiMt the qvaUty will be better
than ta previous yean.
med in wm
Franklin T. Xorell,' republican,
for - representative la -Congress
from the third eongressloaal -district,
Multnomah eouaty, received
21,42 votes at tbe primary elec
tion or 1043 votes to excess of
the iHimber received y I. B.
Sandblast, according to the etfi
eial cttant tabulated by the aeere--tary
of state. Sandbtest received
13,3 1 votes and R. C Cancan
11,479 votes.
J. U. Campbell, of Oregon. City,
for- Justice of the state supreme
cenrt, -position No. S. Teoelved
72, 311 votes as compared "with
41.1 4f received by George 8.
Shepherd of Portland. Harry H.
Belt, noopposod, for justice of the
state sapreme conrt, position No.
6, received 109,204 votes.
C. A. Howard, for state tsuper
tateadent of schools, received
112,664 votes, and C. H. Gram,
unopposed, for state labor com
missioner, 108,741 votes.
r N
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' J, -
4 C
? -
Tbe -figfctiBa; atrefigjh f Um
United etatea Mavy waaad m
roview befrra President Hoover
abort tbhtair aDea la Q At- tba
UnUe Dcea T -tha 3Tirlnlsi tsWk
capes, jovajpictaraffliowa as
Presulant aflbouette -izataa I
ruier 0m 'trbt.
Report Indicates Claims -of.
Deaf Schoio! Read's At-
tacker Unfounded
slauf htar and sentenced ta a term
U.-iba .Uta nitantry, This,
was the opinion nanded down by
the attorney general here Tues-
nay. - -
L'AniBlifMd was narolad br 'Roy r
Kttner ef ,Fnt,' wio err9
aaJehkt ejebntiw sjurlaf 1 l-
sence ox usvernor uicok iroaa toe
state. Ausplund Is now practie-
)ng Is prvfesalon la Portland.
The eplnfon "was ' raqneHed ny
a J. !MoOakrK ecrataryMf
state board of medical examiners.
i;i to m iep
Several read supervisors were
tn Catem en Tuesday to oenfer
with Roadmaater Frank Johnson
about work in their districts.
X F. JBewley. In charge f work,
in Dfstrfct 36. Which fodndes the
stretch, from JCiagaxA to Gates, is
keeping one man resldea liimself
busy on maintenance wark. He
finds that eacn day the-road must
be inspected and rocks falling
during a 24 hour period removed.
In between times the men are
busy remndiag out the sharp cor
ners -on some stretcnes of the
EL X Coffman, supervisor In
District 36 near Sflverton, was In
to check with Johnson on gravel
being placed on market roads tn
that -seeuon. ,
John Fabry on District 27. five
miles south of Salem consulted
during the day with tbe roadmaater.
mm mm
mm. mm
(Continued Tram "Page 1.)
In a golf bag aWhe seen of the
ahootlag, forfeiMd $3,S0e .Lends
today and Mongoven'a absence In
court forfeited 110,000 bands.
The death of Joseph Yerrarf.
zb, today was the mnth raruran
Trom tbe "weekend otttbreas He
and two alnes were shot on North
Clark street Saturday night.
In the roundup of hoodlums.
nsquaas seized mare than jloo su
Bpects; among them Jack HcOorn,
reputed gunman for Capone'and
two ether alleged Capone hench
men. Titer later wereTelaased bl
35 .others, aliens, wvre held for
possible deportation.
DES MOINES, Iowa, June 2
(AP) Rep. L. J. Dickinson bad
piled -up a -lead of more than 75
000 rotes tonight over lovenor
Jobs M. Hammitl Tor ftpubHcan
senatorial nomination with re
turns from Mondaya primary al
most complete.
Unofficial eounts - la 2,1 of
the -states 2,42 4 'preelacts Inflloe-
ted Dickson -carried all -bat 22 f:
the 99 counties.
The farm vote aippareatly
swung to' Dickinson, who cam
paigned tor the "Hawtey-Smoot
tariff bill. Hammil ran better in
the cities although Dickinson
swept Des Moines.
TJiektnson's TOte remained at
about' 5S: jer cent of thateast Iot
-Touf candidates. Frank J. Lund
and TV. O. Payne were also tntae
race. Together they "polled -about
So.owrotes. Thirty tire Txer oent
ortbe vote cast 1a required under
Iowa la w'for nomination.
Thursday For
Chamber Drive
Chairmen of the tea teams
named this week to work oa ithe
anembershJp drlre for theehaniber
f commerce, are to meet t the
chamber rooms Thursday cfteiw
neoa at Sp. m. At that time prospective-new
members wili be ae
' signed to vartous teams artththe
view" of Xlmiaating dupllaation tn
th e solicttiag work.
Donglas SdeSay Is general ebalr-'-saan'
of the wemhersiup eemmit-
tee aad It as- ealled tbe dUreremt
'leaders together.
Win Awards in
" LIBERTY, Jane S.TheolIow
'lnrTrapthi -recently wow awards in
ralBBer-imethad arrtttag: .Palaer
batten tOrst a waad), phyHia SlajH
- 3Jaa, Allee Oannrngham, Sanraea
Westennweae, Ansa Plaasrttaertt
tor nseB,' iane Ladd. nAxaa
, r Plank, Tbelma -Rose. Fred Bar,
; jammer,1 XsUlyne JUeraen; rpreaj
reaa pla '(third award), Flore i
- Copley, Esther Caramaek, Anna
' Plaak, Laellle Brandldge.
.. , The - Hawley Tesoiatfoa tel waw
. tend :far one "year the time omit
, ; ior asses8mest,rfand")tttdrredit
v t f the ease of married persona ttav-y-
- tng . eommnnlty Sacome. ftraa:
- 4optel odJ3rby; tbr liouse
The Call
iBoard .
? -ft
Gilbert. -For tbe effective stage
LUgbUng and management Jtatmyl
Campbeu was Tesponsroie.
The "revue will ve repeated
again tonlgbtiustna it was siren
Tuesday night.
Kenneth "Warner. truck wpera-
tori'-iwaa -"seflowsty -iajured eafly
Taesjay arteraova -when the ae-
Uvery truck 'he'swas'drlvmg ol
tided "wtth ' -car -sqn ?tte Paelfic
tttghway two sntfes morth of 'Can
y vnrwmer was crashed tm 'ax
Oregon City hospital.
Werner worke for the Portland
Telafrsnr aad waa en-is -war to
lem ad ; intervealu pelnts.
wun ae -papers for-4lie4ay.
Kilted mHuto
HOCSD RrVKR. Orel; une
t AP) 4L V. Mathews," of Fosail.
was killed tonight when the; en
ttmiawie to "erUch 4m araa 18htK
struck "a ColamMa orge v auto
auto stage near warrendale 'waf
the tJotumbla; Atrtwar tonlahti
uaa-K. FWm also ef ' Foaaii: wSo
w Wtth Vathewatn theact; wif-
fed -a arokea Segand tnaeraal
TbysicUnrexpeet hlnrtoTllve.
Today -Song of
' West" with John Boles.
'Today The Duncan
Friday "Half Way to Hea-
Today "Girl of the Pert.
Friday -"Such Men are
Tedar "The Texan"
with Gary Cooper.
Amidst. a burst ef prolonged aP-
plaase the second annaal dance
rerae of Barbara Barnea Prof ee-
slonal School of Dancing, came to
a epeotacntar. close at the Fox El-
slnore theatre Tuesday -night.
Tiie final Txumber iwa- an r-
Iglnal Egyptian ballet written by
Miss Barnes and directed by her.
Spectacular in effect, portraying
in splendid manner the "modern
tendencies -which have 4een Intro
duced lto 4aactna: by Kreutsberg
of Germany.
The etory was Tlrldly Inter
preted by the dancers. The lead
was taken ty Mtes Barnes herself ,
assisted by Don scnaupp,- ivery
apiesdid 'bronzed "Sun Gd! Osirie.
Billy ' Sayder, Zelma , JjUtfay nd
Josey Aoklin, sad a chorus of
tempie maidens.
Mlss 3arnea, .daueiag-as a nor
tal. -entered the Temple Ot Uhe
eun'ttod. Oonctsmatten -reigned
veeanee some one f nhe court mad
conspired teitt&er ta.7The41nce
was 'luti of this fieryaagerv and
taa -plead tag rt the mortal for' the
San God's laver nd iater ;for
The music which -aeeompehled
tberrytism haUetrwaa. parti or
tgtnal . oeacposiUoa - i0t Don
8ehanpand the whole soorewas
arranged tby-him. U -created
perfect aemplemeat to the -beauty
ef the ballet. . .
Baby Days, a second ballet
charmiag od represented some
excel! eat weraroa the part of the
BaMung ntne -loUt -who -eexried
thestory through (jta daaeeVwaw
pTeasiea. 4t -is -ditilcult to point
out those; vbo did unusual -0fk
far seachiief m large -naoiher ar-
rieo'ttia -prt 4n Admirable laablea.
A third ausual 4anca aua-
ber was the rhythmioesoga Jiam-
Oer.waJeh w a created by a rhych
atloal yregresstea of .reometrte
uma coaetreeuen reated Jnreeven
oanoere. e euect waa taatt-
Wl and -hiehlv .professional.
Th keyate-of -the evse i waa
preteaeioaland ilaiahed. All the
ameers 'moved amothly andtn
nuiek: Moeeaaion, the completed
mvaeendia at a wee bit before
lOWcmek. i weak wot if aueh
there waa, waa in the adagio asma--
bers. Miss Acklln did Terr, good
watt but twr-aftneT1 teamed to
be -working under -some dlf flcul-
Ues. neve Itttle Paaflne ! Zoe
Chambers was notbinr.Bbort iof a
'prwessionaianapite i her! few
Tears. Tvun new won man iiinir
sae wanted a er. music and ner joy
and,anthalaam wasTnost AfnaH
asm axpraaaedy-eacnTnem2erei
tneseena, waa ana Xaature wnhb
avdded annch to the aplandld re
sult. : ... . . . ,
Tha xeeBen oathml&Sf'adlIe&
splendid Effect to the -YdaaclhaV
.This work avasAanedlusd exe-
eate4 hy rwrs. Otto -Paulus. Ittra.
WUUaaa -janmehberg, And -Monroe
ruu furuuiiiui
One Salem Man
Tha j)OpulaUon f PoUc eeqnty
Increased 1644 -during Ua past W
years, accerdistg -to aaaouacement
anao a-era , yaatexaay y at.
Hendricks, census enumerator tor
this idietrict. The reseat rpopuia
Ooa of Polk eounty-ia 16,M5 a
against 14.11 la 1920.
There -are 1M7 farms In Polk
county, as compared with 1741
farms In 1920.
Polk county 4a the second ef
the four counties la thhi census
district to have Its .const checked.
the Tillamook "figures having been
announced a number .f daya ace.
Tamhiu county schedules axe be
ing checked, and the final count
Subject to esrreetion, will be an
aowaced as soon a two or -three
more ennmeratora hare handed in
their books.
tgeotlaeed fram feana X)
Superintendent Balllie, super
intendent of the state taaiaiag
school -for boys, reported 22
eighth ysjte .gTadaatis. and .tA
other promotions amone nis
charges. Fatl eradit la siren for
the worn; at this achool by tbe
state educaUonal dpartim. Mr.
Baillle's report showed 668 boys
4 on parole of which 621 were rtslt-
eo:y xiw ?arpf eciicers sinas
Jay. total of 142vparole let
ters were wrmen ana me parore
offfcera -traveled 1;4 onttes.
iThe; per capita cost nf rearing
foy the boye on parole Is i.4 a.
Waiting- list at
Ta4emt!oels Hospital
yA eprtoi Dr. O. C. 'BeUing
er,J superintendent -of -th -Oregon
state tuberculosis In Salem,
showed a -waiting list of 2 at his
Institution. The waiting' list
numbered 14 m y ear-ago. There
ill waiting list of 16 at the east
ern Oregon tuberculosis Hospital
at The Dalles, which Is six more
than -a month go.
Dr. Bellinger reported that he
Is jperaistently conducting a -cam-patgn
ef edmoatlon with ' the pub-
Uc And yaw Blag on his experiences
to 'the ' medical "profession "in the
Interest of -reducing - tuberculosis
in Oregon. Dr. Bellinger spoke
before the Marlon-Polk-YamJiill
eedicalwoclety May! . the South
ern Oregon Medical aoetety uay
IV wpfli tve f demenstratlon
clinic to the enler class of the
Oregon 'Wedlcal seboel May -1.
Ha -assisted the Jackson county
hearth mitt In testing 20H eheol
Th!ldrn, etndled 200 chest films
from these children, end held
two-dy dlne on May n 4 end May
15, when he -personally oxammea
U f the ezhtblta.
FJnes Light in
Uay, Report ot
Poulsen Shows
Business was light 4a Tines "4t
the etty rooorders office-durms
May; MarkTonteen reported Tues
day. A total et 4102 wear received
in Daea whUett aent frem state
ndvStnal accident onnnls8lon
brought cash recetptaof the Office
to asSS" for the mouth.
The rent 'from the etairralwBlon
eeaaefl Jane l'aethe records kept
in: the attyhaU hava been 'remov
ed to the new office building. 'The
rent ''was paid Tor. Tour months.
Graf Progresses
In Final Lap of
Its World Tour
(Wednesday (AP) The
Graf eppeaia radioed t a. m.
GMT' that It was in ioaitleo, 38
north latitude, 49! so west longi
tude, ' heading-1 award 'the Azores
f-at about f5 miles an hour.
The position given was . about
l,S2&enite8 oastwf.New
about 600 milea west ot Isle of
Fayal, Azotos.
-To Be Less on
'Raines Account
8trawberrlea have not been
damaged recent alna, nacoofd-
lag- vo Henry Crawford of :Ladd
fand Bh Khoogh-plektsgi haafj
uceu reuiruea. crawicra - sua-
Teday 'ofannra had as yet
reported to - Mm that" denies ' had
rotted' wi the vines. . t
The 'strawberry crop, "fcowevir.
twill be -sotaewhat ahort tn i Mr.'
Crawford's opinion, '48 - to the
f f act thafpfeklng 'has been so loan:
(Continued from Page 1.)
II to August 4. with two groups
of bora going In two two-week
Tha earns alta waa riven to tne
Salem T.M.C.A. some time ago -by
the Rosenberg brothers of Tilla
mook, who left only one airing to
tho otfer -that tbe camp he used.
It covers about 12 acres of land,
and has a beach frontage of 3-8
mile. Members of. tho t who have
seen the amp say it U an ideal
site for fishing, swimming, nature
study, hiking and spor',3.
Other features on the program
Tuesday night were talka by irv-
lar .Hale. Lynn Helse and Jlaimy
sehon. members of tne junior
hoard; comic reading "Cohen
at the Telephone. J. Burton Cra-
rv: ahowing f a newareel ' and
comedy' film. 1
Medical Board
Has Authority
Revoke License
The state heard -of - medleal ex
4amlaers has Authority to revoke
the lleense graatad to fir. A. A,
Auapbzud of r Portland, who was
eesrrleted of the crime ot
Gilbert Leaves
A 'ttO.OoO 'testate was tett hy
the - late tJoL iWItHamiiHiert,
acting: pastor of IheTtrst Treaby-l
i tetlaa ehntch;1 here-ttl thaaxd
according to the wOl fried Tort pro-
bale at Oregon "Ctty3Ienday.: Thail;
wm learea i,uo each to wm
and ilaxtghter, f t,t to to the ft-'
koralty of Oogea ' to 4o JqpUed
aa . the Jaoatd of xegenu mar 'di
rect toeome fdrm-pf noldlers' ttw
aHal:M U.40X) '.to Hbe PreahW
termneb! Portland; and the
remainder to his widow.
. i . i
EUGENE, Ore.. June 3. CAP)
-' Tha Estate fraternal wrder-sor
Eagles at 'the eoshgreeaon sot
she etate invention n here "today
ejeetod -waeTTrktnsL-40f iKlam
nth tTatU,1 worthy .state president.
- - cnber.'orrJeers 'elected were:
wmttn TJtjshwettV'paatvresr
dentorthefCurem narle-wn4hv-
Nonaueterj WOhtnart, alomrtablo"toreatiot mnythlng in
j : JH.v' ---rxnwr i nox. nvteoasr muaf -eatiaty rod lee.
cKKowMrgrwoTtay seaap- hper cent or coat surthing; Only 0cv
lain; and Lt1 Connr.Twn41etoa:l - .; -rMrvrTw ctooa i e x
eexewry, - i :r; a, Coaainerclal -fit.
1 1 ryav ienff er - fjom gaa,- iboart-4
hum. oar tatoaach, bleating and
uyspepaia, way not snake the xuo
tex "16 jnlaato test ? :. Absolutely
harm leap f and r making thousands
feel like new. - One la gradient -baa
the.amaatBg yower to digest 1 A
times -its own weight. Don't i gtre
np-Cet Diotea' at any drag Store.
Put It to the test. Money bax if
yoa dont soon f eel Ukrseir, d
ji oaaolaMBnw-4
t -oe".t
. J m m M Jl
.:- uniii
I -!P! :
I 'VN 1 1 411. v I I lil
niinw nuniii mi
i an
IUBEKA, CaJU. June 3 (AP)
William Martell, Eureka aerrlpr?gram on the Oragoa Ectric
vice station operator, today iden
iff led Ciareace u King as the an
he had seen qcarreling with :
young woman the day Mlffnfe Mc
Coy, "King's 'oosamon law - wife.
was ehot to death en- the redwoodi
of ortoern-Humboldt C9unty.
King, a san yuentin pnson ex
convict la on trial charged -with
Martell. who aaid he saw the
oouple arguing the afternoon f
Fetruary zo and again at S p.m..
has received severarthreats since
he entered the case as one of tie
prosecution's principal witnesses.
Once, while traveling on the Red
wood highway south of here In
response to a fake emergency ealL
he was fired fpen.
Free Lunch For Farm FamK
"iiesffered by Cham'
her ofCommerce
- (Cet&otfed from Page 1.)
thev "believe the practical dfem-
onstratioa of pure bred stock and
other practical wort win really be
of benefit: to tho aairysuda of thp
Salem district.
Program Planned
On Front Street
Beginning at 2:30 o'clock, the
worxltfg on tha roadt and thai
work went ahead without hind
rance'Trom'tee-weatter. The Stay
ton and Turner rock: erashore will
ntlnttB"fD tasrate Tegardlesa of
waathar conditions aa Will work
on tho etayton-pavlag plant, 'aald
track on-Front street will Include
sneaking from a. tlft car aid the
ahownf ef stock carriea on tne
Seats have been provided tn
front of the demonstration train
ao that everyone will be comf orta
Me'Aariag the hour ot program.
Briefly Ue-day'a program for,
Wednesday Is -as follows: ''
12 :20 - o'clock: Free luncheon
at tho armory.
1:30 until 2:30: -Speaking tn
the armory.
' 2:30 o'clock: Arrival ot nine
car dairy train on .Oregon JElectric
track opposite Marion square on
Front street.
Vfork on Market
Roatds Halted by
Heavy Downpour
Rain put -a sudden stop to conn
ty -road work on five market reads
Tuesday. - ssoe only grading of
roada already completed was pos
sible after tha downpour, It was
reported by Frank Johnson, coun
ty roadmaater yesterday.
Although all rocking waa sus-
oendad two additional graders
were added to the four aireaoy
Minister Leaps
From 3rd
The Rer. Warren Elstng, 4B,
Exeter, Calif delegate to the gen-eral-asseably
of the Preabytertan
church in the United States, late
today lumped from a third ntory
betel wmdew end was Injured
dangerously. Scores of pedestrians
and motorists - saw the minister
leap. A nervoas breakdown waa
sal dto have caused tin act.
PRINEVTU.E. Ore.. Jane 8.
AP) P. H. Keynolds. ol HUtcn
ell, is In A -local hospital sullermg
from a deep knifs wound across
his cheek and neck alleged to
have been Inflicted by -Fred Wil
son, elso of Mitchell. Wilson Is
in the Wheeler county Sail.
'gtar e-10ae neseft-Sonaj') '
Vitaehoae 'Acta HovSctonewa
'i" n r li I r- i lie
Hoaianco ,'
Z " -With
i . SALLY &yNEIL ;
8 f AP)
SfiATTLE, ' June
The Seattle Post
ys-that John a. Allan, 15, and
Gerald amicn, as, two eauie pi
lot hare aiotferthat they in
tend to attempt a non-etop flight
front ToyO. Japan to Seattle this
The newspaper syp the "pilots
Intend to sail "for Tokyo June 2g
for the flight, which would fol
low the Aleutian Island route
from Japan to' the. United States.
Their craft win be a Thaden pane.
Wasp motored ot 425 horsepower,
tha papere -aay. vcapabe -of taking
oft with' idee aloas -ot gaaolino.
Quick relief' from tfeeumatU
psias withourlurmt
To relieve O worst rWiPnls
i ill rvA i-ui
I , . . II.
Turn Away Crowds l l 1
M JoVbd viAoa w -w 11
m rrr U
Um iiiC IX vf iril I- WA
, will he repeated )
m w m
1 W
K llchets &OK1 itj iswaems pu a t
; J 80 Show Only J
Alohihf 'Note $1000.00 Cost $970.00 j
AmoimUl$o00.'00o'$2S09;00 -Oaiply
Sesurod and the -highest type-of Investment
" .Vi. li - "HI ii m
Hawkins & i-Rti33nic.u
lflb ving
-' "TCI - -
J - '
oi x tw - a
1 1
-And Ihra TridAj.
I -OJBtT.. ao . aa.. a. I M
- -"he
vmaha or ln?
'fOHer or lover?
Cheat or -straight
bee? nop to the
sadme with bint Tor
great outdoors
i4ventre in
1 --iJ? v
J-Aiiciien JSsuxfM y
T I V: