The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 03, 1930, Page 1, Image 1

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DsHy rra aiitrfbatioa for (as
smith ending May si, 190
A tenia Sally set paid 6,185
M tutor
Aodii Boraaa at Cirealatioa.
Generally fair and warm
er today and Wednesday;
Max. temperature Monday
64; min. 48; rain .09 (Sun
day); river 1.2.
' ' 1 ? : FOUNDED 1851
I " Salem. Orepwn. Tmar Mnrniner Jim 3. 1930 Kn
7 t ' i
i r i i
n rnTlflll TIlTr : ' nnnlf nam Senatorid Race - r- nnnrnrn Problems as Arise
m Hit X BiybflB l - j--t SHi DHUtfltU
ailliaiJ : m mm. I i ' X ' 1 - 'J2 " ; J ' i"--;'lt I
Bissau as aw iimiii i II Ul 111 W 1 1 1 II II I III lm I
-y : 5s. -. ; v:'-: ft-
i -a 1 1
Uttle Talk of Candidates;
Incumbents May or May
Not Run Agath r
Olinger and Simeral Near!
End of Terms; Phillips
Is Proposed
Despite the fact that annual
school elections are less than two
weeks away and terms of two of Dr. H. V. Halladay, professor In
the members are expiring, there
Is scarcely a ripple on the surface
concerning the business.
Dr. H. H. Olinger veteran
member of the, -board whose
fourth terra expires this month,
and L. J. Simeral, who has been
a member of the croon for three
terms or nine years, are the two
members who may or may not be
with the board another year.
Neither Dr. Olinger nor Mr.
Simeral hare yet made np their
tuinds whether they will ran
again. Mr. Simeral said yester
day he was undecided and Dr.
th DesMolnes, Iowa, Still Col
lege of Osteopathy, who is the
principal speaker of the state
Osteopathic association, in ses
sion here yesterday and today.
Rival Beer Factions Blamed
For Latest Outbreak in
! Chicago Area
Evidence One More Victim
"Taken for Ride" Seen
Late Monday Night
CHICAGO, Jane 2 APJt-:
Police were confronted with an
other mystery shooting late to
night. Several persona report
ed bearing a dosen shots fired
and seeing the sport of flames
from guns, a patrolman saw. a
curtained automobile speed
from an alley in the rear of
the Belmont hotel, Belmont av
enue and Sheridan road. He -
said he saw the slumped form
of a man alongside the drive
and that there were several
men in the rear of the car.
PES MOINES, Iowa, Jane
&p--AP)-Cangreeemaa l.
3. Dickinson, proponent, of
the Hawley-Smoot tariff bill
todk a commanding lead ov
er Governor John 'J. Ham
mill, opponent of the meas
ure, on" early returns - in
Iowa's republican senatorial
primary election. Returns
from 157 of 2,433 precincts
gave: Dickinson 11,906;
KammHl 6,516; Lund B504j
Payne 653.
Dan W. Tomer of Corn
ing, advocate of a proposed
state income tax had a two
to lead over his two oppon
ents for the republican nom
ination for governor. Re
turns from 891 precincts
gave Turner MSO, Smith
18,962, Lange 3,9 IS. Laage
and Smith opposed the plan.
iimst enoiR
Will Take Less Than Par if
Necessary, Council De
cides at Meeting
Desire to Speed up North
Commercial Street Span
Is Reason Given
Stirred by the slaying of eight
persons and the wounding of four
Plans for Showing of Valley
Blooms Completed at
Meeting of Club
dinger declared he had not giv- dCtenCe COITlIng 10 Be Used others in gang outbreaks over the
en the matter serious thought, i
Both men indicated that they had
served on the board for a long
period and that they had not
thought definitely of dropping
In Picking Athletes, Says
Noted Speaker
"Championship football teams
auV.iK r'Viln- tr null.. n.l.V I The keen Interest being taken
tv "-'6"- I . . l 1TTill... .n
began, one of the most energec v VTr, T V
vnr riit.nM im v kUfAf. I flower show to be held June 7,
of the city. More than 100 alleg- n- the Valley Motor com-
I ad s-snvsta. .av- Im m1m Mltkl I 1AJ tuuwiVUlUD, w m aa.awv-bv
I w. vvsa b w a aaa waaat w iiuiu i j . - e m .a
a few hours, including three fn rK---f ""i5-Ir0J'
Jun tor the posts Dr oiSS .re comluT to be selected in ad t.iTnSk shotsack Je- JJffi 1 S
TaJ Wn'chafrman ofhebofr" cordance with anatomical eonsid- Garn.Frankie Foster and Isry Al- a thl
for several years. erauons. accoramg to ur. a. v.
rhlllips Proposed Halladay of Des Moines, Iowa,
As Good Candidate wo s"T the principsl address.
If one or both these men run "Care of Athletes" at yesterday's
again, it is likely there will be session of the annual meeting of
coma life Injected Into the usual- e uregon osteopathic associa
derman, all said to be Capone membef8 Prent to discuss the
henchmen. -"""f -" -
Ta,hio no ..-i nd to hear reports from the
pUtol. blaxed from the center to Bt"dlnf thllt MrB c
the four corners of the Chicago wa innounc t"
area over the weekend and left H; J" I""1? i",ia7 h.a Cl
June weather appeared to con
spire with a desire on the part of
the majority of the council to see
Salem's municipal bridge building
program finished Monday night
when action was taken to com
plete the program which struck a
snag last fall.
By a strong majority, council
men voted to advertise the sale of
150,000 of bridge bonds the bonds
to be sold at less than par If ne
cessary, according to the resolu
tion adopted although Alderman
D'Ancy, presiding for the session,
advised that such phraseology
placed an unfavorable interpre
tation before possible buyers of
At the same time the council
ordered Recorder Mark Poulsen
to advertise for bids on the con
struction of the long delayed
North Commercial street bridge,
utilising the two sets of plans and
specifications now in the city en
gineer's possession.
Hughes Protests
Varying of Plans
This proposal aroused the ire of
Alderman Sam A. Hughes who
protested that contractors should
not be bothered with making
heir estimates on varvinr nlans
nrr,rj."- i- .-.. w: w.;-. L ppMm with the fear ther had a ine w"u uuw" UIT"1UU1"' nd that the same time Alderman
jy rx -u. . . I tar . Kl, v.'. I riower snow
not persistent, there is some talk day. About 40 members of the as- nbe' arln thelr hand8
f a group backing W. L. Phillips sociation are In attendance. vr m-iV Ur
for director. Declaring that football players .51?
Then, too, at the last meeting are picked for positions to which
of the Ministerial association, their build seems to fit them, Dr.
that body Toted to call a special Halladay said further: "But ana-
meeting to make an effort to pick tomical considerations go much
a candidate to place in the run-1 deeper than merely the form of
nlng. Up to yesterday, the min- the body as it reveals itself to the
Mrs. Van Trump
takes the place of Mrs. E. M.
Hoffnell, who was unable to con
tinue with the work.
Hughes voiced his doubts as to
the need of building the bridge
when 'he held the present bridge
was in fair repair and wider than
Report from the committee on Bome of tne Willamette river
'open gardens" for Sunday after
noon was made by Mrs. D. J. Fry,
bridges in Portland. Hughes' pro
test was overuled by rote of the
Sr., who estimated that at least COI1T1(.il whioh anstained Alderman
20 gardens will be open to the Q'Hara, who Introduced the reso-
puoiic sunaay aiiernoon. a "si I lution
Eight are dead, two are dying.
Four others were wounded in
lesser degree. In one affray, X
men were massacred and a woman
and man were probably fatally
Isters had made no cnoice, nor practiced eye of the coach. Many gangsters two were apparently of tne8e gardens will be posted in Qn motion of Alderman Pur
had the special meeting been championship games have been "ride" victims and for that rea- the Bl-owrooms Saturday and pub- vine, the council ordered the re
held, won or lost because of some slight son assumed to have been gang- -l8ne(I 8 oon a8 completed. eorder to advertise for bids on the
Woman Wanted on anatomical maladjustment. It was sters arid one was a gambler Other general reports were south Winter street bridge, while
lloard. Indicated the correction of such a condition f The most ennctaenlar affair a mii6 trom Tious committee Alderman Vandevort's motion
There are rumors, too, that sen- that brought Jack Slagle back and the slaying of three gangsters c"airmen and special reports were that the city engineer prepare
timent is growing to nave a worn- decided the great Harvard-Prince- early Sunday in a cottage at Fox Djr " Y' "" , Plans and specifications for a
n on the school board this year. t0n game last fall." Lake, north of Chicago It was Mrs- w- R Anderson concerning Dridge on South Twelfth street
and if any organisation is worked Halladay has had charge of lit this massacre that. Mrs. Vir- the recent sUte federation of gar- over Pringle creek and on South
np in behalf of a woman candi- training manv Des Moines hiah tan McGinnis. wifeT3f a lawver. ?er clubs meeting held in Eugene. Capitol street over the Mill creek,
date, there may develop a real thletes. I was shot four times as was George I T . J 1. eauen io tne i likewise passed.
eontesi. Officers of the ansoriatlnn fnr nruggan, brother of the notorious . .7 u.r'Vt'.f "
Petitions to place candidates on th. WA w, Ka terrr. who sat .t the table with 7 tne Biaie ieoerauon un-
. -- I J Tt k r. VIVkVVU S,u IO I - w - ' Ik. l-ASi 1 Ah h ST IS mu TIF
the ballot must be filed with WH- artern- ot events on the -r- ? . uir o , 4 , "'.
"" - - -w ------ - l aemonsirauon at me iwaconess Iv 1Z. T ii .npnv in Ra-
tions. which occur Monday, June hospital at o'clock this morning; jffi hfgWay .S
. I artirPaR k. vr TTaiiaiav- .dfirooa I Micnaei Quirk, Sam Pellar and.t. T '
--w . - " I i-
at 9:45 by Dr. W. W. Pritehard
of Los Angeles, followed by elln- fiZZ? hand. nle5 .nthmiL man ot committee to arrange a
Inal ilnnnitntln K. TW n A --OOdlum DandS puZZled authOtl- ... ..Mkl Tiw1a nu
Ernest Iufer was named chair-
leal demonstration by Dr. C. A.
Pengra of Portland on treatment
of varicose veins. Talks will be
given this afternoon by Dr. Don
Baylor of Salem, Dr. E. C. Viereck
of Albany; Dr. Halladay; Dr. L.
H. Gerdlne of Los Angeles and Dr,
Pritehard. The final event will be
our I the annua banquet, to be held at
"We've got a baby on
hands and it's up to us to take the Marlon at ( o'clock
care of it," declared Alderman E
A. Rhoten to the city council Mon
day night in asking that provision
he made to pay bills now due
aeainst the airport.
Rhoten explained that miscel
laneous bills such as those for ma
terials for a fence to enclose the
landing field and repairs to the
tractor used to smooth the ground,
needed to be met at once.
He declared that a fund of $5,-
"I will smoke my pipe and
meet state problems as they
This wm the state
ment made here Monday
night by Ralph Hamilton of
Bend, who by virtue of being
speaker of the bouse of rep
resentatives of the Oregon
legislature, will serve as
chief executive during the
absence of Governor Xor
blad. Hamilton said be did not
contemplate any changes in
the official family and that
all applications for pardons
or paroles would be held
pending the return of Gov
ernor Norblad. ITamilton will
leave early today for Port
land, where he will attend a
meeting of. the state cham
ber of commerce. He win re
turn here late today or early
Governor and Mrs. Xor
blad will leave this after
noon for Toronto, Canada,
Chicago, New York and
'Washington, and win be ab
sent from Salem for a month.
At Toronto they will attend
the Shrine convention.
Engineers Wrathy
In Argument Over
Job Of Appraisal
Noted Good Roads
Advocate Passes;
Native of Salem
LEWISTOX, Idaho, June
2. (AP) Bert M. Savage,
67, well-known newspaper
man and good roads advo
cate, died here today.
Savage had been employed
by tlte Morning Tribune for
29 years as reporter, tele
graph editor, and city editor.
He organised the Lewis and
Clark Highway association,
and served as president of
that organisation.
He was born in Salem,
but came to Lewiston after
attending Willamette univer
sity. He is survived by bis
widow and one son, Boyd,
who is employed by the Tri
bune, -and a brother, Mark
8avage ef Salem, Ore.
Claims Refusal to Recognize
Individual Outside State
Body's Realm
T a V naa k Int At lenAMIIAa An
somebody's part that the state Attorney Points to Evidence
Baptist convention refused to rec-
He is Already Active;
Action Lacking
ognlze any individual," Rev. Rob
ert L. Payne, former pastor of the
First BapUst church here, de
clared in his address on "Why the
State Secretary Doesn't Like Me'
Sunday night at the Fraternal
Rev. Payne offered explanation
that the state convention can not against cinders tn Salem, went
recognise ally individual, and that into action Monday night once
Hal Patton, who has led the
insurgents of the council in an
extended and persistent war
Kenneth Harlan Jumps
Into Limelight at
Council Meeting
Aldermen Make Study
of Next Step in
Water Program
the only membership in the state
convention is held by the church
and not the individual. "The local
si Vt i pk I si Vs a, nnlv thai ao n
i,. ,.. , Oregon Pulp and Paper company.
S!? JL P? "1,!! Whereupon City Attorney
more with a demand that the city
attorney be asked to Join W. C.
Wlnslow in his suit against the
other power can unordaln a min
ister any more than one can un
born a person," he declared.
Payne sketched his own early
work in the church, declaring that
It was not until he came to Ore
gon that his work was accepted In
anything but the spirit of coopera
tion by the larger body,
Trindle, somewhat jolted by Pat
ton's charges that his office had
been lackadaisical in Its enforce
ment of the "cinder nuisance or
dinance" launched a counter of
fensive. -
When this matter came before
the council months ago we Imme
diately got Into touch with the
Payne asserted that the state n-ner mlu authorities and learned
secretary's "dislike" of him dated that they were installing a new
! Salem exhibit for the Portland pe- Impressive ceremonies, high-
ony show, and Mrs. w. W. Rose- light of which was the address
braugh was named chairman of a made by Rev. Frederick A. Weil.
similar committee to prepare a lo- marked the annual graduation ex-
cal exhibit lor tne poniana rose erclses of the Salem General bos-
show, pltal training school for nurses.
. It was also announced- at this held last night at the First Unl-
meetmg that there wj be sev- tarian church of which Rev. Mr,
eral excellent displays on exhibi- Weil is pastor. Rev. Weil said in
tion at the Willamette valley part
flower show from the commercial "What does the nurse owe to
growers of Portland, among these herself? In the first place she
Poise and stage presence that wU1 e Weehi and the Swiss Fior- owes to herself the preservation
would do credit to a professional 1 company. of her health. When I see a hos-
group characterized the produc-l An active piece of legislation pital equipped with tennis courts
tion of the musical comedv "Pick-1 set before the house Monday I for the use of the nurses I know
les" by the students of the united nigat was introduced by Mrs. w. that governing board is making
States. Indian school at Chemawa Anaerson in tne iorm oi an possible better service in the sick
On Monday evening. I amendment to the Garden elub room. Nurses should have a similar
The work of Gladys Parazoo as I constitution which would make chance to avail themselves of re-
Ilona, Robert Perkins as Jimmy j dues to the club $1 a year; guest creation conducive to health, sim-
back to his arrival In Oregon,
when the state secretary invited
him to occupy his pulpit in Port
land. Payne says, following that
sermon, the secretary told him he
had made a mistake In coming
west, Just as all southern Baptists
were not welcome.
Payne said also that he had in
curred the enmity of the state as
boiler and then a cone-cinder con
sumer which would speedily
check the cinders," Trindle declared.
"I've personally inspected the
construction work recently." he
continued, "and have found that
the boiler will soon be operating.
I believe we can take the com
pany's word that this 'menace
The city council lisiened atttL-t-ively
while the early ssItos of ar
tillery In the purchase of the Oregon-Washington
Water company
plant here were fired, refused te
be hurried in the matter of tbo
selection of a water commission.
Indicated a deep Interest in the
matter of the selection of engi
neers to Evaluate the property an4
went home to bed with no move
definite steps taken to purchase
the water property than had been
taken before the meeting.
Interest for the session center
In the appearance of Kennete
Harlan of Carey L Harlan. C. C.
Robinson of Barr & CunninghaM
and Percy Cupper of Cupper A.
Simpson, three engineers wbo are
Interested In doing the apprakal
work for the city.
Harlan, granted thecourtesy f
the floor In company with the eth
er men, fired the first gun -it
a graphic description of his -rr-a
graphic description of his firsa'e
service In former cases.
Opposed to Paving
What Company Ask
"It's not a question ot ptomg
the utility company what the util
ity company paid or what hte oow
pany earns on the utility," Har
lan pounded home to the council.
"We maintain" that tne pnysn-ai
value of the plant, with proper
allowance for water rights, fran
chise value and some allowa-M-e
for "going concern" made ade
quate compensation for the prop
erty." Harlan then launched into a
description of the recently oir
dncted Hoqulam. Wash;. cn.
Here his firm was intrumental. be
said In seeing the company's vahe
(Turn to page 2, col. 3)
sociation secretary on several oc- will soon be ended
casions when he dared to make Patton continued to "demand
honest critlcsm of Baptist affairs action" and said that for five
in the state, including lack of a years the company had promised
missionary program. relief, without avail.
Dropping from the difference When Alderman Dancy had
with the state association back to counciled time for the company to
his resignation from the First Bap- finish improvements and when
tist church here. Pavne declared: Alderman Hughes had declared
"If th time ever comes vhAn T that 10 more days would see the
am forced, I'm going to let the boiler installation completed, Pat-
oeoDle here know whv I resigned ton witnarew n motion
from the First Baptist church. I
mer was officially asked to re
sign but had to plead with my
friends to get enough votes to
make the resignation carry."
sinJ UaVl ITS I Anna 1A sontt ' Pltd ftnlv t hrtQA I I1aj ri amnlAvAaa j,Awtfn
i vTiZ-r ii had anrVuT 1, , T. outstanding - Miss Halseys meetings so declared by the club large corporations. Indeed, it
049 on hand January 1. 1930 had supervisor and director of boys' ToIce parucu?arly good. The would be open to the public. This woild seem that this factor is
been used to pay old bills for the and girls' club work in Marion J, ,v nv ' " v amendment will h voted nnon at n mnr imn.r.ff whn mn.
Ileld's completion. county for the past six years, was ... 1(idlA mi1.h tA .v. ,--.. nf the next reaular meeting of the sidered in relation to the de-
Alderman Dancy refused to ac- reelected to that position yester- , clnh. it. aim la to increasA the mnH f wnHnr
cept Rhoten's motion to authorize day when the county educational Costumes and stage settings interest in and the numbers of the "in the second place the nurse
expenditure of funds by the air- board met at the county court were good partciularly the gypsy garden club. owes It to herself to maintain a
port committee for upkeep of the house. cam 8cene ln the Beconi- act Excellent display creating much balanced mind and normal per-
field and said that the committee rox was given leave or aasence it is a matter of regret that interest Monday night were sin- spective. Some interest, requiring
xaust present its bills to the coun- for three months, beginning July ucn talent as these students .dis- 8-e rose displays by Mrs. Myron agreeable effort, for the direction
ell for payment or rejection. 1, to work in the 4-H club field played could not have found a Van Eattfi and a bowl of roses 0f the" mind along channels far
No one in the council ventured without remuneration from Mar- better vehicle The. mint inaa by Mrs. W. B. Johnston
hit antsrestions aa to the nroner I""" couuiy. L-unng mis penou, --j ,h mnsic not wnrthv nf the
fund to utilize In keeping up the hl salary will be paid by the fed- I ability of the actors. These corn-
airport's costs which were not -r" ciud aepanment, operating
provided for in the current Dud- "u6u u iun emu ueyaniuem
cpt I at Corvallis.
juuir iu nave tae xuHnon coun
ty club leader working on this
SALEM WOMAN HURT basis came early last winter, after
there was nossibilitv of clnh work
. f . ..! I r '
rress aispatcnes irom aieuioru being discontinued here unless
blned with the faulty enunciation
ln chorus numbers was a distinct
handicap but the good voices, per
fect; ease of the performers and
the very pleasing personalities el
the leading characters made the
production pleasing.
: Ta Mn Clarim A a TnrnM and
aounuay .iicrnuuu uu. - '' me state aepanment gave iinan- rHIss Antionette White, who direct-
F. E. Garrison, 55, of Salem, to be c-a assistance to the program.
la a HHt, Calif., hospital in a ser- The past year has been the
lous condition following her dis- most successful in the history of
covery along the railroad tracks club work in this county,
at Zuleka, Calif. She is said to Members of the county educa-
have fallen from the southbound tion board are: County Superin-
Shasta, and laid probably 11 hours tendent Mary L. Fnlkerson, W. P.
before discovered. Mrs. Garrison Emory of Willard, Fred Scott of
is not listed in the city directory Liberty, P. W. Owre of McKee,
or telephone book. and George Hubbs of Sllverton.
Laundrymen Ot State
To Meet Here Friday
' Scores of laundrymen from all
ever Oregon will, be in Salem Fri
day and Saturday for the annual
Oregon convention of the group,
to be held at the Marlon hotel.
Many ot the delegates and visit
ors will remain over Sunday to
injoy the scenic beauties here.
The tentative program ln
glndes: ; Opening session Friday morn
ing, with welcome by. Mayor T. A.
Ldvesley; response by Glen Fab
rlek of Medford; the annual ad
dress by T. T. Georges of Port
land, president of the association;
and address by S. W. Lawrence
of Portland, member of the L. N.
'A. . .
- Friday "afternoon "Produe-
tioo. and Engineering Problems,'
Walter H. Pierce, director engi
neering department, L. N. A.;
open forum; "Association and
Cooperation, Frank Huebsch,
San Francisco: "Flatwork Produc
tion," R. J. GUbert, The Dalles.
Saturday morning W hat
Too Should Know About Tour
Business," R. H. Herrcke, coast
accounting department, L. N. A,;
"Coordination of the Dry Clean
ing and Laundry Industries,"
George A. Sonnemann, Spokane.
Saturday afternoon will bo de
voted to general discussions, busi
ness session, election of officers
and selection of the next place of
The annual banonet will, bo
held Saturday evening at the
Marlon hotel.
removed from nursing will prove
The nurse, ln the third place,
should search tor the spiritual sat
isfactions, to strengthen and sus
tain her, in her ministry of serv
ing others.
"What does the nurse owe to
the patient? The answer Is: The
passing on, for the patient s bene
fit, all that Is best of what she
MawA O j hAaal fftklan fa avav anil
travel A VT Tat riant wtskw Taoa- I VWWJSa w "c . .
Ma Mmuv ww - bw ahnTa tophnfr-Q 1 .1MI1 thrnil crti
trar ana puDucny man at vvmam- nel tul perBOnallty."
ette university, took over the du- Membfera of the class were? Ed-
ues or oince yesieraay succeea-in. Kiirel of Salem: Ruth Hersh-
11 Zrztrhirriav ing Mr"- F' D. Learner, who wiU berger, of Independence and Mar-
UUflVr WtiiiCij leave soon for the east,
TPnMirrh Vkr "Rr-v No definite plans as to his whom diplomas were presented by
CiHUUKil r Ul O Ja methods of handling the univer- Dr. c. H. Robertson, president of
I sity's publicity have been formed, I the hospital medical staff. Miss
How many strawberries mi a I he said Monday Monday, as pub- I SIgna V. Wahlstrom, superintend
ed and costumed the play much
credit is due.
box? Harold Toelle of route seven,
Salem, grows big berries and
box of his biggest brought to The I mer.
licity work under his direction
will not begin until late this sum-
Statesman office Monday totaled
only 11. They were Marshalls.
Tennant Is well qualified for
the position of registrar, having
served in that capacity for 10
ent, presented the class' pins, and
the class iteelf was presented by
Dr. W. W. Baum, president of the
tri-county medical society.
Following the commencement,
the nursing staff ot the hospital
(AP) -The voice ot the Prince ot
years at Oregon State college and I held a reception ln honor ot the
as business manager of the Call- class, tne several nunarea persons,
f ornla Statai Polytechnic achool at I who heard the exercises also eU-
San Luis Obispo for two and a Jonns mis.
Wales may bo heard on the Pa- half years. Whil. In Corvalll. a,
dflc eoast between S:4S and C:S0 f ot s"m(e 7"
Snu. (P. C T.) June 11, when tot Arising tudonU tod
ceremonies at Glasgow, Scotland,- & Pi" to continue that policy
will bo broadcast, Canadian Pa- " J;
cifle railway officials , announced
here today..
1 " r
Mr. Tennant will bring his fam
(AP) Search for Samuel E. Har
ris, missing San Francisco bank
teller, ended today with discovery
Ily from Berkeley some time dux- hl Ddr ln wreckage of his
ing the latter fart of the sum
automobile which had crashed
through a fence Into Crystal
Springs Lake.
TORONTO, Juno -.2 -(AP)
Claiming plagarism against H. G
Boy Scouts will be interested
In Hateninr In tontaht at S:2A
Walla. Knrliah author. Florence I o'clock ' when a sneeial Scout nro-i (AP) Mr. and Mrs. Will A.
A. Dceta. Toronto, started action I mm will be riven over th Co-IHamby have a three day'a old
today asking $500,000 damages. I lumbla broadcasting system. The naoy giri uu weignea one pouna
Uisa TWki said matter from her Inrorram. has been worked out and one ounce at birth. The baby
book: The Web" was contained 1 with assistance ot eastern scout lis normal. The father is feeding
ln Wens "Outline ot History. ; I executives. iher with a meaicine aropper.
RICKEY, June 2 (Special)
There has been a great deal !
discussion recently as to whW
community ln the valley held the
honor of having the first new po
tatoes and young peas this leasee,
bu this community believes U eao
boast of the first ripe cherries.
The J. Crabb family has beam
enjoying ripe cherries for the pat
two weeks.
The cherries are from an oM
tree that was on the place wkw
the Crabb family moved to it.
They are swpet. white snd nrp
posedly seedlings.
Ship Officer Drowned
Commencement at O. S. C.
Plane Is Orchard Help
Clifford In Auto Crash
PORTLAND," Ore., June 2-
(AP) Frank Wedderburn, first
mate on the steam schooner Dav-
A marked Increase, totaling enport. fell overboard and drown-
$6,567.38, shows ln the May re- ff the month of the Columbia
ntiPtSn,f- ihSnem po"e river Sunday afternoon. Reports
over those in April, according to ' .
the monthi-r rennrt nf Tnhn H of the accident were confirmed
Farrar, postmaster. Receipts for today in a teiegram w wic
May were ,24,438.38, as against chant's t-xenange irom mrBu
$17,871 for April. field, wnere tne uavenpori. u
The May, 1930, Income, Is d. Details -were lacmng
much larger also than for the While the Davenport was in the
corresponding month last year, Portland harbor last week a 12-
when the receipts reached $16,- Tear-old boy fell from the gang
an as iv
ii.v. . nlai-ir into the river ana was
The large business handled the drowned. A warrant for the ar-
past month is due partly to elec- f cantain William Neilsen,
tiqns, as well as to heavy envelop maBter of the Davenport, awaits
purchases from departments at bi8 return to Portland. He is
the statehouse. The local water itK vioiatina- harbor
company augmented postal re- refalatlon8 by not having a safe-
j " "s ty net under the gangplank.
tne oona issue. Tvrt?m nFr.REFS
CORVALLIS, Ore., June 2
(AP) The (let annual com
-iAa.mamw Awava'flAs waM V fkliV at
k.TiPlTieerSL KeeS. Oregon State college today with
C I A a al a (rueOa an w O wA aA tft AtilAr
aft V 9 I UVSjA t TV UV V vlivi
flTSt. IS AQVlCe wd graduate AudenU
Dr. Edward Charles EUiott,
To alderman Pnrvine went the mresident ot Purdue university.
award for the best wise crack In I delivered the commencement aa
Mondar night's council session. I dress .and President W. J. Kerr
The discussion of engineer s iconierrea tne aegrees.
fees for a water company valua-
Get Valuation on
tron was waxing warm. Talk of
$3000 was being heard along with
the $12,000 paid Carey & Harlan
In the Hoqulam ease.
ROSEBURO. Ore., June 2
EUGENE, Ore., June 2 (AT)
The state convention of the fra
ternal order of Eagles opened for
mally here today. George W. Jo
seph, republican nominee for gov
ernor, spoke at the preliminary
meeting Sunday night.
Among the several important
topics that will be discussed at
the convention' will be an old age
pension law for Oregon.
2 (AP) Jack Harding, 11, was
accidentally shot and fatally
wounded here tonight by Freder
ick Williams. 10, who was at
tempting to force a .4 4 calibre ri-
fie shell In the tiring chamber t
a 110 guage-shot gun. The bulk
pierced his abdomen.
PORTLAND. Ore., June 2
(AP) M. L. Ryckman, state su
perintendent of fish hatcherter,
said today that ho is considering
a state-wiae natcnery improve
ment program which would la
crease the capacity of the 21
hatcheries fn the state.
EUGENE. Ore., June t (AP)
The nine-car dairy train, spew
sored by the Oregon State college
and the S. P. & S. railway, wiH
be dedicated here this afternoon.
After Its showing here this after
noon It will be moved to Albany,
I f ha flint nf 1 S ar Ana It will IDlk
(AP) The first step to determine oreeon
the practicability ot using an air-
X think we'll first have to get plane for dusting orchards by alr-
a valuation on engineers' fees,"! plane will be made here Friday,
Purrine declared, while the coun-1 June , when L, M, Boyd will fly
eil laughed.
TORONTO, Ont, JunO 2 (AP)
Rising gales In northwest On
tario today : drove a dozen forest
fires through sun parched timber
limits. Frightened resident tied
Robinson' but fire fighters at oth
er points stood their ground. -
an airplane equipped with dust
ing apparatus over the H. A. Win-
ton orchard south of Roseburg.
The airplane, Douglas county
erchardists believe, can be used to
advantage ln emergencies such as
the appearance of brown rot. This
disease often spreads too rapidly
for effective control with ground
eanlomant. . , ,
ALBANY. Ore June t (AP)
Harold Clifford, state gaase
warden. Is In; the Albany General
hospital suffering from a dislo
cated right elbow, the result ef
an automobile accident Sunday.
state seuiw, uu wi
the car .with Clifford but received
only a sprained ankle. Their &a
tomobfle skidded on the pavement
between Marshfield and Portland.
VfCillUHCws .